The New Tipperary and j UndermuslinsThat Are Priced on a Low Profit All Furs on the Street Floor Chin Chin Veils, 50c to $1.50 Basis Enter the January White Sale Tomorrow Are Reduced One-Half it's fashionable to wear a veil and two of the most popu- Corset Covers and C*owns in Styles lar styles are the Tipperarv and the Chin Chin. Shown in our ne ot l ' le niost important features of the January White Sale is the presentation to-morrow of i SIO.OO Furs, $5.00 sl2 Women's Neckwear Section, in plain anil fancv meshes, in onL '. lu| ndrcd dozen corset covers at an exceptionally low price. 1 licse new arrivals are of good nam black, brown, sand, white and black and white: chenille, satin uw IT. ' nd ir ,dua "- v f tnmmed with lace insertion, lace or embroidery in blind or 6pen The most important clearance of furs of the winter season work, meshes. \\ e expect to dispose of the greater portion ot these garments to-morrow. C hoose at. .£.»** „ , . , . ... and \el\et ribbon borders. 1 nee range. 100 dozen cambric or nainsook drawers with knickerbocker flat trimming or with lace or embroid- oclin> ° morrow, wen our i i soc on IC s lie oor wi 50f, 59e, #I.OO and #l.s© ery ruffle I be offered at exactly half regular prices. This means a great New Veilings in plain and fancy meshes in all the new TEX STYLES OK GOWNS opportunity to scores of women. clnrloc • varH *> »#> 111** -.(»« Cambric or nainsook night downs in high V-shape | the trimming is of tucks and embroidery insertion. "5o - pring iiaue. , >ai 1 ~«>e, .« r, r. mf an C or lw eut Sisle full length or three-quarter sleevaj: Extra size hi K h neck «owns, with yoke trimming of SIO.OO large covotte cape collar; Final Dives. Pomprov A Stewart. Street Floor v?, £ * u " hemstitched rulYle or embroidery edge. 50*' tucks and embroidery insertion; the sleeves and throat Clearance Price . Sft.OO High throat cambric gowns, with full length sleeves: 1 are trimmed with embroidery insertion.. 91.00 and 91.50 $7.60 large cape collar; Klnal Clear- 'w®* " New Voile Waists at SI.OO to $1.95 co : o . Ue .. oo " ar :. ««.2s Gloves of I yeatHer anH I ~ ° ne style embroi-i A good style has a military collar .collar, button piece and sleeves trim- SIO.OO marten neck piece; Final Clear- V/1U g ' llA dered panels and lace insertion; voile and a hand embroidered front with jmed with Venise lace edge $195 aiK '° Price *5.00 colar and cuffs trimmed with hem-j turn back cufTs SI.OO Voile blouses trlmmad with lace $9.50 blended squirrel collar; Final mtV<p ]xj pit/ SV»orlp»C fnr stitched hem ... 91.00 Voile blouses With front of hand panels and lace insertions; collar C 1^ r ?" c f Pr,ce * 175 <l UIC 11C W vjllauuo lUI OLylllli' Another style at SI.OO has cluster embroidery and filet lace medallions trimmed with lace insertion and edge s9.i>o Japanese mink; Pinal Clearance 'fn\ \ * tuck trimming and Venise lace edge, i $1.95 | $1.95 Price $4.75 /V ' /\ The dualities are bewitchinsrlv beautiful and the ran**e of s 'eves trimmed with turn back cufTs Voile blouses trimmed with hem- Dives. Pomeroy Stewart—Second $12.50 skunk neck pieces; Final Clear- /JSjv*- ,-ff, \ N 6 ■ & 91.00 isticthed tucks and hand embroidery: | Floor. ance Price $6.25 / shades embraces every one of the adopted Spring hues. . „ $7.50 Jap mink neck piece; Final / n Ml \ _ , .... * . . . , 51 . Clearance Price 95.75 / W\ / J-clasp kid gloves in tan .white and grev. Pair .... BoC it r 9 CT*/™\ F*/~\ 1 fT* f~\ A 01 ft*-i r~\ f* SIO.OO blended squirrel neck piece; I M 2-c!asp kid gloves, in white, tan. grey and black. P;nr. Meil S aHCI $3.00 SiIOCS, $1.95 I Wi~ . ... SIO.OO brown Isabella fox: Final '\_ I f 2-clasp srenufne kid doves, with self or contrasting stitch- can depend tipon the quality ot the shoes you buy here no matter what the price may he. Clearance Price $5.00 o— \J j ing; shown in tan. grev.' white and black. Pair. Thf shoes in this January Clearance Sale are right from regular stock and are reduced only because Dlves ' * Stewart-street Floor. U ti J & & sizes are broken and reorders cannot be filled. *-<• x-v <• * * rr io r 91.10 to Why don't you save on GOOD SHOES while you are about it. And these values at 91.95 are Fine wUmlty IYIUIIS and OCariS 16-button washable leatherette gloves, in white, tan. grey. not "seconds." "mill jobs" or what not. natural, pongee and sand 75e to 91.50 Other items in the January Clearance of footwear include— m «?ff?'KinaVaM?«i.w a pil"%aojM| C VaVmuff/hu'bVt>-iK 2-cla»p washable leatherette gloves, in poach, tan. grey, natural Men's $3.00 shoes at $2.49 | Women's $3.00 shoes at $1 95 natural raccoon hub muff; Final Clearance Price $22.50 and ponget- 59c to SI.OO Men's $2.00 shoes at $1.49 Women's $2.50 shoes at 8165 Final Clearance Price .... 810.00 $40.00 large pillow marten muff; '•-ola-n oa-dunerette eloven in i-oloix and blaok «So and SOo Men's $8.50 storm shoes at $3.00 , Women's $1.30 shoes at sl*2o ' a ** e s,l!e P»i'ited fox Final Clearance Price $27.50 S-clatn Vilk lined sifk in black \Ttth wide enfbrolderv in Men ' s $S 0 ° Btorm shoes at 52 - 30 G,rlß ' 00 shoe " at $145 m "? ; J •"'f 1 Clearance Price. $32.50 $25.00 seal muff; Final Clearance nhlJ R h ' n,k mttl I<IP < * mhrol,, >» Boys' $2.50 storm shoes at SI.9K Misses' si.3o shoes at ............. »8c s7s '°° lurKe fancy muff: Flnal l Prlce 515.00 "»uede and lined black »ilk "-loves . 75c and $1 00 Boys' $2.50 storm shoes at $1.49 Children's $1.25 shoes at 950 I,' $65.00 knit fox muff; Final aneue ana SUK unea oiaeK SUK an<i *i.mi Boys' $1.50 storm shoes at $1.15 ; Children's SI.OO shoes at ... . 75c $25.00 black fox inuff; Final Idearance Price $39.50 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Women's $3.50 shoes at $2.45 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor,' 'Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. A Wholesaler's Clean-up of 3,000 Fancies, Wings Garments From Our Own Stock Bring and Feather Trimmings Enters the January Sale Rernarkable Values in Suits and Coats for To-morrow 98c to $2.50 Values at 49c sls-00 Suits for SIO.OO $25.00 Suits for $15.00 m~ On Sale on the Fourth Street Bargain Aisle A con, P le " ° f the entire Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart stocks of Suits and Coats for . , , . , - ~ . . , " omen and Misses has been ordered for the closing days of January, so tomorrow for the first far bllow ,'"k W s toss up hiTstock ° ffer ,he biggeSt Va,UCS of the winter season ' Thc si " s ran £rom 14 for misses 44 sizes f ,Jf room for the season, and you have the opportunity of sharing in values that ° l omen * f \ JA are unusually attractive. These 3.000 pieces will go out in a hurry, for women Important in the list ot attractive savings are— f A & will re J"ember the great values that obtained in a similar sale about a year $18.50 black serge suits. Reduced to SIO.OO I $22.50 green and plum suits. Reduced to tfltf.OO l| a£JO ' 'he lots include: $15.00 black and brown novelty weaves, with short ' $30.00 chiffon broadcloth suits. Reduced to $10.50 \ 'hm - T'" $1.50 hackle fancies .. $1.98 fancy black and coat and circular skirt. Reduced to SIO.OO $52.50 chiffon broadcloth suits. Reduced to $10.,">0 t/7 $2.50 Spanish coque white wings . $25.00 navy and green chiffon broadcloth suits. Re- \ $32.50 navy and plum velvet suits. Reduced to effects $2.95 black numidie duced to $1,1.00 $32.50 s , '' 51.75 colored double fancies i $35.00 chiffon broadcloth suits. Reduced to $10.50 | $35.00 green and navy suits. Reduced to ...$22.50 t lar?e li/C 'mH I " C mercury wings | 's2 50 merle bfeasts'''' 1 style tendencies for the forthcoming Spring season. An armful of the filmy creations discloses: rrra\ \m o Q wh ; te - 25 b r easts:; I wh i ,tr.r dchMron wal9^ I I Pv l \ 1 \ tancv figured col- 98c sword fancies .... I t*in tucked styles in White. ill gold $2.08 ff1.50 to 99.50 ILX * y ""■! J | 98c pheasant tails ....j SSt. T' "™SIM Month - End Values in Ribbed ! 1,200 Sweaters at Less Than 'A the Cost of Making Them j Marabou Sets Reduced Underwear Are Among the Garments for Men, Women and Children ' . / j A manufacturers agent had close to six hundred sweaters in staple styles that he found it neces- January clearance Trices bring tempting values in these Attractions tor 1 omorrow sary to close out at a loss. lie came to us with an offer, and upon looking over his stock sheets we dainty muffs and neckpieces. Besides the marabou pieces there White cotton ribbed vests, with Fast black lisle hose, fashioned ] loun d he had garments that are sold regularly, at wholesale, at $16.50 a dozen. are cape and muff sets of marabou and ostrich in white, black- White cotton ribbed union suits. cimLMtasr* HOS.KRV ~ morrow for C . h . « .T. .t 69 C I and white, natural and black and grey - union* o 'suits iwe °tr Vitw in *b\Rck S *. ()ne ' ot women's $1.% fancy weave all wool Children's $1.50 fancy and plain weave sweat- sets reduced to st!hh sleeves '. si.txi Boys' heavy cotton ribbed seam- sweaters, in grev, maroon, navy and white, with ers. sizes 6to 16 years. Choose at 09* ™ >ll% bi^h h '!r nm ■h ,d n^k° l ind 10 ion S «r"or MKXS iNDKRWKVR REDI'CED roll collar and \-shape throat. Choose at ..09c Women's SI.OO Cardigan jackets, without $2«.50 sets redwvd to !!!!!!! si.voo elbow Sleeves 1 \...' si.oo and ' $1.26* natural wool Men's and women's V-neck sweaters in white sleeves. Choose at 50c $19. 50 set* reduced to $10.50 WOMtVB USLE !S« ; 9 pec.™rp™ced n at h n2 only; all sizes. Choose at 09e Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Men's Store. | Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart-Street Floor. HOSIKIt\ Egyptian cotton ribbed union ~~ " " "V T s T~ l l rs... Finest Quality Groceries Are Moderately i Novelty Flat Silks Prominent white feet, pair 12!4c ! EgypUan. each SOo j . 0 T 4 s P u"dheetpajr? n i7c*^'pra., h Mc! p>vcti * p ° mero> Fl f or ste "an-street Pnced in the D., P. S. Grocery Section in Mens Spring Neckwear c C R re With cach P urchasc amounting to SI.OO we will sell 10 pounds of granulated sugar to-morrow Bias novelty stripe and plain mogadore and faille silk, 50<* lO <|)o lid V !3a.C£Sj 4)0 for Accordian knit scarfs in plain colors and new fancy cross crrain hHrlr leather travelino- 17 A „ Choice SanU Clara prunes, i "Hoyal Blue; large cans Boiled ham, sliced, lb., S!t<- "North Sea" kippered her- stripes ."HW« i-Ollp, grain Diack icatner tra\eling trench sewed 2 lbs 3Sc|hand packed tomatoes, call. Minced ham lb aoc ring large oval cans l"c edges, reinforced corners, leather lined, inside pockets, nickel f' an „ c y n « w apricots. '""Fiae"ref'u« e e beans. Va" Lebanon hoiogna. lb..' skipper sardines in' toma- ! Special value in staple and new novelty silk four-in-hands, sliding catches and lock: sizes 16. 17 and 18 inches; 54.00. New Mu'ir'peaches',' 2 ibs.. isci dozen titso FrrnkfSrten? f 'ih b ".i»e t0 sa,lce - 2 cans 2rK " many of them cut from the 50c silk. A broad selection of uat and $5.00 values. Choice of anv size in the lannarv ... .. f Fancy head rice, 3 lbs.. 25c Berkshire brisket " salt Golden West Alaska sal- . * • 0 . or , riparanre nt J »o M^« ake Ever * roen cor V" New Pearl « a Pi°ca. 3 lbs.. pork, boneless, lb iac man. tall cans ISe tCrnS ,s offered at 25$ Clearance >ale at $.3.00 „•••• •.•,;••• •••■• •V * 2 2° ( Pull cream cheese, lb., an«! Marie Elizabeth imported DKXTOR \TKI> 11 \RV I'l ATI'S °so Ash aiovoa n-i»h k„„ j, „„ Mellow June pea... 3 can. Broken macaroni, lb.. Sc English dairy cheese, lb„ i boneless and skinless sur iw™.„J fli.T, , ,v," .. sieves, with handle ...,20c 1 „ „ - 5< New pearl barley, lb.. 7c a7 e dines, ran .. .. i*c * * . I—v1 —v a . !k ?corat ' China Bubv Plates, loc grey Tampico scrub brushes Golden wax beans. 3 cans. Florida oranges, medium Sweitzer cheese, lb., SSe Record coffee, a perfect \/l O I IfOCC ■ 4n with mottoes 2.x- 8o . . SSe Size, dozen 240 Pimento cheese, lb. .. »7c blend, lb ase iVldl O i-VIGoO WIUVt/O 111 CL W ASHING MACHINES T „"W aldorr' pork and beans. Florida oranges. large. Kaiser llmburger. lb.. SNc Banquet cofTee, tiie finest ww t XXX IA SIO.OO Regal Washing Ma- Chocolatn Rn. L' jdozen 2t»e Longhorn Wisconsin, lb., to be had at the price, lb., Wrt, B e„.d. .„»■ S„ g » 4 Ctttsy"""* l «^ ,, fflra.."r..'a3S: -»« •%, - p„ Mt> . co „„ 0 „.. 1b Snerifll r porannc " wisii BOILFRS '' kldne >" beans, can Grape fruit, large size, 1 Peanut butter, the very lb. ' . W O L/t/L/ldl Tin Wash 1 fers wUh metallic I 2 \ "cream for bottom S;t< . J can, Isc, dozen 51.70 Country cured dried beef, lb_/«l 1 s . X . ® fI.IB Hershey's cJcoa."' ib."' fan C3 P C k,d & lovcs froni OUr regular Stock, including the reversib,e two-sided wash Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart— "M»rvinmi" <„ Pal L;' u,v"v T"na fish: a delicious sub- 2 lbs •.•ho best American and foreign makes; actual SI.OO, $1.50 and $2 00 boards • 23c Basement 1 1 T- ■*. tpmatofs in cured bacon, sliced, stitute for chicken in sal- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, « . . Basement. | glass Jars hc, H dozen. 45c lb «8c ads, large cans S4e Basement. grades. Special at 71)^ßalmacaans in the January Clo thing Sale at $13.50 Scotch Mixtures Cheviots Boucles Oxfords Vicunas Chinchillas Worsteds t All winter weight Balmacaans taken from regular stock and reduced to hurry out the broken lots in the January Clothing Sale. The Bal- * macaan style of overcoat is the choice of many men and this clearance brings unquestionably the most noteworthy values of the season. n $15.00 AND $16.50 BALMACAANS SELLING AT SIO.OO ~~[ Overcoats and Winter Suits in the January Sale at JL Jm , and Below Wholesale All New Garments From Three | |\ ! B SIB.OO and $20.0 Overcoats $28.00 and $30.00 Suits d*IQ ItI *1 at and Overcoats at CpIO.UU |\\l $22.50 and $25.00 Suits and C $30.00 and $35.00 Suits (fr ■\\| I Overcoats at - M' * j and Overcoats at - ipH i | The Suits—English and conservative sacks in many styles and rich patterns. f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's Clothing, Second Floor. Rear. Three Elevators. MHHHMM
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