8 Foreign Table Linens May Cost More I & ~~ These High Grade Groceries Will As the Fall Season Advances, So It « / Be in Great Demand To-morrow Will Pay You to Lay in a Supply Now xfC* - „ fYv The fines t qua,ities o£ dried beef ' bacon - ham, luncheon u>af and —Tit bologna are cut to any desired thinness on our new meat slicing ma- Our present Mock of imported linens for table use is as complete /■ ' * " |«k . \ ehi and sold at moderate prices, as it has ever been at the opening of the Fall season and until we / *!VjS h\\ \ have exhausted this stock there will be no advance in prices. To pro- A. jJ\ Pho " e orders cheerfull >' »«*!*«' aml Promptly filled. teCt your own interests it will be to your advantage to buy now. 1/ 'i l C i- I l\ Fawn Grove SlKK.pr« com, S onus ...2So"Star Brand" mised ptrklrw: Mn.nn lop ' , . , ~ . J ,1 ,• / /r I / ; jShTCK. -~ // \\ Pike Lake peas, an early June variety, 2 jar 12c 66-inch bleached table damask, yard, /Oincieswie eac le a - men \_ i w \ "SwVtei'ioMtei -65* table damask; SI.OO quality; extra qual- i ,N > \y A S=sr<:/\ ..'Jm? MKgtoaA ■ for a.»c tic ioc I . i (V\ X\* I / ' W Ocean Whiting (Isli In 10 lb. pails. Pall,Hsc Large bottle imported chow chow .. ..2Sc V2 -inch napkins to match, | ity with six good designs to choose | w .* / / (>-^% ; Uri WtSM I I Pancj "C >hoe" salmon steak; *,<, lb. cans. | olives; plain or stuffed, large bottle ...»<• || " /_ 42* an ' — 1 ISc Country cured clrle<l beef, </, lb 10c dozen 5H1.70 from. Special, yard 890 ——— —l "Irma" sardines In mustard 5c l.ebauon bologna, lb 25c . , 1 1. Kippered herring in oval cans. Can. , ,10e Sugar cured bacon; sliced any thickness: /0-incn bleached table linen; in ex- 7?_inrh extra fine bleached table \ T 1 ±. T T a Ked Alaska salmon in tall tins; each, 14c n> . • 28c i, ~,rH uicicncu 1.1 c Vp VP! MfttS Choice fat Norway mackerel, each . ...5c Boiled ham; sliced fresh, lb 39c cellent designs. Special, jard ... ■ ""v linen -all Hniihle damask Yard • • V vxl X iu IO Lump starch for the laundry, lb flc Minced ham, lb 20c 70-inrh hlcacherl table damask Sne- ,ail anunie aarna. k. aru, Ru> faney w)lolp hea(| rlcc 25( . Luncheon loaf, lb 28c /U-incn Dieacnea IBDie aa p 581.50 T* * 1 1 T T 1 Kosedale pure first pressing Italian olive Cream cheese, lb 25c cial vard 75* " Ift fY> yy~> /-\pl O-fl/H I I f-f I fYi ryi QM °" : full quart, can BBc Longhorn cheese, lb 25c ' : , . . ~ , , ~ rerman silver bleached table linen- A I dIICJ. W IILI lllllllvJvJ. Blue label catsup; large bottle 23c Swift's borax soap, 10 cakes 3»c 70-inch snow white bleached table German sii\er Dieacnea tame nnen, India relish in iced tea, glass ioc Babbits' cleanser, o cans 25c ~ , ... , , , • _ n j 70 inrliec wide -on account of . . .Major Grey East Indian fruit chutney. Ammonia, large bottle 7c linen; good quality for hard service, ' An advance showin o- of Fall Millincrv that com- large bottle 12c Choice Messina lemons, dozen 20c varH SI .00 the war we may not receive another ' - . . . . „ ■ j' u. 1. j , , ciainment nf these P-oods before Fall mands the attention of every woman interested in the Excelsior coffee, lb Our Favorite tea, lb ■*.*s 72- inch fine grade bleached table shipment of these goods netore fan j Banquet coffee, lb 30? "The Senate" blend of choice teas, linen; new designs and of heavy qual- 1915. ard, Spl.OO and Sfsl.-2.» correct new St) les. P j coffee, lb. 20?. slb i>o? lb 03? ity Yard $1.25 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Orange Pekoe tea, lb 03? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. Imported Huck Towels Are Men's Hosiery and Underwear: Special Values That Will Interest All Offered for To-morrow at Values Announced for the Month End • Who Have Dresses to Make Men's Egyptian halbrlggan shirts and drawers; Women's silk lisle hose; fashioned feet anil double Q. . 1 Qnir<r»rfP Men's Egyptian Ijalbriggan shirts and drawers: pair 37>4c Good things Continue to crop up dailj in the . ertion L JSL tl II 11 <ll V lllS-'O shirts short sleeves. Each 25c Women's black lisle extra size hose: fashioned feet; _ . , c . f „i__ O Men's fancy iigureil grey balbriggan shirts and black, tan and white 37J4e DreSS Goods, where many fine lots of popular weaves for school drawers. Each 3»e Women's black silk hose: fashioned feet; high . . . . . . , \\'e bought heavily early last \\ inter and July steamships Men's white cotton ribbed union suits; short spliced heels and double soles 79c frocks and house and street dresses join the sale at special reduc sleeves 60c Women's thread silk hose: black, white and colors. brought us close to 90 per cent, of our entire purchases. We count Men's Egyptian c«tton ribbed union suits; short SI.OO tfons. ™ r sleeves SI.OO W omen s white cotton ribbed vests; sleeveless; . , , . , . , , a .i i Men's black silk lisle half hose: seamless; spliced taped neck > 9c 39c Embroidered crepe: white and colored grounds; neat embroidered ourselves fortunate tnen in being able to otter these values. heels and toes; seconds of 25c quulity. Special. 12Hc Women's white cotton ribbed vests: extra , . c . . . Black cotton hose; white feet, pair .. . IJ'c Women's 25c white lisle ribbed vests; tajTed neck. 59c silk stripe voile: white ground with self-c«lored and colored silk 2oc individual all linen huck some months ago. Special, each, . .Mens cotton half hose; black and colors. Pair. i«c _ p . . kiwlhl vnrd , ( r .. q • 1 ■ 7e; 4 pair for 25c Women's white cotton rllihed union suits 50e stripes in sliades of tan, lielio, pink, brown nna jjreen. Special, yard, . . owe towels Ot tine quality, special, WOMEN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Woman's white lislo union suits 75c 39c figured riee cloth; white ground; neat floral designs. Special, yard, 19* 39c heavy grade buck towels; Women's 50r black gauze lisle hose; fashioned Women's white lisle ribbed vests: fancy yokes, 25c l 2 u,c 35c all linen huck towels; 19x large size and hemstitched ends. fcet: ,)air ' 37^c ' 3 Ila,r for 8, 00 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. 29c and 39c silk stripe crepes; colored grounds; light and lark shades; 36 inches; a special lot received Speciai 29? ANOTHFR TOT 0"F FRI TTT TARS Fail; a fat*ic'ab«nt'«he weight or Three Great Turkish Towel Values Subject to Mill Stains \ 1 X iAUIX poplin with a crepe weave. Special, yard ~l2^c 3 FBriT JARS Ezy Seal 2 quart Jars SI.IO i $1.49 Berlin kettle 98c i«c and 25e Plisse crepe; light grounds with large, medium and neat floral 25c pink and blue checked 50c bleached Turkish bath tow- Mason pint jars 39c Economy jars, pint and % gallon. $1.49 preserving kettle 98c desjlrns . Special, yard 15 e Turkish bath towelsjeach ...17? , , ■ d j d b Ma son 2 1 ' quart""™' !!.' .'! !!!' ■«»<■ Safety'"valve jirs.' l'vi' and '1 'pirn.' $2:?5 war""pail '.»l"»8 linen finish suiting In neat black and white stripes. Special, yard. 29c extra heavv fincv bordered colored bor- Sure Sea i P | n t Jars 75c dozen 50c RKFRIGERATORS REPVCED 5c - uoruerea j c npr ; a i „ r L oqa Sure Seal quart Jars .80c ALUMINUM WARE $23.00 poreclain lined refrigerators, « 9r woven madras; white ground: coloretl woven stripes; 32 inches wide. Turkish bath towels ;large size, eatn gure gea | 2 quart Jars SI.IO $1.70 set of three lipped sauee- 515.98 , i2%c Special 19? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor Seal idtd ;;;; . ;;; ; ; p,^........ jj VAT* ' " '* Another Important Sale of Dresses Tomorrow Made-Up Rugs from Xhe Latest Style Touches to These The Entire of Our Summer Stock Offered CtlrpGt Border at Prices That Male Excefitwnal Values Remnants * Charming IpI.UU OIOUSOS 200 $1 nnrl Hoikp Hrpccpc to you have an odd sized room Persian lawn blouses with front and back trimmed with bunch tucks and flat collar trimmed ZKJKJ ana O>I.ZO nouse Uresses Keaucea to OOC take it< mcasurements and b ne with embroidery insertion and edge; long sleeves trimmed with embroidery turnback cuffs,#l.oo $4.95 and $5.50 White Skirts, #2.95 14, 16 and 38. Regular $14.50 dresses. Re- / t L . ( Allover embroidery organdv blouses, Persian lawn vestee, lawn collar, long sleeves trimmed Exclusive styles of summer skirts in import- duccd for the first time to #5.00 theSe marlc " l, P r »S s for at a sav " with lawn cuffs ". ." *1 - <M > ed white materials, including: ratine and Ramie <R4 QS Drecses PETTICOATS Cambric gowns, high and V-necks, embroidery in d„ oi rr „j -rt » Taoestrv P.rii«;<;elc: TJiio-c sertion and tucks trim yoke, embroidery edge trims linen. Regular and, garments. ... , , ... ~ . . . , . P S Black cotton Klosfit petticoats, tailored or pleated neck and sleeves 75c Reduced for the first time to .#2.95 omen sand Misses black and white awn- ,B.3xin feet, red floral pattern. $12.50 flounce »1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 Long nainsook and cambric skirts, double panel A TT ing Stripe dresses With white organdie collar value, at Sto.oo Messaline petticoats with pleated flounce, brown. . . „ . trimmlnK or ] aPt , or embrolderv ruffle $1.25 and $1.50 House Dresses, and vest and satin eirdle Reeularlv S49S. 9x3 . feet - red floral pattern, $13.00 value, plum, emerald and black,; $3.50 and $3.95 values, at St.oo. $1.50 to $3.95 %I he seasons best grades of regular sl.2r> Reduced to $2.95 ?Xll feet, chintz floral pattern, SIR.OO INFANTS' SILK CAPS corset covers in nainsook and crepe lace or em and $1.50 house dresses, in percale stripes and "Vi if) hlark- ind white nnd hlne and white s 7" fl ' I Ivace or r i hbon trimmed- —none exchanged— broidery trimmed c * U * * r . . . , ... 1 T - J>O.?U DiaCK ana VMllte ana mue ana \\nite 8.3x15 feet, tan floral pattern, $26.75 «1 SO to H =iiu rani Pt 50c Striped and checked dimity corset covers, kimono figures, with trimming of colored piping. Re- awning stripe dresses. Reduced to ... #3.50 0 o va 'V e . •• •; $22.00 $2 ; 50 to $3.95 silk caps at .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.n* c sieves, beading, ribbon and lace edge trimmed duced to ca ~r\ I I I J 1 *4. • 1 8.3x14.5 feet, preen floral pattern, $21.00 Infants' crochet rl tacques in white or white with an< * «14 <;n \\7UU„ 8 -aa $9.?0 black and white pin stripe dresses with value at ' •• • • •,• ?"•»!» pink or iisht blu- 50c. 75c to $2.95 CHILDREN'S GOWNS AND DRAWERS $14.50 white Dresses, $.).00 long Russian tunic and white organdie trim- x x al „ e green floral pattern, * rXDFRMVSI.INS Children's crepe and nainsook gowns, high and Fine quality white dresses of organdie with ming; black velvet girdle finishes the waist. 8.3x15.fi feet green florai pattern, s22!'no Cambric gowns, high and V-necks, long sleeves, low necks, lace or embroidery ed*e trimmed . . .50c pleated Russian tunic and pleated ruffles; sizes Reduced to #4.05 i' a ' u ? at 5,|K " yoke trimmed with bunch tucks and embroidery in- " cambrlc flrawerf '- tuoks and 2^ 7n«i so? 1 p Sx9 feet green floral pattern, SIO.OO value sertion, hemstitched ruffle trims neck and sleeves, trimmed •"c aim aut — _ —~— at $7.50 s<!c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. O 1 1 Ol J 1 T~> 1 1* t • . r *-% 6.9x11.6 feet, tan body Brussels, $17.50 School Shirts and Blouse Waists for Boys g s- S,S5 ° . _ —; , -rs."rrr.Women s Fall Neckwear Stvles r . , ... , , , Boys and >o< i.-' ucuiigce shirts with separate col- , • . c-i r . WAXXV-'AX A Wll J. 1 V/V/iV t t *■ J Boys coat shirts with laundered cnlTs: sizes 12 to lar ... §I.OO Linoleums—Short Lengths— «/ 14. each 50 C Boys* silk stripe shirts si.so to 5»!25 $1.50 grade inlaid at "So Organdy collars in roll and flaring shapes. New sleeve pleatings of net, yard, 81/OUSE WAISTS FOR BOYS Tan and light blue chambray "Little Beauty" suspenders; sizes $1.35 grade Inlaid at 98c n . , omhroirtnroH and »* >n Light and dark stripe madras waists with attached military col- 310 14. pair 25c fiOc grade printed at 30c h.m™ 111 embroidered, law trlmrn il and Imported lace collars in beautiful efTects. and percale blouse waists; sizes 6 lar 50c Sampson suspenders 50c 55c grade printed at 37c 'pique" coila'r"and cuff sets $ T Jt „ „ „ 25c. 50c to t 1.00 to 16. each 50c BOYS' BELTS AND SUSPENDERS Boys llale web suspenders Matting— pique c 1 r and . ft( , <o 0 „ .ported lace collars and round and long .. .. r: ,rnS .. bte SSS RC ' tS tn Srey DiVeß, are C d e andTtrfmmed New neclc with"' To-morrow's Attractions in the August Furniture Sale Men's $15.00 Summer $29.50 flemish sofa beds, O Tl 11 m \ s39.oogoidcnoak b ouits Keduced to . . . • $24.50 solid mahogany chif- < J* J&Mk Final clearance of Summer Suits to-morrow at just half their original f prices. The collection includes tropical worsteds, fancy mohairs and light grey $9.50 mahogany table ! .94.15 mixed worsteds. These are three-piece English models with patch IlsS !lal! uwfOther Broken Lots of Suits at Half Price j sis suits cq s2o suits <kio Sizes from Bto 18 years in grey mixtures, dark grey chalk stripes, grey checks and ' ' ' '. Turkish Rocker, covered with imitation brown Spanish diagonals and grey and brown checks in cassimeres and worsteds, blue serges, blue J I Continuous post brass beds; regular $15.00 Q leather; regular sl2 50 value <t"Q QC ""finished worsteds, grey diagonal worsteds and pin striped cassimeres and plain grey |I value. Special '. Special . .. worsteds. All nobby Norfolk styles with patch or regular pockets—some have extra pair rr trousers. Other New Fall Suits $4.50 to $15.00 g/Bfr uC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. FRIDAY EVENING.. EARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 28. 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers