RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS. ANNIVERSARIES CHURCH RECEIVES COMMUNION SERVICE Presented With Silver Trays and Individual Cups For All Members USED FIRST TIME TOMORROW Steps to Be Taken to Build Church of God at Waynesboro By Special Correspondence Waynesboro, Pa., April 11.—At tho meeting of the consistory of St. Paul's Reformed Church on Monday evening. .John W. Warehime, a retired con tractor and builder here, presented to the congregation an Individual com munion service. It consists ot' glass cups' on silver trays and the gift is made up of sufficient cups for the use of all the members of the church. It will be used for the first time to-mor row.—Washington Beuchoff, of Char mian, 81 years of age, is very active, and just before Christmas went into the woods and cut and racked live cords of wood. —It has been found that there are at least sixteen families in Waynesboro, with from cue to five persons each, who are members and adherents of the Church of God. As there is no church of that denomina ton here, it is said that steps will be taken to build one.—Miss Adeiia Rus sell. a teacher in the public schools at Manasquan, N. V., is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Russell.—William H. Roe, Easton, Talbot county, Md., was tho guest of Walter T. Todd this week. Mr. Roe is the inventor of what is con sidered the best corn harvesting ma chine that has been built. He has secured patents on his machine and is looking around for a suitable location for the establishment of a factory in which to manufacture them. An nouncements have been received here of the wedding of Harry Weaver Hel ler, son of Mrs. E. H. Heller. Waynes boro, and Miss Zorah Margaretta Koehler, Seattle, Wash., at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Koehler. —Miss Alma Geist, of Georgetown Academy; Everett Woltz. Wilbur Stevenson and Richard Snively, State College; Gerald Mid dower, Stanford Manor and Mark Bishop, Gettysburg College, are spend ing the Eastertide with their parents in Waynesboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. Emmert Angle, who were recently married, have gone to housekeeping in their recently purchased home in South Church street. A family of gypsies passed through Waynesboro on Wednesday morning. They came from the South <jnd were headed - North.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott, of Delmar, Del., are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. X. Kirby.—Tho Waynesboro Civic Club has nominated the following officers for the ensuing year; President, Mrs. J. C. Criswell; first vice-president, Jit's. Austin A. Kelly; second vice-president, Mrs. ! •Charles T. Davis; recording secretary, ! Miss Matilda Omwake; corresponding] secretary. Miss Julia Jacobs; treas- j urer, Mrs. Watson R. Snively; super-! intendent of educational department, | Mrs. Samuel Dreyfuss; superintendent; of municipal department, Mrs. Harrv! Krepp. A committee composed of Mrs. Charles T. Davis. Mrs. F. F. Bohner and Mrs. Joseph Ennlss was appointed to take up the matter of or ganizing a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.—James Skavis, who. formerly was proprietor of the Waynesboro Candy Kitchen, and who returned to his home in Greece to light in the recent war, has returned to Waynesboro. While in Greece h« married a young lady and they will go to housek"cping here.—Mr. and Mrs.; Frank I. Criswell spent this week with I relatives in Lancaster. Six O'clock Easter Service in Mechanicsburg Church Mechanicsburg, Pa.. April 11.—Len ten services were held during the past week in St. Luke's Episcopal Church, conducted by the Rev. C. Stuart Kitch in, rector of St. Luke's Church, Mt. Joy. Special music was rendered. — Professor W. G. Rice, of Mechanics burg, who for a number of years has been supervisory principal of the pub lic schools of Camp Hill, resigned his position to enter the employ of the Hummelstown Brownstone Company, as a traveling salesman.— Miss Ko maine Br.unhouse returned to her home in York, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. 11. F. Brun house. —Mr. and Mrs. D. TV. Eberly are visiting thoir daughter, Mrs. Coop"- er, in Cleveland, Ohio.—After spend ing the winter months in St. Peters burg, Florida, TV. A. Huber has re turned to his home here.—Samuel X. Miller is convalescing from his recent illness. —John Bowman, a student of Lehigh University, is home for the Easter vacation.—Eugene A. Burnett attended the sessions of the State Con ference of the Pennsylvania Housing and Town Planning Association in llarrisburg this week.—A ti o'clock uervice will be held in the Church of God on Ea.ster morning. At the regu lar service the pastor, the Rev. Charles F. Raach will deliver a special Easter ncrmon and a musical will be given in the evening by the choir.—Mrs. Nora Van Baman has returned from a visit to her cousins, the Misses Anna and Margaret Hiestand, in Lancaster.— After spending two weeks at her home in this place, Miss Adda Long left for Kennett Square to resume her duties in school teaching.—Laurence Eberly left for Chambersburg, where he has accepted a position. Members of Montandon Ball Team Entertained Montandon, Pa., April 11.—A nose Social held at the home of Joseph Pfleegor on Saturday evening was well attended, the money realized being for the benefit of the Baptist Church. —The members of the baseball team were entertained at the home of Mel vin Harshberger on Tuesday evening. •—Philip Leib caught a fine string of Jish that weighed ten younds in Chlllisquaque creek on Thursday. Miss Harriet Burrows, of Watsontown spent Sunday with Miss Mary Garber. —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Best, of Sun bury, were visitors on Sunday at George Hill's.—Mrs. H. J. Dawson of Sunbury, spent several days this week at the home of George Reltz.—James Stiner had the misfortune to injure the leg he had fractured a number of years ago by jumping rrom a wagon at the Pennsylvania freight station on Friday.—Mrs. Emma Frederick left Wednesday for Atlantic City, where she will visit her son, J. K. Frederick. —Mrs. Frank Fries was a visitor In Milton on Wednesday. SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG gSSife TELEGRAPH APRIL 11, 1914, 1 FOX SQUIRRELS ADDED TO HERSHEY PARK ZOO | " . Lebanon Man Presents Four Fine Large Animals to the Collection BANQUET OF HERSHEY CLUB Band Will Play For Swarthmore Firemen in Harrisburg Parade , By Special Correspondence \ Hershey, Pa., April *i.—Simon J. j Eby returned here after spending a year at Lancaster and Lemoyne. He ihas again made his home with his ; dau~hter, Mrs. Frank B. Snavely.— The Rev. I. Mover Hershey preached | in the Derry Presbyterian Church on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Christian Lelb sc'.ieitz, of Nuremburg, Germany, were the quests of Frantz Zinner.—The ; Hershey Band lias been engaged by the Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association to furnish music at fire • men's parade at Harrisburg in Octo j ber.— Holy week services are being held every evening this week in the | United Brethren Church.—The Y. W. ;C. A. rendered a fine Easter cantata jin the park auditorium on Thursday I evening.—The Hershey high school I'aselwill team have ordered new uni | forms. On Friday evening the team ! will hold a social in the high school | building, the receipts to be placed in I the baseball fund—The monthly rneet j ing of the Hershey volunteer fire corn | pany was held on Tuesday evening.— jH. A. Newton has been appointed as contributing editor of Hershey's I Weekly.—W. F. R. Murrie delivered ! in address to the high school scholars lon Thursday morning.—The Hershey jinn Five Hundred Club will have i their banquet at the Rising Sun Ho ! Tel, Campbellstown on Wednesday j evening, April 15. —The latest addition 'to the Hershey zoo are four large fox | squirrels. The animals were sent by ! Amos Houser, of Lebanon. Percy Linebaugh, a music student of Leb.v | non Valley College, is confined to the ] home of his brother, the Rev. N. L. I Linebaugh, at the United Brethren j narsonage, suffering with inflamma tory rheumatism.—Mrs. H. G. Mum -1 ma is a patient in the Lancaster Hos ! pital, where she has undergone a sue ! cessful operation.—J. B. Leithiser has | been confined to his home during the i past week suffering with neuralgia.—- | Mrs. Bell, of Xew York city, is the Isuest of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Giles at ■ the Hershey Inn. Manager of Halifax Club Arranging Season's Schedule By Special Correspondence Halifax. Pa.. April 11.—Mr. and Mrs. j J. Paul Sheesley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Sheesley lat Matamoras.—Mrs. Johanna Fair j ehilds spent a few days at Harrisburg I with her daughter, Mrs. Irvin Deppen. I —Mr. and Airs. H. S. Bogar spent a ! few days at Harrisburg.—Mrs. D. W. | Bieksler is spending the week at Lan ; caster and Akron. Pa. At the former I place she is visiting her daughter, i Mrs. W. W. Beclitold and at the latter | place her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. : Wolf. —Walter Freeland spent Tues | day in the CaD'tal City.—Harry O. Nace and children, of Harrisburg, j spent Sunday in town.'—Mrs. H. S. I Noblet was at Harrisburg on Wednes • day.—Misses Carrie Lebo and Ruth Harper were at Harrisburg on Sat urday. Kenney Albright, of New Buffalo, Perry county, was in town or Monday.—The Rev. J. C. Pease opened a series of revival services at the Ston». Church, near Matamoras, on Monday —William Kitchen, of Watsontown, ! snent a few days with his brother I Frank near town.—A. Fortenbaugh, of | Harrisburg. was in town on Monday, j James Schroyer. Wil'iim Tobias, [ Clarence Konpenheffer. Charles West fall, Rov Lebo, William Urich. Harry ! Pike, Harry Bowman and Solomon ; Leitzel, who went to West Brownsville, , Pa., last week, have returned home | and wish to say that they did not take ! the striking trainmen's places on the 1 railroad.—C, C. Poffenberger, man ager of the Halifax baseball team, has already begun to arrange his schedule of baseball games for the 1914 season. —Harrv O, Chubb and Misses Carrie and Bertha Richter spent Mondav evening in Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker, of Mlllersburg, spent Sunday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Baker, in Halifax township.—-Miss Annie. Shammti spent i Mondav at Millersburg.—Mrs. S. F. Prow-ell, of New Cumberland, spent [ Saturday here as the guest of friends. —Mrs. John Shultz. of Lykens. spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. I Charles Bowman, in Halifax township. —Oeorge S. Tomlinson, who has re sided here for several years, on Wednesday shipped his "household goods to Harrisburg, where he will make his future home.—Mrs. James Biever and son Russell spent Monday at Harrisburg.—The Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Esbenshade. of Cressona, formeriy of this place, announce the birth of a 'laughter on Mondav. March .'iO.-v-The friends of Mrs. Alfred Bowman, re centlv married, tendered her a kitchen shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tobias. No-License League Is Organized at Ncwville By Special Correspondence Ncwville, Pa., April 11.—Miss Jane B. Ahl, of Now York city, is spending the week with her mother. Mrs. Mary Ahl.—-Miss Mary Thompson, of Pas saic, N. J., is spending Easter with her mother. —Misses Helen Elliot, Margaret and Kathryn Laughlin, of Philadelphia, were here to attend the wedding of J. Lynn Elliot and Miss Myrtle Martin on Thursday.—Mrs. Ira Wheeler, of Waynesboro, visited rela tives for a few days.—Mr. and Mrs. G. Wood Dunlap and daughter, of Al toona, are visiting relatives here.— Miss Catharine G. Woodburn, Ridge field, Conn., is spending her Easter vacation with her parents here.—Mr. and Mrs. George P. James, Miss Ber tha James and E. W. James attend ed the funeral of their uncle, Eber James, at Chester.—Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Woodburn have returned from a trip to Philadelphia.—Dr. R, C. Es penscliade, of Indiana, Pa., has arrive:! and taken charge of the Miller drug store, which he recently purchased.— Robert Beck, of Ohio, Is a visitor at the W. B. Goodhart home.—Miss Jean Bower, of VVyncote, Pa., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Bower.— A No-License League Was organized on Sunday afternoon at a meeting for men, held in Zion Lutheran Church. The following were elected officers: President, Edwin R. Hays; vice-pres ident, Sol. Shelton; treasurer, J. S. Hursh; secretary, Ralph H. Lehman. GROUP PICTURE OF WELL-KNOWN YORK COUNTY FAMILY JtimSL t Tl fflf i?*B2 HMHL&E^B 2 M WHBE Mrs. Kauffman Entertains in Honor of English Singer By Special Correspondence GreeneastJe, Pa., April 11.—Mr. and I Mrs. John Smith, who were overcome I by gas from a coal stovo recently at I their home near Greencastle, are re covering.—Ira J. Funk lias had two [handsome electric light standards placed in front of his apartment house.—Mrs. L. M. Kauffman enter tained the Music Club at her home at I Kauffman's station on Monday after inoon, in honor of Mrs. Coats, of Eng ' land, a former grand opera singer.— I The date for the home talent play to | be given by the local troop of Boy ; Scouts has been fixed for Friday even ing, May I.—Dr. D. W. Homer is con j lined to J)ls home by illness.—William Strickliouser, of York, was a week end visitor with the family of John Porter.—Miss Helen Seeger has re turned from Baltimore. The mar riage of the Rev. Jacob Diehl, son of Mrs. Ellen Diehl, of Greencastle, to Miss Sara Klapp, of Lock Haven, will take place Wednesday, April 22, in the Lutheran Church of Lock Haven, of which t}ie Rev. Mr. Diehl is pastor.—Misses Mary Grove and Clara Sollenberger have returned from an extended trip to Panama.—Miss Mary Shook, Elmira College, Elmira, New York, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents.—Mrs. S. B. Johnson and daughter, Miss Cornelia Franklin, of West Virginia, are the guests of Mrs. C. P. Cm wake.—Mrs. A. C. Bushey has returned from an extend ed sojourn in Washington, D. C.—The Rev. James W. Whiteman, of Wash ington, D. a former pastor of the Presbyterian Church, spent part of the week with G. F. Ziegler. Entertainment For Benefit of Linglestown Baseball Club By Special Correspondence Linglestown, Pa., April 11.—Services ! will be held at the Bethel to-morrow morning by the pastor, the Rev. George Sigler; services at Wenrich's in the afternoon by the Reformed pas tor, the Rev. Mr. Reiter, and services [ at the United Church in the evening by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch. —Nfjvin Moyer, of Morganza, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Unger. Mrs. Austin Schaner and daughter Anna spent several days at Enola. Mrs. Annie Smith was th<» week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Lingle at Hershey.—Melvin Balthaser, of Harrisburg, and Samuel Balthaser, of Newark, were the guests of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser. — Miss Annie Schaner spent several days with her brother. Dr. Harry Schaner, at Harrisburg.—Dr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Hassler, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hassler. —Mr. and Mrs. John Sample and daughter Viola attended the funeral of Mrs. Sample's father, Mr. Higglns, at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Mary Reimert, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reimert, Mrs. Harry Juillard and daughter Verna attended the funeral of Christian Knupp at Oberlin. —Miss Esther Mell henny and Miss Minnie Bowman, of Harrisburg. on Thursday were the guests of Miss Marion Smith. —Mrs. Katie Hoover, of Pleasant View, on Sunday visited her father, Daniel Tobias. Mr. and Mrs. George Shreiner and daughter Orpha were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Lingle at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Reilly Shope entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Koons who were recently married. —Thursday evening, April 16, an entertainment will bt given by the young men of town in the Union Chapel at 7.30 o'clock. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Linglestown baseball team. There will be a debate on woman suffrage by John Hoke. John Unger, John Kaufman and Stanley Hassler, also addresses by prominent citizens. Solos and duets will be a feature of the evening's entertainment. SPECIAL EASTER SERVICE By Special Correspondence New Cumberland, Pa., April 11. Holy communion will be observed in St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sunday morning at 10.45 and on Sunday even ing at 7 o'clock the Sunday school will hold an Easter service, when a program consisting of addresses, read ings and music will be rendered. Mrs. R. R. Reiff, of Bridge street, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Apple, at Wellsville, this week.—Mrs. Har vey Young and son, Paul, returned from a visit to friends at Boonsboro and Hagerstown.—Mrs. Wilbur Hart man and son, Leroy, went to Scot land. Pa., where Mrs. Hartman was summoned on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Harry Williams.— Frank Willis, of York, visited friends in New Cumberland on Tuesday.—J. H. Reiff was In Sunbury this week.— George Fry, of Philadelphia, was the. guest of his mother in Water street this week. —Miss Margaret Flurrle. of Third street, spent this week with Miss Sue peLancey, at Carlisle. Walter Pro well moved from Lemoyne to Fifth street on Monday. Earl Smith, of Philadelphia,- is spending a few days at his home here. —Friday evening the Int ependent Order of Odd Fellows, No. 1147, held an entertainment In the I. O. of A. Hall. The entertainment consisted of lantern slides, music by the Glee Club and New Cumberland Orchestra. It was attended by the [Odd Fellows and their families. DESERTEOWIFETELLS STORY OF ELOPEMENT Husband Ran Away With Another Woman and Her Savings, Mrs. Kain Complains ■ over to her $930, the savings of her self and husband. The issociation, Airs. Kain declares, has rei'iibed to turn over the money without the con sent of her husband. Her story is brief. April 21, 10U4, she and James M. Kain were mar ried. March 21, 1914, just a month less than ten years later, Kain desert ed her and eloped with one Catherine Weaver. She hasn't seen or heard if him since. The Kains, Airs. Kain says, had s-iv- Bd about S4OO In the Union Trust Com pany and when he left he withdrew fill llieir savings. Diligent search loa the missing husband through the po lite has failed to bring results Mrs. Ko.n concludes, and she is uaabto to obtain the S93G in shares she anu Kain ! t"gethor had saved in the savin;,' 3 af>- I ? iciati'on. | The interast in the savings concern lis all she hat —and she is in 11 health [•■' id unable to provide for horse!f. Senator Beldleman Gets Letters.— Letters on the estate of Elizabeth Keiser were issued to-day to Senator E. E. Beidleman. Realty Transfers. —Realty transfers yesterday included: James A. Hoff man to W. J. John, Wayne township, I $2,700; E. L. Bergstresser to Asa Blackway, Wiconisco, $200; J. Clem- I ence to Elizabeth Stoner, East Han over, $100; Elizabeth Stoner pur chased there other properties in east Hanover township: D. Henry, $1,420; H. Shellenberger heirs, $400; John F. Stoner to J. Bomgardner, East Han over, $4,500; J. Bamgardner to Daniel Lerch, East Hanover, $1,600; Charles S. 801 l to Samuel G. Stauffer, Pax tang, sl. Want to K CM -over Cash Register.— Suit in replevin to recover a SSO cash register was brought to-day by the National Cash Register Company aprtiinst Charles W. Webster. Building Permit.—H. E. Epply got a permit to build a 2 Vi-story house at 618 Camp street, to cost $3,000. Henry To Sit.—Judge Henry. Leb anon. will assist Judge Kunkel in conducting April common pleas court next week. There will be no sentences Monday, Plenty of Easter Brides. Nine marriage licenses wero issue*] to-day at the marriage bureau. Among them was Harry 1.. Miller. York, whose wife died in 1910, and Elura S. Weaver, York, who was divorced from her first husband, Henry E. .Stroh, June 9, 1913. To Sell Second Street Property. At a bril'e hearing conducted by Judge Henry, Lebanon, to-day, the Dauphin Deposit Trust Company was appointed guardian for George H. Killinger, an insane man, in order that a sale of property could be consummated with a clear title. The property is 138 South Second "street and will be purchased by the Cumberland Railroad Company to make way l'or the proposed subways and freight station in South Harris burg. The consideration was J5.500. Uncle Sam Collects County Statis tics. —James D. Boyle, special agent for the census bureau of the Depart ment of Commerce, is collecting data as to wealth, indebtedness and taxa tion of Dauphin county. Mr. Boyle will be here for several days. Opinion in New Trial Oases.—A new trial Was allowed Jacob Judy, con victed of assault and battery, and judgment was entered in the defend ant's favor in a suit brought by Felix Forti against Samuel Bell & Son, in brief opinions handed down to-day by President Judge Kunkel. Forti bought flour from a man who repre.- sented himself as Bell's agent; the flour wasn't as represented; Forti tried to hold Bell to the contract ; Bell said he didn't sign it. The amount in volved was for $537.87. Silverman Brothm Kilter Denial.— General denial of the complaint that he had broVen his contract with Sil verman Brothers in renting the base ment property was filed to-day by George B. Miller in asking that judg ment be opened on the ejectment pro ceedings. Nomination Petitions Filed. —Simon S. Epler, Republican, Londonderry township, county committee, and R. E. Early. Republican, Third precinot, Tenth ward, city committee. PREVENTS GRIP—CURES GRIP LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE re moves the cause. There Is only one "BROMO QUININE." Look for signa ture of E. W. GROVE. 25c. —Adver- 1 tlsement. I Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Karns Celebrate 30th Wedding Anniversary at Dillsburg By Special Correspondence Dillsburg, Pa., April 11.—This is a group picture of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Karns and their family of eight chil dren, all of whom are at home except one, Frank, who is now employed at York. Reading from left to right, back row, are Bennett, William, Frank, Berlah, Earl, Luther; front row, Mr. and Mrs. Karns and Robert and Max ine. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Karns celebrated their thirtieth anniversary | of their wedding. In the evening they were given a surprise by a host of their friends gathering at their home in South Second street, bringing with j them many presents and everything i necessary for a buffet luncheon. Those i present were: The Rev. and Mrs. J. jW. Long, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Bailey, I Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ensminger, Mr. land Mrs. George A. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. |C. W. Gross, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shriver, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Bushey, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Altland, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Klugh, Mr. and Mrs. W. S Sheffer, Mrs. J. H. Dick, Mrs. Ame lia Bender, Misses Sarah Menear, Marietta Menear, Esther Baker, Ver dilla Dick, Emma Gross, Laura Bushey, Beulah Karns, Maxine Karns, Messrs. John Baker, Ellsworth Bushey, Robert Shpffer, William Shef fer, Bennett Karns, William Karns, Buther Karns, Earl Karns, Robert Karns. Returns From Utah on Visit After 32 Years; By Special Correspondence Thompson town, Pa., April 11. ] Mrs. H. Z. Sowers spent Tuesday at I Harrisburg.—Cyrus Carvell was the j guest of his son, J. E. Carvell, in I Mifflin on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Davis, of Altoona, were visitors at | the home of Mr. and Mra. M- E. Hel- j ler.—Mrs. J. Frank Patterson, of Mifflintown, spent Tuesday with Mrs. I Israel Tennis.—The Rev. D. B. Treib- i ley, pastor of the Lutheran church, I will conduct early dawn services at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning. The reg-1 ular services for the children will be j held Sunday evening.—Mrs. Nancy I | Bergey, aged 92 years, died Tuesday j evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Kurtz.—Miss Isabelle Al len, a student at Albright College, ■ Myerstown, is spending Easter with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shermer, of Payson, Utah, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hlbbs. —Mr. Sher mer wes formerly ticket agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at this place and went to Utah thirty two years ago, where he is ernplayed by the R. G. & W.—Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Seifer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Long at Port Royal. Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania \\ oritileyMbUfK. The Rev. R. R. | Rodes, of Yorlt, visited tils daughter, Mrs. Russel Hummel, and called at the j United Brethren parsonage. The Indies' Auxiliary of Wormleysburg Fire Company, eleared $210.40 at their i fair, held last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keister left for New York Cit> on a slght-steing trip. The Rev. Beatty, of Mt. Wolfe, pastor of the! United Brethren Church, and Mr. Liv ingston called at the United Brethren | parsonage. Mrs. Harry Frees and children, Harold and Alma, of Reading, | Pa., are spending some time with Mr.,, i Frees' sister, Mrs. Wasl.'> Giger. The Revs. Shettle nil! Wolfe called at!- the United Bretl'fei. par-'jrmso on | Tuesday. The lie v. Mr. :t< ie,l-ax\ ia ; able to sit up a short time day, • and hopes for hl» «p"' C} r-»o\>i ■ an entertained. * Mlllerstotvii. Alls.-' illiini. was the guest ol' Miss Alic.- Walker .. over Sunday at Milford. Air■ Wi!- 1 Ham Coffold. of Lancaster - .iMliiis her mother, Mrs. Mary Allen. - Harry Shoemaker, of Harrisburg. was a. \isi-, tor in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. I Elmer Relsinger were at New Bloom- ' field on Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Hall is ! • visting her sister, Mrs. Charles Bein- ' he'sel. at Green Park. Miss Fannie Noll, who had been in Philadelphia tor | several weeks, has returned home. . George Lent, of Towanda, was I lie guest of J. I. Crane, several daws. Misses Eltzabetn Pattou an:l Amy Lu-j kens were at Newport over Sunday. James Harris and son, John, made a : business trip to Hagerstown. Md., on 1 Friday. James Rounsley, .Sr.. was at : Har' ishurg on Monuay. John Wby, ! of Newport, called on friends on Tues !»v aftf r.ion M"s. Sallle Kponsler, of 1 jwport, was the guest of Robert Patton. Tuesday and Wednesday. ">'rs. Hern"an l-'ickes, of Rochester, N Y.. is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. C. ' Alexander. Miss Frances Snyder, of Liverpool,' was the guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. WTngert, 1 this week. Mrs. John Liffht spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. Misses Flor ence Murray, Ruth Hhenk, Dalsv Walker, Mrs. C. C. Page and Mrs. Mor- 1 tun Page were Newport vistors, Satur- : day. Mrs. Peter Shenk and daugnter 1 Mildred, were Harrisburg visitors tills week. Miss Grace Light, who is . student at Albright College, Myers- ' town, is spenoing her Easter vacation wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Light. Mrs. Edward Rumple, of I Mifflin, is visiting her parents, Mr ,and Mrs. William Rounsley. *1; GIRL KILLS CHOW CUM OFF CHICK Throws Stone at Black Thief and Brings Him to Ground APOPLEXY KILLS YOUNG MAN Last Survivor of First Baltimore M. E. Conference Attends Sessions . By Special Correspondence ( York Springs, Pa., April 11.—ill's. E. J. Myers has returned home from a visit to her daughter at Washing ton, D. C.—D r . Charles O. Necly, of Philadelphia, was a recent guest of liis father. Thomas G. Neely.—Henry V. Meals Is seriously ill.—The Rev. L. 'M. Gardner has returned from tho : Baltimore conference of the Methodist 1 Episcopal Church, which met in Cum jberland, Md., this year.—Mr. Gardner, | now in his eighty-fourth year, is the I last survivor of tho ministers who | joined this religious organization | sixty years ago.—Leda Fiskel, a 16- I year-okl girl, saw a bold crow carry | ing oft" one of her young chicks, and j picking up a stone hurled it at the J thief and killed it. Mrs. William l Brough has sold her farm of 14t> acres In Latiinore township to her son, Ir vin Brough, at JSO per acre.—P. E. Brough has sold his property at the. Chestnut Grove Church, in Latlmore township, to Oliver Prosser for $1,270. —Mrs. Emanuel Metises died on Mon day at her home in Huntingdon town ship, where she was taken as a bride a half century ago. Mrs. Menges was born, reared and lived her entire Uf's within the borders of Huntingdon township and died on the farm where she went as a bride fifty years ago last summer. She was 71 years old. Her husband died several months ago.— The youngest fatal case of apoplexy ever known in Adams county occurred on Tuesday, when Dennis Rhinehart, of near York Springs, expired. The youth had a leg amputated six years ago. He was apparently in good health when he arose on Tuesday morning and after eating a hearty breakfast sat down in a chair and fell forward I dead in a few minutes. The physl | clan called in pronounced it apo plexy. Milroy Pastor Issues Fine Easter Letter to Members Milroy, Pa., April 11.— R. C. McNitt and Miss Mayme Calhoun, both of Mil roy, were married on Wednesday by the Rev. F. T. Bell. The groom is one of Mllroy's most successful business men and the bride is a trained nurse. She left her position in the United States navy to enter the matrimonial state. Only the members of the fami lies were present. Milton Treaster fell on Monday and broke his arm.— Miss Maggie Romig is at Philadelphia attending a Sunday school convention. —Mrs. S. R. Palmer and Miss Mary Ethel Henry, of Altoona, are visiting here.—Mrs. L. M. Hoover was a Lewistown visitor this week.—An offi cer of the State Board of Health was jin Milroy on business this week. — j Special services in the Lutheran and Congregational churches this week. The Rev. Über has issued a tine Eas ter letter for his members.—Dr. W. H. | Kohler is slo\yly improving. Miss | Sara Thompson, who spent the winter in New York and Florida, returned home.—Professor J. B. Boyer and his high school pupils enjoyed a trip to Lewistown and visited the places of Interest there. Albert Kenewell is ! improving. Railroad Man Injured on First Day of Employment Millcrsbursr, Pa., April 11.— Miss I Annie. Freck, who injured one of her i hips by a fall In Market street, Har | risburg. ten days ago, is reported as i improving at the Ilarrlsburg Hospital, where she Is a patient.—Edward Boh ! ner the first day of his employment at tho McClellan coal storage yards had one of his feet badly squeezed be tween the bumpers of a locomotive and coal car. The "Sayre-Wilson Wedding in Miniature," held in the Methodist Episcopal Church Tuesday j evening by the Mary J. Bradenbaugh Missionary Society, was a great suc cess. All of the little folks acquitted I themselves well and §42 was realized, which will bo applied to missions.— Miss Nellie Long, a trained nurse, of Philadelphia, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Thomas Long, who was operated I upon for appendicitis ten days ago and whose life was despaired of, is &aid to be rapidly improving.—Mr. ' and Mrs. B. E. Rice, of Harrisburg, • were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al. I Kerns out at the electric light plant Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Fisher i and daughter, Miss Marie Fisher, of I Palmyra, spent tho week with Mrs. I Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles I Oberholtzer. —Miss Celeste Landis has I returned to her home, east of town, | after spending the winter with her ! sister In Minneapolis. J. Donald Neita, of New York city, is spending I the Faster vacation the guest of his I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Hoff j man. Union street. ! APPENDICITIS PATIENT IMPROVES JHflriliitoMii. Po., April It. Miss • l.ouisa Jackson, teacher of music at Albright College, Myerst"\vn, returned [;orne Tuesday evening for her Easter •■nation. Misses Lidia Vincent and ..uiif Banks are home from Ueachood, .'t uklntown Academy, for a two weeks' ! Mr. anil Mrs. Kreider, of Belle funte. were visitors at the home of W. .North, in Mifflin, from Wednesday till ; Saturday. Mrs. Kreider is a sister of Air. North. John, son of Register and ' Recorder Frank Bousour, who was taken with appendicitis Tuesday, and 1 rushed off at midnight to the German hospital, Philadelphia, Is Improving.— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Espenshade, of Johnstown, visited at the Espenshade home, over Sunday. Mr. Espenshade left Monday morning for Newvillo, I where lie has purchased a drug store. Ills wife will rfemain for a week. —Miss Ellen Robinson, Mrs. Vincent and h«r daughter. Lidia. in company with Mr. Shelley Kauffman, motored to Lewis town, ' Monday afternoon. Albert Hacken' erger. a student of Pierce's Business College, Phi'adelnhia, is h >me for Easter. Albert Buhn. of Pitts burg, is vls'ting at the McClintlc home. —Miss Gladys McCal'ev has returned to Wilson Co'iege. Miss Marion llas hore returned from Altoona, MonJiy. —Mrs Irvine Pun and her sister. Miss Cora McClelland, of Lewistown. were in town on Friday. Miss Reoecca l>oty Is visiting in Lewistown. Mrs. J. K. McNeal spent Sunday in Holll daysburg as a pruest of her son ! Alma and Grace Seiber spent Saturday at lewistown. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Keister, of Port Royal, wen? guests at the home of Mrs. Judge Sterrett, on Sunday. John, son of Colonel J. K. Robison. returned home from State Col lege, Saturday evening, for the Easter , vacation. Miss Matilda Brtggs, of Reeds Gap, and Mrs. E. L. Berry, of Bellwood. spent Thursday nt the home |of D. L. Berry, in Washington street. IK FOB PASTOR BETID MIKE The Rev. D. L. Dixon Given Re ception by Lewisberry Congregation FINE PROGRAM WAS RENDERED Ladies Aid Society Serves Re freshments to Assembled Members and Friends Lewisberry, Pa., April 11. —On Sat urday evening: the presiding elder of the Carlisle district, the Rev. J. A. Hollenbaugh, delivered a sermon in the T_ nitod Evangelical Church and gave communion, assisted by the pas tor, the Rev. M. E. Bartholomew, and the Rev, I). 1,. Dixon, pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal Church. 'the Rev. Mr. Bartholomew's brother was a recent guest at the United Evan gelical parsonage.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam S. Nortenlieim. of Philadelphia, arrived to-day and will spend several weeks at the homo of Mrs. Norten heim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hammond.—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. \V ise will spend Easter at York, tho guests of Mrs. Wise's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Crnil.—Miss Julia Sutton is .'-pending several weeks in York, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. ivurtz.—Robert and Ruth Purvis, of Philadelphia, spent several weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond. Bennett Hammond, of Washington, will spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hammond.—Miss Lizzie Kunkel, of New Cumberland, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Wise.—Mrs. Han nah Ensminger, of Harrisburg, is a. guest at the Foster home.—A recep tion was held in the Methodist Epis copal Church for the pastor, the Rev. D. L. Dixon, who has served this charge for the past two years and has been returned by the conference. About sixty persons were present, to welcome him. The program follows: Harry Spangler, superintendent of tho 1 Sunday school, presided; the pianist was Mrs. Homer C. Hetrick; congrega tional hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That I Binds"; prayer, the Rev. M. E. Bar tholomew, pastor of the United Evan gelical Church; vocal duet, "Sweet and Low." Miss Kathryn Strayer and Miss Edith Cline; reading. "Mrs. Dominie Packs a Missionary Barrel," Miss Edith Cline; vocal duet, "It Was Spoken for the Master," Mrs. John Shettel and Mrs. J. W. Weigel; wel come address, Park C. Bell, president of the Senior League; response, the Rev. D. L. Dixon; address, the Rev. M. E. Bartholomew; congregational hymn, "Work, for the Night is Com ing.' Refreshments were served in the annex by the Ladies' Aid Society, College Students Spending Vacation at Lemoyne Homes Lemoyne, Pa., April 11. Harry Slothower, a student at Albright Col lege, is spending his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Slothower. —Lloyd Obold, a student at State College, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Weidman.—Alfred Ens minger, a student at Albright, is spending bis vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ensminger. —C. H. Howard after undergoing treatment in the Johns Hopkins Hos pital at Baltimore for ten weeks re turned home this week.—The W. W. T. Club of the Christian Church Sunday School met at the home of Beulah Brinkley on Monday evening. It was decided by the members to give a play some time in May. The Philathea class of the Evangelical Sunday School met at the home of its teacher. L. S. Beam, on Tuesday evening. Also a meeting of tho E. P. U. class of the same Sunday school was held at the home of Ruth Deckman.—Mrs. Cora. Garver. of Arkansas, is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. A. Kunkle.—Mrs. Christ Eby spent Sunday with friends at Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Slothower and daughter Esther spent Sunday with Jacob Smith, of Harris burg.—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alberts, of Harrisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Heckert on Sunday.—Harry Ruhl and Miss Mae Stoner, of Carlisle, were guests of Miss Ruth Fettrow on. Sunday.—Miss Ivy L. Jones and Miss Dorothy Stewart were visitors here on Sunday.—Leroy Lightner, of Lan caster, spent the week with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. 55. E. Lightnetv • Y. M. C. A. Members Walk to Gettysburg Battlefield GettyMburg, Pa., April 11.—Gettys burg College baseball team won their first game of the season from Balti more City College by the score of 3 to I.—Seventy-four pupils of Adams county's public schools took the final examination for the common school di ploma. on Saturday. Miss Annie O'Neal Is vlsltlnK friends at Washing ton, D. C. Miss Lillian Rowe has ac cepted the position as assistant princi pal of the Everett High School at Everett. Pa. Mrs. Luther DcYoe, of Gerinantown, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Mcknight. Six teen members of the Lancaster Y. M. C. A. walked from that city to this place last week. Miss Elizabeth Van Clevo, of Reinbeck, Iowa; Frederick Brewer, of El Baso, 111., were married at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Robert Hill, last Thursday. Miss Itachael Slonaker entertained a num ber of her friends at her home, in York street. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kain, of York, are visiting Mrs. Helena Etter. —Dr. and Mrs. J. B. McAllister, of Har risburg, visited their aunts. Miss Mc- Kinney and Miss Barr. Miss Grace Sachs entertained a number of friends at a taffy party Tuesday evening. Miss Elsie Oerlach, of Irving College, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gerlach. The Rev. L. Dow Ott and family left for Willtamsport, where they will make their future home. Robert Brown, of State Island, N. Y., is spending several weeks with his par ents in Center square.. STOPS II THROBBING HEADACHE AT ONCE Dr. James' Headache Powders Give Instant Relief—lo Cents a Package When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's needless to suffer When you caii take a remedy like Dr. James' Head ache Powders and relievo the pain and neuralgia at once. Send somtone to the drug store now for a dime package of Dr. James' Headache Powders. Don't suffer. In a few moments you will feel fine—headache gone—no more neuralgia sain.—Advertisement. 7
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