XfcfcMen tsaJnfeßesftg; Are You in Love With Love BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX The world is full of girls who dra matically tell m e that they cannot live without the of a certain man, and beg" of t me to tell thetn how to win it. Some of these girls aro really in love with the man who has tired of them or who does not reciprocate their affection. But more I of them are in love , with love. The girl who is in _ I love with love craves attection, but is in grave dan ger all the time because of her own emotional nature. Love is a beautiful and holy thing. It Is worth waiting for and striving for and working for and dreaming of. But in order to be worthy of real love when It comes, one must not waste he»- beautiful and holy power of feeling deep things in a series of light and trifling emotions. Affection can be spent like any other of life's great riches. It must not be wasted and scattered. The girl who is in love with love is In danger frCm within and without. Hex own nature inclines her to look for love, to idealize some man and even to try to force the knowledge of her charms on some one not at all at tracted by her. It makes her forward and not so particularly lovable. It causes her to be impatient of guidance and to foster silly affairs of which she would not dare let her parents know. It causes her to yield too quickly to flattery and blandish ment and to find delight in all sorts of people against whom her sober .■•••dgment would warn her if only she pave it a chance. Experienced Women Advise Mother's Friend Because it is so perfectly safe to use and has been of such great help to a host of expectant mothers, these women, experienced in this most happy period, advise the use of "Mother's Friend." Applleu externally to the abdominal muscles its purpose is to relieve the undue tension upon the cords and liga ments resulting from muscular expansion. Beneath the surface Is a network of fine nerve threads and the gentle, soothing embrocation, "Mother's Friend," Is designed to so lubricate the muscular fibres as to avoid the unnecessary and continuous nagging upon this myriad of nerves. It is a reflex action. Applied to the breasts it affords the proper massage to prevent caking. Thousands of women have reason to believe in this splendid help under the trying ordeal of motherhood. Their letters are eloquent evidence of its great valua to women. In use for many years It has come to be a standard remedy for the purpose. ■ There Is scarcely a well-stocked drug ■tore anywhere but what you can easily obtain a bottle of "Mother's Friend" and In nearly every town and village Is a grandma who herself used It in enrliar years. Expectant mothers are urged to try this cplendid assistant to comfort. Mother's Friend is prepared by Brad fleld Regulator Co., 410 Ijimar Rldg., Atlanta, Ga. Bend for our little book. '- - Hovr to Eradicate All Superfluous Hair As soon as women of to-day learn that permanent removal of ugly, re pulsive hair growths can only be gain ed by reaching the hair root and not by using common, worthless depila tories such as burning pastes, powders, evil-smelling liquids, etc., the better It will be for their happiness and safety. Nor can the electric needle be depended upon to give satisfactory results without danger of horrible Bears of facial paralysis. The best means I have ever found that never fails to remove all signs of disfigur ing growths of hair on the face, neck, arms or hands is a simple, inexpensive preparation called Mrs. Osgood's Won fler. It is absolutely harmless, cannot Injure the skin or complexion and in a surprisingly large number of cases has succeeded in killing the hair down to the very roots, source of all growth. When the roots are killed no more hair can grow. You can get Mrs. Osgood's Wonder from Kennedy's Drug Store or i »ny up-to-date druggist or department' Store. Signed Money-Back guarantee with every package. Let me caution you however, not to apply this treat ment except where total destruction of pair is desired. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 34, Hl4. TRAINB leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 1:03, *7:60 a. m., *8:40 p. m. For Hagerstown. Chamber.burg. Car. lisle, Mechanlcsburg and intermediate Stations at 6:08, ?7:60, *11:68 a 01, •8:40. 6:82, »7:40, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburg at V:4B a IE.. 8:11, 8:87. 1:80, 8:80 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 6:08, *7:60 and •11:68 a rn„ 8:18. •»:«. 6:88 and 8:80 p. m. •Daily. All other trains dally except Bunday. H. A HIDDLHI, J. H. TONGB. Q. P. A. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 28, 1914. , The danger that menaces her from without Is manifold. It lies in the fact that she la easily the dupe of spurious affection. The man who wins her need not be worthy of love —he need only be capable of meeting her love of love. He need not be loyal and fine and worthy if once he has come to be the object of her false ideas of live. He is tempted to per mit her to lavish her affection upon him and to give only a sort of tolera tion in return. There are a number of things In life besides loving and marrying and giving In marriages. Love and mar riage do not come to every woman. The girl who fostered her own longing for home and husband at the expense of the work that is hers to do dally Interferes with her own growth and advancement. Day dreams aro beautiful things— but they have a way of occupying time that ought to bo given over to the actualities of the day. There Is work for each of us to do. There are duties and strivings and efforts that call for our best. And we must give our best to the tasks that are here and now instead of "mooning" about the romance that we long for in our lives. Romance and fine sentiment come all the more readily Into a life If It is not choked up with weeds of wasted emotions. So to you unhappy little girls who tell me that you cannot llvp unless you have the love of a certain man I reply, are you really and genuinely and unselfishly In love with him—or are you foolishly and desperately In love with the glamorous idea of love? Don't let a longing for love sweep you into an 111-advised and unworthy love affair. Because you have real feeling in your heart, make it sacred and fine and save it for a lasting af fection and a worthy man. AN INTERESTING ADTUMN NOVELTY A New Coat That is Eminently Smart Yet Easy to Make By MAY MANTON 8375 Fancy Double Coat, 34 to 42 bust. The double coat makes an exceedingly interesting feature of autumn styles. Un doubtedly it owes its inspiration to the cape yet it is distinctly a coat and one that will be found very generally be coming. This model is exceedingly simple to make since the sleeves are in the Jap anese style and the various pieces can be put together without difficulty. In the picture, only the collar is of a contrasting material but this is a season when we will see a great many combinations of silk with wool, and of plain material with fancy material and a quite different and equally handsome effect could be obtained by making the under coat of one material while the over coat and vest portions are of another, wearing the coat with a tunic skirt treated in a similar way. For the medium size, the coat will re quire 5 yds. of material 27, t, x /i yds. 36, 3ihs yds. 44 or 50 in. wide, with yd. 27 in. wide for tne collar. The pattern 8375 is cut in sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt ai ten cents. Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. CIVIL SKRVTCE EXAMINATIONS Civil service examinations to be held in Harrisburg during September were announced this morning as follows: Chief petroleum technologist, male, $4,800, September 28; district in spector, migratory bird law, male, Sep tember 16; agronomist, male, $2,000- $2,5000, September 28: associate engi neer-physicist, male, $2,000-$3,000, September 28. Information regarding these examinations can be obtained by communicating with the civil service secretaries at either Philadelphia or In this city. Second Fly Contest of the Civic Club AUGUST a TO SEPTEMIIEn 2fl IS for flrnt prlr.e» several other prlirii, anil r. rrnti a pint for all (Ilea brought In on the 2<*th uf Sep tember. v 7 KDtTCATIOWAI, FALL TERM Begins Tuesday, September 1 Write for Illustrated Catalogue. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IK S. MARKET SQUARE. HARRISBURG, PA. Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Wc pay a (Second Floor.) A LUCKY PURCHASE OF 300 Women's & Misses Our buyer of Ready-to-Wear Garments while in New York this week ran across a maker who had on hand 300 Fall Weight Coats. He succeeded in purchasing them at really less than one half price. They are just the coats you need now and will need later. There are all good models that can be worn over dresses. The materials are neat mixtures, serges and Bedford Cords. As sorted colors and all sizes. The Entire Purchase Divided Into 2 Lots For Saturday Selling LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 Women** and Misses' Women's and Misses' FALL WEIGHT COATS FALL WEIGHT COATS Actually Worth to $7.50 Actually Worth to $9.00 $3 95 Made of all-wool materials, unlined. Choice of newest mixtures and plain colors. All Made of a"- w o°l mixtures and all-wool sizes for Women and Misses. Bedford Cords. Assorted colors and all sizes. ! womZ'' n s&M i S °e S ' Summ , TWO SPECIAL PRICES | |)A For DRESSES I 4ft AA For DRESSES ij J Values to $4 | Values to $7.50 ;i KAUFMAN'S ! I The Store to Buy Your Boys' School Suits & Pants ij By Buying To-morrow, Mothers Will Saves2.oo to $3.00 on Their Purchase ij Boys' Norfolk Suits Boys' Norfolk Suits Boys' Full Cut l| $1.95 $3.00 Knicker Pants!! !| $3.50 Values. sto 10 Years. $4.00 Values. 6to 17 Years. All c T 1 J j| All beams 1 aped, |! Boys' Norfolk Suits Boys' Norfolk Suits D °S 7 S '" ell jj $2.50 $4.90 A Great Bargain i; II $3.75 Values. 6to 16 Years. A „ WoQ , Material ONLY || Boys' Cloth Hats, PA. 2 Pair of Full Knickers !; SI.OO Values . .. OV/C 6 to 17 Years V/V |! Men! Read This Great!! Ij I Clothing News !j ili/ sj 350 Men's Newest Model Suits;: ij «J f|7 jj Values $lO, sl2 and sls $ ofiU/1 fjßffl TO-MORROW |j •|H " $5.00 $7.50 111 Plain and Fancy Mixed Material, jj jj 1 111 I II The Greatest Clothing Value in Harrisburg jj i: 850 Pair Men's Good Business Pants, i JUST HALF TO-MORROW || Men's Pants, AA I Men's Pants, rA I Men's Pants, (oaa ji $2.00 Value $3.00 Value .. «pI.OU [ $4.00 Value | HOW TO PRESERVE MILK IN SUMMER Here Are Little Rules in Regfcrd to Keeping It Sweet During Hot Spell . Always take the milk Into the house as soon as possible. In warm weather put the dish where the sun cannot shine on it. Milk is frequently spoiled because it has been I the sunshine two or three hours. Except In very cold weather milk cannot be kept properly without Ice. CAST 0R IA For Infants and Children. Bears the >7 The Kind You Hbve Always Bought blgn o a f ture Always put It In the refrigerator as soon as it is received, and unless the milk bottle is In actual contact with the Ice it will be colder in the bottom of the refrigerator than in the top, as the cold air settles rapidly. Do not take the milk from the ori ginal bottle and fill it when needed. It should never be stored in a bowl or pitcher, says The Mother's Magazine. Always clean the edge of the milk bottle and wash off the top of the cap before removing the cap. Keep the cap snapped in place except when ac tually pouring the milk from the bot tle. No matter how clean your home may be, milk will deteriorate If ex posed to the air. One of the best ways of serving milk on the table, from the sanitary standpoint, Is in the ori ginal bottle. Always Keep In mind the fact that milk is easily contaminated from dust, odor and flies. As many as 100,000 typhoid bacteria have been found on a single fly, and in thousands of cases intestinal disorder in Infants has resulted from flies contaminating the milk upon which the bahles were fed. In one experiment 414 flies were examined and were found *to carry an average of 1,250,000 bacteria per fly, such as might readily c .use fatal in testinal disorders in infants. Always keep the refrigerator clean and sweet. Inspect It an 3 scald It out every week, wiping up at once any particle of food, liquid or solid, that may be spilled in It. Do your share I In keeping the empty bottles clean. Do not wash them with soap or a cloth but first rlnso them with cold or slightly warm water, and then scald them. If you scald them before rins ing with cold or warm water, the boil ing water will make the milk stick to the glass. Be fair to your neighbors, Just as you would have them be lair to you. If any contagious disease breaks out In your family, do not any of the bottles to the milkman until you have consulted your doctor and he has advised you how to sterilize them. [e]VERY woman and miss can raw consider this a personal in vitation to visit our stores and see the pretty styles that will be worn this coming fall. Whether you have set your heart on getting a suit, a coat, a silk or cloth dress, or a pretty separate skirt, you will surely find it here at the price you will want to spend. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' /h-| r* Cloth Coat SUI A regular $20.00 value, now Other suits at $,12.90, $lB, S2O, $22.50, $25 up to $45. WOMEN'S & MISSES'/t»Q QT New Cloth Coats A regular $12.50 value, now ■ Other coats at $7.50, $lO, $12.90, sls, $lB up to $35. WOMEN'S & MISSEAC New Basque Dresses * / They're here In all their splendor, both In V ® cloth and soft silk material. A regular $12.50 Silk Messaline Basque Dress, Others $lO, $12.90, sls up to $27.50. Also tailored and trimmed one-piece serge QC dresses—a regular SIO.OO value; now ipo«t/0 Others at $2.95, $3.95, $5.00 up to $20.00. WOMEN'S & MISSES'CQ r New Cloth Skirt */ 4j The new yoke, box pleated and accordeon flounces are here In abundance. A regular $3.50 value, now Several styles in all-wool men's wear serge—colors black and navy. Others at $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 up to SIO.OO. «■ Yes, men actually wonder why the quality of King Oscar Cigars f never varies. It seems most un usual for a cigar to be regularly good for 23 years when so many brands come and go (emphasis on go) in half the time and less. Well— King Oscar 5c Cigars are unusual—the longer you smoke them the more you will appreciate their superior quality for the money. Standard Nickel Quality For 23 Yean ' CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK GUARANTEED GARDEN HOSE THIS HOSE SOLD UP TO 20c A FOOT 12c 12c A Foot A Foot Guaranteed to bp this season's hose, mnde of high grade rubber with corrugated cover, braided and an extra fine Jacket. Also nonkink able. Rubber is advancing in price—buy hose now. It will be a great saving to you in the future. HARRISBURG RUBBER CO. IF IT'S MADE OP RUBBER WE HAVE IT. 205 WAI/NUT STREET Yomr complexion n—i* DAGGETT & RAMSDELL'S 1 PERFECT COLD CREAM Ueed by th. .lit. of N.w York Society for twe»ty-tb»e« year* f .vorite Impart, health and boauty to the lion, .moot haa .vty th# briai. Nature', bloom to .allow cheek., di.cour.ge. unweleom. line, mad wrinkles Improve your look* |» tub#. 10c., 25c.. 50c. In jar* 35c., 60c., 85c, f 1.60, IM^S^^KSSBSIII When yoa Innlnt upon D 4 Rroa get the kett cold enrnm Ja tb» store. 5
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