20 IA Special Clearance of Suits ™ ese Ar f,, w „ hen Wom^sFash.^abie'Sp.r o , Tt r-v „r• , IT J , Trimmed Hats Can Be Shoes--$3.50 to $4.50 In a Sale Having to Do With Hundreds n . T . , w« s ,, ta in pat(nt i ta ,i, ir lnil j,.,, cll( " fjOttCfni" TOT* I lt"t"lF* 1 y. vvlt ' l g re y, fawn and black cloth tops. A new ship f -J T-i I O 1 /1111V-' ment brings its a full line of sizes. Goodyear welted oak leather or Styles hrom Our Regular Stock A „ o .her w «k.«i.hemim„erysection m «.t and,ca,herspo °' hcels - Prices >°* 4 - 50 i , r ■ r, r i 1- i . . WOMEN'S TAX SHOES The most important saleof T ch ° ts space , , p / i K..vX&iX:':„"a"?„S"SS*S.S" sll " h . i ,• T -1 ii dav goods. 1 his means a quick clearance of trimmed «w« mm metai coif shoos, button and lace styles. Wide laktM if '«■ i hz ,T - >■/<?*•* the ftntire l 1 all season occurs ~i 4. • 11. \i a An c r i With heavy Ooo.lyear welted soles and inch broad heels 54.00 1 1110 CIUIIC * ail v - C7adV -' ll uo^uia and untrimmed hats. About 40 ot our finest dress women's black kidsiwn shoes, button ana lace styles with patent i fr\ m rvr«T\i r r \ n fU i i , i i i . . leather or kidskin tips, straight last with Goodyear welted soles and low : 1 tO-morrOW in me JLJIVeS, models remain, and are being closed out at s6.do. I liese j heeis $3 00 and $3 50 Pomeroy &, Stewart suit hats were formerly $8.50 to $14.00. They are all in j in the disoosal of "plendid condition for they have been displayed in j „X * / 4K>» —■ 1 1 1 - 1 1 cases and were not subjected to much handling. j heel's e . a *. " ,vinf,r feet » ,erfert freedom: oak leather soles and^low ■ ' - -mm "*'/ f \ Vfcl / K from regular stock. Ihestyles *4.95 and $2.95.' ■» ' W/wSrepresent plain tailored I" untrimmed hats there are splendid values a» ° ooa "" wcKod CALF snoii' 2 'i • x' ®SOS ' '&n*i .cuf ru.l_ _ . . and In tan and black bluclier lace style with full bellows tongue, broad ftf/ niodes tor tile woman OI ■ Dives. Pomerov & Stewart-Second Floor. Front. toes, two heavj- Goodyear welted soles with broad heels. $2.50 to $4.00 Sit tr\ 7 J ->M ATWBHM • < < Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Of JrrfZJ^th e most elaborately trim- Gloves That Ensure Long Service £l°Y es For Automobile Drivers j >»J| „* J ¥/■' J med styles that have been » ■ ™«, • r . cu With a Warm Interlining: $4.95 <L j k. Ptll i/ M copied from Paris creations. ein complete snowin B «■'<-> pj-i #»» «j ■»», * W& Jft'Ak / J/ I t , . 2-clasp kid gloves in white, tan, grey and black; a glove that is not Idlllb s wool. A glove that evcrv auto driver should have W?jS« Y ' )) I / tO-morrOW S sale it will be possible to matched In Harrisburg for less than SI.OO. Siieclally priced at. pair HUr. $-1.9.1 ' A • 'rvr A ■' / ffiM affect savings that will sound a note of true k,d f lovcs s " >y l a, " , I , T; pai , r ••;•••■ ••••• *»•«« r en ', s S rc - V suede Bilk lined gloves are priced at . $1.15 ;«J!S * JL 1/ Pffijm , One-clasp gloves with P. K. stitching, in white, tan aucl black. Pair. Men s cape kid gloves with spear A points; a soft pliable \\ \r W ' economy for the woman who takes advan- si.so finish glove, in cadet and regular sizes. Pair $1.1.1 pr 1 \ W \ A f tage of the offering outlined. tan> P °! nU ""! . W '. de . .' M JTso Kow, ? es ' an(l Dent ' s strect and dress « lovcs *1™ to $a r>o S | f 1 to $1 .(M) y' 1 j \\ f made with deep cut re\ r er and small belt of llert'ules houses as Trei'ousse and IVrrin are shown in our collection of 2-clasp J »0\ S \ Clolir and leather gaUtltlctS, 111 tan, grey and l)lacl\ f J/\ yfasHt IV braid—a style that is pai'ticularly good on a woman of styles at $1.75 to $2.25 to sJ)(['. y *O/ large lignre $12.50 One-clasp cape gloves in tan. With Prix senilis SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. « ' >«3 - s .... ... , ~ . ~ ... . CaiH' and mocha one-clasp gloves in grey, tan and black. Pair, $1.25 ' V / /ill $16.50 navy and black line quality serge suits; in sizes One-clasp silk Ihied mocha gloves In grey. Pair $1.75 ' ■, - " r / f, mggaßßm 10 " ,,d ,2 - The front Is straight cut and Js finished ulUi Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. II ; , -t •. , i, i i ■ abroad belt of serge and hands or velvet. Kedueed to yy OtTlOn. S S $8(K00 ehiffnn broadcloth suits embelUsluHlvvith velvet licgnlar $18.50 suits of fine quality poplin in* navy a _ nViulc* iii a rtyleVha't Viffccts the short'nujder" This Motl'S WllltOr UndorWCSr HoSIPrV 11H I JnHprWP«r ganncnt li.»s he.ii one of tlie IH>SI styles of the season collar is of military style trinuued with velvet: in sizes iTlvil O TT V 11UU1 I lUolt'l V dllCl \J llLlt/I WCdl and is now rediHHd to s_.>.oo :io to 10. Reduced to si«.so Men's heavv cotton fleece lined shirts and drawers •ea 50^ l<>ng and short models representing new arrivals this Chiffon broadcloth suits in navy blue, brown, black * S neav > neece linea snirrs urawers , c.i„ .nil Wo men s heavy fast black fash- White cotton ribbed vesta; fleece week, in ntti > blue, brown, green and black. I lie models and green, trimmed with a broad bolt of velvet finished Men's heavy wool fleece lined sllil ts and drawers ; each, 45$ ioned hose 25c lined with drawers to match. Kaoh liicliMlc fine quality hroaslcloth. gahardiuo and velvet and ultli velvet covered buttons; buttons front and lmek. . , . . . Jwk I'nst black lisle thread hose. 25c each style.is an exact reproduction of the garments that The back of the coat is made will double box pleat and Men S heavy natural wool shirts and drawers ; each, $1 .OO 50c fast black lisle fashioned Peeler and white cotton ribbed won- higher in price. Specially prlcwll at. the collar is trimmed with velvet and broadcloth He . , ... j f , ,• , ,• t , drawcrs . p„ V n- hoso - s » ,colal :5n, • VPHts: sllk trimmed: $25.00, $.50.00 and $35.00 dttced to $20.00 .\iensnea\> l iDixci neece lined hmris anu ur«t\\ ers , p ( t iuidren's fast black cotton hose: dr;>«ers to matcli. Each 500 / t—i - * —-v f * jr. ■% % T tian and trrevs: each i seamless: all sizes. Pair White silk and wool union suits: A Sale of Evening Oowns for Misses Women lien's $1.50 cotton ribbed union suits $1.11) I cotton hose. Pair ' sleeves; anl le length ß . Sl°so . r , Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. „ ««>"«» unlo » S Dives . Pomeroy & Stewart—Street TV T A * 1 npi T \ T 1 ... fleece lined 75c Floor. JNew Arrivals l his Week —— The Prices are %to % Less Than Regular Prices | /^T>C? I Jn& T^Gnfll't^Qnt" Tomorrow: 10 lbs. Sugar for 54c With \ JCj/ \* J--/ , P P"- A*- Each SI.OO Purchase of Groceries ap. The (imcery Department is thoroughly stocked with the finest groceries and table delicacies pro- / curable. Special attention will be paid to all orders for Thanksgiving festivities. Biag ***i ——ji iT i i J i i <<« ~ ~ This weelk we are showing fresh stocks of Casaba melons, pomegranates, persimmons, Italian chest- » ■ nuts and nuts of all kinds, white grapes, fancy Florida grape fruit and oranges. I s~~\~\ 7 O - I 1 f~\ 110 O I i O /ZxC" q t /^f^\ hlorida grape fruit. table raisins. ;pkg., pulled figs in boxes, Dromedary dates, pkg., t/ «/ Hr*t qunlitj Seeilr«l anil f i Dried Bfef, eountry cured, ! / v "i I '"j I N / I A"| | '"4 yr ord rloor 1 omorrow-1 hree blevators pkK.. l.ir. liii-kc niMl mfnty, .1 lh«„ Boiled Hum, Milord, lb., 30c. ; <nn*. 40r. New Citron, lb., 23c. 25c. * .Minced Ham, lb., i!Oc. Banquet roflTee, lb., :(Oc. i.cmon an.i oran K e nia.k Tartarian (Vr- siiuar cured nac«n, aiiord, h-.V""oiTo'r^Tb.,' All the things that gladden the hearts of boys and girls at Christmas have been received from Santa l*eel» lb., llli'. 11, .mi'. "" Ir «' wn » ll ># , 2Hv. lbw„ !Nk*. vaiea pitted oatea. ( .k K ., j C orn. .rea.ny ~ ~~7; ~ n I « s ," cet ~r» ", Claus and spread out in a fascinating display on the third floor. 1.",.'. and tender, il eana. 2Sc. | „} " ncy Cream ' r .v. al "' , runc "' " kK ' , tnH , 'tlna."2 ~^f o?a 2 .•^^ p " , i . In.ilorted'itoquefort. Ib„ 4 "e. e * " The trend of early shopping has not caught the good old fellow napping, and while there are other ship- Wlitte t.rnppN. lb.. Ise. Solid pa.'knl Tomatom, —' . ... . . , itaijan cheatnuta, j larae sanitary tina, 3 for ca k,T, u .v.. nee*e, Monte" o»iosaai A.- nieiits on the way, this advance showing is very complete and generous in its variety of favorite playthings 'California. Walnuts, lb„ ! 'vvaldorf Pork and Philadelphia Cream L paragma Tips, can, 22es do/.., . 28c. I Hrans, :t regular 10c cans. Cheese, cake. 10c. ; *2.50. ail<l llOVeltlCS. I'aiifr Mhrll Miimuxln, lb., «s«*. >nuppy f hffNf, roll, 10c, "Flair" llnlnr Corn, the HSS'kv, ■T™** * Welcome, Then, to the Land of Happiness Tomorrow Fancy Pennsylvania Ap- j Fancy nrw caiiKht Nor- Xew Pearl Tapioca. !l lbs,, ' tb«* very best, can. iocs do*., '''wp- V c, 'i!i . "">' Mackerel. sci «l for 25c. I sl.lO. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor, Three Elevators. fa ale I t.Mir, 12%-11. base, | 25e. Old faabloaed Buckwheat, D„ P. & S. •lO" - - ' > I lb.. Be. I Basement ' In Time For Saturday—A Crackajack Lot of To Be introduced Tomorrow TT Dl*JE>lOl E7 \li 12 New Blouse Styles, SI.OO llGflVy 1 lSl(l-DdCK DallH&CaanS lOf JVIGn Allove. embroidered voile, organdy and crepe blouses with manv style touches to them that are associated with higher- Regular $20.00 and CT Afj u AC 1 CA are ,he pret,itst and " orth - JC T „ j_ j I I ■ ■ V 1 m 111 | 4I | I 1 W W % W All-over embroidered voile blouses: collar and button-piece edged S ® JL 0 with diet lace, sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuffs edged with lace, All-over embroidered voile blouses; organdy vestee and collar, or- The house that has the outlet and the cash can get its share of "plums" from clothing makers Voile blouses; embroidered front; organdy vestee and collar; bunch this season. And as there are plums of varying sweetness so there are special lots of clothing more attrac- u " k lSerorKan o dTbioLr; lf ve n i S e'iace"edge'trims eoiiar." , tive than others, and the shipment of Balmacaans that came in only this morning is of this superior kind. and military co'uar;' Vum-back' cu'rtaV 'crocheted buuona //, Full cut, hand-tailored garments with beautiful plaid backs in these rich fabrics-- n.°o / d (i VM'"inJl* \ ° , _ , 1 . _■ £, , Kmbroidored voile blouse; organdy vestee; collar and cuffs; ero / " \W' nVA Grey Chinchilla Dark Oxford Cassimere and Cheviot Heavy Storm Worsted cheted buttons SI.OO / i V V I _ l _ _ . _ Voile blouse; front trimmed with filet lace insertion and scalloped I If nr\ Dark Blue Kersey Cirey bcotcn iviixture embroidery edge; turn-back collar trimmed with hemstitching; 1 " Sl/.tS to 40. Convertible collars. MIDDY BLOUSE White flannelette gowns; turn tdm SIB.OO Balmacaans at $13.50 style showing of distinctive overcoats in the city—sl3.so white driiiin K middy blouse: an r 1 hem- TMZmLjf white or white with navy or cadet stju-hm,? SI.OO. $1.25, $1.50 I'm"! Dark gre\ r cheviot and blue grey cheviot, brown Scotch to . coiiai and cuffs SI.OO Hißh neck muslin powns: tucked ft iI p. mixture and grey and g r«n overpaid Bataacaan,: these Men's $15.00 Suits at $.0,00 /jj i® || 1 are a ]| heavy weight garments; convertible collars; patch Men who lia\e suits to bin to-morrow, will lind this nounce; Russian wistaria. INFANTS' wioak /Iff® li -1 nr slasliPfl nnrl-ets- full rut Dll Opportunity WOrtll embracing. Alessaline petticoats;' tailored 'or Infants' crocheted cap; all white If" ll 'll U1 »»asiieu pochtis, IUU CUI. Rl ll# , diacrnnal wnrstpfl «;iiit<t hlti*» and whitf chslk pleated flounce; plum, Russian or white with pink or light blue I II I CO n A <Ci cnn O 1 <£o en A ffinnn . ® QiagOnai WOrStea suits, ana wnite CnaiK B r,.pn, wistaria, navy, taupe and trimming . ,50c, 75c. SI.OO to s:i.»o and q>IS.UU rsalmacaans, Jp0.50 and 3>1U.00 strine suits and? tan check worsted suits in English and con- black $2.95. $3.50 and ss.#s infants* toques, aii white or with I. II _ , . . „ ..... ; • ii* . , . , Jr , * Black cotton petticoats; satine or pink or light blue trimming, 1 |, n | Dark gre} r and brown Scotch tweed and dark brown servative sacks; plain or patch pockets; Venetian and serge percaiine; tailored, pleated or seal- t and r>oc H mixed Balmacaans, full cut, slashed pockets; sizes 34 to 40. lined; two and three-button coats with soft roll lapels. t0°53.50. styie'or'with beft, |'lller' Men's Heavy Overcoats Regular $15.00 suits at SIO.OO. fianxei,ETTK GOWNS infant^ 1 ' o °crVcheted 1 ' ,>o iegK*ngs { ; Grey and black cheviots; brown and black montag- High-grade Suits, $12.50 to $25.00 whlt^d,br °W^ Ml nacs ' g re y> brown and blue chinchillas; fancy green and An assortment embracing many patterns and fabrics. and V si!.->o! e ' s °'' 75c ' sl '°°' $, J5 DUes ' 1 om noorfFront arl " Second ima W/L brown mixed chinchillas; dark grey heavy cheviots; brown, Blue Serge Suite Tartan Checks blue and black vicunas; grey and brown camel's hair; grey E£K"l!'S f\ O W Ilk and blue boucle; blue and black kersey; silk beaver cloth Two and three-button sacks with plain or patch 3 HlttC Shawl, convertible and notch collars; quarter or full silk OL/V\)Wi IvllVvl v\\ % CSrVwW\J6/| 1 f-mmn w . „ or Venetian lined single or double-breasted. The finest DlCea. Pomeroy & Stewart Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. FRIDAY EV ENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 20, 1914.
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