1 ASSEMBLY—IST. ■ . . d a 1 „ DISTRICTS • C = - tS M c - . S 2 c K,- 2 * t. & <D • -3 E _f u . J 2 •* ** .?i "o o 0 " 0 •-J t-i o Cg . r ~ »rt o i» | « 2 isj-w'gs , J * w u w t? o >< a Harrisburgr- First Ward—First Precinct, 38 38 41 38 86 88 Second Precinct 67 59 15 14 198 182 **'f> "*9 "-2 Third Precinct 68 67 66 40 193 175 7 ii 2 Second Ward—First Precinct 11 9 13 7 82 77 2 Second Precinct 43 36 23 20 91 83 1 Third Precinct 70 42 53 29 106 84 5 6 • 2 S.°.Vr th « Pr ? Cll I Ct 75 60 52 37 106 98 3 8 .... SffiSEStet v.-.v::::::::::::::::::: Jg IS »;{ ;; »' »? » « » Third Ward—First Precinct 3S 33 14 7 ins joi* 1 t 1 * Second Precinct 82 30 18 13 95 85 1 1 ■ Third Precinct 24 2 0 13 12 , 64 60 Fourth Ward—First Precinct 91 8 2 72 49 6° 59 "i "k * 3 ™ Se ?°?, d P , re< ; lnct 153 107 78 fi < 271 229 1 2 1 Fifth Ward —First Precinct 52-. 37 14 18 105 99 3 6 3 Second Precinct 78 63 48 «, 112 10 g , . 3 Third Precinct 122 93 49 39 153 141 5 7 1 Fourth Precinct 67 m 28 2f, ir,7 is? r. 1 i Sixth Ward—First Precinct 313 77 2g 199 179 „ j, "'j Stl°? d T» . C ? 137 95 47 32 156 "0 6 13 .... Third Precinct 45 30 14 ">4 58 11 k k 1 Seventh Ward —First Precinct 39 33 9 " 8 84 ' go 2 St t i°2 d T, Pre . c,n f t 44 32 12 " 1 77 «6 .... Third Precinct 42 24 11 10 101 84 s in S?ZI% Fre , Cit l Ct 89 59 31 29 119 108 25 47 ***4 01 reci . nc * 105 C 2 33 26 101 S6 21 39 1 Sixth Precinct 50 40 03 19 121 111 1 fi 1 Eighth Ward—First Precinct 12 14 3 3 48 49 i ? 4 Second Precinct 9 9 4 j . « . .... Third Precinct 91 60 97 68 2 is 206 !!!! PSS C 38 37 21 17 126 13fi 1 1 2 Firth Precinct 7s 47 7k rtt 190 ion 1 o « . Ninth Ward—First Precinct 2 5 2 7 '4 "ii 149 146 2 3 1 IhlWl' 118 78 f ' 2 >29 1,0 137 3 8 2 S r? • * 74 r > s 35 27 129 124 8 2 .... S?^ l W? r ! Cl, l Ct 59 83 6C 30 74 61 3 4 1 net 98 f ' 2 103 72 146 127 4 4 B i^th r^ct .s 9 5 l« ill tl ill 11 I J ISKSr :::: 55 "2; Ss »5 25 ... B T.«h w.rd-J??.tprl~"t ;< »; •> ?; • ,» Second Precinct ! S? HI J !} l JSrSt :::::::::::: 111 11 SI !S 'JS '52 15 Si I Eleventh wted-Ftat Twelfth wara-^P^!.:::::::::::::::::::: I Si "? II 11 'Si 11 4 ? ...? "" 149 89 74 81 203 187 9 21 5 Thirteenth Ward—First Precinct'.'.'.'.' 44 27 83 68 2 7 2 ? 1 Second Precinct 84 63 6 i 65 92 78 13 16 2 SAME OLD COON' .. TIRES Prices Cut 10% Extra Heavy Firsts These tires are double cured anil j wrapped tread and are giving won derful service. The Season Is Short Prices Are Right Now Is the Time New list. Old list. 28xS s«.!>l $7.07 30x3 7.08 7.80 32x3 7.18 8.50 30x3 V 4 ».2« 10.28 31x3 V> 0.72 10.80 32x3 Ms 10.07 11.18 34x3 V* 11.45 12.72 31x4 IS.IS 14.58 32x4 13.01 15.12 33x4 1».l(t 15.73 34x4 14.70 16.33 35x4 17.00 18.87 36x4 17.51 l».4f> 34x4% 10.71 21.89 3 5x4 Va '.20.30 22.55 36x4% 20.90 23.22 37x4 vl 21.50 23.88 37x5 23.02 26.51 Tubes and non-skids at special prices to correspond. Prices sub ject to change—net cash to hoth dealer and consumer. Will ship C. O. D. subject to examination. FORD OWNERS Arrange now to convert your car Into a comfortable limousine or coupe for winter —can be done in 30 minutes —small cost. Get the particulars. J. A. PLA Next to Keystone Motor Co. 1017 MARKET ST. Phone 3359 Open Evenings. PENNSYLVANIA WILL , SUFFER if the next gover nor, fails to stand by NA TIONAL LIFE POLICIES. PROTECTION is the watchword Your estate as sured. NATIONAL LIFE—See CUMMINGS Kunkel Uutlrilnß, 3rd Jt Market Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 24, 1914. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martinsbunr •» 8:03. *7:60 a. m., *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and Intermedial* stations at 5:03. *7:60, *11:63 a! m •8:40, 5:32, *7:40. *11:00 p. m. " Additional trains for Carlisle .mi Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m, 2:18, * 6:30. 9:80 a. m. ' For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:60 «„* •11:53 a. m.. 2:18, *3:40, 5:32 and e so p. m. • Daily. All other trains dally excent Bunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J, H. TONGB. O. P A. WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRY P. OVES, Republican City Chairman Who Di rected Campaign in Harrisburg JAMES E. LENTZ, Vice-chairman of the Republican County Committee Who Led the Forces to Victory in the Upper End. AS A DEPOSITOR with this company you are assured of complete SAFETY for your funds. This company affords every essential—large capital and surplus of $600,000.00 and conservative management—which makes a financial institution strong. You are also assured of SERVICE which is suited to your individual needs. Our aim is to make every depositor a satisfied depositor—and that we succeed is evidenced by the constantly increasing patronage with which we are favored. i IBJA3LlZfllkLk3cJxkij^lAA"J ■ I iaul I ■ __— j FRANK A. SMITH, Republican State Committeeman Who Was a Big Factor in Yesterday's Re sults in Dauphin County. ' '' AARON S. KREIDER, Re-elected to Congress by Republicans of Eighteenth District HARRISBUHG TELEGRAPH DR. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, Governor-elect. ' ASSEMBLY- SECO Oh' te-' 10 e» c « 05 *0 , e k w DISTRICTS 1 a 0 q « fij « a, . * w s • • ** c« >» w5 CO hD s 5 I S s" | I BaS§ 8 1 I A jg >H X CO N Berrysburg Borough 41 40 42 43 1 1 4 Conewago Township 51 r, B 48 46 .. .. 1 Dauphin Borough 63 60 76 73 5 5 2 Derry Township—First Precinct 16 19 50 41 Second Precinct 24 32 95 89 111 _ 4 Third Precinct 92 95 174 166 .. .-. .. East Hanover Township 59 61 168 164 .. 1 Eiizabethviile' Borougn 149 13 133 129 1 .. 9 Gratz Borough 67 63 57 49 .. 1 7 Halifax Borough .. 104 108 84 81 1 .. 1 Halifax Township 101 107 80 79 .... 3 Highspire Borough 127 153 141 129 70 67 14 Hummelstown Boro —First Precinct..• •• 135 141 157 152 8 7 1 _ , Second Precinct-*. 102 115 110 106 8 6 4 Jackson Township 122 125 58 61 .. 1 Jefferson Township 19 13 13 29 .. 13 .. Londonderry Township .. 52 63 68 65 Lower Paxton Township 110 105 171 55 2 2 2 Lower Swatara Township .. 23 30 61 56 3 3 2 Lykens Borough—East Ward 75 45 86 115 32 26 2 r , West Ward 112 79 141 185 93 82 9 Townshi P 60 ix 79 83 .. .. 9 Middletown— First Ward, First Precinct 48 76 4s 16 13 1 1 -..r ? e ™ nd Prec| n°t 74 82 119 114 19 19 .. Second ard, Urst Precinct 132 152 101 96 14 13 1 on s , -,,r , Second Precinct 91 110 117 107 12 10 1 Third Ward, first Precinct 58 73 59 49 5 4 „ Second Precinct 93 101 99 92 10 9 1 Middle Paxton Twp., First Precinct 72 72 89 91 4 3 1 m Second Precinct... 32 32 43 41 Mifflin Township 61 55 40 42 .. 1 Miilersburg Borough—First Ward ...... 148 139 145 143 3 3 i „ . „ Second Ward .... 189 179 107 107 111 Paxtang Borough 47 47 67 56 .. .. 2 Penbrook Borough 141 149 159 150 7 5 3 Reed Township ... 15 15 25 27 1 1 Royalton Borough—First Ward.....!... 39 46 22 21 6 6 „ Second Ward ...... 47 32 59 50 6 3 .. Hush Township 6 8 3 1 1 South Hanover Township .............. 33 35 129 124 .. !! !! Steelton— First Ward, First Precinct 32 36 35 36 3 3 3 Second Precinct .. 29 30 201 200 4 4 .. Second Ward. First Precinct 58 61 110 105 7 5 2 Second Precinct ....... 80 79 126 115 14 15 3 Third Ward, First Precinct 123 124 138 130 7 9 4 Sfeeond Precinct ■.. 104 106 263 258 8 9 1 Third Precinct ••• 7 6 29 27 3 3 .. Fourth Ward 147 143 150 148 19 19 1 Fifth WartL First Precinct ••• 31 30 75 7f. 7 6 1 Second Precinct ••• 56 57 82 82 11 11 3 Susquehanna—North Precinct ... 87 81 93 87 3 2 .. South Precinct ••• 154 157 166 160 East Precinct ••• 71 75 128 114 7 6 12 West Precinct ••• 72 73 61 53 5 3 1 Swatara—First Precinct 28' 7 79 73 2 2 .. Sacond Precinct 76 77 131 127 7 8 2 Third Precinct 74 . 77 157 157 6 5 4 Fourth Precinct 25 29 31 29 Fifth Precinct 33 34 51 52 11 11 1 TTntontown Borough 39 36 30 30 . . . . 5 Upper Paxton Township 176 171 101 91 7 7 4 Washington Township 90 90 103 101 2 2 2 Wayne Township 63 59 19 22 2 .. 1 West Hanover Township 36 41 96 99 West Londonderry Township 16 24 28 28 1 1 .. Wlconisco Twp.—First Precinct 73 46 59 69 44 35 16 Second Precinct ...... 65 36 78 99 42 39 6 Williamstown Boro.—East Ward •.. 217 169 97 95 111 West Ward 225 162 90 99 4 3 3 Williams Township—East Precinct...... 33 28 15 10 West Precinct 90 67 39 42 1 1 .. * I ■' JOHN C. NISSI.EY Republican Winner for legislature in County , ISBBK - |jwhßE ■fc*v ' •: vflH JHg Jy :■ JOSHUA W. SWARTZ. Republican Winner of Legislature in 4 • titi:, ,|, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. NON-PARTISAN Supreme Superior Court. Court, V O „ « .2 8 S i; o DISTRICTS £ c £ £ 'rw m H « " c ' •=> o a 5 3 2 I 2 Harrlsburg— First Ward—First Precinct, s - CT Second Precinct „ ?J ,5^ Third Precinct ? Second Ward—First Precinct o Second Precinct ."i."*' k i'<? ™ £? Third Precinct q IS,1 S, ']« ,Si! S Fourth Precinct !...... 11 «? i™ Fifth Precinct ]\ s?q Sixth Precinct J* ?°® Third Ward—First Precinct i, ™ ?J® Second Precinct 5 %% l oi Third Precinct 2 33 87 Fourth Ward—First Precinct ~ oi, "1 „n, Second Precinct ill ?03 Fifth Ward—First Precinct J ,f Second Precinct J i "I Third Precinct 20 7? i«r Fourth Precinct V JJf Sixth Ward—First Precinct -2 H" J® Second Precinct "" 10 007 ?Lj Third Precinct x ™® 1 «! Seventh Ward—First Precinct ' " 4 ~s ni Second Precinct r. oic o, -,11 Third Precinct * 5 f:* Fourth Precinct ...... 1/ o', K 5.! -*|i Fifth Precinct ......,i 13 214 «7 }•>'* Sixth Precinct 7 ,5 Eighth Ward—First Precinct i 1 ".> Second Precinct 4 a'o ' H .I.[ Third Precinct " 1? ~Q Fourth Precinct 5 555 Fifth Precinct * .Z \\\ ;® J" Ninth Ward —First Precinct H i** J® Js® Second Precinct a 2KB «a Third Precinct . I 9 Sn? 4 0 ill Fourth Precinct 11 14 \Vi H Fifth Precinct Sixth Precinct 18 AX H? Seventh Precinct ,4? Eighth Precinct 9 sio in Ninth Precinct 2 JSJ Tenth Ward—First Precinct * lii 4 * Second Precinct 04 oAn ;I In'i Third Precinct 111111 * 2 A 110 177 Fourth Precinct I'.J ®® J' 1 ® Eleventh Ward—First Precinct i, 1 ,7? Second Precinct .. H " J" 2" Twelfth Ward—First Precinct * i| ;-J Second Precinct 16 379 in? tfs Third Precinct .... . Vi o 7 „ 1 „ 7 . \i\ Thirteenth Ward—First Precinct 7 rj" Second Precinct x ] 73 111 f 583 108G2 2978 7405 Berrysbur* Borouprh . n rn ~ r» Conewago Township * r iV J'* Dauphin Borough -JJ Derry Township—First Precinct * A rn , 1? Second Precinct ... , ,0? " Third Precinct ono 47 East Hanover Township "" K ?' J*)' Elizabethville Borough ' -,' s ;,5 Oratz Borough IT|| * v 5 ™ U J% Halifax Borough 5 27 lii ao LZ Halifax Township ?9 Ai 4 i?« Hlghsplre Borough 20 "11 bp US Hummelstown Boro—First Precinct. " 5 5 257 ?r }'* Second Precinct n one <•'] iJj Jackson Township ""J ®J Jefferson Township ' "o 1( . ! j', I Londonderry Township ****** q ..i 0 J l\ Lower Paxton Township 19 91 J. j, Lower Swatara Township !!!!"* 4 "70 4 <>■> Lykens Borough—Eastward !!!.'* 11 145 <-i 74 Westward "* i ( ; ooj> n 9 1( (, Lykens Township 10 0 i Mlddletown— 1J 110 8J First Ward, First Precinct _ c no Second Precinct 14? U 0? Second Ward, First Precinct 115 107 Sa ? Second Precinct ............ \\ j R « Vr. Third Ward, First Precinct * a in? in Second Precinct 90 ir.n 47 ,{l, Middle Paxton Twp., First Precinct 12 123 14 nr Second Precinct ~...'* s k 4 11 <h Mifflin Township 7 B °g Miilersburg Borough—First Ward " n 250 66 16J „ ' „ t Second Ward 25 238 106 13(5 Paxtang Borough 6 96 2 a r.l B u ° 1 r0U » ;h 21 297 71 18? Reed Township 2 38 5 ol i Royalton Boro.ugh—First Ward 4 *SB 7 19 Second Ward 3 <n n 44 Rush Township o 4 3 South Hanover Township * r. linn inn Steelton— 8 "2 First Ward, First Precinct Second Precinct 6 227 "in Ist Second Ward, First Precinct 13 157 3g 10U Second Precinct 4 iqc 4'n 107 Third Ward, First Precinct 15 238 77 153 Second Precinct 6 353 75 245 Third Precinct 1 ni 8 Ifi Fourth Ward 14 261 70 ic-. Fifth Ward, First Precinct 2 93 23 54 Second Precinct 12 126 46 71 Susquehanna—North Precinct 16 151 42 90 South Precinct n 308 84 161 East Precinct 1 m 34 iOB West Precinct « 121 44 56 Swatara —First Precinct 3 90 3 7 g Second Precinct 13 185 51 2 8 Third Precinct 9 2 11 33 lfi« Fourth Precinct 3 52 10 fi Fifth Precinct 7 7S 22 52 tTniontown Borough 3 62 12 41 Upper Paxton Township 19 216 78 118 Washington Township 10 144 29 89 Wayne Township 7 43 17 21 West Hanover Township 3 <ll3 20 65 West Londonderry Township 43 "4 20 Wiconlsco Twp.—First Precinct 5 124 48 51 Second Precinct 11 134 36 86 Willlamstown Boro.—East Ward 17 225 78 102 West Ward 12 249 88 117 Williams Township—East Precinct 3 37 H 25 West Precinct 5 80 30 43 777 10325 2589 6262 CONDEMNED STEPS MUST BE REPLACED [Continued From First Pace] will have to be done over again and done properly before the job is ac cepted. From Iron alley to Maclay street the improvement has been practically completed with the exception of the sidewalk from Market to the upper end of the city and the sixty foot Bap caused by the improperly set steps. Since early last Spring the unsightly opening in an otherwise perfected line of river wall has been an eyesore to the scores of promenaders but the question as to whether the Stucker Brothers Construction Company will tear out the unaccepted portions of the steps and replace them with steps that will conform to the requirements of the specitications, Is still unsettled. When the steps were put in the en gineer on the Board of Public Works condemned four alternate sections be cause the material had not been prop erly set. Four additional sections were not constructed. The top coating, the engineers contended, was of such char acter as would have peeled and cracked in a very short time. The en gineers declare further that the mate rial was put In in defiance of orders. "So far as the sections In question are concerned, these have been con demned and must come out before the river wall improvement is formally ac cepted and paid for by the city," de clared an official of the Board of Pub lic Works to-day. "The contractors were told not to put In this material and after they had done so they were ordereb to take It out. This must be done." MANY RABBITS IX STAMiS Market stalls were burdened with dressed rabbits this morning and many sly farmers asked a price of 70 cents for the little fellows. CASTOR IA For Infants and Childrin. Bears tne The Kind You Hate Always Bought., 81 (ZS&MZ&K BRITISH DEFEATED BY GERMANS IN BATTLE OFF CHILEAN COAST [Continued From First Page] Tlio Germans declare that the FtritiHt fought heroically but that their an tillery was ineffective against tlx superior weight of metal that th< Germans were able to pour from th< more modern guns of the armorei cruisers. It is stated, however, thai the light German cruisers pluckilj closed In on the British and took pari In the battle. One of them, it ap< pears from the official report, gav« the Monmouth her death blow, al crippled and in flames, she tried t< escape. Telegram From Oyster Bay 1904 1 My dear Senator Penrose: Upon by word! Of all phenoni oiial returns the Pennsylvania re- i turns are (lie most phenomenal. I congratulate you and cordially thank you. Faithfully yours, THEODORE ROOSEVEI/T. Telegram to Oyster Bay 1914 My dear Colonel: Upon my word! Of all phenom enal returns the Pennsylvania re turns are the most phenomenal. I congratulate you and cordially | thank you. Faithfully yours, BOIES PENROSE. *■ 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers