18 {V 19c to 25c part linen buck towels. Extra special, Saturday only fCTV A P. 31% r hemmed satin marseilles bed spreads, in the samp quality that is sold regularly at Vy ml ■> wV. ,j| gjvTO, A Milliner's Sacrifice Brings Women Who Delight in Smart Suits of the Better Class r-™ * * j i rootwear Will Like I hese btyles r , w . ._ - T TheseDressyModelsats4.9s f $4 gQ $5 f)(j f or Misses and Women ¥ New Styles Valued to $lO Specially Reduced for Tomorrow jKr . long vamp last with band-welted vear welted oak leather soles, high t? , We bought a maker s outfit of 150 trimmed hats, so i cs an j hi K h spool heels .. Cuban heels $4.00 r roni our own regular stock have come the ryj&t) ~~ ~ rTI ~ ~~ J Women's patent colt and dull Women's trun metal calf and tan attractive values announced here for to-mor 3jp) all trimmed within the past two wee san cx] calf button shoes with black cloth Russia calf lace shoes, latest English row. In some styles there are only two or ( ine the latest effects in shapes an dtrimmings, and tops, Goodyear welted oak leather last with heavy Goodyear welted j three garments of a kind; in other cases there A / Tjßi _ soles with rrench and Cuban heels, soles and low flat heels .... Sjvi.oO niav hp nnlv cni+ „n ..t .iTF / Iwl-dB offer the finest qualities and smartest styles that _ #4.4)0 Women's patent colt, gun metal ioo suit.s enter tliu\neri-.l v ni ,'.t!i, w «"£?♦■ 101 S ... . » ~ Women s patent colt overgaiter calf and black kidskin button and r ■< special rvovetnbei t\ 6nt. -I V/ ) have been sold this season at t)*4.90. button boots with fawn cloth tops, lace shoes, Goodyear welted soles, cloth and decorative collar 'of K "civet* U 'Vho'waistls trimmed ri /\ 0 k*' Jyt ~ : : : : ; j ... ~ plain narrow toe last, hand-welted high Cuban or low military heels, w'i ha <«if pf Hercules braid and braid ornaments: the fߣe/ ;]? I/ \ The variety of styles is large, and while they are s F c i es with French heels .... SM.SO " $3.50 Si f u lTbrck^ndTo b peS , en Wit . h covere( '. buU *;S& i\ 8 mMki *\ rst nrp enmp mndplc in Women's patent colt overgaiter Women's black kidskin button redingote serge suits with a long coat' trimmed with «§r } button boots with grey and fawn and lace shoes, comfort toe last ffiES wi™ sma'nacorn "brown" na"" bfue' T F — v N navv and brown Everv hat is smartlv trimmed cloth tops made on long vamp last j with kid or patent leather tips. Reduced to $15.00 / / WSLJ , r, "- ««• G °° d >™ Goodyear welted soles, low heels! I 4J, and a commanding value at soles with French heels .... $4.00 $.3.00 blue and black . . s %t«s« \ mm 1 _ U - P " &S - Street Floor ' Rear styles'; rulinin^!fro^^!a^n b tanore^ t 'it^dels C to' 1 ?he l mor* V Wl 1 fit/9L $12.00 to $15.00 New Dress Hats A T " , . a \ A-n mnArton+ Solo ?ow . ' Theße BUltB are reduced for the first time to-mor- LrJ IMsrjr cT" r" A mportant sale or njfes "Hn <S( ) Human Hair Switches 1 \ 4j J 1 f 1 J 1 / ine . Quality poplin and gabardine suits in short lengths in ;v ' 'f» V#V/V/ Actual $2.50 and $3.50 Grades to Be Sold W\ Several dozen smart dress hats closed out to us i Xo-ITIOrrOW for 9Sc shades" a . ar ! . tr ! ,n .'?^ d . w . ith . < ! ri ! Bhe .d . pl . UBh ;, In . al | the - at such a concession that we tan gi\ t We will present for the first time to-morrow the most interesting display or fur antl the sklrts w,th tunics or circular y values in pattern hats ottered ltl this city at ipO.oO. o1 - j ow -priced human hair switches that we had in manv months. The ' $32.50 ami 935.00 v , t " " showing will feature 20 and 24-inch goods, of a kind usually offered at $2.50 c •1 T 7 p rpi • .__ n Hundreds ofUntrimmed Hats Reduced to 49c, 69c & 98c j?.*^ drab * nd Wack 98c rnmmedHats Reduced to Dives. Pomeroy * Floor. Front. , Spec.all) priced at ._. ... _ _ | $1.95 for Saturday Men's Beach Coats and Vests "pj a g" Canned Products, the Best in the A New American Lady Corset A Special Sale To-morrow Market Now on Sale in the Basement Grocery To Be Presented To-morrow The Men's Wear Store promises exceptional values to-morrow " in thi* sale of Beach Coats and Vests: Each Purchase of sl-00 -5 lbs. Sugai W ill Be Offered for $1.48 The bust is cut in medium height and the skirt follows the t> . We are exclusive distributors of FLAG brand products in Harrisburg. " $1.50 Vests to go for * "FLAG" TOMATOES, whole, solid, packed in large sanitary tins. Each, 15*. Doz.. SKI.TO ,ines of the better kind of corsets with a sliirhtlv tanerinrr wai«t $3.00 Beach Coats for "FLAG" MAINE CORN; the finest packed: can, 15*; dozen \ $1.70 : w »-h n rpnnire n warm serviceable »ar- "FLAG" "Extra Sifted" early garden PEAS; can, IH*; dozen ' An actual $2.00 model for r in . . r , i ,i • -,i i• t i 1 „i "DEL MONTE" colossal ASPARAGUS tips; Californias finest; can, 32*; dozen $2.50 ment that IS free from blllkiness, With high cut and lape sty « . Fancy hand-packed TOMATOES, New California PEACHES, 3 lbs.. \t Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. 05* to $4.50 ' a j^ w^pa' c ked a fai'icy CORN*, 3 "for 25c i ig™*;. Ch . o, ff. ~1 n «g Mori's blue chambrav shirts, double gers: soft pliable kid leather; snap WALDORF POHIC AND Fancy PAPER SHELL AL- i H';S£NON BOT.OONA, lb„ us po„k., »»,! ~U», botM. .!.»0 to s. sp.cw ABPAB.idu %TBA WiWm »■ S, ::: 3S Wnm«i'« »t\A IT A -OX ■ 'is B „.-i •». BMn ma %!W "SiK Women s and Children s Underwear W °novc T S T YT.'n Ktn riOVFS w a " d f oc Star Brand sweet and sour packages White cotton ribbed fleece lined White cotton ribbed fleece lined S TJVKO KII> b.S. ooc Boys and youths .oc lined tan r FLOR 1D A IMCKLKS. in Mason top jars. li!c LITTLE PICNIC HAMS aver- vests, with drawers to match, each,2ftr vests, silk trimmed- reirnlar Jvtva A special purchase with quirk tin- gauntlet gloves >»c ORANGES, large size special, snidw^h 8 OL^VES^ I aß liir ipf'r-rftfftr -Oc White cotton ribbed fleece lined sizes, with drawers' to match, each 50c TT , 1 TT • i. \Jt dozen. ORAPE • »V pound AR Cl ' Kl;D BAC °N. vests, silk trimmed; drawers to match. Children's whiate cotton ribbed T T«/-lonrrciQr cinrl Hnciprv rnf IVIP'n ? a P c >" FLORIDA GRAPL 2Nc each 30c union suits; fleece lined ... . mw. Underwear ana nosiery ior men choice aTlmeria" grapes! pimento .tuned olives, r= ■ ' lin^"®lt c s otton ribbed fl « e n ° n ce f i' n f/' cwwren-. wwte w oo i umon Heavy cotton tltobed shirts and Heav> cotton HMied fleece lined 80 ££|aba MELONI. v large Jars ; purFty The A fln«t Children's'' whiate'' cotton a Chfldren-i''white wool 'ribbed undl^' drawers: fleece lined. Ivryplian STO>. union snns ... ... ... .. •••• "I!' California VALENCIA Large CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, to be had, 1 lb. cans' 40c vests; fleece lined, each 25c wear, each 50c brown and black, eiuh ..........->oc »lo\* li«-a\ > cotton iI»H i e linedshlit.s ORANGES, targe size, dozen, 34c quart llie BANQUET; a very delicious Heavy Jaeger color cotton fleece ami drawers, each -j:"" V_ ■> Fancy PENNSYLVANIA RED AP- blend, lb 30p M l /ii -| j linetl slilrts and drawers, each ...50c black heavy wool half hose. -2,>e New DATES in packages .... io«- PLES. 2-qt. measure Sc B-J Coffee, lb., aoci 5 lbs i»oc I lOSICFY TOF VV OlTlCn 3.nCl \_/flllclr6n Hoavv natural wool shirts and draw- i a.>t black cashmere half hose with pulled FIGS in boxes »o , 3 packages long MACARONI, 25c BASKET FIRED JAJAN TEA ers "5e to 52.00 .Jiioiseil leei ........ 50c S''lf«Hrs?NS k nackaVre 13<-! N '° W Iu " CREAM CHEESE, P °oUR ' FAVnßi^i'' -pin a "'' Women's fast black cotton fleece Women's fast black split sole fleece ■ ■'' iV till,.*'; !?itlo'n luUMime'li, light New cleaned 'CUHRANTS. pack- PIMENTO CHEESR. 11l 31c mllrt an<l fragrant lined h'.ae 12 l.c l[l ";' ih ; ,HP . ■ ■ 25c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. pounds -5c t CLEAR BROOK BUTTER, lb., 3<lc |V ' > hose; plain or ribbed tops 25c Infants' bluck cashmere hose, * The Popularity of Balmacaans Is Shown By the Gloves of Genuine Merit Moderately Priced Activity in Our Men's Clothing Section .in This Complete Showing of Fresh Arrivals «J D I At irequent intervals within the past month we ve been fortunate in receiving from France _ _ 1 Germany parts of our orders for Winter Gloves, and each new case has represented the finest Another Shipment of New Moderately priced are these new lines— qs j r% If O _l Two-clasp kid gloves in white, tan, grey and Two-clasp kid gloves of finest qualities of \DtUI6S l\eaat) TOT O QtUrCIQU black; regular SI.OO quality. Special real kid, in all shades and white and black. |L» fy- One-clasp cape gloves, in tan with Prix I >a ' r #1.75 to $2.25 1 CMO trr\ r\n scams 9100 1 Washable and Silk Gloves KOCfU ar to IJu CjranPvS at C *&*- }' V One-clasp gloves, with Prix seams and Leatherette gloves, two-clasp, style, in tan, o vvy v/ 1 CIU.GO Cll jl J Spear points, in tan and black. Pair ... 91.25 white, grey, biscuit and natural. Pair, , i&inL 7\ tan, white and black. Pair $1.50 Two-clasp cashmerette gloves in brown, Hi '/fat?< Pv \ \ Two-clasp kid gloves with Paris Points and navy, grey and black and 500 U M I ■ ■ ml Ok mII B "jfl \\ tlir ee rows of self and black embroidery; in Two-clasp silk gloves, suede or silk lining JkWl S|| , V VI I 1111 / grcy ' ta - w "" ea " dl " ack - Fair * l - 50 Pair - TO ' /I I f Marabou Neckwear Braid Pins Reduced W H ™ X&-HI ' %v. !f anrl IVfufFc . 0ul : r emalnin K stock of 25c and 50c braid pins W = M ' m-PS- X ailu lviuilo have been lowered in price to a point that will make ===== jfehflV ====== 'M?i& The popularity of marabou is due to the fact Wi' Wv that there are so many mild Fall and Winter Mounted braid pins set with colored stones, each, II I )r J W days when furs are really unnecessary. We 50e white celluloid dressinK combs at 2»c Men and voun£ men must be netting: more value for their monev here or Wi&f,'&&&[ k sllow rnan y new styles in marabou and mara- |c curved high waist belting in white and black, sc our business in Balmacaans wouldn't show such a steady increase. We have an<l oi,tricll at P rices tllat are moderately Dives, Pomeroy g & Stewart <lt ,L bought larger quantities of these popular garments this season than ever before, nec^^ roffa finished with a bow of rib- Cotton Goods Down in Price and in most instances we have been favored by circumstances that brought the \ Marabou and ostrich combination nock ruff' 1 Tn 25c washable crepe in plain shades of rose, cadet, r 1 11 1 111 • c • 1 1 . laiWllSsSf ;'H V i black, natural, black and white and natural white, helio, grey and brown. Special, yard overcoats to us for less than regular wholesale prices, bpecial purchases and re- Hgaalffi 1 1 \ si.»n ana si»s 25c silk muslin in self color silk dots. Special , , . ~ , . .., . , . • . . , . . IS» I ?Y Bk\ Hi i\ Marabou capes finished with tassels on ends; yard 12% c orders from time to time have kept the stock most inviting from the viewpoint 3 n black and na t ur i' *2.50. S:i.OH, $4.50 ami #4.9« 10c dress ginghams in stripes and plain shades r , . , ~ , Ml 1 r 3 • . ■ , , a<aflM»safc>a \\ Marabou muffs with fancy silk lining, natural and Special, yard 7Uc of style variety, and to-morrow the snowing will be found as interesting and the » iify> IA n black $, BH - $5 - 98 - SB - 50 ' * 7 - 50 an<l * B - 95 B9c pop"" in a siik and cotton weave with dark , " . $ j & yk H'VTI Marabou and ostrich combination muffs in natural grounds. Special, yard 4» c values as attractive as ever. J an(l black SO.UB, ST.SO, $8.05 to SIO.OO 25c crepe suiting In solid shades of navy, brown rrt] cn 1 11/1 -11 11 -11 •£ W&\ ' 14 l*i' m I Special sets of cape and muff. grey, cadet, wistaria, rose and green. Special, yard! 1 hese JDalmacaans are all expertly tailored and have satin s/eevs h'nina, »! tm I*l\ S7.i>k SIO.OO $15.00 and si«.r>o ioc J J J -J J J 00 Ar . \1 s2l a 4y)-3fi t« i? '« I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. satin lined yokes and convertible collars. Oizes o2 to 40. f %m\ Hp* M \ _ _ . n , —,, _ . _ _ ji I! far 111 I\ I Flannelette and Knitted Undergarments Greys, Tan and Brown Checks, Brown and Grey Checks, Tobacco Browns, Lieht !l M&lfi'lWMl'l' ml \ _ ... , ... nir * . T\ 1 n 1 T-. 1 M wBA t-'i'.V. a' .BE 1 4; >. t Flannelette gowns, pink or blue Short flannelette skirts, straight Jersey petticoats, persey or mes- Grey Mixtures, Olive Mixtures, Dark Brown and Red l | J '7. J Stripes, collar or effect or with flounce, trimmed with saline flounce, navy, raisin, plum, <£l O (TA 1 (io «rn ion nn D.. 1 _ £&■«/-» *-r\ /l .' ' • fil'fl'* Sri. . 1 Flannelette gowns, all white* or hemstitching or briar stitching, Copenhagen, emerald, Russian 12. <)() Balmacaans, . ». tJ'O.SO 00 oalmacaans, . .SI 6.50 J ■ ; iWfljWiW pink and blue or grey strtpes, turn- 50c, 75c to 91.00 green, brown and black, nn Holmonoanc <kl f» Hft M »Si®i !&V rW"/ over collar or collarless styles,, col- PETTICOATS $3.95 and $5.00 fp15.00 oalmacaans, . . 00 rn tl 1 o>,a i lnr and cuffß wlth hem - Riack cotton netticoats Klosflt <bl A Zfl I^.lllTl finoO ric OSA u*22.50 Balmacaans, . . SIB.OO M stitched or scalloped edge, p ' Messaline petticoats, tailored or sl6. oO Balmacaans, . . $12.50 + I r SI.OO $1.25 and »1.50 or string tops, tailored or pleated pleated flouncei Per9lan blue _ ollve> SIB.OO Balmacaans, . . $13.50 $25.00 Balmacaans, . . $20.00 frjgji |t - j grey with plain or colored border, I 7 styles at SI.OO Russian green, Copenhagen, plum, q 50c, 75c, SI.OO to $1.05 6 styles at $1.50 brown and black $2.95 TTh.O Bost Stilts FLt sl2 I Srfl $1.50 Blouses, SI.OO $1.95 Blouses, $1.50 (.'! Voile Blouses, fronts trimmed with embroidered panel, fllet and shadow lace Insertion, bunch tucks trim I jgwßW i back, collar and cuffs trimmed with lace edge; $1.50 value at SI.OO Best because this IS a famous make of $15.00 suits and to be able to offer 1 Persian lawn blouses, pin tucks trim yoke, embroidery vestee, embroidery collar; sleeves trimmed with ~ .do rrk r A i I turn-back cuffs; $1.95 value, at 91.50 them at is a fortunate stroke. f , n i C A \\T Latest three and four-button sacks in blue and green, brown and green and / P the Dei by £ind W cirm black an dbrown Tartan checks, blatk and white overplaids. oxford greys, plain / ■ jMWSM «"» "° ch< " e,i "SS.Tv. ~.no uiltSK ZS NofiVSr p,nk or blue serges, black and wh.te chalk stnpes. An suit at $12.50./ "! croch.ud o.p, i„ red, SJiwi'ii™ SK Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Men's Clothing—Second Floor, Rear. * <=——- —jgSk, lnfants' crocheted caps in wool silk and angora, and white 60c /(mi$ jßMlSff' - some ribbon trimmed 50c, 75c, SI.OO to $3.»5 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. TTRTDAY KVKNTNG, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 6, 1914.
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