Help Wanted—Male Ever read the appeals under this heading in the Telegraph Classified Ad columns? Try it tonight, feven though you have a good job and expect to stick to it. Read those ads tonight so that you niav know for yourself that there is work in Harrisburg for those who can do it —that employers are ready and anxious to get competent help. And if you are an employer, read them to know what the other employers are doing, to know how vou can secure more efficiency *n your plant. USE TELEGAPH CLASSIFIED ADS EOR RESULTS. DIED HARTZ Died, January 1. 1915, Miss j ' -Mary R. Hart/., of 1411 Penn street, j in her 55th year. Funeral services will be held on Monday afternoon ,at 3 P. M., from her j late residence. Relatives and friends I are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. She is survived by two brothers and one sister. MrCAKitOU. Died on December 31, 1914, Benjamin McCarroll, of 224 Reily street, in his 71st year. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, l'rom his late residence. Relatives and friends are | invited to attend without further no- i tlce. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. ; IX MEMOUII M " IN memory of Thomas B. Dawson, | who departed this life January 1, 191 S. | It is sad that one we cherish Should be taken from our home, j But the joys that do not perish Live in memory alone. All the years we've spent together, All the happv, "-olden hours. Shall be cherished in remembrance, Fragrant sweets from memory's flowers. WIFE AND CHILDREN. IA>ST | LOST Between Sarah avenue and | Sixth street, on Vorlc avenue, unfinished embroidered pillowcase. Reward if re- [ turned to 1407 Mariaji street. | LOST Thursday night, French j Poodle, white with dark spot on one ear. Answers to name of "Snowball." Reward if returned to 280 Herr street j LOST Pocketbook with ten-dollar ' bill with Mark E. C. on the bill and j two ten-cent pieces and one twenty- j live-cent piece in it and a Patriot ad j ipleee In it. Lost on North street he- I A.w« <-n Seventeenth arid Eighteenth or on Eighteenth street be- | tween North and State streets. Finder I. will please return, and receive reward, to A. C. Hauek, 1637 North Third street, or phone 1750. EOST ■— Black, white and tan fox i hound. Answers to name of "Eead." t Reward if returned to 1735 North Fifth street. FOUND FOUND—A place to give your clothes j a new lease of life at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 M.irket street. We call and de- \ liver. Both phones. j HELP WANTED —Mulo WANTED Married men, between j the ages of 27 and 40 years, who have had experience in selling at retail di rect to the customer, to qualify for po sitions as wagon salesmen in charge of brandies within 200 miles of Harris burgj Men who will work will be re sult getters with our proposition. Guar antied salary and commission. Our | salesmen are making from $25 to S4O . weekly. Apply Jewel Tea Co., 289 , Broad street, or write to the Jewel Tea 1 Co., 269 Broad street. BARBER First-class barber want ed. Apply Commonwealth Hotel Barber Shop. TO take orders for Sharp-Shod Over shoes for horses. Every owner buys at .sight. This is a money-maker. Harrah Mfg. Co., Agency, 905 Kunkel Building, j Harrisburg. WANTED Bright, clean, energetic I boy under fourteen. Good pay. Easy work. Splendid business training. Will j not Interfere with studies. A. A. Eel bold, 102 South Second street. j WANTED Railway mail and postal I clerks; examinations soon; over two I thousand appointments yearly; prepare I at home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay- i incut after appointment. Philadelphia 1 Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. ! HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girl to help in grocery I store; experience required; give refer ence. 8.. 1980, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged woman for housework; one not afraid of work and who will give proper care to children; prefer country woman, or one who | wants to make a home. Apply 814 North Third street. WANTED Woman for general housework—family of two—in country -one looking for good home and fair wages. Address J. K. Snaveiy, R. F. D. No. 2, Middletown, Pa. STENOGHAPHKR —■ A large corpora tion opening a branch office in the city desires to si-cure the services of an ex perienced stenographer. Work for first few months will be light, consequently applicant must bo willing to work for a fair salary to start. Answer should contain reference and experience. Ad dross R.. 1979, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl for general house work; must be able to cook; reference required. Apply 1701 North Second street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man for general housework; family washing sent out; fair wages; good hjme. Addrers P. O. Box 794. Harris ' liflrg. Pa. NEW HOUSE FOR SALE 1822 Boas Street A two-story, new brick liouso with vestibule—reception hall—six rooms —bath—furnace—gas and electricity —cemented cellar with hot and cold water—front bay window—front and back porches. rear'' 18x1,0 ft -—(2O-ft. alley in the Key at our ofTice. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATK r Fire Insurance Surely Bonds 1.0e0.t nod Court Street* FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 'JANUARY 1, 1915 TRY A TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED AD-NOW SITUATIONS WANTED —Male WANTED Competent advertising j man, with proficient knowledge of type j faces, styles, engraving, electrotypes, a j forceful copy writer, and capable of j managing campaigns, desires a perma nent position. 1707 Penn street. j WANTED By boy 12 years old, | work in evenings after school, and Saturdays all day; will not consider I liquor or cigar store. Address H.. 1976, | care of Telegraph. ' WANTED White boy, 16 years of | age, would like to learn barber trade. I Apply 1114 North Cameron street, Har | risburg. Pa. I WANTED Young, strong man, 22 I years of age, desires work of any kind; j not afraid of hard work. Apply COS j South Third street, Steelton, Pa. I WANTED Young, married man | wants position firing boilers or work j ing around machinery; handy with j tools. Call, or address, 1324 Cowden street, City. WANTED Work of any kind. Ad dress 122 North Arch street. Mechanics burg, Pa. ! WANTED Married man, of 25, ; wants position as stationary engineer or firing boilers: best of reference. E., j 1969, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Washing and Ironing | and work by the day. Apply 821 Myrtle : avenue. i WANTED An experienced young ! woman desires position as nurse to | either invalid or child; has had some j hospital training. Address E„ 1974, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl, 19 years old, wants j dishwashing, or work in store, restau rant or hotel. Call, or address, Miss | Nellie Frank, West Falrview, Pa. WANTED Position of any .kind, by colored woman. Address 1915 Lo j gan street. | WANTED Postion as cook by col i ored woman; can furnish reference. Ap ply 1108 Marion street (in rear). I WANTED Neat colored girl tle- I sires housework of any kind; can give I reference. Call, or address, 1308 North [Seventh street. —— REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 2',4-story frame house, ! 8 rooms; 2 lots, 30x12b each, corner Shell and Maple streets, Progress. Buildings in excellent condition. Ideal location. Bargain. Inquiro of B. A. Pletz, Progress. $3,200 WILL BUY a corner brick house 8 rooms bath gas elec . i u- light steam heat located on Allison Hill. Particulars at Bell I Realty Co., Bergner Building. I | FOR QUICK SALE, double frame , house, in east end of lllglisplre; all im provements; newly painted; corner property; lots, 25 by 120 ft.; desirable renting locality. Apply on premises to owner, R. J. Slmlngton, Eshelman street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT | FOR RENT No] 465 Crescent street, new eight-room house; all con veniences; large front porch; central location; rent, $20.00. Apply 459 Cres cent street, or Independent phone 131 D, Mlddletown. FOR RENT 1317 Williams street, ■store and dwelling; 9 rooms; bath; hot I and cold water; ail conveniences; cor- I ner property; rent, $15.00. Apply Dr. IL C. Goldman, 710 North Sixth street. j STORE ROOM or entire building, 11 i North Fourth street, opposite Dives, I I'oineroy and Stewart, for rent. Upper floors suitable for apartments, cfr will be changed to suit business of tenant if desired. Possession April 1, possibly earlier. Apply M. Schondorf, 10-12 South Fourth street. FOR RENT 1521 Thompson street, six-room house with hot and cold water, bath, electric light on first floor, furnace in cellar. Rent, $14.00. Key next door. FOR RENT l'rotn January 1, store room 26 South Third street, now occupied by Stougli's Evangelistic Cam paign. Apply 402 Walnut street, or Harvey T. Smith, 204 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Nine-room bouse, 1839 Park street; nil improvements; pos session at once. Inquire 1839 Park street. FOR RENT 225 North Fourteenth Street ....S2O 00 67 North Eighteenth Street 20 00 313 Muench Street 18 (10 415 Herr Street 15 60 M. A. FOUGHT, FOR RENT 1223 Wallace St., 6 rooms ill no 1814 Derry St 22 00 1121 N. Seventh St 25 00 Bowman Ave., Camp Hill 20 00 Corner Market St. and Bowman Ave., Camp Hill 3= 00 Market St., Camp 1111 l 12 00 Market St., Camp Hill •, ig'oo Center Ave., -W. Enola goo 611 Ross St 16 00 Bella Vista 14 00 BRINTON-PACKER CO, Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT Houses with all Improve ments at moderate rentals. J. E. Glddl* 1251 Market street. "»PPie, REAL ESTATE FOR HALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick building 20x40 feet; centrally lo cated, at Sixth and Bridge streets. New Cumberland. Pa. Ideal for garage or auto machine shop. Owner will sell or enter into partnership with respon sible party. Experienced machine shop man necessary to handle proposition Rare bargain for one who mrano hi,.i* FOR SALE OR RENT—2-story brick building 20x40 feet; centrally lo cated, at Sixth nnd Bridge streets. New Cumberland, Pa. Ideal for garage or auto machine shop. Owner will sell or enter into partnership with respon sible party. Experienced machine shop man necessary to handle proposition Rare bargain for one who means busi ness. H. C. Oren, New Cumberland, Pa REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Small, furnished houso or housekeeping apartment, with city steam, centrally located, for three months. Address Miss E. S. Shunk, P. [O. "-«x 155, City. Phone 28011'.. APAHTMESTS FPU KENT 214 NORTH THIRD STREET Third I floor unfurnished apartment; large dining, sitting und bed rooms, kitchen ette and bath. Second floor, furnished, two large rooms; city steam; gas and electric lights. FOR RENT An apartment, three rooms and bath, coal and gas range, gas anil electric lights, $16.0u monthly. Apply Mehring's Liquor Store, Fourth and Muench. Bell phone *2671, United 703 Y. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET Sec ond floor housekeeping apartments le-"-e rooms with kitchenettes and baths modern improvements—elec tric lights gas city steam Jani tor service. 4pply at above address. FOR RENT Furnished apartment of two rooms and bath, electricity and gas; large rooms, with bay window and steam heat. Apply 7 North Thirteenth street. FURNISHED APARTMENTS for winter, 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; newly papered and painted; city steam; electricity and gas; two minutes' walk from Capitol and Post Office. Address H.. 1977, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished. second floor apartments, for light housekeep ing, two or four rooms; rent reason able; all conveniences. Apply before 6 P. M., 621 North Second, after 6 P. M., 51S North Second street. Eell phone. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Third floor room, well heated, nicely furnished; large bay win dow; gas and electric lights; use of modern bath; for one or two gentle men. 234 Hummel street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all conveniences, including phone. Call 107 Chestnut street. Bell phono lEOJJ. FOR RENT— Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; reason able price; desirable location. Apply 1417 Vernon street. FOlt RENT Second noor front room; well lighted and well heated; use of bath and telephone. 262 Forster. Bell phono 1470 U. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, pleas ant corner room, Southern exposure; use of phone; Improvements. Apply 501 North Front street. FOR RENT Large, nicely furnish ed front rooms, with or without board; electric light; city steam. Apply 9 North Front street. FOR RENT Suite of rooms, or an apartment of 4 or 6 rooms, for light housekeeping; steain heat; gas ranee; water heater. Rent reasonable. Apply I 2£t* North Second street. LARUE, well-lighted, furnished rooms, single or ensuite; city steam; use of phone. Call 719 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 6131 C. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all convenlencves, In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms in very good location; use of bath and telephone. Call at 203 State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Lady desires unfurnish- | ed front room, on third floor; references I exchanged. Address X., 197b, care of Telegraph. ROOMS AND HOARD BOARDING, LODGING OK BOTH Newly furnished rooms. On car line. Bell phone 2841Y, 1520 Berryhill street. HOARDING AND LODGING YOUNG MAN, desiring board and lodging with a private lamily. can be accommodated at 1325 Derry street. Home comforts. Telephone. FOR SALE SMOKE our Cre-Malta Perfectos, filled with clippings of live and ten cent cigars, price $2 per 100, postpaid. ; As an introductory otter we are giving 50 Free with each order for 100. Satis faction guaranteed or your money back. Sneil & Co., Red Dion, Pa. FOR SADE, BARGAIN Handsome onyx Soda Fountain, and mahogany superstructure, refrigerator also soda counter with marblo base, German silver drain and sink. Ice cream cabinet with German sliver top. Kelly's Drug Store. Sunbury, Pa. PARTY unable to keep up payments on piano will arrange to transfer lease for balance, to anyone desiring to own piano. Address B. R. T., care of Tele graphy ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can bo secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SAL.K At Cable's, 113, IJ6 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 Ka'lons Now Era, ready mixed paint. Acme [ quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. 1 ' 11115 CALENDARS FOR SALE A few good bargains in job lots. Orders promptly filled. Bell phone 1577 R. Meyers Mfg. Co., Third and Cumberland streets, above Aliller's Shoe Store. CAI.KS FOR SAIjE At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second street, Red Tip, Ring Point, Blizzard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Alwayß Sharp Calks. FOR SAL.E Singing Canaries, up to-date Bird and Parrot Cages, large Goldfish and Globes of all sizes; Bird Seeds, natural fish food and supplies at Gebhardt's, the "Bird Man," 1004 North Third, between Boas and Herr. FINE AND COMI'I.BTK M.-fK AUTO ROBES, f-teamer Rugs. Car jlaga Robes. Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Haroens & Sup ply Company, Recoad and Cheituut streets. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111-117 S. Second St., 6,000 Sets New Sash. SxlOx 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also all regular sizes. BICYCLES) BICYCI.ES: BICVCIJKS: WANTED 25 second-hand bicycles oi parts of bicycles, for cash. We also have rebuilt bicycles for sale at bar gain prices. Keystone Cycle Co., si 4 North Third street. FOR RENT GLASS window sign*. Furnished Rowis. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Boufel and Table Board at 25c each. One of tnese signs will be given with each six-time order for • classified ad. If paid in advanca. Inquire at Office of Telegraph FOR SALE CARD!* on sale at tbs , Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Office in Commercial Bank Building, first floor front. Rent. $25.00 per month. Can v e used .s an office or small store room. WANTED WANTED l.OOO men who want to buy made-to-measure shirts. $1.26 each, S for 13.60 and up. Guaranteed fit Good quality, latest patterns. W. Morrow. 1007 Market street. WANTED Old furniture, china, glassware, old books, stamps, ate. We are buyers for Boston. New York and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by any local collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop. 1419 Slxtb street, Harrisburg. 1914 Clearances Fall Two Million and a Kail' Beehind That of 1913 Bank clearances for 1914 fell be hind the previous year's figures in this city. The difference In the amounts is attributed to the general business de pression and by the European war. According' to the annual report of the Harrisburg Clearing House Associa tion, issued last evening by Secretary A 1 K. Thomas, the local banks cleared 582,087,050.86 during the twelve month Just ended as against $84,G69,- 21.1.79 in 1913. December's clearings were $7,159,- 108.52 as against $7,887,464.72 for the same month of 1913. BUSINESS OtTOKXIiNIXIES 1 MACE f&O.OOu In Qve years in th« mail order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells how. llea cock. 855 Luckport, N. T. ONE of the best grocery and fresh meat stores In this city is offered for sale at inventory value. Good oppor tunity for live wire. Hell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ■ FOR SALIC Good will and fixtures lof Hotel located in largest town In .Cumberland Co. can secure long lease—best hotel location In town. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. ANY intelligent Person can earn good Income corresponding for newspaper*; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7»8. Lock port. N. T. j BLSINEIsS I'UtSOSAIiS j REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I with best material ana by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. OLD GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high- I est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, No. 1 I North Third street. Bell phone 1274H I WEATHER STRIPS ln order to Introduce our Grooved Side Strips for doors and windows, will sell you 104 I feet for $2.00, regular price »5132, and our automatic Uottom Strips at 50 j cents each. Call at S. W. Hoist's, Wash ington avenue, Lemoyne, I'a. | FOR falling liair try uro»a uuinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, tt»» Druggist Ht'd Apothecary, iia Market ftreet. Harrisburg, i'a. Telephone | orders given prompt attention. u«li I I'JtO. UAIILINQ D. W. LATIIU, lluaruiDß Mnlil and ■National Traunler Co. Movers of pianos, sales, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, .Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. .HONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on ncal Estate security in aiiy amounts ana upon any terms to suit oorrower. Addross P. u, Box X 74, liurrisburg, i'a. LOANS—SS to S2OO for nouest work ing people witnout bank credit at lea« than legal rates, payable in instalment* to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan anu investment Co -204 Chestnut Street. STOHACiE STORAGE 4l* Bruad atreet, £or housenoid goods and mei ufianuiao. Pi|. vate rooms, $1 to SJ. Wagons, 76 cent* p«r nioiilti. Apply i>. Cooler •» Co.. *ii Broad street. Both shone*. STORAGE , IN 3-story ouildlng, rear 403 Mui Wei street. lluuselioltl gouils In clean, prlvut* rouius. Iteusouable >ntea. Apply :u i I'. U. Mlenel', Jeweler, 4<lh IHurkcl tit, HARRISBL'RG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, on* übsoiuteiy fireproof divided luto lire proof private rooms of vurlous siaes tor the storage of household goods; tho other warehouse of tho most approved type of fire letardent construction for bCiierat merchandise. Tliey are equip- i ped with two larse electric freight ele vators and spuai chute tor W« quicK and sale handling of household goods j and all kinds ol merchandise. Low i storage rates. South Second street near j I'uxtou. on the tracks of Penna. R. R. Central Storage Co. CORNER COURT and CRANBERRY STREETS, liarrlsburg. Pa. Bell phone —New Four-story Building Private rooms —Furniture and china packing a ! specialty —Heated rooms for pianos perishable goods. LEGAL .NOTICES ESTATE NOTICES LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Leah Donner. late of No. 922 North Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa., ! deceased, having been granted to the > undersigned, all persons indebted to ! said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having ! claims will present them for settlement i to MICHAEL E. STROUP, (15 N. Second St.. Harrisburg), Executor. H AVING acquired the interest In the [ Ann of Henry Gilbert & Son. 219 Market Street. Harrisburg. Pa., owned by the late Lyman D. Gilbert, | deceased, the business will be conducted at the same place and under the same i name as formerly by the surviving partners. SPENCER C. GILBERT, I HENDERSON GILBERT. | PIIII.IC SALE OP VALUABLES RE AI. ESTATE PITRSI7ANT to an order of the I Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, the I undersigned will expose to public sale I and outcry on tho premises in Derry church, Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. on Saturday, January 22, 1915. at 2 o'clock P. M„ the I following described real estate, vlv.: [ 1. A certain messuage and two lots of ground fronting on Main Street, Derry Church, fifty (30) feet and ex tending in depth same width one hun dred and fifty (150) feet to Central Al ley, containing seventy-five hundred (7,500) square feet, being lots Nos. 13 and 14 In the Plan of the Town of Derry Church. Having thereon erected a two and-one-half-story brick dwelling house, frame stable and other outbuild ings. 2. Two lots of vacant ground front ing on Main Street. Derry Church, fifty (50) feet and extending in depth same width one hundred and fifty (150) feet to Central Alley, being lots Nos. 11 ami 12 In the Plan of the Town of Derry Church. 3. Two certain adjoining lots of ground situato at the northwest corner of Miller Street and North Alley, Derry Church, bounded by lands of Lebanon Valley Railroad, lands formerly of Abraham Weltmer, North Alley. Central Alley, lands formerly of Jonas Miller, etc. Said two adjoining lots contain ing In tho aggregate ten thousand seven hundred and twenty-five (10,725) square feet. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale by MILTON H. WELTMER. Administrator of tho Estate of Lydla A. Weltmer. deceased. Or C. 11. BACKENSTOE. ESQ . Attorney. STOCKHOLDERS* MEETING THE Annual Meeting of tho stock holders of the Harrisburg Bridge Com pany will be held at the Board of Trade Building, In tho City of Harris burg, on Monday, January 4, 1915, be tween the hours of 1 and 3 P. M. when they will elect a President, Secretary and Treasurer and twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year. JOS. B. HUTCHISON Secretary and Treasurer. December 30, 1314. William Tells Troops to Look Forward to New Victories in New Year By Associated Press Berlin, Via London, Jan. 1, 9.08 A. M.—Emperor William, in a New Year's message to the army and navy asks them to face thd new year un flinchingly and to look forward to new deeds and new victories for the be loved fatherland. The message which was made public at main headquarters here is as follows: "After five long months of heavy and hot fighting we enter the new yea r. "Brilliant victories have been gained and great successes achieved by the German army almost everywhere on the territory of U.e enemy while re peated attempts of our opponent to swarm on German territory have failed. "My ships have covered themselves with glory on every sea and the crews have proved not only that they know how to light victoriously, but to die like heroes when overwhelmed by su perior forces. "Behind the army and the flet the entire nation stands in unexampled harmony, prepared to sacrifice its heart's blood for the sacred domestic hearth which we are defending. Al though the times may be serious and the task before us a heavy one, we look forward to the future with the firmest confidence. "Next to God's wise guidance, I trust to the matchless bravery of the army and navy and know myself to be as one with the entire German na tion. Therefore let us face the now year unflinchingly, looking forward to new needs and new victories for our beloved fatherland. (Signed) "WILHELM." LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE THE following ordinance was passed by the City Council and signed bv His! | Honor, the Mayor, on the 15th day of I j December, A. D. 1914, and Is published i as required by the Act of Assembly ap , proved the 27th day of June, A. D. 1913: I AN ORDINANCE To amend Section 5 of an Ordinance I entitled, "An Ordinance to secure tho I purity of milk, cream, ice cream and certain other foods and food pro ducts, authorizing the inspection , thereof, providing for the licensing I of persons dealing therein, prohibit ing the sale or offering for sale of any such products as may be detri mental to tho public health, and pro viding a penalty for the violation thereof," approved March 24, 1914. j Section 1. Be it ordained by the | Council of the Clt" of Harrisburg. and ! It is hereby ordained by authority of 1 I the same. That Section 3 of an Ordi-I j nance entitled "An Ordinance to secure | the purity of milk, cream, ice cream I I and certain other foods and food pro | ducts, authorizing the inspection there-) of, providing for the licensing ol' per -1 sons dealing therein, prohibiting the! I sale or offering for sale of am such | products as may be detrimental to the I public health, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," approved March ::4. 1914. which reads as follows: I "Section 5. For the purpose of meet : lug the cost and expense of executing ! i tho provisions of this ordinance, the i following licenses are hereby imposed, viz: i "All dealers In or venders of milk or I creatn, at retail, shall each pav annu [ ally the sum of five dollars. I "All dealers In or vendors of milk or cream, at wholesale shall each pav an nually the sum of twenty-five do'llars. "All dealers in or • --dors of fresh meat, —that Is, beef, pork, mutton, , lamb or veal, at retail, shall each pav' annually the sum of live dollars; anil i wholesalers of the same, each the sum of twenty-five dollars . annually. "All manufacturers of ice cream shall i each pay annually the sum of ten dol lars. "All dealers In or vendors of Ice creatn, at retail, shall each pay annual- | ly tho sum of five dollars. "All owners of bakeries shall each pay annually the sum of five dollars. "All keepers of eating restaurants and quick lunch places shall each pay I annually the sum of five dollars. I "Tho said licenses shall be due and I payable at the office of the City Treas- | uror on the first day of June In Hie | year 1914, and on the first day of April I annually thereafter: and the said Treasurer shall furnish each licensee I with a fnetal tag provided bv the bu reau of health and sanitation, showing! the number of the license and the year I for which It Is granted, and shall reg- i ister the same, with the name of the i licensee, In a register to be kept for that purpose and designated Milk, Meat' and Food Products Licenses; and said metal license tags shall be attached to either the vehicle of tho licensee or af fixed in a substantial manner at some conspicuous place in Jjis or their place of business where it may be easily ob served by the inspectors." bo and the same is hereby amended to 1 read as follows: Section 5. For the purpose of meet ing the cost and expense of executing I the provisions of this ordinance, tho i following licenses aro hereby imposed, viz: I All dealers In or vendors of milk or ! cream, at retail, shall each pay annu- | ally the sum of four dollars. All dealers in or vendors of milk or | cream, at wholesale, shall each pay an nually the sum of twenty dollars. i All dealers In or vendors of fresh i meat—that is. beef, pork, mutton, lamb or veal, at retail, shall each pav annu ally the sum of four dollars: and the I wholesalers of the same, each the sum i •of twenty dollars. All manufacturers of Ice cream shall each pay annually the sum of eight dol- ' lars. All dealers In or vendors of ice cream, I at retail, shall each pay annually the I sum of four dollars. All owners of bakeries shall each pay I annually the sum of four dollars. ] All keepers of eating restaurants and ' quick lunch places shall each pay an- ! nually the sum of four dollars. i All fish and oyster dealers shall each ] pay annually the sum of four dollars. ! The said license shall be due and pay able at the office of the Citv Treasurer the first of January annually; and the said treasurer shall furnish each II- I censee with a metal tag provided by the bureau of health and sanitation. | showing the number of license and the year for which It Is granted, and shall j register the same, with the name of the licensee, in a register to he kept i for that purpose and designated Milk. I Meat and Food Products Licenses: and I said metal license tags shall be at tached to either the vehicle of the 11- I censee or affixed In a substantial man ner at some conspicuous nlace In his or I their place of business where It may be easily observed by the Insnectors. Passed the City Council December 15, 1914. (Signed) JNO. K. RC '^L. Mayor. ! Attest: CHAS. A. MILLER, j City Clerk. TSEAL] MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Adnma * Co., R. 304, H N. Mnrlcet Sq. < For Rent Desirable offices in the ' Union Trust Building. | Apply Union Trust Company >■l I ft ' uJI SNOOT 11BEFUGEES TO PRESERVE ORDER Hollanders Have Trouble Keep ing Rough Element Quiet, Letter Here Says How it feels for a refined, educated woman to bo thrust remotely into contact with the fearful condi tions attendant upon an international war Is told in a letter received by a member of the home and war relief committee, 7 South Front street, from her friend, the wife of a physician of The Hague, Holland, yesterday. The writer has lived there twenty five years and the profession of her ! husband permits of her Raining first hand impressions of the refugees from devastated Belgium. Extracts of the letter read as fol lows: "Our city is still overrun with ref ugees. The streets and caf« filled with French-speaking people. The ators, ditto. Among the poorer lot that had to be held in check we have unpleasant times. 1 fear we shall be soon given the reputation the allies give the Germans —of murderers, for the authorities are obliged to use strong measures to hold these ref ugees In control. Shot Kleven Refugees "Last week there was a big up rising in Zelst. where many thousands are encamped—because they did not want to be under arrest, that is, un der control, but wanted to be about as they liked. The authorities were obliged to shoot eleven leaders. This has made a big stir, of course. These people who walked over from Ant werp, were a dreadful lot. First, the officers of prisons simply fled. The inmates escaped and we have most jof them as guests, and they want to jdo as they please. In Zeland they have mostly "the boat" people of Antwerp, and the drinking is some thing frightful. "Rows —not police enough to take the men in charge. The outside world can scarcely understand that ' Holland has had to deal with. 1 think | the American government would do well to send and take a lot of them away to the mines in America, for there are hundreds of miners here. Coal is scarog-iind dear because there are no miner's Tin Belgium to work the I mines. i "Business there in small directions, ! such as shops, goes on really nicely. ■ Mr. now in Brussels, will bo I back before Christmas, when i shall | hear a lot of Belgian news. (Jcriiiaiis Hold Tlicir Own "The armies move slowly. The ! Germans hold their own, but advance very slowly. We get really little news we can depend upon from the west ,lines. In East Prussia and Poland j there is fighting which we hear of, as you surely do, also. "Germany has now nearly one mil lion prisoners to feed. How can Ger many feed them if she gets short for her own people? "It is all horrible, and I cannot sleep often, thinking about it. You must come over some time if the world ever sees peace again." I Activities at the headquarters yes jterday were confined to no one espe li'ial department. The Red Cross divi sion is getting ready a box for ship jment to Servian Red Cross headquar ters, while the foreign relief depart - I ment shipped a box of warm winter clothing for women and children made destitute by the war. The home re lief division and the supplies division put in a busy day. giving out sup plies to more than 100 women. They 'also paid out about $l5O for work I turned In. All departments are clos ed New Year's. ' B_ AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS t \ I na • . • t I . wilmer, vincent & Majestic I heater appeal, mors. TO-NIGHT, One Concert Only To-morrow, Matinee and Night I TRIUMPHANT RETURN , n •, 1 Direct from Adelphl Theater, Phlla. Lecture-—Kecital ™ b ~,vy w,th a vv * ch BV THE FA.MO IS BARITONE W I M A %/ Davidßispham * V/-UAI * With EDMUND RREESE mill the AMERICA'S GREATEST SINGER 'to SI.OO, Bve.. j PRICESt 30e, 75c, fl.OOt Gallery, 25c 25c to *1.50. 3 Days Commencing Monday, Jan. 4-Mats.Tnesday & Wednesday It 10A I. PICTURES OF REAI, AVAR IX THE BELGIAN BATTLEFIELD Sutures t no Per Cent of the Sale of the Picture* Ik Given to the llelKliin Red Croaa. | I PRICESi MATI.\ EES. 2Se| NIGHTS, 85e, 25e, 15e. / V \ M—■■■ TO-DAY'S MATINEE IN EACH HOUSE WILI. NOT BEGIN IIKTII, THE PARADE HAS PASSED THE DOWNTOWN SECTION vy '. . /nr I I WONDER PCI# 811.1, OF Kitty Gordon r\/tr r r And Hlk Holiday Show nealdea | f A C J U tit K 1 Li Lth Next Week—Another Winner ! AND PICTURES SCMOI Playgrounds , Anil C Oilier Good Ada. &lICI 15c ¥ W/^TAWA 2 ""^' 51 " THE QUEST 0F \i I THE SACRED \ NEW YEAR'S EXTRA GEM" IN FOUR PARTS "The Passing of Two-Gon Hicka." A Dr " m " j v . , J , Public Sale of Stock Tlic undersigned will offer at Public Snlc in front of 1110 Court House, Harrisburg, Pa. Monday, January 4, 1915, at 2 P. M. THE FOLLOWING STOCK TO WIT: 10 sliares T-einoyiie Trust Co., licnioyne, Pa. & shares Union Trust Co. of I'ennsjlvanla, Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer. 11 Third Anniversary of Sterling Auto Tire Co. To commemorate the third annlver- I sary of establishing- the Sterling Auto I Tire Company, Frank B. Bosch, prest- I dent and general manager, has an nounced anniversary specials for the month of January. These consist of _ tube bag with every repair job in tube department and pliers with Miller Pluggum. a self-vulcanizing material. The Sterling Auto Tire Company have a modern establishment at 1131 Zarker street, equipped with the most approved machinery for the vulcan izing of tubes and casings. This is , also the home of Miller Tires for this 3 territory. As distributors for these Y famous tlreg, a large assortment of - sizes are always in stock. Mr. Bosch .1 was for years a traveling represents - H tlve for rubber concerns, and Is con f sldered one of the best posted au _ thorities on the rubber subject in this 1 State. i BOY COASTER XKAH DEATH r Stanton Byers almost lost his life when he lost control of his sled and " ran in front of a Progress car at Cam -1 eron and. State streets, last night. His Injuries were fortunately slight. NOBODY KNOWS i Where you can sell a long unneeded - piece of furniture, unless it is tho t thousands of readers of the Telegraph, e _______________________ 1 - . AMUSEMENTS r , _____ 8 \ Photoplay To-day ?j "Garrison's Finish" 3 Acts. Great llaep Story J "Hazards of Helen'' e Ilallrnntl Story . I "THE BLACK DIAMOND EXIMIESS" e ! "Mlt. SANTA CIJAUS," C 2 Act Yltagraitli. • SPECIAL SATURDAY f ALICE JOYCE In a Act Kalcm The Mayor's Secretary e COMING WED.. JAN. 6th t EVEI,YN NESBIT TIIAW anil ltl'S < SKI,I, WM. THAW, brr son, 0 In ■ Wonderful S-aet Drama J "Threads of Destiny" e * ' e " • Palace Theater 333 Market St. TO-DAY t 1 Ceoll Spooner In Sawyer's 4-reel a elreiis drama, "NELL OF THE CIRCUS." Hepworth's ii-rrel feature, 1 "HIS COUNTRY'S t BIDDING." Ma* Asher In Sterling comedy, "LOVE. LUCK AND CANDY." ANIMATED WEEKLY, No. 143, showing all the Intent news In mo tion pictures. Genunie War Pictures r r, First shown at this theater. Wllil. BE SHOWN TO-DAY I'irMt run In till* elty of truly genuine plctureN from the wnr /.one. - Admission, 10c. Children, sc. 1 13
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