6 1915 Hupmobiles New Models Will Reach Here Sept. 16 Exhibit at Ensminger Motor Co. Wholesale Distributor Third and Cumberland Sts. MAXWELL NEW 1915 MODEL At Its Price, $695, the World's Greatest Automobile Value Here's the car that has all the features of a SI,OOO car, and The New 1915 Model Has 17 New Features Sims real high-tension magneto; sliding gear transmission; left-hand drive; center control, anti-skid tires on rear, and all high-priced car features. The easiest car in the world to drive. A great big, handsome, powerful, swift-running REAL automobile. The greatest hill climber in the world. The car that has set the whole country talking. WITH ELECTRIC STARTER AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS s.">.l EXTRA. Holds the Road at 50 Miles an Hour Write Phone or Call For Demonstration E. W. SHANK AT CITY AUTO GARAGE STRAWBERRY AND RIVER STREETS, NEAR SQUARE JEFFERY A CARS fags* Stand for Economy, High Grade Quality, Distinction in Style, Plus Comfort at a Moderate Price PLEASURE CARS JEFFERY TRUCKS Jeffery Four ....$1,450 lbs. Chasis, $1,300 Chesterfield Six, $1,650 1^" t ° n c h ass jf -$1,650 Jeffery Big Six . $2,400 * All Prices F. <). B. Factory. Different Bodv Styles. EXHIBITION AT GRANGERS' PICNIC NEXT WEEK JEFFERY A 1808 LOGAN STREET J. A. BENTZ, Manager. HARRISBURG, PA. Quality IT* • j. r irst 5-Passenger Touring $1650.00 6-Passenger Touring $1725.00 2-Passenger Coupelet $1900.00 5-Passenger Sedan $2750.00 7-Passenger Limousine .... $3200.00 Above Prices are f. o. b. Detroit Keystone Moto 1019-25 Market Street CALL 1991 -ANY "PHONE. "SH* "#"#• FOUNDED 1871 JSjoumumS HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORK Visit Our Auto Tire Department ON THIRD FLOOR Five Guaranteed Reputable Makes at low prices. GOODYEAR KELLY-SPRINGFIELD NASSAU IMPERIAL CAPITOL Tires and Tubes Every Tire Guaranteed. Get Our Prices. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. -*• -*■ -A. -*■ -*■ M. A. A.- - SATURDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 12, 1914. Mrs. Carman Collapses; Is Under Doctor's Care . Special to The Telegraph Mineola, N. Y., Sept. 12. Mrs. Flor ence C. Carman, indicted Thursday by ! the grand jury on a charge of murder i in the first decree for the killing of Mrs. Louise Bailey, to-day was under the care of the Nassau county Jail phy sician. Mrs. Carman collapsed soon after being locked up. Hince the first indictment Mrs. Car man had been enjoying full liberty on' j bail. Her activities at Kreeport have | been much the same as before the mur- I <ler. Apparently her health has been I good. 1 District Attorney Smith said he would 1 ask for a special term of the Supreme ' Court in October for the Carman trial. I If this is not granted the case probably j will go over untii next year. manmn Come See the Chandler and its Marvelous Motor (HANDIER LIUHT-WEIGHT SIX *1595 The Chandler weigh* only 288 A pounds. It runs 16 miles or more per gallon of gasoline. 700 miles per gal lon of oil, 7000 miles per set of tirea X\TE> promise not to make * you buy. And we don't believe we will have to. Your own judgment will show you in how many ways the Chandler excels. Take the motor, for in stance. Our owners all agree that it is this wonderful engine that makes the Chandler so superior to other cars that seem to be in its class. Chandler couldn't make this powerful and exclusive long stroke motor any better if the car sold for twice its price. It is the Chandler motor, the fruit of eight years of six-cylinder ex perience and not a stock motor found on a dozen makes. And look at its strictly high class features: Self - contained oiling system with constant lubri cation for every working part (No outside piping.) Separate unit electric starting and light ing system, with Bosch Magneto for ignition. (You don't see the high-priced sixes leaving off the Bosch, but other light sixes are leaving it off. It's expensive, but it gives perfect ignition, so Chandler uses it) Genuine imported Coventry silent chains for driving cam shaft, pump and generator. (This is modem construction, supplanting noisy gears.) Extra heavy crank shaft perfectly balanced. Cast aluminum motor base extending from frame to frame and taking road strain off the motor. These are only a few Chandler features. The car reflects high-priced design throughout Still the profit-sharing price for 1915 is $1595. There is no other value that approaches it A bold statement but we are here every day ready to prove it NEW 1915 MODELS Ready for Delivery Andrew Redmond Third and Boyd Streets CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO.. Cleveland, Ohio j THE VULCAN SBSO THE WORLD'S GREATEST LIGHT CAR A QUALITY CAR AT A QUANTITY PRICE A five-passenger touring car of extremely graceful lines and classy appearance. A powerful hill climber. Made under the direction of men of extraordinary mechanical genius. The engineers behind the Vulcan are men of automobile experience dating back to the beginning of the Industry, as well as possessing natural mechanical ability of the highest type. Not the greatest car in size, nor the greatest In production but the greatest in performance and efficiency—lightest in trouble lightest on tires and gasoline, positively the light car that gives users the greatest value for the money. A number of them are In use by your neighbors. Let us prove the car's efficiency and good looks to your "own satisfaction. Price Includes full equipment f. o. b. factory. Roadster type 1750. Penb rook PRXBBOOK, PA. BEM, PHONE 115«-L MILLER S TIRES Grip the Road Like a Cog-Wheel * STERLING AUTO TIRE CO. 1451 Zarker St. VULCANIZING THE STORY TOLD BY THE AUTOMOBILE Translated From "Automobilish" to English For Those Who Study Motor Genealogy Note: —-The following is taken from a conversation which the writer over heard between two well-known auto mobiles in a large garage in one of the southern States. The reader must excuse the continued use of the ego— it is not egotism on the part of the automobile. "She" is simply stating facts about "herself" —"modesty" Is "her" middle name and "she" almost blushes when "she" says "I." "Yes, I* was born In Detroit. My parents were both American models, Mother being a town car and Father a. racer; and say, how he could cover the ground in his younger days. But he got old and when he finally got down to one lung, he had to take a back seat. Lots of young racers though, try to follow Pa's example to day, but few of them have the speed he had. Mother is holding her own pretty well. Of course, she is getting a little gray but she is just as strong as ever and goes into town and back twice a day without even a sigh. She never was driven very hard though and most always had women with her. Pa bummed' around with every body and that's why he had to go to the hospital so much. He had the drink habit something awful. Why, he could drink more gasoline and 'carry it' than any car 1 ever saw. "How many brothers and sisters have 1 ? Why, say, our family has an addition about every five minutes and I have so many brothers and sis ters that I've lost all count. You see our family is very popular. We don't stay together very long. We no more than see the light of day before some body comes, falls tn love with us and takes us away; and that brings me to my own story. "You see lam a baby—a real 1915 baby, but just the same I have had a very .wide experience for one so young. Believe me, I have been put to a hundred tests and can stand any thing now. They wouldn't let us leave home if we weren't strong and healthy and able to do all kinds of work. "One day not long: after I fame into existence, two men came up to me in our factory and stopped. They were arguing about me and I heard one man say to the other. 'l'll l>et you a good hat that she can take you 1,500 miles and you won't have to touch her.' Of course, it pleased me to hear myself praised and I was not in the least scared when the other man re plied,plied, 'l'll take your bet and be sides I won't carry a single tool— she's got to go all the way without an adjustment." "Well, to make a long story short, I made the trip—l,soo miles in all and over some of the worst roads I ever hope to see. I averaged about 35 miles to a gallon of gasoline on the good roads and, as I 'start myself' my new owner never had to crank me once. "People who have ridden in me say I'm the nicest riding car they ever saw and they speak of my beautiful stream line body and believe me. I am proud of myself and of my family. "Who am I? Why, didn't I tell you my name? I beg your pardon—my name is Maxwell, I am one of the new 1915 touring cars, and now what will you have to drink, —gasoline or just plain water?" ELIZABETH VILLE RESIDENT DIES IN READING HOSPITAL Special to The Telegraph Elizabethville, Pa., Sept. 12.—Yes terday morning news was received here that Mrs. Fitting, wife of the Rev. H. W. Fitting, of Oley, Pa., had died In the Reading Hospital. Mrs. Fitting was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Swab and the brief stricken parents were not aware that tlielr daughter was sick. Mrs. Fitting was a woman of sterling character and with her husband labored zealously in the Lutheran Church at Oley, where the Rev. Mr. Fitting was pastor. She was 4 3 years old and is survived by her husband, a son and daughter, father and mother and four brothers, Arthur, of Scranton, and Harry, War ren and Percy, of this place. APPOINTED PRIVATE SECRETARY Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 12. Miss Rebecca Varner, of this place, has se cured a position as private secretary to S. R. Smith, president of the Mes siah Bible Schoot and Missionary Training Home at Scranton, and will leave for that place Monday. This is one of the most important announcements ever made by an automo bile manufacturer—certainly the most important ever made by this company. It will cause a profound sensation throughout the automobile industry. Its effects are bound to be broad and far-reaching. It will pay you to read care fully every word in this statement Jfekofr'fkfroit' Announcement of Change in Policy Prices Cut On Four-Cylinder Cars On August 17th the directors of this com- grade cars, built to sell up to $2,000. at the pany decided to engage in the manufacture price of the cheap, roughly-made machines. of six-cylinder cars exclusively. A M#»rhaniral M^tprniere This decision came after all preparations ~ , A Mechanical Masterpiece had been made to produce a quantity of o Abb °"?°! l t 't y ,S 3 well^ no ; vn fac f: 1915 four-cylinder cars, and obligations had over 7.000 Abbott cars in actual use. all been incurred to receive and ply for ma- "inning practically no expense and terial for nearly 1,000 machines. w,th ,P Perf e ct satisfaction to their owners, It is therefore necessary to manufacture P the inherent goodness of the Ab and sell all of these thousand cars before . c iaS!i .'i"V r» * • i we can go ahead with exclusive six-cylinder. , h y er > r Abbott-Detroit »s strong and pow production. Consequently, in order" to fa- crf " L . ver - v mach ' ne ,s bu,lt ?/, the cilitate matters, we will close out all of our materials possible to secure. Ihe chassis four-cvlinder cars at an enormous sacrifice. 1 £ er , ec * O, V • We" are determined that our proposition f Body designs are the latest streamline shall be so attractive to motor car buvers tv P C ". . ~X! !r . , m,S U P holster >' ,s generously ♦ i n a» ;t .. iii o t i ' provided. Ihe painting is superb. Every that it will mo\e the cars as fast as we can . e ,, K ,* , . f . • turn them out. Even- four-cylinder machine de a 1 ls worked out to insure ab will be sold on a price basis which makes Sol " te all other offers look absurd. Ever - v " iach,ne ,s ful, - v guaranteed. No matter what price you pay, we positively Just Think insure you a perfect car. You are abso- We are placing before you a proposition lutely protected, to the fullest limit, worth literally hundreds of dollars per car— Get Out Reduced Prices to you personally. , r , , ■ , You can now buy new Abbott 1915 mod- Y" are iT g ♦ mo f tor , car values els at prices which represent an enormous ?" d here .!f * he cha » cc to g et what want sacrifice in profit. You can now buy high- If yOU t y 3 Caf T W J [ J s guarantee to save you hundreds of dollars. c We mean it—hundreds of dollars! special features Included in Come and investigate for yourself. You Every Abbott Car will be absolutely convinced of the unusual Continental Motor. ", ierit t of ol . lr Proposition You will agree Warner Transmission. Warner Clutcli. that there is no reason for you to wait Spieer Universal Joints. another day on account of cost. Jaoobson full Floating Rear Axle i-v . . • , , ~ , • , , Kieotric Auto-Lite starter. Demonstrations cheerfully furnished on Timken Bearings request. Fedders Radiator — G. J. NATCHER, Mgr. Abbott-Detroit Branch Phone 3593 106-08 S. 2nd St. HARRISBURQ, PA. IMPORTANCE OF THE UNIVERSAL JOINTS Scientific Transmission of Power to Rear Axle Regardless of Angle or Bend "Few automobile owners appreciate the importance of the universal joints,' declares George F. McFar land, of the Harrisburg Automobile Co., distributors, in this territory for the Haynes, America's first car. "In order to get sufficient road clearance, the crank shaft of the motor must be mounted on a line some distance above the rear axle so that the power from the motor must be transmitted through an angle or bend in the pro peller shaft which connects the mo tor with the rear axle. "Quite a few devices have been de veloped for this purpose, but the use of the universal joint has proved to be the most satisfactory. However some manufacturers make the mistake of using but one universal joint in the driving shaft. It has been proved when one Joint only is used and the angle which the two shafts make with one another is large, as is the case during excessive spring action in run ning over rough roads, that the power is transmitted unevenly. "That is. there is an actual differ ence in velocity of the shaft at sev eral points during one revolution of the shaft, and the twisting action produced in the shaft on this account must be absorbed either in the shaft itself or in the driving gears. The re sult is that the gears soon wear, the bearings loosen up, and a large amount of lost motion and noise de velops on account of this strain put upon them. "It has been determined by using two universal joints In the propeller shaft, between the motor and the axle, that this difference in speeds of the shaft at different points of each revolution Is entirely compensated, and the power is transmitted evenly fron the motor to the rear axle re gard ess of the angle or bend in the share. '""''he Haynes Light Six is equipped with two large universal joints en tirely protected by metal housings so constructed as to resemble ball and socket joints. Perfect flexibility of driving is secured without the least strain on the gears or shaft, and the johits are amply lubricated by the grease retained in the metallic hous ing," . , 1 CRISPEN CO. | | 413-417 South Cameron Street | nmtmmttmtmmnmmmtmtmmmmwmtmmmtsmmmmmttmmmttotol Every business man 1 who has delivery prob- 1 f lems to contend with I y should bear this truck in J It's a Reo / The truck that f I does the trick, v * Harriibarj \ Auto Co. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers