6 T ATT T TC T A T T TAO Designed, Arranged and Copyrighted By 1 TO T A iTT T W 111 / I W rll J GEO. H. SHEARWOOD, TOLEDO, OHIO VV 111 I IS W IS C 1 * • For Rules, Directions and List of Prizes See Opp. Page No. 7 * * • ' — ; „ 3 v v ' WHO'S It Is Our Y You Hear a The Man Who Banking Company m Business M(JIN iL I LotofTalk Hides His Money The bank Is a necessity of mod- W W % I IfC To Increase the beauty of your fOr the era business, but there are quite * *L OI P'% a . nd }? 8 ° ?' e *}® vv et K th ® J f, Hl* £\ OW* But the hlt?h cost of men ' B fur " ,n a e ¥. Kar bowl ,a ll ?" 0 narenna An v. material which obtains the best Whenever you accumulate ■ ■llllß V nishlngs is something we have lical character who hid his tal a number of persons who do Kitchen cabinets are the life- results. We have had 20 years' your first thousand dollars you ■ ■ m M 111 d I successfully fought. We are ent. He not only falls to benefit not consider the bank necessary "? ve ?? of the home - thp y make of experience in this business are on the road to wealth. In " now offering a strictly high- himself, but deprives his fellow to them. This is because they , housework easy and Pleas- and ought to know something order to get that first thousand __.. class line of shirts and Imported men of a benefit he could bestow do not realign th« manv wav* in ™.7 wl® T' Kverythlng about it. Just cast your eyes deposit your earnings above your neckwear of the latest styles and and profit himself in bestowing ' you to C 0 a with. about the room and you will be necessary expenses in a bank colors at prices that are no it. This Bank pays 4 per cent, which a goon company can is within an arm s reach. This sure to see something that re- where your money will draw in- higher than elsewhere, but in in its saving: department on SI.OO ■ serve class give us an opportunity to furniture and are agents for the Home of Sherwin Williams, bank that originated Saturday • caters to men's wedding togs, ally. They also have a Xmas demonstrate what the services 2? washers, White sewing ma- p. and V. and Keen Kutter Tools night openings. The bank that and is the Home cf the Man- savings fund and a 40-week va of a good corqpany Include. ehijies and the Garland Ranges. and Cutlery. is "safest for Ravings." hattan shirts. cation fund starting Sept. 9th. v / v v J v.. ______—/ v , '— : —r 1 ~> - -• - 77 Think of It Judge the Dld wo°nde F r ver THE OLD Did You Best By Test We offer you something that D„/x A JVaii Col- «e ? of s "you ever SAYING Jp—? I"* ll* was ,n Pennsylvania. I in no way can be taken from Jf:rt fl 1 gill | j wonder how much care was ' * Steelton Is my home and am you. It is better thm houses, * 117 P T i I p^ared7t' 'W th'w wards'prettv mT Now Is the' Lose your baggage when travel- raised in all homes where good lands, stocks or bonds, the more By the efficiency.of the plant \jy |* BAT right Ingredients and did they time for you to prepare for win- ing? Did you get It hack? thtn f? s to eat are appreciated; you use It, the better it becomes. that makes it. The more era- yy • use tho right quantity? These ter because the weather man Was there anything valuable in s' ou nee'' me. The more you It enables you to increase your cient a plant is the more thor- are quite natural questions for says cold weather will begin the them' Did von lose n lot of knead me, the more I do for aarninsr eanacitv twofold We ° I J Kh a . d P a ' nsta , kln « lts m eth- . any one to ask but they are middle of September. What we , m " " ,d >ou lose a lot of , a ' , n „„», nnl , A earniOß capa. Ity twofold We ods of production are. The safe i y answered in every bottle want to do 1- to install one of "me? We have an article that V - lam offered in exchange have the best equipped place in article manufactured is bound to of medicine prepared at this our Penn Comfort or Penn Per- will save you all worry, trouble, for your dough, then I make this section of the u a measure up in accordance. This pharmacy? This store is man- feet Furnaces. We are also time and such needless ques- dough for you. lam often eaten V!f k i ,» ■L i Y I s 116I 16 m ? Bt "anjtary, largest and aged by a druggist with 37 years agents for the Penn Esther Hons for this little article has up but that don't worry me as I and will be pen again for busl- best equipped bakery In Harris- of experience and handle a rem- Range. We do tinning, sheet proved itself a modern necessity take the shortest route to a per litvf p „ T .If 0 . e : ~ a " ave 18 wagons on edy that is "All Good and Good metal work and repairing of all to the traveler. You want a son's heart. What am I? What risburg Home of the Stenotype. the town every day. jry»r All." kinds. check service. I I is my name? v " v * u \ \ f • \ ' -» /" \ / 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 Wonlorl "Get the Among the If You Want A Thing When Your Mind 'Phis Is Habit" Many the Be,t W.II Don. the p ]ace ha-ve the most completely equip- Come in and get shod right. industries of this city it is inter- Jewelry where would you go That is the description of the think of first, because of the M. lUVV ped laundrv in the city with all Tou will feel better, work better esting to note the quality of this to get it? This store has the feeling of those who buy their quality of their goods and excep- nP onle who want to ent well of the latest and most modern and be better all around If your firm's product. It Is product largest and most complete stock fuel through this firm. This tlonal values. They have the B ° ck , n l our k , tche ' n machinery. Washing all vour feet are fitted right. Our shoes l h at is very beautiful and pleases ' n city of the latest innova- man has been giving the public largest stock of lumber and 600 we have the choicest meats , I * , 3 . tho Th fl v tions in jewelry, watches, etc., the best service and coal for the feet of shed to keep it dry. The and other roods awaitincr vour •clothes, stretching your lace cur- are made expressly for us and ' • - g ~ and our wi/le range of prices al- past 33 years. This is proven president of this concern has had order to be. cooked and the cook tains, steaming w"ol blankets. your comfort. We know how est plant in the city and the most low ample choice. But; remem- by the large list of satisfied cus- 40 years of experience in mill knows how to perfection. We Dry cleaning of all kinds we they are made and stand back complete assortment of this ber, there is strictly one price to tomers he serves. Now is the work and lumber of all kinds. have the most modern and . . . .. , ,' of each pair with our personal product. They make a specialty all, everything marked in plain time to stock up for the winter, They are exclusive agents for sanitary kitchen in the city. As nave naa in years or experience guarantee of satisfaction. The of designs and decorating of all figures, "what we say it is, it is." when the prices are down, be- Acorn brand of oak flooring, a tip we are known for our de in this business. Everybody home of the Bostonian for men kinds. As a tip, this firm was We are exclusive agents for the cause they are bound to go up Prlnceroid roofing and crio dip- llcious pastries which are fresh knows us. and Burts for women. established in 1877. famous Gruen Verithin Watch. on coal as_ on other necessities. ped shingles. every day. N\\\ \ V / v 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 E X5 , " t PlntW Your Duds and The Crown How Many Who Is Who Are the first three qualifications VsIULIICo flii*- \iiHe JVlan in u 7 . « „ ,/ IN THE the big men consider in a con- V/Ul OUUS WlSntftKllflW K/l LI D Ding, dong, dell, tractor when they need his ser- do not make the man. but plays make a good combination. Your t/iC (jflHlC ***** ™ IVtarDlC DUSIII6SS Real Estate we sell- vlce - This firm Is run by a man major part in helping make him. duds will look better and last with 25 years of experience in 11 ia the well-dressed man who longer Because our suds are Who is the man who leads in ha , pp , ens ,n .]^ ls ® tatG and This firm has been striving On easy payments, too, , . is given first consideration these ' the livery business? This man in the whole world? Who gives for the past three years to give Just the house for you. piumoing ana neatlng nusl- days because carefulness In ap- the k,nd make our work a who has had 15 years of ex- you this information ? Who car- you the best work and material ness. He has the best equip- pearance denotes carefulness in success. This plant Is managed perlence in the business, al- ries all of th^ 1 latest and most at the lowest prices possible, and ment In the State. This com- other things. Do you know there by a man with 27 years of ex- though he Is new here. He has popular magazines, books of fic- how well they have succeeded Is hlneil with his tmnH inrtempnt is a store where you can save . ... . . . . the best equipped stable here, tlon? This store handles all proven by the large list of satls . money by buying clothing, shoes perlence, although he has been an( j j s t h e j,est located and Is kinds of school supplies. In (led customers they have served, has enabled him to secure the an( j men's furnishings? This is here but 12. The plant is fully open day and night. He can give fact, It is the best equipped store So when you buy your tomb work on the Schlmmel school the home of Regal Shoes and equipped with all of the latest you anything you want in the of Its kind in Central Pennsyl- stone or someone else, see this building. You'll not have much Royal Tailors with a complete machinery which turns out the light livery also he will board vanla. They also make a spe- man as he is equipped to give ' trouble In guessing who it is. line of men's furnishings. best work. your team. cialty of commercial printing. you the best. 1 J i —^ r \ n /" \ a s 29 30 31 32 S3 34 35 -wSI When Your JE R W E E A L L RY Whatlndustry? Cilea Yocej 'PL _ 1 IJ_ _ Ol ClllllDC W Ortll mm m % is manufacturing articles that _ . , Al _» 1 hat lias |iy| 1 is not an extravagance, but an are necessarv to all other manu- TH /l/fO/?/?OM/ By buying where you can get the In selecting your piano you IVI |II #1 Investment. When you wish to inj,..,,,.. k.-iij * VV— IrJl V_V/\.jfY L/ VV most for your money. Our Ist—The most complete equip- can not exercise too great care. ITAIIIU buy a gift that will be most ap- iaciunng industries ana nuna- prices are as low as the lowest ment in Central Pennsylvania. lam able to give you the bene- 1 predated and gift of fine quality ers ' and is one of the best equip- an(l our „ no^B are , he j,est as 2nd—One of the best and most 111 of m > r 26 years of experience turns to ice and coal, this is the and great beauty you should see ped of its kind in the city. This -And Every Other ' u, h q : complete Xray outfits in the iincl Judgment to enable you to firm you are most likely to think our splendid collection and wide A rm },as been serving the public WC &re ° High Hent State. make your declßion. lam now of. because of the exceptional range of prices. We also exam- . . . . . . and Hif#i Price district. We o r(1 The most satlsfßctnT-ir offering to intending purchasers values and the quality of our ine your eyes and fit them at nere ror 17 >' earß " ltn l " e best C' A 117n Pi A 1/ handle everything in the ladies', method of rainless - reasonable rates. We have in their line as they employ only .1 /\ /fJ B\ w J/K Y children's and men's furnishings, teeth Trasy or a Tonk, both of which pie of Steelton with the best coal proven to the public that we are expert workmen. They want you furniture, carpets, etc. The , ' _ . _ , are products of the leading on the market for the past five specialists in watch, clock and tn .v, nt vr ... „ an i... ' ______ place where you can get " Every 4ttvT-Pe'.moKt P ract ' ( * a l sya- piano manufacturers of this years. The only independent re- Jewelry repairing. If you are thing for everybody." This firm tem or treatment for acute and country. Drop in and let's talk tall Ice dealer In Harrlsburg and not one of our customers, let us done Just as good in this place TaJow "Tlil* Ic tlio I iln" as been in Harrisburg 26 chronic alcoholism. it over. Steelton. get acquainted. as anywhere In the country. I OQojr 11115 IS lllc Lallc years. _ J .. - ~ , , J f\\r\ \ * V \ 86 87 38 39 • 40 41 42 I Am Which Will _ Name the | j Your insurance agent, do as you FACTS think of the firm who by care- I ■ B I \X 7 S I O would when sele ctlng your doc- M UylTlli "%T W* ful and fair dealings for the past VV I 1 • to f or law >er— get the best. Misrepresentations are fre ■ll ■ i Mi,. five years have established them- I V ludlrll B others are experimental and quently the occurrence when buy for this space in this puzzle be- I Oil iiCIVC people 'of the "n the YoU don,t have t0 gUP! ' B at ad ing. you do so with the intention cause I think you ha\ e not heard lce coa j Woo( j an( j business! this ad » everybody knows who stop and think what agent you of getting: as long service out of of me before, but to keep the Pasteurized milk or Just milk? It's the firm that gives you a That was first Produced in Har- pays the highest cash price on believe to be the most compe- lt as possible. Therefore, you public acquainted with my facill- Pasteurizing is a method that square deal, correct weight and risburg in 1831, since which scrap Iron, rags furs, etc. We tent to handle your insurance, should Investigate before buying, tie* for handling their work In a cleanses and purifies the milk prompt delivery. We have the ... . ' ok ,„ ' „ real estate and collecting of We are agents for two of the and makes it fit to drink. Pas- most complete line of poultry time it has grown to be the are now making a sp clal y of rents. This firm has been serv- best made cars In the country prompt ana satisfactory manner. teuring kills all disease germs feed on this side of the river most nonular in Its line with the second-hand bags and burlap. Ing the public here for 10 years for the price, and If you buy 1 have a large plant fully equip- in raw milk which makes lt and are agents for Quaker You all know who gives you a with the best farm and city either of the classy cars you are ped with modern machinery as healthful. This is the largest Scratch Grain and a mixture of people of Central Pennsylvania. H _ have hpen property to be had, and are sure to receive full value for T have been in business Inst a and best and most sanitary plant mash feed which has given sat- T . wlll kepn vou DnßtPd eV erv square aeai as we nave oeen agents for some of the most re- every dollar you invest. The I have been in business Just a ln the clty Their wagons are isfactory results. Branded un- posted e er. here for the past 10 years , an d liable insurance companies in Home of the Overland and short time. ill over town. der their own name. day on what the world is doing. have a clean record. the world. Chandler cars. V 1 ———— -1 * ~— V -» . > ■ _______^ 43 44 45 46 47 48 4H Quality Patronize T n Bread Is Theoretical Knowl- We Are in Fre ß hne.s, Cleanliness, and U ~ . 10 O. edge & Practical a Class by Pur ")' and Q ual,t >- Home Industry Ourselves tures of this bakery. Freshness M Ifi /\ m *♦"! !-•*» Tn O V A Llfl 1 I L/JL L y 1 sell something that but few 14MV» I Because of the superiority of we therefore must keep our of us buy for ourselves, and Ol Llll C combined with a desire to please automobile values we have to goods on the move and can Is considered in our Red Hot when our relatives buv it for us bu >" from thls man - H 's prod- giving assurance of a thorough offer Jf b(J th , s c]a guarantee their freshness. lt h ., s m ade the lareest th „ t uct B° es ,nto nearly every home Therefore, get, bread that Is Job, finished ln accordance with » Cleanliness, because that Is our coal as It has made the 'argent we never get the opportunity of , n the cUy u , s the pu / est and pure clean and wholesome, the latest methods is why we oar you are sure to receive full natural disposition. Purity he number of warm friends and the expresslgg our thanks or appre- most wholesome product on the made of material of the highest have been and still are one of value for every dollar you In- cause, that is our first conslder greatest Increase in the business elation of the gift. I carry one market. He has one of the most grade which contains the great- Harrlsburg's leading sheet metal , Thl , th b . , d atlon when buying our material, in the past 4 7 years. There s of the largest stocks of finished modern equipped plants in Har- est food values. This is one of works. This firm is managed by ' . Quality, because of the skilled a Reason ; It is because we sell work and can fill your order with risburg, everything strictly sanl- the most sanitary bakeries here a man with 28 years of experl- garage in ( amp will and agent bakers we employ and the qual t.ie best on the market and give any of the leading foreign or do- tary, all articles are thoroughly and their work room is open to ence, so you should feel sure for the car that is "The Height Ity of material we use. That is you correct weight and prompt mestlc grades. As a tip, this firm sterllizpd before using and his public inspection at all times. that this is the place to get first of Economy." The Trumbull, why our Best-Yet and Famous L delivery. was established 30 years ago. delivery service Is the best. Watch for the yellow wagon. class work. $375.00. regular equipment. bring universal satisfaction. r \ 1 gk \ 1 \ \ 60 . 61 52 63 64 55 66 Puritv LN t>erformin S A JEWELER AL The Home of Home Sweet What Firm VI 1 M W This man Is a practical Jew- fIIFC 1 000 A Manufactures an article that Is \]kl jL _ _ whose ice cream goes Into nearly 11V I IHTV eler and engraver w-lth 20 years llUlllC used in the construction of near u nose ice cream goes into nearly 111 T 1/11 I ? of experience in the business, We have a modern and up-to- lv everv bulldlnK' This article WW MMCM ©very home in Lemoyne. The J J and is an expert watch and Jew- date grocery,, sanitary in every There isn't any such thing as ' . . f . following may help you to guess. elry repairer, as he has one of respect, when you order gro- a duplicate to a home, but we 18 one °* tf,e 0 118 I{ln d Thev make more and better Ice in my line of business very few the best equipped repair depart- cerles from this place they come conduct our place ln such a manufactured. They have been Cmn hnnpl . t worn,,,, iney maKe more ana net er ice of us select the article I sell and ments in the State. Fine en- to you fresh and clean. We keep manner that it is an excellent fiU nnlvlne the buildln* trade h ? neßt workl "K people in none of us have the. opportunity graving a specialty. This store the best of staple and fancy substitute. All of our rooms are BUPPIV«ng the building trade time of need secure small loans section. They make it out of of witnessing the rites and func- Is carrying a complete line of groceries and keep them in a outside rooms and well ventilated. ' p years. on nonbankable security at less the Purest and freshest milk tions a portion of which Is car- watches, silverware, diamonds, manner that merits your lnspec- and our service cannot be ex- What they want you to know Is than )eKal rates Davable ln and cream. It has woni its ried out by me. I carry a com- etc. This store located ln Le- tion. We have gained a title of celled anywhere in the city. that their product Is Just as „-> ravor through its Ha\or. There plete line of furniture and have moyne, while near the city has having quality goods. correct Everything Is strictly sanitary. good as that which Is bought instalments. Is only one stop from the farm, been serving the public here ln not the city expenses conse- weight and prompt delivery. Our motto is to treat you right abroad, and at a better price. and that Is at pasteurizer, Lemoyne and vicinity for 19 qufntly lower prices and at all This is the Home of the L. H. and make you our regular cus- The name of this product is the separator and free?er v years. times prompt service. Parke Co. teas and coffee. tomer. same as the firm's. Now guess. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 28, 1914
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers