For Sale —A Nailer of Articles Uiier the For Sale Column, §1 TMs Page Have You Found a House to Your Liking? One doesn't always decide upon the first house looked at. One doesn't want to spend any more time or car fare than is necessary. One doesn't if one reads Telegraph WANT ADS. The best list of "FOR RENTS" appears in the Telegraph every day. died ETFORD On October 22, l'Jl4, at Philadelphia, Pa.. Edwin S. Ixtford, son of Mrs. A. A. Buckingham. Funeral on Monday, October 26, 1914, ■ 2 P. M.. from the residence ot his otlier, 1532 Green street, Harrlsburg, a. Burial private. VUSS —On October 23, 1914, Sarali, widow of tlic late David F. Jauss, In her 83d year. Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 30 o'clock, from her late residence, o. 1847 Market street. Tho relatives id friends are invited to attend wlth lt further notice. Burial private. LOST IjOST Gold watch, either on Rock lie or Fourth street car, or between ourtii and Fasnacht's Picture Gallery, ame on inside, Aaron Moyer. Reward returned to Aaron Moyer, Box 24, ucknow, Pa. LOST Wedding ring, either in Ma stic Theater, front of Acrl Hotel or Acrl Hotel. Reward if returned to elegraph Ofllce. LOST Silver mesh bag engraved ith English D, on Front near Walnut, lnder return to 202 Locust street and scclve reward. IA)ST Large sum of money on aughn street. Riverside, or in the al y back of the row of brick houses, eward if returned to 3236 North Sixth reet. tOL.NI> FOUND, AT LAST Groce's Wagon iop, the place to get your wagons re tired and painted at very little cost. >4l Walnut street. Bell phone 2115 W. FOUND The home ot reliable ork for particular people, at Eggert's earn Dyeing Ai French Cleaning r orks, 1245 Market street. Call either lone, we'll do the rest. 11 bU' \V AN TED —>1 ale WANTED Man, with experience, to erk in grocery store. State reference id age. Address M., 1347, care of Teie •aph. WANTED Two lirst-class painters, ambaugh Bros, 213 Muench street. AN old establislied business has a >od opening for an active man to do dlciting and collecting and who has line knowledge of bookkeeping. Aii ■eaa H., 1846, care ot Telegrapn. WANTED. AT ONCE Young man tndy witii tools. E. Slmms, 802 North hlrd street. WANTED Someone who is Inter red in making an extra salary each eek which will in no way interfere itli your present position. Must havo large acquaintance otherwise we can )t use application. In reply state here you are employed. Big money for ght people. Address M., 1314, care of elegraph. WANTED Fifty men, 21 to 40 jars. Apply "Round-Up" Co., stage ltrance, Majestic Theater, Monday, 3 M. 2,349 EXTRA Railway Mall Clerks to s appointed. Commence $76.00 month, ull unnecessary. Examinations com g everywhere. Sample questions ee. Franklin Institute, Dept. 362-S, ochester, N. Y. YOUR SALARY IS DETERMINED by hat you can do. My PRIVATE LES )NS in Shorthand, Typewriting, Pen anship. Dictation, etc.. will enable you do more and earn more. Much time id money can be saved while you lalify for tho position you want. Call r Information. Merle E. Keller. Room 19, Patriot Building. 11KLI* WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Experienced saleslady, pply Collins Co., 29 North Second reet. WANTED A few intelligent girls work In laundry. Apply Troy tundry. 1520-2 C Fulton street. WANTED Girl for general house ork. Apply 636 Peffcr street. WANTED Chambermaid. experl iced, white. Apply Bolton House. WANTED White woman for gen ■al housework; family of three. 1521 rirth Second street. WANTED White girl for general insework; reference; good wages to ght party. Apply 1908 Market street. WANTED White woman, who Is and competent, as cook; small Wly; no washing; wages, $5.00 per eek. Address Mrs. W., 1334, care of elegraph. \ FOR SALE 34 N. Thirteenth St. 2H--story frame house with' *lx rooms and finished attic. Lot 15x75. 132 N. Thirteenth St. (N. W. Cor. 13th and Calamus 3treets.) 3-story brick dwelling tvlth eleven rooms—bath and furnace. Lot 18xS6. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL. ESTATE rin Imanraace Surety Bonda Locust and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 23, 1914. SITUATION* WANTED—MALE WANTED Young colored boy, 18 yearh, desires position working in store or washing dishes in cal'e or boardingliouse. Address 1314 Marion street. City. WANTED Chauffeur wants posi tion; good, careful driver; can make own repairs; four years' experience; has New York license; best reference. T. Gezzie, 5 North Cameron street. Phone. Bell 1710. WANTED Teamsters and laborers want positions. Apply 828 Cherry ave nue. WANTED Position of any kind by colored man. Apply 1408 Marlon street (In rear). WANTED By young, strong, whito man, work of any kind; best of refer ences. 605 South Third street, Steel ton. hllLAllu.Na VvA.N 1 l.U—Fuuiaia WANTED By two sisters, white, positions as dining-room girls or cham bermaids. Address 641 Woodbine. WANTED Woman desires day's work of any kind. Apply 429 Broad street, Room No. 6. WANTED By colored girl, house work of any kind. Address 108 Christy Court, City. WANTED By young colored wo man, position as chambermaid, or gen eral housework. Write, or call, 1229 Apple avenue. WANTED Washing and ironing and liousecleanlng by white woman. Apply 425 South Eleventh street. WANTED Work as chambermaid, nurse or to assist with housework by colored girl. Address F., 1341, care of Telegraph. WANTED Lady would like position as housekeeper; good reference. Apply 216 Walnut street. WANTED A respectable lady de sires a position as housekeeper in a widower's family. Apply 1735 Fulton street. WANTED Young . colored lady would like general housework. Apply 1915 Logan avenue. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; three years' experience; references fur nished. Address M., 1348, care of Tele graph. WANTED By colored woman, ■day's work, or washing to take home. Address 116 !& Liberty street, City. WANTED By two colored women, positions as cook. Address 116% Lib erty street. City. WANTED Experienced dressmaker wants sewing by the day. Will make alterations on coats and skirts. Ad dress Box 8., 1345, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wants position as housekeeper. Apply 418 Walnut street. WANTED Housework or day's cleaning wanted by colored woman. Call, or write, 40 Balm street. City. WANTED Stenographer, experi enced in general ofiice work, desires position; can furnish best of reference. Address E., 1337, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged widow, with daughter 15 years old, wants place ns housekeeper; good copk; best ot ref erences; good home preferred to big wages. Address K.. 421 Muench street. WANTED Whito woman wants washing and Ironing to do at home. Call, or address, 1635 North Seventh street. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE SOME PEOPLE are paying rent when they could be living In their own house and paying for same In monthly pay ment. Why not buy? Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. TIME to buy is when owner Is very anxious to sell. You can save money. Look at 809 North Sixteenth street modern delightfully located. Bell ltealty Co., Bergner Building. PLOT of ground on L car line at Hainton, 8 lots, each 30x120, shade and fruit trees, high and level; should double the asking price In short time. Edgar B. Lerew, Fifth and Market. FOR SALE 354 Crescent St. 3- story brick 8 rooms, bath and fur nace—porches—side entrance. Price. $2,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 4lO Brlggs St. 3- story brick ll rooms, bath and fur nace —lot. 20x111—side entrance. Price attractive. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build, $3,000.00. Can be changed Into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In quire at East End Bank. FOR SALE New two-story bricks. $2,500 to $2,700; 1534 Walnut, an ideai l.ome, corner, $4,500; 231 North Four teenth, solid brick, $2,700. Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate Agent, 1444 Re gina. FOR SALE 2148 North Fifth street; three-story brick; eight rooms; all conveniences. Reasonable terms. For information apply P. V. Mlnter, llarrisburg Truat Co, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $2,050 WILL. BUY a 2%-story frame house on Tenth street 7 rooms and bath electric light lot, 20x90 stable on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building;. $2,700 WILL BUY two Regina street houses frames yielding $25 per month lot, 25x125 drive alley on rear near Fourteenth street. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. NEW brick house for sale 6 rooms and bath gas and electric lights furnace combination range—porch front. Price, $2,550. Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FARM FOR SALE Stock and fruit farm; 139 acres; good buildings; fine water; close to town. SI,OOO cash. Bal ance on easy terms. Mark M. Mattis, | Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE At Edgemont, one-half mile north of Penbrook on Twenty third street, one six-room house, $1,200. Some others at S4OO, six rooms; lots, 30 xl2o. Address G. S. Hartman, 38. North Twelfth street. Harrisburg. KEALt estate fob KENT FOR RENT A house within two squares of market, on Second street — whole or a part—partially furnished or unlurnished—reasonable. Desirable for boarding club or apartment. Address H., 1331. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nos. 461 and 465 Cres cent street; new eight-room houses; all conveniences; large front porch; central location; rent, S2O each. Apply at 459 Crescent street. HOUSES FOR RENT—Nos. 2229 At las, sl7; 1201 Berryhill, $22; at Cloverly Heights, sli>; Camp Hill, sls; Riverton. $lB. Inspect these properties. Bell Realty Co. FOR RENT Eight-room house, in Duncannon, Pa.; light, heat and bath, within two squares of Pennsylvania Railroad Company depot. Inquire of K. Jones Rife, Duncannon, Pa. FOR RENT House 608 Muench street; all convenience; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 Nortli Second street. FOR RENT 1849 Spencer street; two-story brick house with ail improve ments; 6 rooms, reception hall, laundry and cemented cellar. Rent, SIB.OO. Ap ply 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT On Washington Heights, 7-room cottage, with all con veniences, $15.00 per month. Iveeney & Simmons, New Cumberland. FOR RENT Three-story house, 138 Linden street; 8 rooms; water and gas; possession at once. Apply C. F. Gobi, 10U3 North Second street. Bell phone 899 L FOR RENT 2217 Atlas Ave $16.00 2014 Green St 24.00 D. E. KRIGHTBILL, 2 North Court Street. FOIt llli.HT No. 1543 Whitehall St $30.00 No. 1850 Market St 32.00 No. 515 N. Thirteenth St 20.00 No. 2210 Atlas St 14.00 No. 1860 Aiarket St 35.00 No. 1628 ltegina St. 25.00 No. 1821 Market St 25.00 No. 1120 N. Cameron St 10.00 No. 93 N. Seventeenth St 20.00 No. 1197 Christian St. 12.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR iUfiKX APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms and bath, with all modern im provements. Apply 1118 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment, 4 rooms and bath, hardwood lloor, nice porch, electric, gas and steam heat. Apply L. Silbert, Sixth and Harris streets. APARTMENTS FOR RENT at 20 North Fourth street. Farm for rent Apply 430 Walnut street. NEW APARTMENT FOR RENT un furnished; live rooms and bath, witli large porch In rear; best of improve ments; all hardwood Uoors. Apply 1465 Market street. A. L. Snyder. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED From November 1 or 15, three or four room furnished apart ment for light housekeeping, or small lyrnished house, with modern improve ments. Residential part o£ city or sub urbs. No children. Excellent opportu nity for family leaving for winter to secure desirable tenant. References submitted. Address Box A-1321, care of Telegraph. KOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room for two gentlemen, or man and wife; ail conveniences. 1511 Ldgan street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with all conveniences, including steam heat and phone. Boarding if desired. 1610 Derry street. FOR RENT Large and pleasant room, centrally locateu, furnished or un furnished; private bath if desired; very reasonable. Address M„ 1340, care of Telegraph. FOR KENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms; desirable for young couple; fine location. Apply 419 North street. FOR RENT Suite of two nicely furnished roqms; private batli; all con veniences; use o£ phone; electric lights; hot water heat; gentlemen preferred. Apply 1006 Nortli Third street. FOR RENT —Large front room, fur nished, and private bath, or two fur nished rooms ensulte; private family; conveniently located; references re quired; use of phone. Apply 2015 North (second street. FOR RENT Furnished kitchen, diningroom. livlngroom, iirst lloor; two bedrooms third lloor, or two furnished rooms, third iloor, and one on second iioor for light housekeeping. Address W., 1318, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms In one of the best locations in the city; use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 State street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on second floor front, with use of bath, heat and telephone. In rellned, private family. Will rent single or en suite. Also one furnished room on third floor front for gentleman. Ad dress 1629, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, private kitchen on iirst lloor; good lo cation; must come well recommended. Apply 104 South Thirteenth street FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-sulte; all conveniences. In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and cold running water In room; use of phonb and large bath. Apply 410 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED A very small room for storage of bedroom suit. Address M. G., care of Telegraph. ROOM WANTED Gentleman sires single room in private house or A 1 boardingliouse. Must have private bath or bath shared with very limited number. Good location, lighted by electricity and have good-sized clothes closet. Answer by letter, giving all details and price by week and month. Address Box S.. 1344, care of Telegraph. KOOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Ap ply 1001 North Second street, corner WANTED WANTKD Second-hand motor cycles in any condition. Will pay good prices. Kxceisior Cycle Co., 1007-09 North Third street. W'ANTEI) —On North or South Front street, one or two unfurnished rooms, by Kentleman, not more than four or live blocks from Market street. Address H., 1339, care of Telegraph. WANTKD Photographer to take photos of children during Baby Week at our Store. For particulars apply to Bowman & Company. WANTED Cars for winter storage in a large, commodious building in central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works, 80-88 South Cameron Btreet. LOCAL. AGENT desires to buy fire Insurance business of agency covering Harrlsburg and vicinity. Already has small business. Address B„ 1342, care of Telegraph. WANTED lV> hire, one crearo-col ored horse and eight white horses, to be used in Mummers' parade on New Year Day. Must be broken to saddle. Send word to C. O. Backenstoss, Chief Marshal, Mayor's Office, Harnsburg, Pa. FOR SALE FOR SALE —• Gas stove, heater and refrigerator; good as new. Apply 2163 Atlas avenue. FOR SALE One Indian Motorcycle -—515.00. Excelsior Cycle Co., 1007-09 North Third street. FOR SALE An Indian motorcycle; iive-liorse-power; tires almost new; $55.00; engine has good compression. Apply at Barrington's Garage, Brady avenue. FOB SALE Violin; old; sweet tone; a bargain; complete outfit. Also one half size uuttit for boy. Address 0., 1338, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Shavings in large quantities. full line of mill work and rough lumber always. E. C ; Snyder, Lumber Yard and Planing Mllli Eighteenth and Holly streets. CIGARS For a limited time we are giving 12 Havana combination 5c Cigars Free with each box of 50 of our •I **-Inch Perfecto Cigars. Postpaid. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE We have several high class beagles left. They are thorough ly broken and guaranteed to bo without fault. Can be seen any time. Evans and Smith, Dillsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Two horses and dray wagons; team, harness and wagon in good condition; $175; owner leaving city. Address, at once, 1343, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Saturday, October 24, 1:30 P. M., at the Carpet Works, New Cumberland, a large lot of household furniture. In good condition. C. Fry. ! Auctioneer. FOR SALE Reliable family pony, Kentucky breed; weight, 030 lbs.; also new rubber-tire l'unaoout and harness. Bargain to the party who will furnish good home. Apply at F. S. Coulter's Coal Ofllce, Mlilersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Thoroughbred bird dog; fully trained; ready for work; guaranteed to give satisfaction. John Lehman, Mlddletown, Pa., P. O. Resi dence. Swatara Hill. FOR SALE Beo automobile; tires good all around; live-passenger; can be easily converted Into delivery car. Worth $125. First $75 takes it. Must be sold. 814 North Third street, Har risburg. FOR SALE Drug store. Must be sold at once. Terms reasonable. Ad dress D., 1609, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Following household goods: Parlor furniture, six leather seat dining-room chairs, tine china closet, all practically new; walnut ex tension table, refrigerator, dishes, sit ting-room furniture, rugs, bedroom suit and spring. Must be sold to close an estate. Private sale, Friday and Satur day, October 23 and 24, at 215 Muench street. , FOR SALE On© demonstrator tour ing car; 40-H.-P., 120-Inch wheel base, 1915 model, run 3,000 miles, good as new; car sells for $1,100; will sell at a reasonable price, 'lf sold at once. This will be worth while investigating. Ad dress X., 1330, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Bedroom furniture, bookcase and tireless cooker, good as new; also combination vice, takes pipe to 4 inches, new. Apply 1855 Park street. FINE AND COMPLETE 1.1.VE AUTO ROBES, Steamer Rugs, Car riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrlsburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Hepplewhite Solid Ma hogany Sideboard. A reproduction taken in exchange for an Antique. Big bargain. Saltvsgi ver's Antique Store, 225 North Second street. FOR SALE Double pedestal, roll top, oak desk, with chair. Call at 2030 North Third street, between 11 and 1, Saturday. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In LeathfTr Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re tall Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrlsburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Tolegraph. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Ofllce. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Businoss Office. FOR RENT Warehouse in the rear of 223 North Second street, 28x38. Fireproof and well lighted. Saltzglver's 223 North Second street. FOR RENT In the Tfirymph Building, a suite of well located offices Inquire for Superintendent in Business Office of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Investment With Services A CORPORATION controlling the manufacture of a new 6c product has a number of Pennsylvania openings for men who are qualified to act as branch managers. Each position carries a worth-while fixed salary, plus a com mission that will more than equal the salary. The work is pleasant. The business is clean and strictly legiti mate. The man who eotnes in can do so with the assurance that ho is settled for the rest of his business life. The cities in which t.iese branches will be located are: Reading, WilUes- Barr, Scranton, Harrlsburg, Lancaster, Erie, Pottsvllle, Allentown, Easton, Hazleton, Shenandoah, York and Phila delphia. The Investment required ranges from $5,000 for the smaller cltlos up to $lO,- 000 for Philadelphia. The returns on the investment and services will range from $5,000 a year for the smaller cities on up as high as $15,000 a year In Philadelphia. This is absolutely an open and above board proposition. The men back of the company have never been engaged in a promotion proposition in their lives. Their standing Is high. Their record, unimpeachable. The business Is open to and welcomes every investiga tion. There Is no risk to take and the investment Is absolutely secured. We have no time for curiosity seekers, but are ready to give every considera tion to the serious man who knows business and means business. Full particulars will ba aent to any- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES one writing to us and a meeting will be arranired for ->t a later date. In writ ing, tell us a little something of who you are and what you have done. Ad dress Manager, 316 Penn Ave., Pitts burgh, Pa, ACTIVE BUSINESS FOR SALE Restauravt, confectionery, soda and Ice cream business —r also a small line of fresh groceries. Near P. R. R. Station in small town. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. S3OO WILL BUY the stock and fix tures of a small grocery store, central ly located. Inspect at once. Good proposition at very low cost. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building- ANY intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: e-xperlence unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 365 Lockport, N. Y. FOR SALE Cash grocery store, 610 Maelay street, doing fair business. Selling on account of disability. Apply at store. BUSINESS PERSONALS SAMUEL CORB, general buyer clothes, shoes, furniture, carpets, books, false teeth, gold, silver, silverware metals; also relics and antiques of ail description. Highest Prices Paid. Send postal and I will call. Must mention article. 131? Williams street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furnl ture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 2143J, Atlas Furniture Co., 430 Straw berry stree\ MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE —New and second-hand clothing bought and sold—unredeemed overcoats for sale. Drop postal or phone Bell 1251 J. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, lit) Market street, llarrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. GENERAL UPHOLSTERING, carpet laying and curtain work —all work guaranteed—done by exj>ert mechanics. J. Coplinky, 1208'/& North Third street, successor to H. A. Vollmer. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old gold, silver, watches and jewelry. Joseph D. Brenner, Jeweler. 1 North Third street. PROF. FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN DIA Pianist and instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Park Auditorium. Mt. Gretna. Pa., season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell phone. HAULING IV. AV, I.ATIIE, Hoarding Stable and | Nutiunnl Trannt'cr Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. BXUKAUB STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household Roods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply 'to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40N Market St. IIARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R, R. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employees Discount Co., 36 North Third street. MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, guns, revolvers, musi cal instruments, etc. Bargains in un redeemed pledges. City Loan Office, 411 Market street, next to United Cigar Store. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrlsburg, Pa. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in,instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut Street. LEGAL NOTICE BRIDGE PROPOSALS Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings. JOHN K. TENER. Governor; ARCHIBALD W. POWELL, Auditor General; ROBERT K. YOUNG, State Treasurer, Commissioners. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at tho office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har rlsburg, Pa., until 2:00 P. M.. of Tues day, November 10, 1914, for tho removal of old sub-structure and the building of a new bridge over the Shenango River at Grant Street In the city of New Castle, Lawrence County, Pa., In accordance with plans and specifica tions as prepared by Emll Swennson, Civil Engineer, Pittsburgh, Pa. All bidders shall deposit a certified check payable to the State Treasurer in the sum of $5,000 on some responsible Pennsylvania bank or trust company at least twenty-four hours before the time set for the opening of proposals. Bids must be enclosed In a separate envelope addressed on the outside with the name and location of bridge and the name of bidder. Plans and specifications may be ob tained by applying to Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa., or to the engineer. Bids will bo opened in the presence of the bidders, or their representatives, In the Reception Room of tne Executive Department, Capitol Building, Harrls burg, Pa., at 2:00 P. M. on the above date. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. C. P. BODGE RS. Secretary. TO THE POLICYHOLDERS OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COM PANY OK AMERICA NOTICE is hereby given that a meet ing of the policyholders of Tho Pru dential Insurance Company of America will be held at the Home Office of said Company In the City of Newark, New Jersey, on -Monday, the seventh day of December, A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, to consider the purchase by the said Company, for cash out of Its surplus, for the benefit of Its policyholders, of such shares of its capital stock as may be offered for sale at the price of $455 per share, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 99 of the Laws of New Jersey, 1913, and the order of the Chancellor of said State made July 28, 1914. At such meeting every policyholder of the Corporation who Is of the age of twenty-one years or upwards and whose policy has been In force for at least one year last past shall be en titled to cast one vote In person or by proxy. FORREST F. DRYDEN. President. Dated Newark. New Jersey, October 13, 1914. In the District Court of the United States tor the Middle Dlatrlct of FOR SALE s2o,ooo.ooCity of Harrisburg Bonds By the First National Bank of Harrisburg, Pa. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE fly Associated Press Philadelphia, Oct. 23. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red, spot, export, sl.ll 01.15; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.24 #1.27. Corn • Higher; No. 2, yellow, local, 84© 8 4 , Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 540 54 %(■. .„?£ an Firm; winter, per ton, j24.00@25.00; spring, per ton, $23.50® Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 6.10 c; line granulated, 6.00 c; confectioners' A, 5.90 c. Butter The market Is firm; western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearby prints, fancy, 35c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $9.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $8.4008.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $8.70 per ease. Live Poultry Weak; fowls. 13® 15c; young chickens. 110 20c; spring chickens, 12® 15c! broiling chick ens, 17@27c; old roosters, 11012 c; ducks, old, 13014 c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese, 18@14c; turkeys, 19®20c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy. 20®21c; do., fair to good, neavy, 17018 c; average receipts, 16®) 17c; small, 14® 15c; old roosters, 13',4c; roasting chickens. fancy. 16018 c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16®2ie; do., western, 12® 17c; capons, large, 23025 c; do., small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24026 c; do., fair, 20023 c; ducks, 11018 c; geese, 11016«. Flour Market steady; winter, clear, $3.8504.10; straights, Pennsyl- new, $4.9005.15; spring straights. $u.1005.40; do., patents, $5.5 0(0.6.60; western, $4.2504.40; patents, $4.50® 4.75; Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 (W4.30: spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights, $4.2004.30; patents. $4.35® Hay The market Is firm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $18.50019.00; No 1, medium bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. 2, $17.00® 17.50; No. 3. $14.50® 15.50; no grade, sll.oo® 13.00. New clover mixed. Light ml*ed, $17.50® 18.00; No. 1, do., $16.00®17.00; No. 2, do., sl4. no® 15.00. Potatoes Weak; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 58©60 c; New York, per busliel, 45@50c; Jersey, per basket, 35045 c. CHICAGO CATTI.E fly Associated Press Chicago, 111., Oct. 23. Hogs Re ceipts. 17,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $7.20 ®7.50; light, $(>.9507.55; mixed, $7,000 7.70; heavy, $6.95@7.65; rough. $6.95® 7.10; pigs, $4.2507.00. Cattle Receipts, 2,500; weak. Beeves. $6.15010.80; steers, $5.7508.70; stockers and feeders, $4.9007.80; cows and heifers, $3.20®8.60; calves. $7.00® 11.00. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; steady. Sheep, $4.90®6.05; yearlings, $5.6006.50; lambs, $6.1007.85. LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy No. 2803 ln the Matter of Frank A Cushman, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Frank A. Cush man, of Harrisburg, in the County of Dauphin, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE is hereby given that the said bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such on October 21, 1914, and that the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the oflice of the Referee, No. 7 Nortli Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., at 2 P. M. o'clock, on November 2, 1914, at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. JOHN T. OLMSTED, Referee in Bankruptcy. October 23, 1914. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. Innurunee Department In the Matter of the Liquidation of the "American Union Fire Insurance Company." of Philadelphia. Pa. CHARLES JOHNSON, Insurance Com missioner and liquidator of the business of the dissolved "American Union Fire Insurance .Company," of Philadelphia, lias prepared his first and preliminary report, which is on file at the office of the Insurance Department at Harris burg, and at the oflice of the Special Deputy, seventh floor, 331 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. All claimants and other persons interested have access to the same, and must file on or before November 20, 1914, any and all excep tions to the said report with Special Deputy Thomas B. Donaldson, repre senting the undersigned, at ills office, 331 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on or before November 20, 1914. Such excep tions shall have the same force and ef fect as if filed in the Court. CHARLES JOHNSON, Insurance Commissioner. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA, Inxnrnnee Department THE second account in re the liquida tion of the "WILLIAM PENN FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY," formorly of PottßVille, Pa., dissolved in accordance with Act of Assembly, June 1, 1911, is now on file with the Department and may be seen daily. ClaimTts may file exceptions there to, but the same must bo filed on or be fore November 1, 1914, on which date the report will be referred to the Dau phin County Coiirt, for confirmation, or for adjudication with such exceptions as may be filed. CHARLES JOHNSON. Insurance Commissioner. Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial. Atlanta A Co., It. 304, 8 Market -Sq. Bungalow A fine Bungalow with mod ern improvements, situated at Bellaire Park, is for sale at a bargain. Inquire at the office of J. C. Eckels, Carlisle, Pa. MIFFLIN counur IS SOLID FOR KHEL Prominent Men in That Dis trict Endorse His Candidacy By Associated Press tiewjstown, ra. ( Oct. 23.—Men of all parties in Mifflin county are united in support of Judge George Kunkei for the State supreme court. Ho will have a fine majority in this district, the in dications are. W. H. Manbeck, of Juniata county, when asked by the Telegraph corres pondent, "Are you in favor of the elec tion of Judge George Kunkei, of Dau phin county, to the State supreme court bench," gave one of those hearty laughs that he is noted for. "In favor of Judge Kunkei for the State supreme court bench," ho repeated. "I certainly am, no man is better lltted to fill this position. Mr. Kunkei is the right man for the place and ho will carry Juniata county without any douWt. Many Dem ocrats and the Washington party peo ple will support Kunkei. His can didacy appeals to all men who wish to place a man In office who will do his duty without fear or favor. I circu lated his petition in this section." 1.,. H. Ruble, ex-county steward of Mifflin county, lifelong Republican old soldier and one of the best known citizens of Mifflin county. In speaking of Judge Kunkei, for the State su preme court bench, said: "In my esti mation no man is better qualified for the position. I consider him the right man for the place and I believe that ho will All the position with honor to him self and credit to the State." Frank H. Wentz, member of Famous IjOgan Guards, of the first defenders in war times, and a prominent citizen, in speaking of Judge Kunkel's can didacy, said: "I believe that Mr. Kun kei will be elected and I believe that he Is the proper man for the place. I shall vote for him." Mr. Wentz, is ono of the oldest members of the Hender son Volunteer Fire Company, of Lewis town. W. N. Hoffman, of Lewlstown, re tired merchant and oldest member of the Lewistown order I. O. O. F„ hav ing served fifty-one years as mem ber of this order, said: "I shall vote for George Kunkei for the State su preme court bench. I believe him to be an honest man. His past record shows that ho Is well fitted to fill this position and I believe that ho, will carry Mifflin county. I was impressed by hts fairness in treating friend and foo alike In the capltol graft cases, and I know that his judicial record In Dauphin county has been above re proach. I believe him to be a man who will find the position on the State su preme court bench to the satisfaction of all fairmindod men." J DO YOU NEED MONEY? $ THEN CALL AND SEE IS AND GET IT—EASY TEIiMS. Small pnymen tN. llusincMN con tl dent In I. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY Hooiiim fl-7, Second Floor 0 North Market Square Have MONEY Employees Discount Co. 36 North Third Street rHE EQUITABLE Will Lend Yon Money To Houekceprra, Work* ing;men and Salaried Km plorca. I No red tape, bother or worry. Yon may have it to day if you wish. —~ £ I LEGAL RATES .. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY • N. MARKET SQUARE) Room 21 4th Floor TH 17
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