STTSST Friday and Saturday Bargains Our Glove Bargains Are the Talk of the City EVERY PAIR OF GLOVES GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY Women's French Kid Gloves. 2-cta.p: black. ris., white or white or tan; value SI.OO. All sizes, yQ 12-button length, value $2.98; pair .... $1.98 Pair 16-button lengh, value $3.75; pair #2.48 Women's Suede Gloves, Women's very fine French Kid 2- (from fine skins), 2 or 3- clasp Gloves; black, white and colors. button, tans or browns; Fitted free by experts. Value $1.50. value SI.OO. Sale Sale price, d» 1 "| /\ /(V \r «\ price, pair C pair vA« 1U t | Women's Finest French Kid Gloves, have handsome Paris point /_ I IjJ lUI stitched backs; black, white and colors. Equal to any d* 1 OC I\\ / fy j \&*\ $1.75 glove elsewhere, fitted free. Sale price, pair (pliuuf I I'J Also one-clasp black all-over white stitched. | \ ] Wy \ | WOMEN'S WASH GLOVES I\J f\ Mj 2-clasp Chamoisette EXTRA SPECIAL 16-button extra 1 \\lf' y-jfl Gloves, white or 16-button white heavy pure silk Gloves. T Ikil \jU chamois; also fine Mosquetaire Wrist °P er , a wh * te or / //// W chamois gloves, silk „ no , 0 , black, double finger \ fff?/ / lined, value 39c and 50c. Gloves: 98c value " Sale tips; SI.OO value, stle \ IPI JjL/ Sale price, pair, price, pair, price, pair, 25c 59c 69c KAYSER LEATHERETTE GLOVES—2-clasp. Extra fine. Wide stitched backs. 75c value. Sale price, pair OvlC Boys* and Girls' Gloves EXTRAORDINARY tSale of Women's Fine Neckwear. Just in time for Thanksgiving. Col lars, Coat Sets, Dress Sets, Vestees, Guimpes, etc. Sale price, each, Grand sale of Dainty Muslin Underwear - agents' finest qamnlec agcnis nnest sampies— values $1.50 to $1.75. . Choice 980' Warm Knit Underwear, For Women and in^°Thr e ad Clark ' s 200 yard Sew_ Children, Elach • • • • # 25c, 3Sc, 50c spool .... 2c —Astrich's Main TELEGRAPH WANT ADS find buyers for any sort of usable ar ticles. Tour best chances to sell, buy, trade or secure what you want is al ways through Telegraph Want Ads. ' A Have Your Automobiles, Carriages and Wagons Refinished with IX.Auto-Vnrnl»h. SIO.OO and upward"- Made to look like new in 48 hoar*. Kepalring; and Storage of | Automobiles. bHarriibarg Auto Refinishintr Co, ABBOTT DETROIT BI ILDING 104 and IDS South Srrond Street HARHISBI UU T. A. JENSEN A. M. LEVERING Mnnaitrr Sale* Manager j The Pennsylvania Steel Co. S I Steel Products in Small & Large Quantities | MANUFACTURED § AND SANITARY See Exhibit and Consult Representatives in Booth 33 CHESTNUT STREET HALL J HARRISBURG PIPE & PIPE BENDING CO. Booth 23 jj BENT PIPE PRODUCTS FOR ALL j; SEAMLESS CYLINDERS for carbon dioxide, hy- j| jl drogen, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine and other gases, 11 Skrapnel Shells Made For U. S. Government j I BOOTH—S7 , HENRY GILBERT & SON l | 1 Harrisburg, Pa. 219 MARKET STREET Builders' Hardware, Mill Supplies, Tools, Cutlery, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Packing, Paints and Oils. ■■ ■- ■ THURSDAY EVENING. HEPTASOPHS AFTER MEMRERS Steelton Conclave and Allemanla Conclave, Improved Order of Hepta sophs, last night held membership booster meetings. New Ksme Treatment For Banishing Hairs (Beauty Topics) | With the aiu of a delatone paste, it is an easy matter for any woman to | remove every t race of hair or fuzz from face, neck r/id arms. Enough lof the powdered delatone and water I is mixed into a thick paste and spread 'on the hairy surface for about 2 minutes, then rubbed off and the akin • washed. This completely removes the j hair, but to avoid disappointment, get j the delatone in an original package. I —Advertisement. LABOR MEN MKKT WILSON By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Nov. 19.—Three officials of the United "Mine Workers of America, fresh from the American Federation of Labor convention in Philadelphia, where a resolution was adopted calling on the federal gov ernment to put tho Colorado mines into a receivership unless the op erators accept the pending plan for settlement of the strike, conferred to day with President Wilson at tho White House. SEILBB SCHOOL, HOCKEY The Turks and Tartars of the Seller school will play the first of a series of hockey games on Island Park to morrow afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Helen Delaney, of Washing ton. D. C., has arrived in the city for a week's stay with Miss Mary E. Knisely, Front and Maclay streets. established 1867 In hermetically sealed sanitary cans. Finest for table use and baking. Ask your grocer for it. Send postal card for booklet of Prize Recipes to P. DUFF & SONS, 920 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. j SAFETY jj Welfare \§7 Efficiency I EXHIBIT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS SHOW IF YOU ARE INTER ESTED IN THE INDUSTRIAL ADVANCEMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Chestnut St. Auditorium November 16-20 10 a. m.—lo p. m. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH PERSONAL Other Pergonals on Pftffo 4 HOII MOCK WEDDING 111 FHOOK HOME Lots of Fun For Young People With a Buffet Supper Following A feature of pleasure at the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder, of Penbrook, at their residence, was a mock wedding: following games and dancing. Miss Kdlth Kllnepeter made an at tractive bride, and James Eddy was the bridegroom. John Daugherty acted as minister. Miss Gertrude Carroll was maid of honor and Harry Page was best man. The bride's parents were personated by Miss Anna Judd and Carl Hupp; Mr. Harley played the wedding marches and Miss Edna Wallower and Miss Greta Egan were flower girls. A French supper was served at 11:30 o'clock with Miss Wallower as hostess. : In attendance were; Miss Wallower, Miss Edna Wallo\ver, Miss Anna Judd, Miss Gertrude Carroll, Miss Greta Egan, ! Miss Marie Smith, Miss Maude Valen tine, Miss Helen Struck, Miss Betty I Brenan, Miss Emma Cornman. Miss : Edith Kllnepeter, Miss Ruth Price, Miss | Lucille Snyder, Miss Esther Kllne- I young. Charles Miller, Frank Warren, ,B. B. Snyder, M. S. Hartman, Carl I Smith, James Eddy, Burges Roenig, Harry Page, Paul Breul, Carl Rupp, William Owens, John Daugherty, Thomas McGarvey and Thomas Rich ards. MISS RAPP HONOR GUEST Party at. Washington Heights With Games and New Dances j Mr. and Mrs. William Rapp, of | Washington Heights, entertained a party of walkers from this city in honor of their niece. Miss Ruth Rapp, |of Hamilton street. Singing, games nnd the newest steps in dancing fur nished pleasure, and a buffet supper was served to the following guests: Miss Alva M. Boyles, Miss Myrtle Brown, Miss Esther Boyles, Miss Phoebe Byrem, Miss Josephine Eber sole, Miss Violet Champion, Mrs. Ella Millar, Miss Ruth Rapp, Miss Mildred Rapp, Miss Edna Millar, Miss Jennie Snyder, William Albert, John Troup, Charles Hershey, Bud Jerald, Paul Wellington, William Berthal, Henry Loscli, Harry Ingram, Stanley Stone seifer, Maynard Rapp, Mrs. L. Rapp, Mr. and Mrs. William Rapp and Mrs. C. W. Miller chaperoned the merry hikers. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Pretty Gifts For Housekeeping Are Presented to Mr*. Frank Morrow A miscellaneous shower was given last evening to Mrs. Frank Morrow, of No. 638 Schuylkill street, a recent bride. The house was decorated in potted forns. and the bride was showered with many beautiful gifts, after which a supper was served. Those participating in the shower were: The Misses Mary Dellart, Viola Steele, Hazel Webb, Florence Stine, Pearl Hoover and Seitz, and Mrs. L. Frank. Master Harry Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrow. MR. AND MRS. EARI" LEAVE FOR MONTH IIS" THE WEST Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Earp, 1323 Uerry street, leave to-night for Cali fornia. They will be gone one month. Their first stop will be at Tavoma Wash., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. D. W. King. From Tacoma they will take in Portland, Ore.; San Fran cisco. Los Angeles, Salt Lake City. Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. Mi- Earn Is a passenger conductor on the Willlainsport Division, of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and has been off duty for several weeks as a result of an In jury. TO ATTEND MASONIC DANCE Miss Ruth Plack, of 1101 Capital street, left for Philadelphia this morn ing to spend the week-end there, and attend a Masonic dance Fridav night «Buy here not aloae because price* are loner, but becanae faalltleß are battels 0 Table and Wearing Needs For Thanksgiving Will Be Featured Here To-morrow and Saturday AT OUR Millinery Department Household Needs Secure your Thanksgiving Hat at half price. Silverware, Dishware, Glasses, Large assortment of the latest and best shapes now on hand in Silk Velvet, Plush and Velour. ' $2.50 tO $3.00 Values Special Valne* In liver-plated ♦ $1.50 to $2.00 values Knlve*. Pork*. Tea*. Desert* SI.OO to $2.00 values 49 <• ""m/sTh "T"' K " Hre "' Children's Trimmed Hats 25f, 39£, 49<S and 79? e ibc and a«e TRIMMINGS ChHdren's°sUver Seta' !!!! !!!! !! Zl Complete Stock Ostrich and Feather Fancies, New Roses, Aluminum serving s P o»n*. Ladle*. Maribou and Fur Trimmings in the leading colors, ' te - "«• «"»«' 2"® AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. SSTm.^"^'"E^raTX: plain and decorated, from Be to 2Bc ered and openwork 2Be Gla**ware. Special Value*. Including Snecial Demonstration T " bl «: Mnttlng, or Silence Clotb, 84- complete atock of Celerv Travs, P ' Inch 3Bc OMve n|rtw(i S-la|i -nd To-morrow Wearing Apparel For Women Rowia, vinegar cruet*, natter A demonstrator from the home , Plate*. Sngar Howl*. Spoonhold offlce will conduct to-morrow a and Children era, Don-Ron and Cake Plate*, PATTERNS Neck we* r, Vestees, Unlmpe*, Cream Pitcher*. Wnter Pitcher* for ehinn painting:. Tlieae pat- ,a * e Collar and Cuff Seta, and Glnanea In all alzes. plain and tern* nre transferable to china. New Organdie Embroidery Set*, Soft ilecora-fed Be to 2Be and *ave labor and time nece*- Rolling Collar*, New Choke Collar*, Salt and Penner Shaker*.. Be and 10c ■Bry In mar kin Kb > h ' Tango Cord*. Plain and Roman Cut Gin**«*e*. Sherbet*. Berry The of White Jap Strlpea, New Net and Organdie Frll- Diakes, Candlentlcka, ee. Special j and Austrian China for hand Hn*. prloea. painting; preaenta many attrac- l.adlea' and Mlnaea* Glovea 25c i>a and Caffe* Pot* « Kn tlve Piece* ~t our popul.r price*. J U)II e., .„ d children, H.nd ,0c .nd l^ C A MFIV Pocket book* Hoa*tlng Pan Ladle*' and Children'* Helta 2Sc ® ta|[,e Roasting Pan*. PURE AND FRESH EVERT WEEK Kew 1,r8,d Fren ' h She '» *?■■. IBe - I#c After Dinner Mint*. Chocolate .IT J,° ' e "° Square and Oblong Jelly Cake Pan*, PeCnut vlleirmlnt , col ? r " ." V 10c to 2Bc Pie Plateß, Tin and Enamel, Ta loS Joveltleii »eweat and late*-t Be and 10c a pound- „ I.adle*' and Children'* Hoalerv. nil Toothpick* 3e and Be , Salted 11rglnla Jumbo Peanut*, *l*e* and color* 10c to 2Bc Chocolate be*t" good., 40c ' * ; Soefet'y' cKjeoJate*,'Mint,"" Cocoanut "ffie* ,T K, Basket Speciak For Friday SSrvK Baftvrap . and Saturday . ." n< .. c . IU " t * r "'.. "suj:; 3° 1 lot »' »•«*•«". .»«.«. for Chocolate and Jordan Almond*, '/4 an ',l :: Maraehino ckerrie*. H ii»c and 2Be value., .. .... 10c OW-faNhloned Cocoanut and Molaa- i SmvQutn lid Kimono.; iS* of Jap Jardlnlrrr Baaketa, Nca Strlpa, pound -Oo Complete atock I.adleM* White Tea value «... 10c Table' Damask, Lunch Cloths, Apron, and Apron. V .J Doilies, Etc. " Extra Heavy Mercerised Table mmt lc to Zsc Department Store < Hemmed Mereerflaed VnpkliiH, • ljuneli Cloth* Where Every Day Is Bargain Day " Dollle* in Square, Oval, Hound, al*o with Embroidered Scallop*, n« « II I n a —, . Sideboard Cover*. In plaln''embroTdl "IVIHrKCt ut. GOLDEN WEDm^ PERRY COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Sowers Celebrate Anniversary Blain, Pa., Nov. 20.—"Wedded for fifty years Air. and Mrs. Emanuel Bowers, celebrated the golden annlver- NOVEMBER 19, 1914. | sary of the event on Tuesday, Novem | ber 10, by holding a dinner party, consisting of the family and near rela tives, at their home In Pleasant Val ley. The wedding: anniversary was a dellgl.Uul affair from the fact that the , old couple are enjoying remarkable good health at their advanced ages, Mr. Sowers being 74 and Mrs. Sowers 77. They were wedded by the Rev. Mr. Sohn, a Lutheran minister, No vember 10, 1864, on the Flelsher farm, where they have resided ever aince their marriage. The maiden name of Mrs. Sowers was Catherine Fleisher. All their six children were present at the celebration, except a son, Harry Sowers, of Chicago, 111. There are twenty-one grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Sowers were both born in Perry county. Thirty guests were present to spend the day with the old peo ple as follows: The Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Longenacre, of Landisburg; Mrs. ('harles Conley, of Buda, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sobers, of ElHottsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Burd and three chil dren, Virginia, Helen and Carl, of Millerstown; Mr. and Mrs. John Utley and daughter Ruth, of Loysville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Hench, of Blain; Mr. and Mrs. John Fleisher, of Markel ville; Mr. and Mrs. John Tltzel, of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Sapiuel Hair, of Elllottsburg; Mr. and Mrs. David Fleisher and daughter, Vanetta, of near Bloomfleld: Mrs. Sue Burtnett, of Landisburg; Miss Mary Sowers, of < >.rlisle; Samuel Fleisher, of Markel ville. ZERO WEATHER IX WEST By Associated Press Omaha. Neb., Nov. 19.—The first severe cold of the season struck this vicinity last night The local weather bureau reported the temoerature two degrees above zero this morning. At Sioux City, lowa, It was reported' two below. FOUR KILLED BY FLYER By Associated Press Fort Wayne. Ind., Nov. 19.—Four persons were instantly killed at Con voy, Ohio, when the Pennsylvania flyer struck an automobile in which they were rapidly riding to-day. The vic tims were Durbln Leslie, mayor of Convoy, his wife and Dr. and Mrs. De Hayes, parents of Mrs. Leslie. $130,000 FIRE AT SOUTH BEND By Associated Press South Bend, Ind., Nov. 19.—Fire early to-day destroyed the Davies laundry and the Twentieth Century Oarage, causing a loss estimated at $130,000. Captain Frank Strlckler, of a hose company, was perhaps fatally injured by a falling wall. Thirty auto mobiles stored in the garage were de 1-stroyed. COLD GONE! HI CLEAR AND ISE OPEN-ITS FIDE! "Pape's Cold Compound" ends colds and grippe in a few hours Take "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until you have taken three doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It promptly opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nastv discharge or nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head—nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substitute. —Advertisement. TOHN AMERICAN FLAG REPLACED BY GERMANS Special to The Telegraph London, Nov. 19. A Belgian refugee who has arrived from Ant werp tells of alleged anti-American feeling among German soldiers there. He says: "I believe some day there will be trouble between the Germans and Americans. I heard that German sol diers tore down an American flag from an office of the Red Star Line, where some American goods were stored. They tore i»in half and destroyed It. "The American Consul came and. de manded the flag, and when the Ger mans could not produce it, the Consul demanded that they buy a new one. When this was dono he hoisted it and tore down the German flag, treating it the same way his own flag had been treated." FAHNESTOCK FUNERAL The funeral of Charles A. Fahnes tock, formerly of this city, who died at Philadelphia, was held in the Mar ket Square Presbyterian Church, this morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Wil liam B. Cooke, minister in charge, conducting the services. Burial was made in the Harrlsburg Cemetery. DOES CUPID USE A HAIR NET? Yes indeed he does. At least many times the attention of "the one man" has been caught by beautiful hair. Love stories all tell us of the hero ine's beautiful hair because it Is one of the features which mo»t attracts men. In washing the hair It is not advisable to use a makeshift, but al ways use a preparation made for shampooing only. You can enjoy the beat that is known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a package of canthrox from your druggist; dis solve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water and your shampoo is ready. After its use the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff, ex cess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will bo so fluffy that it will look much heavier than It Is. Its lustre and softness will.also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which Insures hair growth.—Adver tisement 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers