|_ TLF A TELECRAPTT CLASSIFIED AUK-WOW ' j t ■ 1 Help Wanted—M a 1 e Ever read the appeals under this heading in the Telegraph Classified Ad columns? Try it tonight, even though you have a good job and expect to stick to it. Read those ads tonight so that you may know for yourself that there is work in Harrisburg for those who can do it —that employers are ready and anxious to get competent help. And if you are an employer, read them to know what the other employers are doing, to know how you can secure more efficiency : n your plant. USE TELEGAPH CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RESULTS. I — J IJ LED ! MAUQAN Died, January 2, 1915. Miss Grace E. Maugan, of 310 I< orster | street, aged 25 years. • i Funeral Tuesday afternoon, at 2| o'clock, from her Into* residence Body can be viewed after 2 o'clock this at- ; tcrnoon and evening at her home. • Hurl a 1 Paxtang Cemetery. | IX MKMOIUI M IN sad, but loving remembrance of, our dear fnthcr, Jacob M. Zctgler. who j departed this life January 4, l'JOo. j Ten weary years to-day you left us, I uli! how quick you had to leave, Never giving us a warning, "God left us alone to grieve. Then sleep on, dear father, 'Twas .sad to part. Hut Gou Knows best. , •Twas His will lie- took you from us. To dwell with Him in per.ee and rest. His daughters. lAJL.UA AND EEEA. LOST 1 ,osT Eons blackhalred Collie dog: tan feet, white breast. Party is known who has same. To avoid further trouble, send to 213 Myers street, toteel lon. Pa. I.OST Black fur neckpiece. New ! Year's Day, on Market street. Finder j please return to this office. j IA)ST Eady w-ho picked lUi blue | silk scarf in Steelton German Quartet Hall, will please return it at once to 41 • | North Second street, Harrisburg. j EOST Thursday night, French | l'oodle, white with dark spot on ono | iar. Answers to name of "Snowball. 1 toward if returned to 260 He r street, j FOUND FOUND —A place to give your clothes a uew lease of life at Eggert's Steam D'eing and Freuch Cleaning Works, 1245. Market street. Wo call and de liven Doth phones. DEEP WANTED —.Male AKM V OK UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ableboaled, unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens ot United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. *or information apply to.Uecruitlng Otttcer. Birgncr Building, 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 18 N. Queen St.,JLancaster; 353 Pine 8 Williainsport; li \\ . Mar ket St.. York, or 113 independence fct., Shamokin, Pa WANTED A High School or Busi ness College student to devote Ilia _ af lernoons i-ollec'tin*? for a larye .New York publishing house. Liberal con tract and permanent employment to the applicant who can furnish unques tionable references. Address 11., IJB3, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two good solicitors and one sales manager. Apply Itoom SOU, Trustee Building, Harrisburg. TO take orders for Sharp-Sliod Over shoes for horses. Every owner buys at sight. This is a money-maker. Hurrah Mig. Co., Agency, 905 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg. WANTED Railway mail and postal clerks; examinations soon; over two thousand appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. J5 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College. Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Railway Mall Clerks; Harrisburg Mail Carriers. $65.00 to $l5O month. Harrisburg examinations coming. Sample questions and full de scription free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 361-A, Rochester, N. X. 111.1,1' WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework; one not afraid of work and who will give proper care to children; prefer country woman, or one who wants to make a home. Apply 811 North Third street. - WANTED Thoroughly experienc ed operators on power sewing ma chines, to make ladies' aprons, chil dren's play suits and rompers, at Jen nings' Mfg. Co., 414-116 State street. * WANTED Woman for general housework—family of two—ln country —one looking for good home and fail wages. Address J. K. Suavely, It. F. D. No. 2, Middletown. Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MuIe WANTED Position in office, store, or any honorable work with a chance of advancing; can give good reference and salary no object at start. Address "1v.," P. (J. Box 175. Hummelstown, Pa. WANTED An experienced book keeper, employed, desires extra work, as auditing, or keeping a set of books during evenings and Saturday after noons; good references. Address N., 1986, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy, 16 years of ngt desires position of any kind. Call, or address. 558 Woodbine street. WANTED By young white -man, of any kind; all night or spare Time: references. Address 605 South Third street. Steelton. WANTED Man wants work of any kind. Apply 259 Delaware street. \ FOR SALE House at Summerdale Two-story frame house six rooms hath and furnace front, side and rear porches. Lot 60x14-1 ft. to a 16 ft. rear alley. Three squares from Marysville trolley lihe. If interested make us a proposi tion. Miller Bros. & Neefe KRAI ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Ilontla I,ocu»t anil Court Mreet* MONDAY EVENING, ! SITUATION WANTED—MaIe I j WANTED Position as janitor, or | night watchman, by middle-aged white I man; can furnish references. Address I Robert A. Smith, 329 Clinton. WANTED Young, married man j would like position as driver; well ac quainted with city; plenty of refer ences. Address, or call, A. I>. Y., No. I 1325 James street. j SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe ! WANTED A colored woman wants I washing or day's work. Call 50S Slate | street. | WANTED —By young girl, position lin doctor's office. Address U„ 1984, care I of Telegraph. WANTED A young colored girl wants light housework. Call at 508 State street. WANTED Very capable woman, experienced in nursing, cooking, sew ing and housekeeping, desires work during the day; hours. 8 A. M. to 6:30 P. SI. Address K., 1987, care of Tele graph. WANTED Washing done at home. Apply 911 Brlggs street. WANTED Position as housekeeper lor chambermaid by white lady; can give j good reference. Address Box 42, Marys | ville. Pn. ) WANTED —By colored woman, gen eral housework In private family. Call, or address, 141 Einden street. Situation Wanted—Male anil IVinalc ' WANTED Reliable colored couple ; desire place in good family as cook and houseman; have both city and country experience. Call or address, 1314 Cur j rant avenue. j HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE I OUR JAN. REAE ESTATE S A EE: 334 S. Sixteenth St.. reduced $150.00. | 1235 & 1237 Halley St., reduced $250.00. 1849 Spencer St.. reduced $250.00. BRINTON- PA CK ER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. OCR JAN. REAE ESTATE SALE: 45 ACRES; 6'.4 miles from New Cum berland; frame buildings; fair condi tion; can buy stock and implements. Price reduced to $2,300.00. Brinton- Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE —To niannlaclur j crs and builders I have a plot jof ground 176x165 ft. Can be 'bought reasonable. John 11. Ma jloney, Xo. 1619 Green street. j FOR SAEE Suburban Bungalow with over one-half acre ot ground, ! within 5-ccnt carfare of city. Price, I I $2,850. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir-i teenth street. FOR SALE AT A BABUAIN! ! I Or will exchange for Improved | I city property, an imposing 14- I room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban I ] residence. All improvements; j porch, in ft. wide. 70 ft. long. Lot. 116x200 ft. Shrubbery; 6 kinds of J j fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 12 I minutes and one fare from Market ' j Square. Call Bell phone No. 304SE. j | FOR SAEE Good opportunity. Cor- ! i her Grocery Store on llill for sale. I ! Doing good business. If. G. Pedlow, i I 110 South Thirteenth street. ! FOR SAEE 2 '/i-story frame house, ] ! 8 rooms; 2 lots, 30x125 each, corner Shell and Maple streets. Progress, Buildings in excellent condition. Ideal ! location. Bargain. Inquire of B. A. Pletz, Progress. i FOR SAEE. AT PAXTANO New j 2V4 -story brick house, with improve ments; steam heat; large porch; large lot. inquire D. M. Bicker, 102 Paxtang avenue, Paxtang, Pa. [ $3,200 AVIEE BUY a corner brick j i house 8 rooms bath gas i-lec irte light steam beat located on Allison 11111. Particulars at 801 l I liealty Co.. Bergner Building. REAE EST.VIFOR RENT j STORE ROOM or entire building. 11 | , North Fourth street, opposite Dives,! Pomeroy and Stewart, for rent. Upper floors suitable for apartments, or will I bo changed to suit business of tenant if desired. Possession April 1, possiblv ! earlier. Apply M. Schondorf, 10-12 | South Fourth street. * FOR RENT Detached frame houses on Schuylkill street, all improvements, [large and comfortable, at $17.60. Ap ply Wittenmyer Lumber Co. 2116 TURNER STREET FOR KENT -8 rooms, bath and range. $12.00. John ill. Maloney, 1619 Green street. FOR RENT Seven rooms and bath; all conveniences; side entrance; bay ; window; 31 Chestnut street. Apply Front and Chestnut streets, Steelton. FOR BENT 2412 North Second street; 3-story, very desirable neiv brlck house. Inquire C. G. Gilmer, cor- Iner Twenty-seventh and Deny streets. Belt Phone 3525 R. FOR RENT Nine-room house, 1839 ; Park street; all improvements; pos | session at once. Inquire 1839 Park street. FOB RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. .1. E. Ctppte, 1251 Market street. KEAIJ ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SAEE OR RENT—2-storv brick bulldlns-- 20x40 feet: centrally lo cated, at Sixth and Bridge streets. New [Cumberland, Pa. Ideal for garage or I auto machine shop. Owner will sell or ent<-r Into partnership with respon ! slble party. Kxperlenced machine shop l man necessary to handle proposition. | Itare bargain for one who means busi j ness. 11. C. Oren, New Cumberland. Pa APARTMENTS FOR KENT j 214 NORTH THIRD STREET Third ! Iloor unfurnished apartment; large dining, sitting and bed rooms, kitchen ette mid both. Second floor, furnished, two large rooms; city steam; gaß and electric lights. APARTMENTS FOR HF-NT i l'Olt RENT Flat, six rooms and ' bath; second floor; steam lieat; front I and back stairs. 1516 North Sixth ' street. __ FOR 11ENT Furnished apartment ! of two rooms and bath, electricity and I gas; large rooms, with bay window and steam heat. Apply 7 North Thirteenth I .street. ' FOR RENT —An apartment, tlireo i rooms and bath, coal and (fas ranee, ! gas and electric lights J15.00 monthly, ! Api-lv Mehrlng's Lilquor Store, Sixth i and Muench. Bell phono —671, United 7031". 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET Sec ond floor housekeeping apartments It ••™e rooms with kitchenettes and baths modern improvements—elec tric lights gas city steam Jani tor service. Apply at above address. MacDANIEUS APARTMENTS —House- keeping furnished complete one large alcove room bay window small kitchen, t?as range, stationary wash tub private meter, bell, mail box. 1-117 Market street. Phone BU7J. FOR RENT Furnished. second floor apartments, for light housekeep ing. two or four rooms; rent reason able; all conveniences. Apply before 6 P. M.. 621 North Second, after f, P. M., 01R North Second street. Bell phone i ROOMS FUR RKNT FOR RENT Third floor room, well heated, nicely furnished; large bay win dow; gas and electric lights; use of modern bath; for one or two gentle men. 234 llummel street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all conveniences, Including pnone. Call 107 Chestnut street. Bell phone liOJJ. FOR RENT Suite ot rooms, or an apartment of 4 or 6 rooms, for light housekeeping; steam heat; gas ranse; water heater. Rent reasonable. Apply 2 I'll North Second street. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences; city steam heat; facing Capitol Pork. 521 North Fourth street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, pleas ant corner room, Southern exposure; ÜBC of phone; improvements. Apply 601 North Front street. FOR RENT L.argc pallor, bed rocin, second floor front; ten-niinute walk from Capitol; newly furnished; all conveniences. Call 2i4 Crescent street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished roomts, with bath; all improvements; city steam. Call, or address, 701 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two communicating, unfurnished front rooms, SB.OO per month. Afipij. si 4 North Third street. FOR RENT One comfortable sec ond story room, in good neighborhood, with rellned, private family, use of bath and Bell phone. 121 South street. LARGE, well-lighted, furnished rooms, single or enauite; city steam; use of phone. Call 71U North Sixth street, or Bell phone 613 R. FOR RENT Furnished roomß, single or ensulte; all conveniencves. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms in very good location; use of bath and telephone. Call at 203 State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three or four rooms and bath, furnished, for light housekeep ing; young couple; outlying section. Might consider exclusive portion mod ern house. Address R. M., care of Tele graph. ROOMS AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED One large, furnished room on third floor front, for gentleman or man and wife, with boarding home comforts price reasonable. Apply 1420 Reglna street, near Thirteenth and Market streets. BOARDING. EODGING Ol! BOTH Newly furnished rooms. On car line. Bell i>lione 2841 Y. 1520 Berryliill street. FOR SALE FOR SAEE A parlor Novelty Double Heater; only used four months; moving to heated house the reason for selling. Apply corner Twenty-ninth and Elm streets, Penbrook, Pa. GEASS window signs, Fumlsned Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. On« of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph 1015 CALENDARS FOR SAEE - A few good '-argains in Job lots. Orders promptly filled. Bell phone 1577 R. Meyers Mfg. Co., Third and Cumberland streets, above Miller's Shoe Store. FOB SAEE Player Piano at a rea sonable price, is iu good condition; also lint-top desk and chair, household goods and stoves Leaving city, reason for selling. Apply 1932 East State street. GUNS! GUNS! AT less than cost. One $12.50, 12- gauge. double-barrel. $7.50; single-bar rel. $3.00; twenty-two caliber rifle, $2.25; 12-gauge smokeless shell, 45c a box. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. ONE sanitary roll-top desk; also practically new Remmington, No. 1(1, typewriter and table, at a real bargain. Address Box 1989, care of Telegraph. ONE fifty dollar "Irl's bicycle new tires new paint— at a sacrifice $12.50. Keystone Cycle Co., bit North Third street. HEWING MACHINE—IIAHG UN BRAND-NEW Will sacrifice for $22.00 —cost *40.00. If interested see it to-day. 814 North Third street. CALKS FOR SAEE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second street. Red Tip, Ring Point. Blizzard. Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SAEE —Three Thompson Barred Rock Cockerels, bred from prize-win ning stock. Now booking orders for I latching % :ggs. Apply Robert C. Mil ler, New Cumberland. Pa. FOR SAEE Pope Waverly Electric Runabout. A bargain. Inquire 3375J, Bell phone. FOR SAEE Wliite and Brown Eeg horns and Barred Plymouth Rocks, pul lets. These birds have started to lay. Bargain if sold at once. Call Bell phone. A. B. Davis, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SAEE Stable manure deliv ered. Box A, 1985, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CAR 1)8 can b« secured at the Telegraph Buslnesi Office. FINE AHO COMPLETE LINK AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs, car riage Robes. Horse Blankets and Stable Blanket*. Harrisburg IJarne.is & Sup- ' ply Company. Second and Chestum mteta. FOR SALE At Gable's. 111-117 S. Second St., 5,000 Sets New Sash, Bxlox 12 E.. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per net. Also all regular sizes. BICYCLES! BICYCLESI BICYCLES! WANTED 25 second-hand bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for cash. We also have rebuilt bicycles for sale at bar gain price.'. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. FOR SAEE At Gable's. 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gallons New Bra, ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SAEE CARDS on sat* at ths Telegraph Business Office. HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR REST FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first door front. Rent. $25.00 per month. Can '.:e used .» an office or small store room. WANTED WANTICt) l,OOO men who want to buy made-to-measure shirts. J 1.1:5 each, 3 for $3.60 and up. Guaranteed fit. Good quality, latest patterns. W. Morrow, 1007 Market street. WANTED A good, second-hand l-00l or llat-lop office desk. Address L., 1982, care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand typewriter desk; one with drawer space preferred. Call either phone, 3690. WANTED Old furniture, china, glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We are buyers for Boston. New York and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by any local collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth street, Harrlsburg. UUSIAES!) OPPORT Li A IT JUS I MADE 950,900 In Ove years Id th« mall order business, began wltk $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. list cock, 355 Lockport. N. T. m sinks* oitohtumtv 1 FOK SALE Manufacturing plant, established many years ago, doing a strictly cash business. Only ono of its kind in city. Will be sold reasonably, as quick sale Is desired. Close investi gation invited. R., 1988, care of Tele graph. WANT ten persons to Invest S2OO each in proposition that will earn big return on investment. Address It., 1988, care of Telegraph. ONE of the best grocery and fresh meat stores in this city is offered for sale at inventory value. Good oppor tunity for live wire. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Pre»s Syndicate, 7»S. Lock port. N Y. 111S1.\J',SS WiKSONAIiS REPAIRING AND UPHULSTkUUNO with best material una by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction, a. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling Hair try Gross Quioln* Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. UeU 1860. WEATHER STRIPS ln order to introduce our Grooved Side Strips for doors and windows, will sell you 104 feet for s2.uo, regular price ?8132, and our automatic liottom Strips at 50 cents each. Call at S. \V. llorst s, Wash ington avenue, Lcmoyne, Pa. OLD GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, No. 1 North Third street. Bell pho'le 12741* dAUUNfi 11. W. LATUU, ituariltns Stabl. and XnOonal Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on l.cal Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit Borrower. Address P. o. Box 174, Harrlsburg, Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for nonest work ing people witnout bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instaimeul* to suit uorruwers convenience. Cooperative Loan and investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street STORAGE | STORAGE 419 ttroad street, for 1 household goods and merchandise. Pu- i vale rooms, $1 to $4. Wagons, lit cent* per month. Apply J->. Cooper .v CO., *ll liroad street. Both shonea. STORAGE IN 3-story br:ek building, rear 4Us Mil ike t street. Household goods In cienr., private rooms. Iteusouable rates. Apply to ■ P. U. Dlencr, Jeweler, 4HS Market St. HAHRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely divided into fire proof private rooms of various :<i;-.es for the storage of household goods; the other warehouse or the most approved type of lire retardent construction for ijuiierut merchandise. They are equip- I ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and sale handling of household goods and all kinds ot merchandise. Low storage rates. South Second street near i Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. 11. It. Central Storage Co. CORNER COURT and CRANIiERRY ! STREETS, llarrisburg. Pa. Bell phone i—New Four-story Building Private rooms —Furniture and china packing a specialty—Heated rooms for pianos and perishable goods. LEGAL NOTICES FARMERS' MARKET COMPANY A MEETING of the stockholders of the Farmers' Market Company, for the purpose of electing live directors and transaction of such other business as may be presented, will be held at the office of the Cot pany. Room No. 1), is North Third Street, Tuesday, January 11', 1915, ' < tween 10 and ll o'clock A. M. DANIEL M. DULL, s soretary. IIA It It I Sill K<; NATIONAL HANK < miitni, s:t»o.iMN) —siirploM, f:tr>o,<NHt llarrisburg. Pa.. December lU, IBH. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the llarrisburg National Bank, for the election of Directors, will be held at Its Hanking House. Tuesday, January 12. 1;t 15. between the hours of 10 and 11' A. M. W. L. GOUGAS, Cashier. IX REMRADINii OF WICONIgt'O VIHIIKT. FROM SIXTH STREET TO •IKKKKItSON STREET, HARKIM- Hl'Rti, FA. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned Viewers, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County to ascertain and assess dam ages and benefits which have accrued, or many accrue, by reason of the Im provement aforesaid, will meet upon the line of the improvement and view the same and the premises affected thereby on Monday, (lie 18th day of January, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties in Interest may attend personally or by counsel If thev see lit. And the undersigned Viewer's will hold an adjourned meeting in the Council Chamber, In the Court House, at Ilarrlsburg. oil the next succeeding dry (Legal Holidays and Sunday ex cepted!. at 10 o'clock A. M., and con tinue the hearings until all parties In interest who may attend shall have had an opportunity to be fully heard. E. EARL GRAEFF. 1 fA RRY PAUL, G. SMITH. Viewers. MINISTERS ATTEND THAVFLFKST Dr, 11. C. Pardoe read an Interest ing paper this morning on u trip "To the Golden Gate and Return 1o the East," at tlie regular meeting of the Methodist Ministerlum of Harrlnburg in the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation. Several of the pastors re ported on the number of converts that had been received Into the church of the Stough "trailhitters." Tlio Lutheran Ministerlum mot this nfternnon. The Rev. H. W. A, Han son was the principal speaker. SIOCKS HIGHER 111 OPEKOFHS I i Bethlehem Dominated During Early Hours, Common Going to Its Highest Point in Years New York, Jan. s. Opening deal ings In the stock market here to-day were more or less at variance with quotations for our stocks in London, where trading was resumed after a suspension of more than live months. With the exception of United States Steel and Pennsylvania, which declined mere fractions, most of other stocks I were a trifle higher, although the dull i movement was confined practically to shares of the inactive group. Bethle hem Steel, Common and Preferred, dominated the early market, the com mon rising to its highest price In sev eral years. Anaconda Copper was the only American issue to show any ad vance abroad. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely New York. Jan. 4. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 26% 27 'A 26% 27 U Amal Cop . 52% 53 % 52 53% Am J3t Sug 31 34' a 3 1 34 % Am Can .. 25"4 26 % 25% 2(i Am C& F. 44% 44% 44% 44% Ant Ice Sec 20% 21% 20% 21% Am Looc . 23% 2 4 23% 2 4 Am T A- T. 116 116% 116 116% Anaconda . 25% 26 25% 26 Atchison .. 93% 94% 93% 94% B& O 68% 69% 68% 69% Beth Steel. 46% 49 46% 48% Bklyn RT. 84% 85% 84% 85'/. Cal Pet ... 16% 16% 16% 16% Can Pacific 156 157 156 157 Cent. Lentil 37% 37% 37% 37% C, M&St P 86% 87% 86% 87% f ('on Cop. 33% 34% 33% 34 Col F& I. 22 22 22 22 Con Gas .. 113% 114% 113% 114% Corn Prod 8',4 S% 8% 8% Erie 21% 22% 21% 22% Erie Ist pd 34% 34% 34% 34% Gen Elec. . 140% 140% 140% 140% GoodrichßF 25 25 25 25 G North pd 113% 114 113 114 •GN Ore sbs 26 26 26 26 lnt-Met pfd 50 51 50 51 Lehigh Val 131 132 131 132 Mo Pac . . 8 % 8 % 8 % 8 % Nev C C .. 12% 12% 32% 12% X Y Cen . 84% 87% 84% 86% NY.NH &H 54% 56% 5i% 56%! N &■ W. ... 99 99% 99% I | N Pnc ... 104% 104% 104% 104% i iP R R ... 104% 106% 104% 106%: jPgh Coal . 15% 15% 15% 15% I Press S C. 34% 34% 34% 34%: Ray C C . 16 16 16 16 I Reading .. 143% 146 143 146 It I & S. pt 75 75 75 75 So Pac- ... 81% 82% 81% 82% Tenn Cop. 32% 33 32% 32% Texas Co.. 134% 134% 132 132 Union Pac. 116% 117% 116% 117% U S Rubber 54 54 54 04 U S Steel . 49% 50% 49 49% U S Steel p 105 105 105 105 |Utah Cop . 49% 50% 49% 50 | West Md . 9% 9% 9% 9% W U Tel . 57% 58 57% 58 West'house 69 69 69 69 j PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Wheat : Higher; No. 2, red, spot, export, $J,30% i (fi 1.32%; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ex-j ! port. $1.38*4 1.41%. Corn Higher; No. 2, yelow, local, I i Oats—Firm; No. 2, white, 65@06%c. i Bran Firmer; winter, per ton. $26.50®>27.00; spring, per ton, $26,006)' ' | 26.25. I Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania, per bushel, 55® 60c; New York, | per bushel, 40@<48c; Jersey, per basket, 35®)40c Hay The market Is firm; tlm- i othy. No. 1, large bales, $15.505( 19.00; i No. 1, medium bales, $18.50(& 19.00; No. i 2. do.. $17.oofel8.00; No, ,|o„ $1 1.506 i) , 15,50; samples, $ 13.00®14.00; no grade, I $1 1.00601 a.uO. Dressed Poultry Firmer; turkeys, ! fancy, 19®20c: do., average, I6®>lßc; | fowls, heavy, 17%@18%c; do., average, 14® 17 c} do., small, 12@18c; old roosters, 12'/ic: broiling mi'-kens, neur- I by, 16®»22c; western, 146(>20e; roast-; ing chickens, 14@23c; ducks, 16®'t7e;t geese. 13f»14c. Clover mixed hay i.lsh' -»>iT«d i $ 17.50<&' 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.50®) 17.00; I No. 2, do., $15.00®) 16.00. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., Jan. 4. Hogs Re- i eelpts, 02,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $7.05 hi 7.25; light. $6.85#7.25; mixed, $6.90®) ; 7.30; heavy, $t1.85®i7.30; rough, s6.Bs'<( i 7.00: pigs, $5,256) 7.00. Cattle Receipts. It,000: weak. Na tive steers. $5.50®)9.75: western, $4,906)) | 7.65; cows and heifers, $2.906|)8.00; j calves, $7.25®9.75. Sheep—Receipts, .".0.000; slow. Sheep, $5,756)6.65; yearlings, $6.80® 7.75; | lambs, $6.75®8.65. PHIL%DELPHI \ STOCKS Philadelphia, Jan. 4. 2 P. M. | Stock steady. General Asphalt 32 General Asphalt. Pfd 6X j I.ehigh Valley 66 | Pennsylvania Railroad 52% | Philadelphia Rapid Transit.. Bid 11 \ i Reading , 71 11-16 Storage Battery 47% Union Traction 30*4 f United Gas Improvement 81 ' U. S. Steel s 50% | CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Jan. 4. Board of Trade I closing: Wheat—May. 1.34%: July. 1.22. Corn—May. 7534; July 76%. Oats —May. 55; July. 53%. Pork—January, 18.60; May, 19.22. Ijird—January, 10.60; May. 10.92. Ribs—January, 10.15; May, 10.52. Works Old Sympathy C. 0. D. Game, Is Charge j That old crooked C. O. D. game— sending packages to the address of persons who died recently-—will be i explained at the police station to-mor- j row afternoon. Mayor John K. Royal I will give a hearing to J. 11. Chapman, j alias B. F. Brown, on a charge of false I pretense. Chapman was arrested In Lewlstown | Saturday on Information from Herbert I 13. Lucas, post office Inspector. Inspec- 1 tor Lucas believes he has a Federal I case against Chapman, who also used the mails. The Adams Kxpress Com- j pany Is the plaintiff In the case at the police station. Chapman, It is alleged, ! secured names of persons who died re- j cently. To the addresses of the de ceased he sent C. O. D. packages con taining cheap jewelry, and left the col lection of two and three dollars bill to the express company. Chapman has re tained Robert Stacker as his attorney. HOY WILL LOSE LEG Miflllnburg, Pa., Jan., 4.— William Jolly, 13 years old, son of Mr. and Airs. Edwin Jolly, living about ten miles west of Mifßinburg. met with a j serious accident on Saturday while vis- i ltlng a set of muskrat traps which the I boy operated to earn money to help support the family. His musket was accidentally discharged, the load strik ing him in the right leg below the knee, breaking the bones and tearing away the muscles. After the accident the boy crawled about a hundred yards and then called his little sister, who pulled him home on a small hand sled. Medical aid was sum/.ioned and the boy wus taken to V*ie Mary Packer Hospital at Sunbury, where it Is thought the leg will have to be ampu tated. JANUARY 4, 1915. KING AND QUEEN OF • King Albert and Queen Klizabeth of Belgium, photographed at a division headquarters behind the tiring line in Belgium. i Gardner Gives Views on Preparedness of United States For War 11 y Associated Press Washington, Jan. 4.—Representa tive Gardner* urging his proposal to i investigate the military preparedness i of the nation, told the House Military Committee to-day that the "entire field army, militia, regulars and all, of the United States would just about garrison Paris," and the United States to-day owns "little more than half of the number of guns Russia had at the battle of Mukden." Mr. Gardner had a series of lively passages with members of the com mittee which he arraigned for not summoning Major Generals Wood anil Crozier to get their views on pre paredness. lie quoted figures at length to show J that the combined force of regulars j and national guardsmen would form' a battle line (>r> miles long, two-thirds I of the way around Greater New York. Services For Victim of Auto Smash-up Tomorrow Funeral services for Miss Grace Maugan. aged 25 years, 310 Forster street, who died early Saturday morn ing from injuries she received in an automobile accident at Front and Wal nut streets late Friday night, will be held at the homo tc-morrow after-] noon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. 13. H. i llart, pastor of the Fifth Street. Moth-1 odist Church, ollielntlng. Hurlal will be made in Puxtang Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Harr.v and Gene DeHione, Ross and Francis Slmonetti, Albert Senior and "Bud" Commings. Miss Lillian Swatls, T. Elder Cleek ner and Samuel Weber, three others who were injured in the accident and were taken to the liarrisburg Hos pital, are reported improving and will probably leave the hospital in the next few days. Coroner Rcldnger will not hold an inquest until these three leave the hospital and can come as witnesses to the hearing. WANT AMERICAN IMtOTECTKD I fly Associated Press Washington, Jan. \. —American I Mini&ter Baily-Blanohard at Port an! Prince has been instructed to take | steps immediately for the protection of Charles Williams, an American, clerk in the National Bank of Haiti, threatened with arrest and punish ment by the Haitian government be-, cause of his participation in the re- j cent shipment to New York of the | gold supply of that bank, while the government was attempting .to take, possession of it. FALLS WHIIjK SKATING Charles Franklin, 10 years old. 11111 ('aider street, fell while skating at Twelfth street yesterday afternoon, sustaining a probable fracture of the left. arm. He was treated at the Har rlsburg Hospital. $ MONEY . To Housekeepers, Work oi initmen and Salaried Ern- ployes. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21. 4tli Floor Spooncr Building WANT WAR SHIPMENTS STCPPEI* ! Washington. Jan. 4.—Delegations I fro»:i New York, Philadelphia, Chi j cago and Baltimore, among them rep resentatives of the German-American Alliance and the Ancient Order of Hi bernians, appeared to-day be Jura the House Foreign Affairs Committee to favor pending Congressional regula tions to stop exports of war material.-) to the European belligerents. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adainx A Co.. R. 304, 8 V. Blnrket Sq. FOR SALE Forty—No. 3 Cyphers Incubators $20.00 Each • On account of uMlug; the Mam- I modi lncwlintor* wf offer our mnall j lncul»ator« for nolo which nrc in line | condition. 1lu«t call at farm for , tliein at thlM price. No reaerva ' tlon n without a deposit. Stouffer Poultry Farm WHITES HILL, PA. ' Ilox 224. II iirrlKliurß, I'n. «■ For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust' Building. Apply Union Trust Company [FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insur | ance Office No. 18 j North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. I LOTS FOR SALE 127x100, S. E. corner Jeft'erson and Seneca Sts. 110x127, East of above lots, on east side of Sen eca St. 80x127, West side of Ctirtin St., east of Jeffer son. Price right to quick buyer. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers