Lei Us He'p You to Competent Help Even' business man in Harrisburg has his troubles •with help. Every business man in Harrisburg is look ing for a man or woman whom he can absolutely depend upon. And there is somewhere in Harrisburg just the man or woman that even,' one of these Harrisburg men need. A Telegraph WANT AD will put them in touch with each other. Can't interview a crowd ? You needn't! Give a Telegraph box address and select from the replies received those you believe you will like to inter view. Let the Telegraph help you to competent help. Phone vour ad to Bell 2040, Cumberland 203. DIED HOOPES lda V., wife of J. B. Hoopes, of No. 1021 North Third street, on Thursday evening, August 13, 1914, aged 56 years. Funeral Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Funeral Parlors of t. C. Neely, No. 908 North Second street. Relatives and friends invited to attend without further notice. Burial private. Body can be viewed after 6 P. M., Sun day. August 16. KENNED—Mrs. Ellen Kennedy, widow J of Robert J. Kennedy died at her home. 1709 Fulton street, at 3 o'clock' Friday afternoon. .... The burial services will be held in at. Mary's Catholic Church on Monday morning, at 9 o'clock. Burial will take | place In the Catholic Cemetery. Friends ■ and relatives are invited to attend j ■without further notice. FOIND FOUND Satisfaction without extra (.large at Egbert's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works. 1240 Market etreet. Try us for your clothes sake. Both phones. A prompt delivery ser vice. LOST LOST Crank for Winton auto. Re ward if returned to City Garage, 113 Strawberry avenue. LOST On Hill, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth, on State, bag of monev containing from $9 to $lO. tinder will reecive reward if returned to ■ Economy Grocery, 1240 Market street. | LOST At Mt. Gretna, on Thursday, j a small open-faced wa t c .!?: 1 Reward if returned to 1421 Berryhill street. WAMKD —Male WANTED Good, reliable, white bov to deliver packages and make him self generally useful about store. Ise of bicycle for delivery purposes. One between 16 and 18 years preferred. Ap ply at once. Ladles' Bazaar, 10-12 south Fourth street. WANTED, AT ONCE A good barn builder to build barn near Dauphin, i Address 8., 1743. care of Telegraph. WANTED lnsurance agents for or- | dinary department; two good producers; salary and commission paid. Answer by letter only, giving reference, experi ence and amount written. Scranion Life Insurance Co., Kunkel Building. RAILROAD FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, I $l2O. Experienece unnecessary. Send I age. postage. Railway, care of Tele- j graph. —— I SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; permanent, i Jap-American Co.. Chicago. WANTED Men to sell our seed and nursery line. Big profits. Pay week- j ly First National Nurseries. Roches- ' t«r, N. Y. IMMENSE quantities of oils, greases | and paints are used in your State. We have openings for several salesmen cap- i able of earning $125 or more per month. ! The Doan Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WILL pay Reliable Man or Woman ! $12.50 to distribute 100 FREE packages ! Perfumed Borax Soap Powder among' friends No money required. Ward Borax Co., 216 Institute Place, Chicago. ( CANVASSERS City, country; fori celebrated 3 in 1 shoe polish; easily i sold. 40 per cent, commission; territory: allotted. Distributor. 333 North Ninth i street. Philadelphia, Pa. HUSTLING man or woman under 50. Fraternal Insurance. Protected terri tory. Big money. Write Quick. I-L-U, 2470, Covington, Ky. ARiiY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED. Ablebodled, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information applv to Recruiting Officer Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts„ Harrlsburg; 48 N. Queen St., Lancaster; 353 Pine St., Williamsport, or 37 W. Market St, York. Pa. WANTED Four good carpenters. Apply on Maclay street, between Third and Fourth. HELP WASTED—FemaIe GIRLS WANTED to learn the trade of cigar making, packing and in the shipping dept. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Co., No. 500 Race St. Which Center? Southeast corner of Swatara and Twenty-first streets. Plot -10x100 ft. Northeast corner of Swatara and Twenty-first streets. Plot 80x100 ft. Both plots are on the market at quite reasonable selling figure*. Miller Bros. & Neefe REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets I SATURDAY EVENING. , HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 15, 1914. TELEGRAPH WANT ADS BRING RESULTS HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Middle-aged white wo man for general housework; must un derstand plain cooking. Apply 613 Herr street. WANTED Refined young lady for dental office. Call Monday after 1 P. M., at Dr. Phillips' office. 320 Market street, Harrlsburg. WANTED by colored girl, general housework or second work. Can fur nish reference. 207 Nectarine Ave. ' WANTED A lady In Harrisburg to I sell our Household Necessities. Can I make sls to $25 a week in spare time, j Experience unnecessary. Address | Agent, Box 1749, care of Telegraph. I LADIES Earn neat Income, all or | spare time, at home, making plain aprons. Dime for beginner's outfit. W. Sargent, Salamanca, N. Y. WANTED Good, reliable girl for . general housework; no cooking. 104 Boas street. I WANTED Girl for cashier; one with experience preferred. Apply at | Astrich's, Fourth and Market. WANTED Woman for general housework In family of three. No chil dren. Apply to Mrs. F. B. Snavely, Hefshey, Pa- WANTED competent white cook; middle-aged woman preferred. Call 2005 North Third street, afternoons and ' evenings. ' j WANTED Middle-aged widower 1 desires a companion. Can give best l references and expects same. Call 2543 [Agate street.•. City, or G. T. Baits*!!, Dauphin Pa,. Route 1. { WANTED Laundress for Monday, I Tuesday and Wednesday; reference re ! quired. Address Y., 1739, care of Tele i graph. LEARN DRESSMAKING I JOIN our summer class. Learn flt • ting by measurement. The art cannot I be taught right any other wr.y. Make i all your summer dres.es while learn ! ing. Works Dressmaking School, 22 ! North FGourth street. ! HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ! MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for | Government Jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 : month. Over 15,000 appointments com i Ing. List of positions free. Franklin j Institute. Dept. 3620. Rochester. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED i EXPERIENCED, capable salesman to travel for old-establfshed house with ! j line that sells to practically all classes iof merchants. High commissions, with weekly advance, to right man. D. W. , Barrows, Detroit. Michigan. j SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write ' I for large list of openings offi'ring op i portunltles to earn $5.00 to $20.00 a day ! while you learn. Address nearest of | fice. Dept: 244, National Salesmen's I Training Association, Chicago, New I York, Kansas City, San Francisco. | WANTED City Salesman to rcp i resent well established Company. Per | manent position with excellent income , for aggressive hustler. Give references. | Experience not necessary. Address the i Atlantic Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1 (Arco Shaft Department), j WANTED Salesman to sell a line i of Weil-Known Temperance Drinks In I small country towns. 25 per cent, com mission and *40.00 weekly drawing ac ! count. Red Cross Company. 206 South I Main street, St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED for the Help a-phone; almost every telephone user buys one to three; sells for $3; earn SIOB a week; send for complete set of instructions In salesmanship, free, Mer cer Specialty Company, 1706 Delancey street, Philadelphia. WE want hustlers In your vicinity. Our new line sells wherever phones are I used. Send postal. Mercer Specialty I AGENTS,— Male and Female, to j handle our specialty. Easy to sell; big j profits. Send for free particulars. The | Durham Supply Co., Mont Clare, Pa. I AGENTS Sell article every house hold needs. Easy work. Easy money. Cannot fall. Write for Information. Columbus Sales Co., Box 9, Station N, York City. AGENTS WANTED Men and wo men In Harrisburg and surrounding towns to sell high-grade food products; no experience necessary; liberal com- I . mission paid. Address A., 1742, care of| Telegrapn. MAKE s2l NEXT SATURDAY. Brand new proposition, patented last January. Amazing invention, compressed air washing machine, weighs but two pounds; excels work of high-priced ma chines. Customers excited; agents coining money. A sale at every house. Price only $1.50; 200 per cent, profit • Cleans tub of clothes In three minutes; ! works like magic. F. Hughes made s2l I | first eight hours. No charge for terri tory. Investigate. Write now. Wendell I Vacuum Washer Co., 387 Oak street. ; Leipslc, Ohio. AGENTS, make blgmoney selling 1 our | line of specialties, write for our new i catalog and free sample. The George : Company. 648 Mississippi street, St. ] Paul. Minn. I AGENTS Either sex. fast selMng i specialty used by everyon* No expert. I ence required Particulars free. The i Perkiomen Manufacturing and Publish ing Co., Box 2. Sumneytown, Pa. ~ ' AGENTS WANTED W ANTED lnsurance agents for ordinary department; good producers; salary and commission paid. Answer by letter only, giving relerence, experi ence and amount written. Scranton Life Insurance Co.. 710 lvunkel Build ing. AIJJ AMERICA EAGER for greatest selling book of generation. "Modern Europe. Causes and Issues of the Great War. Thrilling Illustrations. Low price. Best terms. Extraordinary money-making opportunity. Splendid sample book free. Universal House. Philadelphia. AGENTS can make S2O to S3O weekly selling our Household Specialties. Par ticulars free. Leroy Sales, Co., 506 East One Hundred and Fifteenth street, Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS W ANTED for article which no housewife can resist. Sells at al most every home. particulars free. Beer's Novelty Co., Dept. K, Suntnan, 2nd. AGENTS WANTED for high-grade specialty; easy to demonstrate. Big firoflts to hustlers. Write to-day for ree booklet. Penn Specialty Co., Pennsburg, Pa. AGENTS WANTED Ball-bearing, self-sharpening shears; something new; quick seller; big profits; write to-day for free booklet and terms. Keystone Supply Co., Frankllng, Pa. WANTED. AGENTS Good, hustling men to sell Paints, Oils and Special ties. Good money to be made by good, live hustlers. Pullman Manufacturing Co^Cleveland^OlUo^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SITUATION W ANTED—MaIe WANTED Young man desires po sition in private family, hotel or store. Address 1154 Cumberland street. City. WANTED A ren&ble colored man desires work of anv kind; best refer ences furnished. Address 433 South «treet._ BILUALAOND IV A:VI I-.L» FR TMIMLP WANTED Young girl desires po sition as telephone operator or clerk in confectionery store; nave had some ex perience. Call, or address, 1606 Wal lace street. WANTED Young girl desires po sition in diningroom or in confectionerv store. Call, or address, 1621 Wallace street. WANTED Middle-aged woman de sires a position as housekeeper for widower; can furnish best of refer ence. Address Z., 1741, care of Tele graph. WANTED By colored girl, house work or day's work. 414 Spring ave nue. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires general housework; good cook. Call, or address, 1915 Susque hanna street. WANTED Young widow (with child two years old) wishes position as housekeeper; for widower preferred. Address, or call, 608 Briggs street. City. WANTED Woman wants work of any kind. 1110 North Eleventh street, Harrisburg. WANTED Woman, with child fif teen months old, desires housework; good home In preference to high wages. Call* or address. 112 South Second streftt WANTED Colored girl wants po sition as child's nurse or light house worl;. Call, or address. 303 South Tenth street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work or offices to clean; can furnish best of reference. Addness^^Ojjox^^^^Lemoyne^Pi^^ HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Corner plot 60x125, at Camp Hill. Price $550. $2300 will buy a brick house on Catharine street, all improvements. Rented at $lB. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. S3OOO will buy a single property lo cated in the suburbs, 7 rooms, bath, gas and electric lights, steam heat, large porches. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE Two Calder street houses, near Sixth street, offered at $3900 for both. No. 1315 Derry street can be bought at a most reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE on easy pay ments; you pay rent and you can pay on your property monthly. Get our revised list and consider purchasing. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Three-story brick house on Chestnut street, near Seventeenth, all improvements. Price $2850. S2OOO will buy a suburban house, 6 rooms and bath. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE—Why pay rent when $l5O cash and monthly payments of $20.00 each will buy a 7-room brick house. Bath, pantry, gas and electric lights, steam heat, S-ft. front porch, side entrance and lot 150 ft. deep. Price $2400. Apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Just completing four brick houses, in good section of hill, block from trolley. These properties are well built, equipped with gas and electric light, gas and coal range hardwood finish and are offered for $2600. Apply H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Uptown corner prop erty: lot, 24x130 ft. to drive alley. Deatli reason for sellinr I will consider quickly any reasonable offer. Address Real Estate, care of Telegraph. HOTEL FOR SALE in Barnegat City, where you catch fish already fried with knives and forks in them. Inquire James J. Lynch, 1311 Fulton street. City. FOR SALE Ten-acre limestone farm, with eleven-room, two-story house, bank barn, new outbuildings; all kinds of fruit; good fences; good well and cistern; quarter mile from Shlre manstown; five minutes' walk to trol ley. John Dietz. FOR SALE Several good farms lo cated In Virginia. Full deßc/lptlon up on application. J. S. Hosklns Lumber i Co., Baltimore, Md. FOR SALE Three lots In Edge mont; 136 fruit trees on lots. Terms S7OO cash. Good spring water. Frank Goodment, Twenty-third street. Edge mont. FOR SALE Several Improved properties. Will consider an exchange for unimproved property or a farm. Ad dress A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor, Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT A very desirable three story building, side entrance, all mod ern improvements, at 225 Broad street. Possession given immediately. Inquire of George C. Fager, 213 North Second street. FOR RENT New semi-bungalow, I corner Green and Woodbine streets; all modern improvements; possession at I once. Inquire at office, Green and ' Woodbine streets. FOR SALE Farm 10 miles east of Harrisburg, containing »0 acres, in good state of cultivation; buildings In I good condition; 6 acres of heavy oak timber. For further information call on, or address, C. S. Cassel, R. F. D„ No. 2, Penbrook, or J. C. Cassel, 29 South Thirteenth street, Harrisburg. FOR RENT 1642 North Third street; 3-story brick; house formerly occupied by Dr. E. Z. Shoop, now occu pied by Dr. Russell; 11 rooms and bath; possession at once. Inquire John C. Glede, 1729 Green street. BOOMS WANTED WANTED By lady, two or thres unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, west of Sixth street and south of Hamilton Kindly state location and price. Address No. 17 45, care of Tele, j graph. ROOMS TOR KENT 1 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with private bath and board, tor couple in private family; desirable location; reference required and given. Bell phone 1021 J. FOR RENT A nicely fur nished room and a suite, with all conveniences, including use of bath and phone —one ol the most pleasant locations in city. Apply JO6 State Street. FOR RENT Three or four unfur nished rooms, suitable for light house keeping; $13.00 or slo.oo per month, in cluding light and neat. 1412 Naudain street. FOR RENT Two large unfurnish ed rooms, all Improvements, on the Hill; niidule-aged couple preferred; use ot phone. Call 128 Balm street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Apply 35 North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT One newly furnished room, fronting on Capitol Park; elec tric lights, hot and cold running water in room, use ot phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences; rent reason able. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large, well-furnlshed, second tloor front room, near Capitol Park; use of phone. Apply 20} state street, or call 1543 L. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with running water; boarding by meal, day or Week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Purniehea rooms, single or en-suitJ; all conveniences. In cluding phone; relerence required. Ap ply 1015 North Front street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED BOOMS FOR light housekeeping, with or without kitchenette; all outside rooms, nicely papered, new and strictly up-to date; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitor, Room 6, same building:. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Dwelling 1323 Wallace street, to small tamlly. o rooms and attic, water in kitchen, paved street, good locality. Inquire 107 Boas street, between 5 and 6 p. in., or Room 6, 429 Broad street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Teiegraph Business uttice. FOR RENT ln the Telegraph Building, a suite of well located offices. Inquire for Superintendent in Business unite of Telegraph. FOR RENT Store room, 1200 North Third fctreet; 33x100; 14-foot celling; one of the best- rooms In the city. Ap ply J. ti. Slbla 256 Herr street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Third story, 28 S. Third St.; 6 rooms and bath; two bay windows; city steam and electric light. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT —Apartment consisting of 4 rooms and bam, all improvements, immediate possession. Apply 1542 N. Sixth street. L. Silbert. WANTED SONG POEMS WANTED. We will compose music and arrange for publi cation immediately. Dugaale Co. Studio, VV ashington, L>. C. WANTED lOO second-nand bi cycles and motorcycles we have great demand for mem highest cash prices pain. Keystone Supply Co., 614 North 'xlilrd street, oniteu phone 19W. STUDENTS WANTED WANTED—A few students in ele mentary or advanced mathematics or mechanics. J. VV. jvliller. Prof, at Le mgh. Call 2u3 Chestnut street. FOR SALE ZIMMERMAN TO I RING CAR A nice five-passenger car; is easily worth more than we are asking for It. A goud uuy lor tne man wno nas faoo.oo to invest. ABBOTT-DETHOIT BRANCH, loti-oa S. Second Sit., llarrlaburg, fa. Ueil vnone 3693. FOR SALE One 1913 Hupmobile Touring Car, in tine condition; snap tor quick buyer. Appiy xveighoors Motor Co., 120 Market street. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk. In perfect condition. Can, or aduress, 14U3 •\orth Front street. FOR SALE, AT BARGAIN PRiCES— New and second-hand house seating steam boilers. Inquire H. F. yuickei, Iso. 123 Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Good Jenny Llnd buggy, $75.00. Address 171 North Fif teenth street, City. FOR SALE At Gable's, Hl-l\7 & Second street, 6,000 Sets New Sash, bx 10x12 L., primed and giazed, at $1.16 per set. Also other sizes. SAVINGS SALE—Butter selling for 39c. We sell best butterlne 6 pounds for 88c. Special for two weeks. Deliv ered to all parts of city. 1006 North Third street. Bell 735 W. FOR SALE At Gable'r, 113, 116 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready mixed paint. Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. ABBOTT-DETROIT ROADSTER Classy two-passenger roadster, good tires. Klaxon Horn and electric lights. Has been factory overhauled and is a good buy. Our Special Price, $550.00. ABBOTT-DETROIT BRANCH, 10tt-08 S. Second St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 3693. FOR SALE Plot of land, fronting 60 ft. on Market street and east of Eighteenth street.- Excellent home site. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE 6% acres good lime stone land with Improvements, at Lutz town, along Carllsle-Harrlsburg trol ley. For particulars call at Lutztown or address Mrs. G. B. Lutz, R. L>. No 1 Allen, Pa. Bell phone 902-4. ' FOR SALE—Camp Hill Home. Eight room house, Including bath, porch on three sides. Modern Improvements such as electric lights, cemented cellar' granolithic pavements, terraces, grass plots and shrubbery. Lot, 100 ft. by 200 ft. planted with 60 fruit trees, most of which are bearing choice fruit and In large quantities. Chicken houses and yards enough to acommodate 200 chickens. For further Information an. ply at property. Wm. R. Cocklin, Wal nut street. Dale Estate, Camp Hill. FOR SALE Penbrook property; lot. 180 ft deew 7 rooms and finished at tic; excellent location; four doors from trolley just oft Main street on Boas Beautiful shade trees. Bargain at SI,BOO. M. J. Sheaflter. 2635 Peon street. Penbrook. FOR SALE Whit® Maltese Terrier: long hair, black note, panelled eyas, good atock. worth $40.00; pedigreed; sell reasonable Also fullbloodod Eng liah bull dog. C*ll «tS Broad a treat. FOR SALE FOR SALE One 1912 Regal Road ster. first-class condition, $425.00. Ad dress Box 1748. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One Henderson; elec tric lights; equipments; tandem; tires good as new; machine In excelent'con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1317 Derry street. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY New Remington No. 10 Typewriter, worth $105.00, used only one month. Owner having no further use for it, first SBS 00 cash takes it. Address G., Box 803, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—English Bull Terrier pup, price $5.00. Inquire 220 Briggs St., or Politer line stable, 31 North Tenth street. FOR SALE—Auto. Good one. Jaok son 4-cyllnder, 30 horse power. Price $350. Apply E. Jones, Central Garage, 334 Chestnut street. AUTOMOBIEL UWINEK. If you have an auto you want to sell, let us get a buyer. No sale,- no pay, is our way. If Intarested consult us. Key* stone supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone 19W. 1813 OAKLAND MODEL 30 Five-passenger touring car in fine shape. Electric lights and extra tire. Here is a nice light car that is a bar gain at $775.00. ABBOTT-DETROIT BRANCH, 10<f-08 S. Second St., Harrisburg, i'a. Bell Phone 3693. FOR SALE 1913 Ford Touring Car, in perfect condition. Fully equip ped. C. W. Irwin, 336 Market street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Twin Indian motor cycle, in nrst-class condition. Price, iib. Apply Harry S. Forney, Halifax, Pa. " FOR SALE—Five-passenger touring car in good condition, lately overhaul ed, worn parts replaced by new; will sell cheap or exchange for light road ster. Bell phone 9, P. O. Box 166, DUls burg. Pa. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurmahed Rooms, Rooms and Boaid and Table Board at 26c each. On* of these signs will be given with each •ix-tlme order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Oaice of Tele grapb. FOR SALE Good house furnace at a bargain. Apply to A. J. Beitzell, 311 Walnut street, Harrlßburg. FOR SALE Bed couch, two Iron beds, chairs, kitchen cabinet, invalid's reclining chair, washstand, book shelves, refrigerator, library table, rug 9x12. Call evenings or Saturday after noon, 915 North Second street. FOR SALE lce Cream Garden, Quick Lunch and Restaurant "doing fine business," will be sold to quick purchaser at a jsacrillce. Reason for selling, other interests to look after that takes all of my attention and time. Address P. O. Box 104, Lewis burg, Pa. BUY your traveling and leather goods from the wholesale and retail leather merchants. A large consignment on display. Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Co.. Second and Chestnut. FOR SALE One Garford-Stude baker automobile, 1912 model; top, windshield, four extra tubes, 40-H.-P.; in fine shape, at a big bargain. Key stone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Reo automobile; two cylinder, 1909 model; top, windsheld, speedometer, two extra tubes, two Woolworth tread, almost new, tires; car in excellent condition. First $75.00 takes it. Apply Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE 1914 Harly-Davldson motorcycle; twin, two speed; equipped. Apply 1 27 South Nineteenth street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Any amount of Ford Automobiles either on Real Estate of personal property. Inquire of James J. Lynch, Contractor, 1311 Fulton street, City. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Well-established torcycle, bicycle, etc..) business, in very good location, doing good business. Reason for selling. For particulars ad dress Box R., 1747, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE lce cream parlor; very cheap. Call afternoons and evenings. 1820 North Third street. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $6. 1 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 356 Lockport, N. Y. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. 8. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f llanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Belt phone No. 2603 R. Harrisburg Paste Works 12R \. Cameron Street PAPERHANCERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds pf paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. FOR falling hair try Gross Qulntn* Hair Tonlo, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1»«0. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS —SS to S2OO for honest work ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable in instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Loan and Investment Co., 204 Chestnut street. bIOKAOK STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer* chandlse. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. R R LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., September 8, 1914, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the reconstruction of 10,- 198 lineal feet of Brick Block Pave ment, 16 feet wide, situated in North Sewickley Township. Beaver County. Plans and specifications may be seen at office of State Highway Department. Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, and 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, Pa, Full particu lars and information on application to Edward M. Blgelow, State Highway Commissioner. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE ie hereby given that letter* testamentary on the estate of WflUaas Wesley Bhope. Sr, late of the City of H*rrl*"burg> deceased, have been THE MARK PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated tress Philadelphia. Aug. 15. —» Wheat Weak; No. 2. red, spot, new, ex port, 90096 c; No. 1, Northern. Duluth, export, 11.12W1.17. _.V?J n Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, 94 (f/ 95c. 46? atS l<olve r; No. 2, white, 4514® irm - winter, per ton, 27 60 ' spi ' in K. P er ton, $27.00® Sugars Market strong; rnnf ' 7.60; line granulated, 7.50; £..,l tloners ' A > 7.40; Keystone A, 7.30. Ttle market la firm; „ f n i c reamery, extras, 31c; near b> prints, fancy. 34c. The market Is firm; frn* nsvlvan ia and other nearby firsts, $7.60 per case; do., current tree c ases, $6.60456.90 per case; noi- e3t 'ras, firsts, free cases, $7.60 Q,? 8a; extras. firsts, free cases, $6.60 ®6.90 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls. 17 : w, ,y°ung chickens, 11®20c; nn. *7©32 C; broiling eiltck -15®19c; old roosters, ll@12c; l „ * 12 ®13c; ducks, young, 13© ri- Reese, 15®17c; turkeys, 19@20c. west*™ / Poultry Steady; fowls, western, fancy, heavy. 19®20c; do., rair , to good,, heavy, 16® 18c; s?', unattractive, 13(1*160; old en« s, 13c; roasting chick chfrlr„„„ fancy V 16® 18c; broiling en8 ' nearby,, 18(ft>21c; western, 16 small' t lar 80' 23® 25c; do., turkeys, fancy 24026 c; 11® 16c 1 " '°@23c; ducks, ll@l4c; geese, n snlalhS? "Steady; new, per barrel, 75rfflfi '«n ' r do '' Southern, per barrel, c-io-V? ~"T-^t ttrket unsettled; winter, vnt * 3 -8;)04.1O; straights, Pennsyl if 7fL«ii 1 *4- E '0@4.75; spring straight, „ e d £- Patent, $5.40@5.85; V t4.2604.40; patents, $4.60® ra/in. ns ? s str aight. Jute sacks, $4.15 irtrilh t. P «,. n & J l '' 318 ' cl « ar - $4-00 04.20; 460 $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.36# ot S?y The market is firm; tlm- Otnj No 1, large bales. $20.50021.00: , \ bales, $20.00 @20.50; No. 17.00" ,18 00 ® 19 -00; No. 3. do., $16.00® iOA l n°. Ve L lnl ? e(,: Light, mixed, $18.50® in do., $17.50® 18.00; No. 2. do., $16.00® 16.00. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT By Associated Press New York, Aug. 15. The statement of the average condition of Clearing fh» U w«Banks and Trust Companies for fn shows that the cash reserve c"eased »4 B°-« requirements de s47 992,250 leaving a deficit of The statement follows: T Average Condition 842 000*' *"' 121 ' 997 ' 000 : increase, $36,- ( $308,928,000: decrease, $2,652,- ~T ^fi i A _ „ tenders ' *73,804.000; decrease. # I. JUO.OOO. $3 1 703 o d ooPOSltß'0 POSltB ' * l ' 9l2 ' #49 ' 000 : increase. Circulation, $74,017,000; increase $22 - 924,000. ' l_«anks' cash reserve in vault, $316,- Trust Companies' cash reserve In vaults, $66,554,000. A<-«rregate cash reserve. *382,732,000. Deficit cash reserve, $47,992,250; de crease, $4,876,250. Trust Companies' reserve with Clear ing House members carrying 25 per cent, cash reserve, $51,167,000. CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 16.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat September, 8S?i; December, 94May. 1.01%. Corn September, 76 7 r ; December, 67%. Oats September. 41; December, 44H- Pork—September, 22.00. Lard September, 9.52; October, 9.67. Ribs September, 12.62; October, 12.27. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Aug. 15. Hogs Re ceipts, i,000; lower. Bulk of sales, $9.05©9.30: light. $9.0009.40; mixed, $8.75®9.45; heavy, $8.5509.35; rough, $8.5508.70; pigs, $7.0008.70. Cattle Receipts, 200; steady. Beeves, $7.25®10.00; steers, $6.40@9.30; cows and heifers. $2.7509.30; stockers LEGAL. NOTICES granted to the undersigned. All per sons Indebted to said estate ar» request ed to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to WILLIAM WESLEY SHOPE. JR., Executor, Harrisburg, Pa, Or to JAMBS G. HATZ. Attorney, Calder Building. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE PETER CORBITT. who enlisted as a private in Company K. 54th Pa. Vol. Infty., at Harrisburg, Pa., In August, 1864, and was discharged at Camp Pa role, Maryland. May 31, 1865. Anyone knowing himself to be his heir will find it to his advantage to write to JESSE C. WILEY, Attorney, Del Norte, Colo. The members of Octorora" Council, No. 50 D. of P. are requested to meet at their Hall, 303 and 305 Broad street, Monday, August 17. at 12.30 sharp, to attend the funeral of our sister, Laura Kautz. Sister councils are respectfully Invited. By order. EDYTHE ROBISON, Keeper of Records. MARY HART. Pocohontas, Pro Tem. and feeders, $5.5008.10; calves, $8,500 FOR RENT New Modern 16 and 18 North Fourth Street A ffi ,y J.L. Shearer, Jr. —► CLEAN UP<- Your Small Standing Accounts Start the Fall Reason by paying all of your small bills contracted (luring the Summer months. We can help you by advancing you money in any amount from $5.00 to $50.00 ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE r EMPLOYEES DISCOUNT CO. Licensed Bonded Room 2 36 N. Third St. Security Trtast Bldg. 11.75. Sheep Receipts, 2.000: steady. Sheep, 15.30(f? 6 15; yearlings, $« 00®7.10; lambs, |6.60«?8.65. German Vessels Have Received Turkish Namei By Associated Press London, Auk. 15, 3.05 a. m*—'Th® r»ally Mail states that the cruisers Goeben and Breslau, reported to have been purchased from (Germany by Turkey, have received Turkish names and will be placed under the com mand of Hear Admiral Arthur H. Llmpus, of the British navy, who was lent to tho Turkish government. The Mall says that Turkey does not intend to employ tho warships against Russia and adds: "There appears to be no doubt that their purchase is a direct contraven tion of international law, but the opinion is gaining ground in diplo matic circles that Turkey s the vic tim of a German trap to embroil her with the Triple Entente." Rear Admiral Llmpus has been naval adviser to the Turkish govern ment dipce 1912. SEALS & STENCILS IJV jfE V MFG. BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ || Si 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. II THE Harr' g Polyclinic Dispen sary will bt >i dally except Sunday at S P. M.. m its new location, nvl North Second urunt, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate Thursday, September 10, 1914. All that valuable farm, known as the Michael B. Mover farm, situ ate 1 mile east of the famous Her shey Chocolate plant, on the road leading from Derry Church to Pal myra, will bo sold by the undersign ed on the day and date above named. The farm contains about 140 acres of good limestone soil in a high state of cultivation, good buildings and good fences; good apple or chard and plenty of well and cis tern water. The buildings are a large 8-room brick dwelling with a large brick summer house adjoining, large bank barn 60x30 feet, stone gables, a large frame wagon shed with cribs and Implement shed attached, and a large frame pig sty. The farm Is In the iieart of the Hershey milk market and for other markets Hershey and Palmyra are not excelled by the cities. There is market for everything raised on the farm. The macadam roads make marketing a pleasure. For schools, churches, reoreation and pleasure Hershey offers the best that can be had outside of large cities. Any one desiring a farm with ad vantages of good soil, fine location, good roads, convenience to church, school and markets can And no bet ter place in Dauphin or Lebanon counties. Call on the undersigned, Derry Church, Pa. HARRY S. MOYER,, Agent for Heirs. ' FOR SALE " 2209 N. 2nd St., 2-story brick, all Im provements, steam neat, hardwood floors, lot 57x88 ft. ' 3218 N. 2nd St., 2-story bungalow, I hardwopd floors, steam heat 1923 N. 2nd St., 3-story brick, all improvements. 1 1805 Green St., 3-story brick, all Im provements. 807 N. 6th St., 3-story brownstone, all improvements, hardwood floors, steam heat, 260 Delaware Ave., 2-story brick, all improvements. 1520 Swatara St., 3-story brick, all Improvements. 1616 Swatara St., 3-story frame, all improvements. 225 Broad St., 3-story frame, two dwellings in rear. 2039 Green St., 3-story brick, all Im provements. PLOT OF liltor\D Front and Peffer Sts., 105x190 ft. S. E. Corner of sth and Emerald Sts., ft. 708 ft. along Pennsylvania Railroad for manufacturing plants. H. M. BIRD Union Trout II Id nr. - MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLO and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden tial Adnma A Co, 11. 304. 8 N. Market 9«, [ B. C. MURRAY 10th and Market Sts. We do Everything In TOOL MAKING and TOOL REPAIRING, PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING and JOBBING PHONE—Shop, 2470 J. Residence. 1882 J. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers