■ISBURG US GOOD PLACE IN RAGE Weekly Averages Show Only Or dinary Work by George k Cockill's Batters Harrisburg starts the week In sec ond place In the Tri-State league race. In the weekly averages the team doe! not show up well. Either Harrisburs Is not getting' credit for what they do by official scores In other towns, or the averages are Incorrect, thinks Manager Cocklil. H&rrlsburg is fifth in club batting, fourth in long hits, third in club field ing and last in double plays. Not one Harrisburger is leading any of the divisions. Harrisburg hitting averages follow: Stiller, .381; Keyes, .325; Whalen, .300; McCarthy, .268; Cockill, .256; O'Neill, .250; Crist, .238; Emerson, 232. Baseball For Today; Scores of Yesterday WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY Trl-Stiite Beading nt Harrlnliurg. Trenton nt York. Allentown at Wilmington. National League Philadelphia nt Clnclnna'H. Kkw York at Chicago. Brooklyn nt Plttnhurgh. Boston at St. Loula. American (.earn* St. liOtiln at Philadelphia. Chicago at New York. Cleveland at llonton. Detroit at Wushlngton. Federal Leagu Kama* City at Buffalo. St. Louln a't Baltimore. Chicago at Brooklyn, ludlanapolln at Pittsburgh. WHERE THEY PLAY TOMORBOW Trl-Stnte League Bending nt Hnrrlaharg. Trenton nt York. Allentown nt Wilmington. National League Philadelphia nt Cincinnati. Mew York at Chicago. Brooklyn nt Pittsburgh. BON to ik at St. Louin. American League St. l.oula at Philadelphia. Chicago a*t New York. Cleveland at Boston. Detroit at WaMhlngton. Federal League' Kansas City at Buffalo. St. Louis at Baltimore. Chicago at Brooklyn. Indianapolis .at Pittsburgh. SUNDAY SCOBES National League Brooklyn, 6| Cincinnati, 2. Boston. Chicago, 2. New York, 8; St- Louln, 7 (11 Inn.) Philadelphia-Pittsburgh not schedul ed. Federal Learn* St. Louis, Hi Indlnnapolln, .1. Other clubs not nchedaled. RESULTS OF SATURDAY'S GAMES Trl-State League Harrlahurg. 10; Trenton, 3. Reading, S; Wilmington, 3. Allentown, 4; York, 1. National League Plftahurgh, T; Philadelphia, 2. St. Louis, 4| New York, 3. Chicago, Bonton, 1. Clnclnnntl, 111 Brooklyn, 3. American League Philadelphia, 8; Detroit, 5. Washington, (1; St. Loula, 1. Boston, A; Chicago. 2. New York, lit; Cleveland, 11 <ll Inn.). Federnl l.eaguc Baltimore. 7; Chicago, 5. Buffalo. II; Indlnnapolis, 5. 'Brooklyn, Si Kansas City, 3. Pittsburgh, 3; St. Louis, 0. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Trl-State League W. L p.c. Beading 11 5 .«ss | llarrlNhiirg It 41 . mill Allentown H 7 .533 Wilmington II 7 .41111 Tren trin II ft lull York 4 10 .288 National League W. L. p.c. PlttHhurgh 20 8 .714 New York 11l 10 .015 Clucinnntl 11l 14 .570 S'J. Louln 17 1H . 4NII Brooklyn 13 14 .483 Chicago H |» .424 Philadelphia II 15 .123 Boston 7 11, American League W. L. p.p. Detroit . . . . 21 12 .030 Washington 18 12 .1100 Philadelphia 11l 11 .Tiin Bonton 14 14 .500 New York 14 14 .500 St. I.ouln 15 Hi .484 Chicago 14 20 .412 Cleveland 0 22 .200 Federal Leagne W. 1.. p.c. Baltimore 11l 7 .731 St. Louln 10 15 .510 Brooklyn 12 12 .500 llulfalo 13 13 .5110 Chicago 15 111 .484 ladiauapolln 13 15 .404 Kannaa City 14 18 .438 Pittnliurgh 11 17 .303 V ————« PRACTICE AT DAWN" Harrislmrg's Tri-State chasers had their first morning practice in two weeks at Island Park to-day. The boys will get another chance to prac tice to-morrow and Friday mornings. New 1914 Hudson Touring cars and road sters for sale cheap. Ad dress, Auto and Truck Sales Co., York, Pa. MONDAY EVENING, It Doesn't Take Much to Make Mutt Sore By "Bud" Fisher (7j6 F-r, we'R.e S ~~ Novw Heße*s Two ADs *vcn u/antcd ! ~ T A ") u/e't-L H«M6To 6«jftLlOUj / oNg SAYS!- ** U/ANTeD, WAN HAH®"Y TH*T WAJ r OUR PRioe AND Qer A —J A BOOT Pianos'" AND-THC. *MAN *P«Aor mwe, 3efF*s Coupee OF JO6S. J Familiar. with A*>«»*ai.s. Nooj YOU AKituG*. Jofc wiuc probably ete V. ' #5)/ other o «*.J R o / s A P '* Ho PLA^e *^ Yef> i <SorTA ALL 1 Do «sl " THR£.e OR. FOUR. PIANO* A \ ' I DAY AND X'M DoN£. I GeTADOLCAR-J t>*v. WATT'S vour. croe > 1^6 R- A U/AL< AN Harrisburg Academy Lost in Last Inning ; Harrisburg Academy lost to Frank lin and Marshall Academy at Lancas ter, Saturday, score !6 to 15. Hitting the ball hard in the. ninth the Harrisburg Academy scored three runs, tieing the score. The Lancaster boys had a batting rally and won with two men down. The game was; a hit ting contest. The score: FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL . R. H. O. A. E. Ward, if 1 0 0 0 1 Wellinger, rf 10 1 0 1 Spangler, ss 2'/; 2 1 3 1 Hartman, c 1 ill l l Williams, cf 3 2 2 0 1 Frey, 2b 1 1 4 0 0 Alesburg, lb 2 2 5 0 1 Gardner, rf 1 2 0 1 0 Seibert, 3b 1 0 2 0 2 Bennett, p 2 2 1 4 0 Totals 16 13 27 9 8 HARRISBURG ACADEMY R. H. O. A. E. McGloughlin, ss .. : v 3 3 3 1 3 A. iJennett, c 1 3 8 4 1 R. Jennings, rf ..... 2 0 0 0 0 Snyder, cf 3 3 3 0 0 Krall, lb 2 2 5 0 0 W. Jennings, 3b .... 1 2 0 3 3 Crawford, 2b 1 1 3 0 1 Shotwell, If 2 3 2 0 0 Prenzel, p 0 1 1 1 3 Stackpole, lb 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 15 18x20 10 11 F. and M. ...1120015 4 I—l 6 Harrisburg .. 01122510 2—15 XOne out when winning run was scored. Silver Spoon Trophies in Weekly Target Shoot In the silver spoon trophy shoot Saturday, Steward was first. His score was 52. Hickok was second with 54, having a handicap of ten points, and Heiges third with 48. The shoot was the third of the weekly events held by the Harr:sburg Sportsmen's Associa tion. The summaries and "handicaps follow: Benner, 17, 18; handicap (10)' 45; Dinger, 21, 23, 44; Keller, 24, 20, 44; Shoop, 22, 22, 44; Pomraninn, 17, 21; handicap (10) 48; Sebold, 23, 22 45- Hepler, 22, 19, (3) 44; H. O. Miller, 23, 19, (3), 45: Hackett, 22, 22,(4) 48' G. Miller, 15, 17, (4), 36;; Hickok, 24, 20, (10), 54; Thompson, 15, 17, (12), ■l4; Haldeman, 12, 13, (15), 41; Fisher., 23, 24, 47; Disney, 23, 16, (3), 42; Mil ler, 25, 21, 16; Steward, 25, 22, (5) 52; Heiges, 21, 23, (4), 48; Gibler, 25, 14, (6), 44; Hoover, 15, 19, (5), 39- Cleckner, 24, 20, (4 ), 48; Egolf, 20, 20, (4), 44; Jennings, 18, 17, (10), 451. Team of Cripples Will Play Baseball Wheeling. W. Va., May 25.—At a meeting in In wood, W. Va., the most remarkable baseball team in tho coun try has just been organized. The nine players have 12 legs, 7y 2 feet and 17 arms. Most of them were mained at one time or another in the industries of the town. The players are: William Robusky, manager and shortstop, one leg and one arm; "Joe" Lick, first base, no legs; "Leg"' Lan non, second base, one leg; George Ottomiller, third base, one leg; Ralph Ford, catcher, one foot; "Crip'/ Iron sides, pitcher, dhe foot; "Cotton" Bow ers, left field, one foot; Edward Pearl, center field, one and one-half feet; George Miller, right field, one leg. SATURDAY AMATEUR SCOttKS Pittsburgh Giants, 13; Harrisburg Giants, 5. Riverside A. C., 9; Hamilton A. C„ 1. Enola Y. M. C. A., 8; Baker A. C„ 5. Hagerstown, 5; Chambersburg, 3. Marysville, 15; P. R. R. Electrics, 3. YSagertown, 8; Roundhouse, 7. Harrisburg Stars, 12; Schuylkill, 7. Millersburg, 7; Monarchs, 0. Lemoynfc, 10; Keener A. C„ 2. Hummelstown, 21; West End, 3. Enola A. C., 32; Lewis A. C., 8. East End, 14; Hetzel A. C., 1. Linglestown, 11; Morres, 9. ilechanirsburg H. S., 7; L. V 3. Myerstown, 7; Hershey, 6. Duncannon, 14,' Newport, 6. Methodist Club, 11; Brelsford, 4, N'eidig Memorials. 23; Hemlock, 9. St. Mary's Jrs„ 12; Hoker Street Tigers, lu. | Six New Records in Steelton Meet; Central School Wins Central Grammar School athletes or Steelton defeated the Forney Gram mar School at Steelton on Saturday; score, 116 to 62. New records were made in the 50-yard dash, 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 4 40-yard dash, baseball throw and shot put. The summaries follow: 50-Yard Dash Won by Brandt, Steelton, second; Ziegler, Steelton; third. Smothers, Steelton. Time, 5 4-5 seconds. 100-Yard Dash Won by Ziegler, Steelton; second, Saul, Forney; third, Charles, Forney. Time, 11 seconds. 120-Yard Low Hurdles Won by Smothers, Steelton; second. Green, Steelton, and third, Wren, Steelton. Time, 18*2-5 seconds. 220-YarJ Dash —Won by Smothers, Steelton; second, Saul, Forney; third, Hartman, Steelton. Time, 2 6 2-5 sec onds. 440-Yard Dash —Won by Moltz, For ney;. second, Kever, Forney; third, Charles, Forney. Time, 1 minute. Half-Mile Relay Race Won by Steelton. Time, 1 minute 22 2-5 sec onds. Standing Broad Jump Won by Moltz, Forney; second, Smothers, Steel ton; third, Smith, Steelton. Distance, 8 feet 3 % inches. Baseball Throw Won by Brandt, Steelton; second, Coleman, Steelton; third, Porr, Steelton. • Height, 9 feet. Running Broad Jump Won by Green, Steelton; second, Snoddy, For ney. Distance, 16 feet 1% inches. Eight-Pound Shot Put Won by Gruver, Forney; second, Ziegler. Steel ton; third, DifTenderfer, Steelton. Dis tance, 42 feet 9% inches. High Jump Tie between Kever, Forney, and Green, Steelton; second, tie between Moore, Forney, and Wat son and Smothers, Steelton. Height. 4 feet 10% inches. Elizabethville Wins in Opening Game Special to The Telegraph Elizabethville, Pa., May 2 s.—ln the opening baseball game of the season on Saturday Elizabethville Athletic flub won from Williamstown; score, 7 to 4. Stroup pitched a good game, fan ning eleven men. Both sides had costly errors. The work of the umpirt. was highly satisfactory. Swab's home run for the locals helped in the vic tory. The score: ELIZABETHVILLE _ *R. H. O. A. E. Tsehopp, 2b 1 0 .4 2 1 L. Bulfington, c.f 0 14 3 2 Stroup, p., l.f 1 3 0 2 0 G. Buflington, c 1 113 1 2 Wise, 1.f., p 1 0 0 0 0 Miller, 3b 1 0 0 0 0 R. Buflington, ss., .... 0 1 3 3 1 Swab, lb 2 1 3 0 0 Kitzmiller, r.f. 1 1 0 0 1 Totals 7 8 27 10 7 WILLIAMSTOWN R. H. O. A. E. Adams, l.f 1 2 1 0 0 J. Shuttlesworth, 2b... 1 1 3 0 0 Ramsey, 3b 1 1 \ 0 0 Graham, c 0 2 6 0 0 Buggy, ss 0 1 1 4 2 N. Shuttlesworth, r.f. .0 0 2 0 0 Woffandon, lb 0 0 6 0 1 McHugh, c.f 0 1 2 0 1 F. Shuttlesworth, p. . . 1 1 2 2 0 Budd, 2b 0 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 4 9 24 6 5 Williamstown .0 0. 110110 0 4 Elizabethville .00100420 x—7 Harfisburg's Hits Win Second Game at Trenton Harrisburg clouted the ball In the eighth inning at Trenton on Saturday, winning by a score of 10 to 3. Whalen was the hitting star. Phillips was wild, but tightened up In pinches. The Tigers had costly errors. The score by innings: Harrlsburß . 0 0 1 1 0 0 J 6 I—lo 10 3 Trenton ...'2OOOOOIO 0— 3 3 5 Ratterie*: Phillips anil Miller; Ras mussen and Smith. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TECH CLEMS UP CENTRAL HIGH TEAM Won Saturday's Dual Meet in Easy Fashion; One Record Broken Technical High School athletes de feated Central High in tire annual dual meet Saturday, scoring 98 points to their opponents' 33. This, the crown ing victory for Tech over Central in five years, was enthusiastically cele brated, following chapel exercises this morning at Technical high school. Tech won thirteen first honors. The best that Central could do was two firsts. Only three, point winners were scored in each event. Tech wins a silver cup by taking the meet and each Tech athlete who finished first will re ceive a letter T. One new record was made. Elscheid threw the discus 113 feet 6 inches. "His record in the Pennsylvania state high school meet was 109 feet 5 inches. Beck also made a new record, tossing the discus 112 feet 4 inches. The four Tech stars were Beck, Anderson, Hef felfinger nd Elscheid. Gardner and Simonton were Central stars. The summaries: 100 yard dash—Won by Hefflefinger, Tech; second, Gardner, Central; third, Beck, Tech. Time, 11 1-5 seconds. 880 yard run—Won by Johnson, Central; second, Britsch, Tech; third, Emanuel, Tech. Tim?, 2.16. Shot put—Won by Emanuel, Tech: second, Beck, Tech; third, Elscheid, Tech. Distance, 43 feet 1 inch. High Jump—Won by Anderson, Tech; second, Denny, Central; third, Fitzgerald, Tech. Height, 5 feet 1 inch. 12 high hurdles—Won* by Anderson, Tech; second, Llovd, Tech; third, Sites, Central. Time, 19.1. 440 yard dash—Won by Stansfield, Tech; second, Hefflefinger, Tech; third, Johnson, Central. Time, 55.4. Discus throw—Won by Elscheid, Tech; second; Beck, Tech; third, Fast, Central. Distance, 113 fqet 6 inches. One mile run Won by Garland, Tech; second, Simonton, Central; third, G. Miller, Tech. Time, 4.57 1-5. -20 yard dash—Won by Gardner, Central; second, Beck. Tech; third. Da vies, Tech. Time. 25.3. Pole vault—Won by Anderson, Tech: second, Bingham, Central; third Emanuel, Tech. Height, 10 feet 3 inches. 220 low hurdles—Won by Beck, Tech; second, Lloyd, Tech"; third! Wren, Central. Time, 29.3. Hammer throw—Won by Elscheid, Tech; second, J. Miller, Tech; third, Beck, Tech. Distance, 138 feet 1% inches. Two mile run—Won by Simonton, Central; second, Moltz, Tech; third, Morgan. Tech. Time, 10.48 4-5. Broad jump—Won by Hefflefinger, Tech. Distance, 19 feet 10 4-5 inches. One mile relay race Departer to Tech by Centcal. Results of Saturday's College Baseball Games Penn, 4; Michigan, 2. Cornell, 9; Tale, 2. Harvard, 4; Princeton, 1. Lehigh, 2; Lafayette, 1. Georgetown, 5; Navy, 4. Army, 8; Catholic University, 0. Dickinson, 8; Georgetown, 7. State College, 11; Juniata, 5. Brown, 2; Amherst, 1. Bucknell, 13; Ursinus, 3. Lebanon Valley, 7: Susquehanna, 1. Delaware, 11; Rutgers, 6. Penn Freeh, 9; Tomo School, 7. Yale Fresh, 10; Princeton Fresh, 0. STATE WINS BIG MEET WITH DECISIVE SCORE Special to The Telegraph Pittsburgh. May 25. —The ninth an nual intercollegiate and interscholastic track and fiejd meet, under the aus pices of Pittsburgh, was held Satur day. Pennsylvania State College won the college honors with a score of 91 5-C points. . Central League Games Fast and Interesting; Hits Bring Victory Central Pennsylvania Baseball League placers furnished two exciting games on Saturday. Highspiro won from Steelton; score, 7 to 6. A batting rally in the ninth brought the victory. At Middletown the New Cumberland team lost; score, 12 to 6. This game was featured wi]Mi costly errors. Saylor was the pitcher who tight ened up things for Highspire. His support was ragged at times. Etter's hitting and his work in right field were fetures. Johnny Kllng had one bad inning, the second. Atter that New Cumber land could do nothing with Kung's curves. Middletown nit hard and timely. The scores by innings: At Steelton— • R. H. E. Highspire ... 30000000 4—7 10 4 Steelton 01100130 o—6 10 3 Batteries: Wilson, Saylor and Dear dorf; Biever and Atticks. At Middletown— R. H. E New Cumberland 051 000 000— 610 5 Middletown ... 010 015 30x—12 12 4 Batteries: Hart, Wertz and Meager; Kling and Hippensteel. Standing of the Teams W. L. P. C. Middletown 3 u 1.000 Highspire u 2 1500 New Cumberland 1 3 .250 Steelton 1 3 .250 Business Locals EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE We make it our business to* look after your business by specializing on the most modern methods of office equipment. Bookcases, filing cabinets, desk supplies, office stationery, and every needed convenience for the of fice. Cotterel, 105 North Second street. REDUCE YOUR COAL BILL "We but to thy service bend Nature's laws immutable." —Shakespeare. Why- not let E. Mather Co., 204 Walnut street, change your steam lieating plant to a vacuum system and save you 20 to 35 per cent, on your coal bill. Their charge for the altera tion is a small matter. THE PINEAPPLE SEASON Is now at its height. They are plenti ful and those who expect to preserve them should place their order now. We are receiving fine shipments of the finest India River pineapples. Small size, $1.40 per dozen; large size, $2 per dozen. Both phones. S. S. Pom eroy, Market Square Grocer. TIRES! Lowest Prices, Greatest Mileage on Extra Heavy Tires Double Cured Wrapped Thread FIRSTS: Prices Subject in Chnuite Without Jlotfrf 28*8 Plain Tread, $7.07 Tubes, $1.85 30*3 " 7.80 " 1.9,% 30 *3% " 10.28 •• a.4!5 81 *3 Mi " 10.80 » 2.50 32*3 Mt " 11.1S " 2.55 33*3 Mi " 11.00 » 2.05 34*3 Mi " 12.72 '» 2.7 a 30*4 " 14.10 » 8.00 »I*4 " 14.58 " 8.05 82*4 » 15.12 » . 3.15 33*4 " 15.73 » 8.25 84*4 - 10.33 » 8.35 85*4 » 18.87 " 8.45 80*4 » 10.45 » 3.55 Will ahlp C. O. D. subject to exam ination. Give me your orders Ahead If possible. J; A PLANK 1017 MARKET ST. Harrisburg Pa. Bell Phone 3359 Next to Keystone Motor Co. Aak for Quotations on Firestone Seconds—All Sixes. MAY 25, 1914. Distinctively Individual fcjFATIHAI M J TURKISH" BLEND i] CIGARETTES g \ Tkis rldsli-blen<3 < 9 * can be exchanged for distinctivgGifk 7K/Rb Forty-one Youngsters Entered to Date For Big Rollermobile Race With all sorts of possibilities as to additional entries In the eighteen mail deliveries yet to come, indications are that the second annual electric iron rollermobile races on Saturday, Memorial Day, will include moat every youngster between the ages of nine and thirteen years in town. For, up to noon to-day, forty-one "roller" en thusiasts had filed entries by mail with the Harrisburg Light and Power Com pany. The entries will be received up un til 6 o'clock Friday evening so that the lists may be completed and the heats arranged according to age. The races are scheduled to begin at 9 o'clock Saturday morning and the racers will report at 8.45 at State and Front streets. Officials for the second elec tric iron race will be announced in a few days. Following Is the list of en tries to date, according to ages: 9 to 10 years—Kenneth Graham, William Williams, James Bradley, Richard Potter, Israel Danetz, Harry Shuster, Teddy Fasick, Raymond Con ner. 11 to 12 years—John Johnson, Charles Sunday, Robert Webster, Wil liam M. Peifer, David Coleman, James Harris, Harry Conner, Edward John, Leo Peifer, Finley Howard, Rocco tpVERY man who smiles j ■L-' smoke, but every man who smokes King Oscar Cigars can smile without much effort—it's the way the quality makes him feel. * Regularly Good For 23 Years! ■- 5c | Sciascia, Edw. Rogers, George man. 13 to 14 years—Albert Jones, Wil liam Webster, Henry Bonn, Russel Gaines, Charles Dunlay, Benjamin Wolfe, Paul Wright, Frank Hart, Bur rel Banks, George Swenson, B. P. R. Jenkins, Robert Payne, John Derrick, Charles H. Long, Raymond Kohr, Charles Markus, Walter Meyers, Wil liam Haverstick, Leslie Harris. TWO-THIRDS OF LIFE IV SHOES Therefore it is absolutely necessary to have comfortable footwear. Try our men's genuine Elk skin Scout Shoes with indestructible soles and full length lace stay. None In city better for $2.50. Our price 11.98. 20th Century Shoe Co., 7 South Market Square. 11
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