TELEGRAPH WANT ADS f Oil WONDERS—READ All USE THEM This Is an Ad For a New Form of Light No latest patent throws so much light on so many dark subjects as Telegraph WANT ADS. The how, the why and the wherefore of home, business and social problems is often made clear by using the right WANT AD in the right place— the Telegraph. DIED HOLLINS Died on Thursday, Oc tober 29, 1914, Mrs. Minnie K.. wife of R. W. Holiins, of 633 Ross street, aged 32 years. Funeral on Monday, November at 2 P. M„ from her late residence, the Rev. P. 11. Balsbaugli officiating. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery. LOST LOST On State street, between 1620 North street anil Keystone Hospital, Gold Circle Pin. Reward if returned to 1620 North street. lOLND FOUND, AT LAST Groce's Wagon Shop, the place to get your wagons re paired and painted at very little cost. 1541 Walnut street. Bell phone 2115 W. FOUND The home of reliable work for particular people, at Eggert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 124 5 Market street. Call either phone, we'll do the rest II ELI* WANTED —Male WANTED Men 1,000 positions open. Learn the Barber Trade. Only seven weeks required. New system. Diploma. Costello & Wise, Barber School, 2 Rivington street. New York. HOW MUCH IS AN HOUR WORTH? One person gets fifteen cents; another person gets fifteen dollars. Why this tremendous difference? Special train ing is the answer. M- PRIVATE LES SONS in Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. will increase your efficiency. Call, we'll talk it over. Merle 3. Keller, Room 309, Building. I WILL PAY honest men up to SSO monthly. Spare time. Home work. No canvassing. No capital. Mail Order Business. Voorliies, Desk 111, Omaha, Neb. SBO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES to travel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents; permanent. Jap-American Co., Chicago. $2,500 ANNUALLY. Co-operate with me evenings at home. Everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Corn huskers; three miles east of Oberlin. Middletown Route 3. W. H. Peters. I WILT, START YOU earning $4 daily at home, silvering mirrors. Send for free Instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass. WANTKD Men wishing to earn three to five dollars per day. Write for terms immediately. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. WILL pay Reliable Man or Woman $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among friends. No money required. Ward Company, 216 Institute Place, Chicago. SONG POEMS WANTED We will compose music and arrange for publi cation Immediately. Dugdale Co. Studio, 492, Washington, D. C. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of l.'nited States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 353 Pine St.. Williamsport, or 37 W. Market St.. York, Pa. GOVERNM ENT EXAM INATIONS. Thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Wash ington. D. C. WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs. to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam eron street. Bell phone ,1710. HKLP WANTED —Female WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all patterns by measure. You cut, fit and make the entire garment. You can not learn dressmaking right any other way. Make all your Fall and Winter dresses while learning. Night and Day classes. Get terms and information. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street. WANTED White girl for general housework; must be good cook; two In family; reference required. Apply M., 1381, care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined lady of fair edu cation, 24 or middle-age, to travel and appoint agents for Philadelphia toilet article firm. Salary, $12.00 weekly and expenses. State where can be seen. Address H., 1374, care of Telegraph. DO EASY. Pleasant Coloring Work at home; good pay; no canvassing; no experience required. Illustrated par ticulars free. Helping Hand Stores, DftPt. 854. Chicago. »■ Second to Penn St. Ground For Sale About two hundred feet of very desirably located building ground at a reasonable figure. Miller Bros. Neefe It ICAI. ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 31, 1914 HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Young-, reliable woman for housekeeper for widower and small family; one that will appreciate a good home. Address 3224 North Sixth street. Riverside. WANTED Woman, with settled habits, for general housework. In fam ily of two; must be a good cook; per manent home to competent person. Ad dress Box 10, Paxtang, Pa. Bell phone 1247J5. WANTED White girl to cook and do some housework. Address, or call, 240 South Thirteenth street. WANTED—Ladies earn neat income, all or spare time, at home, making plain aprons; dime for beginner's outfit. W. Sargent, Salamanca, N. Y. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to SSO per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 579. Omaha, Neb. LADIES AND GIRLS—To color post cards and pictures at home; profitable work, whole or spare time. Apply at once. Packer-Ward, Forrest Building, Philadelphia. SEND to-day for a free copy of the new Business Woman's Magazine de voted to the interests of business wo men in all walks of life. Business Wo man's Magazine, LB. 18, Lancaster, Pa. BRIGHT, ACTIVE WOMEN WANT ED to take orders; fine line of samples loaned; no expense. Address Nutley Handkerchief Works, Nutley, New Jer sey. LADIES Plain sewing at home; making protectors; S3O per 100. Stamp for full particulars. Smith, Box 73, Doniphan, Mo. HIXP WANTED—MaIe and Fenialo BOYS AND GIRLS Camera and outfit free for selling seven articles at 25 cents each. Fifteen other premi ums and money offer. Address Hargor Co., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED, ORGANIZER Well es tablished. modern Fraternal Society wishes services of men or women of good appearance, Harrisburg and vi cinity. Write F. H. Kurtz Wheeling, West Virginia. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED Earn $5 to sls a day selling a new specialty. Send for particulars. Address Adrian Bree man, 3416 Benner street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS Our specialty is a fast seller. Easy to demonstrate. Big profits. For free particulars address Emar Supply Co., Box A. Llanerch, Pa. CREW MANAGERS, Pot Men and Agents experienced in selling Alumi num Specialties can got lowest factory prices dealing direct with the manufac turers. Aluminum Factories Company, La Grange, Illinois. AGENTS Make up to $35 daily, selling our new world beaters; quick sales; big profits; no experience re quired. Catalogue and samples FREE. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chi cago HERE'S your chance! Make good on spure or whole time. Mercer Specialty Co., Dept. K, Box 2071, Philadelphia. AGENTS We have a useful article needed in every home. Fastest seller. Splendid profits. Particulars free. The Stanley Supply Co., Box 639, Philadel phia, Pa. AGENTS ' — Send now for free book let about my specialty. It's a fast seller and easily demonstrated. John A. Stark, Jr., 85 Evergreen street, Roches ter. N. Y. WIDE-AWAKE AGENTS make big mone;. handling our easily demonstrat ed specialty. Write for particulars. Millar Supply Co., 15 Exchange Place, Jersey City, N. J. AGENTS WANTED To sell trees and plants on commission. Permanent. No experience or capital required. Out fit free. Write for terms. Perry Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS Something different. Fast selling specialty; easilv demonstrated. Particulars free. The Walters Specialty Co., Dept. 2, 7425 Germantown avenue, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 244, National Salesman's Training Association, Chicago, New York, Kansas City. San Francisco'. SALESMEN of tact; strong person ality; tapable of earning $200.00 week ly. Address Bush, lowa City, lowa. EXPERIENCED, capable salesmen to travel for old established house with line that Rells to practically all classes of merchants. High commissions, with weekly advance, to right man. D, W. Barrows. Detroit, Mich. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Experienced ladles' tailor and fitter wishes position, having been in business for years. Address Box R, 1382, care of Telegraph. WANTED —Young colored boy, about 18. desires position working around the house or work by the day. Address Burrel Banks, 1314 Marion street, City. WANTED Private automobiles to clean and polish, housecleanlng, win dows and paints and cellars cleaned; all work neatly done. Call phone 2858. WANTKD By white man, position as teamster; best of references; thor oughly experienced. Address H., 1376, care of Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED—MALE | WANTED Druggist wishes a po sition; registered. C. T. H., No. 377 North Eighth street, Lebanon. Pa. ■ WANTED Colored man, thorough ly experienced at any kind of work about house, desires situation. Call, or address, 631 Boas street. WANTED Experienced plumber desires position; city reference given. Apply C. H. Leldy, 631 North street, WANTED A position, either cleri cal or mechanical, in or out of city, by young man 22 years old, a high school graduate and experienced as packer and shipper. My present em ployer will shut down soon. Address F., 1371, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work, by good house carpenter. Address 8., 1377, care of Telegraph. tlilL.ii,O.N» a.n 1 to—reiiitlt WANTED—By girl, 16 years of age, position to assist with general house work. Address Anna Folk, R. F. D., 3, Mlddletown, Pa. WANTED Dressmaking and plain sewing by the day or week. 913 Capi tal street. WANTED Middle-aged widow, with daughter 13 years, desires position as housekeeper for widower with small family. Apply 1020 South Cameron street. i WANTED Young girl wishes a Bosltlon as second girl or work of any lnd. Address 1322 Marlon street. WANTED By white woman, day's work of any kind. Address 923 Myrtle avenue. WANTED By white, married wo man, washing, ironing or day's work of any kind. Call, or address, 313 Briggs street. City. WANTED Experienced- steno grapher wishes position; can furnish best of reference. Address Box R, 1373, care of Telegraph. WANTED By middle-aged, strong woman, willing worker, general house work; speaks German; sleep home. Ad dress P. O. Box 109, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Young widow wants po sition as housekeeper, Call or address, Mrs. Mary Hull, Clinton avenue, Le moyne. Pa. REAL i!.STATU FOR SAWS FOR SALE On Long St., Camp Hill Frame bungalow nearly new —3 squares from trolley line —one acre of ground. Price, $2,700.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 3O N. Summit St. 2%-story frame 7 rooms lot, 17x69 —side entrance. Brinton-Paeker Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE l6lB North Second street lot, 43x100 room for gar age l3 rooms and 2 baths cellar cemented steam heat all conveni ences. This property will be sold at quite a sacrifice. Any one wishing to buy a desirable home at an exception ally low figure can do so. This offer is open for two weeks only. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. Phone 934. e . EITHER a 4 or 10-aere Farm within a twelve-inlnute walk of trolley ser vice loc fare to Harrlsburg con siderable fruit—good soil. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY ON SOUTH FRONT STREET 8 rooms bath furnace porch front. Lot, 18x80. Price, $3,000. Other properties on easy payments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE , Three-story brick house 8 rooms bath gas fur nace porch front. Lot, 18x100. De sirable location. Price and terms rea sonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FARM FOR SALE Stock and fruit farm; 139 acres; good buildings; tine water; close to town. SI,OOO cash. Bal ance on easy terms. Mark M. Mattis, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Three-story brick houses; ten rooms with laundry on first floor; finished in polished oak; hardwood floors; bedrooms finished in white enamel with mahogany doors; vapor heat combination range; gas heater; blinds: linoleum laid in kitchen; beautifully decorated. Sold on easy terms. MacWllllams Construc tion Co., 2150 North Fifth street, Har rlsburg. FOR SALE House No. 1831 North Sixth street. Remodeled throughout; al! Improvements. Apply Geo. W. Orth, 423 State street. FOR SALE At Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook on Twenty third street, one six-room house, $1,200. Some others at S4OO, six rooms; lots. 30 xl2o. Address G. S. Hartman, 38 North Twelfth street. Harrlsburg. RKAJi ESTATE FOB RENT FOR RENT—7IS North Eigh teenth street, desirable 2-story brick dwelling, all improvements, steam heat, gas water heater, window shades. Immediate pos session. Rent s2l. C. L. Long, Green and Woodbine, or Bell phone 361. FOR RENT 650 Emerald street; corner house; 8 rooms; all improve ments; Immediate possession. Call Sev enth and Woodbine streets, or 2298 Sixth street, B. F. Hoffman. FOR RENT Ten-room brick house, all Improvements, very nice locality, 415 South Seventeenth street, Harrlsburg. Inquire 356 Locust street, Harrlsburg. FOR RENT Seven-roomed house; all improvements. Rent, $17.00 per month. MaeWilllams Construction Co., 2150 North Fifth street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR RENT House above fare limit; bath; electric l'ghts; large side porch; lawn; garden, and stable; $15.00 per month. Take R. V. car; stop at Pen nells. Inquire McLaughlin. FOR RENT ll2 North Eighteenth street; 171 South Eighteenth; 1632 Derry street, and 2807 Camby street, Penbrook. Immediate possession. A. \V. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT ll2O Wallace street; six rooms and finished attic; water in kitchen; immediate possession. Kent, $lO. Jas. I. Hamaker, 441 Herr street. FOR RENT Eight-room house in Bella Vista; all Improvements. Bell phone 3136 L. FOR RENT No. 1850 Market street, an ideal steam heated house with hard wood finish. Rent reduced to $32. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 2148 North Fifth street: three-story brick; eight rooms; all conveniences; owner leaving town. Rent, $25.00. For Information apply P. V. Minter, Harrisburg Trust Co. FOR RENT House 60S Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RFNT NOB. 4t»l and 465 Cres cent street; new eight-room houses; all conveniences; large front porch; central location; rent. S2O each. Apply at 46» Crescent street. FOR RENT Two 2 %-story brick houses. No. 1521 1523 Vernon street. Rent, $15.00 each. Immediate posses sion. E. A. Heffelflnger, East End Bank. FOR RENT Two new seven-room brick houses, 2235-37 Atlas street; all improvements. Also eight-room house 510 Woodbine street. Inquire 2331 North Third street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 2%-story frame dwell ing, for colored people only, 1130 North Front; alsb five unfurnished rooms, one a large front room, suitable for busi ness room; will rent separately. 224 Chestnut. Apply 226 Chestnut. POR RRNT No. 1843 Whitehall St.". $30.00 628 Oxford St 15.00 No. IR2B Reglna St. 25.00 No. 1821 Market St. 26.00 No. 1120 N. Cameron St. 10.00 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 1406 North St. ... . 16.00 1609 Carnation St. 17.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1251 Market Street. ' FOR RENT Eight-room houi--. gas, bath and lot for garden, at Steel ton Heights, opposite Frog Shop office; also nine-room house, with Improve ments, 171 South Second street, Steel ton. Apply J. M. Heagy, 39 Soutn Front street, Steelton. FOR RENT Two new houses; brick; ten rooms; all improvements; vapor heat; blinds; combination ranges; linoleum; good location. Rent, $30.00 per month. MacWllllams Con struction Co., 2X50 North Fifth street, Harrisburg. IXU. ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Three story brick house, in good condition, Hummel street, near Derry; posses sion given about November 15. Apply 1808 Mulberry street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNISHED APART MENT, second floor, 3 rooms and bath, private; furnished complete; gas range and water heater; rent reasonable; im mediate possession. 342 South Sixteenth street. ROOMS tUK KENT FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, on second floor, for light house keeping; very pleasant location and good neighborhood. Apply at 545 South Front street, City. FOR RENT Two nicely furnlßhed rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences, Apply 266 Herr street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two large well-fur nlsheu room, lacing sloe anu front, suit able tor lignt Housekeeping; goou loca tion; car slops ai uoor. Appiy lU4 South xturtoentn street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with city steatn heat anu electric ugnts, with lamuy ot two. Kosiyn .Apartments, 2ua Walnut sireet. Inquire Lnanoie uovt, iviillinery Store, t> bouth Market squaie. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms. In apartment; an conveniences, inciuuiiiK use of phone. Apply M>'irsi Llricom Apartments, 19 worth rum street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; all conveniences; seconu story front and i back; gas and electric ngnts with use ot phone; bay wuiuuw; lent reasonable; in private tamliy. Apply Hi 1 Biiggs street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms on second ltoor front, single or ensuite, with board; private tainily; home cora lorts; two minutes' walk from Capitol. Phone blsL, Bell. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nished; private bam; electric light and phone; residential part of city on car line. Audress Box R, 1379, care of Telegraph. WANTED At 26 South Second street—roomers and boaraers—home like meals and nicely furnished rooms. Apply 26 South Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in one of the best locations in the city; use of bath and telephone. Apply 2v4 State street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-suite; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply luta isorth Front street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, flouting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and uoi'i running water I in room; use of phone aad large bath, | Apply 410 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED By relined, young, mar ried couple, furnished llat or rooms for light housekeeping. Location within walking distance of Market Square pre ferred. Apply Box A, 1378, care of Telegraph. WANTED Furnished room for man and wife; central location; second floor front preferred. Address Box X, 1366, care of Telegraph. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED Two men boarderß for nicely furnished third floor front room; all conveniences, including use of phone. Apply 346 Kelker street. FOR RENT Furnlßhed rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Ap ply 1001 North Second street, corner jtioas and Second streets. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, with and without kitchfenettes; ail rooms strictly private, nicely papered, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; basement lockers lor sur plus lurnlture. Inquire office 429 Broad street, or Janltress, Room 6, same building. WANTED I WANTED TO RENT Small, fur nished apartments, or house, for the winter; references exchanged. Address P. O. Box 16. Harrisburg. WANTED TO BUY —An upright or square piano; must be very cheap for cash. Address Box S, 1380, care of Telegraph. ' HORSE W ANTED Dapple or steel gray, about 6 years old, weigh about 1 360. Must be sound, good worker, city broke. Call Brelsford Packing and Storage Co. - WANTED Cars for winter storage In a large, commodious building in central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works. 80-88 South Cameron street. FOR SAJLE FOR SALE—One heavy oak liall hat rack with seat. One "Iceland" Refrig erator; good condition. One furnace, i All at less than 1-3 cost. Apply 1117 North Third street. FOR SALE lndian Motorcycle, $15.00; Harley-Davldson, 6-H.-P., free wheel, late model, $85.00. Apply 1007- 100!) North Third street. FOR SALE Young horse, delivery wagon, harness, Jenny Llnd and buggy. All in good condition. Address 544 South Third street, Steelton, Pa. AUTO FOR SALE 1914 Model, Overland; electric lights and horn. Will sell at a reasonable price to a quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Address Box 1372. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —* One Studebaker, six cylinder, seven-passenger touring car, practically new; fully equipped and In splendid condition. A bargain. Key stone Motor Car Co., 1023-1025 Market street. FOR SALE Dining-room furniture, sideboard, china closet, table and six chairs, oak; cost when nevr, S2OO. Will sell for SSO. Apply at 1605 North Sec ond street. FOR SALE Retail grocery store, well located and doing a paying busi ness on a strictly cash basis. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 setß new sash, Bxlo 12 L., primed and glaxed, at sl.lo per set. Alto other sizes. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Household furniture at private sale; can be seen any day at residence; reason for selling, leaving city. 369 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE One 1913 Hudson 6- passenger touring car; overhauled and repainted; in fine condition. For demon stration and details, call Bell phone 2100. KINK AND COMPLETE I.INH AUTO ROBES, Steamer Rugs, Car riage Robes. Horse Blankets and Stable Blankots. Harrisburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets FOR SALE 4O-H.-P. specially built Pullman car; fully equipped; perfect condition. Also 1914 Chevrolet road ster; demonstration car; driven 750 miles. Address E., 1376, care of Tele graph. HUNTERS, ATTENTION! Special sale this week Loaded Shells with smokeless powder, limited quantity, will be sold to advertise, 55c per box. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. • FOR SALE One complete set (4) Truffault-Hartford Shock Absorbers for Model "T" Ford, practically new. Cost $16.00; cash price, SB.OO. Inquire No. 2128 North Fifth street, city. FOR SALE 6 counter slVbw cases, 5 feet long; 1 cheese cabinet; 1 Enter prise beef sllcer; 1 Enterprise coffee mill; 1 refrigerator. Good condition. William A. Gernert, 1201 Mulberry street. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tail Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut. FOR SALE New Princess dresser; fine white enamel bed and spring; pair line dining-room chairs; mission settee, arm chair to match; dishes; clothes wringer, etc. 312 Nectarine avenue. TYPEWRITER BARGAIN Will sacrifice an Underwood typewriter, l.ito model, to quick buyer for cash only. Leaving town. Address "Typewriter," No. 1383, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One mare and colt; two head of Guernsey cattle; one Day ton wagon; two sets of harness. Ap ply at Second and Walnut streets, Wormleysburg, Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Set of red fox furs, nearly new. Have no further use for them on account of moving South. Cost SIB.OO. First reasonable offer gets them. Address Box L, 1370, in care of Telegraph. FOR RENT FOR RENT One or two offices, on Market street, third floor, furnished or unfurnished. Rent very low. Use of elevator. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. Phone 934. FOII KENT DANCE HALL on the second floor of the new Eagles' Building, corner Cum berland and Sixth streets. Maple floor and new piano. For terms, apply to Geo. E. Yousllng, Secretary, No. 404 Verbeke street. FOR RENT —ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent In Business Office of Telegraph. UCSINESS Ol'l'Olil'LA 111 La ANY intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send tor par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. ¥.',,000 TO *IO,OOO I'KH ANNUM Sounds big, doesn't it? Well, wo can show you now live sales managers can do so on a new invention which is revolutionizing heating methods; our Vapor Safety Burner solves the prob lem; makes gas in your own home; no experiment; thousands sold and in use; we help our distributors; a fortune in every countv; secure territory you want quicitiy; requires S3OO up to carry line; fully secured. Empire Company of America, 33 South Ninth street, Phila delphia, Pa. FOR SALE Grocery Store Stock and Fixtures, or will rent store room to party buying stock and fixtures. Price, $4,500 for all, or SBOO for stock and fixtures. See John C. Orr, 222 Market street. Phone 934. FOR SALE • Drug store. Must* be sold at once. Terms reasonable. Ad dress D„ 1609, care of Telegraph. MILLINERY BUSINESS, six years established, main thoroughfare West Philadelphia. Owner retiring. Mrs. K. A. Connerton, 4946 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE Dry goods and no tion business, consisting of dry goods, men's furnishings, etc. Old establish ed stand. Will close out at a bargain to right party. Apply to J. B. F., 1620 Derry. FOR SALE Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigar and Tobacco business. Best location In town. Business In pros perous condition. Good reason for sell ing. Excellent opening for Restaurant and Oysters. Rare chance for right man. Will sell right to quick buyer. Cull, or address, C. B. Neibert, No. 2 East Main street, Palmyra, Pa. 1 MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea [ cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS UPHOLSTERING, carpet laying and curtain work—all work [guaranteed—done by expert mechanics. J. Coplinky, 1208 North Third street, successor to H. A. Vollmer. OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Watches. Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high est cash prices. Jorf. D. Brenner, Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 1274 L NEW AND SECOND-HAND Vurnl ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 214SJ. Atlas Furniture Co., 430 Straw berry street MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE —New and second-hand clothing bought and sold—unredeemed overcoats for sale. Drop postal or phone Bell 12S1J. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, l'a. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PROF. FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN- I DIA Pianist and Instructor; music ! for dances and special occasions. Pianist |at Park Auditorium, Mt. Gretna. Pa., : season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell I phone. BUSINESS PKRSONALS Harrisburg Paste Works 1-0 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters' book binders' and all kinds of paste, prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 11S6L. SAMUEL CORB, general buyer clothes, Bhoes, furniture, carpets, books, false teeth, gold, silver, silverware, metals; also relics and antiques of all description. Highest Prices Paid Send postal and I will call. Must mention article. 1317 Williams street. HAULING U. W. LATHIO, Hoarding Stnbl. and National Transfer Co. Movers of F ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. SXOKAGK STORAGE 4lB Broad street, tor household goodß and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. MONEY TO LOAN' LOANS— SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street. NOTICE NOTICE CERTIFICATES of the Harrisburg Traction Company No. 883 for 28 shares, and No. 2342 for 2 shares, of stock ih the name of Daniel L. Bonner. Guar dian, have been lost or mislaid. Ap plication lias been made to said Com pany to issue other certificates In lieu of the above. DANIEL L. BONNER, Philadelphia, Pa. LEGAL NOTICE: BRIDGE PROPOSALS Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. JOHN K. TENER, Governor; ARCHIBALD W. POWELL* Auditor General; ROBERT K. YOUNG, State Treasurer, Commissioners. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, Pa., until 2:00 P. M., of Tues day, November 10, 1914, for the removal of old sub-struuture and the building of a new bridge over the Shenango River at Grant Street In the city of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa., in accordance with plans and specifica tions as prepared by Eiuil awennson, Civil Engineer, Pittsburgh, p a . All bidders shall deposit a certified check payable to the State Treasurer in the sum of $5,000 on some responsible Pennsylvania bank or trust company at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the opening or proposals. Bids must be enclosed In a separate envelope addressed on the outside with the name and location of bridge and the name of bidder. Plans and specifications may be ob tained by applying to Samuel B. Rambo Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa., or to the engineer. Bids will be opened In the presence of the bidders, or their representatives, in the Reception Room of tne Kxecutlva Department, Capitol Building, Harris burg, Pa., at 2:00 P. M. on the above date. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. C: P. RODGERS, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed until 12:00 noon, Monday, November 2, by the undersigned, at his office, in the Calder Building, for the construc tion of approximately 1,500 feet of Park Entrance Road into Reservoir Park. Plans and specifications tnuy be seen at the above offices after October 28. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or bond, approved by the City Solicitor, for S2OO, and the success ful bidder will be required to file a bond equal to 25 por cent, of the contract The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. M. HARVEY TAYLOR. . Superlntandent of Parks and Public Property. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made by J. \v. Morgan, C. A. Stouffer and R. Frank Shaffiier to the Governor of Pennsylvania on th 0 2d day of November. 1914, under the Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act to provide for the incorpartlon and regula tion of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto and amendments thereof, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "STOUFFER POULTRY FARM," the character and object of which is the transaction of a general poultry business by the ownership and operation of 'poultry farms and incu bating plants, and the sale of the pro ducts thereof, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the I rights, benefits and privileges by said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto conferred. THE annual meeting of the stock holders of the Pennsylvania Surety Company will be held at No. 16 South Market Square on I'oesriay, November 17. 1914, at 4 o'clock P. M. AIMII \ ISTH A TOR'S NOTICE Estate of Anna C. Jauss, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above stated case have been eranted by the Regis ter of Wills, of Dauphin County, to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to the said decedent will Wake payment at once: and all persons hav ■ ing claims against the said decedent will present them without dela.v to C. E. JAUSS, M. P- Administrator. Or to 1323 North Sixth Street. WICKERBHAM & METZGER. Attorneys, !<;«! Bergner Building, Harrisburg, Pa. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, connden tla.l. Adams * Co.. R. 804. 8 N. Market Sq. FOR SALE Homes of Real Merit Situate Nos. 39 to 49 North Nineteenth street, and adjoining Reservoir Park. These homes are all that you could wish for in Location, Design and Construction, and to inspect them is to become interested. , Take Reservoir Park car to Nineteenth and Mar ket streets and go one square north. j J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street Bell Phone. ' f 1 THE MAR PHILADELPHIA PRODUCB By Associated Press -Philadelphia, Oct. 31. Wheat •L'rm; No, 2, red, spot, export, $1.41 ©1.16; No. 1 Northern, Duluth, export. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, *S«B3#c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 53 Vi® »4c. Bran Steady: winter, per ton, *24.00®25.00; spring:, per ton, *23.50© •4.00. , Refined Sugars Market weak; Powdered, G.7oc; One granulated, 5.60 C; confectioners A, 5.60 c. Butter The market Is firm; Western, creamery", extras, 34c; nearby Prints. 37c. Eggs The market la firm; Pennsylvania . and other nearby firsts, free cases, $9.60 per case: do., current receipts, free eases, 18.70J59.00 per case; Western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.70 ©9.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $8.70 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 13® 15c; young chickens, llfflHOc; spring chickens, 12®15c; broiling chick ens, li@27c; old roosters, 11012 c; ducks, old, i3®i4c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese, ls@l4c; turkeys. l»®2oe. Dressed Poultry Weak; fowls. Western, fancy, heavy, 17® 18c; do., fair to good, heavy, 17@18c; average receipts, 13®i6c; small, 12® 12Vic; old roosters, 12V4c; roasting chickens, fancy, 16018 c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16@2ic: do., western, 12@170,; capons, large, 23@250; do., small. 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, 24086 c; do., fair, 20® 23c; ducks. ll@18o; geese, 11016 c. Flour—The market Is steady; winter, clear, $3.85@4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, new, $5.00(0*5.25; spring straights $5,350 5.60; <] o ., patents, $5.7005.85; Western, $4.2504.40; patents. $4.60® 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, *4.00@4.20; straights, $4.2004.30; patents. $4.85® 4.60. Hay ■ — The market Is firm; tim othy, No. j, large bales, $18.60019.00; No. 1. medium bales, $lS.5O@ 19.00: No. 2. $17.00017 so- No. h, $14.50® 15.50; no grade, $ll.OO <fi) 13.00. New clover mixed. Light mixed, $17.60018.00; No. 1, do., $16.00017.00; No. 2, do.. $14.00016.00. Potatoes Steady; Pennsylvania, per buuhel, 58® 60c; New York, per bushel. 15 @ 50c; Jersey, per basket. 35<fl>46c. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT By Associated Press Now York, Oct. 31. . The statement of tlie average condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for the week shows that they hold $14,914,- 950 reserve in excess of legal require ments. Thin is an increase of $»,461,- 300 from last week. The statement follows: Average Condition Loans, $2,157,251,000; decrease, $3,- 238,000. Specie, $345,053,000; Increase, $4,788,- 000. $1,680,000. Net deposits, $1,919,683,000; decrease, $1 250,000. Circulation. $142,364,000; decrease, $3,078,000. Ranks" cash reserve In vault, $381,- 864.000. Trust Companies' cash reserve in vault. $66,486,000. Aggregate cash reserve, $448,350,000. Excess lawful reserve, $14,914,950; increase. $6,454,300. Trust Companies' reserve with Clear ing House members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve, $58,38,000. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111, Oct. 31. Board of Trade closing. Wheat—December, 1.15%; May, 1.21%. Corn —December, 68%; May, 71%. Oats — December, 48%; May, 52Z. pork—January, 18.85; May. 19.10. Lard —January. 9.90; May. 10.02. Bibs —October, 10.20; January, 9.85. Italians Occupying Island of Saseno By Associated Press , London, Oct. 31, 9.04 A. M. —A Ste fani agency dispatch from Rome says: "A semi-official note has been Issued stating that the island of Saseno win occupied yesterday by Admiral Patrls of the Italian navy who disembarked one battery and a company of infan try- The ownership of this island, which commands the entrance to the harbor of Avlona, Albania, has long been a matter of dispute between Greece and Albania." ■—' 1 1 1 DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ THEN CAM' AND SEE IIS AND GET IT —EASY TERMS. Small payment*. BdMltK-HN ronflilrntlal I PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY Room* l-'i Second Floor 9 North Market Square V, . ■/ QIIBBER STAMnn MBS SEALS & STENCILS fc| iM, MFG.6YHBG.STENCn.WORKS B |1 U 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II THE Harrlsburg- polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 8 P. M., at Its new location, 170-1 North Second street, for th« tree treat ment of the worthy poor. Wanted Local Representative For an exclusive high grade line of Christmas Greeting Cards. A live wire can earn SSOO to SIOOO, appoint your own agents. We furnish free advertis ing- This opportunity affords perma nent position the year round on our other lines. Must have selling abilities * and some capital, act quickly. Ex penses refunded to Philadelphia if ap pointment Is made. APOLLO ART CO. 925 FILBERT ST., PHILADELPHIA 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers