EVEtY MY IS BARGAIN BAY ON TIE CLASSIFIEI PAGE That's the mission of Telegraph \\ ANT ADS— to serve all Harrisburg. To find SITUATIONS for the unemployed. To find HELP for those who need it. To turn VACANT houses, flats, terraces, stores and lofts into RENTED property. To SELL real estate for those who wish to dis pose of it. To put the man with a marketable IDEA in touch with CAPITAL. To turn the NO-LONGER-USEFUL-TO-YOU furnishings of the home, office, store, or factory into MONEY. To recover the LOST. A few cents a day puts YOUR Telegraph WANT AD into the hands of over 100,CXJO people in Harris burg alone. LOST LOST—A lady's brooch, set with dia monds, between Third and Chestnut, U1) Market street to Front to Walnut street. Liberal reward if returned to 316 Chestnut street. IXXST —Two bunches of Bird of Para dise feathers black — on Second street, between State street and Market Square. Reward it returned to 110 State street. FUIAU FOUND, AT LAST Groce's Wagon Shop, the place to get your vagons re- I paired and painted at very little cost 1541 Walnut street. Bell phone 2115 W. FOUND The home of reliable work for particular people, at Egbert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Call either phono, we'll do the rest. HKLr \V A.\ l ivD —-Malo IT COSTS ONE I'IJWY Invest that small sura in a postal I card just to lind out if my Private Les- | sons In Shorthand, Typewriting, Pen- . manship, Kapid Calculations, etc., will ; appeal to you. I will gladly give full information. Merle E. Keller, Room 309, Patriot, Building. | WANTED —Presser on ladles' suits. I Apply Wm. Sehlelsner's stores, 28-30-32 North Third street. i YOUNG MEN —Become Railway Mail j Clerks; Harrisburg mail carriers, $65.00 i to $l5O month. Pull unnecessary. Sam- | pie examination questions free. Write : Franklin Institute, Dept. 361 T, Ro- j Chester, N. Y. — I WANTED Railway mall and postal I clerks; examinations soon; over two | thousand appointments yearly; prepare-, at home; write for Plan N<J. 15 of pay ment after appointment. Philadelphia liuslnes* College, Civil Service Dept., Abjladelphla. Pa. WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs, to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam eron street. Bell phone 1710. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED High grade Specialty' Salesman to sell Standard Autographic ' Registers. Inquire of H. G. Brentiinger,. Commonwealth Hotel, Frldav and Sat- 1 urday, November 6th and 7th. HELP WANTED —1 cmaie WANTED—Reliable white girl for general housework. Small family and good wages. Call to-night or Friday, 228 Maclay street. WANTED Lady canvassers; sal ary. 1319 Derry street. WANTED—GirIs 16 years of ago and over. Apply Harris burg Cigar Company. WANTED —Widower with small fam ily, wishes housekeeper, white. Must be capable and reliable. Address C., 1398, caro of Telegraph. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL j Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all I patterns by measure. You cut, fit and ] make the entire garment. You can not | learn dressmaking right any other way. j Make all your Fall and Winter dresses \ while learning. Night and Day classes. Get terms and Information. W. A. | Work, 22 North Fourth street. Sl'l L ATI ON \\ AN TED—MALE WANTED—By white man, position as butler in private family or restau rant. Call or address 539 South Front street, Steelton. \ FOlt SALE Suburban Homes Bella Vl*ln (below New Cumber land), 3-story frame house, in I'm berdo street 91530 Dale Heights (Camp Hill), Wal nut St.. 2Vi-story frame house chicken house—fruit trees. Lot 100 X 200 ft *4200 Kll/.nbetlilmvn (Market and Han over Sts.) 2%-story frame house, Ellnubetlitonn (S. Market St.) 2 54- story frame house. Lot 60x180 ft., KlllottNburg (Perry County)— 2%- story frame house—chicken house. Lot 120x207 SIOOO Enoln (State Road) 2%-story frame house. Lot 20x150 ... s.'loo Lueknow (N. W. Cor. 4th St. and Forge Lane) —2%-story brick house. Lot 100x150 9*ono New Cumberland (312 and 314 Fourth St.) Two 3-story frame houses. Ix>t 37%x100. Both. 93500 New Cumberland (4th and Market JSts.) 2 % -story brick house 7 ■kooms bath steam heat gas K>d electricity. Lot 50x79 ft.. 92!>00 Ruysorvllle (Progress) % mile southeast of Raysor's Church 2- story frame bungalow. Lot 147x337 ft 92500 Steelton (803 and 805 S. 3d St.) ■ —Two 2%-story frame houses. Both, 9—400 Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Donds I,ocnat and Conrt Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 6, 1914. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANT BID By young, married man, work of any kind. Address 1311 Cow den street. WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper and stenographer. Best of references; 7 years' experience. Ad dress B„ 242 Crescent street. WANTED Young man would like position as fireman. Call, or address, 612 Granite street. biiL.it. . W W lli.ii—reiualo Young girl, 21 years old, very kind to aged people, wants to cure for an aged lady, aged couple or an invalid. Address, 81450, care of Telegraph. German girl desires position as gen eral housework, preferred to stay with old couple. Address 38 South 28th street, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED By middle-aged white woman, curtains to wash and stretch. 823 Myrtle avenue. EXPERIENCED Stenographer wishes position. Can urnisli best of reference. Address Box 1394, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work, or any kind of household work, by young colored woman. Address 1915 Logan street. SEAMSTRESS, colored, experienced, first-class, desires sewing by day or week. Terms very reasonable. Phone 1228 J. Miss Henderson. WANTED By colored girl, general housework, cooking, or any kind of work in country. Address 409 Fifth street. Lizzie Alexander. WANTED Young colored girl wants position to do general house work or cooking. Call, or address, 433 North avenue. Room No. 2. WANTED—Experienced pianist de sires position in Harrisburg or vicinity for motion pictures, orchestra, cafe, etc. Address Miss Yordi, 18 Railroad Ave., Mechanlcsburg, Pa. WANTED—By first class dressmaker, sewing by the day, fancy or plain. Call United phone 911Y or Bell phone 2834. A MIDDLE-AGED country woman would like position as housekeeper. No objections to children. Address A.. 1391, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Young girl would like po sition as child's nurse, taking care of invalid or companion to elderly lady. Address C., 1392, care of Talegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100-ACRE limestone farm stone buildings—elegant spring—located on State road eight miles from Harris burg. Bflnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—IS South Nineteenth St. —corner property—9 rooms, bath and steam heat—porches—hardwood floors —Lot, 18x90. Brinton-Packer Co., Sec ond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. TWO "hard luck" properties at Enola 1 offered at a sacrifice price—corner property—practically new—good condi tion. Special price within ten days. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ! THREE brick houses, practically 1 new, for sale on easy terms now va ! cant. All modern improvements I porches. Small cash payment required 1 and monthly payments as rent. Bell j Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE At Edgemont, one-half | mile north of Penbrook on Twenty ; third street, one six-room house, $1,200 Some others at S4OO, six rooms; lots 30 xl2o. Address G. S. Hartman. 38 North Twelfth street. Harrisburg. REAI, ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Ten-room brick house, all Improvements, very nice locality, 115 South Seventeenth street, Harrisburg. Inquire 356 Locust street. Steelton. FOR RENT House 608 Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RENT Nos. 4#l ana 465 Cres cent street; new eight-room houses; all conveniences; large front porch; central location; rent. S2O each. Apply at 459 Crescent street. FOR RENT—Two 2%-story brick houses, Nos. 1521, 1523 Vernon street. Rent, $15.00 each. Immediate posses sion. E. A. Heffelilnger, East End Bank. FOR RENT —1708 State street. Three story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and pantry; cemented cellar; steam heat; front and back yards. Inquire J. W. Roshon, 8 North Market Square. FOR RENT House on Washington Heights; 7 rooms and bath; all conveni ences; Immediate possession. Apply ! Keeney & Simmons. New Cumberland. \— __ I FOR RENT Seven-room frame house, all Improvements, 1935 Swatara street. Rent. $12.00. Inquire 240 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT No. 1843 Whitehall St $30.00 No. 1628 Regina St 25.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 No. 636 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 i No. 1631 Park St 17.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. I FOR RENT—To respectable colored family dwelling on Forster street, near Third. Water in kitchen, immediate possession, credentials required. Call, Bell phone 3619 R. Address 3207 River side Drive. REAL. ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT—I3IB Thompson street, 7-rooin house, all Improvements. Ap ply 428 Market street, second floor. MOUSES FOR HENT —No. 235 south street, near Third street: suitable for small family. Immediate possession. Rent. $12.50 a month. Apply 1934 3reen street. ESTATE FOR SALL- OR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE New first class houses with steam heat and all improvements at low prices, in east end of city. Inquire of I. P. Bowman, 36 North Third street. APARTMENTS FUR KENT APARTMENT FOR RENT Four rooms and bath desirable location — furnished or unfurnished. Apply Fish man's Furniture Store. 1001-03 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Third floor apartment— -5 rooms, bath and storage closet. All improvement*. Apply 1409 Market street. One of five rooms and one of four rooms, 100 Hamilton street. Four rooms In former and three In latter with river view. Apply 1700 North Second street. FOR RENT—Apartment facing Sixth street; Improvements, with use of both phones. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms, close to street car, with use of bath, furnished or unfurnished; no objection to chil dren. Call 745 Twenty-first and One- Half street. FOR RENT—WeII furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of bath and phone; very reasonable rent; good location, facing Capitol Park. Apply 406 North street. FOR RENT Large room, centrally located; city steam heat; one gentle man only. Address Post Office Box 452, I Harrisburg. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished, one large second floor front room; iieat, gas and I use of bath. Apply 255 Brlggs street. j FOR RENT Nicely furnished, warm ; rooms, with use of bath. 107 Chestnut i street. I FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; light, clean; use of bath; rent, $1.50 per ! week. Also unfurnished fiat, two 1 rooms, hall, use of bath, gas; posses -1 sion at once. Apply 230 North Fifteenth. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms with heat and light, 1120 Green street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished second and third floor front rooms. All nwil i ern Improvements, private family. Ap ply at 316 Chestnut street. ROOM FOR RENT Nicely furnish ed; private family; all conveniences; use of bath and phone. Call phone 2188 W. FOR RENT Two front rooms, single or ensulte, newly furnished, with all conveniences, with use of bath; rate exceptionally reasonable. Apply E., 1395, in care of Telegraph. WANTED —At 25 South Second street —roomers and boarders—home like meals and nicely furnished rooms. Apply 25 South Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In cne of the best locations In the city; use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 State street. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Ap ply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. WANTED WANTED To buy a Ladles' Fur nishing Store, one doing a cash busi ness; state particulars In answering. Address S., 1397, care of Telegraph. WANTED —Old furniture, china, glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We are buyers for Boston, New York and Western collectors and will positively pay better prices than ever offered by any local collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth street. Harrisburg. WANTED Cars for winter storage in a large, commodious building In central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works, 80-88 South Cameron street FOR SALE FOR SALE One Studebaker, six cylinder, seven-passenger touring car, practically new; fully equipped and in splendid condition. A bargain. Key stone Motor Car Co., 1023-1025 Market street. FOR KENT DANCE HALL on the second floor of the new Eagles' Building, corner Cum berland and Sixth streets. Maple floor and new piano. For terms, apply to Geo. E. Yousling, Secretary, No. 404 Verbeke street. FOR SALE Retail grocery store, well located and doing a paying busi ness on a strictly cash basis, J, E. Glpple, 1251 Market street- FOR SALE Two-cylinder Jackson Auto. Twenty H.-P. Run 4,100 miles; good running order, tires good us new. Make excellent delivery car. Will dem onstrate. Price S2OO. Address G., 1389, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—The greatest Bargains in the city In Men's Hats, Sweaters and Trousers and all men's furnishings Also fine line of ladies' hosiery. Capiri 6 Capin, 430 Market street, near sub way. Oliver typewriter In first class condi tion. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box 8., 1390, care of Telegraph. High-Class Furniture For Sale Solid Mahogany Chairs, Card Tables. Dining Tables, China Closet, Davenport, etc., all high class repro ductions from one of New York'B most exclusive shops. Saltzgiver's Antique Shop 225 North Second Street SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tall Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Cheat nut. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6.000 gal lons New Kra ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full lino of the Acme make. FOR SALE—Barbers take notice, special 3-cup racks, $1.25; come quick at this price. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE FOR SALE Auto, 4-cylinder, 30-H.- P. Jackson, 5-passenger, good condi tion. Will sell for SIOO less than It is worth if sold now. Call 214 Crescent street. FOR SALE Stenotype—practically new. Big bargain. Address Bo* S, 1398, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One sideboard, table and Standard sewing machine: all in good condition; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply at 1612 Thompson street. FOR SALE At sacrifice, seven passenger touring car In fine condition; owner leaving city. Address Box J, 1399, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash Bxlo 12 L.. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS. Butter flies. baseball players; 30 flags of all nations and 20 butterflies for 50 cents and 5 cents postage. Large American flag. 12x18. 15 cents and postage 3 cents. Mitchell, 441 Broad street, Harrlsburg, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Grocery business, In good location. Stock and fixtures at Inventory. Will give reason for sell ing to purchaser. Building for sale or rent. Address 0., 1803, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Grocery business, in good location. Stock and fixtures at inventory. Will give reason for sell ing to purchaser. Building for sale or rent. Address 0., 1803, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE High-class touring car, 40-H.-P., fully equipped, late model; mohair top, windshield, speedometer, tools, etc.; extra tire and rim; good as new; car will be sold with a guaran tee at a very reasonable price. Apply Universal Motor Car Co., 1745 North Sixth street. FOR SALE —Lot, corner Front and Hamilton streets, 52x125 feet, with all improvements. Will sell at a bargain. Apply 1700 North Second street. FINE AND COMPLETE LINE AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs. Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrlsburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these Bigns will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph FOR SALE Dining-room furniture, table, sideboard, china closet and six chairs; cost when new, S2OO. Will sell cheap. Apply 1605 North Second street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOll RENT FOR RENT —ln the Telegraph llullriing, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent in Business Office of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. CASH GROCERY STORE or sale; stock at inventory and fixtures at S2OO. Stock and fixtures will cost only about S7OO. Rent, including dwelling, rea sonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL business propositions for sale; all conditions open for your in spection and are favorable for an ac tive business for a live owner. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Luckport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS GENERAL UPHOLSTERING, carpet laying and curtain work—all work guaranteed—done by expert mechanics. J. Coplinky, 1208 Vi North Third street, successor to H. A. Vollmer. OLD GOLD AND SILVER, Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry bought tor high est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 1274 L. MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE —New and second-hand clothing bought and sold—unredeemed overcoats lor sale. Drop postal or phone Bell 1251 J. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction, S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. HARDWOOD FLOORS STAIRS COVERED with hardwood. Renovating old floors a specialty. J. M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street. Bell 1391 L. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PROF. FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN DIA Pianist and instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Park Auditorium, Mt. Gietna, Pa., season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell phone. SAMUEL CORE, general buyer clothes, shoes, furniture, carpets, books, false teeth, gold, silver, silverware, metals; also relics and antiques of all description. Highest Prices Paid. Send postal and I will call. Must mention article. 1317 Williams street. HAILINU 11. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STOUAGB STORAGE IN S-atory brick building, rear 408 Market atreet. Houaebold goods In clean, private rooma. Reasonable rates. Apply to I*. G. Dlener, Jenelrr, 4<lß Market St. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire proof private rooms of various sizes for tho storage of household goods; the other warehouse of the most approved type of fire retardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip ped with two large electric freight ele vators and spiral chute for the quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise.- Low I storage rates. South Second street near Paxton, on the tracks of Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. LOANS —SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payuble in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut Street. 7HE MARKETS PIIII.ADEI.I'IIIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Wheat Steady; No. 2, spot, export, $1.13%® 1.16 V 4; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.25% ©1.29. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 84©84% c. Oats Steady; No. 2. white, 54% c. Bran —. Firm; winter, per ton, $24.50@25.00; spring, per ton, $24.00© 24.50. Refined Sugars Market weak; powdered, 5.10 c; fine granulated, 5.00 c; confectoners' A. 4.90 c. Butter The market la higher; western, creamery, extras, 35c; nearby prints, fancy, 38c. Eggs The market ia higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby nrsts, free cases, $10.20 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9,304/ a.60 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $10.20 per case; do., firsts, free casus, $9.30® 9.60 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 13® 15c; young chickens, 11020 c; spring chickens, 12® 15c; broiling chick ens, 17® 27c; old roosters, 11® 12c; ducks, old, 13@14c; ducks, young, 14® 15c: geese, 11.014 c; turkeys. 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western fancy, heavy, 16®® 17c; do., fair to good, heavy, , 17®18c; average receipts, 14®loc; snpall, 12® 13c; oH roosters, 12lic; roasting chickens, fancy, 16018 c, broiling chickens, nearby, 16®2S«v do., western. 12017 c; capons, large, 23025 c; do., small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 22 Or 23c; do., ordinary, 18020; ducks, ll@18c;. geese. Ilw>l6c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85®4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, new, $5.00®5.25; spring straights $5.3505.60; do., patents, 55.70®i>.85; western, $4.25®4.40; patents, $4.60® 4.75; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.15 ®4.30; spring, firsts, clear. $4.00® 4.20; straights, $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market Is weak; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50® 19.U0; No. 1. medium bales, $18.50019.00: No. 2, $17.00® 17.50; No. 3. $14.50® 15.50; no grade, $11.00013.00. New clover mixed. Light mixed, $17.50® 18.00; No. 1, do., fl6.00@17.00; No. 2. do.. $14.00 15.00. Potatoes Market firm; Penn sylvania, per bushel, >/60®63c; New York, per bushel, 18®55c; Jersey, per bushel. 35® 45c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nove. 6. —■ Hogs Re ceipts, 20,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $7.5007.70; light, $7,250(7.80; mixed, $7.20 0 7.85; heavy. $7.1507.80; rough, $7.1507.30; pigs, $4.50®7.00. Cattle Receipts, 3,000; steady. Beeves, $6.40011.00; steers. $5.70@9.20; stockers and feeders nominal; cows and heifers, $3.8009.60; calves, $7.50® 10.75. Sheep Receipts. 21,000; steady. Sheen. $5.75<0>6.«0; yearlings, $6.75® A 75; lambs, $7.5009.25. LEGAL NOTICES DHIOGE PROPOSALS Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Urounun and Buildings. JOHN K. TENKR, Governor; ARCHIBALD W. POWELL, Auditor General; ROBERT K. YOUNG. „ State Treasurer, Commissioners. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, l»rt.. until 2:00 P. M,, of Tues day, November 10, 1914, for the removal of old sub-structure and the building of a new bridge over the Shenango River at Grant Street in the city of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa., in accordance with plans and specifica tions as prepared by Emil awennson. Civil Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa. All bidders shall deposit a certified check payable to the State Treasurer In the sum of $5,000 on some responsible Pennsylvania bank or trust company at least twenty-four hours before the time set for tho opening or proposals. Bids must be enclosed in a separate envelope addressed on the outside with the name and location of bridge and the name of bidder. Plans and specifications may be ob tained by applying to Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa., or to the engineer. Bids will be opened In the presence of the bidders, or their representatives, in the Reception Room of tne Executive Department, Capitol Building, Harrls burg, Pa., at 2:00 P. M. on the above date. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public and Buildings. C. P. RODGERS. Secretary. TO THE POLICYHOLDERS OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OF AMERICA NOTICE is hereby given that a meet ing of the policyholders of The Pru dential Insurance Company of America will be held at the Home Office of said Company in the City of Newark, New Jersey, on Monday, the seventh day of December, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, at 12 o'clock, noon, to consider the purchase by the said Company, for cash out of its surplus, for the benefit of its policyholders, of such shares of its capital stock as may be offered for sale at the price of $455 per share, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 99 of the Laws of New Jersey, 1913, and the order of the Chancellor of said State made July/28, 1914. At such meeting every policyholder of the Corporation who Is of the age of twenty-one years or upwards and whose policy has been In force for at least one year last past shall be en titled to cast one vote in person or by proxy. FORREST F. DRYDEN, President. Dated Newark, New Jersey, October 13, 1914. NOTICE LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Peter B. Myers, late of Har risburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed, residing in said City, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to GEORGE W. Mac WILLIAMS, Or Executor. HORACE A. SEGELBAUM, Attorney. NOTICE LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of Frances Johnston, late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the City of Harrlsburg, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having any bills to present them for collection. ANNIE BIRD, 118 Liberty Street, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania. I Want Your Property On my list of Real Estate For Sale. Anyone having desirable property to trade or sell For Cash on a fair basis should see tne at once. No charge un less sale Is made. Every day we have buyers for all sorts of properties people who mean business and will close deals at once. Shall we show them yours? If you are troubled with vacancies I will fill your vacant Stores, your Flats or your Houses. I make a specialty of the col lections of rent and the general care and management of property and will take pleasure In calling on you by ap pointment. WHITE, PHONE OR CALL Can place capable, experienced man to solicit and build up Rental and Sales Department. A. C. YOUNG Everything In Real Estate 20 NORTH THIRD STREET Dell Phone 71.1-J. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own name». Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Atlanta * Co., R. 304, 8 N. Market 9* f|jftfeßoAl)^peVg3^ PEIS* MIY FORBID SMOKING OH JOS Ban May Be Placed on Use of Hod, Makin's, Cigarets and Cigars Safety First committeemen of the Philadelphia division of the Pennsyl vania Railroad, it Is said, have found a new "smoke nuisance," the use of cigars, pipes and cigarets during of fice and working hours. The commit tee realizes that it is going to be a task to abolish this branch of "smoke nuisance," without depriving some em ployes of a privilege long enjoyed. In the opinion of the local com mittee the "hod," "stogie," "two-for," "inakins," "plug," and other forms in which the God of Nicotine is wor shiped, ought to be placed under the >an. Especially should this lid be on in departments patronized by the pub lic and where close attention to busi ness is a big factor. No orders have yet been recom mended by the committee, nor has this question been taken up officially. Some members of the committee and many officials are of the opinion that a man using tobacco while at work renders inferior service, and that time lost in "lighting up" anil "filling up" in a year's time, is a big loss to the com pany. If an order is issued, it will prob ably Include all employes of ticket of fices, freight offices. In hallways of office buildings, and in departments where a lighted cigaret or cigar stump, thrown carelessly into a rubbish pile, or waste basket, may cause consider able damage. It is said that at the next conference between department heads and committeemen, this ques tion will come up for a general dis cussion, and definite action. Engineers' Lodge to Meet.—Division No. 499, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will meet Sunday after noon. November 8, at 1.30 o'clock, in the front hall. Third and Hamilton streets. A full attendance is requested. Officers for the next three years will lie nominated, after which an elec tion will be held. Standing of the Crews 'HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division tfhe 107 erew to go first after 3.30 p. m.: 127, 100, 122, 113, 117, 125, 126, 106, 120, llfi. Engineer for 109, 122, 117, 125. Firemen for 107, 109. 126, 116. Conductors for 109, 122, 125. Flagman for 127. Brakemen for 127, 122, 120. Engineers up: Snow, Supplee, Man ley, Kelley, Albright, Wolfe, Sober. Crisswell, Brubaker, Smith, Young Minnich. Firemen up: McCurdy, Brenner, Copeland, Gilbert, Carr, Shive, Rob inson. Weaver, Bushey, Bleich, David son. Baisbaugh, Martin. Herman, M yers. Conductors up; Ropp, Looker. Flaginen up: Banks. Bruehl, Clark. Brakemen up: Dengler, Kochenour. Gouse, Mummaw, Busser, Brown, Kope, McNaughton, Dearolf. Middle Division—The 21 crew to go first after 2 p. m.: 26, 18, 24, 17, 251. Engineers for 21, 18. Fireman for 17. Brakman for 18. Engineers up: Magill. Minnich, Gar man, Free, Welcomer, Simonton, Web ster. Smith, Kugler, Havens. Firemen up: Born man, Arnold, I.ibau, Bixler, Stouffer, Schreffler, Buyer, Reeder, Seagrist, Wright, Shees ley, Simmons. Flagmen up: Frank, Cain, Mumma. Brakemen up: Peters, Fritz, Schoff stall, Troy. Stahl, KiefTer. Roller, Bell, Kipp, Kohl, Plack, Bickert, McHenry, Frank. Heck, Mathias, Kane, Kilgore, Fleck, Wenerick. Yard Crews—After 4 p. m.: Engineers for 707. 1820. Firemen for 213, 707, 322, 1856, 90, 1368. Engineers up: Crist. Kuhn, Pelton, Shaver, Hoyler, Hohenshelt, Brenne man, Thomas. Rudy, Harvey, Houser, Meals. Swab, Silks. Firemen up: Essig, Ney, Myers, Boyle, Shipley, Crow. Rcvie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schiefer, Rauch, Weigle, Lackey, Co'okerley, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet. Getty, Hart, Barkly, Sheets, Bair. Eyde. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division The 228 crew to go first after 3.45 p. m.: 248, 221, 207, 238. 229, 211, 235, 214, 239, 218, 215, 203, 241, 237, 215. Engineers for 228, 248. 207, 238, 235, 239, 215. 203. Firemen for 248, 207, 229, 214, 215, 213. Conductors for 207, 214. Flagmen for 19. 21. 35. 42. Brakemen for 08, 19, 21, 28, 35, 37, 41. 48. Conductors up: Keller, Grundle, Forney. Penneli. Brakemen up: Boyd, Wiest, Lutz, Deets. Middle Division—The 112 crew to go first after 1.45 p. m.: 116, 118, 109, 105, 115, 110, 114, 106, 102, 103, U3, 223. Engineers for 116, 115. Firemen for 116. 114, 113. Conductor for 114. Flagmen for 109. 106. Brakemen for 102, 113. STOCK YARDS CLOSED East St. Louis, Ills., Nov. 6.—The stock yards here will be closed for fumigation for several days beginning to-morrow. An order to this effect was received from government offi icials to-day. FOR SALE Homes of Real Merit Situate Nos. 39 to 49 North Nineteenth street, and adjoining Reservoir Park. These homes are all that you could wish for in Location, Design and Construction, and to inspect them is to become interested. Take Reservoir Park car to Nineteenth and Mar ket streets and go one square north. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street Bell Phone. MISS ETHEL PEACE WliiS EDISON PRIZE Daughter of Council's ex-Presi dent to Get $lO Award in Contest MISS ETHEI, PEACH To pretty 14-year-old Miss Ethsl Peace, daughter of ex-Preßident Ashton X). Peace, of Common Council, belongs the distinction of preparing the best all-round essay on the life and works of Thomas A. Edison, the world's not able electrical scientist and Inventor. Miss Peace was winner of the tlrst prize in the Edison Day prize essay contest competed in by the 500-odd grammar school boys and girls of Har risburg and for which prizes aggregat ing $25 were offered by the Harrlsburg Light, and Power Company. The com pany has not been officially notlfled of the results of the Judges' decision, but as soon as tills information is received the winners will be awarded their prizes by C. M. Kaltwasser, general manager of the company. The success ful contestants were: First, $lO, Miss Ethel Peace, Melrose building; seuwd. $5, Miss Katharine l>. Hoopes, Lincoln; $2.50 each. Misses Virginian Downes, Cameron; Feme E. Sanford, Reily; Kuth Strlckier, Wood ward, and Hugh 1). Wells, Reily. MOVING DAY DIVORCE CAUSE Des Moines Man Tolls of Remit of Shifting From One Place to Another By Associated Press Kansas City, M 6„ Nov. 6.—Moving day was depicted as one of the great est of the cardinal reasons for divorce and vice by John B. Hammond, of Dea Moines, loWa, in an address before the International Purity Congress here to day. "The re-e.atfl l»lifiUroej|ilt,crf the iApiwi can home is the only remedy for the social evil and the only hope of dem ocracy," he said. "The constant shift ing of families from one section to another prohibits the long acquaint ance among young people through which life partners can be selected. "Young people are thrown into con tact with strangers, become bold and practice deceptions. As the result marriage frequently is contracted on a guess. The deceptions are discovered and lead to the divorce courts and too often to Immorality." MAKE SUPPLEMENTAL DECISION By Associated Press Washington, Nov. 6.—ln a supple mental decision to-day in the Indus trial railways case, the Interstate Com merce Commission directed trunk line railroads to re-establish allowances on divisions with United States Steel Corporation railways' which are con cededly common carriers. Tens of thousands of dollars'annually will ac crue to the Industrial lines through the decision. THE ==J EQUITABLE = Will Lend = You Money ~ To llounekerpem, . Work. IIIKIIX-II mid Salaried Km ploycK. No red tape, bother or worry. You may have It to-day if yon wish. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 N. MARKET SQUARE | Room 21. 4th Floor Spooner Building 17
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