12 LUCILLE LOVE The Beauteous Heroine Alone in Her Hut Amidst a Horde of , Savage Natives Read the Wonderful Adventures of "Lucille Love, The Girl of Mystery' 5 now appearing exclu sively in this newspa per. It is the most in tensely dramatic story of recent years, so do not miss a chapter MONDAY EVENING, ] LEGAL NOTICES SEAUSD PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Drpartmrnt Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department In the Capitol "Build ing, Harrlsburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock ; on the morning of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the-re construction of 1,354 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situated In Fayette City Borough,'Fayette County: From bridge over Lamb Lick Run near the property of Ed Stevens to the Fay ette City Borough-AVashlngton Town-, ship line, near the tipple of the River Coal Co., under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment, Harrlsburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, I Philadelphia: 2117 Farmers' Bank | Building. Pittsburgh, and office of Dis trict Engineer A. B. Gray, Washington, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway I Department, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of SSOO, and inclosed !in a separate sealed envelope, which | blank and envelope will be furnished upon request marked: "PROPOSAL , FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF I ROAD IN FAYETTE CITY BOROUGH, FAYETTE COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS i COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Hlchnny Department Harrlsburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State Hlgh | way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrlsburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning: of June 10. 1014, wtven bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 6,242 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated in Barnesboro Borough, Cambria County: From the north borough line of Barnesboro, via Chestnut Street, to the interesection of Chestnut and Car oline Streets, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31. 1911. P. L. 168. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrlsburg: 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building. Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer C. S. Lemon, Holiidaysburg, Pa. • Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check in the sum of $2,000, and inclosed In a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN BARNESBORO BOROUGH, CAMBRIA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Slate High way Department in the Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg, Pa., until io o'clock on the morning: of June 10, 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 6.272 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated in Port Allegany Borough. Mc- Kean County: From the intersection of Barrett Alley and Mill Street, via Mill Street, to the bridge ovelr Alle gheny River at the west borough line: also from Arnold Avenue and Main Street, via Main Street, to the north borough line, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may lie seen at the office of the State High way Department, Harrlsburg: 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia: 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer T. C. Frame, Warren, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by tile State Highway Department, accom panied by a certified check In the sum of S3OOO, and inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and en velope will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL KOR THE RE CONSTRUCTION OK ROAD IN PORT ALLEGANY BOROUGH. McK 10 AN COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Slate High way Department In the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa„ until 10 o'clock on the morning of .llllie 111, 11114, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 7,164 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situ ated in Mansfield Borough, Tioga County: From the improved road at Richmond Township-Mansfield Bor ough line northerly via Main Street to the Intersection of Main and Prospect Streets, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specilications may be seen at the office of bile State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg: 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and office of District Engineer S. W. Jackson, Wellsboro, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highjvay Department, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $3,500, and inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be fur nished upon request, marked: "PRO POSAL KOI! THE RECONSTRUCTION OK ROAD IN MANSFIELD BOROUGH, TIOGA COUNTY." EDWARD M. RIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Statu High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa„ until 10 o'clock on the morning of June 111, 11114, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 10,354 lineal feet of Asphaltlc Bituminous Macadam (Pene tration Method), 16 feet wide, situated in Abington and Cheltenham Town- I ships. Montgomery County: Extending | from the old York Road to the Church Road and known as the Township Line ! Road, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 31, 1911, P. I* 468. Plans and specifications may he seen at the office of the State Highway Depart ment. Harrisburg; 2117 Farmers Bank Building. Pittsburgh, and 1001 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check In the sum of $2,500, and Inclosed in a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OK ROAD IN ABINGTON AND CHELTENHAM TOWNSHIPS, MONTGOMERY COUN TY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State. Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department • Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, HarrlsbuiV, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning uf June HI. 11(14, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 5,787 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving 16 feet wide, situ ated in Montgomery Borough, Lycoming County: From the Clinton Township line, near the property of Edgar Green, via Montgomery and Main Streets, to the Clinton Township line near the property of J. R. Steib. under the Act of Assembly approved May 31. 1911, I'. L 468. Plans and specifications mav be seen at tile office of the State High way Department. Harrisburg: 1001 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia: 2117 Formers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh and office of District Engineer s W .lackson, Wellsboro. Pa. Each bid must he made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, accom'- I panied by a certified check In the sum of $2500, and Inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and en velope will be furnished upon request i marked: 'PHOPOSAI. KOH THE RE- I CONSTRUCTION OK ROAD IN MONT-] HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LEGAL NOTICE „ OOMKRY BOROUGH, LYCOMING COUNTY" EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMON WBAI.TH OF I'KWSVI,- VAMA. State HIKIIWIIJ I)rpuMmril, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department In the Capitol Building. llarrisburK, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning: of June Id, 11M4. when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there after as possible, for the reconstruc tion! of 9,185 lineal feet of road, 16 feet wide, situated in East Taylor Township and East Conemaugh Borough. Cam bria County: From the Ebensburg and Johnstown road in East Taylor Town ship, near the property of Mrs. Louise Good, to the north borough line of East Conemaugh; also, from the north bor ough line qf East Conemaugh via Jack son and Oak Streets, to Fourth Street; also, from Oak and Second Streets via Second and Locust Streets, to the Inter section of Locust and Grerve Streets; alternate bids will be received on One course Concrete roadway and Brick Block Paving on a concrete foundation for portion In East Taylor Township, length 6,734 feet; the portion in East Conemaugh Borough, length 2,451 feet, will be Brick Block on a concrete foundation, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L 468. Plans anil specifications may be seen at the ofilce of the State Highway Depart- P? 0 , I !',', H arr isburg; 2117 Farmers Bank Building. Pittsburgh; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and office of Dis trict Engineer C. S. Lemon, Hollidays burg. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State High way Department. accompanied by a cer tified check in the sum of $3,500, and inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be fur nished upon request, marked: "PRO POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN EAST TAYLOR TOWN -BHIP AND EAST CONEMAUGH BOR OUGH, CAMBRIA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SKALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department „ Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the inornliiK of June 10, 1014, when , , ' ,e publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 15,264 lineal feet of As phaltlc Bituminous Macadam (Penetra tion Method), 14 feet wide, situated in Hopewell Township, York County: 1* rom the north borough line of Stewartstown to the North Hopewell Township line, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31. 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh, and 53 Hartman Building. York. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check in the sum of $4,000, and inclosed in a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and enveloped will be furnished upon re quest. marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP, YORK COUNTY.' EDWARD M. BIGKLOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMON WEALTH OF PENWSYI.- V VNIA. State Iflßhwny Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the niornlnu; of June 111. 11114, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construeton of 5,270 lineal feet of As phaltic Concrete on a concrete founda tion. 16 feet wide, situnted in Stewarts town Borough. York County: From the north borough line of Stewartstown, via Main Street, to the south borough line of Stewartstown, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31. 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State High way Department. Harrisburg; loot Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 I'armers' Bank Building, Pittsburgh and 53 Hartman Building, York. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway De partment. accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $2000,' and inclosed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN STEWARTSTOWN BOR OUGH. YORK COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA. State Highway Department Harrisburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the mornliiK of June l«. 1014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 17.10.'! lineal feet of road 16 feet wide, situated in East Bradford Township, Chester County: Extending from a point opposite line between properties of Robert M. Mil „ ,®i nd . •I? 1 ' 11 M. James to the East Bradford-Pocopson Township line; 16- .188 feet to be Asphaltic Bituminous! Macadam (Penetration Method), and 715 feet to be One-course Concrete roadway, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the. State Highway Depart nMiili'i I V l7 Farmers' Bank Building. Pittsburgh, atid 1001 Chest nut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by tile State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified cheek in the sum of $4500, and Inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and cnvelape will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN TER T COUNTY° RDP T °WNSHIP, CHES- EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway .Commissioner. SKA I.KO PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF I'KWSYI VANIA. State Highway depart men* Harrlsburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrlsburg, Pa., until 10 o'clrfck on the morning of June i«, (014, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 15.272 lineal feet of As phaltlc Bituminous Macadam (Penetra tion Method), IB feet wide, situated in Kennett Township, Chester County Extending from the southeast borough line of Kennett Square to the Delaware State line, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31. 1!t 11, PL. 465. Plan's and specifications may he seen at the office of the State flkhway Depart ment Harrlsburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, I hiladclphia: 2117 Farmers' Bank' Building, Pittsburgh. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway Department, ac companied by a certified check in the sum of S4OOO, and inclosed in a sepa rate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon re quest, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR Til 10 RECONSTRUCTION OF RO*D IN KKNNETT TOWNSHIP, CHEST ICR COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SKALEO PROPOSALS COMMOSIWKAI.TII OF PENNSYL VAN I A* • State II licit way Department Harrishuru Pa SEALED PROPOSALS will V re ceived at the office of the State High way Department in the Capitol Build ing, Harrlsburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock <>•» the ruing of June 111, 11H4. when bids will be publicly opened anil scheduled, and the contract awarded -is soon thereafter as possible, for the re construction of 3,1117 lineal foot 0 f \s phaltic Concrete on a tel ford founda tion, lfi feet wide, situated in t'nner Dublin Township, Montgomery Countv- Extending from the • White Marsli Township line In a northwesterly di rection to the Butler Pike, and known as the Morris Road, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911 p j 468. Plans and specifications may bs LEGAL NOTICE seen at the office of the State Highway Department, Harrisburg: loot Chest nut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers' Bank Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank fur nished by the Stale Highway Depart ment, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of SBOO, and inclosed In a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon request, marked: "PROPOSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF ROAD IN UPPER DUBLIN TOWNSHIP. MONT GOMERY COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. Harrisburg on Official Automobile Tour Map Blazing the automobile trail be tween New York and Seattle and be tween New York and San Francisco, autolsts must stop in Harrisburg. This announcement was rnadt; officially to day k by J. L. Meiges, of the Automo bile Blazing Association of America. Making a route eastward Mr. Meiges and his forces reached Har risburg to-day. They are marking telegraph and trolley poles and as soon as their trip is completed will publish a map showing where auto mobile tourists, moving eastward and westward should stop. CAR HITS AUTO An automobile, owned and driven by John P. Rutherford, 222 Tarrls street, was struck and badly damaged by a street car, Saturday night, in South Cameron street, near the approach of the Mulberry Street Bridge. In the au tomobile were: Mr. and Mrs. Ruther ford, their daughter anil a friend. They were unhurt. DIES AT LANCASTER Word of the death at Lancaster, Sat urday evening, of Miss Hannah D. Hol brook, who was a frequent visitor here, was received to-day by friends in this city. The funeral will take place to morrow, at 2:30 o'clock. , FIRE ALONG RIVER The Reily Chemical Company was called out yesterday afternoon to ex tlngulbs a small blaze in River Front Park at the foot of Kelker street. The blaze originated in a pile of rubbish and waste paper. roth ■■'WB n Jfl SOMETHING TO YELL ABOUT! AfWs MONEY when we are very low,in funds. The ready ' cash can be obtained here by applying. "C ;r our sim P le busin ess methods are explained unc * erstoo d thoroughly by everyone. . $5.00 to $50.00 ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE m P.!?r eeS ' ®' I—M| Reduced Photograph—Books Are Library Size, 6 1-2x4 1-2 Inches. Bound In Red inilj Irish Buckram Cloth and Genuine Gold. II'! I Only FIVE Days More! DELAYS Are Dangerous. closing Week ! of the lip ON'T Put It Off. | Coupon Offer |||jj||J Made By jjjjjjj UNLESS You Act Promptly, The Telegraph || CANNOT Get the Books. I Q n Pumas' Works ! I MEN and Women Take Warning: I ORE Books Cannot Be Obtained. j ACT While There Is Still Time, CENTS | While They Last jj You Wil| Not Regret It. The Greatest llljjjl SIX Handsome Volumes, * I Bargain j|;|jijj in the Jill UPERBLY Bound and Printed. Gre«t«t Book. j j || | Clip One Free Library Coupon on Page Two B MAY 25, 1914. /* 10 LOANS\ P] AND J" I V UPWARDS/ B Housekeepers, Wnrklngmrn h and Salaried Employes. Money wisely borrowed and wisely used will accomplish pood results, but money borrowed re gardless of the company behind the loan may cause you regrets. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE lioum 21 4th Floor *■ I* LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Jacob G. Kohler, late of Harrlsburg, Pa., Dauphin county I J a deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Harrlsburg 1422 Regina street, all persons Indebt ed to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. KATHARINE KOHLER I«ARKLEY, Executrix. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Herman Astrich, late of the City of Harrlsburg. deceased; all persons hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent the same, and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to me. EMMA ASTRICH, Executrix, 500 Market Street, p» MONEY AT LESS THAN LEGAL RATES We have recently put Into effect very liberal reductions In tlie rates of ull loans, which ars positively the lowest In the cltjr. We invite honest working peo- Sle without bank credit to do usliK-ss here at rates lower tlian prescribed by the law of 1013. First and second mortgage* a specialty. Pennsylvania Investment Company— -132 WALNUT STREET Office Hours—B.3o A. M. to 5.30 P. 12. Saturdays, 8.30 A. M. to 8.30 P. M. ' MONEY I to loan In amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo ple without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan offices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this is the place to tome in time of need. CO-OPERATIVE Lean & investment Co. 204 Chestnut St. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers