Telegraph Want Ads. Will Make Your Time Is Too Valu able to Spend in Actual SyPjMlk| Search of What ff IHfl You Want— M/fllSirl — t * ie da y t^ie Town Crier and the lie' l Torch Light Parade has passed. I J§v To-day the wise man leaves it to Tel- Hj I'lwK m egraph WANT ADS to fill his wants Hoj|| HI ij and spends time to better advantage yff ||{|m ' than he could in actual personal search f of what he wants. J m|[ Q HrlnK—Send—or Plione ymir WANT \\m An io the TKI-KGRAPH. Phone DIED FROEHLICH On April 29, 1914. John Froehlich, in his 79th year, at his late home, No. 30 South Ninteenth street. Funeral services and burial private on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Body may be viewed Saturday between the hours of 12 and 1. HELP WANTED —Mule WANTED A young man, 19 or 20 years, to assist in upholstering store. One who understands awning work preferred. Apply Jos. Coplink.v, 120SH North Third street. WANTED Boy over 16 to assist In grocery store; give references. Address J., 629, care of Telegraph. WANTTD A reliable man, with small family, to work on a farm; give references and experience. Address L., 630, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced butcher to drive a meat wagon; nuist come well recommended. Apply 226 Chestnut street. WANTED Young man fo. McKay lasting room to learn, about 19 or 20 vears of age. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Boy, between the ages of 11 and 16 years, to work in grocery store; must have neat appearance and reference. Apply M. Brenner and Son, Green and Emerald streets. WANTED Oxweld acetylene weld ing and cutting operator. Apply Mid dletown Car Co., Middletown, Pa. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED A cook, female. Craw ford House, Muncy, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged, active wo man for Thorley's Tea Room kitchen. Apply 231 North Second street. WANTED White woman wanted for general housework; no washing; good wages for right person. Case's, 1932 North Third street. WANTED Woman, with executive ability, to take charge of flat work de partment. Also several other bright girls. Apply Troy Laundry, 1520 Ful ton street. WANTED Young girl for office. No training necessary. Write, stating salary expected. Hours. 9 to t>. Ad dress L., 627, care of Telegraph. WANTED A middle-aged white woman to keep house for widower and family in small town. Good wages and home to right party. Call 1610 Chest nut street. WANTED Experienced girl to work in confectionery and ice cream parlor. Apply to Pavloff & Co.. 1025 North Seventh street. Bell phone 1617 R. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Colored man would like to work around house in private family. Apply 405 Bailey street, Steel ton. WANTED Young man. with one year's experience, desires bookkeeping, stenographic or clerical work; can fur nish good reference. Address D., 619. care of Telegraph. WANTED White gentleman would like to do garden work or take charge of small farm. Address J. B. F.. 61S care of Telegraph. WANTED By a young colored man, work of any kind. Address, or apply 042 Primrose street. WANTED—Experienced young man, business college graduate, wants posi tion in office or traveling. Address X 626, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two young men want work of any kind; farm work pre ferred. Call, or address, 1204 North Cameron street. WANTED Young, industrious, sober man desires position as salesman; experienced and can furnish reference Address Salesman, 916 North Third street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Corn- I netent stenographer desires work to do I at homo evenings or at office. Prompt ! service at reasonable prices. Apply 405 Telegraph Building, WANTED German lady, age 35 years, wishes position to take care of one or two children—country preferred Address Box 95, Enhaut, Pa. WANTED By colored girl, to as cit with general housewo; / or nursing; can furnish reference. 654 Primrose avenue. WANTED Colored woman desires washing, ironing and housecleaning*. (Call, or address, 108 >4 Christy Court. Apartment House Location For Sale Northwest corner of Green St. and Charles Ave. 76 feet on Green St. and 36 feet on Charles Ave. Certainly one of the most desirable downtown lo cations for an apartment house on the market—and the price of this property is reasonable. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE Locust And Court Streets • Hmrisburg * ■ _ _. '• - FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. ■ SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe I WANTED —By a colored woman, a j position as cook in hotel, boarding ; house or private family; also day's work of any kind. Apply at 433 North ' avenue, room 3. WANTED Young girl wishes po sition to assist with child or in Ice cream parlor after school hours. Ad dress D., 617, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work between school I hours by colored girl. 132S North Sev enth street. WANTED Work between school hours by colored girl. 648 Calder. PIANIST Young lady desires posi tion; can lead orchestra; reasonable salary to start. Adress Pianist, 101 South River street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs street, between Seco and Third; S rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri fice If solo this Spring. Address S. O. No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 6OB Boas street— 2%- ! story brick and frame dwelling 4 I rooms first floor 3 rooms second floor —finished attic. Price, $2,700. M. A I Fought, 272 North street. REAI. ESTATE FOR SALE SOUTHWEST CORNER Boas and Capital streets, two-and-one-half-story frame, 7 rooms and store room; lot, 14 ft. by 80 ft. Apply 110 Boas street WHY not live in Elizabethtowr. Pa.? A town which has all city conveniences, good markets, splendid train and trol ley service. Houses with all mouern conveniences for sale or rent. Call on, or address, J. H. Buch. Elizabethtown, Pa FOR SALE 7 AND 36-ACRE HOMES, plenty fruit. A good store property In a ! growing suburb of Harrisburg. Good | city Real Estate. D. E. Brightblli, 2 [ North Court street. Both phones. j FOR SALE 622 Boas street 2%- 1 story brick and frame dwelling 4 | rooms first floor 3 rooms second I floor finished attic. Price, $2,250. M. j A. Fought, 272 North street. I FOR SALE Money-making lodg ' ing house or dwelling, on Pine street j Thirteen rooms and three bath rooms— ! recently painted and papered vacant, i Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE AT PERDIX HILL TOP FARM HOUSE, «TiO SNAP PRICE to quick buyer Easy Terms, too. We lire in the market to clean up remaining lots quickly. There i are but 24 in all—some as low as SI.OO | per front foot Better come to-day— see Perdix—then ACT. Out office Is »t | Reidiinger s Store. Salesman always at I the property. WAYNE COTTAGE at a j bargain. A. C. Young, 26 North Third j street. Bell phone 938 R. | FOR SALE Four Jefferson street ; improved houses for $1,500, $1,550, $1,650 and $2,400, respectively. Look at No. 440 Peffer street improved cornel property price attractive. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Desirable three-story brick house 011 Curtin street prac | tlcally new - 8 rooms bath gas—■ furnace porch lot, 15x100 good condition price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Corner property N. W. corner of Third and Maelay streets —brick lO rooms bath gas and I ? ? ct £!. c "f ht steam heat porch Ii? 1?i Realty Co., Bergner Building. I 3-story brick dwelling. I No. 409 Herr street; 4 rooms first floor— ■ 3 rooms and bath second floor 2 large rooms third floor. Price. $2,600. M \ Fought, 272 North street. i . ® ALE , No - 354 South Thir : teenth street Is for sale at a reasonable price 3-story brick 8 rooms • tl l,~, gas furnace porch de siraHe locattor.. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE 1,400 will buy a Wal lace street house 8 rooms gas furnace large lot 2O ft. alley on r » a, '» will buy a Susquehanna street house all improvements. Bell Realty Co.. Building. j 1 homes! Nine rooms and latest and oni> practical, common wens© bath- : room. Steam heated; large front and pacfc porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair- ' case; laundry room and stationary • wash tubs; outdoor sleeping chamber l w tn south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 i minutes by trolley to Market Square ! l or further information call P. Vander loo Masonic Temple Building. Third and j Mate streets. RE.\I, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE S-story brick dwelling —b29 Hamilton street— a rooms first floor and kitchen 3 rooms anil bath second floor 2 rooms third floor. Price. $2,500. M. A. Fought. 272 North street. FOR SALE 2 Vj-story brick house, on Derry street, Paxtang, Pa; electric light, steam heat and gas. Price rea sonable to quick buyer. Apply W. Ross Bealor, Paxtang, Pa. .. FARM FOR SALE Natural gas for light and fuel. Inquire M. A. Fought, 272 North street. FOR SALE Very attractive vacant lot corner Eleventh and Berryhill streets 98x300 will divide. Brin ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 2448 North Sixth street —two-and-one-half-story frame t> rooms and _bath —front and rear porch —lot. 20x150 single property. Brln ton-lacker Co., Second and Walnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1602 Derry street; 3- story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; modern improvement; large pantry and closet. Apply Lerue Lemer, 213 South Front street. Bell phone 323 L. FOR RENT No. 26 N. Eighteenth street $30.00 No. 2020 Boas street 15.00 No. 1524 Catherine street 15.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT—IS 33 North Third street; 6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102 Short street. 8 rooms and bath; store rooms. 110 South Thirteenth street. Ap ply 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT House with 7 rooms and bath, 2328 Derry street, Garfield. Inquire at store. Bell phone 494-W. FOR RENT 262 Boas street; 3- story brick; 9 rooms and bath; modern improvements, including steam heat. Apply 268 Boas street. Bell phone 515 J. FOR REXT FURNISHED COTTAGE (BOW , MAN'S) AT PERDIX. Miller Bros. & ] Neefe, Bell Phone 1595. FARM FOR RENT l5 acres. 4 rooms, partly furnished. Ideal place for poultry raising; plenty fruit. Ap ply C. C. Wenerlck. 620 Nortn street. i RENT A seven-room house I within a block of trolley line, at Fort Hunter. Inquire 620 Cumberland street, City. FOR RENT 2lB Nectarine avenue, --story frame house, with improve ments. Possession at once. Kent, $12.00. Apply 320 Crescent street. FOR RENT No. 2121 Boas street, with stable, $15.00. Suburban home stead, $21.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT House and barn, with or without farm land, about live miles east of Halifax; plenty of fruit. Em ployment given. Apply J. W. Ettinger, Halifax. It. F. D. No 2. - ■ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres land, known as the ' bquire .Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Alanada Gap Road, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Hairisburg. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Third floor front four large rooms and bath with all conveniences. Apply L. Silver, 1542 North sixth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. Apply Sixth Street Bank, sixth and Mat-iay streets. Apartments—Derry Block, 14th and Derry Streets. MacDANIELS APARTMENTS Fur nished complete for light housekecp i ing. Gas range, private meter, cooking I utensils, dishes, linen. One large nv -1 ingroom, small kitchen, stationary tubs. I Private mail boxes, bells. 1417 Market | street. i FOR RENT Three rooms, with im | provemtnts. 4 rooms and bath, with all improvements. Apply to 1745 North I Sixth street. | || ' ROOMS FOR RENT j FOR RENT Large, furnished front I room for rent; bay window; suitable j for gentleman; all modern conveni | eaces; centrally located; use o£ phone. (257 Forster street. — FOR RENT By the night or month, the finest rooms in Hairisburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apart ments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly fui niched throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212 Locust street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. I FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and ] cold running water in each room; eiec j trie light; use of phone and bath. Ap ( ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. I FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed roorrii, for gentlemen, with city heat | and use ol L.ith. Apply 272 Brlgga street. i FOR RENT Furnished rooms ami boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. \ FOR lIENT Fifty furnished rooms, 1 in private families, all parts of city I improvements 51.25 week many other rooms. Send address and I will i call Address X., 508, care of Tele j graph. ; FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; use of Bell phone. Call 1089 L. ROOMS WANTED | WANTED Two or three unfur nished rooms wanted for light house i keeping by good people. Reasonable : terms. Address Box L, 615, care of Tele graph. 1 ADDITION AI. ROOMS WASTED FOR | REPRESENTATIVE,S OK THE I.K \Mi 1.01 X.i: OK ODD 1101.1.0WS UUIIII , MEETS IN THIS CITY MAY lit TO 21.1 j NOTIKY EITHER OK THE UNDER- I ! SIGNED AND STATE NUKBEH THAT I CAN lIE ACCOMMODATED AND THIS , PRICE PER NKiirr. GEO. C. McCAHAN, 22111 NORTH KOIRTH STREET. JOHN S. SPICEH. j ' BOX 780. i ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ' WANTED Pleasant, airy room, with board, for lady and 13-year-old daughter; private family preferred. Would not object to Riverside, Second or Front street, on or near trolley line. Address, stating price, B. A., 216 Ham ilton street. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED By young, married couple. Railroad man wants room and board. Private family preferred. Will pay S4O per month. Reference furnished. Address A., 620, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Work by ladies' tailor— dresses, suits, coats and skirts. Charges moderate. Also your own material made up. Remodelling, alterations neatly executed. H. L. Powell, 912 North Third street. WANTED • l'oung. married lady having a safe horse and buggy, will be glad to take ladies out driving in the country or elsewhere— 26c an hour Call Mrs Gable, 1901 North Seventh gtrset. Phone 2716 J. | WANTED | i WANTED—lnvalid's adjustable roll- Ins chair; must be In good condition. Address D., 624, care of Telegraph. i WANTED To clean carpets and rugs in new sanitary way. Restores ! colors to carpets. Does not Injure 1 fnbric. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pnone . 623R, Sanitary Carpet Cleaning Co.. 352 Broad. AUTOMOBILES bought for cash any quantity. If you want to sell your Ford, Studebaker, Buick, Overland, Cadillac, Hudson. Packard, Peerless, I Pierce, Maxwell, National, American j Regal, Locomobile, Flanders, or any I standard make of car not earlier than 1910 model, for cash, write us full de- I scriptlon and price. Universal Motor , Car Co., IS2G Wood avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Five-passenger, two cylinder Keo, convertible for touring or delivery; in good condition; three tires almost new. Call 523 South Fifteenth street, or phone Bell 498 W. FOR SALE At sacrifice, if taken at | once; stock and fixtures of general store l doing large business, in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to in | terestcd party. Want to join my hus ! band in Minnesota, reason for selling. I Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Clouser, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Four-passenger car, In good shape. Will sell cheap. Address 0., 599, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A No. 1 family driving liorse. Perfectly safe for ladies. Par ticulars O. K. Weible.v, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE At a bargain a five passenger touring car in excellent con dition. this car has not had hard usage. For inspection or demonstration call at 1000 North Third street at any time. FOR SALE Motorcycle, 2-cylinder Indian. Will sell for 150.00. 1522 Alli son street. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good, cash business in good locality. Good ] reason for selling. reasonable. Address M., S9B, cure of Telegraph. FOR SALE 8 or 9-year-old horse. Satisfaction guaranteed. Inquire Jo seph stante, Baker, Marysville, Pa. FOR SALE Brand new 1914 Cole Demonstrator. Run about 500 miles. Four-cylinder, com plete, with self-starter, electric light and all other equipments. List price, $1,925. At a liberal discount. Used at Harrisburg Show as a model. Bowman & Co. FOR SALE Bicycle. Selling on account of buying motorcycle. Apply B. P. Mowrey, Riverton Consolidated Water Co. Office, Lemoyne, Pa. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT Steel Die Embossed Stationery and Business Cards—increases business costs less than printing. Harrisburg Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. FOR SALE - National Cash Reg ister and four unit McCaskey Register, good as new. Make offer. Box 628, care of Telegraph. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and in fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock and S. C. Black Minorca eggs, 15 eggs ' for $2.00. All orders carefully filled ; and delivered free of charge. S. H. Loose, Hogestown, Pa. i - ' FOR SALE Refuse carload of I scrap-iron at Sheesley's sidine. Dock . street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6. 1 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to highest bidder for cash consideration. and must be removed within 10 days from date of sale. Further particulars can be had I upon application to G. W. Mumma, i Freight Claim Adjuster, P. R. R. ! Freight Office, foot of Third street. J. j H. Nixon, Agent, Harrisburg. | FOR SALE Used baby carriage. ' Price reasonable. 26 North Nineteenth I street. | I FORD OWNERS I want to trade a | four-cylinder, five-passenger 40-H.-P. I new 1914 car for an used Ford Touring I Car. E. W. T., 621, care of Telegraph. 1 FOR SALE Fourteen Minorca I Chickens. Reason for selling, leaving l city. _CalI 1824 North Sixth.^^^^^^^ FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be ! secured at the Telegraph Business | Office. : FOR RENT Two-story warehouse. Cowden street near Market. Eleva'or; | railroad siding: 5,000 sq. ft. iloor space. I Possession June 1. Apply C. F. Gohl, 109£ North Second street. Bell phono FOH RGXT Desirable office* In the Telegraph IIUIIIIIUK, SINGLY or en suite. Inquire ut liuNlnesN office. TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. , FOR RENT Two-story garage, ! with water and sewer, rear 1530 Reglna street. Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gipple, 1261 Market street. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; one of the best rooms In the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herp street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOII SALE OR EXCHANGE! 1 WISH. LOCATED LOTS in the Tenth l \\nr«t Nome of them on paved street. I \\ 111 exchange for Imp. oved property.! |Au exceptional opportunity lor n j builder. mil noil iiiNjieit blue | rlnt. ' F. 11. Oyster, Trustee, ca'e of Telegrauli ! Ilusiniss liflice. | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Ir person can earn g>od Income corresponding for newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 795. Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mail order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. LAW—Chartered University of recog nized standing is placing :i few free scholarships. Write for particulars Address H. L 0.. 616, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 11? South Second street, 5.000 nets new Sash. Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed. at other sizes BUSINESS PERSONALS I HIGHEST PRICES paid for Old Gold and Sliver. Watches and Jewelry. Or will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos D. Brenner. Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell phone 626 L 11. H. PEFFER, LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivory. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor age of household good* and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont gomery, Harrisburg. | BUSINESS PERSONALS W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing, shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone E227W. HAULING H. W. LATHE, llonnllnK Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing H W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2603 R. NOTICE PROPERTY OWNERS AND CON TRACTORS—We are fully prepared to do any kind of Concrete Work at short notice. Bell phone 1739 R. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Pastor Bros, 1609 Green street. FOR falling hair try Gross yuinlne Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 M rket (■treet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention Bell, to no ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shlve ly. Lucknow, Pa. HAVE your Ford's looked after now while we are not so busy. We make a specialty on Ford cars. Give ub a chance. Our prices are right. Call E. ! M. Snavely, Middletown, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material an.l by export help r-end us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. A LEVTN, 805 North Third Btreet, ! Furniture repair, upholstering and re finishing. Antique furniture for sale. All work properly attended to. Rea ■ sonable prices guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan !n amounts of SI,OOO and up on llrjt t mortgage on "lty property, repayable I monthly or Installments. Debt camel, ed anil mortgage satisfied oh death of borrower. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6-7. 9 North Market Mnnnro STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unejtceued fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE IN 3-iHorr brick building, rear 408 Market street* . Household goods In clean, private rooniM. Reasonable rates. Apply to i I*. G. Dlener, ,leweler t 408 Market St. I STOii iGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Prl- I vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents i per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. msw UNDERWRITERS DINE Forty Members of Association Attend Annual Banquet at Engineers' Club PROMINENT MEN PRESENT Tax on Gross Incomes of Compan ies Is Burden on Widows and Orphans Forty members of the Central Penn sylvania Association of Life Under writers, including some of the most prominent insurance men of Harris burg and vicinity, attended the annual banquet of the organization last even ing at the Engineers' Club. Dick Oli ver, as president of the association, was tonßtmaster and there were ad dress i by Edward A. Woods, vice president of the National Life Under writers' Association, and E. J. Clark, of Baltimore, president of the Na tional Life Underwriters' Association. The scope of the organization has been enlarged to take in all of the Central Pennsylvania territory, and as such will constitute one of the most representative bodies of life insurance men in Pennsylvania. Mr. Woods in his address con demned the State tax on the gros& incomes of Insurance companies, ins that "Pennsylvania is furnishing itself with inmates of reformatories, orphanages and sweatshops thereby." "On every SI,OOO paid in deatli claims," said Mr. Woods, "the State levies a tax amounting to S7O, which would, otherwise, be distributed among widows and ( orphans. The United States charges life insurance com panies $13,000,000 every year for the privilege of protecting the destitute from want. It is because of this that our reformatories and orphanages are filled. Widows are forced to work in factories to provide for children who would be otherwise cared for by the distribution of this sum among policy holders." Mr. Woods urged the CeYitral Penn sylvania .association to use Its utmost endeavors to prevent any further legis lation of this character. Reading Directors Postpone Election; Tribute to Mr. Baer Special to The Telegraph Philadelphia, May 1. The question I of a successor to George F. Baer as the head of the Reading system of anthra- j cite coal and railroad properties was j everywhere discussed with deep Inter- j est in railroad and financial circles i yesterday, but the greatest confusion of views prevailed. Those whose personal beliefs or wishes counted for the most were caught absolutely unprepared by the suddenness of Mr. Baer's death, and remained sCilent. The directors met yesterday, but took no action on a suc cessor to the late president. A minute was adopted on the death of Mr. Baer. It was said more than once, how ever, that Mr. Baer would have no real successor, and hints were given that this might be taken literally, and not as a mere figurative reference to the difficulty of duplicating his exceptional ability. According to this opinion, which was credited where good infor mation should prevail, no one ever ugaln would be vested with the tre mondous power which the lato presi dent of the Reading Company wielded. Probably there wll be a division of power and separate executive heads for many of the Reading subsidarles. It was oven said that the two great divisions of the Reading business, an thracite coal mining and railroading, might be placed under separate heads, and that still a third person might be c-hosen to head the Reading Company, the holding corporation. Such an ar rangement, it WHS pointed out, W£uld IRREGULAR TENDENCY OF TRADING OVERCOME Missouri Pacific Recovered Strongly After an Early Set back in Wall Street; Bonds Were Steady By Associated Press New York, May 1. The irregular tendency of the early trading was overcome by the gradual development of strength, and prices were raise ! one to two and one-half points. Missouri Pacific recovered strongly after an early setback. The demand, while Varied, was most insistent for the stocks of Eastern roads, which will benefit by the increase in freight rates, should It be granted. New York Cen tral reflected the benefits expected from Its proposed consolidated, rising to 9:. Last week it sold below 87. The de cree of the courts upholding the spec ial dividend on Union Pacific caused a quick upturn of two and one-half points In that stock. Bonds were steady. Furnished by 11. W. SNAVELY Arcade Uuil<;iiiK New York, May 1. Open. a.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 2 7',4 27 Vi Amal. Copper 72' A 73% American Beet Sugar 21 V 4 21 V, American Can 25% 26V. American Can pfd. . S9~ 90 ~ American Cotton Oil 40 " 40 Am. Ice Securities .. 31% 31 u Am. Locomotive ... 31 32 American Smelting . 62% G2% American Sugar ... 101% 302 l 4 Amorican T. &T. .. 121 122 Anaconda 33yt, 34 Atchison 94 95 Baltimore & Ohio .. S0 y> 9114 Bethlehem Steel ... 40% 41 ' Bethlehem Steel pfd 8585% Brooklyn R. T 9Mi 91 tZ California Petroleum 22 V' 22' A Canadian Pacific .. . 191% 193% Central Leather ... 35% 35% Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 53U |C., M. & St. P 98 99 iZ Chino Con. Copper . 39% 40si Col. F. & 1........ . 28 | B ,;* Consolidated Gas .. 130% 131V4 Corn Products 9% 9% Distilling Securities . 15% 1614 Erie 27% 28% Erie, Ist pfd 43% 43 General Electric Co. 145 147 Goodrich, B. F 27 Goodrich. B. F. pfd. Great Northern, pfd 122% 123% Great Nor. Ore. subs. 3 2 3'% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 62 62ii Lehigh Valley 137U 138% Louis. & Nashville . 134134% Mex. Petroleum .... 57% 57% Missouri Pacific ... 19% 191? New Con. Copper .. 14% 14% New York Central . 90% 92U N- Y., N. H. & H. . 69 70$ Norfolk & Western. 103% 103'f. Northern Pacific .•.. 110% 111-% Pacific Mail 24 24V, £;.. R - R - * ... no in 4 Pittsburgh Coal ... . >o Pittsburgh Coal pfd 87% 88 Pressed Steel Car .. 41% 42% Ray Con. Copper .. 21 " "1% Reading 160% 163% Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 32% 32% Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 84 ~ 85% Southern Pacific .. 91 917/. Southern Railway .23% 25 Southern Ry. pfd... 79 79% Tennessee Copper .. 34Vi 34% Texas Company ... lilt.', 142 Union Pacific 154 156 U. S. Rubber 56 55^ U. S. Steel 58% r«ii U. S. Steel pfd 109 109 vi Utah Copper 53% 54% Western Union Tel.. 60% 62V.i Westinghouse Mfg.. 73% 74% RAE OF THE | Admiral Frank Friday Fletcher, commanding the forces in Vera. Cm? in co-operntlon with Admiral C. S. Badger. Fletcher's ™H , M ' occupation of the city by the Americ m forces bins won the admiration and respect of Mexicans there. The natives of the Southern Republic seem in I variably Inclined to ward a man who rules them with an iron hand and I this is the policy that has been pursued by Fletcher in Vera Cruz Unon the refusal of the municipal officials of Vera Cruz to conthiue their duties i?J inli « l! a u ° the city s government, Fletcher declared martlai law and now the Mexican seaport has all the appearances of a cltv thou sands of miles from the scene of Impending war. y bring about iin organization more |n harmony with modern views ori the trust question, mid would emphasize tlie corporate distinctness of the three Reading companies. Tlie suggestion also was made that the position of the Heading system in the Federal suit now pending might be strengthened by such u decentralization of power. TEMPERANCE BODIES TO BE FEDERATED The organization of the Temperance Confederation of the Churches of Mid dletown will be. completed at a meet ing in the United Brethren Church this evening This new federation will co-operate MIICAUO BOARD OK TRADK Furnished by H. W. S.\ AV ISL Y Afoadr Ilulldlns Chicago, 111., May 1. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat- May .... .... 92% 92% July S6',i 85 lorn— May 63% 64 July 61% 64% ••its— May 37',* 36% July 37% , 37% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., May 1. Hogs Re ceipts, 15,000; slow. Ruin of sales $8.25 ®8.35; light. sß.ls<f» 8.35; mixed, sß.lo®' 8-37 % I heavy, $7.»0®8.32%; rough, $7.90 @8.05; pigs, $7.10(?i)8.l0. Cattle Receipts, 1,000; steady. Beeves, $7.15@9.40; Texas steers. $7.00 @8.10; stockcrs and feeders, $5.50® 8.1 a; cows and heifers, $3.60@'i.50; calves, $6.00@8.55. Sheep Receipts, 7.000; steady. Na tive, $ i.90@i>.50; yearlings, |5.40@6.35; lambs, native, $5,906/ 7.10. PHILAI>EI.:>*IM J'ItODUCB By Associated Press v phl: .V Ma >' '■ - Wheat - S/f 1 y v m' r r c,lf export. 9;)(g>99Uc; @1 ° r ln ' export, $1.03% Corn Steady: new. No 2 vAlinw ro"T a 7s@7s^c. 4 ® 74,/iC: d0 * kllli drk ' d '' 45c. atS ~ Stea^y: No - 2 . white, 44%®' .„^ ra l-,Tr^ a r ket winter, per Ao&o & ' UOO: sprin »- *«»■ Refined Sugars Market steidv ? SS«3 r Snr: 3 ys ©'4.oo V ; .ine granufated! JsLr*' confectioners' A, 3.75® keystone A - 3.60®3.65c. WMtern 1 " rTZ le 'narket firm;, prints, c y " * SUi "" 2#t: ' ,le * rt " PenSsviJ7r,i The * nu, 't Ept 's steady; free r' Ln« i' c ?- nd " ther nearby firsts i * 5 ppr rase: (1 °- current westTrS 1 l r ; e c ?ses. $0.30 per case; ojf extiae, firsts, free cases, s(i. t 5 Per case' " firStß, freo Cilses .. 30 (?i)iß)4n PoU,try Steady; fowls, 17% snrint' thickens. 14@20c; chleken u Jo®4oe; broiling ta li d,', J/' old roosters, 13 ', • ducks, 1..(a 14c; sprint? ducsk 17 (ti 18c; geese, 15tfjSl7e; turkeys. l»'^2oc. Dressed Poultry .bower; fowls western, fancy, heavy, 18% c; do' f a ! T t( , J eood, heavy, 17 @ 18c; do.,' „ f u . good, heavy, 20c; do. tJ ' h . ,? ld roosters, 14c; roast 's chickens. fancy. t>r«ii- UK <nickens, fancy. 24tas;.c do fair M»H)e, capor., large. 23 Sfj 25c;' do* • mall, 18^20c; turkeys fancv "'A'iill* 'o. fair. 20it2Jc; duck*'. '""Tie: Potatoes Weak; New York and bastein, Per bushel, 85® 93c; Western. S-Ji ??' c: Jeis ey. Per basket, 20® 50c; Uorida, per basket. $2.25@5.00. Flour —The market is steady; winter, 'ylvania. 14.1594.3P, Western. <4 2r>o straight, jute sacks, $4.15®>4.30; spring lusty, clear S4.OU(u 4,Uu, @*4.40. patents. 11 5094.75 Hay The market is firmer; tim othy, Xo. 1, large bales. $ 19.00# 19 60- No. 1, medium bales, $19.00; No. 2, sl7 00 @18.00; No. 3, $14.50@15.50. »*'•"« Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 17.50; No. 1, do., $16.00@16.50; No. 2 do $14.00 @ls 00. u".. 1 with the State and county No-License ; jengues and wage a bittor fight ' . At tl recent meeting in i tho 1 nited Brethren Church prelimi ' " a !' y p .' ,ins f ° r the organization of this federation were discussed; tho Rev JJr. I. H. Albright was elected tem porary chairman and the Rev. H F Hoover temporary secretary. THK Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dlspen paiy will be open dally except Sunday Cr f M -. at lte new location, 1701 North Second street, for tho free treat ment of tho worthy poor. MONET FOR SALARIED* ~PEOPtJB and others upon their own »"nrm Cheap ratea. easy payment* conlWeu ' j Adaua * Co., R. Mi ■ jr, Mm _ 19
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