XOofflen CULTIVATE HABIT OF GRATITUDE By ELLA WHEELER WILCOX 6®• « h »' conditions. sur- (rounding him and it'.''-y V|P|«'lic wails for (I - ''■www l ,h,i,i f . n n f environ ment to do bolter, rarely ninkos much out of his life. Less still achieves tlio one who is blind to his blesings, and who gives no thanks for the opportunity which lie at every man's door. The first thought of I lie waking mind should be one of gratitude, j However shadowed u life may be, i however burdened, however limited r >:s horizion, there will be found some | blessings from which thanks may be rendered. Gratitude is the best possible fer tilizer for the roots of happiness. The habit of gratitude creates its Dwn opportunities for exercise. 1-Ie who is grateful for a litle shall be given much. 'e who is ungrateful shall have the little taken away. It iB well to begin the day by taking m inventory of those things which ire deserving of our gratitude. Then to offer up a prayer of thanks The way to get the full joy of strawberry time without any discomfort is to eat the berry with SHREDDED WHEAT !a combination that means health and strength for the warm days when the ap petite is fickle and the digestive powers are weak. All the meat of the golden wheat, ready-to-serve, ready-to-eat Heat one or more Biscuits in the oven to restore crisps ness; then cover with berries or other fresh fruit; serve with milk or cream and sweeten to suit the taste. Better than soggy white flour "short-cake." The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Let me send you FREE PERFUME Jfr Write today for • testing bottle of PINAUD'S LILAC VMS J iW&r T'ic wofld's most famous perfume, every drop as sweet \ , |s the living blossom .For handkerchief, atomizer and hath. I . \ / MM? 1 Fine after shaving. All the value is In the perfume-you don't. : bin*" 2 ! \r PX\ f pay extra for a fancy bottle. The quality Is wonderful The Wi/ « 7 /yFjkj a EI iiPE y jE. C- ( ®,°; > Send 4c. for the little bottle-enough V AwkfW'Ay handkerchiefs. Write today. \ 0 PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. <LA ED. PINAUD BUILDING NEW YORK SPECIAL j«gk J|l Pictorial Review Patterns Just Arrived From New York j|k "New Russian Tunic / The "New Paquin" \ /f/f L MIL ? Skirts f\ A \ You cannot obtain these, . / \\ I Of \ the latest novelties, in I I j J y Ua \ any other pattern— /, | I I 1 You will be months ahead J; . ji : i 1 in style if you adopt these It I ft : | I new Fashions. /II II •' 'j i\ I ) The FASHION BOOK I I|l f far SUMMER /J/\ J§ II |--V f-'"U of the Celebrated Jj S IJL PICTORIAL REVIEW | / / wsr PATIE|tf)S LW will be on sale May First. jL/ Waict 5668—15 centi Order it now* Wai«t 5570 —15cent> Sfcrt 5715—15 cents Skirt 5744—15 cants Ipives, Pomeroy CQ. Stewart MONDAY EVENING, j for these blessings. | Such a prayer ploughs Its way I through space and makes an avenue j for the descent, of other blessings. The 1 .ords of Karma who stand . guard over our Uvea are pleased with | our gratitude. They are the High : Officials sent out by the Mighty One J to lead us into the paths most neces ; sary for our best development. Whe nxve give praise for anything life has bestowed upon us, these Lords j of Karma know we are gaining in wis dom and worth, and they are ready to i off"r us greater opportunities." But to the ungrateful and com plaining soul they send trouble and ; pain, until it learns its lesson of grati tude for every ray of light which falls upon it. Gratitude must not be confounded j with self-satisfaction. The self-s.itislied soul obstructs the i path of its own progress. There is a healthful discontent | which means growth, and this, too, pleases the great Lords of Karma. When we have finished our prayer of gratitude for the blessings and the opportunities of life it is well to begin a brief analysis and to lay bare to our higher perceptions the weaknesses and faults which have pre vented our best achievements. "Have I been indolent? Have I postponed my duties? Have I done careless work? Have I lacked in promptness and dispatch? Have I been too well satisfied with myself and my methods? Have I been too sell-centred and shown too little ap preciation of others? Have I allowed unworthy sentiments and emotions? Then let me ask the great Lords of Karma, to lead me to higher ideals and to endow me with greater strength iio-aay 'hat I may rise above these I errors and make myself worthy of ; my blessings and my opportunities." L? h ? n ' lavln S made this analysis and I his invocation, go forth joyfully to ? <vP 11 rid profit in every event lor the day, conscious that vou are I slowly but certainly climbing'to suo- I cess through the pathway of aspira- I tion. r You are building a worthwhile char i u C tfi"' arK ' w '°rtli while character builds a satisyfing destiny and brings >OU eventually back to God. For that J® the Purpose of life —getting back to God. j AH the aim of life is just getting back to God; Spirit casting off its dust, getting back to God. Every grief we have to bear— Disappointment, cross, despair Each is but another stair climbing back to God. Step by step and mile by mile getting 'back to God; Nothing else is worth the while, get ting back to God. Light and shadow fill each day; Joys and sorrows pass amay. Smile at all, and smiling asy. Getting back to God." Wear his glory on your face, getting back to God; Radiate the light of grace, going back to God. Take what pleasures you can find, But through all the paths that wind, Keep the purpose well in mind, OLD-TIME TOUCHES OF SHIRK SEEN Blouse Pretty in Its Simplicity For the Younger Girls 8243 Kimono Blouse fcr Misses and Small Women, 16 and 18 years. WITH STRAIGHT EDGES ADAPTED TO ! BORDERED MATERIAL, ELBOW OR LONG SLEEVES. I This simple shirred blouse is a pro- i nounced favorite of the season and very ! charming it is for small women as well ' as for young girls. It is essentially smart i in its lines yet it is the simplest thing in the world to make. There are only two j i seams to be sewed. In the illustration, it 1 is made of flowered crfpe and the edges are turned under to form headings but, j since the inneredgesarestraight, flouncing ; and bordered material can be used with ' success and, in such case, the edge of the material makes its own finish. Shadow I lace flouncing which is greatly in demand i would be charming with the inner edges j left untouched and the sleeve edges turned j under and finished with hem-stitching on the lines of the frills, j For the 16 year sire, the blouse will ' require 2% yds. of material 27, 36 or 4,1 j In. wide or aJ/jj yds. of bordered material ! 27 in. wide. The pattern 8243 is cut in sizes for girl# j of 16 and 18 years. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt of ten cent*. Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. To Restore Good Health The first thing to do is to cor rect the minor ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination. After these or gans have been put in good working order by timely use of BEECHAM'S PILLS (Tht Lsrgiat Sals tl Any Msdclnt In Ura World) • better digestion results, and then | the food really nourishes and strengthens the body. The first dose gives relief and sounder Bleep, quieter nerves, and improved action of all the bodily organs are caused by an occasional use of Beecham's Pills. They give universal satisfac tion and in safety, sureness and quicknesß of action Beecham's Pills Have No Known Equal s«ld narrwkm. la bozti 10c., 2Sc. Th> direction with crmrr box arc Ttry Tilwbli. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Get the House in Order CLEAN-UP WEEK, MAY 8 Here and there about the house something is lacking to make it just as inviting and comfortable as you would like it—worn or faded floor coverings need replacing or an old or rickety piece of furniture has out-lived its use fulness. And "here and there" in this great store you will find the needed piece. Better yet, you will find it priced LOW. We buy at LESS on account of the LARGE quantity we use, and pass this trade advantage which we have with manufacturers to our customers in PRICE SAVINGS. BURNS' prices are always LESS. j; - 1, BentW aWn ' Mission Porch Arms are bolted on. Center good value at this price, and leg supports. i 8 made extra heavy. n\ ur 1 h A Sample of the Values LiCeUl-lip WCCk iL \ C}hf>Af/C in the Porch Chair Special Section g&gdb The Problem of What to Do With pi «J Your Winter Clothes in order to avoid moths can easily be settled by a cedar chest. They effectively prevent moths, and, in addition, are decidedly ornamental KS^SSSKKSHK&SI in any room. An unusually large selection to choose from here. Wo S W fin call your special attention to these. f ~ m » CEDAR CHEST—Made to slide under a bed. Size 42 inches long, ww 20 inches wide. Best quality of cedar. m* Ml UC/V $9.00 w * CEDAR CHEST —40 inches long, wood handles, good depth, for this iloor mop. The equal of A (flO HL -i7l ■ t any $1.50 mop. Every home needs * H one of these, and every home CEDAR CHEST— 52 inches long, 21 inches wide, very roomy. \JKS should have one at tills special s9l # .ww price. Come quick if you want one. CEDAR CHEST—42 inches long, round corners, brass trimmings, This comfortable rocker with A New Arrival in m Sellers Kitchen Cabiaets Reed Chairs jKIIfTI C dr* I i\ One like illustration. Made extra jg iy SJ is jS jm . Si, Im _ convenience. We show a complete strong and very comfortable, natural fin- MfifisV ssPHh H mm «fc^ r xa# V line of these labor-saving kitchen ne ish, attractive seat and back cushions of . cessities. Prices upward from $9.00 28-30-32 S. Second St. , ~524.00 T Other cabinets as low as $12.00. News Items From Points in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Mnriotta.-'-Last evening the Rev. H, M. Poticher, pastor of the Methodist) Episcopal Church, delivered an ad-j dress to the Spanish-American War' veterans of this section'and Wrightfc ville, who recently organized a camp. There was special music by the choir and a cornet solo by Miss Gertrude V. Villee. Fust Petersburg. The Knights of the Golden Eagle of this section yes- j terday held their annual memorial services in the Castle Hall, which was very well attended. The memorial ad dress was given by the Rev. Norman N. Lower, of the Evangelical Church. I SliainokJii. —A number of oillcers of the State convention of the Order of American Mechanics arrived to attend the annual convention opening and continuing most of the week. Tamaqun.—A $3,000 pipe organ was dedicated in Bethany United Evangel ical Church yesterday. Presiding El der F. E. Erdman preached the ser mon. Lebanon. Thirty-one roses and thirty-one carnations were presented to Dr. Milton H. Stine, pastor of the Seventh Street Lutheran Church here, on the occasion of the thirty-first an niversary of his first pastorate here. New Bloom Held. —The Rev. I. Pot ter Hayes, pastor of the local Presby torian Church, will represent the Car lisle Presbytery at the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church at Chicago this month. Lebanon. —The Rev. Paul J. Dun dore, pastor of the Reformed churches at Palmyra and Campbelltown, has re signed to accept a call to Latrobe. The Rev. Mr. Dundore, who came here seven years ago, will leave on June 1. Electrical Towboats Along Panama Canal The first electrical towing locomo tives for hauling vessels through the locks of the Panama Canal are wv being received at the Isthmus. In all forty "electrical mules win no built. Four of them, two on each side, -wili ordinarily propel steam ships through the locks. Sometimes six engines will be needed to handle extra large vessels; in every case two ast.ern, acting as a brake on the ship's movements' will give direct to ner course. No vessel will be allowed to enter the locks and go through on her own power. The locomotive Is pro pelled by means of a rack rail while towing and while going up or down th steep grades from one le-ot another at a speed of two miles per hour. While running idle or on turn tracks, the speed is changed tc live miles per hour and the machine is propelled by the regular tractioi. , method, tlie rack pinion being entirely [released.—Electric Railway Journal. i Recent Deaths in Central Pennsylvania Lancaster. —Miss Jenie Behmer, of Lancaster, was married Saturday to Harvey L. Seltzer, of Palmyra, the Rev. I F2. O. Birdnian, of the Palmyra Pres- I hyterian Church, officiating. AbbeyviHe.—Miss Martha E. Brill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Brill, was married Saturday to Alfred AV. Dillioh, by the Rev. Martin J. StefCy, of the Sacred Heart Academy, of Lan caster. | Sunbury.—Miss Laura P. English | and George W. Moyer, both of Sun bury, were married at Grace Lutheran | Church parsonage by the Rev. J. A. Hartman. Marietta.—Miss Eva E. Bostic, of | I West Marietta, was married Saturday to Amos E. Ney, of this place, by the Rev. H. H. Poticher, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, at the parsonage. EDWARD STOUGII A SUICIDK Gettysburg, Pa., May 4. Edward Stough, of New Oxford, this county, was found dead in a woodshed back of J. H. Duttera's store in that town about 8 o'clock Saturday morning with a bullet hole in his head, inflicted by himself. An inquest was held by Jus tice of the Peace Straley, who im- LACK OF FRESH AIR Causes Rundown Condition How to Keep Strong Statistics prove that the death rate is very much greater in the winter months than in summer, and that the lack of fresh air is largely responsible for this condition. If the system becomes rundown, blood thin and watery, circulation poor, no appetite, don't dose with drugs, but take our delicious cod liver and iron tonic Vinol, not a patent medicine, as everything in it is named on every package, and if It does not give you a hearty appetite, enrich the iilood and create strength we will re turn your money; that shows our faith in Vinol. A case has just come to our atten tion from Knoxville, Tenn. Miss Car rie. King says: "For three years I was ill run-down, weak, had no appetite, and after all that time I am glad to say Vinol has brought back my health and strength." Try a bottle of Vinol, on our guar antee. George A. Gorgas, Druggist, ilarrisburg, Penna. Vinol is sold In •iteelton by John L. Porr. P. R.—For Eczema of Scalp try our Saxo Salve. We guarunteo it.—Adver tisement. MAY 4, 1914. paneled a jury, which pronounced death due to suicide. Stough com- I plained of Hi health for some time past. He is survived by two brothers, Augustus, of near Hunterstown, and Charles, of New Oxford. Women Should Take Warning If the statement made at a New York assembly of women, that healthy American women are so rare that they are almost extinct, is true, it is time for the women of America to take j warning and look to their health. It may be headaches, backaches,' drag ging down pains, nervousness, mental | depression, that are tell-tale symptoms iof some organic derangement for which Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound—a simple remedy made from roots and herbs —is a specific and may be relied upon to restore women to a healthy normal condition. —A d vertlsement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November SO. 1913. TRAINS leave Harrlsburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburir at 0:03. *7:62 a. m., *3:40 d m. For Hagerstown, Cliamberwburg. Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and Intermediate stations at 5:08, •7:52, *11:63 a m •S:4O. 5:32, *7:40, *11:15 p. m. Additional trains (or Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 0:48 a. m. 2:18, 8:87 5:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 6:03, *7:62 and •11:53 a- m„ 2:18. *3:40, 6:32 and 6:3(1 p. m. •Dally. AH other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONGE. Q. IVA. Supt. KPIDCATIONAL "prepare for office woriT DAT AND NTOHT SESSIONS Enroll Next Monday SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET 3Q„ HARRIBBURO, Harriaburg Business College Day and Night Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. QUITMEAT WHEN KIDNEYS BOTHER Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder troubles you No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, 'says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid, which excites the kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary dis orders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or If the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney com plications.—Advertisement. Merchants Jt Miners Trana. Co. "SPRING SEA TRIPS" Baltimore and Philadelphia —TO— Boston, Providence Savannah, Jacksonville Through tickets on sale from and to all principal points Including meals and stateroom accommodations on ste&mern. Fine steamers. Best service. Low fares. Staterooms de Luxe. Baths. Marconi wireless. Automobiles carried. Send for booklet. City Ticket Office, 105 South Ninth St., l'hlla.. Pa. W. P. Turner, P. T. M„ Baltimore, Hi HARRY M. HOFFMANN (Successor to J. J. Ogelihy) UNDERTAKER •10 NORTH SECOND STREET 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers