14 Mil PHRTICIPATIIiG IN C. E. CELEBRATION Rallies in Derry United Brethren and Enola Churches Scheduled For Tonight | Two big district Christian End eavor rallies, one in the Derry Street United Brethren, the other In the Zion Lutheran •"I Church. Enola. will * |JUJ be held this evening # .Mfl as part of the week's • ' i 'Miff* program of the 34th '' anniversary of the • ►JfAlittt. Christian Endeavor ■gjnrlnftp' Ralph B. Manley t and C. S. Urich, vice presidents, will be in rV »—,-harge of the services at Derry Street Church. Bishop U. F. Swengel, of the United Evangelical Church, and the Rev. E. E. Curtis, pastor of the Westminster Presbyter ian Church, will be speakers. A choir of 250 voices will sing. At the Enola church, Ralph Crowl, vice-president, will preside. L. S. Beam, of Lemoyne, will present a "Discussion of C. E. Committee Work"; the various societies will give responses. Charles W. Black, presi dent of the Dauphin County C. E. Union, will give the second talk on "The Call of Christ to the Endeavor ers of the Twentieth Century." The West End district will have its rally Thursday evening, In Augsburg Lutheran ChCurch, l*ne Rev. F. I. M. Thomas, pastor of the Maclay Street Church of God, will make the prin cipal address. The big rally will be held Friday evening in Bethlehem Lutheran Church, the Rev. Dr. F. E. Clark, founder of the C. E. movement, being the speaker. Iwist evening the anni versary celebration opened with a central district rally in the Nagle Street Church of God. John Harder, vice-president, presiding. The Rev. C. B. Segelken, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Steelton, and A. C. Dean, president of the Harris burg C. E. Union, spoke. Chicken and Waffle .Supper.—Wil liam Y. Carl, teacher of the men's class at the Derry Street United Brethren Church, and the Rev. E. E. Curtis, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, will be the prin cipal speakers at a chicken and waffle supper to be given in the parlors of the Olivet Presbyterian Church, Derry and Kittatinny streets, this evening. Almost one hundred invitations have been sent out by the Men's Bible Class of the Church. A special program lias been arranged. Entertainment at Covenant. —Mem- bers of the Young People's Christian Endeavor Society of Covenant Presby terian Church, have completed ar rangements for an entertainment to be given this evening at 8 o'clock in the church. Special features will be readings by Miss Josephine Urich, of Annvllle, a graduate of Lebanon Val ley College, and Miss Harris, of this city, a student at Lebanon Valley. The remainder of the program is re plete with comic dialogues, recitations, instrumental and vocal solos and duets. "The Vinegar Peddler."—The Rev. Fuller Bergstresser, pastor of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Middletown, will give his popular address on "The Vinegar Peddler," in the Redeemer Lutheran Church, of this city, Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock. SENATE IN SESSION ALL NIGHT ON SHIP BILL [Continued from First Page.] actually were issued and the Senate settled down to the monotony of Senator Jones' long address. During the debate on the motion the roll was called several times and the largest number of Senators to respond was fifty. They came in from the "•ommittee rooms, many with touscled hair and wrinkled clothing, indicating that they had been sleeping when the whirr of the call bells summoned them back. The pending question upon which Senator Jones held the floor was Sen ator Fletcher's motion to amend Sen ator Clarke's motion to recommit the shipping bill. The amendment would require the committee to return the bill forthwith bearing amendments which are said to have been decided upon in order to obtain for the meas ure the support of Senator Norris, Progressive Republican. Blistow liaises Point Senator Jones yielded to floor at 5.20 o'clock this morning to Senator Bristowwho immediately made a point of no quorum. Senator Jones had spoken 13 hours and 55 minutes. His only relief during the night was at calls for a quorum, which took one hour and forty-live minutes. The speech was surpassed for its length only by that of Senator LaFollette, who spoke IS hours and 20 minutes ugainst the Aldrich-Vreeiand currency law and by Senator Burton, who tpokc more than 14 hours on a river anci harbor measure. After tile quorum was obtained Sen ator McCuniber another Republican, began to speak. Drastic steps were proposed by Democratic Senators to break down the opposition to the bill by com pelling constant attendance of all the opposition. Order For Arrests Senator Fletcher immediately after Senator McCumber began to speak, got an order passed for the arrest of Senators Bankhead, Borah, Burton, I'amden, Catron, Goff, Hardwick, Hitchcock, Lodge, Oliver, O'Gorman, Root, Sterling, Sutherland, Vardaman and Weeks, all absent. Senator Reed presented an order to compel each Senator to remain in the chamber until excused. Senator Gal linger denounced the order as outrag eous and a prolonged debate followed. After nearly two hours' debate on Senator Reed's proposal Vice-Presi dent Marshall ruled further debate out of order and Senator Brandagee appealed from his decision. Senator Heed moved to lay the appeal on the table, but his motion was defeated 38 to 36, six of the seven Democrats op posing the bill and Senator Bryan also voting with the Republicans. Senator O'Gorman, the seventh, is out of the city. Senator LaFollette, Republican, voted with the Democrats. The de bate on the appeal was then eon- tinued. SUMMER COLONISTS SPEND THE DAY AT HUMMELSTOWN Quite a number of Harrisburg wo men who spend the summer In the Mt. Gretna colony, went to Hummelstown 10-day. where they were entertained in delightful manner by Mrs. Emma Cassell. Tn elaborate dinner and a. supper were served and the time between was spent in sewing, chat, music and games. Among the guests were Mrs. Anna Bacon, Mrs. Emma J. Selbert, Mr 6. Richardson. Mrs. Edward E. Ewing, Mrs. Shelly, Mrs. Herr, Mrs. Rudy. TUESDAY EVENING. ~ * Royal Waists—Perfect in Every Detail ' k SI.OO to $1.95 Values Cfl ' wmP v7\ —M, In the Sale at OvJO Wg —m Hundreds of women have taken advantage of the Royal Waist Sale, now in nil] progress, and find themselves owners of dainty beautifully trimmed waists that JJ, 111 [ill .j.J \ H arc perfect in every detail and truly remarkable values. fct JXHXKrffI V iUlfll The SI.OO to $1.95 Royal Waists at 50<* include semi-tailored styles in linen, [ j j| pj |j Mlly (/ ~ madas and soisette. Medium tucks trim the front and back or plain tailored . TT / f ir]-h-r styles with patch pocket; tucked or turnover collar and cuffs. Sizes 32, 34 and 36. 5 o eje f - jamuM $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95 | F" JJJJJIIII J - . JLU-L Semi-Tailored and Lin- j 7~^ gerie Royal Waists . ... ] Vy v/ I y - 5 Styles Middy Blouses, at SI.OO .. , TVT , The Sale of the Claflin Book Stock Brings Musltn and INainsook uowns -pi v . Tb«t Muslin and Nainsook Gowns, high and low necks, full length or three-quarter sleeves, A li.OUS3.Ij.CIS OX V 1 Ildl Nainsook Gowns, three-quarter sleeves, trimmed with embroidery yoke 750 TIT T""& t T~* 1 T~\ • I-) ... „ , c Were Below Regular Prices at Petticoats and Dressing Sacques a,-m v i D +' t Black satine petticoats, new flounce trimmed with two narrow ruffles #I.OO .r\.ClCll 110H.3.1 JA.GQ.tJtOIIOfI Ol Percale dressing sacques, silver grey or navy, flat turn-over collar, belted at waist, 50<! * T""l Dives, Pomeroy &*Btewart. Second Floor. <3O to ou rer Cent. "fi Q "f"'| 1 CI 1T £1 fl (* J After the reorganization of the 1~1. B. Claflin Company which failed last sum- aina UIUUCiy lner> the receivers ordered the closing out of-the wholesale book business in which ' | IXIOrrOW they had been engaged 18 years as the principal distributors of publishers' entire remainders at 50 to 75% lower than regular retail prices. Take advantage of this offering and buy 5 pounds Granulated Sugar for 24<\ Our Banquet . . r , , , , . , Coffee is noted for its rich aroma. Senate Tea is choice beverage and Ivorv Soap is always needed. Our stores secured a large share ot the sacrificed stocks and Hie baiga b 5 lbs Granulated Sugar 24c] t ' ie ' :>est iat ' luve ' Dcen °k ta i ne( l in such attractive books in many years. 1 lb. Banquet Coffee . . 80c I I I 1 I 1 Miniature Reference Library AUSTRIA-BCXGAKY, by O. E. MU- I / 2 lb. Senate Tea . . . 33c j 11/11 Originally 40 cents FKANCK ' BY GORDON HUME - - POR°C?UMN , 3 Bars Ivory Soap .. . 13c- each, heretofore 25 Published at $2.50 a volume; ? Waldorf pork and beans, 3 10c cans 25e I Idollne boneless imported sardines in pure olive ■»»« , cents each, now lo heretofore sold for $1.50 a vol- PS"" Cold packed tomatoes, large cans, 3 for 25c ! large cans 23c CClltS each. Utne; HOW #I.OO a volume. I Kruso crushed corn, 3 cans 25c Kippered herring, large oval cans, 3 cans .... 25c UL===J A world of illforma- mifc Golden wax beans, 3 cans 25c Tuna fish for salads, can 2I«; vnlir mSm shoe peg corn, 3 cans 25c Fancy head rice, 3 lbs 25<. ~ ! - . . ; I^^ Gold evaporated miik, can, sc; 6 cans 25c Rolled oats, lb - ti . locket. Clear. Clean printing Otl ! ! Dried beef, Y* lb 1«c Broken macaroni, lb ' 8C tonoli thin mncr- str.mrr flev- .MSIIMTSSRAM Allnced ham. lb 20c Dried green peas, lb 8 c tOllgll 11111 l paper, Strong IICX , I Frankfurters, lb 19c Fancy grape fruit, good size, sc; (i for 25c iblc red cloth COVCTS. e-i' 1 Cream cheese, lb 25c Juicy Florida oranges, the large size, dozen ..20c Christmas Names Shakespeare's VAN DYCK Sweitzer cheese, lb »0«- Record cofTce, a delicious blend, lb 2.-, c Dictionary of Hi- Characters. ~ A Book of Porcelain Pimento cheese. Ib 27c banquet coffee, the best to be had for the money, bio. Dictionary of Flag Maine corn, can, 15c: dozen 51.70 j lb ;HI C Classical Mytho- Abbreviations. fine examples in the Victoria and Flag sweet peas, can, 15c; dozen 51.70 Purity coffee, I lb. cans logy. Battles and Albert Museum, f'aintejl by Win. Flag cur refugee beans, can, 13c: dozen.... $1.50 Hershey pure breakfast,cocoa, lb., 18c: 2 lbs. 35c "', fl Tlint? Sieges. Olbb with text by Bernard Rack- Far breakfast ntackerei, 10 lb. pails $1.15 \ Santa Clara prunes, 2 lbs ' 25c Ji-! 10 w l ' l I'l' I *.'; 1 ' ■ Anniver " liain, M. A. Russian spiced sardines, large kits 75c Fancy Mulr peaches, 2 lbs ' 25c ~ , ,ls !?' „i Knnil nf cai,,.. TI < <-<-,l,it- Salt codfish, one lb. bricks 15c New pack apricots. 2 lbs 25c rase Book. I'ates and Facts. S ? tWCIltj-Clpllt Wat LOl . Golden West salmon, tall cans 12c Best cleaned currants, lb ISc who Wrote That? Dictionary of Ar- drawings reproduced 111 this Delicious little neck clams, can, 13c; 2 for 25c I Fancy Sultana raisins. Ib i; sc . (Prose). K«t. *-*• * volume have been made fromS , —— v who wrote That? Dictionary of Monographs on Artists volume nave Deen nwue ,r " Visit our pure food demonstration of Ritter's products ] w l£S. That? dS° of • «. K.-ekfu.. • thrvictori'u'aiul Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart- —Basement. ' Artists and Art Historical Allu- .lldited and written ill Colla- Albert Sotltll KeilS _ _ DiTtTonary ofinTraise of borationwith other authors, ington many of which have 0 1 TV T Synonyms. Books. p nM | 0.,„ -i f never been published before Shnp \J o"\!t7C D 1 !,° h n V.Lrf Mottoes'aT.d rms - while others have not hitherto 01 IOC INeWS « ,8h badges* sia?ed B 'bV^' Cam "D odgson been reproduced in colors. V\ Dictionary of My Jest Book. with 151 illustrations from pic- Provvn 4to cloth Published /■ -*• V \\ Foreign Litera-Nicknames and tures, drawings and woodcuts. 1 I j i ffl ~ 'N. jfly I ture. Pseudonyms. ANTHONY VAN DYCK, by H. It s4..*>o; heretofore sold for $- /l| I T~ O 4 tKV \ Five Thousand Philosophical Knackfuss, translated by Camp- now SI V/ I 111 11/ It . I I / 1 Words. Terms. bell Dodgson. with Co illustrations p * . r» I * AX v/x j yff j Gazetteer of Technical and from Pictures and drawings. I lie I Tactical Cook book, \ W \\ ti Rhyming Diction- TermL!" 0 S^eimnann!'TronsVate'd Camp- H'AV tu(ouk\ Villi Ga^; rcg tCl Mpn // " When and Where. < ] , dMK aU ° n ' u ' ar &•<*> Special IU 1 V IC/ll ,/ Bl Quotatio r ns n Fkftlon ALBRECHT DURER, by H. Knack- f wjflf / . J% X Dodgson. with 134 illustrations p i C?flTl c liti,-,n \ arious groups of reduced shoes from regular stock for A3rw from pictures, woodcuts, engrav- BOOK, 3>_.uu cuiuon. b lUI M nigs and drawings. Special 50^ men and boys offer worthy values—worthy because the shoes l\ || * Pl KMckfusl Ui^raSfd S 'by b DouiVe Pocket Atlas of the World; // \ - Ri'-bter. with 122 illustrations latest edition" reeularlv 25c are sound in materials and construction and correct in stvle / vw V m ! from pictures and drawings. ' * 'rl ■' C ' I iff \ i it LEONARDO DA VINCI, bv Adolf Special 1,10 This is a clearaway of broken lines. i ft wur^9 S iiiuTraUons 1,000 Books of Fiction, form , . P M t I tures and drawings. 2v\v 50c to $1.50. Special, !i.)p lien's $2.00 heavy black and tan oil grain leather HOYS' SHOI\ iiFnurirn 9 fl DOXATELLO. by Alfred Ciotthold TJ I » r> I I> • 1•» work shoes, full toe last with heavy standard fas- U 9 ill Meyer, translated by P. G. Konody, Pecks Bad Boy series, 12 toned oak leather soles; Alill d.-. Boys* $".50 gun metal calf button qlin*.. f,,n 1 with 140. illustrations from pic- 'itles Soecial and Factory Sale Price sl. .last with weUed soles. slzes ' i"" t » rc «' and drawings.' CC f 1 MMS s3.o° tan clkskln slwes, blucher style, full 2 \' 2 to 5 y.; Mill and Factory Sale Price *pl. 95 „ . . , c • T- i /.i i . , World Wide Encyclopedia high toe last with heavy stitched soles; on ~ . Fascination of Europe Series Each of the above published inf i r, a »<-tt(>pr •19 Vnk • «i, Mill and Factory Sale PHr e Boys' $1.50 tan calf button shoes withheavv . -A . , , >a/CttCCr, 1J V Ols.; cloth. Men's $2.00 gun metal and tan calf shoes In but- , s ?, s> sizes 9to 13 A Facli volume has 32 full-page a volume; heretofore special $3.75 SSr^d'SrcSS^'p 1 ;^* 0 !"' $1.05 ,V -* l - 19 .ll«.tn.tk». S .in color. Large sold for 75 cen.s a volume; now Romney Reynolds and Vil- Men s $4.00 black kldskin cushion insole shoos on heavy stitched soles, fo to S 'l3 V) U . cher lace Btyle > Bvo., cloth, gilt tops. 50 cents a volume. isquez, with 16 full-page color rSBW "S'. S—o,,. P.,llnslrations; formeS/ »00. b actorj bale Price tpo. I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— Street Floor, Itoar ENGL.\NLT, by Frank Fox. Street Floor. special $1.50 The Popular 1 !^ c , to . White Goods Clearance of Boys' Winter Hats— 1 Veil Hflts , 1 and , Fact ° ry ? n $1.49 to $2.50 Values at V Gil ilcllS ' r jfjTfcx Good qualities and neat styles are to be found in . . White Dress Goods in the Mill and Factory Sale at fy us is the leading millinery lessened prices. Examples of the rare values include — style of this mid-season and its 10c and 1254 c white lawn crepe and lacy weaves; popularity is deserved because I cxtra s P ec j a . l » y ard . .••;•••• Plush, felt, chinchilla and velvet hats in differ , , . . . „ of the fascinating effect the veil V;] kflßj and dresses; extra special, yard 10<? away of broken sizes of Boys' Winter Hats in the lends the hat. 19c wh,te ratine ' 36 ,nches w,de - nub eftect> used for Bk,rt "' y v£ t n Millinery Section. 39c white rice cloth, 40 inches wide, yard 2."»o Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. We have just received the latest interpretation of this vogue 2Sc white crepe voile, 44 inches wide, line sheer quality for dresses and show veil hats in narrow brim satin for as little as $3.95. ana Jhifo'Engiish ionKcloth. io yards to a piece, 36 "inches wide," piece 5 T I 'T\| T ■ /" T* Tnese are not to be confounded with CHEAP hats or "sec- ~ , 73c LOOK \ iVfir I hts> I Hi onds" that are flooding the market these days with low prices ,125 EntrUsh 10 »8 c >otn. io yards to a piece, 3fi inches wide, piece J_vWWIV W 1 111C5 U1 LJcXL as a bait. $1.39 Enfrllsh longcloth, 10 yards to a piece, fine grade, piece, »8c rfairiD T I _ Every hat shown here comes from a leading house and was Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor. Rear. gaillS 111 LyrCSS E'l'Jj'cnSlr f ° r PERFECT Q UALIT Y and CORRECT- I\T I - TJ JC J grounds, n?a P t^o d « e .bJd n eV4• n M^l S a^l de • h& ' f Sllk, WhUe and C °'°^ d NESS IN STYLE. C ioocl V SlllGS in DOQ boreads Factory Sale Price, yard 25c Small satin hats with narrow The new small sailors with nar- „TV t r ve'redK(?d n wfth eaUn r forcl—Wack row brlm wlth braid around Tf n V» N/Tlll i\ ti H F/IPtOrV S/llp l SalC Prle f' yard 45C brown and rocky mountain blue ' t ' ie crown, veil with novelty ILL LILT? IT 1111 dllvJ. 1 2Bc stiiUng, white with black, brown, pink and blue stripes; ; '- 9r> s,lk W. 05 69 c crocheted Bed Spreads hemmed. Mill and Factory Price? n yard aU °!T.. e . 15c Black satin hat combined with Small turbans of brown hemp, l'rire ... 41)6 (i9c anf l 89 c colored dress linens, 45 inches wido ,ln shades of mallne, high bow mallne on side, veil edged with satin ribbon, 56.95 ' , brown, rose, pink, three shades of blue, helio and , veil edged with narrow satin ribbon Mill and * actor? LAIU.K SIAK CROCHET black; Mill and Factory Sale Price, vard 49C * ;! - 9r » fL ,hlL >a^ R tl r,. ? W u J Sal <> 1>rll « BEI) SPREADS SI.OO ratine suiting. 54 inches wide, for suits and or . Large sailors of satin, tailored w i th nft rrow veH-et BCc hemmed crochet bed 0ll _ ri _„ separate skirts; Mill and B'actory Sale Price, yard o9C bow of narrow ribbon in front, veil wlth nar,ow velvet »»••>» si , e and aual . ° ur own Uove , > ro " ( »— frc « 20c linen finish suiting, solid shades; Vol/ edged with heavy fold of satin, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second i» «- dressing Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard 1Z /OQ brown and black 53.95 Floor y "'I 100 soreads worth $1 25 SI 00 20c vacation cloth for wash suits, soft finish, solid shades -i -- x ioor. ?IQO large hemmed crochet uu spreaas worm *i.uu and neat stripes; Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard IOC , r . _ _ . _ bed spreads, good pattern 100 spreads worth $1.39 $1.25 26c dress gingham. 32 Inches wide; ' Knit Hoods and Sets in the ««<• ' WWTwfe rs.llll iiuuuamiu 111 ule "*T *° d H" 1 * J? c Sale at Reduced Prices *':,**> Women's n„<l Girls' 50c knit hoods. Special 3* ££» .«. «S ffilf -91/ Women's and Girls' 95c knit hoods in olive, rose and light EXTRA SPECIAL SATIN LRON BEDA> 5 51 . 79 , B a.oo and $2.25 and y nlat styles'; 01/ bine trimmed with white and brown and cerise. Special .. BED SPREADS Satin Marseilles bed spreads. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard ®72C Women's and children's $1.98 knit sets of scarf and hood X.OO satin Marseilles bed scalloped and cut corners, d lraetnrv^nle e F?r£e vnrrt"' 4o in rose, green, tan, light blue and white. Special $1.39 spread and bolster cover to $2.50, $3.00. $.1.50 and $5.00 17c Galatea Cloth: Mill and Vol'/ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store, street Floor. match, scalloped and cut Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Factory Sale Price, yard 1 L /'JQ corners $2.95 Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. J' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 9. 1915.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers