Telegraph Classified Ads Can Find the Man, Woman, in Boy You Wait First Hand Know for yourself where the moneyniak ing opportunities are. Get your information while the positions are still open. Read the Help Wanted messages that ap pear in the Telegraph every day and answer immediately. Don't depend on others to bring you infor mation —get it first hand ! The good jobs are found in Telegraph Help Wanted, Male and Female Columns. DIED WELTMER Died T' ursda v v, January 21. tin;, at 11:30 A. M.. of apoplexy, John J. Weltmer. at the home of his nephew, B. J. Shoop, 216 Muench street, aged 88 years. Funeral services Saturday, at 2 P. >l., from his late residence. Services and burial private. LOST LOST Part of earring, diamond setting, on Tuesday. Reward If re turned to this office. IjOST ln Capitol Pork or central part of city, gentleman's gold tie pin, set with pearls. Suitable reward if re turned to Sll North Eighteenth street, City. LOST Sterling silver combined vanity and cardcase; contained card of owner and $5.25 In cash. M. O. K. en graved on back of case. Reward if returned to 303 Kunkel Building. LOST On January 19, an amethyst brooch. In plain gold setting, with "N. Paden" engraved on band. Reward If returned to 120 South street. LOST Roll of money in bills. Mon % night, probably on Market Square, nrMarket street from Mayor's Office to Commonwealth Trust Company. Re ward if returned to Telegraph Office. FOUND FOUND —A place without trying. Careful cleaning—best of dyeing Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works 1245 Mar ket street. Call either phone. We de ilver and call. HELP WANTED —MaIo WANTED Ambitious man of abil ity and integrity to sell Industrial Health and Accident lnsurunce. Strong company. Good opening as District Manager. See Mr. Holrovd, Hotel Co lumbus. • 10 CENTS brings particulars showing how anybody with common education ran earn $5.00 per day. Apply in own handwriting, t?OS Kunkel Building, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED White boy, about 16 years of age: must furnish good ref erence. Apply 204 Market street, Third Floor, Room 6. WANTED • Man to learn the tea and coffee business; must furnish bond and good reference. Appiy Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. WANTED Railway Mail Clerks: Harrisburg Mall Carriers. $65.00 to $l5O month. Harrlsburg examinations coming. Sample questions and full de scription free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 361-A, Rochester. N. Y. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodled. unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St.. Lancaster; 353 Pine St.. Wiillamsport: 37 \V. Mar ket St.. York, of 113 Independence St., Shsjnokln, Pa. MEN WANTED to become practical chauffeurs and mechanic;. As opportu nity affords students will be given chance while learning to earn 30c an hour on overhauling work. Make ap plication at once. Special course for ladies. Day and night schools. Auto Transportation School and Machine Shop, 5-7 North Cifmeron street. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMI>*\TIONS held soon. Railway Mall Clerks: P. O. Clerks and Carriers; Stenographers. Private and Individual tutoring at rea sonable rates. Address Tutor. P. O. F.ox 431. Harr'sburir. HELP WANTED —FemaIe. WANTED —• Women canvassers for kitchen utensils, ten articles In one. Re tails at 25 cents. Liberal commissions. Address 0., 1462, care of Telegraph. r— —————— N REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1312 N. Third Street 20 fl. front on Third street ex tending an even width 148 ft to Susquehanna St. Improved with a three-story brick dwelling on Third and a two- frame house on Susquehanna. A good business location—easily remodeled into a store-room on first floor and housekeeping apart ments on second and third floors. And a garage and warehouse on the Susquehanna end—or leave the frame house stand, as it Is now bringing a very fair rental. The price is very reasonable. 235 Maclay Street Three-story brick dwelling—at the southwest corner of Maclay and Green Sts.—nine rooms—hath and steam heat —front porch. Lot 21x98 ft. A very desirable residence at a fair price. Miller Bros, t Neefc REAL FSTATE Fire Insurant* Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 22, 1915. HELP WANTED—FemaIe i LADIES A fascinating home busi- Ineu; tinting postcards, pictures, etc., :spare time: make sl2 weekly: no can vassing; samples. 10c; particulars tree. I Artlnt, 513. C-130 Manhattan street, j New York. HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL (Stands for lndividual Instruction. I Best known methods in teaching. Ileal touch typewriting. A personal interest In each student. My guarantee—To prepare students for good positions. To aid them In securing employment. Tuition will bo charged for 7 months only. Free after that time. Free trial. 31 North Second street. HELP WANTED—MaIe or I'Ymalc AN experienced tobacco stripper; I lady preferred. H. G. Wise, 31 South j Thirteenth street, City. j WANTED Man and wife to go to | country to take charge of small farm; j no money required to start; good bar gain to right party. Address Box J., 1461, care of Telegraph. SITUATK>N \\ AXTED—MaIo WANTED Two boys, 13 years, de sire places in country, or on farm, or with trucker, to work for board and clothes ;born and raised In country. Address 124 Hamilton street. WANTED Young man, not afraid of hard work, wishes work of any kind; can tire a boiler. Call, or ad dress, C. L A., 1»08 Moltke avenue. WANTED Young man wants posi tion at tiring boilers. Call, or address, 012 Granite avenue. WANTED Young, married man desires work of any kind. Address F., 1472. care of Telegraph. WANTED Practical carpenter de sires job work; satisfaction guaran ! teed. Apply 2420 Jefferson street. j WANTED Position as tenant | farmer by a white, married man with I wife and one child. Call, or address, ] 313 Briggs street, Harrlsburg, Pa. WANTED Young man, 2S years of I age. wishes position at anything. I Tappln, 444 Walnut street. ' WANTED —An experienced barber I desiix-s position; seven years' experi ence. Address 835 South Tenth street. WANTED Middle-aged man de sires position as janitor, or night watchman, or any kind of work by the day or week. Address H. S. M., 1337 North Second street. ANTED Colored man desires po- I sltion as cook, waiter or houseman, or ] any kind of work. Call, or address, jllb 1 Liberty street. i WANTED Experienced steno i grap'ner wishes position; young man, jIS years old; can furnish goou refcr ' ence; is a -raduate in bookkeer>'"~ nnd stenography. Address Box US, Dau- I phin. Pa. i SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe | WANTED Position as bookkeeper, or doing clerical work; can furnish ref erences. Address A., 1466, care of Tele i graph. I WANTED By Ilrst-class ladles' t custom tailor or fitter, position In is' -e or shop. Address 1132 Wallace ; street. United phone &18J4. WANTED By whttc girl, position as chambermaid, or waitress; experi enced; references. Address H., 1451*. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored girl de sires general housework; can furnish I reference. Call, or address. 1308 North j Seventh street. II WANTED Young colored girl /wants position at light housework, or [ child's nurse. In city or suburban | town. Apply 806 Cowden street. ) WANTED Colored woman desires day's work, or bundle washing to do at I home. Call, or address, Nanie Duftlns, | 615 Primrose avenue. I WANTED —By neat, young colored I girl, general housework; will sleep at home. Address 543 Cameron street, I .Middletown, Pa. 1 WANTED Stenographer, experi enced in general office work, desires a ■position with a reliable firm; can fur- I nish best of reference. Address F. D., 1468, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman wants work as chambermaid or assistant cook; references. Call, or address, rear of 208 Chestnut street. WANTED Young white girl would like position .is child's nurse. Apply 346 Hamilton street, Harrlsburg, Pa. I WANTED Day's work and wasli | Ing at home. Call, or address, 1506 I Howard street. I WANTED White woman would I like position as cook In restaurant or hotel; can furnish reference. Address C., 1456, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored woman, work as dishwasher In hotel. 1118 Hickory avenue. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work or by week; no washing. 616 State street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 110-ACRE FARM FOR SALE at $6,500 large frame house, suitable I for two families frame bank barn— good orchard - 10 acres woodland [ Cumberland county. Bell Realty Co, Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE IX)R SALE KOK SALE AT A BARGAIN! Or will exchange for Improved city property, an Imposing 14- loom 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban residence. All Improvements; forcli. 10 ft wide, 70 ft. long. Lot, ft. Shrubbery; 6 kinds of fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 11 minutes and one faro from Market Square. Call Bell phone No. 30481* FOR QUICK. SALE A doubla frjuut house, eust end <if Highspire; corner property, newly painted; all conveni ences; desirable renting locality; prop erty increasing in value; will sell singly; price attractive to Investors and home-seekers. Inquire on premises. R. J. Slmington. Eshelman street, near Franklin. NO. 1132 BERRYHILL STRIiET FOR PALE at a reusonablc price brick !> rooms bath gas furnace porch price reasonable. Also other desirable houses. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Building. * Ol'R JtSIARY BARGAIN SALE 12 ACRES three-fourths mile from Oberlin—new house and new barn— possession April 1. BRINTON-PACKEB CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SAI.E Farm of 62 acres, situ ated In Wheatfleld Township, Perry County. Pa.. 314 miles north of Dun cannon. Pa.; 150 fruit trees, peach and apple, on the farm, and spring water In the heuse. Price, $1,600. Call on, or address. H. V. Lukens, Duncannon. Pa. R. D. 4. • BIG BARGAIN sl.Sl>o.oo Will buy three-storv frame dwelling. No. 15 Chestnut St.. Penbrook. Almost new— seven rooms—all improvements—near trolley line. Small cash payment re quired—balance terms to suit. J. F. Rohrer fc Son, 201-2 Bergner Building. FOR SALE IB2T Market, nearlng completion; 12 rooms; modern through out; largo concrete porch; sldo en trance. Also 1823 Market; 10 rooms; in excellent repair; side entrance; modern improvements. Apply 1823 Market. FOR SALE Beautiful home on Camp street, just one house from Sixth. Well built, with tiled bathroom. Cham berlln Metal weather stripping, very nicelv laid oak floor. Beautifully laid out. " Will suit the most critical home buver. Price right if sold quickly. Ad dress R.. 1458, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Pair new 8-room brick houses, in new section of Hill; all im provements with side yards. Builder's price and terms. J2.T00. Edgar B. Le rew. 4 North Fifth street. Ol H JANUARY BARGAIN SALE 1031 Park St. reduced J300.00. 334 S. Sixteenth St. reduced $130.00. 153 Paxton St. reduced 1100.00. 155 Paxton St. reduced SIOO.OO. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. HEAL M.«i; I'OK lth.V'l MECHANICSBURG, handsome new home. -Midst of best residence section— -4 minutes' to station; trolley, 3. All raouorn conveniences; gas; electric lights; bath; range; tine lieatlnsr plant; hardwoou througaout; many cupboards and closets; large porches and lawns; granolithic pavements; splendid shade irees. Must be seen to be appreciated. Excellent home for Harrisburg busi ness or professional man and family. Many trains to Harrisburg; commuta tion "cheap. Rent reasonable. Walter L llouck, 112 South Market street, Me chanicsburg, Pa. Bell phone 171*. FOH RENT No. 536 S. Seventeenth St $20.00 No. 44 N. Twelfth St 18.00 No. 536 S. Sixteenth St 17.00 No. 1937 Swataaa St 15.00 No. 1019 S. Twenty-tlrst and One- Half St 1200 No. 124 Nagle St 10.00 «o. 912 N. Third St.. Storeroom.. 20.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 1813 I'enn street; corner house; H rooms and bath; all Improvements; hot and cold water in cellar; side porches; rent reasonable. Apply -OS Harris street. FOR RENT Six-room house and attic, with large yard and front porch; rent. $».Uu; 2tii ureeliwood streei. Ap ply at 1419 Market street. FOR RENT House at 627 Geary street; all improvements; Jls per muntn. Inquire id4s iNortn Sixtu street. FOR RENT New ten-room brick houses; ail conveniences; launtiry; vapor neat; porches ana yards. Appiy to MacW'liiiams Construction Co., 2i»o .North Fifth street. FOR RENT 3lO Nectarine avenue, three-story brick house with an im provements. Rent, 4i3.50. Possession at once. Inquire at 320 Crescent street. FOR RENT lBl2 Zarker St.; 2-story Brick house—new, i Rooms ana riath, gas and electricity; sldo entrance; Front ana Back Porcn. inquire 1516 Wuinut St. TWO desirable houses for rent at reasonable rate, No. 2014 Oreen street anu No. 1215 awatara street, or buy a property on easy payments!. ueli iteaity Co., Bergner Building. FOR RENT Houses with ail improve ments at moderate reulaio. J. fc. uippi*. 12»1 Market street. as t Oil ItliuVJ.' FOR RENT A suite of two unfur nlsneu rooms, win: private bath; nut water anu sieani heat mciuueu. Au uress S„ 1460, care ot I'eiegrapn. APARTMENT FOR RENT First floor lU3J .>orth sixth street. Also nouses 635 anu 611 schuyiKiu street. Apply to J. C. Aithrmg, 243 a -\orth o.xtn sueei, or Cnas. A. .ueuring. Fourth aud I'eltei streets. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET sec ond llcor liouseKeopir.g apartments I i e rooms with Kitcneiiettes and \ baths modern improvements—eiec i trie lights gas city bleam | tor service, .ipply at above address. | FOR RENT Apartments at south east corner Fourth anu Felter streets. All conveniences at reasonable rent, uutside porcti. Appiy B. F. Umberger, ; 108 Nortn Second street, or 42/ Peifer street. FOR RENT Furnished apartments, ! two or lour rooms; rent reasonable; all ! conveniences. Apply before 6 o'clock, j 621 North Second street, after 6 o clock, j 618 North Second street. Bell phone. FOR RENT Apartment, steam licat, all conveniences, corner Third and i ilerr streets. Apply 26 S llerr street. i ROOMS m< Hi.NX j FOR RENT Furnished front suite, consisting of large llvingroom. bed ; room anu private bath; city steam; I electric lighting; hardwood lloors; ref ! erences required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished | rooms, second floor, with use of bath ] and phone. 203 Kelker street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished ! rooms, on second floor next to bath; one third floor front room; all modern i conveniences; private family; central ; location. 259 North street. I FOR RENT Furnished house on : Allison Hill, to small family; reference | required. Call Bell phone 650 W. ■ FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished second floor front room, all conveni ences. with or without board. Apply 1626 Wallace street. FOR RENT—Large, front room; cen tral location; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 20» State street. LARGE, well-Ugh teU. furnished rooms, single or ensuitc; city steam; use of phone. Call Till North Sixth street, or Bell phone 812 R. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensulte; all conveniences In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street ROOMS roa KENT ROOM FOR RENT—Third floor front furnished or unfurnished—all im provements u*e of phone. lit-1, 21S8W, or address A. E. B„ care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Two communi cating second floor rooms, fur nished. May be rented singly or ensuite. Fine location. Use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED By gentleman, well furnished, steam-heated room In the vicinity of Thirteenth and Derry. Ad dress 8.. 1465, t are of Telegraph. i-xm sALt; FOR SALE At a Reduction, a lot good Auto Robes, Hues, Blankets and Stable Blankets. Flue line Trunks, Suitcases, Bags and Leather Goods. Special attention to all kinds of re pairing. llarrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Otfie. FOR SALE Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural fish food and supplies, at Gebhardt's, the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. FOR SALE Confectionery store. Fourth and Kelker streets, doing good cash business. Owner wishes to leave city. Apply L A. Smith, above address. FOR SALE Fine collection of Vic,, trola Records, in good condition; sold singly or any number one-third off list ed price; SOU Red Seal and others. 230 West State street. Bell phone 686 R. FOR SALE Bicycle, "Independent'" make, will be sold for repair and stor age if not claimed within ten days. West End Electric & Cycle Co., Green and Maclay streets. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business I f I c e . FOR SALE Barred Rock Cock erels for breeding. These fowls took prizes at the llarrisburg Show. Eggs for hatching. M. 11. Stanfleld, Sliire manstown, Pa. FOR SALE One Thompson Barred Rock Cockerel, bred l'rom prize-win ning stock. Now booking orders for Hatching Eggs and day-old Chicks. Apply Robert C. Miller, New Cumber land. Pa. MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN—This ma chine Is in line shape: twin cylinder Indian; new paint and rebuilt by good mechanics. . if you want to save $25 to SSO investigate quick. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE—Ono second-hand tour ing car very cheap; tirst $250 takes it. Hottenstein and Zech, Buick and Chev rolet Agents, City Auto Garage, rear of I'nion Trust Building. MOTORCYCLE TANDEM, M.00; practically new Indian saddle, $2.75; Mobiloil, 40c per gailon. Keystone Cycle Co.. SI4 North Third street. FOR SALE—A good automobile, four or two passenger; convertible and an excellent truck chassis; Pullman make. Apply 1540 North Sixth street, or call 801 l phone 2728. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1913 and 1014 models. Price, SOO and up—all overhauled Har ley-Davidson; Indians; Reading Stan dards, etc. IIEAGY BROS., Open Evenings. 1204 N. Third St. FOR SALE A very stylish, young driving horse. Jenny Lind and harness; horse is saddle-broken. Everything In first-class condition. Price reasonable. Apply 810 North Third street, store room. FOR SAIJ2 Two fresh cows, with cajves at side. Inquire at 312 Peffer street. FOR SALE Black liorße, 9 vears old; works wherever httched; solid and sound; gentle for any lady to drive. Price, SIOO. Time will be given with good note. C«*> be seen at Ober's Livery, or Twelfth and Bridge streets, New Cumberland. L. Perrigo. BOUGHT all the Velour Hats from 11. C. Dodge, the Hatter, at a sacrifice price. vVill sell them f- • 50c apiece; former prices, $3, $4 and $5. Come and look them over. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. Open evenings. FOR SALE A number of good fonts of type. Just the thing for coun try office or boy's amateur printing outfit. Address P. O. 718, llarrisburg, WANTED Salesman to cover Cen tral Pennsylvania counties, selling township officials. Start with moderate salary or commission. Give references, age and experience in first letter. Ad dress A., 1469, care of Telegraph. WANTED Barber. 305 Market street. FOR SALE Party going South for long period of time, will sell highest grade Baby Grand Piano at a sacrifice, rather than store it. Address K. R., care of Telegraph. MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN One In dian twin cycllnder motorcycle with magneto—dismantled, worth $75.00, for $2u.00. One Thor single-cylinder, worth S4O, first sls takes it. This Is your chance to get a motorcyclo cheap. Key stone Cycle Co., Sl4 North Third street. NEW Remmington. No. 10, Type writer, $60.00; also $45 latest style desk and chair, $25 for quick sale. Address Box 1463, care of Telegraph. NEW SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE at less than one-half price—nothing (nicer In the city—must sell; also new | Brussels llug, 10x12. Address Box S., | 1464, care of Telegraph. \ STORE FIXTURES CHEAP Two eight-foot counter cases—one 10>,4 i foot hat case. Both weathered oak ! mission. Other store and window fix | tures. good as new. Starr Houck, Me | chanlcsburg. Pa. ! GLASS window signs. Furnished I Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and [ Board and Table Board at 25c each. One ! of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if | paid in advance. Inquire at Oftfce of j Telegraph. 1-Xm KENT FOR RENT Large storeroom, with cellar, at 1423 Derry street. Call at 1423 or 1425 Derry street. FOR RENT—Storeroom, 1200 North Third street; from Apiil Ist; special price. 33x100, ( .JNI4 show windows. Apply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first floor front. Rent, $25.00 per month. Can be used as an | office or small store roo^n. WANTED BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES WANTED FOR CASH Must be big I bargains. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. WANTED. AT ONCE, FOR CASII Edison Phonograph and Records— must be a bargain. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. GLASS WINDOWS will be placed In auto curtains while you wait C. A Fair Carriage and Auto Works. BABY CARRIAGE Private party wants Baby Carriage; must bo high and have top and In rood condition. Address No. 1154, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , I MADE J50.00C in live years in the 1 mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tolls how. Ilea- I cock, 353 Lockport, N. Y. Restaurant for Sale. Cheap to | quick buyer. On main street j doing fair business. Apply Hap-! pie & Schwartz, Real Estate ! Agents, Mcchanicsbur-j, Pa. FOR SALE Manufacturing plant. ' established many >ears ugo, doing u strictly cash business. Only one of its kind in city. Will be sold reasonably, as quick sale Is desired. Close Investi gation invited. K... 1988, care of Tele graph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS PIANO MOVING by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. Call 146, Bell phone. REPAIRING ANLT" UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction, s. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Halt- Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. II AlLlNt. 11. W. I.ATIIE, Hoarding Stable and .National Transfer Co. Movers of Pianos, safes, hollers and general haul ing. 11. W. I.athe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.. 25U3R. WEATHER STRIPS in order to Introduce our Grooved Side Strips for doors and windows, vlll sell you 104 feet for $2.00, regular price 18.32, and our automatic Bottom Strips at to cents each. Call W. Horst a, Wash ington avenue, Lenioyno, Pa. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furni ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 J. Atlas Furniture Co.. 1014 Mar ket street. OLD GOliD AND SILVER. Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner. No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 631 J. LEVY BROS., 439 Broad Street Hauling and moving of all kinds with a 1%-ton truck—reasonable prices. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. HONEST, industrious people without Real Estate. Stocks or Bonds, can se cure small LOANS here consistent with sound business at Legal Rates. Small Payments. Prompt, courteous, confi dential service. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY, CHARTERED LICENSED—BONDED 2D FLOOR S N. MARKET SQUARE. LOANS— SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable In instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co. 201 Chestnut Street. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. STORAGE IV 3-story brick building, renr 4OS Market utrect. Household Rood* In elenn, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I*, ti. Dlener, Jeweler, 40)4 Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided Into fire proof pri.ate rooms of various sizes for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of fire retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R. REMOVAL NOTICES THE PLUMBER. H. W. RITTER, moved his shop from 613 Maclay street to 526 Camp street. IJiGAL NOTICES PUBLIC SALE OP VAL.I ABI.B REAL ESTATE ' PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, the undersigned will expose to public sale and outcry on the premises in Derry Church, Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, January 23, 1915, at 2 o'clock P. M., the. following described real estate, viz: 1. A certain messuage and two lots of ground fronting on Main Street, Derry Church, fifty (50) feet and ex tending in depth same width one hun dred and fifty (150) feet to Central Al ley, containing seventy-five hundred (7,500) square feet, being lots Nos. 13 and 14 In the Plan of the Town of Derry ; Church. Having thereon erected a two- I and-one-half-story brick dwelling i house, frame stable and other outbulld i Ings. | 2. Two lots of vacant ground front ing on Main Street. Derry Church, fifty (50) feet and extending In depth same I width one hundred and fifty (150) feet I to Central Alley, being lots Nos. 11 and I 12 In the Plan of the Town of Derry i Church. 3. Two certain adjoining lots of ! ground situate at the northwest corner • of Miller Street and North Alley, Derry j Church, bounded by lands of Lebanon I Valley Railroad, lands formerly of i Abraham Weltmer. North Alley, Central ! Alley, lands formerly of Jonas Miller, l etc. Said two adjoining lots contain | ins in the aggregate ten thousand seven I hundred and twenty-five (10,725) j square feet. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale by MILTON 11. WELTMER, Administrator of the Estate of Lydia A. Weltmer, deceased. Or C. H. BACKENSTOE, ESQ.. Attorney. NOTICE Letters Tpstamenta:on the Estate of Mary A. Koons, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Harrisburg, Pa all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. M. J. BECKLEY, SAMUEL BEIBTLINE. Executors. ! in the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin Countv No. 25, Common wealth Docket, 1913 Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Kx Rel. John C. Bell. Attorney General, vs. The American Union Fire Insurance Com pany. ACCOUNT of Charles Johnson, In surance Commissioner of Pennsylvania, liquidating the a«irs of The American Union Fire Insurance Company, and the scheme of distribution and the excep tions thereto of the funds of naid com pany in his hands, was filed in this Court on January 0. 1915. for the Infor mation and Inspection of all parties in terested therein. HENRY F. HOLLER. ProtUonoUry. STOCK MARKET AGAIN SHOWS UNCERTAINTY Reading and Pennsylvania Mani fest Early Heaviness in Wall Street Hy Associated Press New York, Jan. 22. Stocks showed some uncertainty at the opening, a few of the leaders recording slight losses, but a fresh buying movement soon set In, with the result that some of yes terday's Ugh prices were speedily eclipsed. Great Northern, Northern Pa cific, ..eliigh Valley, St. I'aul, Louis ville and Nashville, New Haven and New York Central rose a point. Ex ceptions to the general tendency were Canadian Pacific and Smelting, which lost a point. Reading and Pennsylva nia manifested some early heaviness, | but the entire list strengthened by the end of the half hour. NEW YORK. STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely New York, Jan. 22. Open. High. Low. Clos. ! Alaska GM 28% 2i» 28% 28% I Aiual Cop . 57 % ;">8 f>6 56% iAm Bt Sug 35% 35% 34% 34 % Am Can .. 11 a % 119'i> 119% 119% lAm Can pd 9 7 97 96% 96% AniC&F. 47% 47% 47% 47% !Am Cot Oil 46% 47 46 46 lAm Ice Sec 24% 24% 2 4 24 Am Loco . 27 27% 27 27 Am Smelt . 63% 63% 62 62 Am Sugar . 106% 107% 106% 106% Am. T & T. 121 121 120% 120% Anaconda . 2S 28 27% 27% Atchison .. 95% 96% 95% 95% B& O 74 74% 73% 73% Beth Steel . 50% 50% 49% 49% Beth Stl pd 105 105 1 05 105 Bklyn RT. 88% 88% 88 88 Cal Petro . 18% 18% 16 16 Can Pacific 16 7 167% 165% 165% Cent Leath 35% 35% 35% 35% C& O 45% 46% 45% 45% C. M&St P 92% 93% 92% 92% (' Con Cop. 36% 37% 36% 36% Col F& 1. . 27 27 27 27 Con Gas .. 121% 121% 121% 121% Corn Prod. 10 10 10 10 Dist Sec .. 12% 13% 12% 13% Erie 23% 23% 22% 22% Erie Ist pf 37% 37% 36% 36% Gen E Co. 144-4 340% 144% 145% Gen Motors 59% 91% 89% 91% Goodrh BF 31% 31% 30% 30% Gt Nor i»t'd 117 118 117 117 Gt N Ore s 34% 34 % 33% 33% Gng Exp . 51% 52% 51% 52 111 Cent ..110 110 109% 109% In-Met ... 12% 12% 12% 12% In-Met pfd, 51% 51% 51% 51% KC So ... 25 25 24% 24% Lehigh Val 135% 139% 137% 137% Louis % N. 121 121% 121 121% Mex Petro . 63 63% 62% 62% Mo Pat . . 14 14 12 % 12 % Nat Lead . 46% 47 46% 47 Nev C C.. 13% 13% 13% 13% N Y Cen .. 91% 92% 91% 91% NY.NH& H 56 56 54% 54 Nor % W. 102% 103% 102% 102% Nor Pac .. 105% 107 105% 105% Pac Mail . . 21% 21% PUR... 108 108% 107% 107% Peo G & C. 119% 119% 119% 119% Pgh. Coal. . IS% 18% 18 18 Ggh C pfd 85 85% 85 85 Press S Car 33 34 33 33% R C Copper 17% 18% 17% 17% Heading .. 153% 153% 151% 151% RI & S 21% 21% 21% 21% RI & S pfd 78 7S 77% 77% So Pacific. 88% 88 % 86% 86% So Railway 17% 17% 17% 17% So Rwy pfd 61 61% 61 61 Tenn Cop'r 30% 30% 30% 31% Third Ave.. 43% 43% 43 43 Un Pacific. 122 122% 121% 121% U S Rubber 58 58 57% 57% U. S. Steel. 53 53% 52% 52% US S pfd_._loß% 108% 108 108 Utah Cop'F 55 55% 54 54 IVa C C .. 22% 22% 21 21 West Md . . 20% 21% 20% 20% |West U Tel 63% 63% 63% 63% West Mfg.. 70% 70% 71% 71% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 22. Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 44% General Asphalt 32 Lake Superior Corporation 9% I.ake Superior Corporation, Pfd. 45 Lehigh Navigation 74% Lehigh Valley 68^4 Pennsylvania Railroad 53 E i Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company ....Asked 33 LEGAL NOTICES DEPARTAIEXT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Wnter and Llslit Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 16. 1915. NOTICE is hereby givon that the as sessment against the abutting property owners for the cost of laying water pipes in Holly Street, from Yale Street to Norwood Street; Chestnut Street, from Eighteenth Street to Twentieth Street; Twentieth Street, from Market Street to Holly Street, and In Zarker Street. from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street, will be made and levied at the Office of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Room 10, Court House. In the City of Harrisburg, on the 27th day of January, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties in interest may attend. 11. F. BOWMAN. Superintendent of Public Safety. In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy No. 2871 ln the Matter of Jacob Levin. Bankrupt. To the creditors of Jacob Levin, of Steelton, In the County of Dauphin, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE is hereby given that the said bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such on January 20, 1915, and that the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the office of the Referee. No. 7 North Third Street, Harrisburg, at 2 P. M. o'clock, on February 3. 1915. at which time the said creditors y attend, prove their claims, ap point a Trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact' such other business as mav >perly come before sjild meet ing. JOHN T. OLMSTED. Referee in Bankruptcy. Januarv 22. 1915. A PA RTM ENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third St. Large, light, airy, and comfortable rooms. Steam heat and constant hot and cold water supplied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for telephone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 222 Market Street Hni risburg. Pa. Philadelphia Co.. Pfd Asked 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 10V4 Philadelphia Traction 78 Heading 75 15-lt Reading General Mortgage ..... 9* Storage Battery 48 V 4 Union Traction 38 V* United Gas Improvement 82 United Slates Steel G2Vi CHICAGO C ATT Mil By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Jan. 22. Hogs Re ceipts, 30,000; steady. Bulk of sales, $6.00<®6.75; light. {t.40#6.87'/i: mixed, $6.4506.85; heavy, $6.25@6.40; pigs, $5.25 (if 6,85. Cattle Receipts, 2,000; steady. Na tive steers. $5.50 *"9.25: western, $5.00® 7.50; cows and heifers. $3 calves. $7.25 010.50. Sheep—Receipts. 10,000; slow. Sheep, $5.78<»#.50: yearlings, $6.75®7.80; la«»lis, $6.75® 5.50. I'IIILADRLPIII.I STOCKS. Hy Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 22. 2 P. M. Stocks steady. Cambria Steel 44\ General Asphalt. Pfd 67 Lake Superior Corporation 9'j Superior Corporation. Pfd.. 45 I.chtgh Valley 69 Pennsylvania Railroad 54 3-16 'Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 10>» Philadelphia Traction 78 Reading 76% Heading General Mortgage 94 Storage Battery 49 Union Traction 3S U. S. Steel 53 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Jan. 22. Board of i Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.43%; July. 1.25%. j Corn—May. 79'» ; July, 79'». ■ Oats—May. 56>; : July, 54. ! Pork—May, 18.92; July, 19.22. ; I>ard —Ma.v, lo.90: July, 11.or,? | Ribs—May, 10.32; July, 10.52. PHILADELPHIA rnoDt'CE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Jan. 22. Wheat —• Higher; No. 2. red, spot, export, sl.44<ft> J. 17; No. 1, Northern. Duluth, export,® 1.55. Corn Firm; No. 2, spit, export, 79@80o; No. 2, yellow, local. 80n> 81c. i Oats Firm; No. 2. white, 59®> 60c. Bran Steady: winter, per ton. $28.50®29.50; spring, per ton, s27.oo<j|i 27.50. Refined Sugars Market steady; ! powdered, 5.05 c; tine granulated, 4.95 c; confectioners' A, 4.85 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby prints, fancy. 35c. Eggs The market is firm; i Pennsylvania snd other nearby fir*!*, free cases, $10.65 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $10.35 per case: western, extra, firsts, free cases, $10.65 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $10.",5 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 13Si 15c: old roosters, 10©10% c: chickens. 12@14c: turkeys. 12<g>16c; ducks, 15® 16c; geese. 18 CM 6c. I |' ~ MONEY Employes' Discount Co. 36 North Third Street Twelfth & Herr St. FACTORY FOR RENT Splendid Room. 50x75 feet. 50 windows; up-to-dato steam beat ing Included. Rent very reason able. Will be wired to suit tenant- Apply POST OFFICE BOX 34. L———————————— For Rent Desk Room in the Telegraph Build ing Apply at 405 Telegraph Build ing — For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. Apply » Union Trust Company V $ MONEY To Housekeepers, Worlc ol logmen and Salaried Em- ployes. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 MARKET SQUARE lloora -1. 4tli Floor Spooner Building 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers