12 Harrisburg Telegraph Classified Business Directory GIVING IN CONVENIENT FORM THE NAMES, ADDRESSES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS f TEAR Oin THIS PAGE AND PRESERVE "TBS JL All Solicitation in Connection With This Directory A Was Done Exclusively by BELL TELEPHONE -" 1 ADDING MACHINE MeOasker Register Co., 6 N. ISth Bt. Bell 2430 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 16 N. Second. Bell 11981,. United S7BX. ADVERTISING AGENTS Writer's Service Bureau, 207 Telegraph Bldg. Bell 410. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS American Seeding Machine Co., 625 Walnut St. Seeding Mat,line. Both Phonea. Huber Mfg. Co., J. A. Rose, Mgr., 19 8. 10th St. Bell 1723. •Johnston Harvester 00., Tel. Bldg., Main Floor. Bell 679 R. International Harvester Co., 813 Market St. Bell 235 Oaborrie Division International Harvester Co. of America, 619 Walnut St. Bell 3870. United 444. ALDERMAN V. Bolton, 1600 N. 4th St. Bell 22811, C. B. Cavenv. Alderman ft Insurance, 204 S. 2nd. Bell 5761 E. J. Hilton, 2«6 N. Court. Bell, 1526 R. C. E. Murray, 82 N. Court. Bell 2160.1. Unit ed 76 3Y. C. B. Sprout, 1913 Derry St. Bell R42J. C. r. Walter, 449 State St. Bell 2435. ARCHITECTS C. Ilam' Kain, 210-211 Arcade Bldg. Bell 2288 W. Mr. C. 11. Word, 701 a Telegraph Bldg. Bell 202 R. United 894 X. ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL WORKS | S. B. Weidman, 800 N. 7th St., Bell 304 L. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS J. S. Shanaman k Son, 4OS Alarket St. Bell I 144.f. ARTISTS E. B. Black, 117 Market St. Bell 1540. J. H. Froeblich, 1225 X. Third St. 2173 Bell. AUTOMOBILES Re* Auto Garag", 1917 X. Third St. Bell 7IS | AUTOMOBILE REPAIRERS Harrington Repair Shop and Garage, Bradr k | Market Sts. Bell 463 R. .1. P. Ferry, 123-131 S. 11th St. Bell 2196 J. H. O. Zimmerman, Linden & Walnut. Bell 2492 AUTO SUPPLIES City Auto Supply Co., 118-120 Market St. Bell j 366. United 195 X. AUTOMOBILE TIRES J. A. Flank. 4A: Chestnut Sts. Knd of Mulberry St. Bridge, rtell 3359. AUTO TIRE REPAIRERS < has. K. U.Mer, IIS Strawberry St. Bell 1779. G. \N. Myers, Cameron k Mulberry Sts. Both I PbOIIC I. AUCTIONEERS J. T. Enatninger, 100 S. 2nd St. Bell 1667 T BAKERS llarrisburg Baking Co. Inc., 443-469 S. Cam-I cron. Bell 8. Italian-American Bakery, 357 S. Cameron St. Bell 485\V M. Rashinskv, 923 X. 6th St. Hell SSIR. B. Schmidt, 18th k Mulberry. Bell 1875 BAND INSTRUMENT MFGRS. Nns» Mfg. Co., Cameron k Mulberry. Bell 2833 j BANKS t, BANKING INSTITUTIONS | Citizen* Hank, 13th & Perry Sts. Bell 11S4J. ; United 4 40. I Commonwealth Trust Co., 2*22 Market St. Bell i 511 Harrisburg National Hank, 10 S. Second St. I Bell 1744, t'nited 020. Mechanics' Trust Co., Market k Third St. Bell j 3076 BARBER W. L. Grimes. 3 S. 4th Si. Hell 4 44L. Palace Barber Shop, 1 N. Third St. Bell ; 3516J I BARBERS SUPPLIES F. Bender, 26 S. 4th St. Bell 2725 BICYCLES Excelsior Cvcle Co., 1007 X. Third St. Bell 1630 J. BILL POSTERS Harrisburg Poster Adv. Co., Out Door Adver tising and Bulletin Boards, 2 N. sth St. Bell 285211 BILLIARDS 1 POOL ROOMS ! Belelias & l'o.. Shoe Shine. Barber Shop, Cigar Store. Billiard, 305 Market. St. Bell 696J j Clarence A. Fisher. Smokers articles in ever? i description, 2126 X. 6th St. Bell, 570.1 j L. G. Holtzman, Billiards. Bowling and Cigars. , S2S Market St. Bell 233511 C. W. Strothere, 432 South St. Bell 923 J. I BLACKSMITH B. C. Murrav, 5 X. 10th St.; .'lOl Crescent St. ! TJell 247J Shop. Bell 1882J Residence.. C. Poindexter, 425 Strawberry St. Hell 84. , BLACK PLATE AND TIN PLATE I.alance & Grosjcan Mfg. Co., Division and Jef ferson Sts. Bell 458. Main Office, 2U9 I!roadway. New York City. BOARDING HOUSE <l. 11. Barnes, 801 N. Oth St. Bell 2582 Hcrgstrcsier House, Temperance Hotel and Boarding. 486 Market St. Bell 9201,. i Mrs. K. Bingham, 927 N. Third St. Bell 852.1 .Mis. Cunningham. The Clifton, Rooms Fur nished. 700 X. Oth St. Bell 438,1. 1.. Gcistwhite, 1102 X. Third St. 561W Bell Mrs. N'eidig, Rooms, Boarding, 313 Chestnut St. Hell 6161, G. W. Sprucebank, 411 Walnut St. Bell 2908R BOILER IRON MKRS. Central lion .t Steel Co. (Receivers), Front bcl. Dock. Bell 2940 BOOK-BINDING. RULING. ETC. 'The Telegraph l'rinting Co., 210 Federal Square. BOATS 11. .1. Berrier, 1204 X. Front St. Bell 6111, BOOKEEPING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS Klliott-Fisher Co.. 1517 S. Cameron St. Bell 1384; United 1385. BOOTS & SHOE DEALERS L MFGRS. City Shoe Repairing Co., 317 Strawbcrrv. Bell 25211-. Devine .V Yungcl Shoe Mfg. Co., Apricot and Juniper Sts. Bell 1575 J. Forney Bros. Shoe Co.. 628 North St. .Belli 1349 R. United 011.X. R. Ain'cone. Good Service Shoe Repairing Shop. ' 1(131 Market St. Bell 1934.1. I.applev's Shoe Store, 4th & Kelker Sts. Bell . 206.1. BOOT & SHOEMAKERS DEALERS & MFG. j J. llarry Measeramith, Men's Furnishings, Shnea, J CuMoni Tailoring, 212 Market St. Bell 1 770,1. W. F. Paul, Shoe Dealer, 418 Market St. Bell 14 4W. Joseph F. Shorb, 300 a Market St. Bell 115SJ. Walk-Over Boot Shop, 226 Market St. llell 1706. BOOTS t SHOE MFGR. DcAgostino, 118 S. 2nd St. Shoe Repairing a specialty, BUILDERS SUPPLIES J. 15. Rhoads, Lime, Cement, Trrra-Cotta Pipe, and Coal, Cowden and Forster Sts. Branch 18th & Ilildrup Sts. BUTTERINE HIGH GRADE C. W. Towson, Jelke 4 Good Luck, 1-c S. ISth! k 826 Market Sts. Bell 2766. BURIAL CASE MFGRS. Übg. Burial Case Co.. 160-170 S. 10th. Bell! 1948. United 507. BUSINESS COLLEGE Harrisburg Business College, J. E. Garner, 829 Market St. Bell 492 W. International Correspondence Schools. Scranton, 202 Telegraph Bldg. Bell 6791.. CAKES Thorler Baking Co.. 1924 N. 6th St. Bell I 1480 W. CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS 1 E. E. F.hlv 1105 Janies St. Shop, 1221 Green | St. Residenre. Bell 674 R. W. D. Markley, 1426 Ben-yhill St. Bell lI4IJ. CARPET CLEANERS Kerstone Carpet Cleaning Works, W. E. Davis, ! Mgr., 1115 Montgomery St. Bell 2064 1 United MOW. CARPETS. OIL CLOTH. Eto. Harrisburg Carpet Co., 32 X. Second St. Bell 3581,. S. Kuhn ft Co., 2 S. Second St. Bell 694 W. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING Seflon Carriage Works, 1203 Capitol St. Bell CARRIAGE AN-J AUTO WORKS C. A. Fair. East Knd of Mulberry St. Bridge, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell 2679. 18th k Ilildrup Is. CARRIAGE WAGONMAKERS Eureka Coal Wagon Worka, A. If. Bailey Mgr. 614 -61S North. Bell 1349 J. CHEMISTS Col. 11. c. Demming. 16-17 N. Third St. Bell 2350. CHIROPODISTS. Mrs. 1- A. Dandridge. 33 X. 13th St. Ball 2738. CIGARS & TOBACCO Mrs. M. F. Bitting. 638 Maelay St. Bell 2508 L. Harrisburg Cigar Co.. 500 Race St. Bell 2162. R. C. Castor, 1401 Derry St. Bell 1238 R. CIGAR STORES 11. Iless, 1264 Market St. Bell 2SBR. K. M. llorstick. 1902 State St. Bell 1339 W. J. McCarroll, 93u N. 8d St. Bell 16351.. E. S. MeFsrlsnd 448 S. Cameron. Bell 1682 J. MONDAY EVENING, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Steelton Cigar Co., Snd and Washington Sta. Bell 178. Staelton. P«. LADIES t GENTS CLOTHING Livingston's, No. 9 S. Market Sq., on credit. Bell 688J COAL AND LIME Marshall Rutherford, coal and lime dealers, Bearer Creek Station. Bell A 72-6. P. O. Add. 1161 Derry St., Harrisburg. COAL AND WOOD J. E. Dare, 17th ft Chestnut. Bell 1501 J. J. M. Lehr, Hemlock nr. Oth. Bell 8290. MeCreath Bros., 567 Race St. Bell 1951. United 96. COAL, WOOD AND ICE Detweiler Bros.. 4 6 S. Front and Franklin, near Frederick, Steelton. Bell 4.X. COFFEE ROASTERS Enterprise Coffee Co., 107 Cherry St. Bell 8756 J. Mr. J. O. Sehaefer, 4 S. 18th St. Bell 1688. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bates ft Co., 110 Market St. Bell 796.1 United 20R. The Gardner-Baptist! Co., 301 Chestnut St. Bell 8320. United 680. CONFECTIONERS 1 C. Gangi, Standard Mixed Chocolatea $0.25, 202 S. 18th St. Bell 1151 J. j The I). Ba'-on <'o., 431-439 S. Cameron St. Bell 57. linited 326. J. M. Zimmerman. Ice Cream, 35 S. Second I St., Steelton, Pa. Bell 124. United 82X. I CONFECTIONERS. ICE CREAM ft OYSTERS |J. 11. Snyder, 1785 N. Third. Bell 13761.. CONTRACTORS J. H. Johnson, 273 Calder St. Bell 1133 W. I Central Construction ft Supply Co., 222 Mar | ket St. Bell 880. ID. Knialey, 206 Verbeke St. Bell 727 R. IC. 11. Lyter, 1940 State St. Bell 12851.. IW. S. Miller. 709 Tel. Bhlg. Bell 202 J. F. P. Murphy. 749 S. 21st. Bell 13511,. W. S. Roebuck, 1729 X. 3d St. Bell 2610.1. IC. W. Straver ft Co., 20 X. Second St. Bell I 909. j W. H. Wagner. 2100 Brookwood St., Contract ing and Jobbing. Bejl 637 R. i Whittaker ft Diehl. 71 Union Trust Bldg., Bridge Construction. Bell 1661. A. Wildman, 2206 X. Third St.. Bldg. Con* slruetor and Contractor. Bill 1272. M. F. Saul, 151!> .\. Fourth. Livery and Plumbing, llell 204. CORSETS 1 Keefe Corset anil Hosiery Shop. 107 a N. Second ISt. Bell 2654 J. Madam Irene Corsets. Gordon and Phoenix Hosierv. CRUSHED LIME StONE i Hoffman Bros, ft Wilson, 23rd St. and P. R. R. Bell 4941.. CUTS J The Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal Square. DELICATESSEN IS. S. Rutherford, 81S N. Second St. Catering, i Bell 1642. j Stouffer Quality Market. Inc.. Home Baking Specialty. Mayonaisc Dressing. Both I j Phones. 449 \ libel; e St. DENTISTS jB. S. Behitey, 202 Locust St. Bell 1814. I J Dr. 11. VI. Cumhler, 34 S. Front SI., Steelton,! | Pa. Bell 116. Dr. D. J. Keese. 504 Kunkcl Bhlg. Bell 2700. | DEPARTMENT STORES | l-'ast End Department Store. 1905 Derry St. j I See our Line of Xmas Goods. Bell 1230; United S9SW. Gatch iA Fitzgerald Supply Co., 29-33 S. Second i SIT Bell 3SB7J. Robinson ft Co., Third and Broad Sts. Bell I 1813 J. DINING ROOMS G. R. Reese, 25 S. Second St. Bell 590 J. i DRESSMAKERS M. T/. Breunan, 21 X. Fifth St. IM. Dunbar. 113 chestnut St. Bell 1353 J. Mrs. V. Foster, 2126 Green St. Bell 2200. I Mrs. F. E. Ila maker, agent for Mrs. Summers j Female Remedies, 1733 X. 3d St. Bell IS37J. IM. A. Straub, 612 Camp St. Bell 1084 J. DRUGGISTS } 11. B. Althouae, 3d ft Muench Sts. Bell 72R. ; Althouses Aromatic Castor Oil pleasant to ! lake. i Brimllc's Pharmacy, Cor. 13th ft Derry Sts.! ] Bell 2684 R. I C. T. George, 1306 X. Third St. Bell 1443 J. i E. 7. Gross, Prescription Specialist, 119 Market! SI. Bell 1960., D. A. Buehler, Prescription Specialist. 916 X. | Third SI. Bell 3766.1. United 34 6W. | Kitzmillor l'harmacv, 1325 1-2 Derrv St. Bell ' 1039!,. United 54 3V IC. F. Kramer, 3d ft Broad. Prescriptions a! specialty. Bell 1669 J. United 296 W. I Marshalls Pharmacy, Boas ft Cowden Sts. Bell ' 2785. | Mchring's Drug Store. 4th ft Peffer Sts. Both i Phones, White Pine Cough, Full Line toilet i articles. 11. E. Parson, 1104 X. 7th. Prescriptions s] specialty. Cough Svrtips. Bell 2340 R. 1). A. Peters (est), Steelton, Pa. Ilerpo Hair ionic. Peters Stomach Remedy. Both i phones. Geo. C. Potts. 1100 X. Third St. Both Phones, Emergency branch for A. l>. S. Prepara tions. T. Prowell, 885 Front St.. Steelton. Pa. Both Phones. Gall-Choi for (Jail Stones. A. M. Richert, 18th ft Walnut Sts. Bell 16SR. Smith Pharmacy, 1001 Market St. Beil 2349 R. W. F. Stcever. 1324 Walnut Si. Both Phones. Xyal ft A. D. S. Preparations. Sundry Supplies. W. F. Thompson. 202 7 N. Oth St. Both Phones. IT. A. Thorley, 449 Slate Si. Both Phones. Red Spruce and White Pine Expectorant. W. O. Walte. 824 X. 6th St. Both Phones. ! Prescriptions a specialty. ■ S. K. Wilhelm ft Co., Second and State Sis. j j Both Phones. Prescriptions carefully com j pounded. DRUGGIST WHOLESALE IC. M. Forney. 426 Market St. Tar Tolit and White Pine Cough Syrup, Nyal Agcnev, A. 1). S. Agency. Bell 1287. United 327. DRY BEEF AND BOLOGNA Mrs. S. E. Schriver, 1428 llegina St. Bell 14L<9. DRY GOODS Steelton Store Co. Ltd., Locust nr. Canal. Steel ton, Pa. Bell 77. OYERS W. Compton, Cleaner and Dyer, French Cleaning ' and all work guaranteed. Bell 1809 L. • 11. Goodman. 1306 1-2 X. 6th St. Cleaning I and Dying a Specialty. Bell 3296. I ! Parisian Dye Works, 1 409 X. Third St. Clean-! j crs. Dyers anil Pressers. Bell 983 W. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT Yingst Electrical Co.. Ever Known Electric I Christinas Tovs, 1423 X. Third. Bell I I 2705. | ENGRAVING I The Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal Square. EXPRESS (Local) ;I. W. Atehley, 1272 Juniper St. Bell 6061t. O. 11. Beck, Safe ft Pianos Moved, 320 Straw berry. Bell 782. United 183. I W. 11. Fields, The Furniture and Moving Man I 815 West St. Bell 5141,. IS. B. Heed, 24 N. River St. Bell 114. United 4 50Z. EXPRESS COMPANIES Adams. 401 Chestnut, 1100 ,\. 3rd St. Other Branch offices. Bell 2980, 2981. I'nitcd I " 0 " TvsRM DAIRY L. Stober, Best Farm Dairy. 2100 State. Bell! FEED AND GRAIN H. C. Zaehsrii#. Oranges. Grape Fruit and Potatoes a specialty. 14 S. 2d St. Bell 33, United 2314. FEED. GRAIN AND COAL Mock ft Ilartman, 71b ft Emerald Sts. Bell 1 440. United 695. FISH MARKET Russ Fish Market, 15 X. Market Sq. Bell 2495 and 2406 1 FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS TRUCK C. N. Wolflev, 226 X. 2nd. Bell 9711 1 United 34. "" FISH. OYSTERS, TRUCK I Clarence D. Stonesifor, also fruit, 1803 Bailev St. Bell 4831.. | FLORISTS I J. D. Brenneman, 2011 X. 2d ft Cameron cor Reilv. Bell 874 M. I. K. Longenecker. 804 X. 3d. Bell 3753J F. E. Ridenotir, 1221 X. 3d St. Bell 220W Schmidt Florist, 318 Market St. Bell 905 United 213. FLOUR DEALER William Smallwood. 488 Herr St. Bell 506J United 786. I FLOUR. FEED t GRAIN Calvin Ktter ft Son. 601 State St. Bell 282 R. Hotter ft Oarman, 18th ft Kelley. Bell 2885 J. United 616. FLOUR, FEED AND WHEAT John tloffer Flouring Mill Co. Inc., Trswick ft Frederick Sts.. Steelton. Pa. Bell 491. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS E. X. Cooper and Co., 130 Short St. Bell 610. United 4 55. FRUIT DEALERS H. M. Stees, 127 S. Cameron St. Bell 155 W. s. Gardner, 1309-1311 N. 3d St. Bell 1953.: United 411. Levi Bros., Bananas, 439 Yerbeke St. Bell 374 3J. E. Bierbower, 120 S. Court St. 1159J Bell. 914W United. J. F. Feeser, 140 S. 3d St. Bell 1223 J. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES L. C. Clancy, 17 N. Second St. Bell 862. FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, FURS 4 | DRAPERIES. ! Rothert Co., 312 Market St. Bell 1127. United 682. FURNITURE t CARPET DEALERS C. F. Hoover Furniture Co., 1413-1419 N. Second St. Bell 2646. FURNITURE DEALERS AND HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Swart* ft Shandler, 510 Walnut St. Bell 1340 W. FURNITURE DEALERS k CABINETMAKERS ! Dunkle ft Knoderer Undertaking Co., 124 N. Front St.. Steelton. Bell 417,. S. Gold. 1016 Market St. 1381R Bell. FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS AND STOVES Miller ft Kades, 7 N. Second St. Bell 2600. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS J. Harry Messersmith, 212 Market St. Bell 770 J. GROCERS—RETAIL T. W. Anderson. 700 Race St.. General Grocer ies an.l Wall Paper, l'.ell 1135. A. J. Katzman. 208 X. 14th St. Bell 2822 J. W. A. Boak. 131 Yerbeke St., Smoked Meats. Bell 1162 L. 11. J. Braeoney, 1001 X. 6th St. Bell 26R9W. \\. I'. Burgoon, 1354 X. 6th St.. Teas and Cof fees at Special Prices. Bell 1619 J. G. A. Brunner, 1112 X. Front St., Brunner's S.BO coffee for 5.25. Bell 3270 J. H. F. Kramer. Paxtang, Pa. Bell 1936 J. A. H. Kriedler ft Bros.. 100' X*. Second St. Bell 1397; United 28. T. 11. Loser. Paxtang. Pa. Special Brand of Dried Fruits and Canned Goods. Bell 7511. C. T. Mackcnson, 117 Paxton St. Bell 2570 W. I 11. H. Long, 1827 X. Seventh St. Bell SS7J. j Special .Xmas Goods. | Monn Bros.. ICS7 Swatara St. Bell 1805 L. C. F. Motter, 211 Chestnut St. Bell 3751 J. E. K. Mountr, 1700 Regina St. Sec Our I Xmas Goods. Bell 3751 J. !s. A. Schreckengaust. 645 Schuylkill St. Wag- i Her Brand Canned Goods. Bel! 237:; U. . I We give dime receipts, IG. K,chimin ft Son, 2828 Derry St. llell 494 W. Branch P. O. 21. ;A* '' Kitchen. 93 X. 17th St. Fresh and I Staple Groceries. Bell 1488 J. j Poileck's Grocery Stores. Where (Quality City Grocery. Hill Grocery, Steelton Gio- ! i cerv. Bell Phones. Steele's Grocery, 1900 llollv SI. Our Specialty > Harrington Hall Bakerir.ed Coffee. Bell ! 24 64 J. .L. G. Orr. 2017 Forsler SI. Bell 1339. T. S. S. I'omeroy. SS. Second SI. Bell 1598. j IC. 11. Raine Est., 571 Race St. Cheese Mer- ! I chant. Phone 831 W. .1. Rappoport, 326 Calder St. Bell 647 W. G. E. Runkle, 1924 State St. Bell 1339R;! I United 274 W. 11. E. Runkle. 193 X. 15th St. Bell 2115 R. ! J. 11. Scbourn, 827 Green St. Agent for Riddle! | Brand Coffee. Bell 3229 J. 'F. H. Seitller, 1501 State St. Bell 1001.1. ! U. W. Seighman, 135 S. 14th St. Ovsters audi | Fresh Milk. Bell 1627 L. I Sham mo ft Sou. 609 Stale St. Flesh Eggs I and Poultry. hell 7571,. I Harry Sherman, 1228 Bailey St.. and En- I haul. Pa. Sherman's Reliable Coffee, $.25. ' ! Bell 131 3W-69JC. ; Mrs. M. E. Sinister, 34 4 Muench SI. Fresh! j Pork and Smoked Meats. Bell 2380.1 i I New \ork Grocery, Clyde J. Smith. 322 Ver- ! i beke St. Bell 623 L. IJ. P. Smith. 1200 N. Second St. Full Line of i | Xuts and Nut Meals. Bell 1162 W. J. 11. Snenringer. 224 Hamilton St. Bell 1209- ! United 677 Y. I Mrs. S. J. Sollctiberger, 1538 N. Fourth St. ! Bell 347 R. |C. Studebal.er. Second and Slate Sts. Belli | 790; United 54 4. :W. 11. Filler, 2417 N. Sixth St. Bell 1699 J. |C. F. Willis. 1500 Market Si. Bell 3277.1. , It. M. Wolfe. 500 S. 13th St. Bell 1683W-i | United 3379. jL. P. Yoder, 621 Harris St. Libby ft Heinz! Products. Bell 3636,1. G. C. Young. 1000 S. Cameron St. Bell 1733 - 1 United SS9W. E. E. Holders. .11 X. 131 h St. Bell 1487, J Geo. \. Gcistwhite, Staple and Fancy Groceries, j 329 S. Front St.. Steelton. Pa. Bell 173. ] GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 1.. Cohen, 622 Reilv St. Hell 1 464 R. . i Cornman ft Colestock, Ovsters and Clams. 1024 A Derry St. Bell 2957. Mrs. J. W. Craver, 1426 Zarkcr St. Hell S97W. Irwin E. Deppen. 6th and Emerald Sts. Bell 2746. United 262 Y. 11. C. Devore, 1724 X. Third St. Bell 1824. Wm. A. Gernert. Fancy Groceries. Fresh. Smoked I Meats. 1201 Mulberry-1741 Market Sis 1 Bell 2944-1749 W. Gordon Bros, 1200 X. Cameron and 154 3 1 Walnut St. llell 331.1-1617 J. M. Gross. 438 Walnut sod 1318 X. 7th. Bell j 389J-375R. United 754Y-452W. X. Gross. 2015 N. 6th SI. Bell 74511. S. R. Harris, 1929 X. 6th St. Bell 961 It. !J. I. Hetrick, 1600 Regina St. Bell 916 J. 11. 11. llocker, Home Made Saucr Kraut. 6 ets. a Quart. 104 Tuscarora St. Bell 83lj' I C. Houseman ft Son. 17 Kind of Cheese Variety 1412 X. Third St. Bell 2209. GROCERS. WHOLESALE Evans-Burtnett Co.. 218-222 S. Second St Bell 1734-1785; United 317. Witroan-Schwarz Co., 618-617 Walnut St. Bell 1974; United 445. Private Branch Ex change. HOTELS Aldine Hole!, E. S. Miller, 435 Market St. Bell 1322 R. ! Hotel Acri. Absolutely Cleanest Hotel. Fourth and Chestnut Sta., Harrisburg, Pa. I Bell 2138 J. Capitol Hotel. G. F. Winger, Prop. IJ7 N. Fourth St. Bell 1740 J. | Central Hotel, Kirk Shelley. Prop. 129-135 1 S. Front St., Steelton. Pa. Bell 64X. i Fifth Ward Hotel. J. L. Morgentlialcr. 937 X Third SI. Bell 735 J. Commonwealth Hotel, J. A. Clement, Prop. 201 Market St. Both Phones. Hotel Savford, G. M. Crosier, Prop. 1803 N. Third St. Bell 1161 R. Hotel Gerdes. .1. H. Gerdes. 347 X. Front St.. Steelton, Pa. Bell 15Y. Harris House, G. Rovai. 20 N. Third St. Bell 1318 R. Hotel E. Russ. C. E. Coppedge. 1001-03 Market St. Bell 1125 R. Hotel Hoffman, E. G. Hoffman. 441 Market SI. Bell 373,1; United 3S6Y. Hotel Kellv, J. A. Kelly. 231 Strawberry St. Bell 716J; United 986 Y. I Hotel Kobler, G. Kobler. 1232 N, Sixth St. Bell 2682 J. IJ. Russ, 212 Strawberry St. Bell 2283 L. I Pa. R. R. House, R. F,. Hamilton. 1237 JC Seventh St. Hell 1412.1. Paxton Hotel. D. C. Mingle. 1108 Market St. Bell 3239 W. West End Hotel. F. I.auster. Newly Remod eled rooms for men only. 800 Yerbeke St. Bell 1161 W. Hotel Rife. W. 11. Rife. Trop. 325 Walnut SI. llell 426 L; United 207 W. W. S. McKay Hotel and Cafe, 806 Strawberrv St. Bell 789 L. Kapphan's, Mrs. B. Kapphan, 82* Verbeke St. Bell 2704,1. Lochiel. W. 11. Byerly. European Plan. Cor. Market anil Third. Bell 240; United 810. Maple Grove Hotel. A. Koenig. Prop. Cor. Sixth and Maclay Sts. Bell 1904 J. F. Mooslein, 1285 N. Sixth St. Bell 271 J. j Ml. Pleasant Hotel. W. J. Corsoli. Market and Cameron Sts. Bell 1002; United 371 Y. IA. Mourer. 400-402 Forster St. Bell 851,1. Pcnna. Hotel. J. White. 813 Yerbeke St. Hell 2618. The Senate, E. P. Gourley, Mgr. 2-4 N. Sec ond SI. Bell 1493. Washington Hotel. J. A. Brougher, 517 Wal nut St. Bell 1340 L. HAIRDRESSER * 366W ® l * e khouse, 82 N. Second St. Bell HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HARDWARE Bretz Bro*. See our Window I)i*pl«r. 109 Mar ket St. Bell 2319; United 12W. Cl«ckner A Burke, 1226 N. Third St. Bell 911 J. H. A. Gahlr. 111-11J-115-117 S. Second St. Bell 1225 L: United 4 32. Harritburg Hardware Co., Inc., 5 N. S«conil St. Bell 15JJ6J; Limited 622. R.vder Hardwire Store. Sherwin Williams Paint. 802 Verbeke and 4 4 N. Third St«. Both Phonea. !W. H. Killinger, 37 S. 13th St. Bell 2657 L. Marte Broa., 21 S. Third. Bell SohO; United 309. HARD WOOD FLOOR CONTRACTOR. C. A. Slough. Old Floora Made New. [ ale St. Bell 14S3L. HARNESS AND TRUNKS I Harrialmrjf Harness and Supply Co.. Leather Goods, Second and Chcstmit Sts., 1008 Market St. Both Phones. Umbrella Co., Traveling Goods, 101 N. Second and Walnut Sts. Bell 824 W. V. A. Walmer, Traveling Goods, 24 S. Third St. Bell 2702. HEALTH SYUDIO J. 11. Peters 11. V., 207 Walnut St. Bell ! 210211 HIDES AND TALLOW | Harrisburg Rendering and Hide ('o. Dead Ani i mals Removed Free. Both l'hones. Cam eron and Walnut Sts. S. B. Romberger Sons Co., Leather, Hides and Tallow, 65-73 S. Tenth St. Both l'hones. HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS New Idea Co., Inc. New Idea Quality Ho**\ Fourteenth and Mayflower Sts. Bell 141. ICE People's Ice Co., 134 S. Cameron. Bell 3290 R. I ICE, COAL AND GENERAL HAULING B. F. Hoffman, 7th and Woodbine Sts. BelM 2466. ICE CREAM E. W. Case, 1942 N. Third St. Bell 1674;] I'nitrd 124. C. S. Dettling, 528 Emerald St. Fresh Oya ters. Bell 1103 H. D. O. Lehman. 1984 S. Fourth St. Sociala. Parties a Specialty, Oysters. Bell 699J; United 870 W. Buss Brothers. Walnut and 16th Sts. Bell 3207-3208; United 87V. B. R. Spangrnberg. 507 Reily St. Family Trade a Specialty. Bell 345 W. Walker k Mes.umor. Family Trade a Specialty. J 411 W. Second St. Bell 1607; United! 66V. INSURANCE J. A. Affleck & Co., 1113 N. Third St. Bell 1 711.1. ] The Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co.. Gen. j Agt. V. W. Kemtey. 33-36 Union Trust Bldg. Hell 2525. K. O. Dare & Son. 19 X. Third St. Bell 2838. | Equitable Life Inn. Co. of lowa. .fno. C. ,lohn son. Gen, Agt. 3202-3 Kunkel Bldg. Hell 1262. ( Aetna Accident and Liability Co. William S. Kssiek, (J<»n. Agt. 75-77 Union Trust j Bide. Bell 1664,1. j I', litter, 703 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 2735. ! j E. .1. Fdger & Son. 31 X. Second St. Bell 2710. j ; The Masonic Protective Association Covers Ac- I cident md Sickness. 11. C. Orth, Sole Agent in Harrisburg. IC. V. Ret tew Co., 1000 X. Third St. Bell j j 1809.1. ! Penu. Mutual Life Ins. Co. J. W. Eckenrode k Son. 103 X. Second St. Bell SB9L. J ! Pi"ud( ntial Ins. Co. W. 11. Bushnell, Supt. 20 i X. Second St. Bell 1054 J. ! Royal Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. o/ l)o« Moines, lowa, Union Trust Bldg. Bell ! 244 9. jF. Suydam, Life and Casualty Insurance. 4 • N. Third St. Bell 1868. I F. 11. Walker, Spot ial agent for T.ivcrnool, I i London and Globe Ins. 312 Tel. Bldg. j i Bell 1004. i New England Casualty Co., H. A. Ward, Gen. ! , Agent. 405 Tel. Bhlg. Bell 1045 R. I 111. T. Xeale, 300 (aider Bhlg. Bell 1062.1. | 11. 11. Freeburn. General Insurance. 1400 N. Third St. Bell 84."> J. : Massachusetts Accident Co. A. C. Moore, Gen. ( | Agent. 2130 Moore St. Bell 2417. J. 11. Musser k Son, Attorneys-at-Law and Gen- j eral Fire Insurance Agents. 213 Walnut ! St. Bell 2737; United 565. i J. K. Gipple, General Insurance and Real Es tate. 1251 Market SI. Bell 503 L. j J. L. Grove, 15 X. Front St., Steelton, Pa. Beil 155. I John 11. Malonev. Real Estate, General Insur- I ance and Notary Public. 1619 Green St. I I Bell 448 W. , Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Spring- I field. W. 11. C'ordry, Gen. Agent. 401 I I Telegraph Bldg. Bell 104 6L. J 11. F. Oven, 40 X. Court Ave. Bell 1680.1. j . Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. J. Heathcote, Supt. 50la Telegraph Bids?. Bell 2078 R. J Phoenix Mut. Life Ins. Co. J. It. Morrison. ' I Gen. Agent. 105 N. Second St. Bell i | 167. Xcw Vork Life Insurance Co. C. M. Spanglcr, j ! Agencv Organizer. 4 2 Union Trust Bldg. ' Bell 1768. J. C. Orr, General Insurance and Real Estate. | 228 Market St. llell 034. 11. C. Orth, Fire. Life, Accident. Sickness, Lia- I bility. Room 1. Masonic Bldg. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE !H. M. Bird, 44 Union Trust Bldg. Bell 554 L. I ! IRON AND STEEL MANUFACTURER i Penna. Steel Co., Steelton, Pa. Bell 169; United. JEWELERS i J. 1). Brenner, 1 N. Third St. Beil 631 J. JOB PRINTING I The Telegraph Printing Co.. 216 Federal Square. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SUITS H. Astrich. 400 Market St. Bell 262; United' Phone. Witmer. Bair £ Witmer, 202 Walnut and An- ! lies 811 Walnut. Bell 888W; United j 862 Z. : LAWYERS AND LAW FIRMS A. E. Brandt, 222 Market St. Bell 100#L; United 611. Frank W. Kastmau, 211 T,oc»«t St. Bell 801. Howard M. Bluganian, 02 Union Trust Bldg. i Bell 1097. i Victor Braddoek. 222 Market St. Bell SS6.I. I H. M. Ilielz.. 222 Market Si. Bell 10591,; t United 611. Notary Public. Kdtvard F. Doehne. 600 Tel. Bldg. Bell 13. [ William 11. Earnest, 1 N. Third .St. Bell 2036.1 Uenrv E. Eos, 2 N. Court St. Bell 409. Cox & Oyer, 802 Kunkel 8'..1g. Bell 4 34. llargent k llargest. 222 Market St. Bell 536.1. .las. ti. Ilntz. 16 N. Second St. Bell 1193 J. ti. R. k E. R. Heisev, Booms 308-6-S-10 Tel. Bldg. Bell 2342. A. 11. Hull. 902 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 3629; United 720. John W. Jacobs, 1 K. Third St. Bell 2036. 1). 1,. Kaufman, 321 Market St. Bell 2211, John F. Kelt, 504-506 Tel. Bldg. Bell 471. Scott S. I.eibv. Offices llarrisl.urg and Marys wile. 15 N. Second St. Bell 1290. C. B. Miller. 410 X. Third St. Bell 2D64J Residence; Bell 2031 Office. I Neilfer & Saussanian, 222 Market St. Bell 232. Olmsted k Sianiin, 5 N. Third St. Bell 2031. Horace A. Segelbaum. 15 X. Second St. Bell 3581. Office; Bell 394 Residence. Wolfe k Bailey. 16 N. Second St. Bell 309. William A. Zerbv, 506 Tel. Bldg. Bell 4 71. I Paul A. Kunkel. 710-712 Tel. Bldg. Bell 1345 R. W. I„ l.oeser, 31 V. Second St. Bell 3653. I Philip S. Mover. 14 X. Second St. Bell 2026; I United 589. John C. Nlssley, 14 X. Second St. Bell 2026; | United 589. F. M. Ott, 222 Market St. Bell 3518 R. i G. L. Reed. 1 X. Third St. Bell 2056. Hobert Rosenberg, 11 X. Market Square. Bell 2978W; United 207W F. J. Roth. 16 X. Second St. Bell 3623. S. S. Rupp, 4 N. Third St. Hell 952 J. .1. TI. Shopp, 4 X. Third St. Bell 962 J. Jas. A. Ntranalian, 15 X. Second St. Bell I 1290. M. E. Stroup, 15 X. Second. Bell 2933. I 1 Swart*, Umberger Si Swartz, 108 X. Second > St. Bell 1f26. John Fo'i Wei**, 4 X. Third St. Bell 449. Oscar G. Wickerkham. 801 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 2483; Bell 2882 J. Residence Phone. Wickersham k Metr.ger. 4 X. Third St. Bell 952 W. United 871 V. B. F. Umhcrgrr, 108 X. Second St. Bell 1826. LIGHTING FIXTURES, GAS AND ELECTRIC I W. E. K. Usurer, 2250 X. 6lh St. Bell 5545 J. United 169. LAUNDRIES Arcade, I.ogan and Granite Sts. Bell 147; United 399 Y. City Star. \v. |.;. Orth. *l4-418 State and 1414 N. Third. Bell 1609-1303; United 45#. Keyatone, 620 Harris St. Bell 1364J; United 803. Sanitary Family Washing Co. H. X. Day, Manager. 16th and Kim Sts. Bell 2156; United 100 V. Troy. Hoffman & Schoolev. 1320 Kulton St. Bell 2251.1; United 808 W. LIVERY STABLES H. A. ilartman. Auto Trucks for long hauls, 450 x. Front St., Steelton, Pa. Bell SOZ. United 54 W. LIVERY, BOARDING, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES AND TRANSFER IH. M. Cohen, 117 S. Third St. Bell 2121; | United 3428. Davie & llargest. 302 Mueneli St. Bell 497 R. I.udwiek * Snyder. Cabs for Funerals. HOI j Cumberland St. Bell 74 7R ; United 406 W. Ober Bros., Court, cor. Cranberry. Bell 2418; ] United 681. i Wallis Bros., Haehnlen, eor. Prune. Bell 248W; United 228 \V. I „ , LOAN COMPANIES | Lmployees' Discount Co., 2 Security Truit Bldg., 36 K, Third St. Bell 122. I LUMBER [ r. H. Ilantzman. The Oldest Lumber Dealer in City. 660 Briggs St. Bell 1264; United 364. K. C. Snyder, ISth and Holly Sts. Bell 1546; ! United 840.1. Union Planing Mill Co. of llarrisburg. Inc., Mill Work. C. I). Langlit?-, Mgr. 824 N. Sev enth St. Bell 2931. United Ice and Coal Co., Cowden cor. Forster St Bell 2460-2461; United 433. [ mltenmyer Lumber Co.. Seventh and Schuyl kill Sts. Hardwood Flooring a Specialty. Bell 2562; United 6S9W. LIME, SAND AND HAIR iR. L. Luti (Est.). Lime, Cement, Bis. and 81. Stone. Bell 1383 L. MACHINISTS N J. D. Ferry, 123-181 S. 11th St. Bell 2196 J. | MANICURES |L. C. Bright bill. BN. Second St. Bell 1574. I | MANUFACTURERS OF CALENDARS Myers Manufacturing Co. Orders promptly ) filled for 1813. Bell 1577 R. 1127 N. Third St. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS Eby Chemical Co.. Physicians' Supplies, 23 S. Fourth St. Bell 2923; United 23. ! MARBLE AND TILE WORKS W. S. Cunkle & Son. Interior Marble and Tile Work. Stale, cor. Cameron St. Bell 881 L. MARKETS I I. X. 1.. Daily Market, IS2I X. Fourth St. i Bell 2163. MEAT MARKETS 1 \V. llatner k Son, Indian and llace Sts. Bell ] 2518; United 2430. C. A. Kerr, 43 N. !3th St. Bell 3728. H. C. Kooils, 290 Cumberland, 1629 Penn Sts. Bell 2885-1606, E. O. Slakacli Co.. 226 Chestnut St. Bell «95R; United 323. W. I>. Thomas, Walnut and Linden Sis. Bell 3310.1. G. S. Vojjt, 17 X. Second St. Bell 349. | 11. G. Walter. 134 State and Herr and Cowden. Bell 2silt. MEN'S FURNISHINGS ! McFall k Soil, Hatters. Haberdashers and Shirt Makers. Market and Third Sts. Bell 1046 J. MERCHANT TAILOR Samuel Capiti, Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ' ing. Prices reasonable. 703 1-2 X. Third I si reel. | P. Cohen, 1011 X. Third St. Suits Made to I Order. Bell 735 R. IG. W. Ueistwhite, 22 S. fourth St. Bell ' 1754.1. jF. S. Lack, 26-30 N. Dewberry St. Bell 2310. IJ. Maisano. 5 X. Fifth St. Suits from 520.00 I I Up. 801 l 138,1. | 11. C. Ross, 21 X. Third St. Hell 7S9J. !G. F. Shope, 12411-2 Market St. Bell 61SJ. ! I V. .1. Siininx, 22 X. Fourth St. Bell 4J6W. 111. M. Shope, 13th and Howard Sts. Bell 137.' MILK DEALERS ! Penna. Milk Product Co., 2112 Atlas St. Bell 20. Camp Curtin Dair.v. 1,. ]!. Smith. 20s Dela-! I ware St. Bell 1764.1. I MILLINERS • Miss S. I. Hepford, 504 X. Second St. Bell 120CK. Miss I). Wnlzer, 235 State St. Bell 1633 R. If. Sachs. 20 X. Fourth St. Bell 2920,1. Mrs. M. V. Miller. 224 \\ Second. Hell 725. i A. E. Kolbenschlag k Sister, 17 S. Third St Bell 572 U. |M. C. Class, 1306 Market St. Bell 7IOR. I Miss A. L. Bombergcr, 1945 X. Sixth St. Bell 35361!. MANUFACTURER MINCE MEAT \V. 11. Brcnneman, Cameron and Hamilton Sts i Bull 14031 V. MUSIC HOUSE jO. F. Baker. Phonographs, Pianos and Plav- i era. and Yietrolas. 1319 X. Sixth St Bell 21S4L. NEWSDEALER | llarrisburg Xews Agency. 102 S. Second St P,cll 1667W; United 781. NEWSPAPER | Harrislnirg Telegraph, Telegraph Building. NOTARIES PUBLIC ! 11. M. Bret*. 222 Market St. Bell 10591.- | United 611. NOTIONS. , Tlcnch k Wilson. 325 .Market St. Bell 2535J NURSERY J " ! The Berryliill Nursery Co.. Trees. Shrubs Plants. Uinglestonn rd. opp. Colonial Club'' Bel! 5709. ; ,1. R. Snavely, 125 Liberty St. Bell 2152 J. | OCULIST Dr. R. F. Mollatt, 219 X. Second St. Belli j 759 R. OPTICIANS jP. G. Diener 408 Market St. Bell 2374. Gohl Optical Co. Eyes Examined and Glasses I Ground. 84 X. Third St. Bell 10S2J. | i Kendall Optical Co., 22'8 X. Third St. Bell 2721. R. D. Pratt, 807 X. Third SI. Bell 2175. | OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN j Dr. 1,. G. Baugher, 229 X'. Second St. Bell ! 2378. Dr. I. Gunsaul. Specialty Women and Child reu. 120 Market Bt. lie'' 2813. I Or. 11. AC. Vastinr, 109 Locust St. Bell 1988;! l'nite<J 242 W. PAINTERS ! Gold k Bruaw, 310 Strawberry St. Bell 44:1 United 302. | .1. H. Hoffman, 1637 X. Sixth St. Bell 2441,1.' J. E. Wilson, Wall Paper and Painting. 326' Rcilv St. Bell 3812. I 11. W. Baker. 210 Boas St. Painter and Dec | orator. Bell 1263. M. G. Baker, 230 Cranberry St. House and Sign Painter. Bell 1833. W. E. Bergstresser, 118 S. Court St. House! Painting. Bell 2629 L. PAPER BOX MANUFACTURERS Ferridav Paper Box Co. Paper Boxes. Folding i Boxes, Printing. 101-7 X'. Cameron St., Bell 822 R. i llarrisburg Hag and Box Co.. 1550-32 Vernon' St. Bell 1280W; United S36Y. PAPER DEALERS Capital City Junk Co., Tenth and Walnut Sts. ! ! Bell 149. PAWNBROKER Clias. Aronson. 422 Mnrk-t St. tfell 2903 R. ! PAVING Gramm and Construction Co.. 2201 X. Second St. Bell 2229. PHOTOGRAPHERS F. E. Musser, 1R X. Third St. Bell 8741., PIANO DEALERS IP. M. Oylcr, 14 S. Fourth St. Talking Ma chineß, Sheet Music and Musical Merchan dise. Bell 1755 R. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSIC C. M. StielT. 24 X. Second St. Bell 237; United 878. Yohn Bros., 8 X'. Second St. Bell 397 L; United 13W. PLANING MILLS Steelton Planing Mill Co.. 520 N. Front St., Steelton, Pa. Bell 36Z; United 42. POTATO CHIPS BON TON J. W. Strlne, 17th and Berry Sts. Hell 2974R 1 PRINTERS c. J. Blair i Son, 1127 X. Third St. belli 711 W. Crouse Printing Co., 1500 liegina St. Belli 11. ,1. Kuraenknabe, I*3 Short St. Bell 73'tlt. 1 W. E. McCormick, 1628 X. Sixth St. till l 908. , Shuniaii Printing Co. Theodore R. Shuma.i, Mgr. 1944 Wallace St. Bell ISO7R. J. A. Thompson ft Co., 46-48 N. Cameron St. .>ll 2012. JANUARY 4, 1915. PHYSICIANS C. O. Cocklin, 126 Walnut St. Bell 1924. u - A Fritehey, 902 N. Third St. Hell 630 L Residence 561R; United 687. A.Ray and Clinical Laboratories. J. Wesley Ellenberger, M. D.; Clarence R. Phillips. M. D.; Frank F. U. Reck >rd, M. D. 922- _ 824 ,\. Third St. Dr. J- S. Meals, 700 X. Tliird St. Bell 1899. Or- 11. Miller, 19 X. Fourth St. Bell 1438. | Br. O. R. Moffltt 200 Pine St. Hell 2989. I Dr. L. A. Nieodemui, 14 37 Berry St. Bell 140. Dr. R. 1,. Perkins, 2001 H. Second St. Bell 2287. Br. C R. Phillips, 1646 N. Third St. Belli 1765. Br. A J,. Shearer, SOS N\ Sixth St. Bell 1.184. Dr. C. M. Sullivan. Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. | 14 39 Market St. Bell 2546. Br. S. N. Travcr, 128 Locust St. Genito- Urinary and Rectal Onlv. Bell 1858. Br. G. A. Treiman. 426 North St. Bell 1601. Br. G. o. Snyder, 1529 Berry St. Bell 5603. Br. G. E. Bill. Health School for C-hr.riic Dis eases. 819 N. Third St. Bell 2069. Dr. Thos. S. Blair, 403 N. Second St. Bell 2591. Dr. \V. E. J. Bombcrger, 14 50 Market St. Bell 2548. Br. E. A. Darlington, 202 5 ". Sixth St. Bell 2075. Dr. 11. P. Eisenhart, 1122 N. Second St. Bell 1874. I Br. C. E. Emerick, 2151 N. Filth St. Bell J 670. Br. F. 11. Garverich, 2117 Derry St. Bell 2227. Dr. C. 11. Hart. 226 S. Second St. Bell 1231; United 587 W. Dr. A. P. Isenberg, 413 Market St. Bell 1874. PIPE AND COIL MANUFACTURERS Gallon Iron Works Co. Culvert Pipe and Road Machinery. 211 Tel. Bid*. Bell 3550. Harris burg Pipe and Pipe Bending Co. W. D. llildrup. Mgr. Hcrr and Tenth Sta. Bell 348; United 554. PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS Brown k King. 431 Daisy St. Bell IS44L. W. K. Buinbaugh, 1412 Market St. Bell 1829 L. C. W. Hockley. Steam and Hot Wot r Repairs a Specialty. Bell 2016 L. 1611 N. Sitth j St. E. C. Rauch, 120 South St. Bell 1139 L. I F. W. Reuwer, 1928 Logan St.. Shop 208 Muench. Bell 1110 E. I W. C. Wykoff, Residence 2142 S". Kaurtli St., Shop 1310 Wycth. Bell 941 L. | 11. JL Keener, 2401 Filth St. Bell IS6OL. I. R. Lyme, 1016 a Market St. Bell T33IW; United 621 Z. E. Mather Co., Inc.. 204 Walnut St. Bell 1286; United 389. j R. N. Wagner 4- Son. 207 Locust, and Pen ; brook. Bell 1695R; Residence 25:iOR Bell. 260.X United. 11. J. Wolford, 1608 N. Third St. Bell 26£4 J. PLUMBING AND HEATING 11. H. Baker. 1330 Derrv St. Bell 242. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES Key si one Sanitary Co.. Wholesale Plumbers' t Nl e.-.ni Fitters' Supplies. TJell 57011; United 637 V. 210 N. Second St. PRINTERS. BOOKBINDERS, PUBLISHERS. BOOK STORE & ELECTROTYPERS I Publishing House of the United Evangelical | / 'hurC'h. 201 X. Second St. Bell 2990. | The Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal Square, j PRINTERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ELEC TROTYPERS I J. Horace Mi-Farland Co. Mount Pleasant Press. Crescent and Mulberry Sts. Bell 1720J; United. The Telegraph Printing Co., 216 Federal Square. PRODUCE Dellone Bros.. Lemoyne, Pa. Bell 34 31J. PROPRIETORY REMEDIES Slothowcr Bros, k Sons. Slothower's Home | Remedies, Flavoring Extracts, Etc. 214 | S. 18th SI. Bell 1791 L. PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE [ Brclsford Packing and Storage Co., Slaughter ers anil Packers. Seventh and North Sts. | Both Phones. PUBLIC AUDITOR AND ACCOUNTANT ] J. C. Shumbeigcr, Union Trust llldg, 65-66-67.' Bell 1013. United fi45Y PUBLISHERS ) Minter Co. Manufacturers and Publishers oil Subscription Books and Biblas. 17-19 S. | j Market Square. ! PUBLISHERS. BOOKSELLERS I STATIONERS Central Book Store, 329 Market St. Bell 3214. United 7GIY. RAGS AND JUNK .A. Abramaon. 1109 \. Seventh St. Bell 937. M. Cohen k Sons, 678 Uiiggs St. Hell still.- | United 49-IW. ; West End Junk Co., 1317 X. Kotir.h St. Bell I C 2 3.1. Williams k Freedman. Tenth and .Mulberry Sts. I I We sell Contractors' Supplies, Beams, I Hails, Etc. J. Cooper k Son, 43 X. Cameron St. Bell S9BR. REAL ESTATE K. X. Cooper. Houses. Lois and Acreage.! I Camp Hill. Pa. Bell SI6SJ. !E. Moeslein, 424 State St. Bell 1085 R. I 'l'. B. Rockafellar. 202 North Si. Bell ' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE " ' ID. E. Brighthill, 2 X. Court. Bell 770W; I L T nitcd SCS9. , Irwin M. Cassell. 1 444 Iteiritm St. Bell 1331 L RESTAURANTS Busv Bee. J. Steliotcs. 9 X. Fourth St. Bell 56511. C. E. Kubn. 13 4 3 Vernon Si.. Chicken Dealer Bell 277911. I Manhattan. Pastry Orders taken for Entertain ! ments. Holidays. Parties. 317 Market St Hell 322 L; United 761 X. P. R. R. Dining Rooms, P. It. R. Passenger Station. Bell 1100. ROLLER MILLS Harrislmrg Roll Grinding and Corrugating Co., 620 and 522 S. Cameron St. Bell •'797 ROOFERS Worden Taint and Roofing Co. Tenth ami i Kittatinny Sis. 11. M. F. and L. B. Wor-' den. Prop. Bell 13 S3 It. I I 1). W. Fisher, 1340 X. Tliird St. Bell 845 U. j SCALES Angldile Computing Scale Co. .1. M. Shalzer, I Mgr. 529 S. 10th St. Bell 22D3J. STEAM AND GAS ENGINES i J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.. Itoad Ma-' Ichinery and Steam and tias Engines, Auto-! mobiles, 429 S. Second St. STEAM HEATING Bossier & Forrer. 7fto N. Third St. Monitor, | Coil Boilers Can't Crack or Explode. Bell! 74SR. | 1 STEEL RIVET PIPES AND BOILERMAKERS i | llarrisburg Mfg. and Boiler Co. S. F. Dtinkle, < 1 Mgr. 19th and Nauclain Sts. Bell 2943;! I United 576. I STOVES, RANGES AND FURNACES |J. M. Rebuck, 14th and Mavllower Sts. Tin! | Rooting a Specialty. Ilell 2106.1. i Zeigler k Hayes, 222 Hummel St. Bell 803W; I United 74 BW. 'STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISH-! INGS G. C. Eager .t Son, 213 X. Second St. Belli i 759.1. IG. W. Ilimcs, 10 X. Second SI. Bel) 2279;' I United 2305. ! L. Parthemore, 37 N'. 13th St. Bell 7IOJ. TAILORS IN. Zimmerman, 7 X. Thirteenth St. Bell 1149, IA. Grand. 3 Aberdeen St. Be'l 317 K. 18. Hoffman. Special Attention Given to Uni forms of all Descriptions. 60C Mniket St. I Bell 344 W. ' TEACHERS. MUSIC I E. J. Decevee, Conservatory of Muaic, 607 N J Second St. Bell 620 J. |V. Albright, 1683 X. Fifth St. Bell 2144 J. ! Mias J. Blanche Gingrich, 2256 N. Sixth St. | Hell 3644 L. I Miss Ruth Harris, 1851 Whitehall St. Bell ! 1080 L. ! Miss Erttia M. Ilenry. 38 N. ISth. Bell 2472 W. i Miss M. 11. Miller, 1900 Market St. Bell 2571 •! J United 829 V. Edward G. Rose, 801 X. Sixth St. Bell 3645. Miss Blanche Sebold, 1316 X. Third St. Bell 181 SW. Miss Katharine Brock Smith. 2019 X. Second St. Bell 002 J. F. M. Sourbeer, 716 Capital St. Bell 575 W. J. M. Stroup, 1617 N. Second St. Bell 903R TEAS. COFFEES AND SPICES Grand Union Tea Co., 20H N. Second St. G. E. Zellers, Mgr. Bell 136 R. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. Postal Tel. Cable Co.. 7 1-2 X. Third St. Belli 1772 and 1778; United 261. C. E. | Diehl, Manager. Western Union. 11 X. Tliird St. Bell 3300- I , 3801-3302; I tiited 303. G. Catherman, I Manager. THEATRES 1 Pholopliv, 211 Market St. Bell 1046 R. TINSMITHS j 8. D. Enainger, Itocf and Stove Repairs and i General Roofing. 600 Race St. Bell ! I 2714. !W. 1.. Jauss. 210 Mulberry St. Bell 115JL. I TRIMMING STONE & FACE BRICK , • Mentzer-Rooibcrger Mfg. Co. Inc., 18th & 1 Chestnut Sts. Bell 2462 J. | MFGRS. TRUCKS & TRACTORS Morton Truck and Tractor Co., 19th Manada Sta. Bell 1782. I TRUSSES. Eto. Keliera Drug Store. Abdominal Supporters, Elas tic Stockings, Truasea, Etc., fitted ana guaranteed. 405 Market St. Bell 444R- • TURKISH BATHS AND SANITARIUM k. L. Sliope, Second and Hamilton St«. Bell 834. 834. X-Rav Treatment for Alcohol!**. less Extraction of TeetH. TYPEWRITER MACHINHS I Harriaburg Typewriter and Supply Co., 40 N. Court Si. T. P. Carev, Mgr. Bell 1680.1. | Remington Typewriter Co. Mr. (i. A. W. Bell. | Resident Mgr. 119-121 Walnut St. Bell j 2205. Underwood Tvnewriter Co. The Machine yn« will Eventually Buy. 25 K. Third St. I Bell 2202. UNDERTAKERS I Hawkins Estate. 1207 N. Third St. Bell 1230. C Neelv. 908 X. Second St. Bell 23. W. .1. Hooper. 604 Forater St. Bell 1618. ?; Soeese, 200 Chestnut St. Bell 2308. _ I. M. Mauk and Son, 1621 N. Third St. Bell 2250. „ UPHOLSTER & FURNITURE REPAIRING llarrisburg Awning k Tent Works, 320 Wood bine St. Bell 181 7.k „ UPHOLSTERERS 1. Brestel. 1248 Market St., Awning and, I Window Shades. Bell 612 R. s. X. Cluck, 322 Woodbine St. Bell 1817/- | , „ VETERNARIAN3 j J. H. Oyler 381 Blackberry. Bell BI6J. 1 United 266. VULCANIZING Independent Vulcanizing Co., 829 S. Cameron, . below approach of Mulberry St. Bell 4 85U I T „ WALL PAPER .1. E. Wilson, 826 Ueily St. Bell 381.1. J. Y. Mullen, 127 X. 13th St. Bell 9941- «. J. Straub, 1109 X. Third St. Bell 7*7 J. «■ E. Trimmer, 1928 State St. Picture Fram ing. Bell 1354. WALL PAPER, PAPERHANGING L WINDOW „ . SCREENS 11. A. Bodmer, 813 X. Third St. Bell 626 J. J. I' Mailman, 1913 North St. Bell 2007 W. WATCHMAKERS & JEWELERS C. R. Boas, 214 Market St. Bell 84. E. P. Brenneman, 1006 Market St. Bell 13R1L. G. A. Hutman, 1013 X. Third St. Bell 735 L. , H. G. Seibert, 1902 N. 6th St. Bell 2 730. G. X. Springer. 206 Market St. Bell 2658.1. WEATHER STRIPS (Metal) Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip Co.. P. B. Edelen, Sales Agent, 405 Tel. Bldg. Bell 1045 R. WELDING Hbg. Welding k Brazing Co., A. A. Havward. All auto and machinery parts welded, 83 S. Cameron St. Bell *4651,. WHOLESALE WOODENWARE. HARDWARE AND GROGERIES Witman Bros., 40 X. Tenth St. Both 'phones. WINDOW SCREENS .1. T. W. McLaughlin, Pattern Making. 42S South St. Bell 2767. WOMENS & CHILDRENS WEAR MFG. llarrisburg Apparel Co. Inc., 414-416 State St. Bell 286 L. YEAST MANUFACTURERS The Fleischmann Co.. 210 N. Second St. Bell 2747. United 62. Suburban Business Firms BAKERS C. 11. Itulil, Penbrook, Pa. Bell 2539 J. I BANKS New Cumberland National Bank. F. E. Coover, Cashier. New Cumberland, Pa. Bell 313 R. United 85W. Farmers Bank, M. 11. Gingrich. Cashier. Middle town, Pa. Bell 2-R3. United 81. Lemoyne Trust Co., Lemoyne, Pa. R. L. Myers,. Pres. Bell 8007. United 30. BRASS FOUNDRIES I Lemoyne Brass Foundry, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell ! 8092 J. W. C. Fialiel, Mgr. BUTCHER 18. W. Jones. 207-208 Broad St. Market Hbg. j Spring and Chamber Sts., Obcrlin, I'a. Bell 3-V. COAL ICE S. CONFECTIONER Samuel Dull, New Cumberland, Pa. Bell 846SJ. COAL, GRAIN C. S. Willis, Flouring Mill at Eberlya Mills, Pa. Bell 3092 R. United 3060 L. CLOTHIERS Krauss Brothers, Union and Ernaus Sts., Mid dletown, Pa. Bell 76. DENTIST Br. AValter L. Dietz, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell Sl3*. DRUGGIST | Dr. .1. K Good, Xcw Cumberland, Pa. Bell | 3445 R. DEPARTMENT STORE ' ButtorfT k Co., Furniture, Carpets and House Furnisbings, Xcw Cumberland, Pa. Bell j • 3469.1. I Peters Dept. Store, J. G. Peters, Prop., Cor. I Union and Ann Sts., Middlctown, Pa. Bell I 29-112. FURNITURE MANUFACTURER Middlctown Furniture Co., Slfg. of Show Cases and Business Furniture, Middlctown, Pa. Bell 16-113. FARMER I L W. Witman, Liugleatown. Pa. Bell A-74-5. FURNITURE M. A. Hod. Furniture. Carpets and Funeral Director, New Cumberland, Pa. Bell 3105 R. Xight l'hone, 54451.. United 841). FLOUR MILLS J. B. Lingle. miller. Linglcstown, Pa. Bell A 53-5. United. GROCER Lloyd Simmons, General Mdse. and Groceries, Agent for one minute Washing Machines, Lemoyne. I'a. Bell 8182. Mrs. 11. E. Baum, Groceries and Bry Goods, j Lemoyne, Pa. Bell 807 'J.I. 1.1 A. Palmer, Groceries and Provisions. High spire. Pa. Bell 169 X. United 26J. I J W. StoufTer, Groceries 4- General Mdse., White Hill. Pa. Bell 8060R GARAGE ' West Falrview Garage, Outside of the High i Rent District, West Fairview, Pa. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ,J. R. Harkison, Enola, Pa. Bell 8111J-1. :S. It. Kaufman. General Mdse., Xew Cumber land. Pa. Bell 3068 W. |J. P. Kessler. General Store, Enola, Pa. Bell ! 3096 J. ! 3. H. Kuntz. General Mdse., West Hanover. Pa I Bell A 53-3. !C. R. Miller. General Mdse., Wormleyaburg ; Pa. Bell 3032.1. j O. B. I.eese, General Mdse., Linglcstown. Pa j Bell A 63-2. 11. B. Witman, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell 8122 R. G. A. Stenglc. General Merchandise. Bell IW. United 4 4V. Oherlin, Pa. i HOTEL ) Hotel Progress, A. 11. Ilarlacker, Prop. Prog ! ress. Pa B'll 1692R5. * Rutherford Inn, John Gorniaa, Prop., Ruther | ford. Pa. Bell A 72-26. j Iroquois llotel. Edward J. Shceslev, Prop, flew Cumberland, Pa. Bell 8132. J. The Kline llouse, W. W. Conklin, Prrp.. Middle town, Pa. Bell 71-112. United 89 HARDWARE Geo. 11. Haverstiek. Penbrook. Pa. Bell 2471 1 ICE. COAL. FLOUR, Eto. Wierman ft H.rtwhccker, Hauling of all kinds White Hill, Pa Bell 3060.1. United SBD' ICE, COAL AND WOOD West Shore Supply Co., W. A. Miller. Wsst Falrview and Enola, Ice, Coal. Wood and Builders Supplies. Bell 3011-R2. MONUMENTAL WORKS Wormleyaburg. Pa. Bell 30821*. Capitol City Granite Works, John 11. Fauher NURSES ' Mias Maud I. Witman, Registered Nurae, 60 Brown St.. Middletown, Pa. Bell S3' POULTRY FARM i Camp Hill Poultry Farm, L. Ouistwhlte. p ron „ l>. J. Hhunk, Mgr. Nell 3090. CaKUtIV Hill. Pa. Box V,.-. PLUMBING AND HEATING G. W. Palmer, Kreible System. Vapor Heating a Specialty, Lemoyne, Pa. Uell 809"W I nitcd 64R. " ' PHYSICIAN Br. J. B. Zeigler. Penbrook, Pa. Bel] 1679J-1 Dr. A. Lincoln Sliope, Penbrook. Pa. Beli 1 1156K2. RESTAURANT ! Albert S. Snokv, Prop., Enola, Pa Rell i 3111J5. IS. X. Straub. Prop., New Cumbeiland. Ta I Bell 306SL. STOVES jJ. A, Kunkcl, Stoves ami Furnaces, Lemoyne, UNDERTAKERS C. M. Mnsselman, Undertaker and Furiiiturt I Dealers, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell 3120. United I "ID. WALL PLASTER I Capitol Wall Cement Co., Mfr. of Wall Plaatcr Lcmovne, Pa. Bell 3136 L. WOOLEN MANUFACTURER 1 Ruaquehanna Woolen Co., 3. 3. Baughinan, Mgr. I New Cumberland, Pa. Bell J44 4. " i SALES AND EXCHANGE STABLES D. B. Kiefter. Sales and Evchange Stablea. Main I k Pine Sts., Middletown, Pa. Bell -13 R2,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers