I Seel a Position Through Telegraph Want Ads-Employers Read Them [ | DITCHED!f The want of a little time, the lack of care- Jj| |«gf A loose plate and a magnificent piece of fHgi How about the in your busi- «|| |B&! Can you use other competent men and women ? Do you want extra eyes trained P§K Just such men and women are seeking iMjfS Pj, positions with just such concerns as yours. I£l|j Some are advertising; under the heading rajS "Situations Wanted' in to-night's Tele- rcWy gftj| graph, Others can be reached if your ad Raw appears under the heading "Help Wanted" irad Read Telegraph Want Ads for Profit. Use Telegraph Want Ads for Results. jGB§ DIED YODER On September 1«. 1914 ' ,?*; 11:15 P. M.. Mrs. Julia M. Tofler. wife of Leon P. Yoder, of 621 Harris street, aged 20 years. Funeral on Saturday a "® r "°®"Vents o'clock, from the home of , her „P^ e "'!; 11 South Eighteenth street. Body ran he viewed at above address. Burial private, in East Harrlsburg^Cemeteiy^ LOfeT , _LOST Pair of nose glasses attarji «Pl» chain with pin, between 404 Cum berland street and Third and R ?T"!ifi streets, and around market. Kewara If returned to above address. LOST Friday or Saturday, string of gold beads. Finder please return to 220 Forster street. FOUND FOUND The homo of cleanliness at Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Either phone ends your worry. Try us. We deliver and call. HELI* WANTED —Male WANTED. AT ONCE first-class tinner. Apply Hershey Store Co., Her shey, Pa. WANTED Licensed driver for motor truck; must have experience. ADDIy at the Quarries, Twenty-third street and P. &R.R. R- Hoffman Bros, and Wilson. AK4IY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodled, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, for Information applv to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg; 48 N. queen St., Lancaster; 863 Pine St., Williamsport, or 37 W. Market St., York. Pa. WANTED Good. strong, able bodied men to work in stone quarry at Hogestown. Apply Saturday, after 6 P. M. and Sunday, at 138 Bosler avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. AUTO Transportation Company, largest, oldest, best practical automobile school In the country, will open here, Harrisburg. We will train you to be come a first-class chauffeur-mechanic. Thousands of positions open for compe tent men. Complete guaranteed in structions in driving and repairing, $35. Write home office for full particulars at once. Felton, 336 West Fifty-ninth street. New York City. WANTED Carpenters on concrete form work. Inquire Swatara Street Gate. Pennsylvania Steel Co. Raymond Concrete Pile Co. FERTILIZER AGENT WANTED to handle side line; big commission. Answer at once. P. O. Box 74, Harrla- AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED For a new "TEN DOLLAR A YEAR" Accident and Sickness Policy; $7,500 Accidental Death, S2O to SSO weekly. Sold to men and women, all occupations. Large commissions. National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (Established 1885). HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Girl for general house work. In small family; no washing; must give reference. Apply 2133 North Second street. WANTED Lady, unencumbered, to travel in Pennsylvania. Protestant preferred. Salary, $50.00 per month and expenses. Give present occupation. Addresß H„ 1190, care of Telegraph. WANTED Maid for general house work. Apply 2301 North Front street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man for general housework. Apply 1924 ■Teen street. ' \ Houses For Rent 1005 N. l»th St., 3 a. 8 r sll 807 East St., 2 «. b., 5 sl2 2148 N. 7th St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. b. ... $lB 1205 Covrilcn St., 'J'/i a. f„ IS r.Ah., (14 1507 Allison St.. 2*4 a. <>., 8 r. & b., sls 1127 IlriKKB St., 3 a. b„ 8 r., SHI 826 Strawberry Ave., 3 a. b S2O 2140- Green St., 3 a. b., 8 r. A b., S2O 1712 Green St., 3 a. b„ 8 r. & b., *27.,",0 1334 N. 2«1 St., 3 a. b *:tl> 1024 S. 18th St., 2V4 a. b., 8 r. b., $32.50 11123 Market St., 3 a. b.. 10 r. ... S4O 1(103 N. 2«l St., 3a. b„ 10 r. b. v. h., SSO 2210 N. 3d St., Ba. b., Br.b. a. h.. SSO 22 S. 17tli St., 3 a. b. ( furnished >, «no 2138 N. 2d St., new 2V4 a. b., B r., s«<> 200 S. Front St., 8 a. b., 10 r. 2 b„ $75 28 S. Front St. (furnished, from Oct. Ist), rental upon Inquiry. Enola —Adama atreet srj CONSULT 1)8 FOR APARTMENTS Mulberry Jt Christian Sta., garage, $j Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonda Loeuat and Conrt Streeta THURSDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—FemaII WANTED First-class, reliable white girl for general housework and plain cooking; rio washing; very good pay. Apply between 6 and 8 P. M., 2489 North Sixth street. WANTED Three young girls be tween the ages of 22 and 25 or over, must be neat, to solicit for high-grade soap and toilet articles. Address A., 1195, care of Telegraph. LEARN DRESSMAKING Perfect Fitting Is taught by measure ment. Cut own patterns. It's the only way to learn dressmaking right, "ake own dresses while learning. Night and day classes. Write, or call, Work's Dressmaking School. 22 North Fourth street. WANTED Millinery apprentice girl. 224 North Second street. M. V. Miller. a WANTED An experienced tobacco stripper. Apply C. L Boak. 229 Broad street. GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St. SITUATION WANTED—MALE WANTED Young man. 18, desires position of any kind with chance of promotion; has general business course; best references furnished. Bell phone 2629J for interview. (SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Young lady desires po sition as clerk in office. Address R„ 1193, care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined young lady de sires position as stenographer; has had several years' experience, and can fur nish good references. Address W., 1192, care of Telegraph. WANTED By colored girl, place In private family; fully experienced; can give reference. Address 8., 1189, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored girl desires to assist with housework, or be child's nurse. Call, or address, 1727 North Seventh street. WANTED Young lady wishes po sition in an office; can furnish refer ence. Address Box H, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young lady wishes po sition in hair dressing parlor, or as partner; experienced. Bell phone 3615 W. WANTED A respectable white wo man would like position as good, plain cook, or as housekeeper. Address Marie Welner. General Delivery, Har risburg P. O. WANTED A respectable, middle aged white woman would like to have day's work a few days a week. Call, or address, R. 11., 1741 Susquehanna street WANTED Very capable woman, experienced in cooking, nursing, sew ing or general housework, would like work from i:3O to 6:30, or from 10:30 to 6:30. Address Box 1161, care of Tele graph. WANTED Positions together, in or out of city, by cook and chambermaid. Apply 1408 Marion street, rear. WANTED Middle-aged widow wants nosition as first-class house keeper or cook, hotel or private family. Address Box J, 1183, care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer wishes position; can furnish reference. Ad dress Box R, 1182, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE No. 223 Union avenue; three-story frame house. Further in formation, ask Schmidt, Florist, 313 Market street. FOR SALE Tw.o 2 V4-story frame houses, new, Nos, 3320 and 3322 North Sixth street; all improvements; steam heat; granolithic walks. Inquire Shreiner's Store, on premises. SALE SEPTEMBER 22, valuable plot of land near Lancaster City, on prem ises In Manor Township, on Lancaster and Columbia Pike, Lincoln Highway, on trolley line, a plot, of 11 acres and 118 perches, consisting of 1,000 ft, front age with a fine two-story brick house, containing 10 rooms and bath. Flhe well of limestone water on porch, cis tern, bank barn, tobacco house, wagon shed, chicken house, hog-pen. fruit trees, etc. By B. Frank Hershey, for the heirs of Henry B. Herahey. CHICKENS AND CHEERFULNESS— I HAVE Fifteen Building Lots rteht at the growing end of Harrisburg that would make fine chicken farm. Run ning stream through the property. Will sell very cheap on terms to suit, or will exchange on improved property and pav difference. A C. Young, 26 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 413 Boas street cor ner property ll rooms, bath and furnace 3-story frame lot. 16%* 70. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2036 Susquehanna St.— 3-story brick 8 rooms, bath and fur nace porches lot, 19%x71 side entrance. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east of Harrisburg, containing 90 acres. In good state of cultivation; buildings In good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak timber. For further Information call on, or address. C. S. Cassel. R. F. D„ No. ?, Penbrook. or J. C. Cassel, 29 South Thirteenth street. Harrisburg. FOR SALE Corner property, 440 Peffer street, has been reduced to $2,350; 9 rooms and all improvements; large lot. Inspect It. Occupied by own ers. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. GREEN STREET property owner leaving town; house to be sold at con siderable discount; brick; 9 rooms; fiorcli front; all improvements. Inspect t. Particulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. $1,450 WILL BUY a frame house on Nineteenth street with 7 rooms and bath; porch; lot, 20x115, with stable on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES FOR SALE at a prlc» to yield 9 per cent, net; brick construction; all improve ments; porches; practically new; now occupied. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Two more bargains— s3,soo for brick house Oreen street, above Peffer. $1,500 cash will buy three brick houses up town—l 3 per cent, on investment. D. E. Brightbill, 2 North Court street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT ln Bellavlsta, eight room house; all conveniences; bath; gas; hot and cold water; front and back porches and balcony; possession Oc tober 1. Address John Fehl, Bellavis New Cumberland, Pa. — FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, sl6. Desk room In centrally located office. D. E. Brightbill, 2. North Court street. FOR RENT House on North Sixth street, above Riverside, near fare limit; eight rooms and bath; rent, $16.00; im mediate possession. Inquire Cb-rles Prince, care of Bogar Lumber Co., City. FOR RENT No. 1197 Christian St sl4 00 636 South Seventeenth St 20 00 FROM OCTOBER Ist No. 1850 Market St. 35 00 No. 1843 Whitehall St 36.00 No. 1628 Regina St 26.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. FOR RENT 2% -story frame house; corner Thirteenth and Shrub avenue; 10 rooms, with all improvements. Apply A. E. Enders, Penbrook. Bell phone 2800 J. FOR RENT House No. 45 North Thirteenth street; all improvements. In quire A. E. Enders, Twenty-eighth and Curtin streets, Penbrook, or call Bell phone 2800 J. FOR RENT House 1629 Derry street; 2',4-story frame; nine rooms and finished attic; side entrance; all im provements except furnace; rent, sl7 per month. Apply 212 South Fifteenth street. SIBIRBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT NEAR Meclianicsburg, along trolley. Cars stop at property. Electricity, bath, steam heat, stable, garage, -chicken house, yards and truck patch, choice fruits. Exceptionally fine resi dence. Possession October 1. Apply R. A. Wickersham, Mechanleshurg, Pa. WAXTED WANTED Ford automobile. Give full particulars and lowest cash price. Address 8., 1180, care of Telegraph. WANTED TO LEASE Hotel of 50 to 60 rooms, unfurnished, in a license town of 12,000 to 26,000 population, by October 15, 1914. Address C., 1194, care of Telegraph. WANTED To buy, a bookkeeper's standing desk; must be cheap and in good condition. Call No. 3690. either phone. WANTED Dressmaking. Reason able rates. Inquire 719 North Second street, first floor. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Large, well-furnished front bedroom; finest location in city; all conveniences. 209 State. Bell phone 1643 L. FOR RENT Furnished room, with large bay window; all conveniences. Also transient roomers. Apply second apartment of Hoffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT,' next to bath; clean and newly decorat ed; corner house; reasonable price. 1168 Mulberry street, east end of bridge. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished complete, for light housekeeping; priv ilege of bath. No. 240 North four teenth, second door from State. FOR RENT Two third tloor rooms, nicely furnished, well heated and lighted, for rent to gentlemen only; terms reasonable. Apply at 1649 Wal nut street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished third floor front room. bath, gas and electric light. 258 North street. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms for light housekeeping, furnish ed, on second tloor; gas; heat; half square to Eleventh and Market; near to all Hill cars. 1127 Derry street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on second floor; large bay win dow front; light and heat furnished, with use of bath; private family; con venient to cars; rent reasonable. 443 South Fifteenth street. ROOM FOR RENT All conveni ences and use of phone; strictly pri vate family. Address A. E. 8., care of Telegraph, or phone 1587 R. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished second story front rooms, single or en suite, opposite Capitol Park; all con veniences. Apply 514 North Third 6treet, or phone 2315. FOR RENT Two furnished or un furnished rooms, for light housekeep ing. on second floor in desirable resi dence section; references required. Ap ply 510 Maclay street. FOR RENT Two communicating front rooms on second floor, furnished or unfurnished; all conveniences; very desirable location. Apply 1738 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Rooms, with board, for married couple or two young men, $5 per week; single, $6; corner prop erty; all conveniences. Apply 1518 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; all improve ments. 458 Cumbe .ind street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences, with pri vate family. Apply 260 Herr street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms in one of the best locations of the city; use of bath and telephone. Apply 203 State street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights; hot and cold running water In room; use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms with running water; boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second ; street, corner Boas and Second streets. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en-suite; all conveniences, In cluding phone; reference required. Ap ply 1016 North Front street. FOR RENT Three rooms, desirable for business or apartments; all Improve, ments. Apply No. 9 North Fourth street ROOMS WANTED WANTED —Three unfurnished rooms, with use of bath, for light housekeep ing in private family, if possible, desir able location near center of city; refer ence exchanged. Call Bell phone 604 M, BOARDERS WANTED WANTED Couple men boarders, private family, $5.00 per week. Pleasant location. About fifteen minutes' %valk from Market Square. Address J., 1184, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Desirable offices In Franklin Building. No. 212 Locust street. Janitor service. Electric ele vator. Rent reasonable. Apply Union Real Estate Investment Company, on premises. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent In Business Office of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Desirable apartments at Nos. 2510, 2514 and 2518 N, Sixth street for rent as follows: Third floors, $30.00 per month; first and second floors, $35.00 per month. These apartments are new and most complete. Apply to Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment of two rooms, hot and cold water, gas range and steam heat, with use of bath for $12.00 per month. 122 North Thir teenth street. FOR RENT One housekeeping apartnent; four rooms and bath, in cluding kitchen and steam heat; also a large storage locker. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. ' FOR RENT Apartment, 2002 New Fourth street; two apartments at Schuylkill and Seventh street: rent, $lB to S2O. Inquire J. C. Mehring. Sixth and Oxford, or drug store. Fourth and Peffer. FOR SALE FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new Bxlo 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.16 per set. Also all other sizes. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 118 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the' Acme make. FOR SALE A National Cash Reg ister; only used several months; good as new: will be sold right. Apply Penna. Milk Products Co.. 2112 Atlas avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. i<nH SALE, Clt.c-.rvP A good up rlerht piano. Apply to 111 Nomi .• street, between 7 and 9 In the evenings. FOR SALE 1914 Indian motor cycle, two-speed, electric horn, lamp and generator and tandem, at a sacrl llee. First J 165.00 takes it. Would be a big bargain at S2OO. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Splendid radial drill and lathe. Including chucks and post or same, etc. Suitable for auto gurage or small machine shop. Apply E. B. Leaf Co. Take Rockville car to River side. FOR SALE 522.50 Cawson >, Mow plume; also (Encyclopedia Britannica) set of 31 books. Will sell cheap. Please write or call at 3105 North Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Good double heater; used three months; cost $37.60; will sell for $lB. Call, or address, 1741 Susque hanna street. FOR SALE Chalmers 4-cylinder 1913 Torpedo, four or flve-passenger; very good condition; electric lights; self-starter; new tires; shock absorber, etc. Cost. $1,960. Price, S7OO. A. H. Kreider, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE One B-H.-P. Westing house electric motor; five Wheeler & Wilson factory sewine machine heads, one roll-top desk. Apply 1709 North Fourth street. FOR SALE Heating plant, with piping and radiators; radiation five hundred feet; also electric fixtures. Will seli at a bargain If sold at once. Address Box 117, Oberlin. Pa. FOR SALE Dining-room and two oak bedroom suits, porch furniturei vacuum cleaner. Good condition. Must be sold before September 17. Over C'amp Hill Pharmacy, Market and Church streets, Camp Hill, Pa. FOR SALE 2O-ft. wall casing; 16- ft. floor casing to match; one 6-ft floor case; for sale reasonable. Com monwealth Cigar Store, 5 South Mar ket Square. FOR SALE A good horse for driv ing or delivery work. Call at Dr. J. A. Hass' Stable, Barbara and River streets. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co., Second and Chestnut. • FOR SALE CARDS on sale at th» Telegraph Business Office. GLASS window signs. Furnished Booms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each slxt-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. BUSIN ESS OPPOKTUNITIKS FOR SALE Moving Picture Thea ter, fully equipped; building can be leased. Lock Drawer F. Duncannon, Pa. SAFEST INVESTMENT In the world. Government Auction Land Sale. Land appraised from SI.OO to $6.00 per acre. Classified, Agricultural, Grazing or Timber. Near Oil and Gas Section in Cotton Belt. Fine climate. Plenty of water. No residence required. You pay Government 25 per cent, down and 25 per cent, yearly. Be represented at this sale and secure some good prop erty. Very little capital required. Bank references given. Address David W. Robinson. IGI West Thirty-fourth Street, New York City. N. Y. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with $6 Send for free booklet. Tells how. He*, cock. 366 Lockport. N. Y. BLSINLSS PERSONALS PROF, FRANCISCO DE ECHEMEN DIA Pianist and Instructor; music for dances and special occasions. Pianist at Parjc Auditorium, Mt Gretna, Pa., season 1914. 223 Maclay street. Bell phone. BUSINESS PERSONALS BUILDING ALTERATIONS AND RE PAIRS °lans and estimates furnish ed. Work promptly attended to. Call D. P. Lesley. Contractor and Builder. 1217 Derry street. Bell phone 3215 J. S. KLEIN New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Big stock of second hand furniture for sale. Drop postal to 1026 Market street. HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for old gold, sliver watches and Jewelry; or taken In exchange for new Jewelry. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler. 80S North Third street. Bell 62« L. R. H. PEFFER Local Express and Delivery. Piano and furniture moving a specialty. Storage of household floods. Good, Dry Wood for sale, stove ength. 1119 Montgomery. Phone 1684 J. HAULING H. W. LATHIS, Hoarding Stable and National Traunfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. S. HALDEMAN & CO., Carpenters and Builders. Job work promptly attended to in any part of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Also Homes for sale with all conveniences at reasonable prices and easy terms. Call Bell phone 3622 M, 3222 North Sixth street, West Harrlsburg. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Gluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Toriic, perpared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 19(0. NOTICE Let us upholster and re flnlsh your old furniture make your furniture look like new. All work guaranteed. Phone 654Y to send our man and he will give you an estimato. Outlet Furnishing House, 1014 Market street. IN MEMORIAM IIV .MEMORIAM IN sad but loving memory of AquUa B. Shearer, who departed this life Sep tember 17, 1913, one year ago to-day. A little time on earth he spent, 'Till God for him His angel sent; And then on time he closed his eyes, To wake to glory in the skies. HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER. STORAGE STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses. built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer candlse. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. MONEY TO IiOAN MOST MONET loaned on diamonds, watches, Jewelery, guns, revolvers, musical Instruments, etr. Bargain In unredeemed pledges. City Loan Office, 411 Market street, next to United Cigar Store. LOANS—SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable In lnstal. .ents to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co, 204 Chestr- t street. LEGAL. NOTICES NOTICE to property owners along the lines of Ethel Street, from Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, Ordinance No. 115, File of City Council, Session of 1914-1915. In accordance with the terms of Ordi nance No. SB3, File of Common Coun cil, you are hereby notified to make all the necessary house connections con templated by you "with the main sewer, gas pipes, steam heating pipes or other mains," within sixty days from the date of this notice, and conduct said service pipes or sewers from the mains In the street to within the curb lines of said street. M. B. COWDEN, City Engineer. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dau phin County. Pa. No. 219 Common wealth Docket, 1911—Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ex rel. John C. Bell, Attorney General, vs. Tradesmen's Trust Company ln the Matter of the Fourth Account of Percy M. Chan dler. Receiver. THE Auditors appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the Fourth Account of Percy M. Chandler, Receiver of the Tradesmen's Trust Company, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Accountant, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of their appointment on Monday. Sep tember 28. 1914. at 11 o'clock A. M., at No. 2128 Land Title Building in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties Interested are required to make and prove their claims or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. EUGENE SNYDER, HENRY S. BORNKMAN, Auditors. September 8, 1914. COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, The Hon. George Kunkel, President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. M. McCarrell, Additional Law Judge, df Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju dicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, having Issued their pre cept. bearing date the 13th day of Au gust, A. D. 1914, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar ter Sessions of the Peace of Harrlsburg for the County of Dauphin, and to com mence the fourth Monday of September. 1914, being the 28th day of September. 1914, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace. Al dermen and Constables of said County of Dauphin that they may be then and there In their proper persons at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exami nations and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their of fice appertain to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin County be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hand at Harrlsburg, the 13th day of August, A. D. 1914, being the one hundred and thirty eighth year of Independence of the United States. HARRY C. WELLS. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrlsburg, Pa., August 27. 1914. ELECTION BALLOTS AND SUPPLIES SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS will be received by the County Controller at his office, second floor, Court House, Harrlsburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, September 25, 1914, for printing and furnishing forty-e.ght thousand, more or less, official ballots, and ten thousand, more or less, specimen bal lots, the official ballots to be bound in bobks of one hundred (100) each, for the ensuing general election to be held Tuesday, November 3, 1914. All ballots, official and specimen, must be delivered at the Commissioners' Office by 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. October 28, 1914. Full Information as to the number of official and specimen ballot* re quired for each legislative district can be had from the County Commissioners. A certified check of two hundred dol lars ($200) drawn to the order of the County Commissioners of Dauphin Coun ty, must be filed with the County Com missioners by 11 o'clock A. M. Friday. September 25, 1914. and the successful bidder shall have five days' time to file hi* bond for the full bid price. Also at the same time and place seal ed bids or proposals will be received for one hundred and twenty-five (115) complete sets of election supplies. SEPTEMBER 17, 1914. THE MARK PHII.AnKI.PIII A PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 17. Wheat Weak; No. 2, red, spot, export, $1.07® 1.12; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.23 1.28. Corn Weak; No. 2, yellow, focal, 87@87%c. Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 58'/4<® Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 53Va® 54c. Bran Weak; winter, per ton, $26.00® 26.50; spring, per ton, $23.60® 24.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 7.35®7.60c; fine granulated, 7.25@7.50; confectioners' A, 7.15@7.40c. Butter The market Is firm; western, creamery, extras, 32@32%c; nearby prints, fancy, 35c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, Tree cases. $8.40 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $7.50®>7.80 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.60® 7.80 per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17® 18c: young chickens, ll©20c: spring chickens, 15® 18c; broiling chick ens, 17®27c; old roosters. ll@12c; ducks, old. 13®14c; ducks, young, 14® 15c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys, 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 20%@21V4 c ; do., fair to good, heavy, 17® 18c; average receipts, 18®20c; small, 1-6® 17c; old roosters, 13c; roasting chick ens, fancy, 16®18c; broiling nearby, 16®20c; western, 15 ®18c; capons, large, 23®25c; do., small, 18@20c: turkeys, fancy, 24®26c: f?' r - 20@23c; ducks, ll@18o; geese, 11016 c. Flour—The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85®4.10: straights. Pennsyl vania, new, $5.00®5.25; spring straights $0.25®5.50; do., patents, $5.60®6.00; western, $4.25®4.40; patents. $4,600 Kansas straight. Jute sacks, $4.15 <®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20: strlghts. $4.20@4.30; patents. $4,350 4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $19.50®-u.00; No. 1, medium bales, $19.00® 19.50; No. 2, $17.00@18.00; No. 3. $14.50®15.50. New clover mixed. Light mixed. slß.oo® 19.00; No. 1. do.. $16.50® 17.50; No. 2. do., $14.50® 15.50. Potatoes—Steady; Pennsylvania, per bushel, 65@75c; Jersey, per basket. 40 ®4Sc. LEGAL NOTICES which shall include the necessary pen alty cards and cards of Instruction. Certified check for one hundred dollars ' $100) drawn to the order of the County Commissioners of Dauphin County must be filed with the County Commissioners' by 11 o'clock A. M., Friday, September 25, 1914, and the successful bidder will have five days' time to file bond for the full bid price. HENRY W. GOUGH. County Controller. September 17, 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, Septem ber 26. 1914, for the construction of SEWERS In SHAMOKIN STREET and RIVER ALLEY. Blank bids and specifications may be had on application. The right to re ject any or all bids Is reserved. W. H. IjYNCH. Superintendent. FOR SALE—S2,2OO . - , 1824 Boas Street. New two-story brick house never occupied; 6 rooms, hall and bath chestnut finish ed. All improvements.Cement cellar contrete walks and steps, grass plots. Side entrance and bay window. Just finished in up-to-date style. Price $2,200, on easy terms. CHAS. BARNHART, Builder 1821 Whitehall Street Phone 463W i fir DO YOU NEED AT SPiwo/v£y?sP * In many instances you need money <> 3; at a very inconvenient time for some <1 special business unforeseen, and your ready cash is not sufficient to <\ !; meet the demand —this you can over- <; come by applying and receiving any amount from ' $5.00 to $50.00 !| On Your Plain Note <; EMPLOY EES Af* Wt DISCOUNT CO. % 'IH 2nd Floor 36 N. Thfrd St. LICENSED BONDED mMJ Ti ..■■ 8.1 1.1 CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Sept. 17. Hogs Re ceipts, 12,000; higher. Bulk of sale*, SB.oofiif9.oo; light, 18.85@9.50; mixed, »R.4O(W 9.r,R; heavy, rough, *B.ls<fy 8.30: pigs, »D.00®8.70. Cattle Receipts, 4,000; slow. Beeves, s7.oo@i 11.00; steers, $fi.36®>9.25; stockers and feeders, $5.50@8.35; cows and heifers, $3.70@9.30; calves, $8.50® 12.50. Sheep Receipts, 18,000; Arm. Sheep, $5.60<fi>6.25; yearlings, $6.25@ 7.35; lambs, $7.40®19.00. Heavy Rains Falling in War Zone Today By Associated Press Parts. Sept. 17, 12.25 P. M.—Cold, heavy rains are falling throughout the fighting zone in Northern and East ern France. Military observers are of the opinion that this Inclement wea ther will hamper the Germans In greater degree than the French. It will make the use of their heavy field artillery impossible, except on the best roads and Interfere with the progress of the German supply trains, encum bered with men made 111 by exposure. > \ Two Farms For Sale 7 Mile* From Harrtsbarg Two farms belonging to the Estate of W. K. Alricks, de ceased; situate in Lower Pax ton Township, Dauphin County being the farms deed ed to him by the heirs of John Rudy, deceased; and by the Executors of Joseph Rudy, deceased; will be sold at auc tion, Thursday, Sept. 17, by the Dauphin Deposit Trust Co., 213 Market street, execu tor of the estate. Sale will be conducted at the farms. The I.ower Farm tenanted by John Lytle, containing 147 acres, more or leas. The Upper Farm tenanted by W. H. Lcnker, containing 130 acres, more or less. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLH and others upon their own namea. Cheap rates, easy payments, confldsn* tlal. idama A Co. It. 804. 8 N. Market S%, RUBBER STAMnp SEALS & STENCILS S 2 MFG - BYHBG,STEN< i ,LWORKS IB 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. U THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily except Sunday at S P. M., at Its new location, 1/ut North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. 11
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