r PAT I IQQI-ANY *PHONF * Mail Order Department JQ wtf/J J J j- V [ Buy Your Refrigerator Here All Mail and 'Phone Orders filled $ 1 .00 sends one to your home, and $ 1 nrnmrrflv Kv rareful anrl Mmerf sKonrws HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE i f promptly Dy carerui ana expert snoppers. STOR£ OpENS 9 M SATURDAY MORNING P V Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' 1 CLOSES 9 P. M., SATURDAY NIGHT ' ' WOMEN'S WEAR 1SII" Our Semi-Annual Men's Suit values that mothers will find in j \ , 1 Items of such value that they have been chosen to this city. VO m O T L _Av,it WUb * ""I vrj\vv >X head the list of price attractions Saturday in our Suit plain white and white with , Wqßi ttTOfifibffW V ' Q -fxi New Wash Skirts, SI.OO to $5.00. dalS.'* jUffc L'm d) Q .UU KF /MMS Linen, Bedford Cords, Ratine, Eponge. Tunics in va- years; special 490 I AY, rietv of late models. $1.98 to $2.98 children's lace _ . . .. /Jpf/jMlnwbf&L HU# jn and embroidery lingerie hats Suits for men and young men of all eNew Waists, SI.OO to $3.98 980 wool materials, such as cassimeres, Smart blouses in all the season's most favored models,.in voiles, marquisettes and organdie. # blue, gray, brown and mixtures. They New Serge and PopHn Skirts, $5.98 UoillttStlCS were our special $9.90, $10.50, $12.50 JW /£k|Jl Long plain Tunics, Sloping Tunics, Graduated Tu- 15c Lonsdale bleached mus- anfl $*3.50 suits. Among these are < ft /<k'J , Mi I nics—splendid quality of material. / f |j|§k lin, 36 inches wide, cut from stouts up to 48. and suits tor short men^^jgj Dust Coats, $1.25, $1.98, $2.50 f \ fuljpieces, per yard 100 all at the one price, I lit HI 111 Even these low-priced coats are correctly made. / ill \ \ and 60c embroidered ~~ ' [ ■—, Vm lif Bathing Suits, $1.50 to $5.00 f /KVLk i !"!!T ?!£ *1 45 J"S£ > O 'iffl'lll All new models. Mostly of mohair. Watersprite BCfc Mohawk*' Sheet" 72x90 «V #C 3 iFQe JIM models, Patented. I V J inches, slightly soiled at ,each, 11 " ® Vj ¥|l| Bathing Caps, 250 to SI.OO — \j . [1 flfl Just as smart as a new hat for tlie street. Ail colors; a \ "f / i„ Km Of styles. \JX yard Men's $!.«) and $1.25 Hats 85* E J I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Meil S $1.50 ILItS 9.3<* WL Ml l/MI Cool Hair Dress! « Te , ru+hinir ::::::::::::: Ii:II ® If you want your coiffutfe and still be com- I JSO If W Men s SO.OO Bangkok and Panama Hats, fortable even on the hottest day, step into our Hair Goods | •* O . || Third Floor-BOWMAN'S. $3.95 \J Shop and in its privacy, let our expect hairdresser show you Prices that will march them out Saturday /jgjN V 4 how to accomplish 3 r our purpose. , . , . . . vVJ t The service is without obligation to buy— in ou e quic ime. White DreSS LinenS SDBCial PlirchaSC of Mdl S Neckwear but if you do purchase a Switch or any other Boys' -strictly all-wool cassimere Nor- Uptt.ai 1 UltUaotUl J liCtilTTCai hair accessory, be assured the price will be folk Suits, in gray and tan mixtures; l\ t vf •ht ff eil th n 1S 3 600 ties in the lot; large most reasonable. stripesland checks; aerge linings. Sizes ZJ"TOfr/ \ markab!. vaTu\s° in white dress open end ties-»ll the Sw-che. of fine wavy ha.r, 2 4 mchcs AA goods-.he very kind you must latest patterns. On sale # < i+JL f*«*" ~~~"u '' Vn" ' *■? kJinlW have for summer wear. Saturday, each .... 210 Switches of fine wavy hair, 20 inches Blue serge Norfolk Suits—absolutely rT^Z —(% \\ T? v. T • n ,uu o . vlßrlL- /ji long $1.45 all wool and guaranteed fast colors. t "Xl 0- I men 'Mp ' S C 'i 1" 7=ir en s sl-0° Shirts, Gray Switches of fine wavy hair, 20 inches Prices are ... $3.98, $4.50 and SS.(H) jj mial?ty SaturdaJ' yS 59* Made of f,ne q ualit y of W"7 « lo1 !? ;•;••• Blue serge double breasted suits— /I TV fl • T mercerized madras; coat W] W /() li long^ WIK wavy hair, 24 inches v „y fine quality of material. Former fJjjU ft F "" dl «"*• 1 • K7lVontv sSpeckl s Speckl si' oS If <¥ middy suits; reguiar 15c M «n's $1.50 Dress Shirts 3 ( W Gray Transformations of fine wavv and 11 only. Special . $3.60 quality; yard 100 * ll9 /\ V hair $1,45 Boys all wool Knickerbockers in fancy Br \j White Voile—4s inches wide. Made of fine quality of WW i I / Mail orders filled with accuracy—send sample. mixtures of gray, tan and brown. Form- ® A lovely fabric for summer madras, all new patterns, ©I / second Floor— bowmaits. er prices were B.ic t051..0. Special, 590 hA dresses; regular 39c quality; coat style with French \§hr Th.rd Floor-BOWMAN'S Q| yard..... ..190 cuffs. CS A Dimities —2B inches wide. Men's $2.50 and $3 Silk Shirts Men's 25c Half Hose, 12^0 bummer footwear Women's Hosiery & Knit Underwear tal! , t;SO(irrac S B -«Hr b,t wear^ClT^nce^rices. 36 fGI ° n y ° Ur ° UtmgS and vacatlon . Irin C ° ol WCar reprCpenting rcmarkable reductions to Main Finor-BOWMAWB. M en's $ 1.00 Pa jama's, °79e Men ' s 50c Sus P en ders, 250 Men's and women's brown Russian calf lace oxfords with C ea " u " P S ° C Art , , , . , , , __ _ . __Plain white and colors, silk Lisle webbings, leather ends, guaranteed rubber soles and heels. Women's in black <JJO AA c omen s I-/2C \ests bleached, tape neck and sleeves. PAPER finish, pearl buttons. patent cast off. alsn Pair «D«S.UU Seconds. 4 for 250; or, each 7<t ' " r , .""V'.'V."". wt . o- •. r» i . , . ... . , Save monev on attractive Mens SI.OO Union Suits, 690 Mens 25c Underwear, 180 Men s, women s and children's rubber soled tennis A Women s 25c Knit Pants—lace or tight knees; light weight; „ mo " e y ° . oxfords. The ideal play shoe. All sizes. Pair 4SJC bleached. Pair .....170 wall paper for all rooms. Good quality of nainsook, Plain and colored balbnggan Women's white canvas tennis oxfords with white rubber Women's 75c Union Suits—low neck, sleeveless, wide lace FREE With each purchase at 1 ctlc e - un cr%vear * soles, plain laced and blucher laced. 4» 1 CI O knees. Each 490 wa " paper amounting to H7(W Sifllp f*nni"lTltlf i Cl Special, pair Women's Union Suits—low neck, sleeveless, lace knees. five dollars we will give 60 oaiC V/VlltlllUCd Women's pumps in white, tan and black a clean-up of S P ecial 230 ft - of w hite enameled picture Blade razors- SI.OO Gem Junior 790 shop-worn shoes that were formerly $1.50 to $3 00 |?Q Boys' 25c Underwear balbriggan underwear, broken rod - " '99 razor f " r *.' c * ar ,' Pair 69C lines, shirts and drawers. Special 150 Wall Paper, roll, 30 Sl.oO razor or Men's low shoes, sizes sto 6* and 9to 11. A marvelous h^u^^^Jj^STP 1 " 11 b - aCk a " d plai " ta " 5 d ° uh Jl ■ Flot ' a, ®; blockand de " si.'oO GilleUe razori! SI.OO razor stroppe... .790 bargain if your size is here. Regular $2.50 to $3.50 QO heels and toes. 4 pairs, 2o0; or, pair «0 signs. None sold without bor- v Main FIoor— BOWM.VNS. values. Pair J/OC Women's 25c Hosiery plain black, silk lisle, double ders. ============================================================== Boys' shoes, high and law; up to size 5V 2 . Regu- heels and toes .wide garter tops. Seconds. Pair lar $2.00 to $3.00 values. Special, pair 5/OC Women's 50c Silk Boot Hose—colors only; double soles, 9atin ctrinp rhint? anH ere XlvUOJir U Xvll XOXIXxi \J D AJ\Uiilli O BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. wide garter tops. Pair 290 ' i t c . i c You will find a splendid as- $3.75 nursery refrigerators, * Children's 15c Hose—plain biack,' fine ribbed, double heels X.To'nT anH sortment of house needs here, galvanized lined, packed with MnoHn TTriH AfXTTOO t- and toes; all sizes.' Seconds. 3 pairs 250; or. pair 9« d ini n «r n.oms 15c tin P ots ' red mineral w ° ol $ 2 - 69 IVIUblm unaerwear Boys' 19c weight, firife ribbed, double t g IZ \r un painted Some lovely sheer garments at unusually low nrices knees, heels and toes. All sizes. Saturday, pair 15«> and 30c Wall x'apers, roll 49c galvanized garbage cans, saucepan, quart capacity ' Children's 25c fancy sox. pair Princess alips, n.lO to $4.98 Maln P]oor BOWMAN-S. H'Sl l class papers in tapes- 69c heavy galvanized tub, One-quart Economy fruit Made of fine sheer nainsook tr y and two-tone effects. with wood handles and wringer jars, dozen 600 S —Bnsement. I S™re! ng pVices m ran h ge e from misnle Porch Hlld LSWII FumiturC TTTTT T SWT7 "H ACO "onrc I WHT C P 8N ;R» 8 BICYCLES WILLOW GRASS RUGS (. \\ I* I lir.i r I. , . , . Bovs $21.50 Bicycle. Special for Saturday at $16.48 vr 1 f t u„ nun, « i -■ n —~i ! k/7 J,:! t™ ? aoi Boys's3.9B Velocipede. Special for Saturdav at $3.24 Made tiom the >»ime tougl. <■ I / < \ tn mmmgs; spec,al..B9o Girls' $13.98 Tricycle. Special for Saturday at $9.48 prairie grass as the Crex |B| f ,j f" White Crepe Skirts, $1.25 $2.49 Toy Piano. Special for Saturday at $1.98 ru f? s> U1 entue stock mark- Ji| t | | .-T-r Trimmed with fish-eye lace and $25.00 white enameled Reed Baby Coach $19.48 ed at greatly reduced prices. -- J \| H 0.1, insertion; special $1.25 $3.50 Collapsible Baby Carts $2.98 A sale that brings the house a . 4 White Skirts tn <RI 9% $2.48 Porch Rockers. Special for Saturdav at $1.98 keepers of Harrisbursf an op- !E53» 'L— V,h, U S*, ns .9*< to 91.25 j, 08 Porch Rockers. Special for Saturday at ponimitv to'purchase these ■rasWjflr |Q.II'I Kti K r'/~T' Extra S,ze whlte sklrts ' em " SI.OO Steamer Chairs 890 nonnlar floor coverings it l broidery and insertion trimmed. Camp Stools 100 and P°P ula . r t oor Coverings at .. - -^s^- /// Prices range from 980 to $1.25 $1.60 Baby Walkers $1.39 sensational savings. They are .—^ !/ / SI.OO W. B. Corsets, 790 $1.98 Porch Gates, 7-ft. extension $1.69 m\\ alls of roy and Banc 4/i/ . Medium busts extra lone hio $7.50 Express Wagon $5.98 Borders, in green and brown. and back - snecia'l 79<» $1.50 Jointed Dolls. Special Saturday for 850 Size 9x12 ft JfKj.4B § t second Floor— bowman'S*. ' Croquet Sets 890 to $4.98 Size Bxlo ft $5.48 ' Children s Play Tents $1.69 to $2.98 wlth Btra)(rht border on each side. - Th.rd Floor BOWMAN'S. sjze ft $5.69 Wanted Dress Fabrics Summer Draneries Size Bxlo ' : 1 28-inch Embroidered Voile, beautiful designs m lilac, WUIUUIW TVTD A AD V Q AT T? AT? T TTVTAT T?TTM black, pink, brown, rose, cadet and green. Embroidered in A full line of cool draperies that harmonize with any color X X£.XXV/X£JL/XJ3I .fcXjK. X V/J. Llil U Lfi!/ U iii white. Yard 500 scheme. Yard-wide Skinner's Satin for bathing suits; navy, brown 15 c Mixed Cords —for curtails or cushions; colors are tan I EXTRAORDINARY PRICES AND VALUES and black. Yard $1.50 an( j crreen, rose and green, red, blue and green. Yard ... 60 I | . , ltor . , £ , • r n Yard-wide Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chines; white and 39c Sample Lace Curtain Strips, 3 yards long, strip, 230 I About 1100 yards of new process linoleum in full all shades. Yard 59# White Novelty Cable Net Curtains, 2]/i yards long. For rolls, cut any length you may desire. Pertect in every 40-inch All Silk Crepe de Chines; white and all shades. windows only. Pair $1.25, $1.50 and up to $6.00 T way except slight imperfections in the print, which Yard $1.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains, white and ecru, 2]/ 2 and 3 yards I will not affect the wear and is scarcely noticeable. Yard-wide Satin Messaline, white and all shades. Spe- long. Pair 490 up to $5.00 | | This is the best lot of linoleum we have ever offered cial, yard SI.OO 69 c Roman stripe Couch Covers, full size 590 L a t the price. 28-inch Printed Silk and Lotion Crepe de Chines, yd., 490 White and ecru Scrims, Voiles and Marquisettes with plain 50c Satin Foulards, set figures; silk and Cotton Crepe de and fancy borders of drawnwork. Yard 150 to 390 SdUcire Chines, plain and brocaded; 27-inch Tussah Silks; all good Shirt Waist Boxes, matting covered with bamboo trim- t XT A shades. \ ard 190 ming. Prices range from $2.25 to $5.50 ( jLirCl Main Floor-BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor-BOWMAN'S. Fourth Floor-BOWMAN'S. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 10, 1914 3
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