10 and Stewart an d Stewart • fc*More Than a Thousand Trimmed Hats | An Easter Sale of 75 Coats at the Service of Women Who Must Sizes for Misses and Women fUX 13k Decided To-morrow Whether They Representing the Best Values Jstwlrai tj* Will Wear a New Hat on Easter ci ti • o * / Every Approved Style of the Hour Shown | bhOWII 1 JUS OeaSOll ■& | Every Color That s Fashionable is Represented The mOSt important shopping day of the lifip s£n Incomparable Showing of Smart Slack Hats entire Spring season occurs to-morrow in the | v if! i I Hundreds of Trimmed Hats at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, preparation for Easter dress accessories. i|||F II I 1 vf X"" A $5.95 and $6.50--Many Pattern Hats, Dress and And one of the busiest departments in the ||\ U Trotteur Models,at $6.50 and $7.50-Reproductions ent . lre , &tor f wlll h * the one devoted to a spe- \M|l 1H d* of Latest Pans Creations at SB.OO, SIO.OO to $16.50 C,al sale ° f brand new coats for W, .WA Vegr 1 1 - yait7 ° l . . women and misses, which came to us at j x vW)| Whv don't you avail yourself of the service of the largest millinery organization m this city, prices low enOUgh tO Warrant Selling them at to-morrow, when you decided that you must have a new hat for Easter ? \\ hy not come and make 1 * « your selection where there are almost an unlimited number of styles, shapes, colors and trimming UnUSUaI Savings. v conceits shown? To-morrow will be the busiest day of the whole year in millinery, and we have The actual Values range from $16.50 tO $25.00. To-morrOW S made wonderful preparations for it. ;ii i CIO EnH All week we have been receiving new styles in trimmed and untnmmed hats, new trimmings of I prices Will De lO *J)IU.OU. everv good kind and our trimmers have woi ke<l as fast as then fingers could carrv out the ideas ' ■-->. * < * J I of their mind in creating the last-minute styles. You will find the very hat you want, here, to- KlCh Cie L.hine and OeOrgette tMOUSeS morrow, for among the new arrivals this week arc clfect? tliat are entirely and distinctive—styles j e> r* rT\ AA -r-\ • 1 G* /% rT\ a* r* r\ r" that win not be found elsewhere. Regularly ipb.ou to SI(J.UU--rriced at q>4 oU to $5.95 We have added manv extra salesgirls to assure you satisfactory attention and service. & e7 . Tii- i . We have added many extra salesg.r/s to assure you satisfactory attent.on and serv.ee. ! , T Jie most gorgeous blouse creations we have ever assembled m styles that are The showing of trimmed hats for little girls offers a matchless variety of dainty ' u'tra fashionab e and decidedly exclusive. . iiieMiuwiuj ui «"ihu« > wauiiy The colors are emerald, tango, white, pink and various shades ot blues. styles ai moderate P rices - Diveg Pomeroy & stewal . t . second fi oor. Front •' The actual values are $6.50 to SIO.OO--specially priced at $4.50 to $5.95. Beautiful Easter Easter Shoes for the | o^Silk Hosiery for ! Men's Easter < R,Kkr>r.Q I Whole Family c » rr u Jl\l JU UUI Ivj Special preparations l'or outfitting the whole i I -1 11 T"T11 SHt fl CfS family for Kaster have been completed in the jyr*Jd.y !< t J_/ClOlv-/l J. I*l HlOillllgO »;kk _ -fni- nirHli'v -iTiii hairbows i Shoe Section, and a groat variety of the latest 3-r, vfffjiJj&r Ribbons loi girdles, sasiies cinu nauoows. ! (jtyle ]n pumpSt oxfords and shoes wiU bo lound . I _ _ We show a carefully planned stock of I at moderate lirices. A'EIMM/* The proper complement ol the new hint t jXl.a-.jrr ISJ \vc suuw a v,a.v t jj Women's dull calf Colonial pumps, tho pew long / MMM .. .1 i>CW 1 > tJUJV W t?dl Easter ribbons. 111 all the wanted colors and lasts with narrow toe and leather heart heels, | f/&msKgL or .dress. .Fine qualities moderately priced. black. Women's dull kid Colonial pumps made on the A„ Women's silk boot hose fashioned feet ' NgW SxllftS Black Moire Ribbons in beautiful antique pat- new Spanish last with dull buckle and slide, hand- ! J\Tl E/XCeptlOnal Wltering Women S Silk OOOt nose, IdSilloneu leei, | terns, 4to 7 inches wide, yard -.» cto 51.25 Women's patent colt Colonial pumps wlth'pat- | T—. „ _ „ Iri j.|_. spliced heels and toes, lisle tops, black and ClloVf^S Roman striped Ribbons in beautiful combin- P nt buckle and slide, new pointed toe with 1%- 1 o~niOrrO\\* Ol L/1023.1111\ .. 1 TIIW* V/1U VCO ations, 4to S inches wide, yard 10c to 51.25 inch heels, ' $4.00 Colo s t * / T!ii,h„ n « mi ti,» nnmii'ir minrs i i o ft Women's black satin Colonial pumps, narrow H? i • 1 C . Ol . , The most complete showing of neckwear in all toe: Goodyear welted soles and high kidney heels, tiSfllOllGCl fc/SStGI" tjIOLISCS W Olllcn S Phoenix silk hose, seamless, the new shapes and colorings 50c and SI.OO Indies wiuCj y«il'Q «•)« ui <oi QQ ■ , • #» »» «« »» «• j. Bayadere Ribbons in bright colorings; 4 and 5 j Women's gun metal calf and patent colt Colo- The most pvrentionnl linirerie blouse Spliced heels and toes, lisle cartel" tops, the new stjles in Arrow, I.lon and ar <- inclies wide, yard SI.OO and S 1.50 nial pumps. Goodyear welted soles and low heels. . , cxc< -P t 'Onal lingerie mouse I er" collars in quarter sizes. Satin Taffeta Ribbons in complete line of colors, $3.00 values of the entire Spring season have black, tan, white, bronze, navy, Nell rose and White dress shirts ill plain and pleated fronts, black and white, %-inch to 6 Inches wide, yard, Men's tan calf and gun metal calf English ox- i ust been unnackerl thev'll be readv for ' " ' 50e to $2.00 Dives, Pomerov * " 0, . e8 a " d ~ioo £ first to for, the e » ierald n lf t est^^ngHsh* 1 Irw^^vith 1 welted 1 rubber so?e , Ea f? tour, and we con- Women's thread silk hose, fashioned silk shirts $2.00 ami «*. Silk Petticoats to Match in • kiisicin'un wil be ctomcd at fcet - splicetl heels and toes ' lisle « arter tO P s; T b : "SfT* Tf '• •" bo "T5C•' id 5! 00 x T _ metal calf and tan willow calf—the most com- }OU 11 DC CHdrmea at tnur ricn, rare quality. Boys white dress shirts 50c, 75c and SI.OO I OUT JI lit fortabje shoe a man ean wear—and Just as fa- And bear in mind, please, that the prices black, tan and White i,Hp Boys' "K & E," "Puritan" and "Blue Bell" mous for style and quality $1.50 a t which these new blouse creations have -«r > i t -u i i ' i- « brands —plain white styles... .50c, 75c ami SI.OO npttlroats with tailored or nlaited ' M " n s " un metfll 0:llf ' l ,aten t ooltskin, black j WIUUI llicse I!C\\ OlOUse creations na\t. Men s thread silk hose, seamless, Spliced Striued nercale and madras shirts 50c Messaline petticoats, with talloied or plaited kldskin and patent eolt oxfords, Goodvear welted been marked does not represent their true Striped peicale and madras shuts oOc "ounce; in all shades $2.95 to 55.00 • oak leather soles with high or low heels.... $3.00 I value Their beautiful vvorkmanshin lovelv Heels and toes; black, tail, navy, slate and Bojs ' neckwear in reversible and French four- Jersey petticoats, with messallne or Jersey , Our lines ot C hildren s Shoes are. made up of j .. . < r* • • in-hands 25c flounce. The shades are emerald, mahogany, j "jf/n J* IS"'an To^h' 3 UC . ator .. E. C. Skuffer, , little touches Ol laces and the eftective 111- w hite 50c Boys' Windsor ties in plain and plaid colorings, tango, wistaria. American Beauty and black. ; .'alf, and black and"brown kid- j f ert ' ons of exquisite trimmings show plain- Dives pome & Btewart street Floor> 25c and 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. I skin $1.25 to $3.00 > 'V that they are far above average. Dives, Poineroy & Stewart Men's Store—St. Floor. I If Your Appetite Has Become Jaded Imported Gloves for Easter We'll Get It Back for You To-morrow Finest Qualities • V-v. -=■ \r'- r . 7~ \ ! CANNED VEGETABLES ' ~ " .'xk \NT LalirorniaNaval Oranges i Tomatoes, elioUc packed hi glass : I Fresh Creamery Butter | _ w _a. [Extra Special, each, lcj | Extra Special, lb., 32c Moderately PriCed A 7 _j ' -j rjr~, DELICATESSEX ' Corn, fancy siioepeg torn, » for CEREALS | I mC6 Y OUT wraers LL-arly 1O- polZid l>anOU BolOK,,a '' nne j ( String bean.-, spring garden, No. - j Fwlc > ' ,u » ,un ,b " 0, '• 5 The finest gloves obtainable are ready for Easter's final r r-v < Frankfurters, choice smoked, Ti>„ eaiw, 25c Graham flour, lb ...3c j shopping occasions to-morrow. Quick service and accurate mr>l*rr\\X7 tnr Rrfrfc , . 1»<- CAXXED FRUITS I Kclloggs Com Flakes, package, ™ lIIUIIU W IvJl L/C/L/Ul dICvJ L/yyo , loaf, dcllplou.s for cold Plums, fancy New York state, » c fittings are guaranteed by a corps ot expert glove women. Ob lunches, lb 28c j No. 2>/j cans 12c Grace Xuts, package 12c B ° J r r & We will fill ever candy order given, to-morrow, but it will j si»\THr I hum, l 'iTnd 'tender. ean P . shredded vfS,' iwekage .'.l2c Women's $3.00 long white 2-clasp Navarre real kid be a big help if orders for decorated eggs are given as early , as possible in the day. * pound 23t ' DRIED FRUITS Puffed Wheat, package .....9C Special $3.50 rtn . , _ liOnghorn Wisconsin cream *•> i . .» . I*ufTe<l Rlre, rackafte 14c 1 tdtl and black. $l«OU Chocolate coated cocoanut cream mtfr ch.e„i,t. I pEkkiii'St 2-clasp Trefausse gloves, ... Cava|ier olte . cla p. K doren whipped cream center, ca e,, 5( . , pounds .. 25c GRAXULATED SUGAR suedes and P. K. Stitching; . S j StlSSS^gyrr: 3 "£ '™a'' -8. f.n«tquality UM «« seam gloves;,n tan ' wl,,teand w. f, XMi ."..X ••-» 2 -da» P kid g)o »«, in oh™,!""* * tM others at 10c a dozen ' each, and , packed in oil, can 8c j c inv!tc >' ou to sample this 25 pound bags granulated sugar, . . ~ , , ; D., P. &S. 2-clasp gloves; Jenv eeralb e i 15c Spanish olives, special, 2 for roflree at ou«'tea and cofft-c booth." ' ° SI.OO white and black, ' Fguc, ' 25c! seco,5 eco, , d ib 25c SOAPS AXD WASHIXG »K] 25 to $2.00 white, tan, grey and black, FRESH EASTER FLOWERS Alaska pink salmon, can ... .®c Temple Garden tea. I b 45c POWDERS to ' b J ' Tulips, 3in a pot m. ! Horshoe red salmon, can .15c tocoa, absolutely pure and finest io bars Fels' Xaphtha soap, SBc 2-clasp kid gloves, in colors,! Spl.OO HyacintUeMh. : \i c i FRESH FRUIT quality. SpectoMb., loc, 2 lbs., 25e to bars P. &G. Xaptlm soap. a»c , r ,.,, , ... . Easter lilies bloom , . EXTRACTS io bars Ivory soap 38c white and black, Children s kid gloves, in tan, Dives Pomeroy & Stewart—BasVmrnt i P. " ax ' al ornn S«'s of the Vanilla extract Baker's pure 10 bars Babbitt s soap 3»c nn «1 91 _ large variety; Juicy and sweet; spe- extract, full 2 ounce bottle; regu- 3 tins Dutch Cleanser 25c to Sp*5.UU 9>1./60 oial, dozen 25c larly 25c. Special 10c Colburn's Mayflower Ammonia, Wnmen'<; 2-rlasn kid frlnvps • Children's <;ilk p-loves 000 \A7 Vl itn ( L no 1 „ Grape fruit; fancy sound fruit. Spices In every variety that Is regularly 10c; special ...7c Women s Z Clasp Kid gloves, L-nildren s silk giov es .. OU£ jUvv rlcL/CS VV nilG V_xlllFlcl, 1C juicy and of good size. Each ~7c gi-own; regularly 5c.. Special ~3c Banner lye, can 9c value SIOO. Pair 756 p - &s - Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. cl,o l t ' , ' "8 s on strings, per Mustard In large jars 10c Persil, the oxygen washing pow- t V pound 10c I,arge jars of table syrup ...10c der, regularly 10c; special 7c Prayer Books, Manuals BuyYourEaster Suit Where You Have the Pick of Famous Makes of Clothing find Rosaries ' • BHh Easter Day of all days in the year seems to demand the putting on of new clothing, and fastidious dressers AW - IYU3aA Wpy teQL. should take advantage of the long shopping day, to-morrow, to inspect these quality suits, especially the styles Key of Heaven, in plain and decorated white celluloid and < Xjf TJ VjT at s l2 - 50 a "d $15.00, whose counterpart at these prices cannot be equaled elsewhere. You will surely find some- Parisian ivory, with or without crucifix, with or without thing to your liking so that you can wear a new suit on Easter. c^as P $1.25, $1.35, $1.85 and $2.00 \ y \ are black and white checked worsted A - ICT are ,igrht tan h 01 " 6 "?" 11 suits, black Key of Heaven, in black cloth and leather bindings padded A \n/ /\| IA. ) sult8 > blue ser e t! BUlts - white striped /\t" llli and white check worsted suits, pin nr nlain »<U u-,. ' ', »!!«.> .>- V 1 1 *s r black worsted and cassimere suits; and chalk stripe worsted suits, suits 1 P ml " "°V) ""V) and IJta.GO fMHMaWBSBft r r plain gray cassimere suits, fancy shadow weave worsted suits, of English tweed woolens, plain and fancy blue serge suits, Manual of Pravers vest norket erlitinn lilk'L- 1 grey Scotch mixture suits—English and conservative model sack fancy grey worsted and cassimere suits, fancy plaid worsted : iunuai ui i layers, vest pocKet eaition Ulatk leather /y , \ fA coats with two or three buttons, soft roll lapels, sleeves neatly suits—English and conservative model sacks with two and three binding »&&•> SI.UO, $1.,>0 and $2.25 A J ' finished with cuffs, hiKh cut vest. buttons and soft roll lapels; cuffs of plain sleeves. St. Manual m black leather $i.2,» Clothes for Youn? Men-Many Attractive New Easter Suits for Boys KOSarieS \ <. Styles Including the Famous Splendid choosing in Norfolk Btyles from the best makers of Pearl beads, with pearl cross 250, Jise and 50<? I WaBS W k I " Snmnpr , k''' Suit*: Brown and tan worsted Norfolk suits, extra pair trousers, Colored beads ruhv sannhirc crvstnl tmr.w.f . I itl Li i ouils full lined, sizes 7to 18 years $-1.00 and 54.50 ' J> "" ' • a '» garnet, opal, ante- I VH—La Ijl our showing of nifty styles for young men is larger than Grey mixed and dark brown worsted, fancy cassimere and thyst. _ I mM "■ a " rOfl ever before, embracing a wonderful variety of smart styles de- plain navy blue serge Norfolk suits, sewed-on belt, patch pockets, 5 vpars lriiarnntpeH irnhl rrnat Oil iko I d A|f LfJj signed and tailored expressly for young men, garments fash- extra pair trousers; sizes 7to 18 years $5.00 ../ o o jpx.lllF f MBM " Ejil (HJ ioned of the finest foreign and domestic woolens in the latest Dark grey checked cassimere and worsted suits, sewed-on 10 years guaranteed gold cross $1.50 J HH •'/ £9 patterns. Among the styles are featured the new Roman belt, patch pockets, extra pair trousers; sizes 7to 18 years, #6.00 T) o'nir'jni *•<>, 1 ~v-.IH mo ,1 - I iL __ «. Bui—lß stripes and plaids, the new chlckweeds, hopscotch plaids and Black and white checked worsted Norfolk suits, patch pock _ J yaiaiiictru cioss D —>|M|— n other up-to-the-minute patterns. ets, loose or sewed-on belt extra pair trousers, full lined, belt to 0 years guaranteed gold cross H.~tc I HB J,,* with silv-pr ~„cc "Vim tJrx I B9H worsteds and casslmeres. Aside from the quality of fabrics are Tan checked cassimere Norfolk suits, two-button coat with jei ueaas wun silver cnam and cross .... o\)<p and SI.OO I —-isst* t he styles o fthe suits, including the latest models in one, two, patch pockets, extra pair trousers, full lined, belt to match; sizes First Communion medals, in gold and silver 50c 1 * to SSI S.l L. ■ ley"-"* ' * u- l c r. w three and four-button coats. At SIB.OO and $20.00 the variety of 7 to 18 years $8.50 . ' . Hjekey.fr«an«a.Qu»litr styles offers critical choosing. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-—Second Floor, Rear. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRJSBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 10,1914.
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