| Is Here Aiy Easier, Quicker, Surer Way Tlai a Telegraph Classified Ad? 1 • . - Harrisburg Telegraph GOES HOME With over 23,000 copies circulated every day. Headers of the Telegraph buy it and pay for it because they want real news while it is news. Most Telegraph readers read it through from the first to the last page and find the store news of its advertising columns equally as interesting as the news columns. In hundreds of Harrisburg homes the systematic reading of Classified Ads has become a' habit of thrift which makes for a cheaper cost of living. If you are not already a confirmed Telegraph Classi fied Ad reader, turn now to Classified page. •jumjL-JijJ ■ - -■ -- mcea— » DIED PHY Died. .Monday morning, at 11:30, at Pittsburgh, Sumner K. Fry, son or Elias Fry, of 212 Crescent street . The Rev. Mr. Smucker will officiate. Relatives and friends are Invited to j nttend without further notice. BuUal , 10ast Harrisburg Cemetery. j FEJ/TY Died, February 8, 1915. Mary j A. Felty, of Penbrook, Pa., aged <«• vear, 6 "months and 2 days. . Services will be held Thursday aftei- j noon, at 2 o'clock, from her late resl denco. Relatives and friends are. in- , vited to attend without furl LOST LOST 55.00 reward for return of i brown and white long-haired dog., 10..t in Steelton. Check No. 3102 on«ma. Name Bundas. Joseph Kuril, -21 Main , street, Steeltdn, Pa. LOST Monday evening, solid K°bj j round brooeli, large broque pearl and two small diamonds, in N ne t<i, or on Market or Second streets. He j \yrvd if returned to this office. j LOST ln Colonial Theater on Sat- j urdny evening, largo brown j muff The lady who picked it up in center aisle is' known and will please I i eturn muff to Colonial Theater or Joub Lexington street, and avoid aiiest. j i/IST $5.00 bill and two SI.OO bills in 25 cent Store, Saturday. Two women , are known who picked It up. and if not j returned to this ofilce they will be dealt; ■will) according to _ POUND The way to end your cleaning and dyeing worries, by calling either phone for Eggerts "earn D>e ; - Inc and French Cleaning Works, 1-4J Market street. lYc call and dcUsei\_ | UiCLP WAN'l'Kl) —Male ; MSN Mechanical Draftsmen earn j l,is wages. Complete course at home, •i months. U»v rates. Modern Cor- . rt sponderice School. Newark, a. J. WANTED Experienced Black- I smith, and all-around man. to do horse shoeing and wagon repairing. Address | Box 1510, care of Telegraph. | WANTED Two suitable men to i i- present the Sinner Sewing Machine Co. Address their Supervisor, Mr. E. i !•'. Grove, York, Pa. ' MUX, 20 to SO years old, wanted av | once for electric railway motormen and . conductors; S6O to SIOO monthly; no ex- j I'trlencn necessary; tine opportunity;! no strike. Write immediately for ap- : plication blank. Address R., 1523, care | of Telegraph. | IF you are out of work, you can't i afford to turn down the exceptional of- | fvr we will make you to canvass for . (trend Union products on a commission I basis it means big returns to men j who will work. Apply tirand Union] 'l ea Co.. 208 North Second street. OUT OF WORK Let us show you j how to make $35 weekly in your own town. Write to-day. Wilkon Supply! Co., Dept. T, Pottsville, Pa. j WANTED MEN Prepare as Fire- j men, Brakemen. Electric Motormen, j Colored Train Porters. Hundreds put to work SSO to SIOO month. No ex- j perience necessary. 500 WANTED. J Large Pennsylv. ia Roads. Steady ; work. Write Inter Railway, Dept. 251, ! Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED Railway mail and postal clerks; examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College. Civil Service Dept., Philadel phia. Pa. WANTED • Four hustling solicitors, ' v.-ho possess honesty and energy, to work; salary or commission basis. Ap ply at SIB South Twenty-ninth * wiieet, Penbrook, Pa., after 4 o'clock hJ± i CIVIL, SERVICE EXAMINATIONS! held soon. Railway Mail Clerks; P. O. i Clerks and Cat-rlers: Stenographers, j Private and Individual tutoring at rea- I sonable rates. Address Tutor, P. O. I Box <3l. Harrisburg. kerle E. Keller gives private lessons in Siiorlband, Type writing, Penmanship, Dictation, etc.. at ' class instruction rates to students who! -Qjnt Direct Results. Several open j periods. Call to-day. Room 307,! Patriot Building. r ' ' ~~ ■> 1 FOR RENT I OFFICE ROOMS Single and en-suite Running water All outside rooms Elevator service City steam lieat in the FRANKLIN BUILDING 212 Locust St. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets V TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —MaIe MEN WANTED to become practical chauffeurs and mechanics. As opportu ; nity affords students will be given j chance while learning to earn 30c an 1 hour on overhauling work. Make sp ; plication at once. Special course for i ladies. Day and night Bchools. Auto ; Transportation School and Machine ■^b£n^j^^NorthCrfmeron«treet_^_^_ HELP WANTED —Female WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL j IIAo registered 28 new pupils, and has : room for a few more, day or evening. All pattern cutting is taught by meas | lire. You make your own dresses while I learning. Works Dressmaking School, i 22 North Fourth street. WANTED—Experienced lielp. j Apply "Silk Mills," Cor. Second I ind North Sts. j WANTED White girl for general .housework. Call 2146 North Fifth j street. I WANTED Lady interested in child I welfare work; salary rating to start, i s'.so per day; state present employ | ment, telephone number, references, j Address W. C., care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable woman, or girl, who in looking for a good home, to as sist with housework and care of two | children. Call 158 South Second street, I Steelton. Pa. ! , WANTED Neat and accurate . bookkeeper, with knowledge of short- I hand.t for light office work. If any ex ! prrtence, give former places of employ- J ment and state salary expected. Ad i dress Box 1535, care of Telegraph. HARRISBURG SHORTII AND SCHOOL i Stands for lndividual instruction. . Best known methods in teaching. Real ! touch typewriting. A personal Interest l in each student. My guarantee—To ' prepare students for good positions. I To aid them in securing employment. ■ Tuition will be charged for 7 months j only. Free after that time. Free trial, j \'orth Second «tr»et. AGENTS WANTED • i CANVASSERS WANTED Men ana j ladies. Strictly salary. Apply by letter | to W. E. Murray, County Manager, New | Cumberland, Pa. i MEN AND WOMEN Good proposl- J tion for right parties. Apply between I 5 and 7 P. M. and S to 10 A." M„ A. P. ; Ooninz^U^^jusi£iek!Uinaia^mie. SITUATION WANTED— MaIe i WANTED Young colored man, 10 ! years old, wants position: can furnish first-class references. Call, or address, i ISI4 Marion street. WANTED Young colored man, fail education, desires position as butler, houseman or work of any kind. Call, j or address. 105 Filbert street. WANTED Chauffeur wants poai j tion; can do own repairing; best oi references. Address C. C. 8., Box 302, I Hummelstown, Pa. WANTED Truck farmer wants po i sition on small farm; best references. I Address D. S.. P. O. Box 302, Huminels ! town. Pa. WANTED Boy. 18 years of age, ; desires position of any kind. Call, or ' address, 55S Woodbine street. ! WANTED Boy. IB years of age, i desires work of any kind. Call, or ad dress, 2208 North Sixth street. WANTED Middle-aged man de ! sires position as janitor in lodge room jor church; experienced; can furnish ; Rood reference. Call, or address, 140'J | Swatara street. WANTED A young man, 26 years old, would like position ®s an interpre ' ter or any other position: speaks nine iiifferent languages. Bell phone 282, j United 150 F. or apply 318 Catherine i stree-t. Middletown. ! WANTED —By reliable man, posi- I lion as moving picture operator; six ' years' experience: dependable. G. W. j L.. 1005 North Third street. Bell phone ' taITU ATIO N S \V A NTED—.Female WANTED Young widow, with child . eight years old, desires position as ! housekeeper for widower. Address \\\, | 1529, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored girl desires po i sition as waitress, chambermaid or gen eial housework. Call, or address, | lßoo'/4 Liberty street. WANTED By colored woman, j day's work or by the week, in small j famllv. 654 C'alder street. I WANTED A German girl wishes : housework. Inquire 1087 North Catn | eron street. WANTED Children to care for at ; mv home; can give good reference. Mrs. Jennie Hayman, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED Woman wants washing nnd ironing to do at home. Call, or ad j dress, 1806 Wallace. WANTED By colored woman, po ! sition as housekeeper, one who prefers to stay at house of employer. Address Box M„ 15.13. care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman desires position as first-class laundress, or day's work of any kind. Call, or ad dress. 021 Brown avenue. WANTED White girl desires work of any kind. Call, or address, 502 Strawberry avenue, or call United phone 4 41Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Colored girt desires snn eral housework; can furnish reference. Call, or address, 1308 North Seventh street. WANTED A young. colored wo man desires a position as i-hlid's nurse or lady's maid; can furnish best of ref erence. Address 1525, care of Tele graph. POSITION WANTED By n colored woman carif- for children by the hour or day, day's work or cooking. Address 1526, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman desires wuliing and fancy ironing; to do at home. Call, or address, 652 Boas street. WANTED leads' wants position aii dishwasher, or chambermaid. Address 602 Cumberland street. HEAL ESTATE FOIt SALE Fort SALE 430 Hamilton St. corner property 3-story frame 7 rooms and batli good condition. Price, J2.20U.U0. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WE offer you lots at Cloverly Heights at attractive prices and easy terms. Why not buy a desirable lot and build according to your require ments. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE ljOts at Penbrook 30x 150, Paxtang and Riverside. Also fOP sale one frame house, centrally located, in the city; 6 rooms, bath and attic; hot r.lr heat. Price, 12,100. For terms apply to S. Haldeman & Co.. Carpen ters and Builders. 3222 North Sixth street. Job work promptly attended to by calling Bell phone 3622J3. FOR SALE —An up-town brick" house 8 rooms bath gas fur nace porch drive alley on rear be sold at. sacrifice. Owner has gone to Florida. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner building. FOR SALE Vacant house for sale, prices reduced will consider your offer all improvements near cen tral section lot. 20x120 to .ear street. 1139 Derry street. Bell Realty Co., Brrgner Building. FOR SALE 2-story cottage; im provements; walks; fruit trees bear ing; 5c carfare from Square. Cars stop at door. Address R., 1534, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Fourteen-room brick dwelling; latest improvements; suit able for roomers and boarders; good lo cation. Miss Catherine Miller, 10T South Eanard street, State College, Pa. FOR SALE Small fruit and chicken farm. 3 acres, 2'/2-story frame house, hog sty, smokehouse, chlckenhouse 4Sx 18, all In A No. 1 condition; also 85 fruit trees and all kinds of berries, two wells. $1150.00. Inquire Amos Peters, 8240 Main, Progress, Pa. FOR SALE Apartment house. 404 North Second street; live, apartments and store: steam heat and all modern improvements. Apply, or address, M. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1427 North street: S rooms; hall; bath; all improvements; front and rear porches; slue 'entrance; near trolley. Rent, S2O. Inquire A. M. Noll, Fifteenth and North streets. FOR RENT March 1, No. 411 North Se :id street, 3-story brick. Will alter for business. Apply 309 North Second street. FOR RENT Ten-room house, all Improvements, every room front, with running hot and cold water, sleain heat, electricity, gas. phones, recently fitted throughout; centrally located. W. L. Montgomery, corner Third ifnd Chestnut streets. FOR RENT No. 465 Crescent street, new eight-room house; all con veniencer; gas and electricity; large front porch; central location; rent, S2O. Apply 4i)9 Crescent street. FOR RENT BJ 3 North Second street; 3-story brick; a rooms and bath; all Improvements; electric bells nil rocms to kitchen; excellent location. Possession April 1. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RKNT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. J. K. ulpple, APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RKNT Apartments at south east corner Fourth »nd Peffer streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent. Outside porch. Apply B. F. Umberger, 108 North Second street, or 427 street. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, two or lour rooms; rent reasonable; all conveniences. Apply before 6 o'clock. 621 North Second street, after 6 o'clock, 518 North Second street. Bell phone. FOR RENT Second floor apart ment. No. 270 North street; three rooms, kitchenette and bath; bay window. Rent, >25.00. ___ __ APARTMENT FOR RENT Five' rooms and bath, with all modern con veniences. Apply 1118 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment, second floor; .4 rooms with bath; citv steam beat; gas and electric lights; call bell«; liot and cold water; central location. 1524. care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR REN'.'' FOR RENT Earge, second-story, furnished room, with privilege of use of kitchen, near Thirteenth and Market streets. Call Bell phone 4U9M. FOR RKNT Three rooms, 1130 North Front street, for colored people only. Apply 226 Chestnut street. FOR RENT Tv»o up-to-date light housekeeping rooms; private family; rent reasonable. Apply at 1315 Swatara street. FOR RENT Earge, second-story front; also communicating bedrooms, single or ensuite; rent reasonable. Ap ply 814 North Third street. FOR RENT Furnlsliert rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences, in cluding ohone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. FOR RENT—Earge, front room; cen -1 al location; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply iio9 State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, in cluding parlor bedroom; all conveni ences. lU7 Chestnut street. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms tor man and wife, or two gentle men. 36 South Harrigburg street, SUeelton. Pa. FOR RENT l-ai'ne, cozily furnished front room, for two gentlemen, in small, letined private family on Allison Hill; good location, conveniences and home comforts. Price, 110.00 per month each, Including breakfast and wash ing. or >15.00 for one man. Address S., 1521. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnishe . rooms, with bath and use of phone; river view; excellent location; reference re quire;!. Apply 201G North Second street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two communicating housekeeping rooms, separate entrance to each room, private family; walking distance; moderate. Address 11. 1531 care of Telegraph. WANTED By refined, young, mar ried couple, furnished apartment or rooms, for light housekeeping' refer ences furnished. Address R„ 1527 care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Boarders, man and wife; terms reasonable; only two in family; near Reservoir Park entrance: refer ences exchanged. For further particu lars apply 1833 Reglna street. harrisburg tfSf&te telegraph FOR SAI.K $750 WILL BI'Y a 5-passenger Jeffery —like new—original cost over $2,000 — brand-new tires. Apply to Hottensteln Zech, mve or City Auto Garage. 5450 WILL, BI'Y a 1911 Keo Touring: Oar good tires; mechanical condition llrst-class. Apply to Hottensteln & JSech, care ot city Auto Oarage. FIRST $250 takes 1910, 5-passengeV touring car- in good running order. Apply to llottenstein & Zech, care ot City Auto Garage. $"0(i WILL BUY a lleo Touring Car with electric starter and lights—over hauled—late model. Apply to llotten stein & Zech, earn City Auto Garage. CALKS FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second street. Red Tip, lting Point, Blizzard, Howe Junior, Can't Slip, tilant Grip an<l Always .Sharp Calks. SPECIAL for two weeks at Baturiu A: Co., 1005 North Third street—s lt>s. Butterine (the best), with 5 lbs. Sugar, for $1.24. One lb. Butterine, 19c. MOTORCYCLE Twin cylinder Har ley-Dayidson; fully equipped. Cheap to quick buyer. Call 1012 South Sev enteenth street. FOR SALE Long established, pay ing Ice Cream and Snowball Factory. Owner wisjies to retire. Will sell rea sonable. Closest investigation invited. Particulars at Spangenberg's, 507 Reiiy street. City. Bell phone SOW. PI'BLIC SALE Thursday, Febru nrv 11, at 1 o'clock, at 1114 Market street, a large lot of new and second hand furniture. Anyone having furni ture or store stock for sale, drop me a card. C. Fry, 1114 Market street. ' Bell phone. BOI'GIIT all the Velour Hats fropi H. C. Dodge, The Hatter, at a sacrifice price. Will «ell them for 75c apiece; former prices. $3. $4 and $5. Come and look them over. S. Melt/.er 513 Wal nut nvreet. Open evenings. FOR SALE 1 small Victrola ana 29 double-disk records Cor $20.00 cash; also 1 did Trusty Incubator, 110 e-'gs. for $4.00. Apply at once. W. E. Mur ray. New Cumberland. End of car line, creek bridge. FOR SALE Automobile tire re pairing business, well equipped, vul canizing plant and boiler; materials, tools and slock of accessories; estab lished trade. \\ ill sell cheap. Address A., 1532. care of Telegraphy BARGAIN'S in L C. Smith and Bros, .■mil t'nderwood "Typewriters; also one Corona, one Monarch, one Oliver. I rices reasonable. U C. Smith and Bros., 3t) South Fourth. BICYCLE BARGAINS • Special to morrow One girl's, worth sl l >, $10; two men's, with coaster, worth s>> and $lO, for $6.50 and SB. respectively. Keystone Cycle Co., Sll North Third street. FOR SALE One Indian motorcycle, with tandem rebuilt good shape worth $75, will sell for $45 if sold to morrow. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Bought all the Mara bou and Ostrich (mixed) Muffs and Scarfs from H. C. Dodge. The Hatter, at a sacrifice price. Will sell them from $3.91' up: former prices, $15.00 to $55.00. Also odd Scarfs, 98c. Come and look them over and be convinced. Open ovenings. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Moving Picture Thea ter for sale. Owner not being able to give time to management. Address 8.. 1536, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac 5-passen ger touring car, in first-class condition; shock absorbers In front, large bumper; Kejlogff twin pump; Klaxon horn; all new tires; two extra tires, one has only gone 1,500 miles; four good inner tubes; good top; clock; extra light in rear of car: handy lamp: all side cur tains tlrst-class. Guarantee in good condition. Address K., 1537, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Elegant violin, Lester upright piano, just purchased; side board. No reasonable offer refused. 1!. K„ care of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Offie. FOR SALE Owner will sacrifice his new one-ton truck, with express body, cost $1,700, for $650 cash. This is a real bargain. Address R„ 1528, care of Telegraph. F')R SALE Quartered oak dining suit, parlor suit, davenport, brass bed, dresser chiffonier, used one and one half years; also canned fruit. Must sell on account «r death. No dealers. In quire 10:! Evergreen street. FOR SALE Small truck, with ex press body, in fairly good shape. Will sell for SIOO. Harrisburg Auto Co. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sires. Bird Seeds, natural fish food and supplies, at Gobhardt's, the "Bird Man." 1004 North Third, between Boas and llerr. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can "be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Fine collection of Vic trola Records, in good condition; sold singly or any numbar one-third olf list ed price; 200 Red Seal and others. 230 West State street. Bell phone 686 R. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One o.t these slp-ns will be given with each six.time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. WANTFI) WANTED Small, rash grocery store, guoil location in city or suburbs. Address 116, care of Telegraph. WANTED A second-hand cash register. Must be in first-class condi tion. Box IJ, Herhey, Pa. BISINKSS OI'POItTCMTIKS ON account of ill health, I offer for sale my entire stock of Geheral Mer chandise. also an excellent Tea and Coffee Itoutc. Must l>e sold quick. Special bargain for quick buyer. Call, or address, Dock Box 13, Swatara Sta tion. fa. GROCERY STORE FOR SAUK: stock at. inventory and fixtures at reduced price. Corner property, good location, lint previously offered. Get particulars ;it once. Bell Realty Co., Bergner l.iiildlng. BAKERV FOR SADE Only bakery !n town of 800; good location and good business. Be:'t of reasons for selling. Dow price. Address R. S. Klucker. New Illoomfield, Pa. FOR RENT Gasoline sidewalk privilege Must have $350. Address P. O. Box 40-". City. * Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to quick buyer. On main street doing fair business. Apply Hap ple & Schwartz, Estate Agents, Mechanicsburg, Pa. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 78S, Lock port. N. Y. ULSIN fc-Sh I'I.KMJNADS PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Call 146. Bell phono. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. LEU TO OFFER PUN FOR BELIEF Mayor Admits Own Resolution Might Not Fill Bill; Special Session Tomorrow City Council in special session to morrow afternoon will consider a busi ness-like proposition to provide as much work as possible on the city's improvement jobs for the unemployed. And Commissioner William IK Lynch, superintendent of streets and public improvements, will siimbit the plan. That was decided this afternoon after Mayor John K. ;Royal had of fered a resolution authorizing the em ployment on the city's contract work of those in need, a problem for which the mayor candidly admitted he could suggest no tangible solution. Commissioners Rowman, Lynch and ,Taylor, upon whose departments the city's improvement work devolves ad niltted that the need for providing some assistance for the unemployed was urgent but that they, as servants of the people, responsible Cor the judi cious expenditure of public funds, could not understand how they could properly and legitimately spend the city's money under the provisions of Mayor Royal's resolution. Worked Far As Possible The three admitted that they had provided all the work possible "by car rying on the contrcat work as far as possible in the cold weather; further than this the contractors would not proceed. They cited some of the work in water, sewer pipe laying, grading and park work that had been done. Fnless the contracts for contemplat ed work included "force employment clauses"—the provision by which the superintendent of the department may designate who and what men shall be employed by the contractor or the city could not provide relief. Furth ermore the incorporation of such a clause would men an additional fifteen or twenty-five per cent, to the eon tract price. All this Mr. Lynch care fully explained to the mayor.. "Oh, it's a question,' eventually ad mitted the mayor, "-whether the reso lutlon would reach the proper men." Mr. Lynch to Solve Problem Whereupon Mr. Lynch moved for adjournment until 3 o'clock to-mor row. "By that time," he said, ."I'll see if I can't have some sort of a plan." New ordinances introduced included the Mayor's "quiet zone" measure. This ordinance decrees that streets within 250 feet of hospitals shall be kept free of itinerant musicians, street vendors, scissors grinders or other noise-making peddlers. Fines of from $2 to $25 or thirty days in jail is the penalty. The only other new measure was Mr. Bowman's ordinance to per mit the construction of the Harris burg Light and I'ower Company coal wharf on the island. BUSJNJESS J'KKONALS "old GOLD AND SILVER, WatehTs, Diamonds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. .los. D. Brenner, Jeweler. No. 1 North Third street, Bell phone 1274 L. II.VHDWOOD H.OOItS Reseraped and rennlshed. New floors laid of ail designs. Stairs covered with hardwood. Prices reasonable. J. M. Smith. No. 2219 Brookwood street. Bell phone 1391 L. HAULING 11. W. LATIIE. Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Latlie, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phona No.. 250SR. "NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furnl ture bought and sokl. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 J. Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Mar ltet street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbjn°_street. ■MUAEI 1U LOAN HONEST, Industrious people without Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, cau se cure small LOANS here consistent with sound business at Legal Rates. Small Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi dential sei-vlce. Profit-Sharing Loan Society, Chartered —Licensed—Bonded, Second Floor, M N. Market Square. ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, wouid be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 30 North Third street. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit ar less than legal rates, payable In Instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co 204 Chestnut Street. STOUAGE HARKISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided Into fire proof private rooms or various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved typo of lire retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. It. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES CHARLES C. FINFROCK AND CIjAUDB KENNEDY, trading and doing business under the firm name of the Eureka Garage, has this dav been dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons owing said firm will please make payment, and all persons having claims against said firm will present their claims for payment to Fred C. Miller, Attorney-at-Law, 213 AValnut street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Rutherford Elder, late of Harrisburg City. Dauphin coun ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to ARTHUR H. BAILEY, Administrator, Court House. Or Harrisburg. Pa. CHARLES C. STROH, Attorney, 222 Market Street. In the Estate of Joslah Monti, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. NOTICE Is hereby Hven that the Register of Wills for Dauphin County has granted Letters Testamentary to the undersigned on the said Estate. All persons Indebted to said Estate will please make payment promptly, and those having claims will present them without delay, to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. Executor, No. 18 South Market Hquara, Harrisburg, Pa. FEBRUARY 9, 1915. CUM PACIFIC JUMPS TWO POINTS Leading Shares Moved Contrarily, Some Making Slight Gains and Others Recording Losses Hy Associated Press New York, Feb. 9. Wall Htreet. A two point advance In Canadian Pa cific, resulting from yesterday's decla ration of the regular dividend, was the noteworthy feature of to-day's early and somewhat irregular Btock market. Leading shares again moved contrarily, I nited .States Bteel, Amalgamated Cop per and I'nlon Pacific scoring slight gains, while Heading and Southern Pa cific were fractionally lower. National was the strongest of the special ties. gaining two points, while Federal Mining, Pfd„ lost as much. Trading became more active with a strong un dertone at the end of the first half hour. NKW YOItK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, I 208 Arcade Building. New York, Oct. 9. Open. High. J.ow. Clos. Alaska G M 30% 80% 29 29 % Amal Cop . 53% 54% 53% 53% Am BtSug. 38% 39% :;s >2 38% Am Can .. 28% 29 28% 28% Am (..an pd 94% 95 94% 95 Am C it- F. 44% 44% 44% 44 % Am Cot Oil 48 48 1 h 47% 47% Am Ice Sec 2 4 24% 23% 23% Am Loco 21% 21% 21% 21% Am Smelt . «4% t!4% «3% 63 it Am Sugar . 103 105 103 104 Am T& T. 120 *4 120 f s 119% 120% Atchison .. 94% 94 % 93% 937/ ®f'O' •• • «9 % «9% HB% 69 Beth Steel. 57 57% 55% 58% BklynßT. 87 87 87 87 Cal Petro. . 21 21% 20 % 2 (MA P<* olfl '' 159% 159% 156% 156% Hd & Leath 3fi% 36% 35% 36'4 £ & 0 42% 42% 42 42 R7 % BS% 86 C ton top. 36 36 35 7' 357^ Col F& I. 25% 25% 24% 24% Con Gas .. 119 119 Erie Ist pf 36% 36% 35 35' Gen Motors 94% 941& Goodrh BF 32% 32% 32 32% pfd 114 % I'-<% 114% 114% Gt N Ore » 32 32% 31% 32 Gup Exp.. 51% 52 51 % 51% ln-..«t? ... «2% 12% 12% 12% n-Metpfd. 57 57% 56% 56% iv C So . . 22 22 Lehigh Val 135% 135% 134% 134% Louis & X. lie ..." 116 Mex Petro. 76% 7 7 76 % 76% Mo Pac 11% 12% 11 % 11% Nat Lead.. 5 1 51% 50% 50% Nev C C . . 12 12 11% 12 vv\£7'ls SBT » 84 * 84% NY.NH& H 50 50% 49% 49% Nor Pac .. 103 103% 102% 102% P R R .. 705% 105% 104% 105 Peo G & C 118% iigi/ I'.K 1 ' C ° al • • 18% 19 18% 18 %, Pgll C pfd 90% 92 90% 91 K C Copper 17% 17% 17% 17% Reading .. 145% 146% 144% 144 7i R 1 & S .. 20% 20% 20% 20% it 1& S pfd 75 75% 75 75% So Pacific.. 83% 83% 83 83% so Railwa;.- 15% 15% 14% 15 So Rwy pfd 53 .... 53 • 29% 29% J,hM Ave. «% 46% 45% 45% 1 nion Pac. ll»% 119Ts 119 119 U S Rubber 57 57 56 56 U S Steel. 41% 41% 40% 41% I S S pfd. 104% 104 103% 103% I'tah Cop.. 52% 53% 52% 52% West U Tel 63% 63% 63% 63% West Mfg.. 71% 71% 70% 70% FHIIJ AIJRI.I'H • * I'nnniirK By Associated Press Philadelphia. Feb. 9. Wheat irm; No. 2, red. spot, export, sl.s9@i 1.60: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, ? 1.67 if 1.72. Corn Stronger; No. 2, spot, export, 80J' «j)81 2 c: No. 2, yellow, local, 84© Oats—tower: No. 2. white, 64%®i«5c. Bran Firm: winter, per ton. 53».00<830.50; spring, per ton, 128.50 ©29.00. Ileflned Sugars Unchanged; pow oered, 5.85 c; tine granulated, 5.75 c; con fectioners' A, 5.65 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 34c; nearby prints, fancy. 37c. Eggs The market is unchanged; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, SB.IO per case: western, extras, firsts, free cases, SS.4O per case; do., firsts, free cases, TB.IO per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 15@ 17c: old roosters. 11ifj)l2c: chickens. 1,".®17c; turkeys, 14©17 c; ducks, 16© 17c; geese, 15017 c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, fancy, 22c: do., fair to good, lS®2oc; fowls, heavy, 18@20c; do., average. 16% © 18% c; do., small. 14®16c; old roosters, 14c; broiling chickens, near by. 18©23 c; western. 14®22c; roast ing chickens. I7@18c: ducks. 12@lSc; geese, 10® 14c. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania. per bushel. 63 (S 65c: New York, per bushel, 43@50c; Jersey, per basket, 30 W3uc. Flour Market nominal; winter, clear. "> strr ivht*. »«»i vania; |7.25®7.75: spring straights, ?7.00®7.25; do., patents. $7.35 @ 8.50; nitttin, $4.26tf4.4u. patent*. !<•»<>%> i.lt: Kuiii straight, Jute «acka, 14.11 (94.10; aprinr. firsts, clear, $4.0004.31: ureith'.a, Ji!0fl4.ll; patents. li.j.-u ( M. Hay The market Is firm; tim othy. No. 1. large bs-»es, sl*.soipi».uuj No. 1, medium hales $ 18.60©19.U0: No. 2. do., No. $. do., $14,500 15.50; samples, $13. 0f/® 14.00; no grada, m.<."j®)J3.oo, Clover mixed hay Light mlxart. Jl7.so®lg.'io: No. 1. do.. $16.50017. 0(; No. 2, do., $15.00®16.00. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Feb. 9.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May, 1.63%: July, 1.39%. Corn—May. 81%; July, 82% Oats—May, 61%: July, 58%. Pork—May, IS. 87: July, 18.17. Lard—May, 10.77; July, 10.92. Ribs—Mav, 10.10; July, 10.32. APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath v m THE 4 Reynard, 208 N. Third St. Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for telephone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, Z22 Market Street HarrUburg. Pa, Legislation Is Discussed at Fraternal Congress Members of the Fraternal Congresß met here to-day und discussed thn l.altlwin fraternal insurance bill, and iiuestions affecting fraternal insurance companies. Sessions were liuld In tli« Odd I'ellows' rooms, 321 Market street. I lie president of the Pennsylvania bodv is L. S. Boyd, Pittsburgh. Representatives present are Identified yV'th the Iloval Arcanum, lleptasophs; r raternal order of Mystic Circle and other organizations. Webster <\ Weiss, of Bethlehem, is secretary. This af ternoon the delegates called on Gover nor Brumbaugh. To-night they will It r, a banquet at the Commonwealth Hotel. Among the topics discussed to day were: 'Compensation." "Family or Child Insurance, as Pertaining to Fraternal Societies," "The Deputy System." Table talks followed anil will me continued at the banquet to-nighl. On the legis lative committee are. Frank 15. Wlck trsham and M. H. Wyckoff, of Harris burg. AMBASSADOR SKKKS PARDON Tiieoma, Wash., Feb. 9.—Word re ceived here yesterday from Washing ton, D. C., says Count von Bernstorff, German ambassador to the United States, has asked that a pardon be granted Edwin D. Scott, of Raymond, Wash., recently convicted In the United States court here of writing threatening letters to the. ambassador. The recommendation, it is understood, has beer referred by the State Depart ment to the Department of Justice. mil, A DELPHI A STOCK * Philadelphia, Feb. 9.—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 42% General Asphalt Asked 30' Gen. Asphalt, Pfd., 65 Lake Stiperlor Oornoratlon. Asked 9 ljehlgh Navigation 75% Lehigh Volley 67% Pennsylvania Railroad 52 7-ifi Philadelphia Electric 28% I'hiladelphla Company ....Asked 33 Philadelphia Co., Pfd Asked 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10 Philadelphia Traction HTi Reading 72% Storage Battery 4S Union Traction Asked 36 I'nited Oas Improvement 81% United Slates Steel 41 United States Steel. Pfd 103% CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Feb. 9. Hogs Re ceipts. 30.000: steady. Hulk of sales, $<j.756i'6.90; light, $6.65©6.90; mixed, sn.(iof»i 6.90; heavy. $6.50ij|;6.90; rough, 5!;.504(6.65; pigs. $5.40®6.70. Cattle Receipts, 4,000; weak. Na tive steers. $5.60®8.85: western. *4.Bs<fi 7.35: cows and heifers, $3.00® 7.85; calves, $7.50® 11.00. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; strong. Sheep, s6.2s<ii 7.10; yearlings, s7.sofi 8.15: Ijvnbs, $7.50®9.00. ' > Burglary No house is safe against a burglar. Will you be the next victim? Why not buy a burglary policy for $7.50 per $1,000.00? See or phone ! J H. F. Oves, 40 N. Court St. s J r ~~~T __ For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply Unien Trust Company *- j Twelfth kHerr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room, 60x75 Ceet. 50 windows; np-to-date steam beat ing included. Rent very reason able. Will be ivlrcd to suit tenant. Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. MONEY TO LOAN ' «l less than legal ratea, la a*y amount*. Payable In Inatalmeata to suit borrower. Positively lowcal ratea in the city. Pennsylvania Invest me at Co. 132 WAI.NCT -STHEIST *■ »[!BBER STAMnp II SEALS & STENCILS |l\ Wmfg.byhbg.stencilworks" || 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. U THE HarrlsDurg Potyclinlo Dlspan «ary will be open dally, except Sunday, at $ P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for tit* Xrea treat metit of the worthy poor. Try Telegraph Want Ads. 13
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