2 ffitfflwtbpcnnayLVAntafleqsj] TOW FUMIGATED (LONG WITH CUTTLE Wanders to Farm During Work of Officials and Gets Into Trouble Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 12.—While the State and Federal men were at the home of Irvin Hess in Washington township near Here, appraising the cattle belonging to Mr. lless that had been condemned on account of being affected by the hoof and mouth dis ease, a tramp wandered into the barn and according to the rules of quaran tine he had to be fumigated before lie could leave the farm. The State and Federal men at once prepared to do their duty. The tramp put up a light •but finally submitted to the fumiga tion and was allowed to go on his way. EAGLE CASE IX COURT Special to The Telegraph ! Lewistown, Pa.. June 12.—This Is court week In Mifflin county and there are about twenty criminal cases listed for trial. The Edward Peffer case growing out of shooting of an eagle, will be tried at this court. TLIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES They Are Closely Observing Public Health Conditions An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Com panies, in an Interview on the subject, made the astonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are rejected is because kid ney trouble is so common to the American people, and tjie large ma jority of those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. According to this it would seem that « medicine for the kidneys, possessing real healing and curative properties, would be a blessing to thousands. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., who prepare Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. the well-known kidney, liver and bladder remedy, claim that judging from evidence received from druggists everywhere, who are constantly in touch with their customers, and also Indisputable proof in the form of grateful testimonial letters from' thou sands of reliable citizens, this prepa ration Is remarkably successful In sick ness caused by kidneys and bladder troubles. Every interesting statement they receive regarding Swamp-Root is investigated and no testimonial is pub lished unless the party who sends it is reported of good character. They have on file many sworn statements of re coveries in the most distressing cases. They state that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root is mild and gentle in its action and its healing influence is soon no ticed in most cases. Swamp-Hoot is purely an herbal compound and Dr. Kilmer & Co. ad vise all readers who feel in need of such a remedy to Rive it a trial. It is on sale at all dritK stores In bottles of (wo size*—soe and SI.OO. However, if you wish first to test this great prepa ration send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, K. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and meVition the Harrisburg Daily Tele graph.—Advertisement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIMETABLE in Effect May 24. 1114. TRAINS leave Harrlaburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburc at B:03. *7:50 a. m.. 'IMO p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle. Meehanlcsburg and intermedlata stations at 5:03. *7:60, *11:63 a. •3:40, 6:32, ♦7:40. *11:00 p. m. ' Additional trains for Carllsla an d Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m.. 3:13. j-17 6:30. 9:30 a. in. * For Dlllsburg at 6:03. *7:50 and •11:61 a. m.. 8:18. «3:40. 6:32 and « ao p. in. •Dally. All other trains dally excant Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE. J. H. TONGE. O. P. A. CJNDKRTAICKnS RUDOLPH K. SPICER - Funeral Director and Embalmer SIS Walnut St. Ball Pbaaa EDUCATIONAL * Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St Fall term, September first. Day and night.., 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Stenographers Wanted BEGIN NEXT MONDAY IN DAY OR NIGHT SCHOOL. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. Market Sq., Harrisburg I'a. Coal That's Just As Clean in Winter It's the carbon in the coal that makes the heat! I Dirt will spoil the burning quality of the best coal mined. The care employed in the Kelley yards insures the de livery of just as clean coal in Winter as at any other time. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets TUESDAY EVENING, IMPORTANT CASE UN COURT Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa.. Jan. 12. —Much inter est, lawyers said, centers in the case of the Milton Weaving against the Northumberland County Gas and Electric Company, which was |in court here to-day. Fire destroyed the lampwick manufacturing plant of the plaintiff at Milton, last January, and it sued for $15,000 damages, al leging the lighting corporation is re sponsible because of defective wiring. $4,000 FOR IiOSS OF LEG Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 12.—A jury in the Northumberland county court here awarded Joseph Robel, 19 years old, of Shamokln, $4,000 damages against the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, as the result of a mule kicking him under a mine car, caus ing the loss of his right leg below the knee. MINISTER MARRIED Special to The Telegraph Maytown, Pa., Jan. 12.—The Rev. M. C. Manning, pastor of the Church of God, was married to-dav to Miss Olive C. Parthemore, by the Rev. B. L. C. Baer. The ceremony was perform ed at the home of the bride. Miss Ruth Shuler, of Highspire, plaved the wedding march. RIBS FRACTVRED Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., Jan. 12.—Samuel Sliepley, of Highspire, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sliepley, of Matamoras, and on com ing to Halifax in the evening to take the train for home he fell on the icy pavement in front of C. C. Baker's furniture store in Market street and fractured three ribs. He is now under the care of a physician at Highspire. CARSONVILLE COUPLE MARRIED Special to The Telegraph Halifax. Pa., Jan. 12. Alfred S. Smith and Miss Florence Shoop, both of < 'arsonville, were united in mar riage on Sunday at. the home of Philip Shoop by the Rev. J. C. Pease, of Halifax. KILLED FAMOUS HOGS Speaal to The Telegraph Halifax. Pa.. Jan. 12.—0n Friday J. W. Seiders, of Halifax township, killed two of his famous O. I. C. hogs, the total weight of which was 974 pounds. One weighed 570 pounds at twenty-one months old. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION FORMED Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 12. At the men's mass meeting held on Sundav afternoon in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, a Young Men's Christian As sociation was formed and the follow ing officers elected: President, Charles W. Gross: vice-president, C. K. Bushey; secretary, Charles S. Smith; treasurer, M. P. Deardorff; directors, James McWilliams, Lloyd L. Bent and B. H. Shriner. The association will lease a building which will be fitted up for the entertainment of the voung men. CAUGHT IN MACHINERY Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg. Pa., Jan. 12.—0n Satur day Harry Shoely, a well-known farm er of Washington township, was seri ously injured while working about a gasoline engine when his coat sleeve caught on a revolving shaft. Before I the cloth of the coat gave way, his j arm was dislocated at the shoulder and he was badly bruised over his cliest. No More Piles Simple Home Remedy Easily Applied Gives Quick Relief—and Costs Nothing to Try. The Pyramid Smile from • Single TrUL Pyramid Pile Remedy gives quick relief,, stops itching, bleeding or pro truding piles, hemorrhoids and all rec tal troubles, in the privacy of your own home. Pyramid Pile Remedy is for sale at all druggists, 50c a box. A single box often cures. A trial treatment will be mailed free for the asking. Pyramid Drug Co., 517 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall. Mich. Pains and Aches Dissappear Like Magic Ileg.v'H Muxtarlne Greatest Remedy on Earth for Headache, Knrnclie, Ilackvdic and Neuralgia Look after that cold in your chest and just rub on BEOY'S MIJSTARINE and get rid of it to-nlglit. If you don't to-morrow may bring pneumonia It will not blister; will not soil, but it will surely and quickly stop the pain of rheumatism and reduce the swell- I ing. It is simply wonderful how quick ly it acts on strains, sprains, lameness, sore muscles, stiff neck, sore throat, i coughs and pleurisy. It is equally good to speedily draw the soreness from Inflamed feet, corns, bunions and callouses and for frosted feet and chilblains. It gives instant re lief. Get a big 25-cent box to-day. Ask for BEGY'S MUSTARINE, the real mus tard preparation in the yellow box. Substitutes won't do.—Advertisement. i OPEN NOSTRILS! END ;i :j A COLD OR CATARRH > I" How To Get Relief When licail ? Sand Nose Arc Stuffed Up ? Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night; Get a small bottle of, Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, sooth ing and healing the swollen or in tlamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and ca tarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. Relief is sure.—Advertisement. 11SCOIII TRIP IT CUE SCHOOL First Organization of Kind pom posed Entirely of Red Men in ' United States r Special to The Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 12. Preparations are being made here for one of the most unique celebrations in the history of this section on Friday, January 21i, when the members of the First Troop o-f Boy Scouts, of the Carlisle Indian School, the first composed entirely of full-blooded Indians In the United States, will be formally received into the national membership. It is planned to make this a gala day here, and at a meeting of the various troops of Hoy Scouts it was voted that the 150 boys, who comprise the mem bership. would attend the exercises un der their respective leaders. Invitations will also be issued to troops at ilarris burg, Shlppensburg, Chambersburg, Gettysburg- and other points in this section. Mr. Appeiln, field executive of the Scout work in the District of Colum bia, will be here for the occasion. Tills troop was formed at the Carlisle School by Red Fox James, a blood Indian of. the Blackfeet Nation, and a well-known frontiersman, who has taken a promi nent part in Scout activities. James recently rode from Wyoming to Washington in the interests of In dian Day, a national holiday to be ob served in honor of the American In dian. In a personal interview President Wilson endorsed the project and of fered to set aside a day by Presiden tial proclamation, annually. It was at first planned to have this holiday ob served on October 12, the anniversary of tile discovery of the country by Co lumbus. It was later suggested by rep resentatives of the Societv of American Indians here, that another date should be chosen, and it has been decided to ask the Chief Executive to set aside the first Monday in May as the annual holiday. This year the new holiday will be observed on May 3, a date which marks the anniversary of the offer of allegiance to the American flag by the representatives of the Indian nations. Tile establishment of a troop here is the beginning of a movement to further the scout work among Indians. It is planned to form in all about ten com panies at the local school and to ex tend the work among the Indians of the country. Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Sunbury.—Dr. J. T. Hard, 63 years old, died at his home last night, of erysipelas. He was a prominent member of Sunbury lodge. No. 503, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Charles H. Wolverton, SI years old, a Civil War veteran, died at his home here after a long illness. Mrs. Margaret Aurand, 26 years old, died at her home at Northumberland. Marietta. —Charles S. Frederick, 45 years old. a former resident of cestor county, died yesterday at Al lentown. Columbia.—Mrs. Phoelie Hill, 70 years old, died yesterday. I'enu.—Abraham Boffenderfer, 63 years old, died yesterday after an ill ness of several years. His widow and six children survive. Greenwood.—William M. Shay, a cigarmaker, 5 7 years old, died yester day. FATHER HIES; DAUGHTER SCALDED Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Jan. 12. Affliction came double-handed to the family of William Yoos, whose death occurred here at Ills home. He was 81 years old and had resided ip Columbia sixty one years. Immediately following his death, his daughter, Maggie, was se verely scalded by boiling water, as she, with her brother, was lifting a boiler from the stove. Renting an Underwood Typewriter a sound investment, certain to increase your income. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 25 N. Third St. CHEWS APPEAL DISMISSED Special to The Telegraph Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 12.—Northum berland county court here to-day dis missed an appeal of J. B. Gillespie and Michael Houghney, crew of a locomo tive that blocked a street crossing in Shamokln, in violation of a borough ordinance and were fined $25 each by a squire. In throwing the case out of the courts the legality of an ordinance requiring railroads to keep street crossings open was sustained. PASTOR RESIGNS Special to The Telegraph Union. Pa., Jan. 12. —The Rev. John W. Lewis, pastor of the Union Pres byterian Church, has tendered his resignation to take effect at once. He has accepted a call to the AVaynesboro Presbyterian Church. STABLE BURNED AT COLUMBIA Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Jan. 12.—A fire here late on Saturday niglit caused the en lire Are department to respond, but the services of only a few companies were needed. A stable on the prem ises of Mrs. Laura Hoffman, in the residential section of the borough, wan burned and the conflagration attracted a few thousand peorie. The firemen prevented the flames from spreading to adjoining buildings. BURS ED BY GASOLINE! Special to The Telegraph Mlilersvillo. Pa., Jan. 12. Mrs | Amos Charles her daughter. Miss Myrtle Charles, were badlv burned yes terday by gasoline. The daughter went to a earriageliouse, where a can of gasoline as stored, using a lantern There was a terrific explosion, and the girl's clothing was set on fire. The mother ran to the scene and extinguish ed the flames on her daughter's dress, but not before she was burned about the hands and face. The earriageliouse and contents were completely destroy- AID SOCIETV TO MEET Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 12.—0n Thursday night the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a meeting at the home of Miss j Decker at Elkwood. OFFICIAL HOARD MEETING Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 12. To morrow evening the offlclal board will meet in Baughman Memorial Metho dist Church, at the close of the re vival services. SCHOOL HOUSE BURXED Special to The Telegraph Blaln, Pa., Jan. 12.—Early yester day morning the Adams Grove school house in Jackson township, two miles east of Blain, was.completely destroy ed by fire, caused by a defective stove pipe. Alarm was given but the build ing could not be saved. The school books and a few desks were taken out of the building. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH | WEST SHORE NEWS | lIUSTKSS FOR FUN CM B Enola, Pa.. Jan. 12. Mrs. K. H. Murray. 222 Altoona avenue, was hostess. Friday evening, for tlie mem bers of the Fun Club. The house was artistically decorated in a color scheme of red and green carried out. An en joyable evening was spent in contests the winners being Miss Anna.Neuer and Miss Miriam Shuman. The guests were: Miss Anna Neuer, Miss Miriam bhuman. Miss Katharine famous. Miss Orace Heckert, Miss Mary Anderson. Miss lyniisia Musser, Miss Medora Wallace. Mrs. Roy Green. Mrs ' Ross Morris and Mis. Ellis Murray. PARTY ON* 11l SIIWD's RIHTHIIAY ,r E P "v J an 12. Mrs. William ! * i 5' ° avenue, en nV°." I ',V ld ?y ev e"ing in honor f her husbands birthday. An enjoy able evening was spent. Refresh ments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gracey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoufter, Mr. and Mrs. For , : ',, ly ® n< ? daughter. Catherine, ¥i 18 '. Jol,n Benner and sons, i? Ilerb « ir t and Bennet. Mrs. Ad dle bttien and daughters, Clara and Jmr. C M„ and , 8 ?. n - William, of Marys vtUe.Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Klchel and M- i/ 1 "" 1 ' u, ' r encr. Edith #nd Marie, onH lili sTir 5 Tir J C £ and son ' Rosg . Mr. and Mrs. W. ]f. Beers ami family. ENTERTAINED AT DINNER New Cumberland. Jan. 12.—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis, entertained the fol lowing persons at dinner at their home at New Market on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Freeburn, three children. Miss Eva Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, two children, Hiss Susie Davis, of New Cumberland, Mrs. Shank, of Boiling Springs, Leroy Miller. wife and two children of New Market. lil/AIN COUNCIL ORGANIZED Special to The Telegraph Blain. P»„ Jan. 12.—Town Council was reorganized by electing the fol lowing officers: President, William A. Johnson# secretary. William J.. Smith: treasurer, D. Clark Dromgold. The other members of the council are, Riley M. Smith. G. W. Shreffler. M. S. Spotts and S. M. Moods. George W. Johnson, was elected street commis sioner of the borough. 3ta<s of Ohio. City of Toledo. LUPUS County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior fiartner of tbo Arm of F. J. Cheney & CoT, do nff business In the City of Toledo. County *ud S:ate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the cum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbo use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. # FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this flth day of December, A. D., 188Qw Seal. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tbo system. Send for testimonials, free, I\ J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Drupplsts, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation# THIN FOR YEARS " i. ' • . • • • I J?t "Gains 22 Pounds in 23 Days" "I was all run down to the very bottom," writes F. Gagnon. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, thanks to Sargol, I look like a new man. I gained 22 pounds in 23 days." "Sargol has put just 10 pounds on me in 14 days," states W. D. Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enabled.me to work with interest and "I weighed 132 pounds when I commenced taking Sargol. After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. Sargol is the most wonderful preparation for flesh build ing I have ever seen," declares D. Martin, and J. Meier, adds: "For the past twenty years I have taken medi cine every day for indigestion and got thinner every year. T took Sargol for forty days and feel better than I have felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 When hundreds of men and women—and there arc hundreds with more coming every day—living in every nook and corner of this broad land voluntarily testify to weight increases ranging all the way frdm 10 to 35 pounds given them by Sargol you must admit, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be some thing in this Sargol method of flesh building after all. Hadn't you better look into it, just as thousands of others have done? Many thin folks say: "I'd give most anything to put on a little extra weight," but when someone suggests a Avay they exclaim. "Not a chance. Nothing will make me plump. I'm built to stay thin." Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and cannot Sargol has put pounds of healthy "stay there" flesh on hun dreds who doubted, and In spite of their doubts. You don't have to believe In Sargol to grow plump from Its use. You Just take it and watch weight pile up, hollows vanish and your figure round out to pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when you begin and again when you finish and you let the scales tell Sargol Is absolutely harmless. It is a tiny concentrated tablet. You take one with every meal. It mixes with the food you eat for the purpose of separating all of Its flesh producing ingredients. It prepares these fat-making elements in an easily stssimilated form, which the blood can readily absorb and carry sill over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't need Sargol to produce this result. Their assimilative machinery per forms its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative or gans do not. This fatty portion of their food now goes to waste H through their bodies like uilburned coal through an open grate. A few days' test of Snrgol in your case will surely prove whether or not this is true of you. Isn't It worth trying? If you want a beautiful and well-rounded figure of symme trical proportions if you want to gain some solid pounds of healthy stay-there flesh, If you want to Increase your weight to normal, weigh what you should weigh, go straight to your drug gist to-day and get a package of Sargol and use It as di rected. Sargol will either Increase your weight or it won't and the only way to know Is to try It. A single package of Sargol easily enables you to make this test. Sixty days' use of Sargol, according to directions, is absolutely guaranteed to increase your weight to a satisfactory degree or your druggist will refund all the money you have paid him for It. Sargol is sold by leading N. druggists everywhere and In Harrisburg and vicinity by G. A. GORGAS AND OTHERS News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Special to Tlie Telegraph I.an<a.->f«T,—The young tnan who committed suicide last Friday night in the barn on D. F. Magee's farm, near Tweedale, have been identified as Horace Diehm, of Reading. York. —Fire from an exploded lan tern burned a barn and two automo biles belonging to William Ness, a rural mail carrier, in Jackson town ship yesterday. The loss is about SIBOO. FALLS DOWN STAIRS Milllintown Woman, 90 Years Old, Breaks Arm Special to The Telegraph Miiffiintown, Pa., Jan. 12. —Mrs. I Hlnkle, 90 years of age and almost blind, had the misfortune to fall down ithe cellar stairs on Saturday after noon, breaking her right arm. A I neighbor coming in three hours later !to read to her, hearing moans, dis covered Mrs. Hlnkle at the foot of the stairs in a semiconscious condi tion. She was removed to the .home of her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Ellis, where she is in a serious condition. WASHING WON'T RID HEAD OF DANDRUFF The only sure way to get rid of dandruff Is to dissolve it. then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Do this to-night, and by morning most if not all of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more appli cations will completely dissolve and entirely destroy, every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dan druff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lus trous, glossy, silky and soft and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work.—Adver tisement. JANUARY 12, 1915. SINCE TAKING PERUNA M y appetite is j | The whole secret of King Oscar popularity is quality tobacco. Tastes may differ, but all tastes appreciate a good cigar, especi ally one that's good all the time-like King Oscar 5c Cigars And only quality tobacco con tinuously and persistently used would make for regularity and dependability that have endured for 23 years. Everywhere for w °rth it every time An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong The trouble with must tUn folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods; rubbing on use less "flesh creams," or following soma foolish physical culture stunt, whilo the real cause of thinness goes un touched. You cannot get fat until your digestive tract assimilates the food you eat. Thanks to a remarkable new scien tific discovery, it Is now possible to combine Into simple form tho very ele ments needed by the digestive organ* to help them convert food into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of modern chemistry Is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of : flesh-builders. Sargol alms through its re-generative, reconstructive powers to coax the stomach ami intestines to lit erally soak up the fattening elements of your food and pass them into the blood, where they are carried to everv starved, Woken-down cell and tissue of your body. You can readily picture the result when this amazing transfor mation lias taken place and you notice how your cheeks fill out, hollows about your neck, shoulders and bust disap pear and you take on from 10 to 20 pbunds of solid, healthy flesh. Sargol is absolutely harmless, inexpensive ef ficient. Leading druggists have it and will refund your money if you are not satisfied, as per the guarantee found in every package. Caution: —While Sargol has given ex cellent results in overcoming nervous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles It should not be taken bv those who do not wish to gain ten pounds or more. How Thin People Can Put On Flesh A New Discovery Thin men and women—that big, hearty, tilling dinner you nte last night. What became of all the fat producing nourishment it contained? That food passed from your body llko unburned coal through an open grate. The material was there, but your food doesn't work and stick, and tho plain truth Is you hardly get enough nour ishment from your meals to pay for ; the cost of cooking. This is true of j thin folks the world over. Your nutri tive organs, your functions of assimi lation, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream rub-ons. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with every one of those a single Sargol tab let. In two weeks note the differ ence. Five to eight good solid pounds df healthy, "stay there" fat should be the net result. Sargol, too, mixes with your food and prepares It for tho blood in easily assimilated form. Thin peo ple gain all the way from 10 to 25 pounds a month while taking Sargol. and the new flesh stays put. Sargol tablets are a scientific combination of six of the best flesh-producing ele ments known to chemistry. They come 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and inexpensive and all deal ers sell them subject to an absolute guarantee of weight Increase or money back. Thin People Can Increase Weight Thin men alnd women who would like to increase their weight with 10 or 1, r > pounds of healthy "stay there" fat should try eating a little Sargol with their meals for a while and note re sults. Mere is a good test worth try ing. First weigh yourself and measure yourself. Then take Sargol—one tab let with every meal—for two weeks. Then weigh and measure again. It isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends, say and think. The scales and the tape meas ure wllUtell their own story, and most any thin man or woman can easily add from five to eight pounds In the first fourteen days by following this simple direction. And best of all, the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make fat, but mixing with your food, It turns the fats, sugars and starches of what you have eaten. Into rich, ripe fat produc ing nourishment for the tissues and blood—prepares It In an easily assimi lated form which the blood can readily accept. All this nourishment now passes from your body as wuste. Hut Sargol stops the waste and does It quickly and makes the fat producing contentg of the very same meals you are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between your skin and bones. Sargol Is safe, pleas ant. efficient and Inexpensive. Treading druggists sol! It In large boxes—forty tnblcts to a package—on a guarantee ui weight Increase or money back.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers