XfcfcMen r^JnTeߣsi^> The Value of Good Humor "The smile lives longest in both man and memory." There is actually no easier way of making friends with your luck than smiling at it. There is no simpler method of winning liking than facing folks with a smile. And there is no more, certain path to a cheerful out look on life than a cheerful smile whatever betide. Besides all which, a smiling attitude of mind goes with a smiling face and wins success in that it helps you keep hopeful enough to fight your way over obstacles and to victory. And how many people do you know who go throusrh life with a smile? Funny, isn't it, that when there is a highway to happiness, to lovable ness and to ultimate good fortune stretching ahead of them, folks Just calmly do not trouble to take it? Hold that, little smile on your face for five, minutes morning and eve ning. Do it for a minth. When you feel blue repeat the exercise— i oax out the smile. At the end of the month you will feci it creep ing out when you have not sum moned it. And it will make you glow a bit to find yourself smiling at your work and as you go about the business of life. When things go wrong you will find you are able to smile.. Pretty soon your mental habit will grow < I/TV KM AN BREAKS AXKIjE IN I'Alil; OF 25 FEET S. L, Welmer, 49 ycnrß old, a line man for the Western Union Telegraph Company, residing at Port Royal, frac GENUINE The Food Drink ior all Ages—Others arc Imitations AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS ' MAJESTIC THEATER w, »«iglgsr* ' To-night, One Time Only REVELATIONS BY THE KAISER'S PERSONAL SPY ARMGAARDKARLGRAVES Author of "SECRETS Of THE GEIIM W WAR OFFICE" A GRIPPING AM) IXSTHI'CTIVE TAI.K ON THE INCIDENTS LEAD ING I I' TO THE GREAT EIHOPEAN t ONKI.K T. AN UNBIASED, UNPREJUDICED NAItK ATIVE Br n iiinn nho linn for jenm liffn the confidential Hxrnt of tlic leading European ponrrii, PRICESi *I.OO, 75c, OOP, 25c. SEATS NOAV SELLING. FRIDAY, ONE NIGHT ONLY, JANUARY 15 Prior to Her Mid-Winter Season at the Empire Theater, N. Y., Charles Frohman presents ETHEL BARRYMORE IN A NEW PLAY, ENTITLED THE SHADOW By Dario Niccodemi and Michael Morton. PRICES Lower Floor, $2.00, $1.50, sl.oo—Balcony, SI.OO, 75c, 50c—Gallery, 25c —Box Seats, $2.00. SEATS TOMORROW JUNE KEITH j—*™™- and it Capable Company, Predentin* rpi p. , , . _ A Breath of Old Virginia 1 BERT I, A MONT'S COWBOY SHK " AT ™ K COIOXlU " WITH MINSTRELS THREE OTHER GOOD ACTS Monday Tucaday Wcduc*dny MOX ETA FlVE—Mimical Treat , J big show besides C«untry Store Wednesday Night The Big "Q" Society INAUGURAL BALL Chestnut Street Auditorium TUESDAY NIGHT\ JAN. 19th TICKETS $2.00 Admission by Ticket and Invitation COMMITTEE Chas. E. Covert, President. William A. Boil, Treasurer. Frank H. llo.v. Jr., Vice-president. Howard W. Maker, Trustee. Cornelius B. Shope, Vice-president. Charles C. IlolTuian, Secretary. YJ(JTORi* "The Coming Power" Special Today IV REEIIS "A BANAKIE MAIDEN" in 2 Parts—"A Dark Lover's Play"—Keystone Comedy r TUESDAY EVENING, |to match the physical one of smil ing. You will find yourself think ing, "Oh, well, things can't be so dead wrong after all!" and as things are never worse than we think they are, your little habit of smiling will help you turn events that might seem of bad portent to a scowling person into circumstances of good omen to (he smiling, cheery creature that you have evolved out of your original beginnings, be lhey ever so gloomy. The cheerful individual wins a wel come wherever he goes. Being liked is pleasant in itself and leads to all sorts of agreeable opportunities. When people have a delightftil in vitation 1o extend, they prefer to give a cheery soul the benefit of It rather than waste it on a sour and tactiturn individual who will hardly be grateful for it. If you have any troubles, try to ignore them and smile them away. Even your best friends won't en.ioy listening to your tale of woe-—they may be patient, kind and tolerant, but they won't feel the same whole souled enthusiasm about being with you that they would experience if you worp jollior and hotter company and able to add a bit to the sum total of human enjoyment and happiness by turning a smiling face on life. A smile is a tonic for you and those who meet you. Lay in a big supply of it and dispense freely. tured his right ankle in a fall of twen tv-five feet from the top of a tree at Annville last night. Ho was admitted to the Harrisburg Hospital where the fracture was reduced. 10,000 Men Resume Work in Wheeling Factories Wheeling, "VV. Va., Jnn. 12.—The re sumption of more than a dozen mills and factories and the return to -work of more than 10,000 men was the Wheeling district's contribution to the march of prosperity to-day. Within the next two weeks 10,000 more work men will find employment in many mite plants. Among the plants resuming to-day were the LaVell mill in Ibis city and the Laughlin mill at Martin's Ferry, both American Sheet and Tin Plate Company plants, employing P.,000 men. Three hundred returned to work in the Pollack stogie plant and !>OO more, will return on Thursday. Five hundred went back to work at the plant of the Wheeling Stamping Company. At Mor- Kantuwn the plant of the American Sheet, and Tin Plate Company re sumed. furnishing work for 500 men: 500 returned to work at the Parkers burg .Chair Company and 200 at the Citizens' bumber Company in Parkers burg. The Riverside mill of the. •United State* Steel Company, employ ing 5,000 me.', will be the next to re sume. LIOIOII CAI'SKS SHOOTING Special in The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., j-n. 12.—0n Sun day the tenth homicide in this city in three years, nine of them, the officials state, were traceable to liquoor, oc curred at the home of Clifford Leggett on West Church sfreet, when was shot in the head and killed. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Leggett. whoo was arrested and is in jail, is charged with the crime and Floyd Sachman. a young man. Is held as an accessory. Renting an Underwood Typewriter a sound investment, certain to increase your income. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 25 N. Third St. I "HOPE" IN FIIVE ACTS AT THE PHOTOPLAY TO-MORROW "Hope" feature production in five acts, will be shown to-morrow at the Photoplay. This drama dealing with the drug using habit is similar to the Hrug Terror, which created such a sensation a few months ago. No chil dren under twelve admitted. To-day, Miss Ormi Hawley, plays the leading role in "The Intriguers," a two-act l,ubin drama. Marian Sais, featured In "The Herelict" and a famous George Ado fable "Two Dinky Little Dramas." Special Friday, the return engagement of Evelyn Xcsbit Thaw arid her son Russell William Thaw, in "Threads of Destiny."—Advertisement. PAI.ACE CONFECTIONERY Every evening in the week except Sunday you may go into this fine candy shop and have a hot or cold drink and see moving pictures free. The pictures are changed every evening and noth ing but high class pictures are shown. ■ —Advertisement. DOES RHEUMATISM BOTHERfOU? The Doctors Say "Use Musterole" So many sufferers have found relief in MUSTEROLE that you ought to buy a small jar and try it. Just spread it on with the fingers. Rub iv In. First you feel a gentle glow, then a delicious, cooling com fort. MUSTEROLE routs the twinges, loosens up stiffened joints and muscles. MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint ment. made with oil of mustard. It penetrates to the seat of pain and drives It away, but does not blister the I tenderest skin. it takes the place of the mussy, old- I fashioned mustard plaster. MUSTEROLE is recommended for | Bronchitis, Croup. Asthma. Pleurisy, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Sprains. Bruises, Stiff Neck, Headache and Colds in the Chest, (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c jars, and a special large hospital size lor $2.50. Be sure you get the genuine MUS TEROLE. Refuse imitations-—get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. M AMUSEMENTS Palace Theater 333 Market St. TO-DAY Holier* l.oonnril iinil Klin Hnll in fttli Inntnlinent of "THE MASTER KEY," OP TWO HHEI.S. I'nnllnc IIIIMII it nil I.on Chnnejr In n Hex two-reel Myaterloun Drnmn, "A NIGHT OF THRILLS." Kdnn I'aj-np nml Stnnley Wnlpole In Kelnlr Orlentnl Drnmn. "THE JEWEL OF ALLAH." Electric slnnle reel cnmcd.T, "THE OTHER KID'S SISTER." Admission, 10c. Children, sc. * PHOTOPLAY TO. DAY) MISS OH >ll H AWI.EV featured In "THE I\Tltlt.l KltS" --net l.iililn, "THE DEItEI.IC'T" --act Knlem. FAMOUS GEORGE ADE FABLE ••Two Dinkey I.ldle Dninini" SPECIAL TOMOIIIIOW "DOPE," In 5 Act*. Thin Production In similar to the DriiK Terror which created such n , sensation. Children under twelve not admitted. Iteturn EnKngrenient of ETEI.W .\ESBIT THAW nnd SON RI'S SEI,L In ri-nct l.uhln, "Threads of Destiny," FRIDAV, ,IAV 15. ' - —~ Free Moving Pictures every evening 7 to 11 P. M., Palace Confectionery, 225 Market street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH WELL BALANCED SHOW AT THE ORPHEUM Cowboy Minstrels Vic With "A Breath of Old Virginia" For Headline Honors Variety is the spice of life —and the Orpheum—this week. Pretty girls, clever boys, tuneful muaic nnd a pair ot well-trained tiogs till n hill at the popular playhouse that brought much applause lasi nignt. Ilert I.aniont ajio nis cowboy min strels rival Joseph J-lart's presentation of "A Breath of Old Virginia" for headline honors. It's a long time since an Orpheum audience called for as many enchores as Lumont and his clever singers were forced to give. Pretty Miss June Keith taxes you back to Ola Virginia and tne bitter nays after the war in a gripping ro mance that deserves the headline hon ors) accorded it. With but fifteen min utes to wait until she is free trotii a ' troth given a Southern lieutenant, who ! since tne war has not been beard from, Alary Davis UYliss Keittt) receives a | proposal from a Northerner. She promised to give her answer in fifteen minutes. The action that follows is tne base of tne skit. The Oaudsehmidts and their dogs do a clever tumbling stunt; Leonard and Williard crack jokes; Viola Gillette and Ned Monroe have a clever "Op eratic Kevue"; James Hughes-Smith. Jim Cook and Marie Brandon talk and dnnce, and the Moneta Five close the bhow with a refined musical offering that was well applauded. MAX KOEERTSON. MAJESTIC To-night Lecture by Armgaard Karl C*raves, the fluperspy. Friday, evening only Ethel Barry more in "The Shadow." OKPHEI'M Every afternoon nnd evening High- Class Vaudeville. COLONIAL Every afternoon and evening Vau deville and Pictures. ARMGAARD KARL GRAVES Armgaard Graves, author of "Secrets of the German War Office,' and for twelve years a confidential agent for Etnperor William, is making a lecture tour of some of the principal cities of tlic United States, and will appear at the Majestic this evening, at which time an opportunity will be afforded to hear at first hand some of the side facts relating to the great European struggle. Dr. Graves, during his long association with the German Secret Service, possessed himself with a fund of information, which makes the nucleus for one of the most gripping and interesting narratives which Americans have ever been afforded an opportunity to hear. In New York City, I >r. Graves' talks? were always receiv ed with tlie greatest interest, and his sensalional remarks concerning the inner-workings of military Europe have been inspiring and Instructive. There is absolutely nothing in Dr. Graves' lecture at which friends or sub jects of any of the warring nations could take the slightest ofTensc. His remarks are absolutely fair and im partial; they are based solely upon un disputable facts.—Advertisement. ETHEL RARRYMORE Charles Frohman will present Miss Ethel Barrymore in a new plav at the Majestic Theater, for one performance on Friday evening, this engagement being one of a few preliminary appear ances before Miss Barrymore inaugu rates her annual midwinter season at Mr. Frohman's New York Empire heater. The new play is entitled "The Shadow." and is from the pens of Darlo Xiccodemi and Michael Morton, the former best known in the literary world as author of many of Madam Bejane's Paris successes and the latter as the auther of "The Yellow Ticket." "The Shadow.' in fact, was written for the distinguished French actress, but. was obtained bv Charles Frohman and receives Its first performance here owing to the war conditions now pre vailing in France. In the French ori ginal '"The Shadow' was known as "L'Ombre." and has been put into Eng lish by Mr. Morton. Bruce Hrßae, recalled for his asso ciation with Miss Barrynfore in manv of her earlier successes, lias the loading male role in "The Shallow." and sur rounding: characters are portrayed by Grace Klllston, Krnest Dawford, Ed ward Fielding. Amy Veness and Vera Pole. The scenes of "The Shadow" are laid in the wealthy residential and art districts of Paris.—Advertisement. AI,. fs. r ii.i.i) Mi.\sTnEi,<i The personal welcome accorded the Al. d. Field Minstrels each year by their patrons Is one of the Influences that has maintained the unrivalled popularity of this organization. This bond of friendship between performers and the puhlic is. In turn, due to the l<een Insisrht of the manager. Al. <"}. Field. His familiarity with the his tory of public entertainments made him apnreciate that success lay in having: performers with what Is termed "per sonality" or "Individualitv." Mr. Field bad shrewdly observed that such are the men and women who have always won In all other vocations in life, and that such are the men and women who win on the stage. He recalled that in the palmy days of minstrelsy, when there were more than fortv such or ganizations 011 the road, each star per former had a following all his own. ! who were friendly to the point of be- j ing partisan. He knew that tin- same was true of circuses, when Old Han Ttice and John Robinson wore really popular heroes of the amusement world.—Advertisement. COT/ONITATJ The Mendelssohn Four, monarch* of melody, are playrng a return engage- JPDITM 1 Stop th* This? that CHIN It JL J and the faugh will Stop Itself £ A cough is reaJltr one of our best friends. It warns us that there is in flammation or obstruction in a danger ous place. Therefore, when you get a bad cough don't proceed to dose yourself with a lot of drugs that merely "stop" the cough temporarily by deadening tne throat nerves. Treat the cause—heal the inflamed membranes. Here is a home made remedy that gets right at the cause ind will make an obstinate cough vanish more quickly than you ever thought pos sible. Put 2V6 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth) in m pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar svrup. This gives vou a full pint of the most pleasant and effective cough remedy you ever used, at a cost of only 54 cents. No bother to prepare. Full directions with Pinex. Tt heals the inflamed membranes so gently and promptly that you wonder now tt does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough and stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extract, rich in Tuaiacol, and is famous the world ovef "or its healing effect on the membranes. To avoid disappointment, ask your rlrupgist for "2% ounces of Pinex."' and don t accept anything else. A guarantee if absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded, goes with this preparation. fhe Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. - CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.-=»=• More Opens FOUNDBO 10 71 m d Store Closes i JSxncmafU : HARRIfiUM) POPULAR DtPAPTWBNT STORK 4 —— 4 In the January Silk Sale i [ Which Starts Prices Are Way Below Regular '• This is an event looked forward to every January by economical shop pers who appreciate buying line quality silks at such pleasing' reductions in < price, and it is our aim to make it a more worthy occasion just as sure as Janu- < ary appears on the calendar. < As a result ot careful planning and buying, we believe this Silk Sale will 4 fully outclass any previous one, because we have secured what promises to be the dominant weaves for Spring in true Spring shades and marked them at < special prices. Also it is a disposal of staple and novelty silks from our own < large stock, at reductions that you will approve. < First Spring Note In ' Novelty Silks Reduced / \ « Satin Foulards, 38 ? from 50c; 20 inches II jj 4 wide; small figures and floral designs; new \\ ijk J 4 shades--—navy. Rocky Mountain blue, Rus- y)// 4 sian, black, piping rock, Copenhagen, taupe, jj\ 4 Belgian blue and Gettysburg gray. TLI 11 *\ \ Satin Foulards, 79? from $1.00; 36 in- _ ' ■ff!± \ l4'"vi ches wide; tete de negre, green, royal, navy I \N-y and black; small floral figures of white. Fm Lf 4 Satin Foulards, $1.35 from $1.75; 40 in- _ /nil 4 ches wide; in navy, dark green, light gray /Jj Y I? 1 \ y m /s / * 4 and wistaria; small conventional figures. /yk U i*l I V\»\ * \r~J i Crepe de Chines, (i 9? from $1.00; 36 in- k/Jjj '••M- Ty/ I f 4 ches wide; all silk; colors arc putty, sand, /«/\V HI white, royal, black, navy, Copenhagen, wis- T/C* // taria and Russian green. 1 y\V y/vlL^^ Tafretas, $1.35 from $1.50; 36 inches 'I wide; good quality chiffon taffeta; street 4 and evening shades, in about fifteen differ- Crepe de Chines, $1.25 from $1.50; 40 inches wide; heavy quality; street and even- far |\ 4 ing shades. Main FIoor.—BOWMAN'S ▼ 4 Black Silks at These ) ; Prices Will Go Quickly 18-inch black Satin Messaline, 29? from 50c. Very I 23-inch black Satin Messaline, 49? from 75c. • J mW . 26-inch black Satin Messaline, 09? from 85c. &pwCIGLI ml < 35-inch black Satin Messaline, 890 from , 4 $1.19. Lustrous black satin messaline 36-inch black Satin Messaline, 99? from an d chiffon taffeta; both of ffood SI .50. . . . 25-inch black Chiffon Tafi'eta, 89? from (juahtv , 3() inches wide, \alue i $1.19. 89c. < 35-inch black Chiffon Taffeta, 99? from 4 $1.50. V _J < 40-inch black Crepe de Chines. SI.OO i'Olll A f • 1 r J $1.25; $1.3.-, from $. 50; *i.4» 1™,,, A Little Clearance of < %r.w. b,ack c " ito " Taffcta ' 7!) " , rom Striped Taffetas, 59c J 35-inch black dress Poie de Soie. 99? from They arc reduced from SI.OO and $1.25, < 35-inch black dress Toie de Soie. 89? from a " d th ° se P ™ eS rc P resc nted a special pur- < $1.19. chase of $1.2.-> and $1.50 qualities. Two 35-inch black Satin Duchess, 89? from shades of brown ,one of gray and a change- 4 $1.10; 99? from $1.25; $1.19 from $1.50; able blue and wistaria. 4 $1.29 from $1.69. . Maln FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. 4 The Inauguration Showing New Wool L Will bring many hundreds of people to \Y/ ' 1 «. d» 1 L our city, and as a suggestive word to lodg- W cllStS clt Cp I y ' ing house and hotel proprietors, we call your That should have been marked two dol- \ y attention to our complete lines of sheets, pillars. ROman stripes in dark patterns. Good y low cases, comforts, blankets, and spreads. styles featuring white pique detachable col- i ► Wc invite your investigation. | lars. ' Floor- ■ ment at the Busy Corner these days and are provlstng the same big hit they wore on their former visit here. Three young women and a man com prise the quartet, and their act Is an artistic treat. Vaudeville's prettiest novelty, "Lora," the girl In the par rot, Is another of tlio early week at tractions. Jlayes and Thatcher, pre senting a musical comedy skit; and Johnson and Crane, singing, dancing and talking comedians, complete the vaudeville roster.—Advertisement. PALACE TO-DAY—TIIE MASTER KEY Robert I.eonard and Ella Hall fea tured to-day in fifth instalment of "The Master Key." At the conclusion of episode four of "The Master Key," Dore barely saved himself from plung ing through a blazing bridge into the depths of the canyon. Wilkerson, who set lire to the bridge, meanwhile, Is on his way toward San Francisco. En route he sends a telegram to Drake and »he latter meets him at the Bta tlun. Upon arriving at the hotel Drake, Wilkerson and Mrs. Darnell discuss their plan to secure control of "The Master Key" mine. Ruth, secreted in her room, overhears the conversation and learns for the first time that she has been trapped by her dead father's enemies. To prevent the conspirators from securing the deeds to "The Mas ter Key" mine, Ruth locks them in a dresser drawer and puts tho key in her grip. The conspirators enter Ruth's room soon afterward and, realizing that she has been listening, seize her. In the struggle Ruth faints and the conspirators decide to get her out of the hotel at once. The hotel clerk and house detective think the hurried departure strange, and try to stop Drake and Mrs. Dar nell. The pursuit brings them to Chinatown, where they see Wilkerson force Ruth into an opium den owned by Sing Wah, a former opium smug gler. Dore meanwhile arrives in San Francisco and goes to the Manx Hotel. The only suite vacant is that just given up by the conspirators. Dore unpacks his personal effects In the room from which Ruth has Just been hurried away. One of the dreaser drawer® la JANUARY 12, 1915. locked and Dore sends for a key. The drawer is opened and, of course, to his surprise, the young mining engineer finds deeds to "The Master Key" mine within.—Advertisement. "THE COMING POWER" AT THE VICTORIA TO-I) AY "The Coming Power," a powerfully strong photo-drama which heads to day's bill at the Victoria theater, 223 Market street, is one of the most vital and intensely interesting screen plays that ha" been shown in Harrlsburgl motion picture houses. It is a wonder- I ful love story showing a man's rise to power and his fight against tempta tion. His ideal was found in the writ ings of a little cripple girl. He be comes governor. A bribe is offered him, but, keeping his ideal ever be fore him, he refuses, Later the per son who sought to do him wrong FEEL FINE! KEEP BOWELS IT* STOMiCH SWEET UNO HEIDCLEIR No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head arhes, how miserable and uncomfort able you are from constipation, indi gestion. biliousness and clogged-up bowels—you always get the desired results with Cascarets. They end the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour. r££ r ST ts 1 L JL. 10 CENTS! WORK WHILE YOU SLEER comes to a dramatic and violent death. At the height of his success the Gov - ernor is saddened by the death or the girl who brought him happiness. Her dying wish is carried out and he mar ries another who loves him and tlia climax is reached in a wonderful vis ion in which he sees justice prevail for workingmen and truth and honesty in politics. Another winner at the Victoria to-; day is "A Banakie Maiden," in two reels, showing how an Indian girl learns to trust none save a. lover of her own people. The program Is con cluded with "A Darky Lover's Play" an exceptional Keystone special. To-morrow's feature will be "After Thirty Tears," an intensely dramatic feature in three parts. "The Legend Beautiful." in two reels, and "Our Mu tual Girl" will conclude the program. —Advertisement. gassy stomach. They cleanse your Uiver and Bowels of all the sour bile, foul gases and constipated matter which Is producing the misery. A. Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning—a 10-cent box keeps your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular, and you feel cheerful and bully for months. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers