MODEL 20, Prtce, SI,BOO. See This Wonderful New 1915 Light Six Ask us to give you the Chalmers Standard Road Test, which proves every claim we make. 191 5 Light Six Touring, SIBOO 1915 Light Six Coupelet, $2050 Larger Master Six 5 Passenger, . . . $2175 Larger Master Six 6 Passenger, . . . $2275 Fully Equipped F. 0. B. Detroit # KEYSTONE MOTOR CAR CO. 1019-1025 Market Street Robert L. Morton, Manager mmimmmwmmmwmm Order Fleet of Reos For The Panama Exposition RPO trucks will carry the sightseers of the world at the coming Panama exposition. It was a truck in Tahiti that brought about this decision. Last tummer a eocoanut grower in that / i Pleasure Cars to Hire EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEURS RATES LOWER THAN" ELSEWHERE. liARGE TRUCKS FOR MOVING BAGGAGE DELIVERED TO AND FROM THE STATION. Rapid Auto Delivery Co. s. B. REED. 24 N. RIVER AVE. Both Phones. | , HIGH PRICE ELEC A certain clans of people way our price* are hleh; oilier* Hay the quality of ! our work IK the highest. llut you will nay the price la the loivenl when you ' consider the nentueNx, etc. Remember we make a specialty of conccalliiK elec- ' trie light wires In home* while you are U\IIIK in It, uutl guarantee not to xoll ' 1 planter or wall* and will leave your home exactly an we found it. \u dirt— < and carpets all in place. ! , "YINGST ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1423 NORTH THIRD ST.'! j I ft M | Standard Touring Car $1975 | | It Is a Pleasure to Own A Car with a perfect Cooling System. | A Car with a perfect Oiling System. With a Clutch that obeys your very thought. I A Steering Gear easy enough for a child. | With the most wonderful motor built. i Brakes that operate by a touch. I j I A two-speed axle that gives the sensation of flying. A Car with a finish that has no comparison, and rides without sway or toss. That will cover 15 miles to the gallon gasoline. A Car that commands respect on the road—because the other fellow soon learns that he hasn't a ghost of a show on the "get away" (you hear so much about) and that he must be able to go considerably better than 60 miles an hour before he can dispute the road with you. That pleasure will be yours if you drive a 1914 Cadillac. Seven new 1914 Cadillacs delivered this week. The public's stamp of approval cannot be questioned. CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. £2l Ki SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 6, 1914 mid-Pacific Island decided to buy a Reo, equipped with a special body, and start a "rubberneck" service in Tahiti. This special body was con-1 structed in Frisco. The maker of it I was struck with the originality of the 1 design, and put together a replica of it for a Frisco sightseeing company. 1 As a result of the performanoe of j that "rubberneck" during the past few I months, the Frisco corporation is or dering a complete fleet of Reos to serve during the coming summer. Apperson Has Bigger Week Than Any Other in History "Biggest week we ever had," said Elmer Apperson, president of the Ap person Bros. Automobile Co., at Ko- Homo, speaking of the business done jby the company last week. "Don't , know what we'll do if it keeps up." "Have increased our output over | 100 per cent, and still the orders are J coming in almost faster than we can I take care of them. No, we're not sold out —we never are. That sort of stuff that you hear about being 'sold out' ; is mostly 'bunk.' "We're manufacturers, not assem blers, and keep on plugging away making cars all the time. We never finish with a certain yearly model and then tell our customers to wait for something else. Don't believe in yearly models anyway. It is much fairer to the buyer and better all around to go right ahead making improvements all the time." SULPHUR BATHS Are usually given in combination with hot, dry air; this helps to make the person sweat, and the sulphur which conies into the cabinet in the form of fumes goes right through the pores of the skin into the system and drives out the impurities that are in the blood. Health Studio, John 11. Peters, H. D., 207 Walnut street. VULCAN GAR AGENCY AT PENBRQDK GARAGE Four-Cylinder With Powerful Motor; Low Rakish Stream line Effect; Two Models ■ The Vulcan motor car is designed to [meet the demand foi; a reliable low : priced light car. Both models, the two passenger Speedster and five-passenger i touring car, are attractive in appear jance. Simplicity and durability have been the features arrived at by the Vulcan Manufacturing Company of Painesville, Ohio. This car is repre- I sented in this territory by the Penbrook {Garage, of Penbrook, Pa. The Vulcan is not an assembled car but the chassis, I including axles, transmission, steering I gear, clutch, frame, and every part that enters into these various units are built in the Vulcan factory. The mechanical feature of the Vul- I can include unit power plant; four cylinder, " long-stroke motor, L-head type, cast enbloc. This motor is con servatively rated at 27 H. P., but the makers claim it is capable of develop ing considerable more, and as a hill climber the Vulcan representatives say it has prpven reirfarkably successful. Other features include high-tension magneto with fixed spark and no bat |teries or co*l; latest improved carbur ator; Thermo-syphon cooling system; combination positive feed and constant level splash system of lubrication; se lective sliding gear transmission, three forward speeds and one reverse, direct drive on high. The car has left side drive; speedster wlieelbase, 105 inches and touring 115. Roadster weighs 1 1750 pounds and touring 1950. Price, completely equipped, roadster is S7SQ f. o. b. factory, and touring car JSSO. A number of the Vulcans have been sold in this section and a touring model will be here before the fifteenth of this month, according to assurances received by H. A. Fisliburn, sales rep resentative for the Vulcan cars in this vicinity. SIX! CAR BEGINS com-coist nun Same Car Recently Covered 135 Miles a Day For 30 Days The Saxon car which recently cov ered 135 miles a day for thirty days in Detroit started from New York June 4 on a transcontinental trip that marks the official christening of the Lincoln highway. When the journey is ended at San Francisco, this car will hold a record not only for being the first automobile run under official sanction over the Lincoln highway, but also the first small car ever to negotiate a coast-to-coast trip. Officials of the Lincoln Highway Association have authorized the Saxon as the car to make the initial trip over this road and are co-operating with the Saxon llotor Company to accord big receptions to the car and its driv ers along the way. Automobile clubs and civic organizations also plan re ceptions for the car and its crew, M. J. Croker and Fred Wilkins. This Saxon in crossing the continent will travel 3,389 miles and will pass through 540 towns and cities. The Lincoln Highway route is the short est way from ocean to ocean, as well as being the only continuous route from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Starting at New York, the Lincoln highway Saxon clipped its back wheels into the Atlantic ocean and proceeded to Philadelphia by way of Jersey City and Trenton. From there the road leads westward, among tho important cities on the line of travel being Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Cedar Itapids, Omaha. Denver, Salt Lake City, Reno, Carson City, Sacramento, Oakland, and then to San Francisco, where the front wheels of the car will be dipped in the Pa cific ocean, and a bottle of water car ried all the way from the Atlantic will be emptied. A big demonstration was held in New York upon the day of the start. The car was picturesquely decorated with American flags and streamers, and carried on the radiator the in signia of the Lincoln Highway Asso ciation. The schedule calls for an average speed of 20 miles an hour and an aver age distance each day of 125 miles. With the equivalent of one year's service already marked up to its credit, this car has undertaken a journey which when finished will be the equivalent of another year's serv ice in the hands of the average owner. It is also proving the field of useful ness of the small car for cross coun try traveling as well as in cities. Barney Oldfield Buys Packard Six Phaeton Barney Oldfield, who led the Ameri can drivers in the Speedway Races at Indianapolis, visited the Peckard fac tory at Detroit this week and pur chased a Packard "4-48." As there was no car available for immediate delivery, Barney admitted he would be satisfied with the phaeton which had been reserved for the personal use of Alva# Macauley, the vice-president and general manager. "All right Barney, you're on," said Mr. Macauley. Oldfield wrote a chock and drove the car away with him. Old field says that while he is planning to spend the summer in contest work throughout the United States, he bought the new Six for the purpose of touring between cities. The irrepressible Barney declares that racing cars are satisfactory when traveling rapidly enough to substitute excitement for resiliency, but that easy riding springs and extra inches of up holstery are appreciated none the less by dare-devil drivers who find pleasure in touring. "And besides," Baid Barney, "I have wanted a Packard for years. The ex clusive bunch has got nothing On me." PREVENTING WKINKLES Experts say that if the skin is kept soft and smooth, wrinkles may be kept away indefinitely. Potts' Greaseless Cold Cream should be gently massaged into the tissues to keep the face soft and smooth without that greasy resi due so many women object to. On sale at Bowman & Co. and Potts' Drug Store, North Third and Herr streets. Fleet of Six Hupmobiles Used in Red Cross Service Enough chatter has been written about the motor car in the military service to fill several volumes. Motor trucks and pleasure cars have been tried out by the armies of Eng land, Germany, France and Italy, as well as the United States. The rival forces in Mexico have been reported operating enough machines for every bugler, marksman and general on both sides to own a private car, but the one place where the automobile has the best chance to show has been over looked. * Carrying the Red Cross flag of the hospital cqrps, a field ambulance is comparatviely safe in modern war fare. Civilized' forces all recognize insignia of the hospital service, and with the Red Cross in view an auto mobile would be allowed to cover the field unmolested, picking up the wounded and rushing them to the ——l^—— Abbott'ftdtoit Reduces Prices on Four-Cylinder Cars $1785 five-pass, touring cars reduced to $1485 $2085 seven-pass, touring cars reduced to $1735 51 of These Cars Only at These Prices You, who are thinking ot" paying from SI,OOO to $1,200 for a car, now have the opportunity to get a high grade car of distinctive appearance and embodying the best mechanical units, for but a few dollars more. You can't afford to buy a cheap car now.' Think of it! An Abbott-Detroit for $l4B5 — the same car that sold yes terday for $1785. These 51 cars will not last long. The New "Six" $2290 Abbott Quality This new Abbott-Detroit "Six" js not ~ . , only the best looking car you ever saw, Abbott quality is a fact. You can see but is built to a high quality standard. a lt; m evcr y car - It has a 60 H. P. Continental motor, Incorporated in these cars arc the best .hiectric Auto-Lite starter, Warner mechanical units obtainable. < transmission, Jacobson rear axle, Tim ken bearings, etc. Our cars are not merely made—they A r* • • *j»n m m i are built. There is no rush —no slap- Any Driving Hills Made ping together of parts. Each part is On "High" fitted in its place to a nicety. The Listen! We will demonstrate to you " " the C " ° f 3 ' ooo that this " Six " can negotiate any driv ing hill in this locality—and on "high" Ask any of the 120 Abbott-Detroit gear at that. owners in Harrisburg what they think A demonstration of what this car can of their car. Their enthusiasm and do will prove mighty interesting—it is loyalty will convince you that Abbott an education in motor car ability and owners are more than satisfied owners flex-ability. —they're boosters. Six-Cylinder, 60-h. p., Seven Passenger Touring Car—Price 22290 Liberal Allowances On Used Cars Harrisburg Branch Abbott Motor Car Company 106-108 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 3593 tteld hospital which is attached to each the wounded could be removed from a great'deal less attention than tho brigade. the Held of battle in one-fifth the time hospital wagons and a string of horses Recently a Los Angeles regiment of it took in the old way by having the and mules. There is no possibility of the National Guard, during army ma- Ited Cross men walk through the a stampede from fright, and the ma neuvers,- used a fleet of six Hupmo- fields. Again, the wounded were chines were always under perfect con blles. these cars were used by tho rushed to the hospital with more trol. hospital corps, and in the report of speed, and, as a consequence, quicker The success of the Hupmobiles was the day s practice the commanding medicaly attention could be given so great in these recent maneuvers officer speaks highly of the efficiency them, which would probably mean a that when the L,os Angeles battalion of motor cars for such purposes. saving of many lives in actual battle, was sent to the Mexican border the In the first place it was found that Then, too, the automobiles require cars accompanied them. P / /^M^UFACTURERS^ r /// OBLIGATION I j I m ORST, Good Tires, the will I / I m anc l effort to see that your satisfaction I I ■ in them is such as to make you a per-, | I manent Fisk User is the obligation assumed I p by ihe Fisk Rubber Company. They are I \ 1 meeting it squarely and successfully with I \ \ \ thousands of car owners. I L» \ We know Fisk Tires represent THE QUALITY* I \ ancl a consistent policy which you cannot find else- R \ where. I \ MYERS, The Tire Man I \ 225 HUMMEL ST. HARRISBURG, PA. I 1 I 7
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