jfcj S l ' KAUFMANS NINTH fep© . |2=S£he| £ A beautiful Glass Plate, O llm Worth up to $3.50 $2.45 ) I dy "Tr ! d wi,h FN IV lkoA K Y oA L -Ssr. ' J floral designs, useful and orna- ,i W • ' «J J 1 ▼ Mmr4" AM % J J mental. Free to all custom- ( fX, M A Cloth Drew Skirts QC 1 % era purchasing 50 cents' worth fl (LoJuULO JIJmUUUUuiJI I Worth up to $6.50 «P *• vD 1■ Cor over of merchandise to-mor- mm FOR WEEKS and MONTHS PLANS HAVE BEEN MADE jKSSSi I Prett y Fall st y lcs * n finest I * w row—Saturday—in our stores. : n ,%%%&&*'"' materials and newest Fall ). . fcSSiSiSsi For This GREAT EVENT-THIS EVENT of OPEN HOUSE «SS«3F 1"'°"- I (Every Department in Our Stores Contributes Its Share of New Fall Merchandise (At Such Big Savings That, We Are Sure, Will Appeal to the Most Economical and Thrifty Shopper? I To-morrow, Store Opens at 8.30 A* M.y Closes 9P L M [be SURE AND SEE THE ELECTRIC SUNBURST on Froat »f Our Building, Tonight w Tomorrow Wight js Th,^d». m . 52.50 Clock r The Greatest MiUi|)ery Sa|e of tk H()ur ! fly* mm !: \ Never, no never, have we seen such beautiful hats sold !j |U _ II I j-'SR® sr # % U -' • -•-'' | ■;■ ■;:•'■ at such ridiculously low prices so early In the season. Hun- ||tll I| I j '' ffiWi lk?J ' f • jiVi'i Iff EH B WV 4? dreds of women who were here yesterday bought as many i | juSHRy |jvT / , % %i*4j WiHl* liN -Jj as two and threc and a " were delighted with their pur- !; \XT ~ , O lU' cr~-jdgP' y AJAA C M M chase. Kvery new shape for Fall and Winter can be found ![ lOf VV OIYIGH & IVIISSOS J /// /y' fo vi : \\ jl IIS " v —w aifej In tills macnlficciH collection of best crade untHmmpd ]i in our I > C llj f/T\ vlj \>i ,y\ \\ ————— , Ikß. /r \ .yf I \ |vj hats, so be here promptly to-morrow and we assure you < *vl¥% 11 n 1 I I If»MT i-t !! sfe H4rs°owd/wmv '! 9t h Birthday Sale , 1 1 fefimi lii.i Jj Clocks will be sold at 9 cents to ✓ /!«' SEE H women's and Misses' Suits; /Jw! I I WillJ' 11 bu >""6 *'■»» wo"" , VELVET & SATIN HATS VELVET & SATIN HATS fc —TT; — ( M 1;! Worth up to sie.so. Our maßlf « 115w fM 01 " rd " , " iiit T, in v 1" i: Worth Up to SI.SO Worth Up to $2.59 rlf, rsiMMiirc :i Bir i h l ay _ P l ice ' TW //ff i I 'l===d stores to-morrow—Saturday. You !; C I D • c I D • tALL TRIMMINGS CO OAf /r I Wfy caft tnake the $9.00 worth of jj S ° UP "«' S °'< P "«- Your choice of Fancies, ii 59.90 , C small amounts from various de- ;| CQ- 95C Win g s and Flowers; ii Zd J partments throughout our stores, <! * v wrvrtVi nn +r» $1 nn * A ]! black, navy, preen, plum and brown. All [> % » u ji VpicMt Fall Bhniw in nUck v«l Choose from newest Flail shapes, wui ill up IU «pi.UV. I|J ~ sizes for women, misses and Juniors. 9 C / T „ IC or in one purchase. ! veflnd Whfte tn Gage Brothers'good.quality Vel- Sale Drice \ THIS CLOCK 9c Only one clock to a customer. !; white satin. vet; colors, black, navy and brown. e p ice ........ Women s and Misses Women s and Misses f ii i/ni/rr » catiu uatc Your choice of Fancies, Suits; Worth to Suits; Worth up to > If : ii V EL w E , & tl *}£ TS VELVET & SATIN HATS Win e s an< J Flowers; ii S2O our Birthd $27.50. Our Birthday > J \%7 Such Variety .. Worth Up to $3.50 Worth Up to $4.00 worth up to $1.50. gg jj price Price, i I Such Beauty I " e Sale Price, choice of Fancies, |: J W iirvv r 1 - rp . . n , J 7 li |. 95 WingS and Flowers; The newer Redlngot« and £ \ We Have Every Type in Its Prettiest j! worth UO to $2 00 OA I 1 The woman or miss Who has shorter coat suits In Chiffon, K £ J !; All strictly high grade Gage * Best quality Gage Brothers Hats; c!, " F Vllp ,i decided to spend this price for Broadcloth. Poplin, Crepe, Ga. j f ¥ ■ . «. 11 Brothers' Hats; newest Fall shapes; all the newest shapes In black, navy oale price i> her new Fall suit will And a mc . n sww ar , K C , Interpretation J! Colors, black, navy and brown. and brown. I J\\ sp.endld collection in this group "ZZ I I j ,4 j' of handsome new Fall styles, models. Newest Fall shades C j ° n IJO* 1 ""stunning"siik, Satin"&"CLOTH DRESSES S Qaite a Surprise Await, You j ( ' 45c /A k For Women and Misses-at Prices You Should | j n Women S & Misses Coat Sectifn I I \\ liv 77 r. 1 Not Miss in Our 9th Birthday Sale ♦! Lowest Prices For Our 9th Birthday Sale r f VI \» A Women s Waists, white and colors, g i _.. _ J 1y m ||i\ ail the newest Faii models, high or iuw || CLOTH and SILK DRESSES CLOTH and SILK DRESSES j New College Coats and | Worth Up to $12.50 Worth Up to $15.00 1S Cape Coati ( I value to $1.50. Sale pricfc MBBgL $6 95 HIO 00 ! J< Worth up to $8.50 «QC { I 95c H A« u »n CT r°.,*fSL ,1 Our Birthday Price.Jj.73 I % TT bosaue. tunic and liox nleated models. Beautiful styles, handsomely trimmed ♦ Rnlendid nil vrool materlaln includlnir W J ?? tffl mil, MpssHiin-s Slllc p.mlln nnrl men's materials of men's wear Serge, Silk Pop- * .. "P len <" lf ' »";^ on ' maienais, inoiuamg M £ , XT e>.„ Tl , • . - . . , H 1m Messaimes, silk ropun ana menß || n and Satin Duchess in favorite colors t o>MFl?rVßbf diagonals. Cheviots, Plaids and novelty mix- % \ Women s Newest Silk Waists, every wanted style, made |j wear Serge tall shades. "" an " " l uc neas in lavorite colore. | tures. All sizes for Women, Misses and # I°o Sm'^aie'pric? and la ! es : , aU . co !?" ; ..T 1 !" $1.95 I $ \ mm CLOTH and SILK DRESSES . "jC. Collet Coats and f ( I 7 Mw Worth Up to $22.50 Worth Up to $30.00 |; Jml INew *;o»ege coats ana * C Women's Handsome Waists, for evening or street wear. H I ' C 1 tZ f\(\ CfO 7C 1 UrCSS vOJIIS j 1 Many copies of the imported models, in silk, net <J* O QCC I ' V fJD,UI/ 4>iy,lD || Worth up to $12.50 QQC I'l J and laces; value to $4.00. Sale price j. RBfeUM Semi-basque and plainer styles Wool Gorgeous new Fall styles, of Satin | Our BirthdaV Price I K TT Crepes, fine mannish Serges, Crepe Me- Duchess, Charmeuse and Crepe de Chine; t; }}.' § 3 T 9 TJ • _ , .. ... H teor. Satin Duchess and Silk Poplin; the stunnning dresses; many elaborately f v{ Handsome large and small plaids, rfbe- , # Women s Newest Basque, in taffeta and messaline silk; H season's newest shades. • (trimmed; just one or two of a stylo. I jl lines, mixtures and plain colors; niuneroua J very latest models; $5.00 value. O ftC mm n mini 1 styles In aU slzea I 1 Sale price vO.yj) Women's and MlSSes' Coats i I, Girls' Nobby Dresses at Low Prices QOYAL 2= ' C Q A GIRLS' WASHABLE DRESSES—sizes 6t014 Q[- I IXWORCESTER I tf At this prloe we show numerous styles la | ) i years; value to $1.50. Sale price I X V colors and stylcs in all sizes. I 1 I For Men, Women, Boys, Girls and 6to 14 yearß; valu ' s "°- Salt ice '- $2.45 ALL THE NEWEST FALL { infantas DRESSES 'S 1.95 WOMEN'S I Sp^ialmßpy,'«d 1 Boys'and Girls' Wool Mixed Coat Sweaters; all Q M GIRLS' WOOL SERGE DRESSES, very <t* Q/\ * i/in /\I/CC Girls' Stockings ) € or roll collar; value to sLso^ale_price.. VSC stylish, 6to 14 years; $5.00 value. Sale price .?. $3.95 W A RN FR'S TORSFT K ' D 88 0 pairs of Boy. «dGlr,.. ( | Women's and Men's Heavy Weave Coat GIRLS' WOOL SERGE DRESSES; sizes 6£Afv P- IAJKM.I, No Advance in Price* **° ] " W f ® u «® he ®» 1 % Sweaters; $2.50 value. <t» 1 a to 14 years; $7.50 value. Sale price •P 4 *"' s I From $1 to $3 | BUT CHEAPER I sizes; 30c value. Sale 111/ i £ Sale price V* O *"i3 V.— 2-hlltton clasp Women's soft I>rl \ i WMm ' \ir J »» , p. , T , . shades; all sizes; SI.OO 70 r / s\ \ jlf Womens a °d Mens Shaker Knit and .JL A ■ value, sale price #OC Special in Ladles' \ ue 53.95 ■ n 9 1f kl I Gloves, hi all tlie newest I Silk Hose ( 1 95c SUBURB OF ANTWERP BURNS London, Oct. 8, 1015. P. M.—Bor gerhaut, a suburb of Antwerp, is burn ing, according to a dispatch from Am sterdam to Reuter's Telegram Com pany. Proof— i, FROM FAOND NEAR Mrs. Mary R. Thompson, 719 Gar field Ave., Belvidere, 111., says "I can recommend Father John's Medicine to any mother who has delicate children. It saves doctors' bills." Mrs. Harry Sperling, of Beaver Falls, Pa., says "We use Father John's Medicine in our family for body build ing and colds." Henry S. N. Henderson, of Mllford, N. H., says "Father John'sMedtclne was very effective In a throat and lung trouble from which I sufferer', I shall always keep It in my house." Mr. Frank Bennet, 230 So. State St., No. Adams, Mass.. says "I gained 15 pounds while taking Father John's Medicine."—Advertisement. FRIDAY EVENING, JOHN WMAMIIKEI IS OUT FOR BRUMBAUGH Famous Philadelphian Sends Mes sage Endorsing Candidacy of Republican Candidate John Wanamaker, the most stalwart figure In Pennsylvania reform politics, and one of the most influential men in business and religious circles In America, yesterday wrote a letter en dorsing Dr. Brumbaugh. The occasion was a banner-raising in Philadelphia and an oration by ex- Judge W. W. Porter, following an in troductory address by ex-Judge Dim ner and encomiums from ex- Postmaster General John Wanamaker and the Rev. Dr. Russell Conwell, of the Temple University, were features of the meeting. A band played the "Star Spangled Banner," and hundreds of miniature Americans flags dropped from its folds as the banner was unfurled. The message from Mr. Wanamaker came by wireless telegraphy from his New York. establishment and was caught by the station on the roof of his Philadelphia store and then de livered by messenger to Chairman Beeber. It read: "To Hon. Dimner Beeber: "Impossible to write a letter, as it is a few minutes of 12. I will be pleased to congratulate the chairman and members of the committee on their having such a splendid candidate for Governor as my old friend Dr. Brum baugh. who cannot be written down. His lifelong principles and the cour age of his convictions have proven him to be a true man with fine preparation in every particular to hold the gov ernorship of Pennsylvania. (Signed) "JOHN WANAMAKER." MKCHANICSBURG BOY HURT Special to The Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—A dis patch from Lock Haven, was received this morning by Mrs. Mary Love, East Portland street, stating that her son Ray, 19 years old, was seriously in jured while at work yesterday after noon. Young Love is employed by a Lock Haven brick company. Love received a fractured skull, and doctors of the Lock Haven hospital entertain little hopes for his recovery. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH HOUSTON DECLARES FOR DR. BRUMBAUGH Coatesville's Famous Temperance Worker Says He Is in Favor of the Philadelphian A. F. Huston, of Coatesvllle, one of the most successful foes of the liquor traffic in Pennsylvania and the antl saloon leader of Chester county, yes terday became a member t>f the RrumbauKh citizens' committee, which is working for the election of Dr. Mar tin G. Brumbaugh, Republican nomi nee for Governor. The business and professional men who compose the Brumbaugh commit tee were elated at tills announcement, for the reason that Mr. Huston's name on the committee adds one more pow erful Indorsement of the pledge given by Dr. Brumbaugh that he will stand firm for local option. Mr. Huston has directed the campaign against saloons In Chester county for the last two years, and his efforts, together with those of his associates, resulted In all applications for licenses In Coatesvllle being refused last year. Continued protest Is being made against the action of the recent tem perance conference held In this city for Indorsing Vance C- McCormlck, Washington and Democratic nominee for Governor, rather than Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, Republican nominee. Announcement of this was made yes terday. Servians Defeated in Claim of Austria By Associated Press London, Oct. 9, 1.10 P. M.—The Austrian war office made the follow ing official announcement under date of yesterday, says a dispatch to the Reuter Telegram Company from Vien na, coming by way of Amsterdam: "To the ulready nnnounced suc cesses against the Montenegrin troops now Is added a decisive blow against the Servian troops who invaded Bos nia at Vishegrad. Their northern column from Srebrerltza, moving against Bajna and Basta, already has been repulsed and driven across the Drlna with the loss of their supply train. "The main Servian forces who ad vanced on Romana and Planla under OCTOBER 9, 1914. command of General Mylos Bojanovlc, former minister of war, were routed by our troops in an engagement which lasted two days and only escaped cap ture by hasty flight. One battalion of the 11th regiment and several quick fire guns were captured. (Signed) "POTIOREK, "Field Marshal." i MRS. JAUSS DIES Mrs. Anna Catharine Jauss, aged 85 years, widow of the late Christian E. Jauss, died at 1113 North Sixth street, after an illness of a few days. She was long a member of Messiah Lu theran Church. Mrs. Jauss is survived by the following children: Dr. C. E. Jauss. George Jauss, Mrs. Clinton Vandllng, Mrs. Anna Laßoss and Owensc F. —ausa. Funeral services will be held at the home of her son, Dr. C. E. Jauss, 1323 North Sixth street, Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Private burial will be made In the Harrisburg Cemetery. TROLLEY RIDE FOR LADIES The ladles auxiliary of the Good will Fire Company chartered a special car this morning and showed their guests the sights of the city and suburbs. The car left the engine house at 9 o'clock and returned at noon. MISSIONARIES TO SPEAK A general invitation has been ex tended to all persons Interested In missions to uttend lectures in Zion Lutheran Church by Jessie Brewer, of Dunbar, India, and MLss Gertrude Simpson, of Monrona, Africa, Satur day evening, at 7.45 o'clock. The speakers have recently returned from the foreign fields and their stories will undoubtedly be interesting. ORRINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has OR RINE been In restoring the victims of the "Drink Habit" Into sober and use ful citizens, and so strong Is our confi dence in its curative powers, that we want to emphasize the fact that OR RINE Is sold under this positive guar antee. If, after a trial, you get no benefit, your money will be refund, ed. ORRINE costs only SI.OO per box. Ask for Free Booklet. George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street; John A. McCurdy. Steelton, Pa.; H. F. Brun house, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers