A NUMBER OF OPPORTUNITIES ARE FOUMI ON HIS PAGE LOST LOST A cuff button; design, cres cent Hnit star; black enamel anil gold; letters K. S. Return to 86 Union Trust Building: and receive reward. r FOUND __ . FOUND The home of cleanliness at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Either phone ends your worry. Try us. TVs deliver and call. POUND Last Spring, on Frederick street, Steelton. gold watch. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this a<l. Call at this office. HELP WANTED —Male "PRIVATE INSTRUCTION, Day and Evening, in Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Speed Dictation, etc. Assistance given in securing positions. Special inducement is ottered you to be gin now. Call or address Merle E. Keller, Room 309, Patriot Bldg., 11 N. Second street. WANTED Man of good habits to do general work. Call Monday morn ing, Harrisburg Auto Co. WANTED —A' local ngent. Apply 868 North Front street. Steelton, from 5:30 to 7:30 P. M. WANTED A flrst-rlass eteamßtter. Apply Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital street. WANTED Bright, energetic, clean j boy, under 14; easy work; good pay;, splendid business training; will not in -i terfere with studies. A. A. Letbold, i South Second street. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough Instructions. $5. Returned If not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri can Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. WANTED Three representative men. witli reference as to former em ployment and age, to connect them selves with the Singer Sewing Machine <V>. Very good compensation paid. Per manent positions for the right persons, j Address the Company's Supervisor, L. F. Grove, York, Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get- My free booklet Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins. Washington, D. C. _____ $; 500 TO $5,000 YEARLY easily earned in Real Estate business. Our svstem Insures success. Expert knowl edge given in short time; spare time starts you. William Brechler, Pitts burgh, Pa. SSO MONTHLY and expenses to I travel, distribute samples and take J orders or appoint agents; permanent. | Jap-American Cq.. Chicago. I HAVE A CONTRACT To dis tribute a Million FREE packages Borax Soap Powder. Want reliable men and women to help. §15.00 weekly. Waverly Brown, "30 North Franklin. Chicago. $2,500 ANNUALLY Co-operate with me evenings at home. Everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. WANTED A good man for Tea and Toffee business for both inside and out side work to go to another city. Must furnish good reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street, «fter 7 o'clock. EVERYWHERE Good pay to men ] willing to distribute circulars, .samples, I tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Con tinental Register, Chicago. WANTED Men to sell ornamental stock in towns. Good Seed line. Start at once. Herrick Seed Company, Ro chester, N. Y. ARMY OF UNITED STATSS. MEN WANTED. Ablebodied. unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, tor, information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d & Market 9ts„ H»fTisburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 363 Pine St., Wllllamsport, or 37 W. Market St., York, Pa. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL wants men to become practical chauf feurs. We give a full course for $35. including driving and repairing auto mobiles. taking in all technical parts. Hundreds of positions waiting for com petent men. Easy payments. Make a - Plication at once. 5 North Cameron street. RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS. Examinations soon. Over 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at home. Write for our Plan No. 15 of payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College. Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED An active man to intro- I duce and advertise oiir various Home Remedies. Extracts, etc.. among the I families around Harrisburg and vlcln- I ity. Permanent position, salary and all expenses paid. Address the Dill Medi cine Co., Norristown, Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Salesmen and Distribu tors; newly patented fast-selling ar ticle; absolute necessity; no competi tion. Write quick. Home Plumbing Co., 2605% Hennepin, Minneapolis, Minn. GOOD INCOME PAID reliable man or woman introducing Priscilla Fabrics, Raincoats. Sweaters, Hosiery, Under wear. Spare time. No investment. Samples Free. Fitzcharles, Whole salers, Trenton, New Jersey. WE WANT HUSTLERS in your vi cinity; our new line sells wherever phones art used; send postal. Mercer Specialty Co.. Box 2071, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS We have what you want. Send to-dav for free particulars about our specialty. Allison Supply Co., Dept. B. Box 34, Harrisburg. Pa. BIG MONEY in mall order business. I'll show you how to make It. Unique methods. Send quarter for full infor mation. None free. Breniser, Mail OrdM- Man, 300 Walnut street, Phila delphia. HERE'S your chance! Make good on spare or whole time. Mercer Speci alty Co., Dept. K.. Box 2071, Philadel phia. AGENTS WANTED Ball-bearing, self-sharpening shears; something new; quick seller; big profits. Write to-day for terms and free booklet. Keystone Supply Co.. Franklin, Pa. SELL DRESS GOODS AND HOSIERY direct from maker to wearer by samples. All grades. Cotton, wool and silk. Domestic staples and Imported fancy novelties. Many making over 130.00 weekly. Spare or all time. No experience. Permanent. Credit given. Steadfast Mills. Dept. S-13, Cohoes, N. Y. FOK SALE 1712 Green St. Siwthnmt corner Green street and (irsnltf Avenue. A well-built three-story brick house with eight rootns—hath and furnace —cemented cellar with hot anil cold water —bay window. L,ot 17x87 ft. A very fair price. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Suretr Bonds Locust and Court Streets >1 ■■ ■ i SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TUSFOFE TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS on commission or straight salary basis. Splendid article easily carried. Booklet and terms. free. Janay Products Co., Dept. A, 324 Dia mond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS WANTED for splendid high grade specialty. Easily demonstrated. Splendid opportunity for big profits. Full Information free. The Howard Mfg. Co., 206 East Tioga street, Phila delphia. Pa. HUSTLING man or woman under 50. Fraternal Insurance. Protected terri tory. Big money. Write quick. I-L-U, 2470, Covington. Ky. AGENTS WANTED To interview automobile, owners. Article sells on sight. Big profits. Excels Sales Com pany, 1442 Herkimer street, Brooklyn, N. Y. AGENTS We have something dif ferent. Fast selling specialty. Good profits. Write to-day for our free Il lustrated booklet. The Franklin Speci alty Co.. Quakertown. Pa. AGENTS WANTED For a new "TEN DOLLAR A YEAR" Accident and Sickness Policy; $7,600 Accidental Death, S2O to SSO weekly. Sold to men and women, all occupations. Large commissions. National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Established 1885). SALESMAN WANTED SALESMEN ATTENTION Desir able business opportunity worth $2,000 yearly without risking large capital. Business established. Goods well and | favorably known. Repeat orders and satisfied customers the rule. Perma nent. pleasant place to energetic man of good character. Correspondence con fidential. Give reference. Address | WMCM. care of Telegraph. I SALESMEN WANTED - Experience j unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Writft | for large list of openings offering op portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a mouth while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 24 4, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMAN Acquainted with gro cery trade; large demand; liberal com- 1 mission. Pocket sample. Wirth Sales book Co., Chicago. SALESMEN Five to ten thousand dollars yearly with reasonable draw ing account, to very strong specialty salesmen. lmmergency, lowa City, lowa. EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to j travel for old established house with line that sells to practically all classes of merchants. High commissions, with | weekly advance, to right man. D. W. Barrows, Detroit, Mich. I SALESMEN Of tact and strong personality. Address, for splendid posi tion, "Braiiburn." lowa City. lowa. HELP WANTED —Female I WANTED Woman for housework in family of three; no washing; $4, with advancement if satisfactory. AV. L. Dubois, Hershey, Pa. WANTED Girl, over 20, to take care of children; must be capable of taking entire charge; also must be ex perienced and well educated; good wages. Apply to 420, care of Harris burg Telegraph. WANTED Refined, intelligent ladies, over 25 years, to solicit and demonstrate N'u Bone Corsets in sur rounding territory. Good paying busi ness. Small deposit required for samples. Nu Bone Corset Parlor, 404 North Second street. WANTED Cook, white; reference required. Apply 201 North Front street. LADIES Earn $lO per week doing plain sewing at home. No canvassing. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope. Guaranteed Supply Co., Transportation Building, Chicago, 111. DO you want another $2 daily? No experience, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on contract. We take product. Help ing Hand Stores (Inc.), Dept. 856, Chi cago LADIES sls weekly, spare time, copying. Send stamped, addressed en velope for particulars. Monon Co., 730 Monon Building, Chicago. LADIES to sew at home; good pay. Send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, New York City. BUSINESS WOMAN'S MAGAZINE The New Magazine of Business for Wo men Everywhere. Its pages replete with helpful articles for women in business as well as for the girl desir ous of entering into business. Sample copy 20 cents. Descriptive circular free. Business Woman's Magazine, LB. IS, Lancaster, Pa. LADIES Earn neat income, nil or 'spare time, at home, making plain aprons. Dime for beginner's outfit. W. i Sargent. Salamanca, N. Y. WANTED Woman cook; colored l preferred; $5.00 per week. Apply A. Shack's Restaurant, Seventh and Broad streets. GIRLS WANTED to trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St LEAR'S' DRESSMAKING ?»rfect Fitting Is taught by meaßure -*»Sit. Cut own patterns. Its the only way to learn dressmaking right. T'ake own dresses while learning. Night and day classes. Write, or call. Work's Dressmaking School, 22 North Fourth i street. WANTED Experienced operators for Loysville Shirt Factory. Apply at once to Loysville. Pa. ! SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Experienced. middle aged man desires worn of any kind on farm. Address Joseph Fruhwirth, 450 Myers street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED By middle-aged white man, not afraid of work, position as driver for delivery team, in or around Harrisburg; reference and bond if re quired. J. W. Diehl, 1223% North Sixth street. WANTED—lntelligent, married man, 33 years old, speaks four languages, willing worker, wishes permanent posi tion; hustler. Address F., 1637, care of Telegraph. hliC.Al.«jN> m.i.MKD—Female WANTED Young girl of 16. gradu ' ate of gramar grades, desires a position for either afternoon or morning in an office. Address M., 1634, care of Tele graph. WANTED White woman wants washing to do at home. 1637 Wallace street. WANTED By colored woman, place as cook in boardlnghouse or private family. Inquire 118 Tanners avenue. WANTED Position as cook, either hotel or restaurant. Address Box J, 1626. care of Telegraph. WANTED A respectable, elderly lady would like to care for an aged per son, or light housework. Address X., 1627. rare of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Corner lot. 52x125 ft., Front and Hamilton streets, at a bar gain. Apply 1700 North Second street. FOR SALE Farm, six acres, bar gain. three mile* from New Kingston, Cumberland county, good buildings, ssoo.no, S3OO cash: possession at once. George Marts. Twentieth and Paxton streets, Cloverly Heights, City. REAL ESTATE FOK SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE No. 2X29 Jefferson street 8 rooms bath -- gas furnace porch. $5,400 will buy this property, inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner > Building. PENBROOK LOT FOR SALE Size. 30x120; price. $225. Three Camp Hill lots for sale at a very low price; com bined size, 6ux125. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE AT $1,300 8 roijins; gas light; porch front; lot, Frame house at a bargain price. No. 2032 Berryhill street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE One 61-acrc farm; one 63-acrc farm, close to trolley; one 10- acre farm, one mile west of ShellßVille. Irwin M. Cassell, Real Estate and In surance, 1444 Reglna. FOR SALE—S2,7OO buys solid brick, 3-story house. 231 North Fourteenth street; ;»ll improvements; first-class condition- 60 North Eighteenth, 3- story brick. Investigate. Irwin M. Cassell, 1414 Regina. FOR SALE Two new two-story houses, mansard roofs, all conveniences, 10 and 12 feet of ground to the side. Price, $2,850 and $2,900. For Informa tion apply Shenk & Wagner, 2901-3 ■ Main street, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Two 2 H-story frame houses, new, Nos, 3320 and 3322 North Sixth street; all improvements; steam heat; granolithic walks. Inquire Shreiner's Store, on premises. PUBLIC SALE of valuable Farm, Monday, September 28. 1914. Fannie Mumina and Ellen M. Addams. Execu trices of Samuel Mumma. deceased. Sil ver Spring Township, Cumberland Coun ty. Pa., on the Trindlo Road, three miles west of Mechanicsburg and one quarter mile from the Valley Traction Railway at Locust Point. 147 acres and 102 perches of limestone land, brick house, frame barn and other outbuild ings. Sale at 1 o'clock P. M. C. H. De venney. Auctioneer. H. H. Mercer, At . torney. ' I FOR SALE Huntingdon County Farms, both large and small, S6OO up. Back to the farm Is the slogan. Farm catalog on request. W. G. Miller, Huntingdon. Pa. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE— No. 710 South Twenty-fourth street; 7 rooms and bath; all Improve ments; fine location. Call evenings at 710 South Twenty-fourth street, after ' 6 o'clock. FARMS FOR SALE— -162 Acres; lis miles north of Middle sex; level land; brick house; frame barn. Price, $6,500.00 —$5,000.00 can re main at 5 per cent. I 23 Acres; 2 miles southeast of Middle town; frame buildings; running water. Price. $3,100.00. 38 Acres; one mile northeast of Har -1 risburg; frame buildings; variety of fruit. Price, $7,200.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE No. 223 Union avenue; three-story frame house. Further information, asl: Schmidt, Florist. 313 Market street. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT FOR RENT 1634 Walnut street; $' rooms and bath; halls and Improve-j ments. Apply 1152 Derry street. FOR RENT 2026 Green street; 3- story brick; steam heat; electric light and gas; front porch; hardwood finish. Apply on premises. FOR RENT 625 Wiconlsco street— 3-story brick house 8 roms— all im provements. Rent, $16.00. Apply C. H. Mauk, 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT House at 826 North Third. Admirably suited for private residence, doctor's or dentist's office or boardinghouse. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT No. 1843 Whitehall street. 9-room brick house with mod ern improvements; steam heat, with thermostat connections; combination lights; combination range and gas water heater; rent, $35. No. 1850 Mar ket street. 9-room, modern brick house, with ijteain heat: an ideal home in .'.e sign and location; rent, $35. No. 1628 Regina street, 9-room, mod ern brick house at $25. No. 411 South Fourteenth street, $20.00. No. 1626 Catherine street, $16.00. J. E. GIPPLE, 1261 Market Street. FOR RENT From October 1. house 1512 Hunter street; 9 rooms and bath; furnace. Apply 404 Walnut street. FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, Cowden street near Market. Elevator; I'. R. R. siding; 5,000 sq. ft. floor space. Possession at once. Apply C. F. Gohl. 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 L. FOR RENT Large brick house, with Improvements, and two acres of land, at Lawnton. Rent, S2O. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. SIMBtRH*N PROPERTY FOR RENT NEAR Mechanicsburg, along trolley. Cars stop at property. Electricity, bath, steam heat, stable, garage, chicken house, yards and truck patch, choice fruits. Exceptionally fine resi dence. Possession October 1. Apply R. A. Wlckershain, Mechanicsburg, Pa. lUSAJL. ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT—Country store building In good town in Dauphin county, not now occupied; has always enjoyed a good cash trade. Large house, warehouse, stable and necessary out buildings In good condition, together with about an acre and onu-half of . land with a variety of fruit and good water. This Is one of the oldest and best stands for general store in the county and an exceptional opportunity for a young man with limited amount of capital. Property will be leased, sold or exchanged for improved city property. No old stock to buy and pos- ' session can be secured at once. Apply to A. G. Eden. Allison Hill Trust Co., Thirteenth and Market streets. Ai'AitTMEN TS FOR RENT FOR RENT A well lighted ment; corner property; 4 large rooms and bath; best or Improvements; all floors covered with cork carpet. Inquire of George W. Meyers, 225 Hummei street. FOR RENT ONE housekeeping apartment; four rooms and bath, including kitchen and steam heat; also a large storage locker. Apply Penn'a Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT A furnished corner apartment steam heat electric light telephone gas range— bath. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court Sts. Bell phone 1596. FOR RENT—New second floor apart ment at 11 South Third street; five rooms; all conveniences. Rent, $37.00 1 per month. References required. Ap -1 ply 338 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT—Four-room apartment; desirable location; all improvements; use of both phones. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Desirable apartments at Nos. 2510, 2514 and 2518 N. Sixth street for rent as follows: Third , floors, $30.00 per month; second floors, $35.00 per month. These apartments are new and most complete. Apply to Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 1247 Mulberry street. Call between I 6:30 and 7:30 P. M. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, with conveniences, for light i housekeeping. Apply 529 South Fif- I teenth street. . 1 FOR RENT Two newly furnished, front, communicating rooms, single or en-suite, with bath, steam heat and light. Address E., 1631, care of Tele- : graph. ' FOR RENT - Furnished rooms, 209 State; finest location in the city; all conveniences; pleasant first floor par- < lor and bedroom second floor front. 1 single or en suite, and third floor front. FOR RENT Third floor flat, two rooms; hall; use of bath; clean, light, comfortable; rent reasonable. Apply 230 i North Fifteenth street. J FOR RENT —Nicely furnlßhed rooms, with running water; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. | FOR RENT Large furnished front room on third floor; nicely furnished room on second floor; in private fam ily; lieat. light: use of batli; phone. Apply 121 South street. , FOR RENT—Three rooms, complete- , ly furnished for light housekeeping; all . 'conveniences; references exchanged. 340 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, i with light, steam heat and all conveni ences. Call 1103 Montgomery street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and cold running water in ixiom; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-sulte; all conveniences, in cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. ROOMS WANTED FURNISHED ROOM WANTED—Per manently. with private family, conveni ent to Market Square, by gentleman. References furnished. Address M., 1608, care of Telegraph. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, with or without kitchenette; all outside rooms, nicely papered, new and strictly up-to date; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom prlvlfeges. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitor, Room 6, same building. WANTED WANTED llorso to work on farm for its feed, for month or until Spring. Call Bell phone 3084 L WANTED lO good, second-hand j motorcycles—all makes, for cash. Key stone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. 1 United phone 19W. j , WANTED 25 good, second-hand ! bicycles; also coaster brakes, or parts j I of wheels. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 ! North Third street. United phone 19W. j E. J. HOKE, formerly Principal, Lan- | caster Business College, will open a I Shorthand School, Monday, October 5, | 31 North Second street. Individual In struction by expert. Open Evenings. Day and Evening Sessions. FOR SALE j FOR SALE Grocery store, centrally I located, with stock and fixtures. Es ' tablished business. Apply X. Y. Z., care of Telegraph. FINE AND COMPLETE LINE AUTO ROBES. Steamer Rugs, Car- | riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup ply Company, Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE, CHEAP New house hold goods; also plumbing tools and material. Leaving town, must sell quick. 1865 Park street. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE 22,000 No. 1 24-inch Chestnut Shingles, well seasoned. Guar anteed first-class stock and workman ship. Price right. Also one 12-H.-P. Lambert Gasoline Engine, practically all wearing parts new, A 1 condition, $93.00 cash. Inquire P. O. Box No. 237, Millersburg, Pa. t FOR SALE Fine dun pony and | cart; near four years; safe and good driver; $l5O, everything complete. Take R. V. car, stop at Pennell's. FOK SALE The famous Augldile , computing scales, new and second handed; also two Toledo computing scales, cheap, inquire 529 South Six teenth street. Bell 2293 J. FOR SALE Two horses. One black horse. 6 years old, works single or double. One horse, 8 vears old, works single or double. Price, SIIO.OO. Inquire Bowman & Co. FOR SALE Good driving horse, buggv and harness, cheap. Call, or ad dress, 1502 Walnut street. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Six passenger, 36-horse-power Studebaker; electric lights and starter; new over size tires; car in A 1 condition; run 5,000 miles. O. 11. Watts, Millersburg, Pa. FOR SALE Twln-c.vllnder Harley- Davidson and side ear; fully equipped. Also business outo-top, with glass and panel sides. Cheap. Apply Barrlngton | Garage, near Thirteenth and Market streets. FOR SALE At reasonable prices, horses and mules. Call at Squire Mil ler farm. 4 miles east of Linglestown. on Manada Gap road, or call Bell phone 2555J, City. FOR SALE One pen good White Rocks, twelve hens and one cock, three pullets; also one large Cypher's incuba tor, good as new. William E. Living ston, Box No. 62, Oberlln, Pa. "FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 'ill-lit South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at sl.lo : per set. Also all other sizes. FOR SALE An Excellslor 1913 mo ' torcycle, in fine shape. A big bargain at SIOO. One Indian, fair shape, S4O. ' Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third t street. FOR SALE One twin, Harley-Da vidson motorcycle, fully equipped; just i • been overhauled: cheap to quick buyer. | Apply C. B. Smith, 1527 North Third i street. BUY your traveling and leather goods ' from the wholesale and retail leather , ' merchants. A large consignment on I ■ display. Specialties made to order and i | repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup- I i j ply Co.. Second and Chestnut 1 | FOR SALE Thoroughbred Beagle i • and Fox Hounds, broken dogs and pup ; pies. These dogs can be seen any time, j ; Every dog sold on a guarantee. Evans i and Smith, Dlllsburg, Pa. j FOR SALE CARDS on sal* at the ' Telegraph Business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One | of these signs will be given with each slxt-tlme order for a classified ad. If 1 paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business: Office. I ' FOR RENT ln the Telegraph 1 : Building, a suite of well located offices, i Inquire for Superintendent In Business 1 Office of Telegraph { BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I WANTED A party with SI,OOO to invest in local corporation, which will give him large returns on the invest ment. Communicate with H. lv. 8., care of Telegraph. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $6. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea eock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port. N. Y. ADVERTISERS SPECIAL-r 5c per word places your ads in 133 different magazines; regular price 7c. Lists, particulars free. King's Magazine, Box 1316, Little Silver, N. J. IF you can invest small amount in paying business and manage branch office in Texas or Oklahoma, address Southern Marble & Stone Co., Yoakum, Texas. KOKO-WHBAT CRISP. SIO.OO daily profit. New confection. 5c packages costs lc. Samples. 10c. Particulars 1 free. Machine, $7.50, prepaid. Corneau & Co., 546 North Parkslde, Chicago. HARDWARE STORE FOR SALE ONE of the best locations In the city, at present doing good business. A hustler can increase to any extent de sired. Clean up to date. Only $5,000 cash required. Address Box 1628, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS PROF. FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN DIA Pianist and Instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Park Auditorium. Mt. Gretna, Pa., season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell phone. S. KLEIN New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Big stock of second hand furniture for sale. Drop postal to 1026 Market street. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old gold, silver watches and Jewelry; or taken in exchange for new jewelry. Jos. D. Brenner. Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell 626 L. R. H. PEFFER Local Express and Delivery. Piano and furniture moving a specialty. Storage of household f foods. Good. Dry Wood for sale, stove ength. 1119 Montgomery. Phone 1684 J. Harrisburg Paste Works 126 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. HAULING ! H. W. LATHE. Boarding Stable and I National Transfer Co. Movers of | pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. 11. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and ; Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. | 2503 R. ' S. HALDEMAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders. Job work promptly attended ito in any part of the city. Estimates I cheerfully furnished. Also Homes for sale with all conveniences at reasonable I prices and easy terms. Call Bell phone I 3622 M. 3222 North Sixth street. West j Harrisburg. i REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING j with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, perpared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 (tants per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer caudise. Low storage rates. South St and Penna. R. R. MONEY TO LOAN MOST MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelery, guns, revolvers, I musical Instruments, etc. Bargain In unredeemed pledges. City Loan office, 411 Market street, next to United Cigar Store. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable In lnstal .ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co, 204 Chestr- t street CARD OF THANKS MISS MAME S. BOWERS, of No. 535 Maclay street, acknowledges with grateful appreciation the kindness shown by the friends and neighbors during the Illness and death of her sis ter. Annie C. Bowers. LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment. Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., October, 6, 1914. when alternate bids will be publicly opened and sched uled. and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the recon struction of 8.891 lineal feet of Brick Block pavement. 26 feet wide, Type "A" construction, and 18 feet wide, Type "B" construction, situated in Mill Creek township, Erie county. Plans and speci fications mhy be seen at office of State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and Warren Savings Bank Building. Warren, Pa. Full particulars and In formation on application to Edward M. Blgelow, State Highway Commissioner. Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg. Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., October 6, 1914. when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the reconstruction of I 050 lineal feet of Brick Block navement 16 feet wide, situated in Tionesta Bor ough. Forest county. Plans and speci fications may be seen at the office of State Highway Department, Harris burg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Phlladel -hia: 2117 Farmers Bank Building, I Pittsburgh, and Warren Savings Bank I Building, Warren, Pa. Full particulars I and Information on application to Ed ward M. Blgelow, State Highway Com missioner. I NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Thomas R. McClune, late of Harrisburg City, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to I the undersigned, all persons Indebted I to said Estate are requested to make ! immediate payment, and those having i claims will present them for settlement SARAH A. MCCLUNE, Executrix, Or 220 Harris Street CHARLES C. STROH, Attorney. CLERK'S NOTICE NO 2739 IN BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania, Klein Company, of Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Penn sylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied for a full discharge from all debts prov able against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In Interest, to appear before the said court at I ScrMton, in said District, on the 26th ! day of October, 1914. at 10 o'clock in ! the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have why the prayer of the said peti tioner should not be granted. I GEORGE C. SCHEUER, [ Cleric REAL FRIENDS OF LOCAL OPTION AN6DY McCormick "Temperance" Dele gates Endorse Candidate Long a Liquor Man Special to The Telegraph Shippenaburg, Pa., Sept. 26.—These! are the days of rank inconsistency in the political maneuvering of a cer-1 tain group in Pennsylvania, especially I among those who have pretended to be the leaders of the people anxious to point the way to a new and better day. The people in this end of Cumber-1 land county are strongly in favor of! temperance and anti-liquor move- i ments, but they are more than sur-1 prised at the action of the recent anti liquor conference in Harrisburg, which endorsed Arthur n. Rupley, of Carlisle, for Congressman-at-large. For many years Rupley was the attorney for nearly every man who applied for license in this county. He was the good friend of all the tavern and saloonkeepers and several years ago, in their attempt to defeat local option in Shippensburg, he was the individual who is said to have | handled the campaign funds. It is j stated that he now owns a small hotel at Churchtown, which is at present licensed. It is not strange that the temper ance people in this section believe that the action of the Harrlsburg confer ence, which seems to have been called in the Interest of the Demo cratic candidate for Governor, was neither consistent nor fair. Rupley probably has little show of election, hut the endorsement in his case and in othir instances indicates the careless ana indifferent methods of those who are playing politics through the use of a strong moral and economical issue. THE MARKETS PHILADELPHIA PnODIICE By .Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 26. Wheat ' Lower; ;No. 2. red, spot, export, sl.oBdo I I.13; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, i 11.1801.23. Corn Lower; No. 2, yellow, local, 87«87%c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 54% @ 5 Be. Bran—Market steady; winter, per ton $24.50<g)25.50; spring, per ton, $24.00@ 24.50. Refined Sugars Market weak; powdered, 6.85e; flne granulated, 6.75 c; confectioners' A, 6.65 c. Butter—The market Is steady; western, creamery, extras, 31c; nearby prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $7.50@7.80 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $7.60® 7.80 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 15® 17c; young chickens, 11® 20c; spring chickens, 14«6t16c; broiling chick ens, 17 si>27c; old roosters, 12@13c; ducks, old, 13@14c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese. 15<fJ17c; turkeys, 19@20c.. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 20 , ,f.@21%c; da, fair to good, heavy, 17®18c;i average receipts, 18@20c; small, 16® 17c; old roosters, 13% c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16®18c; broiling chickens, nearby, 16®20c; western, 15 @18c; capons, large, 23<8>25c; do., small, 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, 24lS>2fie; do., fair, 20@23c; ducks. 11® 18c; geese. 11 0 16c. Hay Market quiet, but steady; tim othy, No. J, large bales, S1S.O0; No. 1. medium bales, $18.50® 19.00; No. I 2, $17,00® 18.00; No. 3, $14.50® 15.50;; no grade, sll.oo® 13.00. New clover mixed. Llpht mixed $18.00019.00; No. 1. do., $16.50® 17.50- No. 2, do., $14.50® 15.50. Potatoes Easier: New York, per bushel, 55® 63c; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 55® 63c; Jersey, per basket, 40® @ 45c. CHICAU CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Sept. 26. Hogs Re ceipts, 5.000; strong. Bulk of sales, $7.90®8.50; light, $8.50®9.05; mixed, $8.00®9.05; heavy, $7.70®8.75; rough. $7.70®7.90: pigs, $4.76®8.60. Cattle—-Receipts, 200; steady, Beeveg, s6.Bsft 11.05; steers $5.25 (fir 9.15; stock el s and feeders. $5.40® 8.35; cows and heifers, $3.60®9.15; calves, sB.oo® 11.75. Sheep Receipts, 2,000; steady. Sheep, $4.80® 5.75; yearlings, J5.75 (ft 6.40; lambs, $6.25®7.75. NUW YORK BANK STATKJIKNT By Associated Press New York, Sept. 26. The statement of the average condition of Clearing House Banks and Trust Companies for | the week shows thai the cash reserve i increased $7,674,700, leaving a deficit of $30,709,100 below legal requirements. The statement follows Average Condition Loans, $226,706,000; decrease, $2,576,- 000. Specie, $325,774,000; increase, $5,225,- 000. Legal-tenders, $59,905,000; increase, $1,657,000. Net deposits, $1,983,216,000;; decrease, $990,000. Circulation, $137,261,000; increase, $7,545,000. Banks' rash reserve in vault, $349,- 942,000. PUBLIC SALE OF ONE CARLOAD OF m M New York State Colts At J. R. Kline's Stock Yards, Mechanicsburg Thursday, Oct. 1, 1914, at 1 O'clock This- carload of colts I bought myself from the best stock farms In New York State. I have taken great care In selecting the very best for this market. These colts have the shape, size, bone, color and conforma tion with the style and action. Ranging in age from 1 year to 4 years old, weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. The draft colts are bred from the Belgian, Shire and Percheron Horses that when matured will weigh from 1300 to 1700 lbs. each. The carriage and driving colts are bred from French coach and trotting horses that when matured will weigh from 1100 to 1260 lbs. Will make fancy carriage and driving horses with speed. If handled right. There are several mated teams in this load. Don't miss this sale If you want to buy a good colt for your own use or a Spring sale as they are the kind that will give satisfaction to any one that buys them. Every one a good one. Come and see for yourself as seeing is believing. They can be seen a day before the sale at the stock yards and every one will be sold for the high dollar, rain or shine. P. B.—At the same time and place I "ill sell several Broken AecU inatcd Horses; also two good buggies and two sets of single tianicsn. TEKM CASH—Notes with approved security. 30, 60 or 90 days will be taken by paying discount. Chas. Bixler, Auctioneer. I C MARTIN John Moyer, *»• *-"• ' Trust Companies' cash reserve In vault. $66,187,000. Aggregate rash reserve, $415,679,000. Deficit, cash reserve, $;;0,709,400; de crease, $7,6^,700. Trust Companies' reserve with Clear ing House members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve, $52,327,000. Orphans' Court Sale Of real estate Saturday, October 3. 1914, 1 P. M. Farm of Emanuel I Holtz, late of Hampton township, | Cumberland county, Pa. 120 acres I on public road from Mechanicsburg to Enola, near Enola. Improve | ments, large 9-room house and barn with outbuildings; never fail ing well of good water; good run ! nlng water for stock near building and running water in nearly all | the fields. Much fruit on premises. I Located only 3 miles from Harris burg. Ideal dairy or fruit farm. [ Wood and pasture land; * young , growing timber. J. W. Hoi/rz, S. A. HOLTZ. Executor*. I C. H. DEVENNEY, Auctioneer. | S. S. RUPF, Attorney. niIBBER STAMQA Vf i! SEALS & STENCILS U\ MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Mary J. Farling will expose to public sale and outcry on the •> premises on Friday. October 2nd. 1914. at 2 o'clock P. M., all that certain farm containing seventy four (74) acres and one hundred and eight (108) perches, situate in Paxton Township, Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, about one mile from Linglestown, close to the trolley. Excellent farm, good buildings, land in high state of cul tivation. Do not forget the date of sale. Farm Is tenanted by David E. Lehman. MARY J. FARLING, Owner, Linglestown, Pa. E. M. HERSHEY, Attorney. Y ,J THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sarv will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M., at its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. Executors ' Sale of Valuable REAL ESTATE The under*igncd, executor* of the cntatc of A. S. Speece, dec™*ed, wfll well nt public «nlf, at 1.30 R M., when term* jiihl condition* will be mailc know n. on Saturday, October 3, 1914 FARM OF 212 ACRES AND 63 PERCHES Located 12 miles north of Harrisburg, alons; the Pennsylvania Railroad, which runs through the farm. Station % mile from the buildings. State High way from Harrisburg runs through farm. This farm is extra well located for large dairy or stock farm. Run ning water in nearly all the fields. Farm well fenced and In a good state of cultivation. Bank Barn 64x80 Ft.; Frame Dwelling House containing 9 rooms; summer house; convenient outbuildings; large shed for I machinery; cribs for 2000 bushels corn; hog sty for 100 head of hogs; good poultry houses; running water at three places in dwelling, outbuildings and at barn. Orchard of 15 acres containing best varieties of apples. Buildings good. i!«"» nere* *ceniid-growth timber. \ hvo-fdory double frame Dwelling House with Building l,ot* nultnlile for tennul*. A number of Building l.ot* within » few minutes* walk from Speeccvllle Station. A I'lot off l.and containing -17 l , erelie« fueing on Sn*- jjk qiielinnnn river and running to public m outlet nlonic l'eiin*yltnnia < anal. l)c*ir- Jr able for Mummer cottage and located wifli other e*rcllent *ummer cottage*. / |*o**c**ion enn be arranged for to *uitf piirchaner*. W A I.TKH SPKEI B, iUiW illD SPKRfK, Ktfcuiori. T. M. l-ebo, A net, r. r. strob. \tt>., llarriMburg, Pa. FOR SALE Houses that, are ideal in location, design and construction and situate. I on North Nineteenth street and Prospect street and adjoining Reser voir Park. Now open for inspection. Look them over and let nie quote von a price that is fair. J. E. GIPPLE 1251 MAUKICT STREET V MONEY FOR SALARIED FBOPLH and others upon their own name*. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial Adams tt Cn. R. 804. 8 N. Market S%
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