14 The Art Needlework Department on the Third Floor announces the arrival of many new S\\ hQk-Lti. r mmn . Q. -» J| Stamped pieces. This exhibit will be of particular interest to Christmas gift buyers. C>/vV3VC)< ■ i a. Women's Beacon Blanket Three Special Values in i rrt an( i Eiderdown Bath Robes Black Silks ® L .[/ lou robes Y\ th u he f dded T rit of warmth - 79c black messaline, 36 inches wide. Reduced ic .. -. 63 <k » • ' LmhleY collection of bath robes we have ever as- SI.OO black messaline, 36 inches wide. Reduced to !. B*l IK /fi ■jJ' 1 n ... 89c black messaline. 36 inches wide. Reduced to TOtf* IJ/ Tr VI Bea( ' on blanket bath robes, turn-over collar, patch pockets- m... ~ ffimk Vf - - J\ \JT rope girdle. Special .. . . . . $3.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. ■»a /uTi Eiderdown bath robes, turn-over collar or colinrless, crocheted , IP* y f A t or Satin border, rope girdle, loose back or belted, grey rose, Copen- -WW v ¥±-^eM r> ■ Men s and Bovs' Warm * 1 r l| ? atln rope girdle or belted; grey navy. red. Copenhagentan. fcIXXVJ. UKJJ O YY dl 111 |J| J 77T lavender and black $3.50, $3.95, $5.00 to $7.50 T7l 1 .. T» ' Hkl ~T\l MMM ■ 1 CREPE KIMONOS riannelette raiamas ■■ma ■ nffff i I\ \\ IV I I 1/V D i ». crepe kimonos, Empire style or loose back, trimmed with XT i j . ... J nrnn|| \ Pig ■ l\ / ifS, bor < ler - satin ruffle, colored piping or organdy collar and cuffs, No cold sleepless nights if you wear warm flannelette na- JgWf I\\\ g < ~. ,ft r? nde r: have roomy * armentsof ** kS " d r :k\wflllli ' ' t d * «"» ktoS S E pSJ l U»™S'cJpenh a *.n, com. wis- c , al Men ' s » loo P a J am a3 of soft fleecy flannelette, frog trimmed. Spe / / ' \ ' IfU Pi IS W L I ""a "-ose and whlte> of hand p (rin and Boys' 75c flannelette pajamas, 4to °l2-"yVa'r'sizes.'° Special 50c / II I 1111 iI \ / p „J s.>.!).>, sß.<>o, $7.50 to $18.50 Men s $ 1.00 flannelette night shlrta frog and twa'd trimm«rt .<*_ /fv / I \ V 7 I |/S ■ ill v\j t, flannel or albatross kimonos, hand-embroidered or Batin tra large sizes. Special . trtmmed ox yiNy'l // \\ border trimmed; red, light blue, pink, lavender and black, MEN'S SWEATERS ill \ $2.95, $3.95, $5.00 to $12.50 Men's $1.98 V-neck sweaters with pockets; brown naw black »hh II Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. dark oxford; sizes 36 to 46. Special ' «l «a 1/ I r „ GIRLS' SWEATERS Fancy Maine Style Corn; Dozen Cans, 98c ]'\C Choice Del Monte Asparagus Tips, Can. 22c D ""'* a '""" Fl °° f ' 2 5 ca ses of fancy Maine styie corn wil! be sold beginning T D J 1 »' to-morrow at a very attractive price, either in dozen lots or l_/lli£)ori© DIOIISOS IvoQtlC6Cl AH single cans. Ihis special has just been received and represents T-p TM 1 Makpr I I1ltr»1lt this tails canning. The price will be, can, 9£, or dozen, 980 rOf 1 hlirvSfiaV IVICIJVd O V_yU.lJJu.r Ol cases of green string beans, large No. 3 cans; each, 1)0- „ U.loVJ.d^ dozen 98 J Beautifully fashioned and trimmed Lingerie Blouses—em rl A T X 4- ±. /I cases Monte Colossal asparagus tips, the verv belhshed with hand embroidery, fine tucks, organdy vestee and II Til Til P(i I I I C C\ I choicest grown in California. Can, 22 ; dozen $2.50 1° bunch tucks, medallions, lace insertion and lace edjre. A-AAAA J. Ax V_/ VrfC X X C-4. 1 O CI l X • Dive*, pomeroy & stewart. Basement. $2.50 and $2.95 Lingerie Blouses . ;j0 Irr r\ -\T njr I i m T n T $2.95 and $3.50 Lingerie Blouses .$1!95 150 New Models on Sale at a Price That Is Lace Remnants at Lowered $3 95 Linge Sv„ B ® 2 - 95 Less Than Their Wholesale Cost , . , , c f s , The Furniture Dprartmpnt ou 11 be interested in the gathering of lace remnants that J.J.V7 L til Axil Lit C llXXdll We are pleased to announce a special purchase of trimmed hats that will are to " morr at '? P rices - „ command the interest of every womanwho appreciates real millinery values. wllite ,*d WtterS V altleS 1 Ijat Are Un- These are not shopworn or left-over hatst hat iind their way into so many clear- Braids and trimmings also will be sold at half prices to- matCnat)lp Fit tVIR Prirf^ ance sales. On the contrary, they weretnmmed within the past two weeks and morrow for remnant lengths. uiuiviiuwiv/ cii i 11^0 express— Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. O n sale for the first time to-morrow will be found a list of T*i J j. j. JO 01 c i ** furniture values that will be of interest to many a home. Ihe Latest and Smartest Styles of the Moment The Extensive Use of Fur These hats show the skill of the expert milliner and are of finest velvet and . . . FUF """ other high-grade materials. aS 1 Timming S'!BS SiiitiSKXi: CTI . . ■ ■ 'a ./ / . • J7 ,j . 7 . . „ , ~ .... t>nt * $'15.00 solid mahogany chiffonier. J. tie trimmings consist of practically everything that is in vogue, in- ' ractically every third suit or dress you walk into these eluding rich ostrich garnitures, feather fantasies, silver ornaments winas day , s is emb . ellishetl with trimming fur, and the use of fur seems H''" 0 T *** 1 ,0 ,l > 0 "ow for $7 .,.„ 0 11 . ' & ' to be growing with the cold weather $1.>.00 golden oak, mahogany and $35.00 golden onk buffet. Re,. r,Mans, etc. - The showing at the trimming seciion on the street floor is «»«. -pfc >«». «h-j v g« 1 lie majority ot the hats are black—but there are styles in naw and very complete, in widths from one-half inch to two inches. $»85o chiffoniers, reduced to,' Re^., l, c Si! to ; $a. r >.oo brown. * J Vard to $52.00 ftft ~ , , » 13 - 98 rJKS rliQrif 5) vin nno flio ATni-l-nf 4- , 4. *u 1 1 -11 .1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. $49.00 golden oak buffet. Re- Dives, Pomeroy Stewart Third 1 lie display 111 one or the i\i«iiKet street vestibule windows will gfive <lll idea. duoed to $20.50 Floor. of the attractiveness of the modish hats in this splendid collection that are such / JJ unusual values at $4.95. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. Every Woman Will Eventually Wear a f Front Laced Corset Because of Its Extreme Ease of Adjustment There are features in the Frolaset front-laced corset that must, of necessity, appeal to the woman of fashion. These features are the perfect-fitting back, the absence of any corset restraint, the ease with which the corset may be put on, taken oft or adjusted, because of the front lacing princi ples—a principle to which every woman will ultimately be connected, and above all the graceful figure which is acquired with the lines on which the Frolaset is designed. Every type of figure can readily be fitted in a Frolaset. Sold only in Harrisburg at our Corset Section, $3.50 to $15.00 ,t - - Divea, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. In the Weekly Sale of Dress Remnants To-morrow Are to Be Found Colored and Black Weaves of Special Value 5 yards serge: regulur price, $2.50. Thursday's BLACK DRKSS GOOi>S P rice $1.70 I yards black poplin; regular price, $.t.00. Tliure -3 yards German plaid; regular price, $3.00. Thurs- day's price 91.95 day's price \ $1.75 black serge; regular price $3.00. Thurs -5 yards serge; regular price, $4.25. Thursday's '"l S yards\lai?k w-pe'; Ve'gdUr priw $5.00;' 'Thure price $3.09 day's price •. 53.08 5 yards Jan silk (Tepe; regular price, SIO.OO. ratine; regular price $4.00. Thnrs- Thursday's price . ••••••• •■ • •••••• • $2 ' 95 5 ya'rds black batiste; regular price $3.75. ' Thurs' 3 yards silk poplin: regular price $3.75. Thurs- day s price $2 39 day's price $2.39 •_ yards black serge; regular price $5.00. Tliurs -3 yards coating; regular price $0.00.' Thursday's <,a i£ l •■ • • . $3.95 ' .. ." j »% yards black serge; regular price $1.56. Thurs- P rt<e #4.43 day's pri«v $1 05 4 yards serge; regular price, $2.00. Thursday's 5 yards black silk and wool |>opllii; regular price price $1.39 96.25. Thursday's price 91.75 4 yards ratine; regular, price $4.00. Thursday's , .vards black serge; regular price $2.50. Tliurs pricc ' $2.95 day s price sl>9B 5 yards raUne; regular price $5.00. Thursday's da}£ T!T.\ ***"*' . PrlCo . ,# ' 7s, . PPI « CC ' ' ' • * 3-6U yards black serge; regular price $3.13. ' Thurs -5 yar<Ls silk iM>plin; regular price, $0.20. Thurs- day price $2 45 day's price $4.75 Dives, Pomeroy &'Stewart—Street Floor. An Important Clearance of Girls' j Dresses Occurs To-morrow f55.00 Plaid Styles, $3.50 $4.50 Peter Thompson, $1.75 Fifty dresses from regular stock are entered in a special clearance beginning to-morrow, on account of the incomplete range of sizes in wX each style. But there are a dozen or more styles to choose from, with tim\ sizes from 6to 14 years. The reductions include— Children's $5.00 Anderson gingham Children's $4.80 Peter Thompson utffl'//J//\ plaid dresses with white voile collar dresses in white percale, with red and and cuffs and colored velvet girdles; blue braid collars; embroidered sleeves Blzes 8 > 10 - 12 - and 14 years. Reduced and shields; Sizes 5 and 6 years Re fWwflk to 93.50 duced to « 175 Children's $5.00 plaid gingham Children's $5.00 Peter Thompson \ YV> dresses w '<-h embroidered white collars dresses in white percale, with braided \\ If and cuffs; sizes 10, 12 and 14 years. collars and embroidered sleeves and Reduced to $3.50 shields; sizes 6, 8, 10 and 14 vears ,• t\ Children's $2.50 to $4.50 dresses In Reduced to 93 50 hr figured voile crepes and dimities; sizes Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second »6 to 14 years. Reduced to 91.98 Floor. •WTONESDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Care That Anyone Can l : «e Without Dlaromfort or l.oaa of Time We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case is of longstanding or recent de j velopmont, whether it is present as oc casional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relievo you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms- of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new method is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free offer is too Important to I neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon oeiow. Do It To-day. FREE: ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room S73J, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buf- VUo. N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: > I Russians Beaten in Fight With Turks By Associated Press Berlin, Nov. 4 (by wireless). —In- formation was given out to the press fom official quarters to-day as follows: "The first encounters on the Turkish frontier in which Turkish soldiers met Russian forces from the Caucasus re sulted unsuccessfully for the Rus sians. "Nineteen Russian transports sunk by the Turks had on board 1,700 mines destined for the blockading of Turkish waters. This fact proves the hostile intentions of Russians." RUB RHEUMATISM PAIN FROM SORE, ACHING JOINTS Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's Oil." What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" directly upon the "tender spot" and re lief comes Instantly. "St. Jacobs OH" Is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug gist, and in Just a moment you'll be I free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains and swellings.—Adver -1 tlsement. REPUBLICAN SWEEP 111 PULPUM ; ■ Penrose and Brumbaugh Easily Outdistance Their Opponents in Race PROGRESSIVES WEAKENING City Gave Dr. Brumbaugh 180- 823 and McCormick 61,787 United States Senator BOIES PENROSE GOVERNOR MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH Lieutenant Governor FRANK B. McCLAIN Secretary of Internal Affairs HENRY HOUCK CONGRESS-AT-LARGE J. R. K. Scott T. S. Grago Daniel F. Lafean M. M. Garland Philadelphia, Nov. 4.—The Repub lican plurality in Pennsylvania for all State candidates continued to increase I to-day as additional returns were re ceived. With 60 per cent, of the State heard from, the plurality of United States Senator Boies Penrose over A. Mitchell Palmer, his Democratic op ponent, stood at 180,046 with indica tions that it will come close to 200,000, if not exceeding these figures. Gifford Plnchot, Progressive, was about 2,000 behind Palmer. Penrose's plurality in Philadelphia alone was 114,888. Pin chot ran 13,000 ahead of Palmer in Philadelphia. For Governor, Martin G. Brum baugh, Republican, had a plurality of 133,996 over Vance C. McCormick, his Democratic - Progressive opponent. Brumbaugh's plurality in Philadelphia was 119,036. The Republicans also elected their candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of Internal Affairs and their four nominees for Congressmen-at large. Philadelphia's congressional dele gation of six will be solidly Republi can, the two Democratic members from this city going down to defeat. From returns at hand the Republicans also won three congressional seats outside of Philadelphia held by Demo crats, and one held by a Progressive. Majority Increased. The republicans also Increased their majorities in the Senate and Houso of Representatives, principally at the expense of the Progressives. The complete vote of Philadelphia was as follows: United States Senator. Penrose, Republican, 161,891; Palmer, Democrat, 34,340; Plnchot, Washington, 47,003; Whiteside, So cialist, 3,896; Larkin, Proh., 703. Governor. Brumbaugh. Republican, 180,823; McCormick, Democrat, 61,787; Allen, Socialist, 4,130; Brumm, B. M., 391; Lewis, R. P., 707; Stevenson, Proh., 431. Lleuenant Governor. McClain, R., 165, 148; Creasy, D„ 33,783; Smith, W„ 42,122. Secretary of Internal Affairs. • Houck, R„ 173,427; McNalr, D., 33,- 062; Lewis, W., 38,189. Supreme Court. Frazer, 102,724; Kunkel, 79,198. I Superior Court. Trexler, 132,823; Clark, 45,753. Congressman at Larxe. i Republican: Crago, 163,006; Gar- NOVEMBER 4, 1914. land, 162,532; Lafean, 162,901; J. R. K. Scott, 166,717. Washington: Mitchell, 35,679; Rup ley, 37,130; Walters, 37,237; Watson, 34,599. Democratic: Bright, 37,033; Caton, 62,351; Clark, 32,950; Crosby, 31,474. The defeat of J. Washington Logue, Democrat, in the Sixth Congressional district of Philadelphia, was over whelming. Logue's plurality of 2,- 447 two years ago was changed to a plurality of 21,369 for George P. Darrow, his Republican opponent. Michael Donohoe, Democrat, was defeated for Congress in the Fifth j district of this city by 12,050 by Peter E. Costello. Two years ago he had a plurality of 6,820. Among the well known Washington party men who were swept away by .the Republican wave was Samuel B. Scott, who for years was a conspicuous figure in the House of Representa tives at Harrlsburg. Heavy Republican Majorities in Mechanicsburg's 5 Wards Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 4. Re turns of yesterday's election here are as follows: Supreme Court—First ward, Frazer 13, Kunkel 167; Second ward, Frazer 18, Kunkel 188: Third ward, Frazer 11, Kunkel 132: Fourth ward, Frazer 9, Kunkel 143; Fifth ward, Frazer 8, Kunkel 149. Superior Court —First ward, Clark 53, Trexler 108; Second ward, Clark 68. Trexler 11<J; Third ward, Clark 33, Trexler 95; Fourth ward, Clark 32, Trexler 107; Fifth ward, Clark 35, Trexler 88. United States Senator—First ward, Palmer, D., 195; Plnchot, W.. 43; Pen rose, R., 81; Second ward. Palmer 69, Pinchot 61, Penrose 123; Third ward, , Palmer 54, Pinchot 20, Penrose 97; Fourth ward, Palmer 46, Pinchot 28, Penrose 104; Fifth ward, Palmer 84, Pinchot 37, Penrose 72. Governor—First ward, McCormick, D., 125; Brumbaugh, R., 94; Second ward, McCormick 106, Brumbaugh 150; Third ward, McCormick 67, Brumbaugh 99; Fourth ward, McCor mick 59, Brumbaugh 118; Fifth ward, McCormick 109, Brumbaugh 87. Congress—First ward, Kaufman, D., 93; J. H. Kreider, W„ 29; A. 9. Krei der, R„ 94; Second ward, Kaufman 72, J. H. Kreider 36, A. S. Kreider 140; Third ward, Kaufman 52, J. 11. Kreider 14, A. S. Kreider 102; Fourth ward, Kaufman 46, J. H. Kreider 16, A. S. Kreider 113; Fifth ward, Kaufman 82, J. H. Kreider 25, A. S. Kreider 84. Representative in the General As sembly—First ward, Barner, D., 88; Bowman, D., 86; Blerbower, W., 41; Horning, W., 82; Goodyear, R., 90, Shoop, R., 88; Second ward, Barner | 77, Bowman 62, Blerbower 50, Horn ing 31, Goodyear 133, Shoop 132; Third ward, Barner 52. Bowman 49, Blerbower 27, Horning 14, Goodyear 96, Shoop 98; Fourth ward, Barner 48, Bowman 51. Blerbower 23, Horning 17, Goodyear 103, Shoop 104; Fifth ward, Barner 82, Bowman 79, Bier bower 26, Horning 19, Goodyear 84, Shoop 78. Turks Sink Their Ships to Prevent Them From Being Taken by Enemy Paris, Nov. 4\—The Echo De Paris publishes a dispatch from Belle Garde, on the Swiss frontier, saying that an Anglo-French fleet attacked the Turkish gunboat Dura and the Steamer Kiroli at the entrance of the gulf of Tcheeme. near Smyrna In Asiatic Turkey. The Turks themselves sunk both vessels to prevent their fall linto the hands of the enemy. PAUL KOCHKXDOHKEH Paul S. Kochendorfer, aged 45 yearß, of Lebanon, died In Monday. He is well known residents oj Lebanon. He was a Spanish-American war veteran, member of the P. O. S. of A., Odd Fellows, Masons, Knights Tem plar, Moose, Firemen's association and funeral benefit of Camp 254, also the Salem Lutheran church of Leba non. The body was shipped to Leba non for funeral services and burial. Cold in Head Relieved in one minute. Money back if it fails. Get a 25c or 50c tube of IfONDON'S i* Catarrhal Jelly Use It quick. For chronic nasal ca tarrh, dry catarrh, sore nose, coughs, sneezing:, nose bleed, etc. Write (or free sample. The first drop used will do good. Ask druggists. Kondon Mlg. Co., Minneapolis. Minn. I AUTOS VARNISHED Ready in 48 Hours Work Guaranteed Price S2O Dell I'll one 1:423 U-Auto-Varnish imparts a beautiful mirror-like surface to shabby looking autos. carriages, pianos, furniture, wood work. I»OKS NOT TURN WJIITF, even when boiling water Is poured on it. Therefore water and weather proof. You can apply It yourself at small cost. Sold at 501 Kunkel Building HARRISBURQ. Business Local* GIFT SELECTIONS The prudent buyer of gifts for th coming holiday season may now V: seen making selections carefully froi the choicest. Likewise, people of fort thought will arrange for settings a our studio In order to have the photo graphs In time for Christmas giving. Nothing more appropriate and pleas ing for an Intimate friend or relativ The newest Ideas a)"""iv* at Kellberg*. 302 Market street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers