4 BFPfi§/3 Try Resinol Soap for • week, \ You will be surprised to see how \ | It clears and freshens your com- i I plexion, even in that ehort time. 1 i Used for the shampoo, it removes = dandruff, and keeps the hair live, \ Irich and lustrous. The soothing, j healing influence that makes { this possible is the Resinol which \ Resinol Soap contains and which = physicians have prescribed for : years in the care of skin and [ scalp troubles. Sold by all drug*lata. For sample free, writ# to Dept. 8-P, Resinol.Baltimore.Md. TO OH HAIR APPLY SME TEA !Tx>ok Young ! Bring Back Its Natural Color, Gloss and Thickness Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol Mdded will turn gray, streaked and Nf&ded hair beautifully dark and luxu riant, remove every bit of dandruff, fetop scalp itching and falling hair. sJust a few applications will prove a ("revelation if your hair is fading, gray or dry, scraggly and thin. Mixing the Wsage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, ,"though, is troublesome. An e/vsier way fls to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing »about 50 cents a large bottle at drug ketore, known as "Wyeth's Sage and feulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not Binful, we all desire to retain our .youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can Itell, because it does so naturally, so «venly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small etrand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after an other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. —Advertisement. BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts at first sign of Bladder irritation or Backache The American men and women nust ruard constantly against Kidney trouble, because wo eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kid neys strive to Alter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the ellminative tissues clog and the re sult is kidney trouble, bladder weak ness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine 'ls cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer sick. headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather is, bad, , Bet from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa ' mous salts is made from the acid of Crapes and lemon Juice, combined with ! lithia, and has been used for genera tions to flush and stimulate the clog , ged kidneys; to neutralize the acids In ;the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder dis i orders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent f lithia-water beverage, and belongs in i every home, because nobody can make mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time.—Advertisement. Barking Throats and October Colds they don't sound good—they don't feel good and they have the whole Winter before them unless broken up now by taking our COUGH AND COLD REMEDY 250 Forney's Drug Store 426 Market Street W—■ wmm J •r adjusting, jewelry cleaning or repoUshlng. take It to SPRINGER MC MARKET ST—Bell Phon. FRIDAY EVENING, CHURCH OF GOD MED ELECT COMMIHEES Harrisburg Preachers Are Taking Prominent Part in Work of the Eldership Special to The Telegraph Lancaster, Pa., Oct. B.—The Eldership of the Church of God yesterday afternoon heard the report of the standing commlt- C 'Li tee, which consisted jf IBM in the necessary r 'BM _ changes in the ap ' ''L/Wl' pointments and sev i - JTaITT orai Judie'a l cases. It Alblt* was decided to con sider the judicial cases in committee of ,hp whole. The iBH» . . administrative part of the report was adopt ed. The Rev. W. J. Schaner, of Har risburg, was elected chairman of the committee of the whole and the Rev. C. H. Heiges, of X,isburn, Pa., secre tary. The Rev. W. W. Riohmond, presi dent of Fort Scott Collegiate Institute, Fort Scott, Kas., was introduced to and he addressed the eldership on the work at Fort Scott. The eldership elected the following stationing committee: The Revs. W. N. Yates, D. D„ S. G. Yahn, D. D., George Sigler, D. D., H. F. Hoover, r>. D., F. W. McGuire, J. W. Deshong, C. H. Grove, P. 8. Shoop, D. D., and C. F. Reltzel. A large part of the afternoon was taken up In the consideration of Ju dicial cases. The president appointed the regular committees, as follows: On the publication of the Journal, the Revs. F. W. McGuire, C. D. Collins, J. H. Wilson, Elders George W. Fox and H. K. Stoudnour. Evangelistic, the Revs. C. S. None maker, Jonas Martin, C. H. Heiges, J. M. Waggoner and G. W. Harper. Auditing, the Revs. C. H. Grove, A. P. Stover, W. J. Schaner, Elders C. G. Miller and H. N. Bowman. The Rev. W. W. Richmond, of Fort Scott, Kas., preached last evening. Bible Teaolier to Speak. D. H. Ames, a noted Bible teacher of Car lisle, will speak at the Enola T. M. C. A. this evening. Choir Rehearsing:.—Forty members of the choir of Curtin Heights Meth odist Episcopal Church arc rehears ing "The Hanging of the Crane," an entertainment adapted from Longfel low's poem. The musical numbers will be under the direction of Miss Sarah Estelle Butler. Vernon Huntz berger will supervise the staging of the play. The proceeds will be turned over to the church building fund. Booker Washing-ton to liecture. Dr. Booker T. Washington will speak in the Fifth Street Methodist Epis copal Church next Wednesday evening in the Interests of the Tuskegee Nor mal and Industrial Institute, located in Alabama. This school for colored young men and women started thirty three years ago with one teacher and thirty pupils. It now has 193 teach ers. 1,800 students, owns 4,500 acres of land, many buildings and a farm of 900 acres, on which are raised the school's food supplies. The school is generally admitted to be of much sociological and economic import in working out of the nation's important social problems. Palmer and McCormick Shut Their Eyes to Industrial Conditions Notwithstanding evidences on every hand to the contrary. A. Mitchell Pal mer, the Democratic machine candidate for United States Senator, persists in his declaration that times are good and that there is prosperity for all. He and his colleague, Mr. McCormick, who yearns to be Governor, manifestlv care nothing about the facts. Here is a dis patch from Greensburg: "I have had more calls for help in the last Ave or six weeks than we can take care of." was the startling state ment made by Director of the Poor R. D. Wolfe. "Conditions are becoming a serious problem just now in this coun ty on account of the depression in business." continued Mr. Wolfe. "Yes terday the mills at shut down for an Indefinite period, and I understand that the mills just across the river at that place are to close down, too. Vandergrift mills are working but short turns and only a few days a week. Business is slack in the coal industry and the laboring class are facing a serious situation un less times get better, and that quickly." "Where do the calls for help come from, any one section of the county in particular?" he was asked. "No, the calls are from all over the county. The situation seems the same in every section. We are doing the very best we can to alleviate the suf fering of those In want. T am rushed from morning till night In trying to get around to investigate the truly needy cases. The business depression was never any worse than It Is Just at this time." said Mr. Wolfe. "Mr. Wolfe had exnerted to attend the State convention of directors of the poor now being held at Carlisle, but the urgent need made it necessary for one of the directors to be on hand all the time so that succor might be ex tended to those In dire need." BURNED WITH GASOLINE Spruce Grove, Pa., Oct. 9. Mrs. Ivan Wicks, residing near town, was badly burned yesterday morning by the explosion of gasoline and her con dition is serious. Her right hand was burned and her face scorched. COSTIVE BOWELS, HEADACHE, COLDS, TAKEJASCARETS No Headache, Sour Stomach, Bad Cold or Costipation by morning Get a 10-6ent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and fer ments like garbage in a swill barrel. That the first step to untold misery —indigestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to-night will give your con stipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget the children—their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too.—Adver tisement. More -Than 500 Suits For Men and Young Men 1 ! ; IN THIS CREAT BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE \ 7 ;■ GUARANTEED Tomorrow £ Lowest Prices Ever Offered | and WINTER SUITS For Men and Young Men. Every Suit a New Stylish Modell i™ ' ' ■— i A Wonderful Suit Bargain For Men A Special Anniversary 100 L& M System Suits For Men & Young] |' 100 Men s SIO.OO and $12.00 Suits SALE OP Men at a Special Anniversary Price $5.89 SSL $14.50 ;! , This is a most fortunate bargain for men. These than one-half; $3.00 and These finest of all hand-made suits; should be , suits are positively real $lO and sl2 values. The ma- $3.50 Pants to-morrow at, sold from $22.50 to $25.00. Remember this—we 1 ! terial is absolutely all wool. Handsomely made and * q have all regular sizes. And sizes for the largest man I trimmed; sizes 32 to 44. ~ even to 50 chest measure. 1 Iv \ ' I " m I Kaufman's Special Hats For Men J \ TROUSERS, TOMORROW, Are Sold at A ,f Hat Stores <M ! J $3.89 " $2 $2.50; Soft & Derbies vPI.OU C f These suits are sold elsewhere at $5 and $6.. They are jly 1 J the greatest Boys' Suit value in Harrisburg. Made in the J ILL,feJJ r The Shirt Sale of the Year For Men, jfJQ C 1 newest Norfolk style—and remember, 2 pairs of full knicker L . 1 50 D«Zei of Shirts, SI.OO Value , . O«SC f f Pants with each suit. High class, splendidly made, and really handsome dress £ \ ' n . n . _ \ v I 1 \l 1 shirts, in neat patterns of fine percales. Special selling price S C Boys' Reeter Top Coats, Boys' $7.50 All Wool / i H I to-morrow B & J Values to $6.50 For NORFOLK SUITS fffMen! Kaufman's Have the Prettiest Q1 „ $ | $3.00 $4.89 11/ Neckwear Y®u Ever Looked at For "h- 1 I >iany'T«f.el t «no Roe for Wlth twn "» ,rs of H Every new shade and pattern-a real 50c value. g S L Coats arc made in the new Nor- ,OU,l * r,y B °°' l f ° r £0 —I a J ■— i • C m It WW -1 SC r Ksii , iia^'ss2 , b.s.z: eai T''UTa w "? ,i, V'i'"'- , „ R •« t , L Men s Fine Silk Rose, 16c it I - ? | 0 .?L No ( rfolk sl 95 Jus, think of buying Silk Hose for l«if. Kaufmans hav. I C J $3. 00 *£ &"Su°4'°'S TSSS w'i ten seventy-five dozen on sale to-morrow - a 29c value. Black, II r stripes, ah sixes Bto is years. Values to #3.50 tan, white and colors. 11 1 V —/ ' -SI7.KS «TO 1# TEARS I ENTERTAINED R. T. A. CLUB Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Oct. 9.—Miss Hazel G. Hench entertained the R. T. A. Club pleasantly at her home last evening. Refreshments were served. Members present were Misss Grace Stambaugh, Lee Dromgold, Ida Kline, Ida McKee and Mrs. S. M. Woods. Invited guests were Miss Cora Burd and Miss Effle Cox. BIG CARP CAUGHT Special to The Telegraph Lewistown, Pa., Oct. 9.—Some re ports are going about the country of big carp caught in the Juniata river weighing from 6 to 18 pounds. Jess Estep, William Nighthart and George Bender, all fishermen with a reputa tion, have landed carp from this stream weighing from 26 to 2 BV4 pounds apiece and they have caught them in large numbers weighing from 18 to 22 pounds. FTRE CHIFF RESIGNS Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Oct. 9. John E. Fritz, chief engineer of the fire de partment. who is the youngest man in the State to hold such a position, has tendered his resignation, to take effect next month. Chief Engineer Fritz Is a member of Shawnee Company, No. 3, and was chosen in July . FALLS DOWN SHAFT Special to The Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Oct. 9. Harold Hench had a narrow escape from serious Injury in a fall down an ele vator shaft in the Bucher Building. He landed on his knees on the cement floor and had to be taken out through a door in the cellar. The only In juries sustained were slight cuts. BLAIN BAND HERE Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa.. Oct. 9.—Yesterday the Blain Cornet Band, consisting of thirty-flve pieces, played in the fire men's parade at Harrisburg for the Lincoln Fire Company, from Perth Amboy, N. J., guests of the Citizen Fire Company and leading the third division. HARVEST HOME SERVICES Special to The Telegraph Blain, Pa., Oct. 9.—The annual har- i vest home services will be held on i Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock at ] the Zlon's Lutheran Church, con-1 ducted by the Rev. J. C. Reighard. 1 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH PRESENTED SERVICE Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa.. Oct. 9. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gross, of Gettysburg street, presented the Dillsburg Methodist Church with a handsome LePage un breakable Individual communion set in honor of the parents of Mrs. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. George Harmon. PICTURE ON EXHIBITION' Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 9. —A pic ture recently painted by Mrs. Charles Thrush, in Prince street, is now on exhibition in the window of the Mc- Clay Company's store. It is pro nounced to be the finest picture ever painted by any one from this section. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—The en gagement of Miss Helen A. Stough to Dr. Etter was announced at a recep tion given by Mrs. Mulford Stough In East Burd street. A large number of guests were present. PIE SOCIAL Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., Oct. 9.—A pie social was held last night by Miss Malsie Reed's Sunday school class of the Methodist Episcopal Church. AT ONCE! PIPE'S DIAPEPSIN STOPS INDIGESTION, GAS, SOUR STOMACH Don't suffer! Here's the quick est and surest stomach relief known Time it! In a few minutes all stom ach distress gone. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizzness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape'a Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upsfet stomachs. It Is the surest, quickest stomach doc tor in the whole world, and besides, it la harmless. Mrs. Howard Gould Defends Her Sister Special to The Telegraph San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 9. Mrs. Howard Gould, of New York, yesterday rallied to the defense of her sister, Mrs. Wong Sun Yue, wife of a San Fran cisco Chinese. Pausing during the trial yesterday of her suit for slander, brought against Harry Lewis, a China town guide, Mrs. Gould broke her silence of years regarding her feelings to her sister who married an Oriental. "I not only love my sister dearly," said Mrs. Gould, "but I like her husband and have been calling on them in their home in Chinatown almost dally. If my sister wishes to live In China with her husband it is her own affair, and I for one do not condemn her—l admire her courage. "I am waging this fight against these Chinatown guides as much for my sister as for myself," she continued. "I want to go back to my friends In New York with this slur taken from my name and my husband's name. The circulars and pictures of my sister taken in front of her home in China town are sent broadcast. I refused to stand the Injustice anv longer." Lewis was held for trial before the Superior Court on a charge of criminal libel. Mrs. Wong Sun Yue leaven for China on October 84 to make her home with her husband's people. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without fear— they know it is needless to have a bad stomach. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right. Stop being miserable—life is too short—you're not here long;, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it: enjoy it, without fear of rebellion In the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home. Should one of the family eat something which doesn't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indi gestion. dyspepsia, gastritis or stom ach derangement, it Is handy to give Instant relief.—Advertisement. 1 OCTOBER 9, 1914. n. —Jtc 3T i— V"l>—r~ 1 *»" i "IV"!!'"!' fJI— I DO YOUR OWN SHOPPING 1 I "Onyx" Hosiery 1 ! Gives the BEST V A LITE for Your Money Every Kind from Cotton to Silk, For Men, Woaea aid Childraa Any Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair look (or the Trade Mark I Sold by All Good rValcna. Lord & TaylOT Niw YORK . S War/t Map I iiyCoupon Latest European War Map Given by THE TELEGRAPH to ererr reader preaenttn* thM COTTPOW and 10 cak to oover promotion eipenies. tet MAIL—In city or outalde. (or 12c. Stomps, caah or money order. This la the BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. Ltttst 1914 European Official Map <6co)or»)-PortTaiuo(lfl European Ruler*) all statistics and war data—Army. Naval and Aerial -Strength, Population!. Area, Capitals, Distance* between Cities. Historic* of Nation* Involvrd, Previous Deeiaive Battles, Hl*, tory Hague Peace Conference, National Debta, Coin Value*. EXTRA I-color CHARTS oI Five Involved European Capitals and Strategic Naval I nrilliaM faldart wttk handsome cover to fit the pocket. Try Telegraph Want Ads Try telegraph Want Ads
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