18 THE TRUTH ABOUT ' OLIVE OIL C Spout arrangement fully patented There are a number of ' ■by' J "Pure" Olive Oils on the J market today. All the pure ' olive oils, however, are not ' First Quality olive oils! ! n ivfsl S[m v ] y to now at y® ll are ' 9 bu y in 8 211 °^ ve °jl marked j MmlllftffshJ "pure" is not enough. The J §§ll does not necessarily imply that J IGGLB . . CL C L 11 18 " l * or " uman con- i: sumption. There are several |j 11 ■ rnc^ ,rn J^ eren t grades of olive oiis, ; regardless of their purity. ; Canned at the pl.ee ol pro T^"" 5 °» e «™ de ° f j duction in Italy olive oil that should ever be used for table use or for medi cinal purposes; that is the first pressing of hand . picked, carefully selected olives. : i When you buy a can of OLIVESE you secure ' the HIGHEST GRADE Olive Oil that can be had j at any price. "ALL THAT THE LABEL IMPLIES IS IN THE CAW] A. L CAPRINI, Pittsburgh Sole American Importer . GEO. A. GORGAS SOLE DISTRIBUTOR 16 N. Third Street P. R. R. Station 11 The Raaks Are Rapidly Being Filled With i;j ! BRIGHTEN-UP CRUSADERS i! the !j i\ Headquarters have been ms Rrlehten-Up Finishes and full instructions i i > ture a floor or the whole house, inside and out. !; A pennant and information Free to every Brighten-Up Crusader, j , ! > Come early and avoid the rush. ], j! t RYDER'S BRIGHTEN- jL I! |p, UP PAINT STORE jj || No. 44 North Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. || AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS neßt Week of the Orpheun.'. Beat A healthy bfOWII- | Season J | Dunbar* 9 White Hussars eyed baby will be Marin Lo's Porcelain Palntlnga #■« Putch McDevtt found a home lo_ Then Llghtner & Dollr Jordon. flight it——Other Splendid Acta 3 © —— —-————' I FALL, of POMPEII Sj I OR |! I LYDIA THE BLIND GIRL | o , B Bhow lng the destruction of the city, faUlng 5 0 temples eruption of V envious. A V I' | PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY | ADMISSION - - 5 CENTS « g ol>tWB O<KKKK^^ PflTflCE THEATRE 333 MARKET STREET The Home of the Exclusive Universal Program OUR PIIOGRAM SATURDAY! Herbert RMMIIUNOH, Kdna Malwon and Frank IJoyd /fitJ 1„ a 3-reel •♦101" HINOII J Animal) Drama, "DAN- lO^H| Ireiß janj iEHHL SCO!"T» 4 Big .-reel Kuropean Drama with WM v >rMAT t %"\v™.v. wJwimi /'/irf*y,vO, Nliouiiiie you tlie new* in motion pletnea. Cpfywityfr ADMISSION r> CENTS COMING "LUCILLE LOVE," the Girl of Mystery, May sth. THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII IN 8 REELS STAR THEATER UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW The Greatest Photodrama in the World. The Greatest Ever Shown in this city. First time in Harrisburg, PAfeQUALI S Masterpiece, the only original and genuine $250,000 Production. First Time in Harrisburg—Do Not Be Mislead 9 Try Telegraph Want Ads PWDATIVEXTNG, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1914. Chinese Wedding Given by Ladies' Auxiliary Spteial to The Telegraph Mechanlcsburg, Pa-, May 1. Last evening the Young Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church gave a Chi nese wedding in the lecturo room of the church before a large audience, which was both entertaining and In structive, under the direction of the president, Miss Iva M. Fish, and Mrs. George Fulton. The program included a piano solo. Miss Kathryn Sheaffer; address, the Rev. George Fulton; piano solo. Miss Estella Marshall; vio lin solo, William Hinton; vocal solo, "In a Chinese Cart I Sat," Miss Bessie Bear. Three scenes were given, first, the welcoming of a boy in China; sec- y ond, welcoming of a girl in China; third, the wedding. In the cast were Miss Iva M. Fish, Miss Carrie McCoy, Henry Fulton, Earl Sheaffer, Miss ! Janet Eckels, Miss Estella Marshall, i I Miss Helen Harold, Miss Esther Far- I rence. Miss Vera Seidle, Miss Edith' Dornon, Miss Katharine Kough, Miss. Nell Sheaffer, Miss Emma Moore, Miss | Clara Putt, Miss Jean Sample, Missj Catherine Mumma. The play con cluded with a tableau of the entire cast. On the platform were decora tions of Chinese screens, flowers and red candles. The offering was for the beneflt of foreign missions. HOTEL, HILL FOR SOAP AND PER FUMERY $15,000 A WEEK The hotels of Buenos Aires are fair ly good and very expensive. One of the cheapest rooms I saw in the Plaza Hotel was seven dollars a day, Euro pean style. There are good Spanish hotels with rooms from two dollars a day upward. The Plaza is, perhaps, the most cosmopolitan of all the hos telries of the city. In its ball room and drawing room I was reminded of the Waldorf Astoria. The meals are a little higher than in the big hotels of New York city. But there are nu merous small restaurants where good refreshments may be had at reason able prices. As an example of the charges in the big hotels of Buenos Aires, I may quote a story told me by an Argentine official. He said that some years ago a commission of Eu ropean ambassadors was entertained by the Argentine government at the Bristol Hotel on the Avenida de Mayo, and that the bill for soap and per fumery was fifteen thousand dollars a week. Nobobdy seemed to complain, and apparently everybody was satis fied. Luxuries seem to be necessities to the Argentines, for I was told that the tariff on champalgne is only two per cent, while that on a plow is fifty per cent. —"The Land of Luxury," Ar gentina, the United States of South 'America, Peter Mac Queen, F. R. G. S., |in National Magazine for February, 1914. [ONE WEEK OF FUH sr* MAY II Auspices of the Loyal Order of Moose 107 Lot 6th and Division Sts- I Leon W. Washburn's ! MIGHTY Midway Shows i Wit I ,re * acta. Including > J?, 11 !!" JJeler. 'n her one hundred ( foot high dive, and Mile. Moruk, In y the sensational "Death Swlnir." con certs by a I.a<Ues' Military band, and an unexceptional array of amuse ment novelties. Including WASHBURN'S TRAINED WILD ANIMAL ARENA A Trip to the Moon The Beautiful Diving Nymphs Dog, Pony and Monkey Clrcua The Giant Motordrome Oklahoma Bill's Wild West Features AMUSEMENTS I MAJESTIC THEATER Wtimer, Vincent A Appeil, Managers To-day and To-morrow . Ilnrsaln Matlncea Dally Virginia Brooks' Great White Slave l'lay Little Lost Sister ! PRICES Matinee, 25c and !»oej Bvenlngi «sc, 35c, 50c, 75c and SI.OO. ——s "ALWAYS THE BEST" Photoplay Theater To-morrow—Saturday t The Adveatures of Kathlyn—No. 9 V llrst-class itroßrnm tn-dav. t ) Admission - - 5c Always EXPERTS TESTIFY 111 MURDER USE Philadelphia Physician Thinks Paris Green Caused Floyd Keller's Death Chambersburg, Pa., May 1. —Taking of evidence in the case of trial of Mrs. Zelda Keller Gerholdt, who is accused of having caused the death of her hus band, Floyd Keller, by poisoning, was continued yesterday. Dr. John Klnter, of St. Thomas, said he was called to the Keller residence at Brandt's Church for the first time on November 19, 1912, and continued to attend him until he died on No vember 20. Doctor Klnter said the symptoms were baffling, but that he first treated Keller for grip and later for puerpal hemorrhages. Doctor Kin- ter said Keller's wife told him her hus band had been drinking to excess and < that his sore mouth and the pains in his stomach were caused by liquor. She insisted, Doctor Kinter said, that Kel ler was going to die. < The critical condition of Keller led ] Dr. Kinter to call Dr. W. F. Skinner, ' of Chambersburg, for a consultation , and after Keller's death both the phy- i sicians signed the death certificate, in ( which the cause of his death was 1 stated as puerpal hemorrhages, al though even then he suspected that ( he had been poisoned. Mrs. Gerholdt, . after the funeral, he said, had visited i both Dr. Skinner and himself and had asked thein if Keller's body could be \ exhumed without her permission and if so if anything could be found in , his remains. I Harry Finefrock, an undertaker, ■ testified that no arsenic was used in the embalming fluid when Keller's ( body was prepared for burial. Dr. J. C. Attlx, a chemist, a dentist \ and physician, and professor of chem- ] istry and toxicology in Temple Uni- ' versity, Philadelphia, was present at j the exhumation of Keller's body and took various organs, some earth and embalming fluid to the city and ana- < lyzed them. He found 1 4-10 grains ■ of arsenic and 2 7-10 grains of copper in the organs and some antimony. These three minerals, he said, are found combined only in Pi»ris green and that, said the witness, caused 'Floyd Keller's death. | Mrs. Keller took an active part in the proceedings and suggested ques tions to her counsel, O. C. Bowers, | William S. Hoerner and State Senator i J. W. Hoke. She and her mother, | Mrs. .Tennio Rlcker, who has been in- j dieted for the same murder, smiled and laughed and were as little con-1 cerned apparently as any spectator in the crowded court. The trial will surely continue into next week crowding the Bill Barnes trial for murder to the latter part of the week. Most of yesterday after- I noon and all of this morning was: taken by Dr. J. C. Attix, who made the ! i analyses and found arsenic, copper! ; and antimony in portions of Keller's j | body. After his direct examination, J on cross questions he was made to i I review step by step in minute detail i ! the Marsh and Relnsch tests he used. ] I The defendant sat with her youthful i ] husband beside her mother, indicted | ; for the same crime, and her father, j ; Reuben Ricker. Zelda was gowned in ' j black with white neck trimming and | wore white shoes. She was cheery ■ talkative and bright all the while. BUSINESS LOCALS A DINNER DE LUXE One dinner you will have a reason i to remember, because of its goodness, will be served on Sunday evenings from five until eight o'clock. Where | the food is deliciously cooked and | faultlessly served, for one dollar and the Columbus Orchestra will entertain ' you while you dine at the Columbus | Cafe, Hotel Columbus, Third and Walnut streets. I IT'S REALLY FASCINATING There is a wonderful fascination about the delicious flavor of Hershey's ice cream and a velvet-like smooth ness that makes It superior to other kinds. It is made absolutely from the j choicest of materials In a clean, r ni tary factory by expert cream makers. Any variety you wish in bulk, bricks !or special forms. Hershey's Creamery Co., 409 South Cameron St. IF YOU KNEW What a choice noonday luncheon we have prepared for the busy men you would get there every day. You can have a choice of meats or fish, two vegetables, tea or coffee and a choice of homemade pie. Every article nicely cooked and all for a quarter. Try one to-morrow at high noon. The Court Dairy Lunch, Court St. and Strawberry Ave. LOTS OF WORK You ought to know some of the many good qualities of Bruaw's Ro tary Cleaner especially right now dur ing the clean-up time. It is a perfect wonder to get the dirt, dust and filth out of the house. It cleans highly polished woodwork and painted sur faces without the slightest harm. It's a Harrisburg product. Gohl and Brauw 310 Strawberry St. IT'S WORTH KNOWING ' This year the Abbott motor car is a wonderfully good one. It was last year and the year before that any Ab bott owner will tell you that this is absolutely true. It will be to your personal advantage to see us if you are in the market for a motor car. We will make you a special price proposition which is worth listening to. Abbott Motor Car Co., 106 South Second street. |_ LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS r COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., until 10 o'clock on tlie mornlng of May S, 1014, when bids will 1 be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there after as possible, for the reconstruc tion of 5,683 lineal feet of Asphaltic Bituminous Macadam Paving (Peretra tion Method) 16 feet wide, situated in Great Bend Township, Susquehanna County: From the east line of Great Bend Borough to the bridge over Has hrook Creek, under the Act of As sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L •168. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway De partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut '-'feet, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bang Building, Pittsburgh; and at 301-5 Farr Building, Scranton, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished »y the State Highway De i partment, accompanied by a certified check In the sum of $1,500, and Inclos ed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnlsheri upon request marked: "PRO POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROAD IN GREAT BEND TOWNSHIP SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA State Highway Depnrtraent, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of Mn.v 5. 1014, whop bids will be publicly opened and scheduled, ami the contract awarded as souu there- after as possible, for the reconstruc tion of 2,338 lineal feet of road as fol low*: 768 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving on a concrete foundation (width —16 feet), situated In Susque hanna Depot Borough, Susquehanna County, from Main and Exchange Streets, over Exchange Street to bridge leading to Oakland Borough; and 1,570 lineal feet of Asph-ltlc Bituminous Macadam (Penetration Method) on a telford foundation (width—l 4 feet). In j Oakland Borough, Susquehanna Coun ty, from said bridge to the Improved l State Road at the Oakland Township line, under the Act of Assembly ap proved May 3i, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the State Highway De partment. Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh; and at 301- 3 Farr Building. Scranton. Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway De partment. accompanied by a certified check in the sum of SI,OOO, and Inclos ed in a separate sealed envelope, which blank and envelope will be furnished upon request marked: "PRO POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROAD L< SUSQUE HANNA DEPOT ROROUGH and OAK LAND BOROUGH, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PGHNSYLVA- ! nia : State Highway Department. Harrisburg, Pa. ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the offlco of the State Highway Department In the Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa., until 10 o'clock on the morning of May 5, 1014, when bids will . be publicly opened and scheduled and J the contract awarded as soon there- | after as possible, for the reconstruc tion of 1,963 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving, 16 feet wide, situate.' in Clear field Borough, Clearflera county: Be- ' Binning at the end of paving on South ' Second Street and conUnulng along , 1 South Second Street to State Highway '. at the Lawrence Township line, under ' the Act of Assembly approved May 31, ' 1911, P. L. 468. I Plans and specifications may be seon at the office of the State Highway De- 1 partment, Harrlsburg; 1001 Chestnut 1 Street. Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Rank Building, Pittsburgh; and at the Clearfield Trust Company Building, j Clearfield, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank ' furnished by the State Highway De -1 partment. accompanied by a certified check In the sum of SI,OOO, and inclos- . ed in a separate sealed envelope, which , blank and envelope will be furnished Plans and specificfiatlons may be Seen POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROAD IN CLEAR FIELD BOROUGH. CLEARFIELD COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv i i d at the office of the State Highway I Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the I morning of May 5, 1014, when bids will j Ibe publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there- | after as possible, for the reconstruc , tion of 1,891 lineal feet of Brick Block | Paving, 13 feet 7 inches wide, situated ■ l ln Turtle Creek Borough. Allegheny i County; On Penn Avenue from the j Turtle Creek Bridge to the Intersection of Braddock and Penn Avenues, under I the Acts of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468, and July 25, 1013, P. L 1252. : Plans and specifications may be seen I at the office of the State Highway De- 1 partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut ] Street, Pnlladelphia; and 2117 Farmers t ; Bank Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Each bid must be made upon a blank | I furnished by the State Highway De- I partment, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $2,000, and Inclos- I ed in a separate sealed envelope, which i blank and envelope will be furnished 'upon request marked: "PRO POSAL FOB THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROUTE NO. 120, IN ■TURTLE CREEK BOROUGH. ALLE GHENY COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. SEALED PROPOSALS | COMMON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA I 1 State Highway Department, Harrlehurg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway I Department ii. the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the mornlDK of May 5, 1014, when bids will II be publicly opened and scheduled, and ; the contract awarded as soon there after as possible. r the reconstruc tion of 3,176 lineal i'eet of Brick Block Paving. 16 feet wide, in Blairsville Borough, Indiana County: Beginning i at the east rail of P. R. R. tracks on i East Market Street, running east to Brady Street, and Brady Street run . ning north from Market Street to the Borough line, under the Act of As -1 sembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L 468. Plans and specifications may be seen i at the office of the State Highway De , partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Bank Building, Pittsburgh; and at the Clearfield Trust Company Building. Clearfield, Pa. t Each bid must be made upon a blank ! furnished by the State Highway De partment. accompanied by a certified check in the sum o? $2,000, and inclos ' ed in a separate sealed envelope, which ! blank and envelope will be furnished I upon request marked: "PRO POSAL FOK THE RECONSTRUCTION ; OF A SECTION OF ROAD IN BLAIRS VILLE BOROUGH, INDIANA COUN [ T y„ EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. , SEALED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA State Highway Department, t Harrisburg, Pa. i SEALED PROPOSALS will be recetv r ed at the office of the State Highway Department in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the • morning; of May 5, 1014, when bids will r be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there after as possible, for the reconstruc tion of 3,909 lineal feet of Brick Block Paving on a concrete foundation and i 1,897 feet of Asphaltic Bituminous Ma t cjtdam (Penetration Method) on a tel . ford foundation, 16 feet wide, being I , total length of 5,806 feet, situated in , Galeton Borough, Potter County: Be ginning at Main and West Streets, ove ■ i West street to Union Street: thence . over Union Street to Germanla Street; > thence on Germania Street to Fifth , Street; thence on Fifth Street to the ' West Branch Township line, under the Act of Assembly approved May 31, 1911, P. L. 468. Plans and specifications may bo seen at the office of the State Highway De ■ partment. Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers • Bank Building, Pittsburgh; and at Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway De partment, accompanied by a certified ' check in the sum of $2,000, and inclos , ed in a separate sealed envelope, which • Manic and envelope will be furnished I upon request marked: "PRO- I "OSAL FOli THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROAD IN GALE TON BOROUGH, POTTER COUNTY." : EDWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. i : i SEALED PROPOSALS t COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA State Highway Department, Harrisburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv i ed at the office of the State Highway ■ Department In the Capitol Building, t Harrisburg, Pa., until 10 o'clock on the ) morning of Mny r>, 1014. when bids will t be publicly opened and scheduled, and the contract awarded as soon there : after as possible, for the reeonstruc ■ tlon of 6,045 lineal feet of Brick Block I Paving 16 feet wide, situated In Gur ■ wensvllle Borough. Clearfield County: i Beginning at line between Pike Town ' ship and Curwensvllle Borough ana ■ continuing along Clearfield Road to the beginning of present brick paving on ■ State Street, under the Act of Assembly k approved May 31, 1911, P. L 468. Plans and specifications may be seen at the offlco of the State Highway De partment, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut - Street, Philadelphia; 2117 Farmers Rank Building, Pittsburgh; and at the - Clearfield Trust Company Building, Clearfield, Pa. Each bid must be made upon a blank furnished by the State Highway De - partment, accompanied by a certified r check In the sum of $;i,500, and Inclos ', ed In a separate sealed envelope, which r blank and envelope will be furnished I upon request marked: "PRO- I POSAL FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A SECTION OF ROAD IN CUR- WENSVILLE BOROUGH. CLEAR FIELD COUNTY." EDWARD M. BIGELOW. State Highway Commissioner. Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrlsburg, Pa. JOHN K. TENER. Governor; A. W. POWELL, Auditor General; R. K. YOUNG, Treasurer, Commissioners. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings invites sealed proposals for con | tracts for furnishing such supplies for ' the Executive Mansion, the Legislature, , the several Departments, Boards and I Commissions of the State Government i as described, and below such maximum i prices as are fixed In the following {schedules, for the year ending the 31st day of May, A. D. 1915: Schedule A, for ; furnishing all Paper and Envelopes: B, for furnishing Typewriters, Adding, Addressing and Duplicating Machines and Supplies; C, for furnishing General Stationery, Mahogany. Oak and Metallic Furniture and Office Supplies; P. for furnishing Engineering Instruments, Blue Print Paper, jnd Labratory and Engineering Supplies; E, for furnish ing all Books; F, for furnishing Brushes, Glassware, Brooms, Mops, Buckets, Toilet and Cleaning Soaps. Towels, Rugs, Fuel, Uniforms, Rubber Goods. Chemicals and Miscellaneous Supplies; G, for furnishing Hose and Fittings, Awnings, Carpenter Supplies, Upholstering, Painting and all Hard ware Supplies; H, for furnishing Sup plies for the care of the Conserva tories and Grounds; I, for furnishing Lumber, General Repairs, and Removal of Dirt and Refuse; J, for furnishing Light, Heat and Power Supplies. As the various classifications of the schedule will be bound in pamphlet form £or the convenience of the Bid ders, It Is therefore desired that In re questing pamphlets the bidders indi cate those desired by using the letters set forth above. No proposal for any contract shall be considerod unless such proposal be accompanied by a certified check, to the order of the State Treasurer, In one-fourth the amount of the estimated contract; or by a bond. In such form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Public Grounds and Build ings. Such bond shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the terms of the contract. If awarded, and shall have as surety two individual sureties, approved by a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the county In which the person or persons making such proposal may reside or of the county wherein shall be located the principal place of business of tho per son firm or corporation making such proposal, or one surety company au thorized to act as surety in this Com monwealth. A bidder who shall have accompanied his proposal with a certi fied check, as aforesaid, and to whom a contract shall have been awarded, may, within ten days after such award, sub stitute for said check a bond as herein prescribed; otherwise said check shall be retained In lieu of a bond. No bond to be In less sum than Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and addressed and delivered to the Su perintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before 12 o'clock, meri dian, Tuesday, the 12th day of May, A. D 1911. at which time the proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Rooms of tne Executive De partment, at Harrlsburg, and the con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as I practicable. I AS PROVIDED BY THE ACT OF 1913, ALL BIDS MUST BE RENDERED IN DUPLICATE AND MARKED "DUPLICATE" AND "ORIGINAL." Blank Bends and Schedules contain ing all necessary Information may be obtained by communicating with Sam ! uel B. Rambo. Superintendent, Public I Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA Office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will he receiv ed at the Office of the Super.ntendent of Public Grounds and Buildings in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., un til 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 19, 1914, for furnishing all labor and ma terials necessary to replace pier and repair damages to bridge across the Shenango River at Silver Street in the city of Sharon, Mercer County, Pa, as called for in specifications and draw ings prepared by Edwir. K. Morse, C. E. Specifications, drawings and blank i forms may be obtained upon applica tion to this office. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTICE IS hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gover nor of the State of Pennsylvania on Friday, the 22d day of May, 1914, by G W Baltosser, S. W. Smith, D. W. Sohn and others, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Corporations," approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the "Wages Earners Department Store Company," the character and object of which is the conducting a department store In the City of Harrlsburg for the buying and selling of all kinds of merchan dise, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. B. F. UMBERGER, Solicitor. THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of the bl ,- baker Coal Company will be held at the office of Tho W. O. Hlckok Mfg. Co., lianrisburg. Pa., at 12 o'clock noon on May 4. 1914, for tho election of officers ana such other busi ness as may be properly presented. ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. Farms For Sale 311 acres—9o acres fields—2o 3 acres—2 miles from trolley, acres meadow for grazing, 201 acres good buildings, variety choice mod timber, enough to pay for three em fruit, for poultry and truck farms of this grade. This should (vegetable), Prlco only $l,lOO. Interest lumber companies. Im- mmmmmmmm _ provements, stone house, 8 rooms, house, B new hog barn, all growing 12 Additional Farms crops Included. Price $12.50 per acre, easy terms, (best water, never That will please and suit those falling). The pleasure of owning; wishing the most. No trouble but and visiting this farm is great, pleasant to be with you when you ' look them over. 961,4 acres—a beautiful, very pro ductive farm, 10 beautiful new ———————— buildings, best water on earth, In- 10% acres—productive even and eluding all growing crops, all farm- beautiful location, close to trolley, ing tools in No. 1 condition (too frontln:; on Unglestown and Wild numerous to mention), 3 good wood Park road. Price SIOO per horses, 10 sots harness, 5 good wa- acre. Terms easy. Can't be dupll gons, 15 cows and heifers won- cated for SIOO per acre, derful —for $4,400. J-ook it over. 37% acres—2B fields, 9% acres chestnuts, all bearing fruit. (Isn't Modern, beautiful suburban It pleasant to own a farm and home, new, 7 rooms and bath, an gather these nuts and fruit.) Good exceptional opportunity to secure a house. 7 rooms, good bank barn, comfortable, desirable property, large modern hen house, hen &long the L trolley, 7%c fare. De house No. 2, hog barn, Hghtful and pleasant ride from the carpenter house, best water, tele- ft - Prlce only phone In house, mail delivered, $2,950. Terms easy. Including close to school, store and mill, summer oottage, can be rented, Beautiful and pleasant for all pur- barn for auto or horse and carriage, poses and intent. Price $1,450. A better description of those Terms easy. properties at 409 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. C. 3. CARE& SONS Care's Grocery Linglestown, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES j ' PROPOSALS FOR SUBWAY J COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSTI»» V Alt IA Office of the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings, HarrlsbarS, Pn» \ SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv- 1 ed at the Office of the Superintendent , of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har risburg, Pa., until twelve (12) o'clock, noon, Tuesday, May 19, 1914, for fur nishing all labor and materials neces sary for the construction of a subway connecting the new Main Building with the Tent Manufacturing and Storage Building on the State Arsenal Grounds, Eighteenth and Herr Streets, in the City of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, as called for In specifications and draw ings prepared by Board of Public Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings may be obtained upon application to this offlcia. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, v Superlntendent of Public Giounds Buildings. /* PROPOSALS FOR NEW ONE-STORY BRICK GARAGE PENNSYL- Office of the Superintendent of Publla Ground* and Itnlldlngs, Harrlsburg, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har rlsburg. Pa., until twelve (12) o'clock, noon, Tuesday, May 19, 1914, for fur nishing all labor and materials neces sary for the construction of a New One-Story Brick Garage on the State Arsenal Grounds, Eighteenth and Herr Streets, In the City of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, as called for in specifica tions and drawings prepared by Board of Public Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings mav be obtained upon application to this office. SAMTJEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. /$lO LOANSX "( AND r V UPWARDSJ To Housekeepers. Worklngmen and Salaried Employes. Money wisely borrowed and wisely used will accomplish good results, but money borrowed re gardless of the company behind the loan may cause you regrets. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE H Room 21 4th Floor *>l Will ■■ I IIMWIIMMHIIWIW* I MONEY AT LESS THAN LEGAL RATES Wo have recently pat Into effect very liberal reductions In the rates or all loans, which are positively the lowest In the city. We Invite honest working peo- y pie without bank credit to do * 1 business here at rates lower ' than prescribed by the law of 1013. First and second mortgages a specialty. Pennsylvania Investment Company— -132 WALNUT STREET Office Hours—B.3o A. M. to 5.30 P. -I. Saturdays, 8.30 A. M. to 8.30 P. M. MONEY to loan in amounts of $5 to S2OO to honest working peo plo without bank credit at cheaper rates than the law of 1913 allows. Comparison of our rates, terms and methods of doing business with other loan offices will convince the most skeptical borrower that this Is the place to come in time of need. CO-OPERATIVE Lean & Investment Ce. 204 Chestnut St. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to fl p. m. Wednesday and Saturday 8 a. in. to 0 p. m.
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