18 fu\» . 0L» Q ♦ A NEW ENGLISH SPORT JERSEYS —A garment that is popular with basket ball and foot- ballplayers. The jerseys are extra heavy, full fashioned and shown in maroon and navy. A /ivr K #■ ua. .Jk WVJIIWI \ ollU/UIU splendid value at 98 dJvTO, VtflYXflA^CW Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Menu Store. Balcony. —IB MB 111 —-- . ' I hats trimmer free ) Smart New Features in Suits J v Hundreds of New Hat Shapes To-morrow at for Winter Presenting Charming fnmj 69c and 98c j Styles at $16.50 to $27.50 J / y v \ 'he Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart showing of suits for Misses' and V \ C j A s P ecial P" rch ase of shapes in velvet, plush and velvet in com- Women, both in the jaunty short coat styles for short figures as well as in \ \ nl /1 iM^\ (y""1 V bination with hatter's plush goes on sale for the first time to-morrow r> j- e . ~ , , , , , r Jm* \ ■'* lit \ 1 \ A 1 -i , , the Keuingotes, presents smart features that are not to be found PISP- IMtmuiTl 3k stCP** 1 Mk\4 uMMFm it 1 \ ASkS I V \ (SSlkl — the Styles joining the stock on the Fourth street aisle on the . yjMKgPf- M J ml« mpjmf A MIL I street fl° or > an( l the 98<! untrimmcd hats strengthening the display where in garments of the same price range. V//t^ * r-Jn" U 1/in the millinery department. This is another good chance to obtain Unmatchable in material, chicness of lines and workmanship are \j I 'L._ ) \ BSf the latest styles at the lowest prices obtainable. Remember we trim . J{l „ oioT »n f r - tesc sults at n'lo-'J" to ..>O. L! partment. Diagonal wide wale suits in navy blue <y»' Another short .no,lot buttons close to «l,e %W*ll IV\ 1 IhV _ _ . ~. J 4 -r-x, -w -r * brown; long coats, velvet collar and cuffs: . . . NJMlAfll.i 1\ I M, v!\ H*y X T CI . TL rt i. A T) _ \ r t_ „ _ 1 rcdingote style, yoke skirt Si Iff. 50 throat and is embellished with a beautifully de- <Wst It 1 \\\ M \M\ 3 la' ijfl* XI ,1l \CI I II CI T Z-\ TP[ |"\ pi I (—* V d 111 Q *|" Whip cord suits, navy blue, brown and bliu'k; s| snc<l silk velvet collar: llie front of the coat >7IY IE I \ Vlfill 'Ai j I jll A fl\ i. *V/ VV W -I- tCI M M. iiCil X B.J. 1 VLll T Cil tiv/O CI I wide bolt trimmed in braid, and silk buttons; Is made with a voko and the back is trimmed II l» IBVt \ iHli ■il |1 l\ pointed velvet collar; IOIIR redliiKOte style, , vm , ~e „m. ... , „ ... I® iki 1 \ ®bl, 17 W 91'. 1M -f M y~\ Atv mmf j /-i b« $18.50 nroad bands of silk faced soir material ,|m I*l \ lit tj! IK «1 j II 1 /I vj Q -C xi Navy blue serge suits; pointed belt with vol- aiM ' covered ball buttons; hi tete de negro, II vtcl| V Aft S\i Ig 1, \±J • ■sJ Kj CLLWjL vet trimmed buttons; three-quarter length green and Copenhagen $25.00 IH IVnlll 111 \I B . co ?f •• • • ••'••••••• ••• •• ■ $20.00 A new arrival is an exact copy of a foreign |lb,, >St m wli ll Medium slzo blaek velvet shapes and $1 Fine quality hand-blocked velvet sailors Including Navy blue serge suit: coat redlngotc style style; the coat just covers the hips and is trim- ® M ffit'i . SI satin shapes with velvet crowns. Special at. ... V* • . . • ... .. , with the stole sash and velvet collar; yoke mod with two-inoli bands of cmwhcii ni.id. (I wH fia ' U Smart sailors of black plush with velvet facing and latest four-cornered effects, tricornes, turbans wRh high skirt.. $20.00 while the coUar Is finished by heads and skln<s If VWK %1\ brims slightly Hared at side, a regular; $4.95 jkOQK sloping and medium crowns; regular $4.95 $0 or Poplin suits In shades of blue, plum, green or raccoons; the back of the coat falls loose k Wfl li' life iS 1\ value, at to $6.50 values, at jpO. JO and brown: long redlngote style pleated back; from the shoulders and is materially added to V\ M \f m 1 ' ||H M l\ — s """"r «n£ >oke front ami buck an effect by the belt or self-material. This H L . J3w Bp-M t and hack or skirt pleated ... • $22.50 style Is In gabardine and the colors arc tote do W V \ 1 —I T • r /~|~A • ITT, Jaunty short models for misses and small wo- negro, green and black...- S"5 no V" 'if'S 1 * V_l fvß WMI A See Our Famous Line of 1 rimmed Hats— \C-S3L Off' hits thr<-e l»ox pleats on either side and the Norfolk jacket effect: the «-oat at the waist has 1 \ T/^VS _ ■ . . ■ collar and cuffs are or crushed plush. The a 3-inch band of Hercules braid tin I slied with /-) \ & Ii rpt TV T . 1 fR m A MHHv skirt lias a double open panel and Is llnished silk ornaments: the colors aro navv blue, green \ A \j Ihe Newest and 111 M~ M Wk wlth B ilk ornaments ,25.00 brown and black V Smartest Styles V A ii Serge andCombmationDresses ofCharmemeand |%/ j J Serge or Velvet and Charmeuse: $7.50 to $18.50 Shown in the City at a 8 f'T A /y M 2.TSS * mm linlslied wiUi long tunic $15.00 "ilk t' -'d Isa,ln; 1sa,ln; of dress forming an Kton effect finished with Combination redlngote dresses, bodice or black velvet- sleeves h .limnTv ni',v',i,.'i' ,\r $15.00 ■ waist and skirt or black satin, long tunic of dark blue serge sls 00 silk 1hV.1.1 1.1.m!!,. ■ "." . '"I P«'pHn, coat effect, bound in black 1 ,11 vca, & Millinery, Scone, „,..or Kront Arming the Bucket&Brush Women's and Children's Underwear for Winter „ We Are Supplying ah Briga es or OUS6C 63. rilflg Women's heavy white cotton ribbed vests, White silk and wool vests, with long Women's fast black cotton hose .... 17$ for K.ld CjIoVGS When the leaves be- fleece lined with drawers to match. Each, sleeves and drawers to match. Each, SI.OO Women's fast black cotton hose sulked e .' iavc as complete a stock of Women's to fall a housewife s 50$ Children's white wool union suits .. 75$ heels and toes i'*i/* ' a " oves as evcr > despite the European war, thoughts turn to house- v White cotton and wool vests, with draw- Infants' cotton and wool vests, wrapper ... , . _ because we order months ahead of delivery and cleaning—and we sug- ers to match. Each 7J»$ style 25$ to 50$ uldren s fast black heavy cotton ribbed enjoy advantages through having representa gest a list of things that t White cotton ribbed union suits, with Women's and Children's Hosiery hose tives in all glove centers abroad. will be needed in every K \ W fleece lining SI.OO Women's fast black cotton hose ... 25$ D,ves - Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor,' ™ t t 7"; cl ,® s 1 p kid gloves m white, tan, grey home where feminine Women's two-clasp kid gloves in white," tan "and energy must give vent \ a /M& . __ . black $1.25 "Usss wit A Big Attraction To-morrow: 5 lbs. of Granulated Carpet tacks, package. O and black; Paris point and 3 rows embroidery $1.50 « . !_ Vyjm , J __ Women's two-clasi> kid gloves in white; colors and ,r " n *i.s r o «nd r 'si.oK « St!for \VifVi Vi 50c Cjrocprv M a s"^ Furniture p01i5h...25e Carpet beaters, Vj LI VCll IVJI <7 V_> TV 11 I.X JL/Clvyll v> \J V/ V/lUvV/1 V X til UllCluV./ black, black and self colored embroidery $2.00 Jap-a-Lac floor stains, 10c, 19c to ..ic O %J Women's kid gloves with two large pearl clasps, 10 Me l tiT , poluh!' > loc w 42c B * °3°™,%sc. 50e to «5c Telephone orders will be given the same careful attention that you would receive in person. " WomTn's'tw^-clMp°washihie* chamoiaette glov^ln Roach destroyer.. .10c Wall paper cleaner. Great enthusiasm is bound to follow this announcement of low-priced sugar and attractive values in staple groceries. white, tan, natural, grey and biscuit, 50c to $1.25 New discovery for in- can i«c ° ..Women's two-clasp cushmerette gloves in grev .sects 10c Feather dusters, / ~ ~ | \ nS, 1 ;?, " S , ANTA Heinz n«w APPLE Fancy CALItORNIA New "HERRING ROE" "PICKERTS" SOUSED navy, brown, natural, black and White, 25c and 50c _ Dust pans, 25c to 98c Grape Fruit PRUNES, large size, - BUITER In convenient PEACHES, 3 lbs 25c in large tall tins, each, MACKEREL* large oval —— sc, 10c and 25c Stove brushes, 1B cas r es FANCY " lb ' '' T " cks New DRIED APPLES, 3 10c ca ns ... ' ir... C" (T7 , 1 * n io«V 15c,' P 2sc to 75c Long handle window KlVlul! 'ti'r'in an'.i'Yuiry Ham and Bologna f Cheese 1 lb New C ALTfOBNIA OM A^ K iftI RED SA '|T New MINCE MEAT, lb.. nOl 1* etching Sc,ubbr 5 l dM& pack- Puro cusrant Neckwear Fashions Scrub pails, tens 17c f LOR">A GRAPE 10c ch eese and sweet pep- age 13e large oval c ans ltN- JELI.Y, lb 13c . X 10c, 15c. 25c to 45c Wringer mops ... 50c BiiV a for ar.e MINCED HAM. ii. b-_-• • • iI?F "NONE SUCH" MINCE SKA GULL SARDINES, PEANUT BUTTER lb Women s neckwear styles are prominent Fiber pails 25c Mop handles, will hold CALIFORNIA'" NA LEBANON BO? , b CHKAM MEAT, package 10c in mustard; large cans BUT FER seaSOn, showinff a trreat VOBlie of lauilder- Step ladders, a mop or scrubbing VAL ORANGES, dozen, LOGNA lb "Ho ENGLISH*' D AIBV "PURITY" DATES. Np . v nark SHRIMPS , EUREKA SOUP, all va- 1 11 i rr -k, u, k u ® 01 launder 49C, 75c to $2.39 brush 25c Mc, l Sung BOLOGNA, CHEESE? very sn£ P p£ tar « J«k.« . . ... Me . HR r,et iss. can. se, dozen. 55. Ed collars and cuffs. These are the latest ef- — ' , 18c lb ..27c New CALIFORNIA f feCtS ]VIO\V OrOSS " US SAUSAGES® .. *1. % *' U pai kas<! ( T.annHry Snap Coffee | Laundered collar and cuff sets in the latest roll now L/lCaa IUUJ 111 Ml Flour lb. ROQUEFORT f \ T uvnnT PURITY COFFEE In st Mes 50c and SI.OO A TT Ii CVII PILLSBURY XXXX v J CHEESE; the finest Tuna Fish SOAP 10 cakes "m. one-pound cans; steel Semi-stiff collar and cuff sets in lawn and pique, Are Half Silk FLOUR, 2m lb. bags TU'NA FVH 5 , de- TfbHTToun if «na not grouH 25c. 50c. 75c, SI.OO and°s 1.25 * r„„ ro, XT T. I TJ. rnn 1 pJSplr. 2. tin llclous substitute for CLEANSER. 6 cans,. "BANoifi'¥ Oriental and shadow lace roll and flaring collars, Roman stripes, yard 50c and r>oc New Tomatoes iJacon CHEESE, cake ... 5c I chicken ln sa i art s and 25c nnmah-hahlo »t ll> 25c, »se, 50c, 75c and SI.OO Fancy Scotch plaids, yard Asqulth "Hand- Sugar cured BA- ;y ' sandwiches, can, asc 1 ' a - 'I!.: Sheer organdy roll collars, with touch of embroid- Poplin, 24 and 36 inches, yard 50c and 79c packed" TOMATOES, CON, sliced any tnlck- f . . J * B-J COFFEE* lh * ery or ,tt(>e trim miner 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO to $1 50 Silk muslin, yard ••••••••;• • - r> ° No. 1 cans. Dozen. 55cj "'ROILFD HAM silc- Whiting tHSh N T 30ci r. lbs., ItOc Organdy vestees with roll collar, trimmed with GRKCIAN Ml-.SS ALINE can 5c BOILKU HAM, snc OCEAN WIIITING ' CJarfline* T . .. w, , .EXCELSIOR; a de- tucks, buttons and lace 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00 Similar to a saline but more lustrous; navy.brown V 1 jjittie picnic IIAMS; j FISH; 10-lb. pails; per 2»'\ vorlt « bln "'l "clous blend, lb.. Vestees of net and lace, low neck or with rolling and black grounds with rosebud designs, yard . .25c New ASPARAGUS TIPS average 5 lbs. each, p »" ••• * " 5 5 DINPS TN UMAFO ' 'Sen at e' ,v ' swee? J collar 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO to s;{.oo DRI'JSS GINGHAMS in tall cans, 2 for ... 25c lb !JOc MArKKItBT fat nml sauce llh- can 2 "for drawing TEA* mild Absolutely the best Guimpes of net and lace 50c f/, s;{ 50 12<%0 dress ginghams, solid shades, yard »c "Waldorf" PORK AND v ' "rn? eaSf^.. .. 5c ' ' - r «e a"' l fragrant. '1b...«3c COCOA to be had; lb.. Neck cords or girdles in solid colors and Roman CHALLIS .... BEJANS, 3 regular 10c MAJESTIC kettle ren- New MACKEREL, COLUMBIA RIVER Basket fired JA- 15c; 2 lbs., aßc stripes 10«- to 25c 12 %c challis, 86 inches, for comfortable coverings, cans a.-5c dered LARD ln pails, 4rto 10-lb. palls, per pail, SALMON STEAK; can, ! PAN; cured In the s COCOA Silk Windsor ties .>K.. yard 10c Fancy SHOE PEG GRAPE JUICE, full 05c !«*• , sun s rays, lb GOe SMELLS, lb„ sc» 3 lbs. 10e Imported lace collar and cuff sets in white' nnri Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. CORN, 3 for .... 25c quart bottles 45c v -/v. J > / D., P. & s., Basement. ecru 50,, | 0 -q T Dupterc N or.° Another Sale of Men's Balmacaans Saturday 'A new Nemo model that fjives d v i O A 1 d* /~\ ✓tv <4 WKtt X~N. Sweets that have just been re ,h.M,io„ab,estraiEh«h»cka»d $lB, S2O and $ 22 .50 QltT Vl 1 l A slightly curved waist in both me- * r« B 1 # ■ ■ W m ■ ■ Peach stones, lb loc diam and low host styles, a at \L/ X vJ. \i/ 1 V-/.W W SK :::iSS «y»* and comfortable corset, VJiaaeS OpeCldl d T .. . W at When manufacturers were planning months ago for Fall business, none of them had any startight^kiTOeß , iib^......... ..joc DF-& a ' frß( ' ond }, ' oor - reason to think that October—usually a busy outfitting month—would be one of the warm- /* * (^ur (,e l' c '°» s 25e chocolates— est months that Fall has known in many years, and with cancellations starting to choke up i|||L frunt fe "eam t >ra^po h "nutty C me»Sw Curtains for the stock rooms, naturally more than one maker of good clothes was glad to let choice lots go at a ) v scotch Virginias, walnut prolines! ma \_/uituiiivj iwi sacrifice V Jv. T P wa lnut, dates and marvellos. Home This fine lot of Balmacaans came in this week and? we look forward to another busy Sat- Chocolate Bon Bons Rich Brussels net and Irish urday with such good values to distribute. V [if/fd L \ SpecUl Saturday point patterns have come to us _ Blue Chinchilla Browii Tartan Checks Striped Brown Worsted lyj "Zlc for the winter season in a be- Grey and Green Overplaids, Fancy Scotch Mixtures, Black and White Checks Jk '<■). /BißrL chocolate coated — hanf ,. dinpe ' wilderiiisf assortment of desierns, r \ r \ , \ s&Mv' //%> ft marsh mallows, ib 25c and the prices are very moderate. $lO Balmacaans, sls Balmacaans, I $lB Balmacaans, M\\ p ° m^ oy & stewart-Basoment. ; VJITLS $7.50 SIO.OO $13.50 ~~ ' i > Men's Underwear trimming. Pair $1.25 to $3.50 L Dark grey mixtures. Grey, brown and tan mixtures J Green, Brotvn and Tan mixtures. WJ f it \ Heavy Egyptian cotton ribbed shirts Brussels net curtains ln white only. ? f t' " B ',' Palr $4.00 to SIO.OO BOYS BALMACAANS —Boys Blue Chinchilla, Brown and Grey Worsted, lan and £*|T VS i| | drawers Each 8 sof, Arabian net curtains with a trim- Brown, Grey and Tan Mixed Balmacaans; sizes 3to 17 years, $5.00, $6.50 and $lO rUI /A\\ ® V ! v\ Heavy wool fleece' ilned shirt's and mlng of Renaissance braid; 2% yards __ . __ &JBS' /j mS R \ \ a a °h . ............... ,75c Here Are Suits With Style and Quality That a; jl 1 \l\|Vl atyles may be had for $5.00 to $15.00 _ j . 9|' 1 \ \ v suits $1.50 ,nAu " Back Up Our Enthusiasm 1 rm $5.00 to $15.00 We like to talk about style and quality in our clothing announcements because these / / \ wtMKht black .'. ißle . h . ose . °f. me . d, 2s^ Draperies in the Piece are the things that men are most interested in when it comes to selecting a new suit. We / / n \ A | hoic lst blac ' c 8 anA wo ° l New scrim patterns, m dots and flg- know where these suits were made—in the cleanest ,most progressive and best organized r-<\sA WA ? i"" ™eam d ground 'mad^'"le "e actories in Am enca, and our enthusiasm over their many attractive features is justified, as lAWm Automobile Requisites Inches "!*. .85c to 500 yOU will agree when yOU feel how snugly they fit, how stylish they look and note the excel- . Firestone nonskld and corrugated . Fancy or plain edge scrim, 2 yard, B#c lent tailoring. ' * ' Pomeroy »Sc The varie ty of styles will appeal to you, offering as it does the latest patterns in wor- sfajT I SMS 1 'w n en o wwth o ifoki P ng e imo. pr,ces colored nets in brown, green and steds and cassimeres ,including a comprehensive display of the very popular Tartan checks. • autouresare^speciai 1 iy l pric«d arantMd x:r%oi r oV r ;j;'B,,w««- T z SIO.OO $12.50 $15.00 siß.oo $20.00 ——— 1 ' Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor. Special $2.25 FRIDAY EVENING, ~ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 23, 1014.
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