Unpleasant Weather Conditions and Outbreaks of Disease Cause Lull in War Area HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 228 * BRUMBAUGH CHEER EROM LEWISBURG INTO JIIIISTOI Republican Candidate Preaches Agricultural Conservation to Thousands aPEAKS AS SON OF THE SOIL Shows How the Farmer and the State Can Make the Hill sides Blossom Dr Martin G. Brumbaugh talked practical agricultural conservation, not theories, and from the standpoint of a true son of the soil to thousands of people in Union, Snyder and Mittiin counties yesterday. He closed his day by a meeting in Lewistown that threw the recent McCormick-Palmer "visit into a pitiable contrast. It was a day of triumph for Dr. Brumbaugh. From Lewisburg to Lewistown he was in the county where he was known and he was greeted by almost 7,000 peo ple. After leaving Lewisburg the doctor and his party went into Snyder coun ty and held meetings at Selinsgrove, Middleburg, Beavertown, Adamsburg, McClure and other places. Colonel T. S. Crago joined Congressional Candi dates Garland and Lefean and State Chairman Crow met the party at Lewistown. To-day the party went on to Blair and Dr. Brumbaugh hur-j ried to Philadelphia to lay a corner- I stone The loeal candidates accom-1 panird the party yesterday and to-day I [Continued 011 Page "1 THE WEATHER] For Hnrrlnhnrc nnd vlrlnltyi Fair tn-olKht nml Saturdays continued cool, For Fnstrrn f'enn* vl« anla t Cloudy ! .'o-nlcht, Saturday fnlrj continued cool* moderate north and north- I went alndH. niver The runln rher will remain nearly stationary to-nlulit and Satur day. A Mane of about .M of a foot t« Indicated f«r Harrlfihurc Sat urday moritjtii;. fieneral ( ondltlnoa The dlNturhancc tlinj nan central off the Middle tJulf ronut, Thurn- j dnv mornlnK. lian moved north ea ft ward nnd in now central off the South C arolina ponnt. ft hum cauNed general and moderately heavy rain* In the laat twenty four bourn In the Bivt tiiilf and South Atlantic Stitcii Hkoircrii noHtiy light. have fallen over the i.ake region and Upper Ohio Yal lev and thence eaMtuard to the coaat. emperature: S a. nt., SO. jun: RINCB, J.'O a. M.J acta, I.M) I>. m. Moons First quarfer, September 2*\, 7:30 p. m. River Stnße: Klglit-tent ha of a i foot above low wnter mark. \ eaterday'a Weather Hiuhent teiupernture, 71. T.oweHt tempernture, r»S. Mean temperature. <ll. Normal •temperature* Id* MAHRIAIiE MCE\SKS Joseph Kohlcr and Mary Wagner, .ity. Lester Hauf, Penbrook, and Florence 1 E. Walker, city. This Season's Silks More \incrlrnii xllkM will he Kuril this M-IIMOU than ever be fore. And we have no reason to he ashamed of the showing tliey will make. The weaves are good, the col ors sure. tin. patterns attrac- I tive. The average American woman | cannot help but feel a thrill of patriotism as she sees what beau- 1 tlftil fabrics our own artisans have wrought. Where to see them at their best? You will tind the advertising 1 columns a safe, sure and pleas ant guide. Late News Bulletins STILL HOPE FOR PEACE Washington, Sept. 25. Administration officials to-day awaited the cr>stallijsation of events in the break between (Jenerals CurraiiM and Villa, still hopeful that efforts now being made to settle tlieir differences would merl with success. This leeling: Is shared also by Rafael Kubarau Company, head of the constitutionalist agency here. GERMAN CAVALRY REPULSED Washington, Sept. 25.—Official dispatches received to-day nt tho French embassy are identical with those given out in Paris, but the fol lowing statement is added: "We have repulsed the German cavalry to ward llani and were holding at .the end of the day Rcthonvlllicrs, Freu nieres and Ribecourt. Toronto, Ont., Repl. 25. —Sir .lames I*. Whilney, premier or Onta rio, Is dead. London. Sept. 25. 2 P. Sl.—The Rome correspondent of the Ex change Telegraph Company says that Major Roja Tankaviteh, to whose Intrigues the source of the present war was traceable, has, according to a Vienna dispatch, been found dead by Austrians near Krupagne, Whore he commanded a battery of artillery In a recent battle. Mahon. 111.. Sept. 25. —Colonel Roosevelt began the last day of his Illinois campaign to-day with a speech here this afternoon, lie will speak-in several other Southern Illinois towns later in the day and close with a speech In Kast St. f/ouis to-night. I/Ondon, Sept. 25, -1.17 P. Sl.——Cabling from Amsterdam the corre spondent of the Central News says a telegram received there from Maestrieht declares that the Germans are blowing up all the bridges In the vicinity of that city that might be or strategic value to the ene mies. Albany. X. V., Sept. 25.—What the proposed great Inland water way from Massachusetts bay to the Rio Grande would mean to the na tion In time of war was discussed here to-day by Secretary Daniels of the Navy Department before the convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association. Woodshole, Mass., Sept. 25.—Word was received from Nantucket this afternoon thai the Marconi wireless station at Slawconset was closed at I P. M. The closing was ordered yesterday by Secretary of the Navy Daniels who fixed the hour of suspension nt noon to-day. Washington, Sept. 26.—Capt. Samuel S. Rurdett, 78 years old. once commander-in-chief of the Grand Army or the Republic, died yester uav in England. His body will be cremated Monday. GERMANY'S SIOE OF WAR STORY TOLD BY AMERICAN 111 BERLIN Cousin of Rev. Bullitt, Known in Harrisburg, Pictures Scenes in Capitol of the Kaiser SAYS FATHERLAND IS RIGHT Describes Courage of the People; Bitterly Arraigns England; Pities the Czar How an American who has spent years in Germany sympathizes with the Kaiser and his subjects in the present European war is graphically told by Frau Agatha M. Bullitt Gra biscli. of Berlin, in a letter written to this country last month. Frau Grabiseh is a first cousin of the Rev. James F. Bullitt, rector of St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church, this city, and is a native of Louisville, Ky. Most of her time dur ing the past ten years has been spent in Berlin, and In the present war she is just as heartily in sympathy with the German cause as any German— and doesn't hesitate to say so. , j A number of Harrlsburgers are ac quainted with Frau Grabisch, having . i met her when she visited here. She 11 has jnot been in America since July 11 of last year, at Ihe time of her mar l' rlage in Kentucky to Herr Grabisch. . I The couple visited the Rev. Mr. and . | Mrs. Bullitt on theft- wedding trip . back to Germany. Herr Grabisch is . I engaged in literary work In Berlin. In her letter, which was written for the Louisville Courier-Journal, Frau Grabisch says: Courage of the German People Berlin, Aug. 13.—A great world ex perience has been accorded to every man. woman and child privileged to |be in Berlin this summer—an expe dience that uplifts and inspires, that takes one out of oneself and makes ! one forget personal want and care in | the unbounded admiration for a high- I minded, big-hearted, loyal people, sore | beset on every side by enemies who j had not the courage to stand out for | the right. Or must It be said to thetr everlasting shame that the hope for material gain ha 3 been their motive [Continued on Page Ifi.] DAUPHIN COUNTY REPUBLICAN LEAGUE WILL BE PERMANENT Efficient Auxiliary to County Com mittee Formed; McCormick Angers Hill Men | With an attendance that more than tilled the three large rooms of the ' Dauphin county headquarters in the ! Wyeth Building, the second meeting j of'the Dauphin County Republican | ' League was held last evening. New | i members were enrolled and the de-1 l< ision was reached to make the league a permanent organization, with j branches in every one of the voting districts of the county. It will work I in co-operation with and as an aux iliary to the city and county Republi can committees, and William 11. Hor ner. county chairman, and Harry F. lOves, city chairman, are the chairmen, land Al. S. (Cooper, secretary of the leountv committee, is the secretary. Voters from all over the city and | from all walks of life were present [Continued on I'age 15.] i ——————————————v VOTERS Every voter should bear these days in mind. If he wants to vote I 'n November. LAST DAY 1 To pav taxes, October 3. LAST "REGISTRATION DAY October 3. 1 I« a HARRISBURG, PA.. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE DONKEY'S BACK SPECIAL TINS ON ALL LINES TO BRING FIREMEN TO TOWN Pennsy, Northern Central and the Reading Preare to Handle Thousands of Visitors Railroads running into Harrisburg are preparing for a great rush dur ing the week of October 5, when the State firemen will he guests of Har risburg lire companies. Commencing at 5 o'clock on the morning of October 8, the day of the parade, special trains will be run from Baltimore, Phila delphia, Allentown, Heading, AVil llamsport, Wilkes-Barre, Altoona and Winchester, Va. At York, starting at 8 o'clock, spe cial trains will be run to Harrisburg every fifteen minutes, until the rush is over. York expects to send 5,000 people to Harrisburg on October 8. Both the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Heading railway will announce a schedule of special trains next week. Reading trains will unload on the track along Ninth street. The Pennsy [Continued on Page 2] Work Hour and Seven Minutes to Dig Man Out of Ditch Cave-in While working In an eleven-foot I <lltoh in Zarker street near Nineteenth at 10.SO o'clock this morning Edward Walker, aped 36 years. 518 State street, was probably internally Injured when the side of the ditch caved in covering him with ground up to his shoulders. Seven men worked an hour and i seven minutes to dig him out. Tho [ ambulance was summoned and he was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital Walker is employed by Stacker Brothers. Federal Salary Cut Urged to Save Money Special U The Telegraph ■Washington, D. C.. Sept. -23 Pre«i dent Wilson's salary will be cut s!> 000 while the salary of every other Federal employe who draws ?100 a month or more will be reduced, beginning Novem ber 1, for a war economy measure If u bill introduced by Senator Sheppard of Texas, is passed. The proposed rut begins at $1,200 sal aries at 2 per cent., scaling up to 12 per cent, on all salaries in excess of $6 000 so that the full effect of the cut would be felt by Senators. Representatives and Cabinet officers. All armv and navv officer:- - would also be affected by tills cut. Senator Sheppard has been particu larly displeased by the cut in the river and harbor appropriations on account of tho war emergency, and he feels that all divisions of the Government service should also economize. CONGRESS MAY BE KEPT IN SESSION MONTH LONGER Washington. D. C„ Sept. 25.—The legislative program before the House will keep Congress in session at least a month longer, according to Chair man Henry, of the rules committee. He said at the White. House to-day that as soon as the war revenue bill was disposed of a special rule for twelve hours' debate on the Philip pine bill and another for eight hours' r'ebate on the ship purchase bill will be brought in. AMERICMI TROOPS ORDERED TO DELAY PORT'S Emm Secretary Garrison Tells General Funston Not to Withdraw Within Next Ten Days By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ Sept. 25.—Sec retary Garrison to-day ordered Brig adier-General Funston, commanding the American forces at Vera Cruz, not to withdraw during the next ten days. Secretary Garrison announced that the order was caused by a delay in the adjustment of many details incident to the transfer of funds and the cus toms house. Mexico City, Sept. 2 s.—Prominent men here believe there still is a chance to make peace between Carranza and Villa before the breach becomes irre parable. Meanwhile the general pub lic here does not seem to have been Informed of the controversy. There has, however, been no re sponse to telegrams sent by influential Mexicans to Villa begging him to make peace. Discussion in official circles indicates a belief that Villa's action might afford a pYetext. for con tinued American occupation of Vera Cruz. Antonio Villareal, governor of the state of Kuevo Leon, who has just left here for Monterey, telegraphed to Villa before starting as follows: "I,et us not drown the ideals of the revolution in human blood, nor foment Irreparable division through discord, let us pacify the country and return to reason.'' Not Only Takes Her Money but Eats Hole in a Newly-baked Pie While Mrs. Maude M. Kiehl, 40fi North street, was on the second floor ol' her home this morning someone, believed to be a tramp, entered the house, stole S3O from a nurse, ate part of a newly baked pie and got away. Mrs. Kiehl notified the police de partment, but no clue to the thief has been found. GERMANS SURRENDER By Associated Press London, Sept.' 25, 3.30 A. M. —A Pretoria dispatch to the Reuter Tele gram Company says it is officially an nounced that the German post at Schuckmannsberg, near Zambesi, South Africa, surrendered without op position on September 21 to the Rhodesian police. The German resi dent was take nto Livingstone. ropn Pit's ri.rsskd monks Bordeaux. Sept. 25. one of the last acts of the late Pope Pius, savs La Llberte, was to give his blessing to the Capuchin monks who are fighting in the ranks of the French army. The superior general of the monks, who ob tained the blessing of the Poi,e, is Father Venace, In civil life Paul Dodo who was an old schoolmate of Presi dent Poincare at the Nancy high school. EMPEROR HAS COLD London. Sept. 25, fi.26 A. M.—Em peror William is. suffering from a severe cold, according to the Geneva correspondent of the Chronicle. He caught it in the trenches before Ver dun. where he was drenched by the rain when recently viewing his' sol diers. Win DOES HI WANT ENDORSEMENT FOH SECOND TERM President Declines Offer Made by Democrats in State of New Jersey By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Sept. 25.—At the direction of President Wilson, Secre tary Tumulty to-day wrote a letter to New Jersey Democrats, declining to have them endorse the President for a second term. Secretary Tumulty's letter was to Edward E. Grosscup, State treasurer of New Jersey. It follows: You were generous enough to consult me as to whether the Democrats of New Jersey should at this time endorse the President for a second term. I had a talk with the President about it and he deeply appreciates the gener osity of the suggestion; but New Jersey is his home State, the men who would act in this matter are his own personal friends and he feels that it might seem as if ho were taking advantage qf the ex traordinary situation now •exist ing to gain some personal advan tage through such an expression of confidence by them. This would be inconsistent with his whole thought and spirit and he shrinks from it as from some thing that would embarrass him, rather than help hini. He feels confident that you will know the spirit in which he says this; that in urging the Demo crats of New Jersey not to do this he is not abating in the least his deep appreciation. It was understood the President de cided not to allow the New Jersey Democrats to endorse him for a second term because he believed it would look as though he were seeking renomi nation. His attitude, however, was not taken by friends here to mean that ho has decided not to accept a re nomination if it Is offered to him. Democrats in other States have re cently endorsed him for a second term and no objection was made at the White House. As outlined by the President's friends, Mr. Wilson's position is that he is not considering the question of a second term at this time and that future events will determine his stand. EMBEZZLERS PLEAD GUILTY Pittsburgh. Sept. 2 s.—Herman F. Borchers and George F. Hoffmeister, employes of the Colonial Trust Com pasy of Pittsburgh, arrested several months ago for embezzling SBO,OOO. to-day pleaded guilty in criminal court. RAIL ORItKH FROM AUSTRALIA It was reported from Pittsburgh yesterday that the Carnegie Steel Company had received an order from the Queensland government, Austra lia, for 17,000 tons of steel rails for early delivery. This is the most Im portant foreign order placed since the beginning of the war. WILSON SIGNS SLUM BILL Washington. D. C, Sept. 2 s.—Mrs. Woodrow Wilson's dying wish that the worst slums In Washington be abolished was realized to-day when the President signed the bill clearing alleys of dwelling places. On her I deathbed Mrs. Wilson expressed the j hope that the bill would be passed. GERMANS FIERCELY RESISTING GRADUAL ADVANCE OF ALLIES Kaiser's Forces Making Determined Assault on Verdun Positions Where German Losses Are Reported to Be 25,000 Dead and Wounded; Russian Flag Is Moved 12 Miles Westward; Zeppelin Airship Drops Bombs on Ostend; Censorship Sharpened The thirteenth day of the great battle of the Aisne, in the north west of Paris, finds the Franco-British and German armies still fighting desperately with the Germans tiercel}' resisting the gradual advance of the allies on General Von Kluck's flank. The French army is now entrenched in a position between the Hver Sonime and the river Oise, in a position approximately sixty miles north of Paris. . / On the eastern end of the battle line in France the Germans are reported to be making a determined assault on the Verdun positions. One report of the fighting there places the German casualties at 10.000 dead and 15,000 wounded. ONLY MINOR ENGAGEMENTS The German army headquarters in its latest official statement regarding the situation in France confines itself to stating that there have been some minor engagements but that nothing of import ance has transpired. I he sharpening of the censorship over news passing through the hands of the British authorities as announced last night would be put into effect is apparent to a marked degree to-day. A con siderable amount of unofficial reports, comments and special dis patches from the war zone is not being transmitted from England. This rigorous censorship does not apply to France or to continental news filed by way of Paris. In the eastern theater the Russian pursuit of the Austro-Ger tnan forces in Galicia continues. A Russian official statement says the Galician fortified positions of Czyschky and Foulstyn, together with all the Austrian artillery, have been captured. Following the capture of Jarnslau, the. Russian flag has moved forward twelve miles to the west of that position and now flies over the town of Przeworsk and Nancut. The Russians claim to be steadily closing in on Cracow. , ZEPPELIN AGAIN AT WORK A Berlin official statement says there is no news from the eastern war arena. Zeppelin airships have extended their operations to the Belgian seaside resort of Ostend. Three bombs dropped from a dirigible caused considerable damage to buildings and created a panic among the inhabitants. Emperor William is reported to be suffering from a severe cold caught in a violent rain storm while observing the German soldiers in the trenches before Verdun. The Berne government is reported to have declined Germany's request for permission to send her forces through Switzerland. Italy, it is said, is prepared to defend Switzerland's neutrality should Germany forcibly attempt to cross the frontier A French official announcement states that the Germans are again bombarding the historic cathedral at Rheims. Allies' Center Is Said to Be Gaining Ground; Many Attacks Repulsed Paris, Sept. 25, 3.08 P. M.—The fol lowing: official communication was given out In Paris this afternoon: "First —On our left wing there has begun a general action of great vio lence between those detachments of our forces that are operating between the river Somme and the river Oise and the army corps which the enemy has grouped in the region around Tergnier and St. Quentin. These army corps have come, some from the cen ter of the enemy's line and others from Lorraine and the V'osges. These last-named corps were transported b? rail to Cambrai by way of Liege and Valenciennes. To the north of the river Aisne, as far as Berry-au-Bac, there has been no change of impor tance. "Second —On the center we have made progress to the east of Rheims In the direction of Berry and Moron villiers. Further to the east, as far as the Argon'ne region, the situation shows no change. To the east of the Argonne the enemy has not been able to move out of Varennes. On the right bank of the river Meuse the enemy succeeded in getting footing on the heights of the Meuse, in the region ot the promontory of Hatton Chatel. and, forced in the direction of St. Mihiel, he bombarded the forts of Paroches and of Camp des Romains. To offset this, to the south of Verdun we remain masters of the height of the Meuse. and our troops moving out of Toul advanced until they reached the region of Beumont. "Third —On our right wing, Lor raine and teh Vosges, we have re pulsed attacks of minor importance. To the past of Luneville the enemy has made some demonstrations along the lines of the river Vegouse and the , river Blett. President "Stands Pat" on Ship Purchase Bill Special to The Telegraph Washington. D. C.. Sept. 25. Presl- 1 dent Wilson Is to tight for tfie right of this Government to purchase merchant |i ships wherever It pleases. This was 1 made apparent when the President told callers at the White House that the ship purchase hill would not be taken I from the administration's legislative calendar. It Is to be pushed through Congress i before that body adjourns. Great Brit ain and France have made informal diplomatic protests against the acquisi tion of belligerent ships by United States citizens. GERM INS ARK HKFUSIOD By Associated Press Rome, via London, Sept. 2ft, 2 A M.— The Giornaie D'ltalia publishes a re port from Basel that Switzerland has refused a request from the Germans for i permission to send three army corps I across Swiss territory. i 16 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. Desperate Battles Favorable to Serbs By Associated Press Paris, Sept. 25, 3:30 A. M. A dis patch to the Havas Agency from Nish says: • "Desperate battles were fought Sep tember 22 along the front of Sevornik- Ijosnitza and the front of Mitrovitza- Shabats, the situation being favorabla to the Servians. "On the nights of September 21-23 the enemy began an artillery Are on the city of Belgrade, the fortress and tile wharves of the Save, but their ef forts to cross the Danube near Belgrada and Vershera failed." Carnegie Says Emperor Is a Peace-loving Mail By Associated Press New York, Sept. 25.—Andrew Car* negie, advocate of international peace* reached New York to-day aboard the steamer Mauretania with a new ver sion of how the war in Europe waa started. "I'll tell you how the war started," said Mr. Carnegie. "The kaiser was on a holiday on his yaclit In the North, Sea. While he was away he received a telegram asking him to return tdl Berlin. When he returned the mis chief had already been done. "The kaiser himself is a marvelous man, possessed of wonderful ingenuity. He has done more good for Germany! than any other man before him. He has built up a great foreign commerce and a marvelous internal business. The kaiser himself Is a peace-loving, man. "The trouble was started by the German military caste that rules the country. They are responsible for th« war. The kaiser gathered around him a group of men who, unknown to htm, acted in concert, and in his absence took the action that could not be altered." Roosevelt's Daughter to Be Nurse in France Special to The Telegraph New York, Sept. 25. The former Miss Ethel Roosevelt, now Mrs. Richard, • Derbj% is to become a volunteer nurs« in a French military hospital. Her hus band, Dr. Richard Derby, will accom pany her and will act as a volunteer surgeon. Both will sail on the Olympio on Saturday. Their six-month-old son. Richard, Jr., will be left at Oyster Bay with his grandparents. Spain and United States May Seek to End War Special to The Telegraph Madrid, Sept. 25. Negotiations be tween the United States and Spain aim ing at the co-operation of these coun tries and possibly of Italy In efforts thta will be made to end the European war are reported to be under way here. United States Ambassador Willard has had a number of conferences with Premier Dato and on Wednesday he was received by King Alfonso.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers