Telegraph Classified Ads Are Tie Liveliest Little Things ii Harristyirg Telegraph Classified Ads gv Will Deliver Your Message Promptly They're waiting for you to phone your want. They'll carry it to over 24,000 buyers of the Telegraph every (la\'. They'll go further —for there is an aver age of at least five readers of every Tele graph bought every day. Telegraph Classified Ads are quick, eco nomical and productive of results. Every phone is a Telegraph Classified Ad station. DIED PARKER On Thursday, November 19, 1914, at 12:25 P. M., Mrs. E. L Parker, wife of Edward L. Parker, of 1315 Williams street. Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence. Burial nt Hummelstown. The relatives an<l friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial private. TRI3ADWEIA On Wednesday morn ing. at 9:30, Charles J. Treadweil, aged 49 years, passenger conductor, at his residence, 51 North Eighteenth street. He Is survived by his wife and daughter. He was a member of the B. of R. T. and Knights of Pythias. Funeral on Saturday morninir at 11 o'clock, from Ills late residence. The relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. The Rev. Mr. Manges will officiate. Burial at 1 'aupliln Cemetery. LOST U>ST OE STOLEN Small, loose leaf note-book; of no value to any por tion but Booth No. 52, Industrial Exhi bition, Chestnut Street Hall. Reward If returned, and no questions asked. LOST Fox Terrier; answers to name "Pat;" white, marked with big black spots; six months old. Reward for return or Information leading to, . liis whereabouts. Robert F. Gorman, 1937 Park street. ' FOUND l _ , i FOUND —At Gordon Bros., 1543 i Walnut, street, Armour's Silverchurn and Swift's Premium Oleomargarine, 5 - lbs. for $1.10: Empire Oloomargarlne, 5 Wis. for 98c;; well known qualities. Bell < | 1381 J. . FOUND Don't go any further, for ' the right place is at Eggert's Steam - Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. We deliver and call i promptly. Both phones. U ELI' \\ ANT* D—Male WANTED Young, married men, be twten the age of 27 and 40 years, for ' wagon tea and coffee salesmen; guar- ■ anteed salary and commission; grocery, laundry and bakery drivers preferred; i must be able to furnish best of refer ence and bond. Jewel Tea Co., 269 ■ Broad street. WE have an opening for a wide awake, aggressive young man as col- ■ lector; experience not essential as a de termination to make good; salary; bond required. Address M., 1559, care of Telegraph. I WANTED White chef. Call Satur- j day or Monday, Hershey Cafe, Hershey, . Pa. YOUNG MEN,—Become Railway Mail , Clerks; Hariisburg mail carriers, $65.00 to $l5O month. Pull unnecessary. Sam- , pie examination questions free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 361 T, Ro chester, N. T. j WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs, to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation , Repair ShAp and School, 5 North Cam eron street. Bell phone 1710. WANTED Railway mall and postal , clerks; examinations soon; over two , thousand appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia , Business College. Civil Service Dept.. Philadelphia. Pa. SAI.KSMI.N W.\NTi:i) ! SALESMAN to cover hardware and housefurnishing trade with l'ast-selling i specialty. Excellent offer for the right man. Charles 11. Bauer & Co.. 5118 North Eleventh street, Philadelphia. UEU' U—lVttiuk- j WANTED —GirIs 16 years of ' age and over. Apply Marrishurg Cigar Company, 500 Race St. ' WANTED Tobacco stripper. 200 1 Market street. i ,. i PAPERHANGEKS WANTED Can < use. none but first-class mechanics for - all-winter work. H. A. Bodmer, S!3 North Third street. WANTED An assistant cook, by 1 the Hershey Y. W. C. A. Good referen- - ccs required. AppL in person. TOIt SAIiK 1 N. Front St. Ground 100 Feet Front This plot is just one hundred i feet south of the southeast corner ' kof Front and Emerald streets. It Is one of the choicest building ! lots on the market at any price. Any person acquainted with ! River Front ground knows the de- | slrability of this plot. I < The Susquehanna River view is i one of the most beautiful in the ! world. Your opportunity to secure this I ground is NOW'. MOler Bros. & Neefe i RKAIJ ESTATE rtn Insurance Surety Bonds I.ocust and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 20, 1914. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Experienced women so licitors can make good money canvass ing box trade for Cadora and Motor Club Cigars in Harrisburg. Finest High Grade Cigars. Cadora Cigar Co., York. Pa. WANTED, AT ONCE Mature, edu cated woman, best character and influ ence, inclined toward helping the sick, for well-paying commercial position. Box J.. 1852, care of Telegraph. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL, Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all patterns by measure. You cut, flt and make the entire garment. You can not learn dressmaking right any other way. Make all your Fall and Winter dresses while learning. Night and Day classes. Get terms and information. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street. lii.i.J' W.V.Sti-.D—Mule ami Female WANTED Six young men and two ladle* to work for me during sparo and whole time. Must be ambitious and have fair education. Profitable propo sition. Address R. A. \V., care of Tele graph. SITUATION WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young colored man wants position of any kind. Call, or address, 110 South Fourth street. WANTED Young man, who must give up college for family financial rea sons, desires an opportunity to learn some line of business. Apply A. T. K., 121 South street. WANTED Married man wishes outdoor work of any kind; has had three years' experience as salesman; best reference. Address S. W., care ot Telegraph. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk wants employment; good refer ence. Address A., 1858, care of Tele graph. WANTED Man wants position as houseman or waiter. Apply 116H Llb i erty street. WANTED Young man, experienced grocery clerk, wishes position. Address H., 1848, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as salesman, in or out of town; can furnish reference. Address Box 0., 1850, care of Telegraph. MUAi.uAn Vt.V.Mi.t)—reuiM* WANTED Young woman desires position as housekeeper, or general housework; can furnish reference. Ad dress 1812 North Seventh street. WANTED By an honest colored woman, place as first-class cook, or pastry cooking, or housework without washing. Coll, or write, 419 State street. WANTED Young widow desires position as housekeeper. Address K., 1841, care of Telegraph. WANTED White, married woman would like washing or ironing by the day. Call 2965J Bell phone, or address 1926 North Seventh street. WANTED Colored girl wants gen eral housework. Call, or address, 907 Saruli avenue. WANTED By girl, place to do plain cooking. 1408 Marlon street. WANTED Young white woman de sires general housework or day's work. Call, or address, 1007 Capital street. WANTED Middle-aged white w*o nuin would like to have day's work. Address R., 1508 North Fourth street. WANTED By widow, bundle wash to dojit home; will call and deliver It. Margaret Setterman, 1116 Montgomery street. WANTED Woman wants day's work. 418 Walnut Btreet. WANTED Woman ."8 years of age desires position as nurse to invalid; wages, $30.00 monthly. Address 1950 Swatara street. WANTED A capable and experi enced young woman of settled and re ilned disposition, desires to secure po sition as nurse for Invalid or child. Ad dress IC., 1853, care of Telegraph. WANTED White g'rl would like position to do general housewor't in apartment, or hotel v.-ork. Apply 109 Broad street. City. WANTED Stenographer, with one year's experience, wants position. Ap ply E., 1855, care of .Telegraph. WANTED Half-grown c.olured girl would like work, general housework, chambermaid or child's nurse. Apply 105 Filbert street. WANTED Girl wants position as child's nurse. Address 1318 Williams street. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Address 1408 Nort)' Fourth street. Situations Warned Male niMl Female WANTED Young colored man and wife wish place together In private family; handy at most anything. Ad dress A. 15., care of Telegraph, or call 33461!, Bell phone, City. REAL INSTATE FOR HALE WHY DELAY your inspection of 2011 Green street, since this property Is to be sold soon even at a los«? Vacant, inspect it. Bell s l!ealty Co., Bergner Building. "Voh BALE -4 J 3 341 Derry St.; brick house with 10 rooms and bath; all mod ern improvements; large porches; lot. 30x1 S2; street on rear 20 feet wide. Bell [ Realty Co., Bergner Building, , 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Good farm. 125 acres; land level and fertile; new bank liarn; IIOUHC good as new; spring water In tlie yard: barn and house up and down stairs; located along public road, 12 miles from Harrlsburg, 1U- miles from river and station. Price $32 per acre. Terms easy. Address W. Etzwller, Box 249, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE 342 South Seventeenth St. Corner Property 3-story frame —lO rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porch. Lot, 14x114. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. t BUNGALOW FOR SALE Close to trolley; within 5c fare of liarrisburK; six rooms; bath, electric light, steam heat, large porches; lot. 80x512. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2015 Green St. • 3- story brick lO rooms, bath and steam heat ■ — porches. Lot, 20x85. Learn our Price and It will interest you. Brin ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. REAL BARGAIN 1350 North 3- story frame; all improvements; new roof; newly painted; 10 rooms; bath. Price, <2,050 s4so cash. Irwin M. Cassell, 1444 Beglna, Real Estate and Insurance. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In Dau rliln: S rooms with lot 95x123, price. 1.200. Make an offer on 1813 Brlggs street. 7 rooms and bath, furnace, lot, 25x110. 11. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE 415 Herr street 3- story brick dwelling now vacant. Bargain If sold at once. M. A. Fought, I 272 North street. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT No. 1628 Reglna 5t..., 26.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 i No. 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 1418 Berryliill St 20.00 18 Honey St v 12.00 Apartment 27.00 2170 Brookwood 14.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 1521 Vernon street; 2H-etory brick; 6 rooms; rent, $14.00 per month. E. A. Heftelfinger, East End Bank. FOR RENT Mouse on Washington Heights; 7 rooms and bath; all conveni ences; Immediate possession. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland, Pa. j FOR RENT No. 1903 North Third street; 8-room house; bath and gas. Rent, fifteen dollars per montlL Pos- | session December 1. Call at No. 1129 North Sixth street. FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, , $16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650 ; Emerald street, S2O; 1633 Third street, | $18.00; house in Penbrook, $12.00; Hain- | ton, $9.00. D. E. Blightblll, 2 North | Court street. FOR RENT No. 112 North Eigh teenth streot, combination lighting, all improvements, $20.00; No. 1632 I Jerry, $25.00; 2807 Camby, Penbrook, all im provements. $15.00; No. 1805 Berryliill, $15.00. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir teenth street. FOR RENT Store room, dwelling and stable, fitted with steam heat. Llndemuth's Grocery stand for years, at 235 Crescent street. Apply J. M. Hat ton, 320 Crescent street. FOR RENT A large stable in good I condition; in the rear of No. 1013 South 'Twenty-first street. Inquire of I. P. Bowman, 86 North Third street. FOR RENT New brick houses, with steam heat, all modern conveniences, SIB.OO per month. Nos. 2015 and 2017 Swatara street. Inquire of I. P. Bow man. 36 North Third street. FOR RENT 62" Wiconisco street, brick house, eight rooms; all Improve ments; bay window; large tront porch; bay window in back; granolithic nave ments. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT House 608 Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RENT—I7OB State street. Three story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and pantry; cemented cellar; steam heat; front and back yards. Inquire J. W. Koshon, 8 North Market Square. • HOOMn FOR RENT FOR RENT Three rooms, complete ly furnished for light housekeeping; ail conveniences; rent reasonable; rei erences cxehunged. 340 South Six teenth street. FOR RENT Two furnished and two unfurnished rooms, with board; ail conveniences, including steam heat. Address 1304 North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; ail conveniences; also transient roomers. Apply seeonu apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Filth and Market streets. FOR RENT Furnished front suite of large llvingrooni, bedroom, private bath. Also bay-window room, station ary washstanu, near bath, suitable for gentleman. City steam; electric lights; Hardwood iioors; reference required. 218 Pine street. ROOM FOR RENT Second tloor front room, adjoining bath; large and well furnished with all conveniences; very desirable; In private family; rent reasonable. Apply, or address jcooni«, 215 Brlggs street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with all im provements. 458 Cumberland street. FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, second tloor, for light house- i keeping; gas and coal range; cup boards; sink; hot and cold water; steam heated; use of bath, (.'all at 383 South Sixteenth. FOR RENT Three furnished or ! unfurnished rooms, with conveniences; I use of Bell phone; two gentlemen or j reilned young couple; reference ex- i changed; location, State street, near Eighteenth. Phone 894 J. FOR RENT Second story front ' room. Apply 125 Pine street. ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnish- ; ed; private family; all conveniences; ; use of bath and phone. Call phone 2188 W. FOR RENT Two or three rooms; I rent, $5.00 monthly, payable In advance. > Call evenings. No children. Only man i and wife or lady need apply. 311 i Briggs street. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms, I second story front uud third story I front ana one back room; all conveni ences. 107 Chestnut street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished ! rooms, with bath, on third tloor. 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, | single or ensuite; all conveniences, in- I eluding phone; reference required. Ap- 1 ply 1015 North Front street. WANTED At 26 South Second ! street —roorrjers and boarders—home- j like meals and nicely furnished rooms. I Apply 25 South Second street. APARTMENTS FOR KENT FOR RENT First floor apartment 1941 North Sixth street; also house I Schuylkill street. Inquire J. C. Mehrlng, ! 2439 North Sixth street, or at Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer, FLAT FOR KENT 6 rooms and ■ bath; steam heat; hot water; station- | arv wash tubs and gas range. Apply 15. Handler Furniture Store, 1212 North I third street. _ FOR RENT An apartment, four ! rooms and bath, all conveniences, lo- J cated Sixtli and Harris. Apply to L. ! gilbert, 1542 North Sixth street. APARTMENTS FOB RENT ; APARTMENTS HUi HUM' ; FOUR desirable apartments at Nos. l 2510. 2014 and 2518 North Sixth street, 1 for rent, on llrst lloors, $35.00 per 2 month. These apartments are entirely l new anil most complete. Apply to . Harry M. liretz, 222 Market street. t FOR RENT One housekeeping - apartment, furnished complete, linen, l cooking utensils, large livingroom, cora s bination dining-room, coal range, gas, t private meter, bells, letter boxes, sta • tionary tubs, heated, bath. 1417 Mar . ket street. > WANTED > WANTED —Old furniture, china, I glassware, old books, stamps, ate. We are buyers for Boston, New Yorl: and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by 1 any locaj collectors or dealers. Call ' or address Antique Shop, 141U Sixth ■ street, Harrisburg. HOME WANTED where services will i wholly, or part, pay board and lodging, l>y a young man, who for financial rea sons left college to learii a business. Apply 121 South street. i WANTED Cars for winter storage In a large, commodious building Tn central "art of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works, 80-88 South Cameron street WANTED Second-hand safe, shelv ing, roll-top desk and ofiice chairs. Give full particulars and price wanted. Write X„ 1854, care of Telegraph. l«'OR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, lit ' and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons Nov Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE—-The greatest Bargains in the citv In Men's Hats, Sweaters and Trousers and all men's furnishings. Also fine line of ladies' hosiery. Capin \ I & Capin, 430 Market street, near sub ! I way. j FOR SALE New Style VIII Vlc trola, with $25.00 worth of records. A bargain to quick buyer. For informa- I tion call evenings, after 7:30, Bell 3221 J. | FOR SALE. CHEAP —Steel and wood working machinery: Lathes, sls up; I planers, $25 up; grinders, tools, con- I tractors' cars, engines, boilers, locomo l tives; anything you want, cheap. Ap ply E. B. Loaf Co. Take Rockvllle cat to fare limit. , FOR SALE Two-horse dray wagon. Apply Baughman, 310 Black ' berry avenue. ! ( LOSIMi OUT BARGAINS!!! —Cherry 'parlor set, $7; "Neponset," better than I iinoleoum, 35c; locust-chestnut fence I posts, 15c; imported body brussels. 55c; I best, $1; 9x12 rugs, $3; heaters, ranges, I guns. etc. Yingst, Front-Cumberland. FOR SALE Three-story building at Eniiaut along trolley line; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. FOR SALE One Harley-Davldson motorcycle 7-1-1.-P.—in good condi tion —cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE Motorcycle, bargain, 1913 Excelsior, like new, worth $150.00; first s'.'o.oo takes it. Keystone Motor Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second streot. 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FOR SALE Piano, flno condition, very cheap; leaving city. Address H., 1857, care of Telegraph. FINK AM) C'OMI'I.KTE I,INK AUTO ROBES, Steamer Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FI4AGS OK ALL NATIONS. Butter flies, baseball players; 30 flags of all nations and 20 butterliies for DO cents and 5 cents postage. Largo American flag. 12x18. 15 cents and postage 3 cents. Mitchell, 111 Broad street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 7-foot wall case, with sliding glass doors; mahogany finish; can bo seen set up. Messimer's, Third and Brlggs streets. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags. Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tall Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest nut. FOR SALE Motorcycle, cheap; good reason for selling. Apply 1316 Wallace street. FOR SALE One Powers No. 5 and one Powers 6 motion picture machine; in fine condition. Write to Box 323, Newport, Pa. FOR SALE Two heavy work horses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker 4i Son, Seventh and Harris streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid lit advance. Inquire at Office of | Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDf* on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RUNT 1 FOR KENT Office in Commercial ! Bank Building, first floor front. Rent, $25.00 per month. Can be used ~s an office or small store room. ! OFFICE FOR RENT BO7 Murkot I street, over Philadelphia Quick Lunch. | D. A. Teats, s',i South Third. I ROOM, 52x73 ft., second floor of fac tory building; sleutn heat; water; elec -1 trie light; possession, 30 days; rent, ; $35.00 per month. John C. Orr, 22b j Market street. Phone 1)34. j DANCE HALL on the second lioor of ! tin- new Eagles' Building, corner C'um j berland anil Sixth streets. Maple floor and new piano. For terms, apply to I Geo. E. Yousling. Secretary, No. 404 I Verbeke street. ' BUSINESS OI'WKTtIMITIEB i I MADE $50,000 tn five years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send lor flee booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Luclcport. N. T. i A PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE by j a New York Corporation to handle in restricted territory, a household and i Automobile necessity, selling for, 25 I cents. Must be a man with ability to place a lew men in the field and super- I intend their work. He will buy and sell for cash. 10U per cent, profit. For the ! man possessing the qualifications nec essary for a proposition of this kind, this is a genuine opportunity. Address immediately, 11. E. Stevens, Box 1860, care of Telegraph. I ANY intelligent rerson can earn good 1 income corresponding for newspapers; I experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 7i)B, Lock port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS ABDOMINAL BELTS to order; any | kind you need. Comhbination Belts, with truss, lor naval rupture and float ing kidney. S. S. Appendicitis Belts for alter operation. Lady attendants. Shanaman s, 408 Market, Second Floor. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. j Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. : WILL GETS TIPS ON i ! LIU'S OLD JOB ? All Able-bodied Men at Almshouse Will Have to Chop ; Wood r For, if the Pennsylvania Railroad ' Company will furnish enough old tics, _ the forty or fifty odd men folks at the . county home will lie put to work dur . lng the winter splitting them, sawing . them and qtherwlee getting them ready for kindling wood. And the wood will be piled and got in readiness for hauling so that when : a poor or needy family applies to the ' charitable authorities for wood this ' winter, the poor directors will order , the wood hauled in to the house in question. | READING CITY WATER METERS ■ ' Figure* Taken to Enable Preparation I i T° f " ,l1 " , '" or Present Fiscal Year | Harrisburg'* water meters are being I read now by the attaches of the Bureau j of Water and Light of the Department • 1 of Public Safety, in order that the bills L I for the fiscal year, ending December 31, : I may be made up. ■ Heretofore the meters were read in March, but the fact that this year but I I nine months long, makes it necessary ; ! for a reading at this time. The mini'- • | mum rate per year is $5, but as this is ' ; only nine months long, the minimum ; I rate will be $8.75. Hereafter the read . ings will be made in June and Decem ber. ' BUSINESS PERSON AJUS IIAKDWOOD FLOORS STAIRS COVERED with hardwood. ' Renovating old floors a specialty. J. ' M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street. Bell i 1391 L. GENERAL UPHOLSTERING Send us your old furniture—we use best of material—drapery work—carpet-laying. Eetimates given. H. Vollmer's suc > cessor, Jos. Coplinky, 1208 V 4 Kortli > Third. Bell phone. j FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market ' street. Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. Accordiaß side and knife plait : ing done while you wait. Full length skirts a specialty. All work i done on premises. Simms, clean -1 ers and dyers, 33 North Second street, 802 North Third street. HAULING H. W. LATHE. Boarding Stabl. and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phojie No. 2503 R. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire proof private rooms of various sizes for the storage of household goods; the I other warehouse of the most approved , type of lire retardent construction for , general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick ' and safe handling of household goods, and all kinds of merchandise. Low , storage rates. South Second street near ; Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R. t STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods la clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I*. G. Dlener, Jeweler, <IOB Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents I per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 , ' Broad street. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN ' ANY person needing money in - amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal ; arled position, would be benefited by • calling on us. Employees Discount Co,, 36 North Third street. i MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate : I security in any amounts and upon any ( terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. i Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. 1 I LOANS —SS to S2OO for nonest work- I ing people without bank credit at less ] I than legal rates, payable in instalments i | to suit borrowers convenience. I Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut Street. . | t I LEGAL NOTICE 1 Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals ' will be received at said office until 10 A. Al., November 24. 1914, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and contract awarded as soon thereafter < as possible, for the reconstruction of 20,158 lineal feet of Brick Block pave- , inent, 16 feet wide, situated ill Butler, Summit and Jefferson Townships, But ler County. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of State Highway Department. Harrisburg; 1001 Chest; nut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and Frank lin Trust Co. Building. Franklin, Pa. Full particulars and information on ap -1 I plication to Edward M. Bigelow, State Highway Commissioner. NOTICE LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on t tile Estate of Frances Johnston, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania. de<eAsed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the City of Harrisburg, all persons Indebted to . said Estate are requested to make im , mediate payment, and those having any i bills to present them for collection. ANNIE BIRD, 118 Liberty Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. OTITIC LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Peter B. Myers, late pf Har ! risburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, ' having been granted to the undersign ' ed. residing in said City, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to i make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to GEORGE W. MacWILLIAMS, Or Executor. HORACE A. SEGELBAUM, i Attorney. NOTICE THE Board of Revision of Taxes and 1 Appeals will sit between the hours of !) . A. M. and 4 I*. M., Friday, November 27. 1914. Room 8. Second Floor Court House, for the purpose of hearing ap peals from the assessments made by the Assessor, for all wards, for the year 1915, for City and School purposes, notices of which have been served upon the property owners. By order of the Board. CHARLES A. MILLER. Clerk. WE USES WILSON'S POLICIES ,» Attacks Government's Attitude on Turkish and Tampico Incidents By Associated Press Boston, Mass., Nov. 20. Criticism of the administration's attitude in con nection with the recent firing upon a boat from the cruiser Tennessee in Turkish waters, and with the Tampico Incident in the Mexican troubles, was made last night bv United States Sena tor Henry Cabot Lodge. Speaking be fore the Middlesex Club, a Republican organization, the Senator said: "The administration is content to have it appear that the Tennessee was llred upon to give warning of mines, but you all know what happened at Tampico. Then, within three days, American sailors were in Mexican waters and shedding their blood. And now—now the incident of the salute seems to have been forgotten. And the Ilag was never saluted. "All our efforts should have been de voted to bringing about pacification in Mexico instead of getting Huerta out of office. As It i.i now, Mexico is in the throes of revolution and the two pets of this administration, Carranza and Villa, are at each other's throats. "The party in power should remem ber," Mr. added, "that these are perilous times. It should tnauire into the state of our defense. The Presi dent says this is an academic nuestlon. Tills Is a fighting world—a fighting age. Let us find out the condition of our army and our navy and the state of our preparedness. Let those findings be made known to the people and then let the people say whether the money should be divested from building Southern post offices to our defense." Ex-Sheriff Fletcher's Brother Ambassador to Neighboring Republic Santiago, Chile, Nov. 20. Cere monies in connection with raising the rank of the American legation to an embassy were held here to-day and Henry P. Fletcher, the American am bassador, presented his credentials to I President Luoo. As a mark of defer . ence to the United States the Chilean minister of foreign affairs, Antonio Hunseua, called for Mr. Fletcher at the embassy, accompanied by a regiment of lancers. The party went to the palace of the president, where Mr. Fletcher pre sented his credentials and made an ad dress, to which President Luco replied. Crowds cheered the new ambassador. Mr. Fletcher's home is at Green castle, Pa. He is a brother of ex-Sheriff J. Rowe Fletcher, of Dauphin county. Argue Question of Park Benefits in City Case Further testimony, showing that the opening of Front street, from Paxton street to Iron alley, benefited, rather than damaged the abutting properties, whose park frontuge was consequently taken over by the city, was adduced by the defense to-day in the trespass suit brought by three South Front citizens against the city for claims aggregating $3,000. Former City Assessor Harry F. Oves and AVilliam D. Block, a former city sanitary officer, testified, respectively, as to the values of the properties com mercially and the benefits derived by the improvement of the section from the Hoaltli Department's viewpoint. The session was repeatedly enlivened by the verbal passages at arms of City Solicitor D. S. Seltz, who 1b handling the city's side of the case, and William A. Hain and John A. Herman, counsel for the plaintiffs. NEW SAFE FOR TKF.ASI.HER Cmiuty CouimlNalonera Order Burglar j und Fire-Proof Steel i'uae for A. H. Bailey's Office At to-day's meeting of the County Commissioners a brand-new, modern, \ burglar and flre-proof steel security safe for the filing of the books was or- j dered on approval for County Treasurer i A. H. Bailey's office. The structure will be five feet, eight and one-half I inches high. The interior will be 27x I 37 Inches. EXHIBIT CLOSES TONIGHT Several Exhibitors Will Go to New York to Similar Show Harrisburg's second safety ,rst ex hibit will close to-night. In the opin ion of the member* of the Engineers' Society of Pennsylvania, under whose direction the exhibition was held, it was one big success. For to-night a number of special demonstrations have | been announced. %he doors will close j at 10.30 and the work of preparing the exhibits for shipment will begin at once. Some of the exhibitors will go to New York, where another big exhibition similar to that in Harris burg is announced. At. the close of the exhibition last night the exhibitors were tne quests of the Engineers' Society of Pennsyl vania at a smoked held in the Board of Trade Hall. | SCHOOL HOARD MEETS TO-NIGHT The School Hoard will meet to-night at the offices in Chestnut street. Re ports from the. teachers committee will be read at the regular business session. Committees will report on plana made for the proposed night school to be held for teachers who wish to take courses and an examination for a per manent permit. A report will also be made concerning the appointment of two public Bchool teachers for the children's home at Nineteenth and Swatara streets. TETANUS FROM GUN WOUND Allen F. Smith, of Newport, who was admitted to the llarrisburg Ilos pital Wednesday afternoon suffering from a gunshot wound which he re ceived on a gunning trip about twelve miles from Watsontowru is developing symptoms of tetanus, according to the reports from the hospital. The doc tors say his condition is sefious. CAR HITS WAGON Edward Adams. 4 8 years old, of Edgemont, was treated at the Harris burg Hospital this morning for in juries about the head, sustained when the wagon In which he was driving was bit by a car. Adams is employed by Gates <fc Co., coal dealers. VISITS HOSPITAL Dr. Walter Atkinson, a former in terne at the Harrlsburg Hospital and practicing now in Brockwayville, Jef ferson county, visited the hospital this morning. THE MARK PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated I'ress Philadelphia, Nov. 20. Wheat Steady: No. 2, red, spot, export, sl.l4<&> 1.17; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, Corn Lower: No. 2, yellow, local, 83®83i4c. Oats—Steady; No. 2, white, 54@54Vic. Bran Higher; winter, per ton, $26.00<&26.50; spring, per ton, $25.00®) 25.60. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered. 5.20 c; fine granulated, 5.10 c; confectioners' A, 5.00 c. Butter - The market la steady; western, creamery, extra. 3oc; nearby prints, fancy, 38c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, *9.90® 10.20 per case; western, extras, firsts, free eases 110.80 per case; firsts, froe cases, $9.90 @10.20. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, ISJI loc: young chickens, 13% 15c; spring chickens, 10® 11c; broiling chick ens, 17®27c; old roosters, 10@llc; I ducks, old, lit® 14c; ducks, young. 140 lfc; geese, 13@14e; turkeys. 18©20 c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18019 c; do., fair to good, heavy, 17®Mc; average receipts, 14©17 c; small. 13c; old roosters. 14c; roasting chickens, western, 14® 18c; broiling chickens, nearby. 16®> 2Se: do., western. J2@l7c; capons, large, 23@>25c: do. small, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, spring, 23@24c; average, 214J)22C; ducks, 11® 18c; geese, 11® 10c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85@>4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania. new. $5.00@5.26; spring straights $5.35 @6.60; do., patents, $6.70® 6.50; western, $4.25@4.40; patents, $4.5«® 4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.16 i#4.30: spring, firsts, clear, 44.0004.10; straights, $4.20@4.50; patents, fI.SS® 4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $19.00@19.60; No. 1. medium hales. $19.00@19.50; No. 2, do., $17.00@18.00; No. 3, do., $14.50® 15.50; no grades. $ll.OO @ $13.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed, $18.00@18.50; No. 1. do., $17.00® 17,40; No. 2, do.. $14.50® 16.00. Potatoes Market firm: Penn sylvania. per bushel, 58@«2c; New York, per bushel, 45®50c; Jersey, per basket, 35® 40c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 20. Hogs Re ceipts, 22,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $7.30®)7.50; light. $7.05«t>7.50; mixed, $7.15®7.«0; heavy, $7.05(^7.60; rough, $7.05(ft>7.20; pigs. $4.50®6.50. Cattle Receipts, 1,000: steady. Beeves, $5.75@10.50; steers, $5.40<3>9.00; cows and heifers, s3.<*>@9.2o; calves, $8.50® 11.60. Sheep Receipts, 6,000; strong. Sheep, $5.60®6.25; yearlings, $6.40® 7.75; lambs, $6.75@>9.30. CHICAGO BOABM OF THADK By Associated Cress Chicago, 111., Nov. 20. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—December. May, 1.21%. Corn—December, 66%: May, 7EI. Oats—December, 50%; May, 53%. Pork—January. 18.72/; May, 19.12. Lard—January, 10.20 1 ; May, 10.32. Ribs—January, 10.07;; May, 10.82, MONEY FOR SALARIED PHOPLI and others upon th«ir own names Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tlal. Adams A Co., R. 304, 8 N. Market Sg Headqnartara for TOOL MAKING AN* JOBBING fßell Pb«ne 24T0J B. C. Murray 5 North 10th Street PUBLIC SALE; IOF VALUABLE REAL INSTATE The undersigned. Administrator of the estate of SILAS LAIRD, Lewis berry, York Co., P|a., deceased, will offer at public saie» on the premises in Fairview township, about one mile south of LeMisberry, Pa., oif the road leading i'rom Lewisberry to Pinetown, on Saturday November 28, 1914; sale, 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estafto to wit: Tract No. I—Far#i containing 117 acres and 142 perchitts of good Iron stone land, well adapted to the rais ing of all kinds (it fruits or any otber kind of agricultural work; having erected theaaon a good frame house, frame bank barn and other outbuildings. A spring of never failing water near the house. Apple orchard and other fruit trees on the premises. About 17 acpes of thiri tract Is good timberlaud. Tract No. 2—Choise •kimberland, containing 16 acres and 1146 perches; mostly oak, some chestnut and hick ory, the oak measuring 'lO to 18 in ches in diameter. Bell phone 108, Slechaialeaknrg, Pa. Parties Interested address JOSIN A. ICILMORE, Administrator. No. 7# Went MO 111 St., Media nlcnbiirg, Pa. $ MONEY rj To Housekeepers, Work- M Ingmen and Salaried Em ™ ployee. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 31. 4th Floor Spooner Building FOR RENT A large, well-lighted room (28x33), city steam and running water, second floor of Tausig building. Especially suitable for club or lodge room purposes. Rent reasonable. Apply to Jacob Tausig's Sons 420 Market Street SAFETY and PROFIT A corporation owning departments in a large number of prominent de partment stores in various Sections of the country offers a limited amount of Treasury Stock for the purpose of enlarging its field of op eration. A clean, staple, profitable business without the slightest risk; only moderate Investments invited. Particulars on request. H. E. Nicolay Co., Inc. No. 200 Fifth ATe., New York City 19
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