RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES WILL CONTKIBUTE TO CNRISIMAS SHIP Mechanicsburg's Charitable People Preparing to Send Aid to the Warring Countries IN CHARGE OF MRS. STEELE Missionary Standard Bearers Hold Interesting Meeting at Home of Miss Maude Williamson By Special Corretf k Mechanicstnirfj, Fn., Sept. 2 6.—Con tributions to the Christmas ship whose mission It Is to carry cheer to the widows and orphans In the warring European countries will he made by the people. At the head of the movement here is Mrs. Estelle Thomas Steele. Holy com munion service will be observed in St. Mark s Lutheran Church to-mor row. Preparatory services were held last evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mumma are visiting In Chicago.—Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hlnkle. Mrs. Susan Snyder and daughter. Miss Catherine Snyder, enjoyed an automobile trip to Gettysburg on Tuesday.—Mrs. Augus tus Relnoehl. of Lancaster, is visiting her niece. Mrs. A. V. Chapman, North York street. —Mrs. Winfleld Cobean and sister. Miss Anna Stevens, of Har rlsburg, spent yesterday here, the guests of friends.—Mrs. Frank Isace and Miss Blanche Gladfelter, of Bal four, were the quests of the former s sister, Mrs. Ida Bucher. —The Stand ard Bearers, a missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held an Interesting meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Maude Williamson. —Miss Leah Meily has en tered the Shippensburg Normal School as a student. —Mrs. Samuel Basehore has returned home after visiting in Baltimore. Md. Mrs. Bambrick, of Scotland, was in town this week, the guest of Mrs. Annie Boss. —Miss M. Pauline Nininger arrived here from Philadelphia to-day and will remain several weeks. —Colonel George Zinn. of the United States Army engineer corps. Philadelphia, returned home after a visit to his mother. Mrs. Mary A. Zinn. South Market street. Former Pastor Visits Old Church at Mt. Joy By Special Correspondence Mount Joy, Pa.. Sept. 26. —Harry J. Engle. of Mount Joy, has been elected second lieutenant of Company C, Fourth Infantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania, succeeding A. H. Bax ter, promoted to first lieutenant. The Rev. William Penn Barr and family, of Weatherly. Carbon countq, visited friends in town over Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Barr was formerly pastor of the Lutheran Church of this place. They came by automobile and left for Philadelphia, Atlantic City, and the Allentown Fair.—The Boy Scouts will attend the Evangelical Church, under the direction of H. J. Williams, next Sunday evening.—The Christian H. Myers farm was sold on Tuesday to Aron S. Kepperling for Jl3O an acre. —Miss Miriam Chandler left on Sun day for Philadelphia, where she will enter the American hospital to he come a trained nurse. Her sister, Miss E. Pearl Chandler, of the West Ches ter hospital, accompanier her to Phila delphia.—Howard Reynolds, of the Quarryville Sun, was in town on Wednesday, sruest of J. R. Messimer. of the Star and News.—Fred Bucher left for State college.—Miss Laura Rentzle, of York, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. .lames Glatfelter.—Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Freed, <>f New Oxford, Adams county, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Freed.—Mr. Sir. and Mrs. Ralph Myers, of Phila delphia, spent several days with the family of Reuben J. Myers.—Edgar I Hagenherger. of Atlantic City, spent | several days with his parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Harry G. Hagenherger. . ' Masterpieces of Fine Art Exhibited at Hershey School Hershey. Pa.. Sept. 26. A large number of people have witnessed the One art exhibit of masterpieces now I displayed In the new public school' building.—The Rev. O. G. Romig| transacted business at Harrisburg and Steelton. Paul E. Dubois, of New- York, is the guest of his brother. W. L. Dubois. —Mrs. P. N. Kasson will leave on Saturday for Colorado, where she will remain six weeks as the guest of her mother.—L. R. Mumper visited friends in Baltimore. Md.—Mrs. John 1,. Gelnett and two children, of Rich field. Juniata county, spent a week with A. P. Glotfetter and family.—G. W. Rneath spent a few days at New port and Duncannon. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Haak and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Haak. of Myerstown. were the guests of the Rev. I. Moyer Hershey.—Mrs. Isabella Harry, of Holton, Kas., spent five weeks with F. B. Snavely and family. Louis Brinker spent two weeks at Lancaster. Miss Mary E. Painter vlsted friends at Elizabeth town and Florin. RETURNED FROM WEDDIN G TRIIP VewvlUe. Pa., Sept. 26.—Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, of Canton, Ohio, arp visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Annie Russell. Miss Phoebe Smith, of Columbia, is visiting Miss Edna Martin.—Frank Byers, of Pitts burgh, spent a few days with his sis ter. Mrs. B. Frank Seltz.—Miss Jessie Andrews, of Mlffllntown, Pa., visited Mrs. R. C. Espenschade. Mr. and Mrs. William Pentz, of Scotland, Pa., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mayn&rd Hoover.—Andrew McElwain is on a trip to New York city.—Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snyder have returned from their wedding trip to Ocean Grove.—The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. M. Thomas and daughter have re turned from a trip to Bllssfield, Mich. —Mrs. E. T. Yearsley and daughter, of Pittsburgh, spent a few days with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reed.— Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Randall, of Cata sauqua, are visiting the former's sis ters. the Misses Randall. Mr. and Mrs. James Sharpe and daughter, and Robert Mursh, have returned from an auto trip to points in New York.— Mrs. J. X. Qulgley and daughter, of Harrisburg, spent Monday with Dr. ,-.nd Mrs. Remsburg.—John Kost and daughter, Mrs. C. V. Heffelfinger and her daughter, Catharine, left on Mon day for a tip to relatives in Kansas and Missouri. —The Rev. J. W. Asper, of Mt. Holly Bprings. will preach In St. Paul's Lutheran Chursh on Sunday.— Mr. and Mrs. John Killian, of Perth Amboy, N. J., spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William KtlUan.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Failor and children, of Harrisburg, are Writing the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zaw. Harlan.—Mrs. Marcus Horner and daughter, of New Cum berland, spent Sunday with M. 1,. Byers.—Charles Over, of California, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Over. I SATURDAY EVENING, , HJLRRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 26, 1914. RECEPTION FOR NEWLYWEDS AT CO MR. AND MRS. GRANT LEEDY Social News of General Interest to Newport People By Special Correspondence Newport, Pa., Sept. 26.—The Rev. Henry Shlffer, of Dunlevy, Pa., was a guest of his brother-in-law, Benjamin L. Gelnett.—James Groff Keen has returned to his studies at Yeates School. Lancaster.—Mrs. Emil Kauf man visited for several days her son, Harry A. Kaufman, of Harrisburg.— Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Sunday have been on a trip to Cumberland county. —Miss Emma Robinson, of the Dan ville Hospital, was a guest of Miss Lizzie Zeigler on Thursday.'—The Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Stahl were called to Bethlehem because of the death of a relative. —Mr. and Sirs. William Gay, of Harrisburg. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Flickinger.—Mr. and Mrs. George P. Bistline, newly weds, have returned from their wed ding trip.—Harvey Haven Frank, of Harrisburg, visited his grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Frank.—Miss Vera Reis inger is visiting friends at Harrisburg. —William Dorwart and daughter. Miss Elizabeth Dorwart. were in MlTlers burg on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Nel son Graham are on an auto trip which will take in Wheeling, W. Va., and Columbus. Ohio. —The Rev. Franklin T. Eastment. rector of St. Paul's Church, Philipsburg, and archdeacon of Altoona, was a guest at the rectory on Thursday.—A very successful sock social was held In Calvary United Evangelical Church on Thursday even ing. Grandfather Lark Presents Boys With Shetland Pony By Special Correspondence Millcr>burg, Pa., Sept. 26. The Misses Olive and Rheba Jury left Monday for Ellsworth, Kas.. where they will visit their uncle, Theodore Jury. They will be gone about a month.— Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Franke and son Lambert spent several days at Car lisle this week visiting Mrs. Franke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lambert, and taking in the fair. —Mrs. W. J. tiles and children have returned from Mt. Gretna, where they spent several months, and a great surprise was in store for the boys on their return, when their grandfather, If. L. Lark, presented them with a handsome Shetland pony and outfit.— Harry s. Gilbert has returned from Woodward, Center county, where he spent sev eral months. Ml» s<i< || TV FF<STIY M, Levrisberr>. Pa.. Sept. 26.—Mem bers of the ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a festival on the commons on Satur day evening. <~>ctobev 3 Refreshments will be sold. The proceeds will be de- i voted to the parsonage fund The committee follows: Mrs. William G. , Fetrow. Mrs. Grant J. Strayer and 1 Miss Blanche Miller.—The following] from town attended the Sunday school convention in York: The Rev. David L. Dixon, Mrs. Ella M. Sutton, Miss 1 Bessie Kunkel, Mrs. J. C. Parthemore. i Miss Carrie Cline and Mrs Clarissa > Sterrett. of Decatur. 111.—Mrs. Ange line Grove died at her home on Tues day morning after being ill for the past twenty-eight weeks. Funeral j services were held at her late home ' on Thursday. Her pastor, the Rev. 1 D. L. Dixon, officiated and Mrs. John 1 Shettel and Miss Edith Cline, with ' Mrs. Elmer C. Wise as organist, sang two hymns.—Miss Mary Rratten and I brother Frank, of Harrisburg, were] recent guests of Miss Clarissa Bratten. j —Communion services will be held on i Sunday at 10 a. m. in the Methodist j Episcopal Church. Prearhing services j also In the evening at 7.30. Mrs. J. B. Updegraff will lead the senior league at 7 p. m.—Mrs. Frank Miller and daughter, Miss Ada Miller, of Har risburg, are guests of the Misses An nie and Sue Miller and Mrs. George Bower. RETURNED FROM Northumberland, Pa.. Sept. 26. W. B. Waples has returned home after being for a month in Dr. Nut,t's sana- > torium at Williamsport, where he un derwent an operation for appendicitis. —Miss Sarah Taggart has returned from a visit of two months with her brother, Dr. David Taggart, in Frack vllle.—Alvln Rennlnger returned to Washington, D. C., after spending a vacation of two weeks with his par ents.—Misses Clara. Mary and Sarah Taggart will leave next week for Wa verly, Pa„ where they will visit during October.—Frank Mailey, of Harris burg, is the guest of his uncle, Post master Mailey.—Dr. S. S. Burg will re turn next week from New York, where he took a course in surgery.—Jacob Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and a graduate of the high school in 1913, went west shortly after graduation and located at Detroit, Mich., where he commenced a course in a pharmaceutical college. He made, good, recently finishing the four years' work in two years, and Is now located in a prominent Detroit drug store.— Mrs. Fred Greenway. of Sycamore, Til., is visiting her mother. Mrs. Sophia I^esher.7—William Richards, of Wilkes- Barre, was a visitor in town this week. —Mr. and Mrs. Volley Ifeier. of Elk hart. Ind., are visiting relatives in this cila.ce. [Miscellaneous Shower For Mr. and Mrs. Grant Leedy By Special Correspondence Ktiolu, Pa., Sept. 26.—A delightful I miscellaneous shower was Riven to | Mr. and Mrs. Grant Leedy, who were married at the parsonage or the Enola Methodist Episcopal Church by the pastor, the Rev. Samuel F. Rounsley. The Shower was given by the groom's father, John Leedy. at the Coveallen {dairy fprm in Perry county, where the j young couple now reside. Many*beau ! tiful and useful presents were receiv- I t'd by the young couple. After spend ing a very pleasant time the guests I were given supper by Air. and Mrs. [John Leedy. The following were pres jent Mr. and Mrs. Grant Leedy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watts. Mr. and Mrs. iJ. Leedy, Misses Carrie Watts. Flor ence Watts, Hazel Watts, Oliver Leedy, I Floy Leedy. Grace Watts, Helen Watts, | Raymond Leedy, Owen Watts, Theo i dore Watts. Benjamin Watts and Miss Snyder, of Coveallen; Mr. and Mrs. Landis and Miss Annie Landis, Hall i fax; Mrs. Swab and son. Homer, of 1 Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kichel. of Enola; Mr. and Mrs. Steele, of Duncannon; Miss McCoy, of Dun cannon; Mr. and Mrs. Luckenbaugh and son. Russell Duckenbaugh, of Coveallen: Mr. and Mrs. James Leedy and son, Forrest, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Harrisburg; Miss Swab, Harrisburg. Instructors Address Teachers at Upper End Meeting By Special Correspondence I.ykens. Pa.. Sept. 26.—Miss Mar garet M. Young is very seriously ill.— f)r. A. H. Fish, of Lykens. is erecting a new double dwelling on North ond street.—The teachers of Wash ington township held their flrst teach ers' mefting in the Loyalton school room last night and effected an organ ization. The following made ad dresses: County Superintendent Sham baugh, on "Reading;" Professor John E. Shambaugh. principal <>f the Wico nisco schools, on "The Teaching of History:" Professor C. E. Toole,, prin cipal of the Lykens schools, on the "Teaching of Spelling." and W. R. Zimmerman, supervisor of penman ship in the Lykens schools, on "The Teaching of Business Penmanship."— T. R. <; ray bill. Harrisburg. spent sev eral days in town looking for a build inc suitable in which to begin the manufacture of mission furniture.—- Miss Susie Graybil! and Miss Ruth Rover, ot Paxtonville. visited relatives here.— T»r. Rruce Geistweit returned to Baltimore this week, where he has n good medical practice. Young Couple Married in Brooklyn by Bride's Cousin Special to The Telegraph Duncan lion. Pa.. Sept. 26.—Milton i and Emerson Stevenson called on rela tives here on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs <~i|jr Wagner have returned j tr. Harrisburg after a pleasant stay at their country place in Wheatfield township. Miss Helen Fisher, of Bellevue. lowa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G. Black. —Hugh Boyd, of Pittsburgh, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd.—Mrs. Hugh P. Leak, of Greensboro, N. C\, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Righter.—The Rev. W. W. Sholl vis ited friends in Harrisburg Tuesday.— Miss Clara May Steele, daughter of C. L. Steele, of Penn township, and Ed win O. Marrow, son of J. W. Mar row. of Loysville. were united In mar riage in Brooklyn, N. Y., by the bride's cousin, the Rev. Harry Zimmerman, pastor of the Lafayette Presbyterian Church.—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walters have closed their summer home at Benvenue and returned to Harrishurg. —Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crogan have re turned from a visit to relatives at New Haven. Conn.—Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Rryant are visiting relatives in New York state. Penbrook Merchant Sends Check to Fire Department By Special Correspondence Penbrook, Pa., Sept. 26. —M. H. Hartman. a prominent business man, ! has presented $lO to the Penbrook tire j department for effieient work during the fire in the Wolf apartment build ing two weeks ago. Mr. Hartman's store was located in the front portion of the burned building.—Work has been started on the remodeling and rebuilding of the Wolf bakery, stables and apartment house. Plans have been started for the grading of Boas street from Twenty-eighth to Thir tieth streets.—Penbrook will have sev eral students registered in the Whar ton school at Harrisburg.—The new- Church of God parsonage being built I by the heirs of the Forney estate for] the pastor is nearly completed.—The ' electric lighting system being used in this town will save F'c borough lev- i eral hundred dollars each year. The | contract, which runs for five years, ; calls for the cost of each light to be $2 9 per light each year.—B. Frank ; Oher. of 2501 Main street, returned 1 tn-riav from Columbus. Ohio. i 1.351 POUND STONE 111 CORNER OF CHURCH Bethany Reformed Congregation Holds Impressive Cere monies at Ephrata DR. RICHARDS MAKES ADDRESS Box Contains Names of Contribu tors, Newspapers, Year Book ! and Other Articles By Special Correspondence Kphrata, Pn., Sept. 26.—Last Sun day afternoon the cornerstone of the new church edifice which the Bethany Reformed- congregation is having built on the site of the old church building was laid with appropriate ceremonies, the day being; a notable one In the history of the congregation. The prin cipal address of the afternoon was de livered by the Rev. Q. W. Richards, D. D., professor of history in the Re formed Theologival Seminary, at Lan caster. —The ceremony of the laying of the cornerstone was In charge of the popular pastor of the congregation, the Rev. A. S. Meek. The following Is a list of the articles placed in the cornerstone: A Bible. Heidelberg cate chism, a brief history of the congre gation, names of 104 persons, each of I whom contributed SI.OO towards the building bund; a copy each of the Re formed Church newspapers, and of the Ephrata newspapers, the Review and the Reporter, and also a copy of the 1913 year hook of the congrega tion. The cornerstone is a beautiful block of Vermont marble, weighing ! 1.330 pounds and is inscribed "Beth any Reformed Church. 1735-1914." | The stone was donated by the firm of Bolster Bros., well known stone cut- Iters of Ephrata. About one thousand | people attended the exercises.—Mrs. i W. \V. Holligan and two sons have re j turned home from a two months' visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Fessler, parents of the former, in Indianapolis, Ind.— Dr. H. J. Huber, 39 years old. a high ly esteemed resident of Ephrata, died on Monday. Dr. Huber graduated from Jefferson Medical College, Philadel phia. in 1909, and after serving a year as a resident physician in the Lancas ter General Hospital, located in Eph rata in 1910. Last Kali he was elect ed as councilman for the Third ward, of Ephrata. He was a member of the Bethany Reformed Church and the Knights of Pythias and I. O. O. F. —W. A. Drawbaugh, of the Harns | burg Telegraph, was In Ephrata on Tuesday and secured the services of Martin Elwood Fry, a bright lad of 115 years as "the Ephrata newsboy for ; the Telegraph. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Correspondence Daliimtla. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,Zelgler spent Sunday at Steclton. Frank Fuller, of I'tica. N. Y.. visited friends here a few days. John J. Yeagcr was at Paxton this week. Joseph Romberger, of Rerrysburg, call ed on friends here on Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Bubb accompanied her daughter. Mary, to Lewlsburg, where the Tatter Is a student at the Bucknell University. I—Miss Katie Fetter spent the week at Allentown and Philadelphia. John ' Byerly went to Philadelphia on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Binge man and Miss Arlie Rothermel visited Mrs. Andrew Rothermel. who is 111.— j Frank Bennett, of York, spent Wed nesday in town. Mrs. Charles Staub returned home from Harrisburg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hornberger, of Philadelphia, were the guest of Henry Zelgler, on Tuesday. In lon Deposit. H. P. Peiffer and family spent Sunday at Meehaniesburg with "the Rev. S. Games. William i Rambler, of Palmyra, spent Sunday I with his mother, Mrs. David Rambler.— !.1 ohn M. Baker was at Hummelstown on Monday evening. Joseph Hohn re turned home from the Harrisburg Hos jpital, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kettering, of Palmyra, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Davtd Book. Mr. land Mrs. A M. Kuhns and daughter" lOrpha. spent Sunday In Fishing Creek j Valley. Arthur Etnoyer and sister. Nora, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday ! here. A number or town people at tended tho funeral of John Groff, a former resident of town, at Hanover dale. Enders. Robert A Enders. Mrs. 1. T. Enders. Mrs. H. E. Whitmoyer. Mrs. B R Drum and Mrs. Daniel Drum, of I Harrisburg. were visitors here on Wed nesday. David Koons and family, of Lykens, spent Sunday with relatives in | town Mrs. C. C. Enders Is spend ing several days at the Capital City.— (Aaron Wllbert was the guest of Henry Snyder and family at Northumberland, during the week-end. A Japanese i native lectured in the I'nited Brethren Church on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lydia Sanders, of Lock Haven, spent days during the week at the home of Dr. J. W. Nelt. Dauphin. Richard Flte spent sev eral days with his aunt, Mrs. John Felty, at Rockvllle. Mrs. Thomas Greenawalt, of Baltimore, was the guest of Mrs. W. S. Fisher, on Friday Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wolfe, and Miss Mary Grimm, spent Sunday at Sun bury. Miss Carrie Elizabeth Gerber ich. on Saturday entertained at her home Miss Frances Manley and Miss Helen Strayer, of Lucknow. Harry A. Bender, of Norrlstown, spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bender. He.rshej-. John Lenker, who has been ill for several weeks. Is Improv ing. Mrs. Mary Uhler, of Lebanon, was the guest of the Rev. O. G. Romig and family, on Thursday. Allison Garraan received word of the sudden death of his sister. Mrs. Emma Swang er. In a hospital at Reading. John Black and Paul Miller spent Sunday at Reading. Miss Edna Deckert, of Lebanon was the guest of Miss Ruth Zoll. Mrs. L. S. Shimmell and son. Karl, of Harrisburg, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Hershe. Miss I Esther Lehman visited Pinegrove.—-The I Rev. O. G. Romig. pastor of Union cir cuit. will preach his last sermon of the conference year at Stoverdale on Sun- Idav morning. In the evening at 7.30 Ihe will preach at Flshburn's Church. Jonestown. The Rev. George R. Delsher and family left Tuesday after noon for Topton, where they will spend their vacation. Martin B. Wenger spent some time at Flndley Lake. N. Y.. visiting his son. the Rev. I. Boyd Wen ger, United Brethren minister there. He also visited Krle, where he was the g'uest of Dr. A. W. Shultz, nhyslclan In charge of the Soldiers' Home, a former resident of this place. Mrs. Anspach. of Mt. Aetna, spent Sunday with her son. Harry C. F. Anspach.— Orant Rhode, of Hast Orange, N. .1., is visiting his father, Henry H. Rhode, a veteran of the Civil War. This Is Mr. Rhode's first visit In thirty-five years. Berrjsbnrir. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strawhocker. of Harrlsburg. were visit ors In town. Mrs. .Kate Keboch at tended the Allentown fair this week.— Mrs. P. P. Bergstresser Is visiting her son In Harrlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Orant Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Snyder are at Carlisle fair. Walter Hoover, of Hershsv. visited his famllv for a few days. Mrs. Ida Reed and rfauo-htur. Cheat*. and Misa Hilda. BENNETT BROTHERS" AGES pi'j Marietta, Pa.. Sept. 26.—Combined aged of the five Bennett brothers reaches the remarkable total of 41 ft years. They were born on a farm near Frazesburgr, and are now scattered in three States. Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. The oldest Is 88 years, and the youngest 77. Three of them served in the Civil War and saw hard service. The five brothers have twenty-three children, the youngest being past 32 years of age and there are fifty-eight grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. Those In the picture are: Lower row, left to right, Leonidas M. Bennett, Joshua B. Bennett, Alpheus J. Bennett; standing, George W. Bennett and John L. Bennett, the oldest. Feace, of Beavertwn, called on friends in town. Malta. lsaac L. Shaffer, after having spent a week's vacation witn his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shaffer, left again lor Philadelphia. Air. and .Mrs. James Ochenreider, of Ellzabeth ville, spent Sunday with the hitter's parents, Air. and Mrs. Edwin Tschupp, near here. Mrs. W. L. Zerbe and sons visited her parents. John Lahr's, of Dalmatla, several days last week.— Mr .and Mrs. John Dockey and daugh ter, Katie, and Elmer Butflngton. of Pillow, and John H. Bufflngton and family, of Curtin, were the-guests of J. J. Shaffer, on Sunday. Lincoln Lnderkiffler, of Sunbury, visited Jacob Grim, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zerbe called on relatives at Tower City, Valley View, and Helper, last week.— I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Moyer and George iJockey and family, of Berrysburg, were | guests of E. D. Wltmer and family, Sunday. Dlndnounli'ii Church. Mr. and Mrs. William Gerberlch visited friends at hontana. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earley, of Palmyra, visited Daniel Seichrist, who is ill.—Mr. and Mrs. Aaron G. Bomgardner visited their nephew at this place, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Leslie, of Annville, visited friends at this place. Charley Yoder, of Palmyra, visited M. B. Far ling on Tuesday. David Ensmlnger is attending court at Lebanon. Miss Helen Gardner, of Harrlsburg, visited Miss Blanche Balsbaugh. John Les lie and John Miller, u( Lebanon, spent Tuesday with Adam M. Keller. John Snoke, of Palmyra, visited William Gerberlch. Rudy Behm and family visited friends at Algers. Mr. and Mrs Isaac Wenger, of Mt. Hope, visit ed !• rank Ulatt's family. George Greiner and Edward Miller, of Pal myra, were here on Sunday. Piketown. Mrs. John Westhafer, or Hershey. spent a few days with her rather, Thomas Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shepler announce the birth of a daughter, September 22. The Rev. Jonas Martin attended the .Ministerial Association Meeting of the Churches of God. at Harrisburg. on Monday. Oliver Zeiders, of West I-all-view, was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Zelders, a few davs this week. The Rev. Dr. C. 11. For ney, of Harrlsburg, spent several davs this week with G. W. Fox. Mrs. Jacob Brown, of Middletown, was the guest of friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle entertained the following guests on Sunday: Miss Mary Stine, of Middletown: Edward Stlne, of Youngstown, Ohio: John Cass ner and son, Charles, Harrv Shoemaker, of Linglestown: Reuben Llnglc. Daniel B?lton, Harry Yorty, Harry Buchanan, " llllani Albert. Misses Pearl and Jen nie Mlnnlch, of Shellsville; Lerov Mum ma and Miss Sadie Noll, of Annville: Mr. and Mrs. Bowman. Miss Olive Bowman, John Klsher, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. John Rhonds and daugh ter. Sara, of Fishing Creek Valley. Miss Leah Nye called on friends In Fishing Creek Valley, on Sunday after noon. Thorn iiNontntvn. Dr. S. D. Diffen derfer and family, of Middleburg. spent j Saturday with Mrs. A. H. Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Stump, of Wagner Snvder Company, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Colyer. nf Philadelphia, were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Coyler. - Mrs. Klsli and little daughter, of New York City, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dlmm, at 'Grand View Farm." Miss Cora Mc- Clellan. of Lewlstown. is spending the week with Miss Annie Dlmm. The following guests spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Zeiglor: The Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Group and son. Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert /eigier, of Latimer, and Mr. and Mrs P. J. Hamm, of Balrs, York county. Mrs. J. I rank Patterson, of Mlffllntown, spent Monday and Tuesdav with Mrs. Israel Tennis. Mr. and Mrs. Fairall, of Steelton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Carwell. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Faust, of Harrlsburg. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long. Jonathan Keiser is visiting his son, David, in Williamsport Miss Eva Smith, of Harrisburg, spent Sun day with her mother. MlfTllotnnn. Mrs. Albert Harken borger left Saturday for a visit to her daughters in Philadelphia. Mrs. H. B. Mutthersbough left for her home in Driftwood after a visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krelder. William Neely and Mr. Ambrose, who are on a trip to Detroit and Canada, stopped oft for a day with Mr. Neelv's sister. Mrs. D. L. Berry. Mrs. Jane Fasick, of Altoona is visiting Mrs. Jane Weldman. Mrs. Harry Stewart and daughter, Mrs. Mary McFarlnnd, and daughter, Ruth, of Los Angeles, Cal., spent several days in town. Robert Kulp after a few days' visit In Columbus. Ohio, returned home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steven son. of Pittsburgh, spent a couple days with B. F. Junkin. Mrs. William Patterson, of Pittsburgh, is visiting at the home of John J. Patterson. Mrs. Camera left Monday for a visit with relatives in Trenton. James Strayer, of Washington, D. C„ is visitinß his sister, Miss Minnie. Strayer. MiliM.enMl.urK. Frank Foust left on Monday night for Sellnsgrove where he has been elected principal of the schools. Dr. Ezra Lehman will speak at the Rally Day services of the Mes siah United Brethren Church. Miss Thelma Brant Is ill at her home on Prince street. Mrs. Ida Nicbholson Is suffering from a tumor. Miss Bachacl Jones has taken charge of St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church choir. Ileaverton n. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Specht visited the home of William Freed at Harrlsburg. Miss Bessie Wetzel, of Toledo, Ohio, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wet zel. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rlne and Mr. and Mrs. Barnet» Rlne motored to Lewtstown, Sunday, to visit their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shirk were guests of his brother at Rich field, over Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Rearlck, a hoy. Mr and Mrs. F. P. Snwier and Mrs. Frank Bybb. of New Kensington, and Harvey Bubb, of Clarion, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Wlney. Mr. and Mrs. W. 10. Bobb and daughter. Scott Anna, and Joy Husslnger, and Miss Nel lie Baer w«re visiting relatives at Me- Connelsburg, RH.. over Sunday. Wil liam Soles and Charles Specht have gone to Cleveland. Ohio. Mllrnj. Walter Brown and Guv Lauver left for Suaciuahanna University where they will attend college this year: Lester Houser and Frazer Shaf fer are at Bucknell. and .Harvev Pat terson is at State College: Duke Kllng er is at a college In Michigan. Ear] Brown left for Philadelphia to continue his studies as a dentist. Hurlbut Sterret left for the West after spend ing several days at home. Mrs. Lena Kenewell and sister. Bertha Smlthers, were visiting friends here, this week. —Miss Bertha Fultz's Sunday School class will put on a plat next Friday evening, entitled "Topsy Turvy." Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Über made a business trip to Reedsvllle, Tuesday evening. Dauphin Mite Society Entertained by Pastor By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., Sept. 26.—The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling enter tained the Mite Society of the Presby terian Church at the manse, on Tues day evening. After the regular busi ness meeting, a social time and light refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. , William Fisher, Mrs. Sarah Sponsler, I Mrs. Sabra M. Bell Mrs. Freeman C. Gerherlch, Mrs. Harvey C. Forney, Mrs. George Heck, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed, Mrs. William P. Clark, Miss Mary Um berger. Miss Margaret Brooks, Miss Anne Miller, Miss Annie Webner, Miss Mary Stees Poffenberger, Miss Ethel I Romaine Forney, Charles Shaffer and Ithe Rev and Mrs. Stirling.—Miss Mil- Id red Wrigley, of Philadelphia, Is the I guest of Miss Sabra Clark.—Miss Bertha Coffrode, of Johnstown, is vis iting her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Coffrode.—Raymond Long has return led home from a trip to Buffalo and jNiagara Falls.—Cornelius Long, of Au burn, Kan., Is the guest of his brother, j 1. Ij. Long.—Mrs. George Heck has re ■ turned home after a trip to Philadel phia and Atlantic City.—Miss Anna Hoffman spent spent several days In | Baltimore. —Miss Bertha Sellers re • turned home on Sunday after a visit to Atlantic City.—Mrs. W. F. Reed is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Steese, at I Baltimore.—Miss Jenny Smith, of | Alexandria,. Va., spent last week with ; Mrs. William Bell Gross. —James . Lewis Gross returned home last week [after spending the summer at Salis bury Beach, Mass. He left to-day for I South Bethlehem to resume his stud lies in the Sophmore class of Lehigh I University.—Thomas Kinter spent the | week-end with friends, at Phlladel iPhia. —Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Poffen jberger and daughter Mary, of Harris burg, have closed their summer home • here.—William Bell Clark, of the | Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia, ar ! rived yesterday for a short visit with ;his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Clark. Annville Businessman Wins Bride at Clarksburg, W. Va. By Special Correspondence | Annville, Pa., Sept. 26.—Harry Earl : Kettering, who is now engaged in J business at Clarksburg, W. Va., ar rived here with his bride whom he I married in the latter town last week. | She was Miss Gordy Martz. They will I make their home in Annville.—Miss | Florence Boehm, instructor of art in Lebanon Valley College returned on I Monday after spending a vacation in Itlie West.—Eddie Miller, who is play ling on the St. Louis team, had been :sick for a number of weeks and was innt able to play but word has been re ceived that he has again reported for work.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kreider spent several days at Atlantic Citv and j Philadephia last week, Mr. Kreider is [attending the Millers' Convention in j session at Atlantic City, Minister Resigns to Go to Scranton Congregation By Speciol Correspondence j Mlddleburg, Pa.. Sept. 26.—Miss [Maude Motz and Mrs. Anderson, her [guest from Akron. Ohio, are spend | ing a few days at Livonia, Center county. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wal ter of Elkhart, Indiana, are spending some time with relatives.—Mr. and iMrs. Yoeman, of Columbus, Ohio, are 'visiting their daughter, Mrs. Edwin i Bower.—Mrs. William Lutz, of Ship- Ipensburg, accompanied by her mother, [Mrs. Benjamin Bachman, returned to | her home Monday.—Mrs. Le Roy Stet ler was hostess to the Thimble Club Thursday afternoon.—The pupils of the Middleburg Grammar School with ! their teacherfl Miss Kathryn Steele, i enjoyed an outing at Rennlnger's Grove, Thursday evening.—Mrs. Mabel [Wetzel delightfully entertained the i I fome Study club on Monday evening. I—Miles 1 —Miles Stetler, of Rochester, N. Y., |called on friends here Monday.—Much surprise was caused here Sunday when I Rev. J. F. B. Grlesemere, the popular | pastor of the First Reformed Church, iread his resignation to take effect No jvember 1. He will go to Scranton, Pa. MAX'S SKULL I'RACTCTRED By Special Correspondence I New Germaiitown, Pa.. Sept. 26. [ Vernon Gring went to the John Gring Went to the John Hopkins hospital, ! Baltimore, to be treated for defective hearing.—Miss Rhoda Morrow went to New Bloomfleld on Wednesday af ternoon where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Walter E. Morrison, until Thursday.—Mrs. Robert Miller, of Harrlsburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. C. Adams. —While driving a cow and calf out of the lane. Albert B. Willhide stepped on the chain the cow was dragging, which threw him, his head striking the ground, rerder ing him unconscious. Dr. W. R. Broth ers was sent for and found that the back part of the man's skull was slightly fractured.—C. B. Trostle, of Pltcairn, have taken up their tempo rary residence with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Trostle.— Henry Eby and S. B. Trostle attended harvest home exercises In the Three Springs Brethren Church, Jackson township, conducted by the Rev. Da vid Roth, on Sunday morning. MISS COFFID'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Big Party of Guests Gather at Her Home on Sixteenth Birthday DINNER FOR PROF. EMMERT Miss Julia Jacobs Entertains For Visitors at Her Waynes- v boro Residence, p n „ Sept. 2fi.—A birtli- I WaS hokl ,fIC Of l>avld Ccffman on Wednesdav evening , .1 nt L r , °! '. hls daughter Mary's slx »»? birthday. Those present were Misses Edith Oiler, Emma Huffman, Mary Bonebrake. Edna Wishard. Gladys I .ease, Nora Hess, Edith Hess, Iya Bonebrake, Rella Oiler, Blanche Stephy, Mary Harbaugh, Isabell Coff man Alice Barkdoll. Helen Huffman. Katherine Martin. Thelma Bonebrake. Liora Martin, Julia Stonebraker, Edith Snnwberser, Edith McKinley. May Smith, Esther Potter. Beulah Kepner. Goldie Beard. Iva Koont, Gall Blare Gertrude Blare, Lottie Smith, Myrtle Currens. Emma Heffner, Helen Rod gers, Carrie Harbaugh, Lois Eshel man Anna Mlddour. Ruth Oiler and Estella Bretzler. John Creps, Clen fchoekey, the Rev. Mr. Coffelt, Charle* Creps, Arthur Hess, J. Edward Oden. Ernest Oiler, Daniel Heffner, Percy Ilalns, Harvey Bretzler, Harold Bow ers, Wayne McKinley, Ross Burman, Harry Koontz, Paul Bowers. Eari Harshman, Charles Bonner, Norman | Brown, Clyde Funk. Carrol Johnston. Charlse Baker. Wilbur Shockey, Her man Oiler, Guy Harris, John Buhr man, Norman Snively, Roy Smith, Jacob Brown, George Koons, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stephey.—Mrs. A. J. Mid dower entertained at cards last even ing for Mrs. Gist Landon, of Balti more, who is visiting Mrs. Daniel Huyett. The guests were Misses Susan Philips, Emma Gelser, Victoria Beaver, Julia Jacobs, Rachel McCarrel and Helen Footer, Daniel Huyett, Ray mond Kreps, Loy B. Gordon, Lester Mlddower and Gerald Mlddower.— Dr. S. E. Frick, Philadelphia, Is her® on a visit with Mrs. John D. Frick. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowberger en tertained at a dinner on Sunday In honor of their son, Roy A., and wife, who were recently married.—Mr. and Mrs. George L. Gilbert observed their fifteenth wedding anniversary on Sat urday by entertaining a number of relatives and friends at a 4 o'clock dinner. There were about twenty-flve guests present, all of whom witnessed the ceremony fifteen years ago. The Rev. Dr. F. F. Balner, who performed the ceremony, also was present.—Mrs. D. Z. Clary, of Harrlsburg, Is the guest or her mother, Mrs. Mary Rider.— Professor Harvey D. Emmert and Mrs. Emmert gave a birthday dinner last evening In honor of Mr. Emmert. Those present were Professor M. O. Billow and Mrs. Billow, Professor J. C. McCullough and Professor Alphus V. Becker. —Miss Julia Jacobs enter tained on Tuesday evening for Miss Helen Footer, of Cumberland, Md., and Miss Rachel McCarrel], Middle town. Those present were Misses Ma | tilda Omwake, Susan Philips. Emma | Geiser. Helen Footer, and Rachel | McCarrel, Samuel Newman, Edwarrl Nlcodemus. Charles Irvin, Daniel Huyett. Raymond Kreps, Loy B. Gov- I <lon and John Eader. Father Preaches Sermon to Son's Congregation Dill.shurg. Pa.. Sept. 26.—A. D. Ar nold. of Carrol township, is one of tho Judges of poultry at the Allentown fair this week.—Miss Margaret Shear er, of Carlisle, and Miss Helen Ar mour, of Harrisburg, were the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Morrett Coover over Sunday.—Luther Creager, a clerk in Kapp and Seiberts store, resigned to enter Gettysburg College.—The Rev. J. B. Wolf, of Glen Rock, visited his son, the Rev. J. Harold Wolf, pastor of the Monaghan Presbyterian Church, over Sunday and preached both morn ing and evening sermons.—Prof. J. E. Hartman left on Sunday for New York, where he will teach In a private school. —Dr. George B. Spath, of Ho- f boken, N. J., visited his parents Mr. / and Mrs. Peter Spath.—Howard Coov- ) er returned to Cornell University thiy week.—The Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Mef fleger, pastor of the Reformed charge, began housekeeping in Clark's home on Harrisburg streer on Wednesday.—■ J. IT. Dick, president of the Dlllsburg National Bank, returned to his home on South Baltimore street, on Tues dav after spending some time at Wer-< ncrsville, for the benefit of his health. SOCIAL EVENTS AT MONTANDOV Montandon, Pa.. Sept. 26.—A party from this place spent Tuesday at the home of Palmer Kieffer, near Mazep pa. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hockenberry, Mr. and Mrs. John Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fau beon. Mr. and Mrs. Geodge Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Furman, Mrs. J. R. Hurlbert, Mrs. Sophia Derk, Mrs. El mer Shaffer, Mrs. Joseph Pfleeger, Mrs. Alice Garber, Mrs. Lizzie Wenzel, Mrs. Thomas Owens, Mrs. Howard Reitz, the Rev. J. W. Crawford, Tell Hockenberry and DeWitt Fairchild.—• Mrs. Matthias Wersderfer entertained a number of women on Wednesday at her home on the Priest farm near! Chillisquakue. Those in the party; were Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. Adam St a hi, Mrs. Frank Fries, Mrs. Joseph Frederick, Mrs. J. P. Hurlbert, Mrs. Alice Garber, Mrs. Elmer Shaffer and Miss Martha Relgle.—Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cope and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hauck spent Sunday at Watklns Glen. —Mrs. P. J. Roberts is spending the week in Shamokin with her sister, Mrs. Fred Barr. The Rev. J. W. Crawlord is attending the Baptist As sociation In Lewisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets and Ray Sheets and fam ily autoed to Riverside on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Flood. ' CLASS OFFICERS CHOSEN AVormloysburg, Pa., Sept. 26.—Mrs. Charles Sperow spent a day at Bal timore.—Mrs. William Rlshel spenc Saturday with relatives at Philadel phia.—Mrs. William S. Robinson, Ja cob Clay and Miss Batorf, of Harris burg, visited at the United Brethren parsonage on Wednesday. Charles Lilley is stopping with his uncle, the Rev. G. B. Renshaw.—Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hippie, Miss Balfascer and Mlsa First, of Wilkinsburg, spent Saturday at Harrisburg as guests of Jacob Hip pie.—The Rev. G. B. Renshaw spoke In the Y. M. C. A. at Enola on Frldaw night. Miss First returned to hen home at Wilkinsburg after being enJ tertalned by her cousin, J. D. Hippie J for two weeks.— .The Junior class on the Wormleysburg High School held a class meeting September 21 and th« following officers were elected: PreeM dent, Freda Nonemaker; vlce-presH dent. Clarence Kissinger; Miriam Bear; assistant secretary. Mar-* graret Doepke: treasurer, JennlW Baker; advisory committee. Marl* Neldhamer, Mary Steward and Robarfl Reed. j 5
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