Piles Quickly Cured at Home T nstant Relief, Permanent Cure— Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. The Pyramid Smile Many cases of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy without further treat ment. When It proves Its value to you, get more from your druggist at uOc a box, and be sure you get the itind you ask for. Simply fill out free coupon below and mail to-day. Save yourself from the surgeon's knife and Its torture, the doctor and his bills. ! FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 402 pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich Kind i ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile i Remedy, at once by mall, FREE, in | plain wrapper. j Name • • I Street I City State How Thin People Can Put On Flesh A NEW DISCOVERY Thin men and women that big, hearty, filling dinner you ate last night. What became of all the fat nroducing nourishment It contained? Sou haven't gained in weight one ounce. That food passed from your • odv llko unburned coal through an • ■pen grate. The material was there, iiut your food doesn't work and stick, and the plain truth is you hardly get enough nourishment from your meals >o par for the cost of cooking. This 'is true of thin folks the world over. Vour nutritive organs, your functions "f assimilation, are sadly out of gear ;ind need reconstruction. Cut out the foolish foods and funny sawdust dJ?t«. Omit the flesh cream rub-ons. Cut out everything but the meals you are eating now and eat with '•very one of those a single Sarerol tab let. In two weeks note the difference. Five to eight good solid pounds of ealthy, "stay there" fat should be the net result. Sargol charges your weak, stagnant blood with millions of fresh new red blood corpuscles gives the Wood the carrying power to deliver every ounce of fat-making' material in vour food to every part of your body. Sargol. too, mixes with your food and jirepnres it for the blood in easily as similated form. Thin people gain all the way from 10 to 25 pounds a month while taking Sargol, and the new flesh stays put. gargol tablets are a scientific combination of six of the best flesh producing elements known to chemis- ' trv. They come 40 tablets to a package, are pleasant, harmless and Inexpensive, :-i.nd George A. Gorgas, and all other druggists In Harrisburg and vicinity sell them subject to an absolute guar antee of weight Increase or money back.—Advertisement. Make It "Yellowstone" This Summer. Why Not? If you have never been there go this Summer. If you have—l don't need to urge you to go again—you will any how. You can talk about your "trips to Europe," but right here in good old U, -v A. is the world's wonderland of '>eauty and Interest. Just imagine falls nearly twice as high as Niagara—then a 1,700 foot chasm with side.s u riot of ■olor that rivals the glory of the rain- i bow. You'll never cease to wonder at "Old Faithful" Geyser—the magnificent mirrored lakes; and on every hand scenery that defies description. You will surely delight in the stage coach navigation, reminding you of the fron tier days. And then I would like to tell you about the attractive and comfort able hotels. Leave it to me and I'll plan every part of the trip —there and back —and take the details of preparation and tarting off your hands. It's a part of the service of the road—"The Burling ton Route" (C., B. &Q. R. R. i. I shall .predate it if you will stop in at the ojllce or write and get our folder about Yellowstone Park with a splendid map in colors and full description. Wm. Austin, General Agent Passen ger DeptS., C.. B. iV. Q. 11. R. Co., 636 '"hestnut St, Philadelphia. Adver tisement. Simple Way to End Dandruff Stop Falling Hair and Itching Scalp. There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and ihat is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all .' OU will need), apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten Ihe scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of vour dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve, and entirely destroy, every single sign and traco of it. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all ttching ancl digging of the scalp will stop instantly and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous. , glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. If you value your hair, you should set rid of dandruff at once, for nothing destroys the hair so quickly. It. not only starves the hair and makes it fall out. but it makes it stringy, straggly dull, dry, brittle and lifeless and everybody notices it. —Advertisement. To be lure that the Cough Syrup you give your child is harmless and free from injurious opiates, be sure to get GOFFS COUGH SYRUP Made from long-used herbs and con tains no Opium. Chloroform, Codeln, Morphine or other harmful drug. Get a 25c. or 50c. bottle today. Money back by the dealer if it doesn't help SEASH OR E Low Rates Via Reading Railway Saturday, April 11 FIFTt-EN DAY TICKETS THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 9, 1914. SCHOOIHOIISES IN ; GREkTEH NUMBER Dr. Becht Reports on the Manner in Which Improvements Are Being Made Now i The schoolhouses of Pennsylvania! are being Improved at a rate scarcely j realised by the average citizen and a report pust made to the State Board of Education by Dr. J. George Becht, I the secretary, shown that in 1918 new buildings were erected in flfty-elght out of the sixty-seven counties of the State. Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, having building departments inde pendent of State control, were not In cluded in this report The board ap proved 166 large building and 100 plans for reconstruction and additions, amounting practically to new build ings. Forty buildings of the smaller typo were constructed from standard plans and specifications prepared by I the State board architects. The total i number of new buildings and addi-l tions for the year was 306. The cost of one-room buildings, j from standard plans, varied from $825 to $2,800; the cost of two-room build ings varied from $2,200 to $6,000. The most expensive plans were submitted for the Williamsport High School, costing $200,000; Duquesne, $183,000; Shamokln, $152,000; Crafton, sllO,- 000; Erie, $107,000; Johnstown, $105,- 000; Latrobe, $100,000; Hershey, $100,000; Easton, $97,000; Reuovo, $90,000; Media. S85.000; Carlisle, SBO,- 000; Donora. $76,000. The following list shows the number of schoolliouee constructions and re constructions in each county: Allegheny, S2; Luzerne. 16; West moreland, 15; Fayette, 13; Montgom ery, 13; Washington, 13; Cambria, 13; Schuylkill, 12; Somerset, 11; Lacka wanna, 10; Armstrong, 9; York, 8; ! Tioga, 7; Chester, 7; Lancaster, 7; Berks, 6i Clearfield, 6; Delaware, C; Indiana, 6; Bucks, 5; Cumberland, 5; Dauphin, 5; Beaver, 4; Blair, 4; Erie, 4; Green, 4; Warren, 4; Bradford, 3; Lehigh. 3; Elk, 3; Forest, 3: Franklin, 3; Huntingdon, 3; Jefferson, 3; Law rence, 3; Mereer, 3; Monroe, 3; North ampton, 3; Northumberland, 3; Car bon, 2; Center. 2; Clinton, 2; Colum bia, 2; Crawford, 2; Lebanon, 2; Ly coming, 2; McKean, 2; Mifflin, 2, Adams, 1; Bedfofrd, 1; Butler, 1; Cameron, 1; Juniata, 1; Perry, 1; Pot ter, 1; Susquehanna, 1; Wayne, 1. iIREW J7 DULL, IWIFIICTUREUEW [Continued lYoni First Page] Colorado Springs. The late James J. Dull was a brother of the deceased. Through his father Mr. Dull came of German stock, but on his mother's side was a descendant of Irish an cestors. thus combining in his per sonality two elements which have been numbered among the most potent factors in the history and development of our country. Andrew Jackson Dull was born Au gust 22, 1830. near McVeytown, Mifflin county. Pa-, and was a son of! Casper and Jane (Junkin) Dull, the former descended from ancestors who came in 1739 from Hesse-Darmstadt, Ger many. and settled in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, while tho Jun ldns, who came in 1740 from the north of Ireland, made their home in the Juniata Valley. The early education of Mr. Dull was received in tho common schools and he was fitted for college at Tuscarora Academy, Juniata county, and at Strasburg Academy. Lancaster county. So fully was he prepared that he was able to enter the sophomore class of Princeton University in the beginning of the second session and to graduate with the class of 1852. Mailo Monitor Plates For several years after leaving the university llr. Dull was engaged in the construction of public works antl built part of the Washington aqueduct under the direction of Captain Meigs Ultimately, however, he associated himself with that power )n the de velopment of Pennsylvania—the iron industry. In iStfC he joined in form ing the firm of Reese, Graff & Dull to erect mills for the manufacture of iron in Pittsburgh. The business was largely extended and before Mr. Dull retired from the firm Included the manufacture of all grades of iron and steel. It was the firm of Reese, Graff & Dull that made and fitted the plates for two of the celebrated Monitors. The firm joined with Graff, Bennett & Co. and Robinson Rae &. Co.' in or ganizing the Grafton Iron Company, and built a large blast furnace at Grafton. Ohio. Mr. Dull was made president of the company and filled the office with an ability which showed him to be not only an organizer but also an administrator. In IS7O. how ever. compelled by failing health, the result of overwork, he disposed of his entire interest and retired from busi ness. In 1871 he was elected secre tary. treasurer and general manager of the Lochiel Rolling Mills, In this city, and had since been president of the Chicago and Rlock Coal Railroad Company, of Indiana, and president of the Electric Ore Separator Com pany. of Pittsburgh. Mr. Dull had also been president of the Pulaski Iron Company, with blast furnaces at Pulaski, Va., and coal and coke works in the Pocahontas region. West Virginia: of the Virginia Mining Company and of the Empire Lumber and Mining Company. He had held the vice-presidency of the Corpus. Christ!, San Diego and Rio Grandt, Railroad Company, of Texas, and ot the Pulaski Mining Company, and was a director of the Kansas City, Topeka and Western Railroad, of Kansas, and of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, of Virginia. Mr. Dull li> recent years gave less attention than formerly to the details of the iron and coal business and as president of the Electric Ore Separator Company devoted more time and thought to thi separation of magnetic and nonmag netic minerals. President of Harrisborg Club Tt may well be supposed that a man whose time was so fully occupied as was that of Mr. Dull with duties and responsibilities of the most engrossing nature had little leisure for social in tercourse or for fraternal association. Nevertheless, Mr. Dull, who did not believe that it was true wisdom to entirely sacrifice the amenities of life to the demands of business, helped to organize and was for tlve years presi dent of the Harrisburg Club. He was also a member of the Inglenook and Country Clubs, of Harrisburg, and of the Union Ijeague and Manufactur ers' Clubs, of Philadelphia. During his student davs he belonged to Clio Hall and the Chi Psl fraternity. For many years he had been a member of the board «f managers of the Harris bur:; TTospital. Mr. Dull married, June IBr>7', Judith Reynolds, of Klttannlng. who survives. Spring Showers Easter Candies and One DaV Yet For YOU tO Select I Bring April Bargains .Novelties 111I 1 1 illiill * « • i x J at Bowman's, Look Of all sorLs to make >|M|f||i lj I i I'III Sljlj i| |K YOUX EcLSt&T SttlX Of COclL -*r< 1 for Rainy Day Spe- Easter displays. Get ilmf !' 11 II! ill Hi Bilk. Every variety of spring models for women and misses at mod- I J Cl&ls. your supply now. \ Hfl j 'Kg ffl Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. SatZfcZZ (lowest PRICES look I \ finish ?hread. 2 .*?. it?. of the a /Y/y///f for the ! f? eo rt \ 6c nickel piated safety pins! I WEEK W&MI4///m&l§rZ34f CRFFM .SITTKISI } ' t&Ur-iii-uxm--.:-. S 1 HARRlSbijros POPULAB depabtiTEKT store QiVjno 3 pnrH» b fnr S hooks and e8 ' _ 3 \ H | Vl >* Vy"*' l UHlllillil liE lillW $2.00 30-lnch Embroidered * ** 49c SheetsWßk jtoJII ffW, 50c Gloves Bleached a jlj|| [j ||| J j|ii Chamolsette cloves in black . liif \vttl'i";MnclMHMi\ at flffi] I* U f|]lf§B| jji il! ||i| M I Ifflßillr Burson seamless hose, plain 25c 9-lnch Embroidered Linen only All sizes. Friday Bargain ed. Second". Friday's price. 3 for 11" WiHl W l| LttM. ; ''® and wh,tc foot. Seconds. Centers l-Vfcc price, pair SI.OO, Oi" each IHI 1 ' Wjlflll Ml 111fflMH MlflP rriday Bargain price, pair, 19c fi-inch Embroidered Linen BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Main Floor "BOWMAN'S—Second' Klo'oir. — ; $1.50 Full . V : Women's Easter Apparel Jointed DoII, MEN'S SUITS Specials That Will Bring Early Shoppers «| ? We picked up several unusually good bargains In Women sap- I'rlday Bargain price, each, 95 C fIICI n. V JI«COU.OI]].I6S parel and we arc giving you the benefit of our good fortune. But ROWM4V<?_ this is for the one day—Friday -only. s - lmrd * loor - Men's and Yonthc:' $7 QO <siiitc PURE SILK JEKSEV PETTICOATS —black find the fashion- ————— ivicn b ana I OUinS q>/.yu OUItS able shades, pure silk messallne flounce. Friday only $2.19 Oj?*» WU \l a /t% a mm JACQUARD BROCADE SILK PETTICOATS —Black, emerald, *OC If HUt /\ \ tango, navy and Copenhagen. Friday only Swiss Curtains *—■* 4 Snrino - Pnatc FVir Ymir Raster Gown Caasimeres, cheviots and worsteds in brown, blue, gray, mix- j £PJL ° F . ? .i Fancy colored borders with in- tures and chalk line. Sizes 32 to 42. Buy now and save! WOMBN S SPRING COATS—Corded Eponge, the new llai ed sertlon and edge: borders arc n t <.. _ models. Five navy, four brown, four taupe. Friday only . ...$«.98 blue, yellow, plnU and green, 2', = DOVS and Men S CaDS o.JSVS.rKSiS'SBBS "■"".. . B ."S; "»«"»«'»; NEW SPORT COATS —Cardinal and green checks, tango and BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S Third Floor tan checks. Values up to $15.00. Friday only se.9B ———«« ' .i A Special Sale of Raincoats To-morrow—Friday—only. BOWMAN'S l-loor. 3Sc WUte lUillEltJt FvfrO dnAoUl ' 10e and 121.2 c Women's 25c Curtain Lace , ir •. n . ' ,O wide—just the thing Also Insertions: 2to 4% yards Q nv9 ' \0 QO r innnelptte Knit rants i° r 6, "1 curtains or door panels. In strips. These Balloons and In- uvya ipo.CO < I lUllllClClir 1 Edges arc slightly, soiled. Friday, sertlons retailed lip to 50c a vard, __ J 0C Ml C 'a Also French flannel. While Medium weight, bleached, knee yard •2T/» but to close the lot out Friday we flllfl tbO.UU JUItS the lot lasts. Friday the price length. Seconds. Fridays price, • V will sell them at, vard ... 1 _ will be, yard WiAo pair 17C, BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. Roys double breasted all-wool ■-* - , „. BOWMAN'S—Main Moor. suits, that sold regularly for BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main floor. i $3 - 98 ond * 5 - 00 - sIzRS »• 10. H. CIO no m^m ™™~™""""18. 16 and 17—only one and ... . hirlS J>ld,"o 1C- two of a size. Special for Friday IC , »f Women s Tricxcle CL .f. yat •• $2.35 15c Lonsdale Unto iicycie Embroideries BOWMANS— Third Floor. Mnvlin OUR liOSe Regular JIS.SS tricycle, special Made on tine white organdies —— lUUSIin Black and tan thread silk • for 1 i Idaj at iKIO.OO with colored scallop. Values up 1 n^S °F*rfdav r 'thc wi\! helfs, sfel BOWMAN'S-Thlrd Floor. to 15c >" ard ' Frld^'B P rlce ' SI.OO Table Clotk yard - tOf» for ' at ' '" h " 05C BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. size 6P Frl"dav'Ra?trnln'liHpfl th '«n"i BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN S Main Floor. Qfi r Cnrtmn 1 rlday Bargal " prlce ' 09c r ir U L J or u/l-, Stretcher 75c and SI.OO 5c Unbleached 25c White nickeled, Bxl2 P ft 8 ' FHday'B e pHce! Colored Nets $1.25 Crochet Quilts 35* inches wide. Small webs pink broken BOWMAN'S—Basement. taupe° only. Friday's price, per yard, bar pattern with dot. Friday s 1 der. Friday's price, yard .. 1 Q/> 5/O0 ;ty,C price, yard H)C ffl Of LL BOWMAN'S —Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor <P*■.*•*/ nsil . Cans galvanized iron with 7 l-2c to 12 l-2c 65c Mercerized 70c Sheets Women's White —, WaU p apers Saim Damask Unbleached Shoes BOWMAN'S-Basement. wairK Friday ' Bargain 'Vrl'dav Size 86x90 inches. Made of White canvas shoes with high ———_ price, roll Bargain r»rir« viwi • good even thread muslin. Fri- and low heels. Friday Bargain ————. Bargain price, >ard 440 day's price will be. eacli . . price, pa ir #1.49 ly 'CO nn BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S-Thlrd Floor. " OtTieU S !p£.UU, ———_ r — $2.50 and $3.00 12 l-2c to 20c 25c to 39c Easter Special Pumps and Oxfords Wall Papers Corset Covers Sale of Beaded Bags and Purses h.MS' s ,S^d re y «}» Fancy effects in light and dark colored beads. ' pi Ice. pair #1.49 to day's price, 2 for 50c Purses, now 25c and »9c prices, rou $2.50 Dark Beaded Bags, now $1.75 BOWMANS—Third Floor. BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S <s PM nrt pi™/ 51.50 Dark and Light Beaded Bags SI.OO MAr> f>—second i loor. SI.OO Dark and Light Beaded Bags 75c ,! " wmavs Mai » See the Indian Village To-day $2.00 Porch SI.OO to $1.50 Children's D° You Want An Indian Name? Gates Y'tA rin.to* Whlio a c There will bo a War Dance and Christening at 11.30 A. M. 3 at f6ot W ' de ' A .lO. \jlOV€S Wllll€ oilOeS and 4.30 P. M. at which time old Chief Black Eagle will christen ' Jp!.(>,» 2 and 3-clasp kid gloves in all White canvas shoes. Friday and give any one an Indian name. BOWMAN'S Third Floor shades and sizes. Friday Bargain Bargain price, pair, c<_ • i r> a 11 t-V price, pair «9e 85c, sl.oo' and $1.25 Special features All Day BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Lectures 10 A. M.. 11 A. M„ 12 M., 2.30 P. M„ 4 P. M„ 5 P. M. Children S __________ ar Dances 10.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. nn *>» ...... Thjrd FIoor _ BOWMAN , a < 28c to $3.98 15c and 18c Women's $2.50 _ T 7. r .... , 0 Easter Bonnets Pi|l A |„ C nrot rnA t? ofl *\hnos iC I OlVClmg Children S IptJ.ifo to Also hats. For boys and girls, rillOW lases ana Sd.UU tnoes Brown huck and Uvllled toWfll . cc nn D 7 ages up to 4 years SpeclaT for 42 and 45-inch hemstitched pil- Vicl kid. gun metal, patent Ing. finished edges red border. yQ.UU I\e€l€rS rriday at oOC tO J81.98 low cases. Friday Bargain price, colt, black velvet and tan calf. Friday Bargain price, yard, ({a P ftr ■> o „. each button and bluclier styles, high u v nr ,,,°s Jit.L H oya between S Bowmans —Second Floor /-• and low heels. sizes 2% to l',i. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. -...J,® aSfl .1 sel5 e I , an ™"~ — BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Friday, pair 85e Special for Friday at BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. , uawmivo mui , 17c Plain Crepes llnhlonrhoJ ————— 75cTubs W - IAN S Third Floor. 29 Inches wide. In light blue, ix Unweacfiea Extra heßvy galvanlzetl tub M lilac navy and cadet. Fri- lYlen S <po.UU with wringer attachment. Special or 11/ l•« 3 prlct, yard 93^C oneeung for FrMa y at 59 White BOWM,\N'S-Maln Floor. 9fl inches wide. Good even \nnPS * »» . heavy thread. Special for Friday " , J . , , ~ , BOWMAN'S—Basement. Ratine -——— only, at, yard 24c Work and dress shoes in black ——, fO fOf •Li T and tan, button and bluclier —— Extra heavy ratine, 6 to 10- IZ l-ZC LlOnt BOWMAN'S —Main Floor.- styles. Friday Bargain price. on r , yard lengths. Very good for _______ l jair $1.95 J"c rood Chopper white ~«kjrts. Friday Bargain Percales Men's $2.50 BOWMAN'S Tlli rd Floor. usW artkle kitchen'. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. double Tnd° B p2ce° a sTripls FrL Cnnt Sweaters on T LI Frlday _ day's price, yard t)r^. IsOUl JWtUieiS 39c I able BOWMAN'S—Basement. OC WL: t/ , BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Colors are navy maroon and ___________ CDC IT fIITC OXford. Seconds. Special for f"" y ™L;r * ua9 ~w . ~™ $1.25 Clothes Vo,le BOWMANS —Main Floor. complete. Friday for 'Zli- n Short lengths only but just «. • i/, HnmnPr ! lle ri ® llt length for curtains. If JmDffl BOWMAN S—Basement. Itum/rCI J N F u JJ pieces the price would be ulllf/CU vie|/co Willow clothes hamper: round 25c a yard. Friday's price yard 28 inches wide. Copenhagen, mm ? 17 i —————— style. Friday Bargain price, m 1 rose, light blue and pink. Frldav Mens French SUB Cut bowman. Mam F .oor Ba, "T pr,ce> yard -- Flannel Shirts rin»» Vote ' BOWMAN'S -Basement. • BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. separate^ Cut glass sugar and cream sets. OQ ± AC 10c White lOcFillUred Special for Friday at, each, £9(« Friday, the set $1.23 JlfC 10 QDC _ IgUIZU BOWMAN'S —Main Floor BOWMAN'S Basement. Stair Carpets .J"" . Lawns ° l or a^d. ,lbr< 3tair sefe^V^ TlirlriQh TftWPk 27-lnch, regularly 45c yard. » rice ' y urd fiAt -lUXAXOU iUWCW Friday, yard BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. " Attention! Massage and Facial Parlors Friday : '"yard reeularly , 39c Supply Your Needs Now BowMANs—Fourth Floor.' Very Special! 19c extra hea% - y Turkish Towels. Friday 9c •» * !6 c SiV.lv 1 ? WSSTR™*. fw : ». 7& RM„ Door Mat $ H° a Cabinets. 89c Limit. 12 to a customer. ' JC "UUOer UOOT ITIUI Fitted plate glass shelves and large clear mirrors In door. 10c and 12V»c Turkish Towels, individual size 5c Size 18x30 inches. Several pat- * JV ® J® , 6 a cabinet. Only one to a custo- Limit, 13 to a customer. torns to select from. Friday's "* er - &Pecjal for Friday at BOWMAN'S Main Floor. * Price 09<* f\ J m- - ______ BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor IsoXU IdDleS Men's 50c SI.OO Glass r~T $2.98 Folding Card Tables, $1.98 »!• I . ' 25c JWISS edges a ls the best Card Table have over offered. Mahoganv Night Shirts Jherberts ~ 8 , „„ finished frame, brass corners, legs lock automatically when opened Made of good quality of mus- Footed Colonial Glass Sher- broideries"! to 9 inches Friday covered with imitation leather or green felt. Friday onlv . . X 1.89 lln: full cut; with or without col- bets. Special for Friday, at doz.. Hnriraln nrici vard rlda> BOWMAN'S Fifth Floor. lar. Friday's price, each, BOWMAN S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S Basement. Floor. 25C White 20c MeTCetlZed mm , oc 39c to 50c $1.98 Cut Glass Voile Satme Mens 25c Swiss Flouncing B ™ al f^rlda^Ssfy r , Half HoSe t J n 7 H v f? d od J?' $1.23 12' M yard 6 "... I : , . ,day Bar « a '« Pri/e d Plain and silk lisle, double ' tiof BOWMAN'S—Basement. BOWMAN'S—-Main Floor, Sn'd"colors! Friday BOWMAN'S Main F.oor i„( nn t.> Muslin Drawers $1.50 to $2.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. open and c i osed styles. Splen- Nioht (IntOn* J > _______ f tOr tn RQr dl<] value. Only t%vo pairs to a Itlglll fjOWflS , Children S ——— UWC lU V*L S l 'f r tort,er - Frlday Bar » al « P r « c e. These are slightly soiled from /?A ,_ r (1 / L tl nn Cans IOC handling. Some have Val. lace Oifc and 7uC Women 8 SI.UU . r yoke with tucked medallions of . Beautiful quality of lawn and np t LI flne lawn, ribbon draw string, W ■ fk--. lln Apr in par batiste caps, with turnback of dCDC I ttule and short, sleeves. Some have V- ft OSn Lfr esses UiIUCIIfCUi all-over embroidery trimmed _ shaped yoke of fine embroidery Medium weight wool and cot- with fine Val. lace frills or em- g I nth and short embroidery sleeve: Gingham and percale dresses, ■ ton mixed, and silk and wool. broidery. Also some plain styles v,uul others have square neck and made In long walsted effects with Swiss ribbed. Vests, pants and with bunch tucks, brier stitching 60 inches wide. A number of tucked yokes with embroidery belts and colored pipings. Other ' union suits. Friday p price, each. and hemstitched edge. Frldav patterns to select from. Friday's Insertion and edging. Special for styles alio. Special for Friday Bargain price, each . price, yard Friday only, at $1.13 at ' BOWMAN'-.®—-Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' BOWMAN'S Second Floor. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers