6 UNITED STATES SENATOR AND GOVERNOR g United States Senator Governor ■ 'ia « g DISTRICTS q tf « " . | * -g rf . • *1 2 » 2-o S Cir u -= c S fie £ 3 3 ogc.3 ■3 .5 § 5 5 5 = 5 a, a, s- £ j j 55 a ea j Harrlsburg— First Ward—First Precinct, 37 43 86 78 88 Second Precinct 62 32 181 3 2 67 210 1 Third Precinct 62 77 17(5 6 .. .. 109 204 Facond Ward—First Precinct 1 4 10 82 2 1 .. 17 85 Second Precinct 28 30 92 1 .. .. 55 100 Third Precinct .., 65 53 93 4 1 .. 92 117 1 Fourth Precinct 6j 62 98 3 1 .. 102 117 Fifth Precinct 65 90 184 2 6 1 132 218 !. ® ixth Precinct 94 98 142 9 2 .. 155 185 Third Ward—First Precinct 36 16 103 1 .. .. 45 108 Second Precinct 29 20 84 47 91 _. Third Precinct 24 17 57 40 60 Fourth Ward—First Precinct 104 70 143 .. 1 .. 162 160 T .r.v TT. , Second Precinct 114 85 218 1 1 .. 187 241 .. 1 luth Ward—First Precinct 36 29 105 2 1 1 57 113 Second Precinct 68 62 107 .. .. 1 107 131 !. ' Third Precinct 99 5l 147 4 1 .. 134 163 ~ -r.- Fourth Precinct 46 46 151 3 1 .. 54 179 . ! Mrtli Ward—First Precinct 90 58 187 4 1 .. 124 i-> 9 Second Precinct 108 59 145 7 1 .143 167 !!' .. Third Precinct 34 28 52 4 1 .. 60 B6 Seventh Ward—First Precinct 33 117 84 46 90 Second .Precinct 32 23 179 3 .! .'. 49 I*Bs ! i Third Precinct ./. 24 28 89 5 .. 47 99 Fourth Precinct 66 67 108 20 2 2 104 127 Fifth Precinct 53 76 87 18 1 .. v.112 111 Sixth Precinct 47 31 113 1 64 134 1 • Eighth Ward—First Precinct 13 4 50 1 . . . . 14 51 '' Second Precinct 8 2 44 1 . . 16 38 Third Precinct 61 97 215 1 5 .. 127 255 ' 2 Fourth Precinct 34 22 130 1 "i 65 13' w Pr ? c ' inct 59 78 123 4 '4 .. 103 160 !!! Ninth Ward—Hrst Pseclnct 24 1 2 144 2 1 .. 30 150 1 Second Precinct , 90 59 139 3 3 .. 143 154 2 Third Precinct 59 57 121 6 2 .. 86 148 Fourth Precinct 45 57 70 3 1 .. 74 96 Fifth Precinct 60 106 136 2 6 .. 134 170 . Sixth Precinct. 76 S4 105 3 1 .. 138 128 i Seventh Precinct 74 95 93 6 3 1 128 127 Eighth Precinct 45 60 64 1 76 95 Ninth Precinct 38 61 56 i . 79 77 Tenth Ward—First Precinct 71 112 116 1 .. .. 144 132 Second Precinct 114 101 133 12 2 174 176 Third Precinct 62 76 73 17 1 .. 106 108 I'. !! Fourth Precinct 55 94 80 20 . 1 10' 127 Eleventh Ward—Klrst Precinct 110 130 198 21 2 .. 192 251 !! 2 _ Second Precinct 11 2 131 179 1 12 5 196 231 1 .twelfth Ward—First Precinct ' 41 45 93 .. .. .. 62 11 9 1 2 Second Precinct 100 117 196 8 2 .. 176 237 1 Third Precinct 109 88 95 14 1 .. 156 140 ■thirteenth Ward —Klrst Precinct 37 55 78 6 .. .. 75 102 Second Precinct 6B 76 84 12 1 .. 107 11 8 .'.* Berrysburg lioron^* 1 17 29 40 1 3 .. 36 52 .. 1 Conewago Township 4 56 47 36 68 * 1 T>auphin Borough 4 4 28 69 5 1 .. 65 82 IJerry Township—First Precinct 7 15 42 1 .. .. 16 50 Second Precinct 14 26 81 1 2 1 22 104 ! !! Third Precinct 43 70 158 84 191 East Hanover Township 46 19 163 .. 53 17a ' 1 Elizabethville Borough 107 56 127 1 2 0 143 144 Oratz Borough 10 71 61 .. 1 . 71 6 0 " •' Halifax Borough 60 54 75 1 1 i»q xi Halifax Township 77 28 82 .. 4 ' ii)o x> Hlghspire Borough 70 66 137 67 21 V. 114 174 "" "3 Iluinmelstown Boro—First Precinct 65 117 147 8 .. .. 125 171 'i , Second Precinct 34 88 101 5 2 2 99 126 1 "i Jackson Township 123 5 56 .. 1 .. «0 Jefferson Township 17 3 ]2 .. 2 17 21 " *" Londonderry Township 19 39 70 ! .. 64 B'' I-ower Paxton Township 83 46 151 2 4 '! 115 17? J'Ower Swatara Township 9 23 55 4 •> ' ]8 "* " Lykens Borough—East Ward 43 42 71 29 3 " 78 s'-> 'i 'i 1 . Westward 4 1 89 132 90 6 110 156 Midd?etown- BhlP 37 38 7ti " 1 » First Ward, First Precinct 58 11 46 ]8 3 „. 57 59 1 Second Precinct 65 25 123 19 .. .. 80 127 Second Ward, First Precinct 81 60 100 14 i .. 124 125 rru- „r , Second Precinct 43 61 114 10 1 .. 72 146 *i Ihird Ward, Hrst Precinct 25 37 59 4 3 .. 58 68 i ~ Second Precinct 39 63 97 9 2 77 l-> 7 "1 Middle Paxton Twp., First Precinct.. 65 12 90 3 1 7 05 Second Precinct 33 7 35 ' 38 39 " Mifflin Township 39 2 6 97 <;i V. Millersburg Borough—First Ward 52 109 136 '3 * ** i n 'i *l' „ , „ Second Ward 61 145 95 .. .. *. 192 ]O9 Paxtang Borough 36 30 45 . 19 5? I ' en ' ,r 3P k Borough 61 98 148 7 1 .. 125 203 Heed Township 14 1 25 1 17 "q " Royalton Borough—First Ward 33 12 21 6 1* 42 26 Second Ward 41 91 52 S ' "* 49 K7 " "" Rush Township 3 2 .. 1 . South Hanover Township 22 22 117 ** " ol Steelton— •* **' *• -* J4a -• First Ward, First Prpcinct 18f 17 36 4' 3 .. 27 45 Second Precinct 16 22 197 3 .. " •>« Second Ward, First Precinct 30 49 96 56 i]« Second Precinct 39 54 111 12 2 . 71 i-<q Third Ward, First Precinct 55 93 120 6 6 i 108 160 Second Precinct 51 70 257 6 1 . 100 2sn Third Precinct 5 3 28 2 7 •> • Fourth Ward 73 69 145 14 'i .! ] 3 B 171* " 'i I'ifth Ward, First Precinct 23 15 74 3 1 .. 3 •> " 1 Second Precinct 37 30 81 lu 2 II 56 90 'i Susquehanna—North Precinct 52 55 80 2 2 .. 82 101 South Precinct 99 91 151 166 i 9» East Precinct 29 62 112 5 1 .. 58- 149 West Precinct 43 43 52 .. 4 .. 66 73 " 'i Swatara—First Precinct 22 13 70 2 .. . '4 84 '1 Second Precinct 47 34 123 7 2 i 70 137 Third Precinct 50 25 158 4 2 72 165 " Fourth Precinct 19 12 28 30 •><) Fifth Precinct 28 16 47 10 .. .. 34 58 I niontown Borough 27 15 59 3 42 ' , JJpper Paxton Township 103 88 93 5 1 '0 175 11 £ Washington Township 69 25 99 2 1 ift7 Wayne Township r ,x n ls # x " „„ ' West Hanover Township 27 14 98 1 1 1 34 ino "" West Londonderry Township 6 19 20 16 4 t Wiconisco Twp.—First Precinct 46 12 47 48 1 2 " 61 ri> " Second Precinct 32 33 73 4-> 4 "" .-.4 " •• Williamstown Boro.—East Ward 62 128 118 .. . 176 132 " 1 West Ward 47 141 ii«i 4 *1 '* ic7 itZ " ; Williams Township—East Precinct 12 14 21 "" ■>-t ">« West Precinct 17 62 40 i 'i 74 54 8003 3155 6084 518 1J 8 6 5165 7238 8 Tfi REPRESENTATI l.ast 11oiiMt* eoiitnined 1-7 It I- < ran*. f»7 Democrat*: \\ nNliliiKton, 14; ! Key*tone, i). AD A MS I). Calvin KudlMill. 11. BKIIKS tlrirt—M. H. Slumber, K.» J. H. j Mnurer, S. Second—H. W. Body. I).;* I). A, Hoth- j en herder, II.;* W, U. Snrlfc, IJ. 111, A lit Firnt—J. 10. Itiniiiuer, It. Second—ll. llriinilutUKlt, ft.; Snm- j tiel Mct'wrdy, It. CARBON J. A. Sfinmfl, It. CKNTB i: I). W. Miller, l>. C'HKSTKH S. A. AVhltnker. It.;* M. HI. lloUing*. ; north, It.; t, I*. (Greenwood, It. CLINTON M. B. Rleh, It. COLUMBIA C. A. Shaffer, 11/ | I CUMBERLAND M. E. Uooil)«3)r, 11. 11. Miupp. DAUPHIN I'lml—A. Wlldmnn, It.;* .1. \V. Smirlz, i n. Second— J. C. Mmloj, n.; Walter S. ! YounK. 11. DKLAWAER rinl—W. T. iliimxpy, It.* Second—H. H. ileybiiru, H.i* R. J. I Tlaldwln, R.* Bl.lv John M. Flynn. I). Einrc I'lmt— Junr 11. Buvrr, It. Second— Mllcm 11. Kills, I).* Third, C. I>. Alexander, R. Flint—C. C. Uon*. !>.• ('f > Maybe T. R. j ITN< H HKKK 4ai,7a.5,53a.918,047,311 ,82-MMW MiI.KM v. fsr a This ticket is good for one trip ■MI G UP SALT R| VER liFwlßi y ™ Ally trip from November 3, 1014 H f £-« <» Jnutiary t», loiß, Inelnalve S CO Go"*' on 'Kbfr the "Pennsylvania Needs MeCormlck" ■ il'Pjf " t/3 or "WanhlnKton I'iirlj- Fl jnn-Hoonrvel t" limit*. NOT <;')OI> FOII HKTIIIX Til ll* Not rr.iii,f f riihl,. } • jjjji p SIGNED, 'i f.®? VANCE CBISWELI. MoCORMICK, Captain, xr' VfflM VANCE C. McCOHMICK. lxt Mute. » JP PnHfdKfM will positively NOT be permitted on the P L'nplutn'a Meek. WEDNESDAY EVENING, UNITED STATES SENATOR AND GOVERNOR ] l.ynrli, R. PRAXKMX • J. E. Heck, I).; 1,, p. 11.-uchofr, R. PULTON i G. 11. Mel loft, D.* HUNTINGDON I J. G. Dell, R. INDIANA | W Ilmi'r 11. Wood. R. JEFKERSUN i H. H. Ilroalun, R.j H. 11. AMloon, ! R. I f| JUNIATA Janiea llcrßej. R. LACK A WAN X A Fl I'Kl—W. 1.1 l XOIII iKTRCr, I). Second—H. A. DatvMOn, R. Third—P. C. Elirhardt. It.* Fourth—Wllll«tm llnßKcrlv. ll.* | Plfth—W. \V. Jont-H, R. I Sixth—David P. llavlN. R. LANCASTER PI ml—A. 11. lIeHM, R.» ! Second—C. N. Ilerut hcir.el,* 11. 1,. ' Rhonda* • George Hlbm-lnium,* >l. R. fl oilman, all R. LEBANON I. K. Vrich, A, A. Welnier. I.P.HIGII First—l. T. Erdnian, 11. j Second—A. Mnrroiv, II.• Third—A. K. Rinn. D. LYCOMING ! Ralph Gibson, It.f A. I Ilium, l>.' (f > MIFFLIN C. G. Corbln, It. MONROE M enlrj- J. Price. D.* • MONTOUR W. K. Went, O. nnd 11. NORTHAMPTON ! I'*. E. Ge.'ser,* IV, M. BeunliiKer,* R, H, Trncli,* :ill l>. NORTHUMBERLAND FERRY John S. Eby, R. PIKE E. F. Peterm, D.* POTTER R. 11. Jones. D. ( f> SCHUYLKILL Fir*t—A. C, Schneider, It.* Second—A. B. Uarner, It. Third —J. Homcllm, R. Fourth—ln doubt. SNYDER » J. W. Sainpsel, R. SULLIVAN M. IV, Renter, It.* SUSQUEHANNA E. E. JoneH, It.* UNION H. M. Showalter, ll.* WAYNE C. C. Woodmannre. It. YORK First—R. S. Spiinitler, R.* Second—R. S. Frey, It.* Third—W. E. Grnle.v, D, Fourth—ll. E. LanluM, ll.* * Means re-election. PERRY COI'NTV TOTALS Duncannon, Pa., Nov. 4.—Total fig ures of yesterday's election in Perry county were as follows: Governor—Brumbaugh, 2,202; Mc- Cormick, 2,314. United States Senator—Palmer, 1,- 456; Penrose, 1,876; Pinohot, !t52. Congress—Dershem, 1,688; John son, 856; Focht, 2,019. Supreme Court—Kunkel, 3,259- Frazer, 357. Assembly—Eby, 2,129; Donallv, 1.- 649; Lebo, 780. W HAT LEBANON DID The following is the Lebanon county vote: Supreme Court, Frazer 728, Kunkel 5999; Superior Court. Clark 1730, Trex ler 3831; Senator, Palmer 2061, Pinchot 2827, Penrose 4049; Governor, McCor mlck 4085: Brumbaugh 4776; Congress Kaufman 2200, J. 11. Kreider IGBB A s' Kreider 4747. WOMAN SUFFRAGE CARRIES Chicago, 111., Nov. 4.—The woman suffrage amendment in Montana has carried by a '"safe majority," accord ing to a telegram received here shortl> berore noon to-day by Mrs. Med ill McCormlck, chairman of the congres sional committee of the National Woman Suffrage Association. SUFFRAGE MAY FAIL Omaha, Neb., Nov. 4.—On the suf frage amendment In 137 out of precincts in the state «lve 9,676 for and 10,448 against. These include 84 precincts in Omaha which give a ma jority of J. 019 against the amendment HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH "UNCLE JOE" IS SEP BACK TO WASHINGTQiy BY ILLINOIS VOTERS I Former Speaker of House of Re presentatives Elected by Majority of 3,500 i N< i.k J< • By Associated Press Chicago, ill., Nov. 4.—Although re turns are not all received, there Is every indication from counts obtained from reliable sources that Joseph G. Cannon, former Speaker of the Mouse, has been elected in the Eighteenth district by 3,500 over Frank O'Hair, Democratic Incumbent. Koger Sullivan's plurality in Cook county for United States senator- was threatened in early returns by Sher man gains in northern counties. How ever, Medill McCormlck, Progressive national committeeman from Illinois, admitted that Sullivan would carry Cook county by 40,000. Sullivan's managers claimed the county by 80,000 to 100,000. The returns indicate the decisive de feat of Robins. Progressive, by a vote much less than that given Roosevelt two years ago. McKenzie, Republican, it is claimed, will have a plurality of 1,500 in Ogle county for congressman from the Thir teenth district, and Sterling, Repub lican, apparently will have a plurality of 2,000 in McKean county for con gressman from the Seventeenth dis trict. The early vote in the city was un usually heavy and the reports from down state indicated similar activity. Although women cannot vote for United States senator, apparently there was one woman vote cast .early to every three by the men. Watchers re ported a surprisingly heavy vote for William A. Cunnea, Socialist candidate for county judge, a position which controls the election machinery in Chicago. CONGRESS FIRST PAGE l'resen t delegation- llepuhlleaus, 17; DemoerntM, 115; Progressives, 7. Neu delegation—llepiihliciiiis, 3lj DemoerntM, At-In rite —T. S. t'riifco, J. K. li. Seott, 11. M. tinrlnml. I). I'. I,nfenii, all 11. IVlmt—W. S. V m re, ll.* Second—ti. S. tirnhnin, K.* Thlril—J. Hampton Moore, ll.* Fourth—ti. W. Hiluioimls, H.* Fifth—Peter K, t ostelio, H. Sixth—ti. I*. Harrow, 11. Seventh—T. S. llutler, ||.» MlKhtli —11. \V. WatMiii. H. \tilth—\V. W. tirlent, K.* Tenth—-John 11. Farr, ll.* Fie vent li—-J. .1. < nsev, |).* Twelfth—ll. I>. Ileaton. 11. Thirteenth—A. ti. Deivalt, 11. Fourteenth—l,. T. MeFnililen. It Fifteenth—R. H. Ivlem, H.« Sixteenth—J. V. I.enher li • Seventeenth—ll. li. Koeht 'u ~, F.l«hteentll—\. s. Krel.ler R* ' Nineteenth—JcNMe |,. Hnrtmnn II I tventleth—• t', W, llenleM, It Twentj-flrnt—C. 11. It.iulnnil it l«ent>-«eennil—A. |,. Kilter. . T«en-<y-thlr._H. P . Hopwoort, H. .vent v-f.Mirth —Mm. >l. Brown H Twent.v-tirtli—M. I.lehel D Tnenthy-Klxtli — 11. J. Steele l> T%vent y-seven tli—s. Tnvlnr „ Twenty-elKhth —Snmuel H. Miller, It" '■ nenty-nlnth —S. G. Porter It M . H. Coleman. It. ' ! 5J p Jy-« r »«—John SI. Morln. R I hlrty-Neeonil—A. J. Iln rebfel.l, R. • Re-elected. STATE S T%veirt>-flve Senator* elected for four year* and one. In t'aiiiliriii, for two. Second—S. W. Snlus, ll.* Fourth—K. W. I'atton, 11. Sixth—O. 11. Jenkins, 11. FiKltth—\\. W. Smith, 11. Tenth—l . .1. Iliiekmim. ll.* Twelfth—F. I». Croft. 11. Fourteenth—Flmer Warner, 11. Sixteenth, .lames A. .Miller. ll.* Flßhteentli —\V. t'. Ilnckett, 11. Twentieth—Ana K. DeWltt, 11.. n> Twenty-seeonil—\V, M. I.yneh. 11. Twenty-fourth—f. \V. Sones, 11.'* Twen<>-six'Mi—Juslnli Howard, R. ( f) T\venty-el|rlitli—Henry IVnailiers, ll.* Thirtieth—l*. W. Snyder, 11. Thlrty-aeeond—\\. F. ( row. ll.* Thirty-fourth—S. J. Miller, It. < ?> Tlilrt.v-tlfth —11. A. Tompkins. 11. Thlrty-wlxth—.l. W. Fnilsle.v, ll.* Thirty-eighth—t . 11. Kline. ll.* Fortieth—\V. 11. SeintueuM, 11. F»rt>-seeonil—\V. .1. IVurke, 11. Fort jr-fourth——\V. S. MeKee, 11, Forty-alxth—«l. \V. Hallam. 11. I'orty-eiishtli—Mnrshnll Pliipiis,!!. (f) Fiftieth—.l. It. Huieraon, 11. <f> * Re-elected. Scrauton, Pa., Nov. 4. —Madison P. Lark in, Prohibition candidate for United States Senator, found himself disqualified when he tried to vote yes terday. His son. Curtis Larkin, who is a member of Dr. G. W. Anderson's revival party in CoatesvlHe, jour neyed home to cast his ballot, and he, too, met disappointment. The Larkin family recently moved from one house to another on Clay avenue, but the candidate did not realize that he was leaving the Tenth ward, where he has voted for several years. His present residence Is in the First district of the Seventeenth ward, but he has not occupied it tlie required sixty days. Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Internal Affairs and Congress Lieutenant Secretary of AioYcnior Internal AfTalrs Congrcas _ fE « « I Q S £ • DISTRICTS K x v a ! Q fe 0 !>• ci = w . c-- ' 5 c -se 2 5" « .3 o fcl e 5 .C E * H £ £ « 2 ,1 O 2 M 7i , • O to 3 35 J S x «; C w llarrisburg— First Ward —First Precinct 46 37 87 37 41 85 37 41 86 Second Precinct 66 15 197 61 10 201 60 17 196 5 .2 Third Precinct 79 36 189 67 43 192 73 46 186 5 3 Second Ward—First Precinct \ 12 6 83 9 7 86 9 8 83 Second Precinct „ 38 23 92 38 20 90 43 17 91 Third Precinct 76 25 99 52 27 116 67 19 110 6 2. Fourth Precinct 79 36 101 63 30 117 64 36 113 4 1 * F'fth Precinct 102 44 193 65 54 224 77 48 214 3 8 Sixth Precinct 125 54 154 102 53 174 106 54 173 12 2 | Third Ward —First Precinct 40 8 104 38 7 107 39 7 106 1 .... Second Precinct 34 9 91 30 9 gg 33 9 92 1 1 Third Precinct 35 4 59 26 8 63 23 9 66 Fourth Ward—First Precinct 119 38 155 92 37 183 86 45 183 2 .... Second Precinct 143 39 .... 120 43 254 121 51 250 2 1 Fifth Ward —First Precinct 42 10 103 41 12 115 46 10 109 4 3 Second Precinct 87 29 120 93 26 138 75 21 136 .... 1 Third Precinct 126 23 147 101 19 177 93 30 163 fi 1 Fourth Precinct 68 12 152 52 16 160 68 23 152 3 2 Sixth Ward—First Precinct 11l 29 194 90 24 216 98 27 211 4 1 Second Precinct 119 35 151 109 34 165 119 37 155 8 2 Third Precinct 44 14 55 44 14 52 43 14 55 4 Seventh Ward—First Precinct 44 6 84 39 7 88 38 7 88 .... 1 Second Precinct 45 11 177 43 11 176 4 1 11 177 4 1 Third Precinct 42 9 89 36 9 94 33 16 91 7 Fourth Precinct .., 10 31 115 6 7 27 132 36 26 122 3 39 Fifth Precinct 98 27 92 61 36 116 70 38 104 24 1 Sixth Precinct 55 19 115 46 21 123 51 14 120 2 1 Eighth Ward—First Precinct 16 2 47 12 4 50 13 4 4 8 1 Second Precinct 8 2 45 7 2 42 8 2 44 1 Third Precinct 93 57 2 26 66 52 240 76 58 246 5 .... Precinct 43 It 130 37 16 130 36 16 141 1 2 I'ifth Precinct 86 33 140 64 40 153 65 39 154 4 3 Ninth Ward —First Precinct 31 4 146 25 4 151 30 4 146 2 1 Second Precinct 115 31 143 9 r, 48 159 94 30 168 4 2 Third Precinct 18 257 133 57 25 140 66 27 132 8 2 T> 1 1 58 26 79 43 26 89 43 29 86 3 7 r. £ rec ) n< * 89 77 133 65 67 161 71 61 164 5 5 Sixth Precinct 99 45 112 82 44 .128 82 48 124 6 2 n e i f 96 56 105 82 47 127 8 1 50 126 8 2 ®. C 5 58 31 77 77 95 92 44 32 88 2 5 e , •' 53 34 68 36 32 86 36 37 84 1 Tenth Ward—hirst Precinct 102 53 135 66 46 181 77 51 161 10 2 t, . . 139 54 138 107 55 1" 74 149 5 Third Precinct 84 42 75 64 37 96 63 44 97 23 .... ™ „ 7 Precinct 76 56 ,88 54 46 122 62 49 107 26 4 Eleventh Ward—J-irst Precinct 149 (i 7 20 4 114 B6 239 130 72 224 26 12 _ .... „ T . „? e( : 0 " Precinct 149 78 190 H6 59 237 122 68 221 14 7 Twelfth Ward—First Precinct 56 15 97 46 20 HI 52 18 103 5 ,nt c ,°!? d J Pre . cln r t 135 63 203 117 55 230 US 59 225 11 7 , lh £, d Precinct 132 30 110 115 28 135 111 47 122 ,10 3 Thirteenth Ward—First Precinct 57 32 78 48 29 93 51 32 87 2 Second Precinct 82 48 93 68 47 102 69 46 104 14 2 3979 1833 6193 3285 1635 7189 3358 1678 6983 326 14* Berrysburg Borough 25 25 32 18 18 48 17 16 46 1 6 Conewago Township 7 38 53 4 37 56 5 40 56 1 Dauphin Borough 55 14 68 45 17 75 47 15 74 6 3 Derry Township—First Precinct 7 io 46 8 8 49 6 10 48 Second Precinct 13 io 95 13 9 98 15 14 94 1 1 Third Precinct 60 43 173 45 42 191 45 37 188 East Hanover Township 49 12 167 45 1 3 169 47 9 172 .... 1 Elizabeths ille Borough 124 30 130 110 34 140 109 29 147 .... 5 Grata Borough 22 48 56 18 47 58 14 48 61 5 Halifax Borough 26 83 67 34 89 69 26 91 1 2 Halifax Township 90 12 85 81 19 86 79 17 89 3 Hlghspire Borough 78 49 144 78 36 151 93 35 147 68 13 Hunlmelstown Boro—First Precinct 90 66 148 57 60 167 61 67 166 7 1 Second Precinct 52 52 113 14 54 117 43 57 121 6 4 Jackson Township 125 1 58 119 1 64 114 7 65 Jefferson Township 14 3 ]4 11 ~, . 20 14 .... 17 .... 2 Londonderry Township 24 31 75 16 33 81 18 30 82 ....... . Dower Paxton Township 91 24 165 79 27 171 80 26 173 2 2 Bower Swatara Township . 9 13 65 10 11 66 7 16 76 3 2 Lykens Borough—East Ward 53 2 3 75 46 22 80 46 21 87 30 1 West Ward 52 62 135 41 67 138 46 59 145 90 7 Lykens Township 44 2 1 81 33 21 84 36 35 83 .... 5 Aliddletown — First Ward, First Precinct ; 4R 7 45 61 4 45 45 10 53 16 2 Second Precinct 72 D 123 71 8 119 58 13 126 20 Second Ward, I-irst Precinct 107 35 99 no ,24 110 83 84 126 16 Second Precinct 48 37 124 62 30 123 50 29 135 11 2 Third Ward, First Precinct 33 26 61 38 20 61 28 21 73 4 1 / Second Precinct 58 32 101 61 28 108 36 41 125 11 2 Middle Paxton Twp., First Precinct 72 4 90 65 6 91 67 6 91 6 1 Second Precinct Mifllin Township 51 5 37 43 15 45 33 20 43 1 Millersburg Borough—First Ward 69 75 154 59 73 1«1 61 60 168 3 1 Second Ward 97 88 108 78 97 116 83 91 124 1 1 Paxtang Borough 42 12 54 40 14 53 70 16 60 .... 1 Penbrook Borough 78 72 156 62 63 177 66 56 178 7 1. 1 Reed Township 19 .... 2 5 13 3 28 15 .... 28 1 . . Royalton Borough—First Ward 37 3 2 1 38 2 23 35 5 25 6 .... Second Ward 43 7 57 47 fi 55 39 9 61 7 .... Rush Township 4 .. . . 4 3 1 5 3 6 1 Solitli Hanover Township 27 9 124 19 10 131 22 11 134 Steelton — First Ward, First Precinct 25 8 36 31 .. . . 42 18 13 38 3 4 Second Precinct 18 14 202 15 13 203 15 15 202 3 Second Ward, First Precinct 41 28 102 28 26 116 25 28 115 8 5 Second Precinct 65 26 115 47 23 135 45 30 131 12 4 Third Ward, First Precinct 86 47 130 66 64 148 61 49 153 6 5 Second Precinct 68 44 257 53 41 273 56 41 269 8 1 Third Precinct 6 1 27 6 1 28 6 1 29 3 Fourth Ward 117 30 158 108 34 160 107 36 158 19 2 Fifth Ward, First Precinct 26 8 76 24 7 74 24 9 74 8 1 Second Precinct 43 is 81 39 19 80 41 21 83 10 2 Susquehanna—North Precinct 60 41 77 45 31 102 56 23 101 3 3 South Precinct East Precinct 42 41 117 31 31 135 28 40 133 7 1 West Precinct 47 30 59 4,, 2 5 68 41 31 63 5 2 Swatara —First Precinct 29 5 79 21 5 77 22 6 74 2 .... Second Precinct 57 19 129 51 is 134 50 18 139 9 '2 Third Precinct 62 19 156 5 20 162 51 21 165 6 2 Fourth Precinct 30 3 26 22 2 35 2(1 4 35 Fifth Precinct 28 7 55 26 9 56 26 8 53 "ii "i Uniontown Borough 32 7 31 31 5 34 29 5 37 .... .1 Upper Paxton Township 128 54 102 107 60 113 109 61 110 6 1 Washington Township 78 13 102 71 12 111 71 16 108 2 .... Wayne Township 61 4 i 8 56 6 20 1 1 West Hanover Township West Londonderry Township 6 11 31 7 8 31 6 9 32 1.... Wiconisco Twp.—First Precinct 26 35 4 9 22 33 51 27 23 65 46 16 Second Precinct 44 16 71 38 17 78 30 20 83 43 5 Williamstown Boro.—East Ward 80 92 109 64 98 110 57 100 119 1 2 West Ward 68 102 109 57 107 111 58 107 120 4 1 Williams Township—East Precinct 13 13 20 10 14 20 10 14 18 West Precinct 29 45 42 21 45 47 19 48 48 2 1 JUDGE KUNKEL IS Mime CLOSE [Continued From First Page] (o give a line on the vote. However, the interior counties show very good votes for Kunkel and each up-state county has been cutting down the ma- Jority rolled up in the two large cities for Frazer. Then, too, Lackawanna. Luzerne. Bucks. Clearfield and other counties which are counted upon to pile up good Kunkel votes as they did in the primaries, while Berks and other counties where Kunkel senti ment has been strong lately are be lieved to be. favorable. John H. Oeyer, the manager of the campaign, said: "Because of inegm plete returns we cannot say anything definite. The drift appears to be toward Kunkel." This afternoon friends of Judge I Fra/.er were wiring to tills city asking for information as to certain counties and manifesting considerable uneasi ness over tjie way the interior and eastern counties outside of Philadel phia were rolling up Kunkel votes. Lebanon county's vote for judge was. Frazer, 728j Kunkel, 5,999, while Cumberland gave in 56 out of 59 dis tricts: Frazer, 867, and Kunkel, 7,155. Congressman Kreider Is Re-elected by Decisive Majorities [DJRTI.L »S.IKI IUOJ,.| |>.>nii|juo,)] sliem had won, but, like everyone else, was hunting llgures. It looks like Focht. His friends say it will be 1600 majority. . _ Focht carried Union, Snyder and Per ry, Huntingdon and Mifflin. Dershem claimed Franklin by 500 and got ,'too each in Fulton and Juniata. As usual, this district is the slowest in the State to report. Congressman A. R. Brodbeclt went down to defeat In the York-Adams ills trict by 500, C. W. Beales defeating 1 1 him. Brodbeck hitched up with the 1 NOVEMBER 4,1914. McCormick machine and got what was coining to him. A. G. Dewalt, whom Vance McCor mick atiiHotined when chairman of the reorganization cabal, was elected to Congress In the Berks-Lehigh distilct fry 5,500. M. llebel. Jr.. also a man whom McCormick had tramped on. was elected to Congress in the Erie-Craw ford district, defeating Congressman Milton W. Shrove, well known here. Congressman Griest had another pa rade. Majority May Be Cut From 141 to 25 or 30 By Associated f'*ets Washington, Nov. 4. Although eighty-five congressional districts were still unheard from at noon to-day Democratic leaders here were confi dent that the administration would re tain control of Congress, although the majority in the Mouse, might be cut from Its present strength of 141 to as low as twenty-live or thirty. Af ter a conference of national Demo-1 eratlc committee officials at the White House with President Wilson and Secretary Tumulty it was estimated the Democratic majority might pos sibly stand at thirty. The varying reports of the Senate contests in Nevada, California, Kan sas and Colorado gave no promise of reducing the Democratic majority to eight. Reports to the national Demo cratic committee were said to indi cate the election of James D. Phelan, of California, to succeed Senator Per kins, a Republican and the re-election of Senators Newlands and Thomas in Nevada and Colorado. In Kansas a close contest for the seat of Senator Bristow seemed to be between Repre sentative Murdock, Progressive, and former Senator Curtis, Republican, leaving Representative Nesley, the Democratic candidate, behind. At noon with the eighty-five con gressional districts missing the elec tion of 185 Democratic, 136 Republi can and three Progressives was re ported. The present complexion of the House is 265 Democrats. 129 Re publicans. fifteen Progressives and six vacancies. It takes 218 for a majority in the House. To fulfill the predictions of | Democratic leaders of a majority of | thirty it is necessary for sixty-three 1 iof the unreported districts to be Dem- i ocratic. They are claimed by the leaders. Of the eighty-five districts unreport ed at noon fifty-one are now held by Democrats, twenty-nine by Republi cans and five by Progressives. Should the Democrats hold these fifty-one dis tricts their membership in the next House would be 23a, a majority of 17. Should the Republicans re-elect the present twenty-nine incumbents their total gain would Be seventy seats. "We have won a great victory," said Postmaster Generad Burleson after a conference with President Wilson and other Democratic leaders during which the returns were tabulated. Tie claimed the Democrats would control the next House by a m«\.irlty of be tween twenty-nine and forty-five. In a long distance telephone talk between Roger Sullivan, Democratic candidate for senator in Illinois and Thomas Pence, of the Democratic national committee at noon, Sullivan claimed he had been elected. By 1 p. in. the number of missing districts had been reduced to sev enty-five. The Democrats had gained four votes, making their total 189 and the Republicans gained five votes, making their total 167. The election of William Kent, independent of Cali fornia, accounted for the other dis trict. Announce Schedule of Stough Shop Meetings The schedule of meetings for men to be held at noontime in the various •*>' shops and industrial plants of the city and neighborhood by H. K. W. Pat terson, of the South party, to be con tinued each week during the campaign is as follows: Monday—Rest day. Tuesday—Maclay street shops of P. R. R.; Division streets shops, P. R. R. Wednesday—Lucknow car shops, | P. R. R.; Summerdale shops, P. R. R.; Rutherford shops. P. & R. Railway. Thursday—Enola roundhouse, P. It. R.; bridge and construction shops, Pennsylvania Steel Company, Steelton. Friday—Division street shops, P. R. R.; Reily street shops, P. R. R. Saturday—Carbarn of the Harrls burg Railways Company, Cameron and Herr streets.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers