r * . , Uneeda Biscuit Nourishment—fine fla vor—purity—crispness —wholesomeness. All . for 5 cents, in the moisture-proof package. Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender— with a delightful flavor —appropriate forlunch eon, tea and dinner, so cents. GRAHAM CRACKERS A food for every day. Crisp, tasty and strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered, 10 cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that name Quick Relief Tor Coughs. Colds und Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—Fine for Speakers and Singers. 25c. (iORGAS' DRUG STOKES 18 N. Third St. Penna. Station ASTRICH'S ASTRIOrSASTRICH'S IASTRICH'S II g FASTER STYLES § eg An authoritative exhibit of every new fashion—daringly artistic inno \ation m feminine clothes-—superb masterpieces—perfect in every minutest detail of trimming, material and coloring—A cordial invitation is extended to visit this great Gala Fete of Fashions— Brocaded Faille Silks, Crepe Cloths, Captivating Spring Suits of Gaber £ Vl 1 P °P llns and Shadow Checks, dine, Crepe, Serge Shepherd Checks. * 55 Absolute $30.00 values. Customary SIB.OO Values. £ J $25.00 $15.00 i OS Gloriously beautiful Suits are these, many T - L - • . > fcj of them exact copies of suits being shown * as hion the finger oi certainty at elsewhere at $45.00 to 50.00. eac ! l one of t ] hcse , her pontes, as the sea- ft son s accepted styles and materials. rJI We specialize our Suits at ! $25.00 and Many Elaborately Novel Apache Coat £ claim to have the largest and best showing Costumes - More Consei /ative Models are g m city. also in evidence. & And we stand ready to back up this claim Whomsoever of our patrons may select 5a with suits the equal of any shown elsewhere one of these suits may rest assured that 55 at $30.00 or more. through all the Spring an equal value will 2c Burnt Orange, Sapphire, Old Gold, Navy, not f° un d- Co Jacque Rose, Copenhagen, Black. Tango Hues, Butter Scotch, Paorika, SC Comparison will settle the question for ** rown > Copenhagen, Reseda, Navy, Black. you quickly. We invjte your comparison ~ ~~ 2 without fear of results. /l New Crepe and 2 Spring Coat Special Serge Dresses •j; Absolute $7.98 values ..... d* CQ Q Customary $7.50 values ... A [J* qq Snappy black and white fancy A beautiful array of new 3 Og checks and chic all-wool Serge Coats, in all Spring colors, including Tango and Copen- 2 sizes tor misses and women: navy and hagen. Six absolutely new models with one 5 black. or two tier skirt effects. ASTRICH'S ASTRICH'S ASTRICH'S FRIDAY EVENING. gAfIHEBBURO TELEGRAPH MARCH 13,1914. \PERSONAL ENTERTAINMENTS TO OPEN THE SEASON Colonial Club Annual Meeting Held LastNighl; Board Mem bers Elected It was decided at the annual meet ing of the members of the Colonial Country Club last night that the sum- , mer season should be opened with I two out-door entertainments of the i highest class. A contract was au thorized with the Frank Lea Short company for a double performance on the afternoon and evening of June 16 f h on the club grounds. Both of the productions will be along comedy lines—one the "Pomander Walk" and the other "Robin Hood." On this occasion the stage will be erected upon the gentle slope on the west side of the club building so that the spectators can view the plays from the porches of the clubhouse and the terrace. There will be twenty-flve high-clalfe actors in the company and the fact that these pla.ys have been given with great approval at the West Point Military Academy and on the grounds of a number of prominent country clubs, indicates that t}ie en tertainments will be largely attended by the members and their friends. It is probable that tickets will be sold to the public for these two perform ances. There was a large attendance of the active members of the club last nlgnt and several important amendments to the by-laws were adopted, one Increas ing the number of the board of gov ernors to fifteen. The following members of the board were elected: For three years, O. P. Beckley, E. J. Stackpole, Samuel B. Rambo, A. Carson Stamm and W. M. Ogelsby; for two years, Herman P. Miller and for one year, S. S. Pome roy. I Market Square Choir Sings Gounod's "Gallia" The choir of Market Square Pres byterian church under the leadership of Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris will sing Gounod's short cantata, "Gallia," next Sunday evening, March IS. During the Franco-Prussian war, I Gounod resided in England where h e formed the Gounod chorus, an organi zation which was the leading one of its kind at that time. "Gallia" was written to be sung at the opening of the International Exhibition in Lon day, May 1, 1871, and the text from the lamentations of the prophet, Jere miah. must have been chosen by the composer to typify the desolation of his beloved city, Paris, which had so recently been besieged. The opening chorus, "Solitary Lieth the City" ts followed by the soprano £olo, "Zion's Ways Do Languish" and the full chorus, "Now, Behold, O Lord, Look Thou on My Affliction." The final number, soprano solo and chorus, "Jerusalem, O Turn Thee to the Lord Thy God," is full of pathos and {Heading. The organ numbers by Miss Conk ling will be: Meditation, Capocci; Melody, Lemaigre; Finale in F, Ca pocci. Ohev Sholom Sisterhood Gives Dance Next Week The Ohev Sholom Sisterhood an- , nouncee a Bal Masque for Tuesday evening, March 17, in the Chestnut Street Halt. Prizes will be awarded for the best and most original cos- , tumes and the guests are making ela borate preparations for the event. i The committee of arrangements in cludes Mrs. Samuel Friedman, Mrs. j Edgar Marks, Mrs. Edward Shnms, Mrs. Joseph Goldsmith, Mrs. Charles Adler, Mrs. Ulman and Mrs. Otto J. , Buxbaum. Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward Dickinson gave a dinner of eight covers last i evening to their brother-in-law, Jo- 1 seph A. Clement, In celebration of i his birthday. J UUJIS MB TRIMMED HATS H^EJaST """"""" ' ' "' """'." i' ' """"■-' """ 1 " i i i Sale of Sample Suits, Sample Coats & Sample Dresses •*— WAIT NOT I 300 Sample You Want to Pay Com l"r ""'"J ft MM Men's Suits *.2£S&* \ I /X\\ i I Samp.e Coats WJf in Blue and Black Serges. Y ou Want Clothes On f' U I t all shades. Choice at $lO h9L mHr Choice at $lO CREDIT M : 250 Misses' 150 Just Say "Charge It" ymL fe Spring Suits and dW Young Men's Suits gf\ 0% Spring Coats Fancies and Plain Cloths. I $4 Earned Nowadays 1 LIVINGSTON'S, 9 Market Sqii are I i etsr FREE! RETURNS FROM THE SOL'TH Mrs. Isabelle Damn) has just re turned from a delightful southern trip to 1911 Park street, where she resides with her niece, Mrs. H. B. Whlterall. Mrs. Darniu preferred St. Petersburg, Florida, to many of the other resorts she visited. Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel and Mrs. Frank A. Robblns returned to-day after a trip to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Watt, of the Elphinstone Apartments, have re turned from Florida where they spent several weeks. Miss Margaret Stackpole left yester day lor Sharon where she will visit her sister, Airs. Walter Bruce Cald well, until early in April. Miss May Jackson, of the Fire Mar shall's Department, Capitol Hill, lias been given a six months' leave of ab sence owing to ill health, and will leave soon for Colorado. DICING 111 MUSIC IT LEMOYEUE PABTY Merrymakers Visit Miss Mina Crawford at Her North Third Street Home Members of the Gala. Club gather , ed at the residence of Miss Marion McCormlck, 334 Harris street, last evening and marched to the home of Miss Mina Crawford, who resides at i 1615 North Third street, where a regu lar celebration took place in honor of her birthday. The marchers were marshalled by Miss McCormlck and Miss Anna Mehring. The Crawford residence was deco rated In plants and flowers and dur- I Ing the evening musical numbers were 'given by Miss Reese, Miss McCormlck, | Mr. Yetter, Mr. Shader and Dr. War i ner, with P. J. Shellenberger accom-] panlat. A course supper was served at 11.SO o'clock to the following people: Miss Marion McCormlck, Miss Mina Craw ford, Miss Mary Reese, Miss Mable Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kirby and Miss Ann Mehring. Dr. Warner, Hamilton Shader, John Yetter, Peter J. Shellen berger and Mr. Diffendaffer. MAKES RHEUMATISM PROMPTLY DISAPPEAR Chronic, Crippled-up Sufferers Find Relief After Few Doses of New Remedy Are Taken ____ It is needleEs to suffer any longer vlth rheumatism, and be all crippled jp, and bent out of shape with Us heart-wrenching pains, when you can surely avoid it. j Rheumatism comes from weak, in ! active kidneys, that fail to filter from the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid; and it is useless to rub on liniments or take ordinary reme dies to relieve the pain. This only pro longs the misery and can't possibly cure you. The only way to cure rheumatism is to remove the cause. The new discov ery, Croxone, does this because it neu tralizes and dissolves all the poisonous substances and uric acid that lodge In the joints and muscles, to scratch and Irritate and cause rheumatism, and cleans out and strengthens the stopped-up, inactive kidneys so they can filter all the poisons from the blood and drive it on and out of the system. Croxone is the most wonderful medicine ever made for curing chronic rheumatism, kidney troubles and blad der disorders. You will find it differ ent from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth like it. It mat , tera not how old you are, or how long i you have suffered, It is practically lm- I possible to take It into the human sys i tem without results. You will find relief from the first few doses, and you will be surprised how quickly all your misery and suffering will end. An original package of Croxone costs but a trifle at any first-class drug store. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive money-back guar antee. Three doses a day for a few days is often ail that is ever needed to i cure the worst backache or overcome 1 urinary disorders. —Advertisement Many Guests Attend 'Dance of The Elm Club Among the merrymakers last oveu ing at the dance of the L.m Canoe Club held at Ilansliaw's Hall, were Miss Edna Cope, Miss Adelia Church, Miss Villa Baker, Miss Berna Miller, Miss Esther Shope, Miss Lucy Shaffer, Miss Grace Morgan, Miss Marie Holtz rnan. Miss Margaret Worley, Miss Helen Tetterman, Miss Jessie Bar nunn, Miss Helen Marsh, Miss Bessie Hammaker, Miss Josephine Kbersolc, Miss Marie Wolfarth, Miss Catherine Miller, Miss Ruth Mentzer, Miss Edna Corap, Miss Dorothy Laverty, Miss Mildred Myers, Miss Esther Gross, Miss Nelle Ebersole, Miss Bertha Seif ert, Miss Catherine Ray, Miss Mary Wall, Miss Elsie Baiser, Miss Rose Lenard, Miss Mary Knisel, Miss Mary Bolton, Miss Thelma Gladfelter, Miss Minnie Moslein, Mies Mary Estcott, Miss Marie Krammer, Miss Ruth Johnson, Miss Florence Fease, Miss Anna Gambler, Miss Edith Stewart, M ! -s Nell Sellers, Miss Hilda Koch, Miss Mary Sheesley, Miss Laura Nich olas, Theodore Brown, H. M. Hippie. M. M. Harris, Heister Culp, Lewis !Ney, Lloyd Myers, Ernest Keys, John Cary, Howard Anderson, Harry Bow ers, C. W. Corl, E. K. Espenshade, Charles Grove, J. E. Paxton, Morris Farnsler, Robert Deisroth, Edward Foster, Casper Wolfarth, Wilson Kirk patrick, Clinton Cassel, Harry Mor ton, Earl Swartz, Zemma Detweiler, John Koons, Clem Glaser, Marlln Crawford, G. Mall, I. L. Wagner, Wil liam Darr, C. B. Hamilton, Vernon W. Flors. Roy J. Myers, Kenneth Llngle, William Hoover, Cameron K. McCor mick, H. J. Coyle, J. M. Neidig, C. T. Newmyer, R. J. Wolfe, Jonas Bless, P. A. Walters, T. R. Shope, H. R. Jacobs, Roy Egolf, Lester Nesblt, Harry Mclntyre. —. MISS ECKELS HOSTESS TO S. S. CLUB MEMBERS Miss Matilda Eckels entertained the S. S. Club at her home, 1706 Brlggs street, last evening. Music and singing were features of the evening. Refreahments were serv ed to the following people: Mr. and Mrs. Gill, Miss Viola Ad ams, Miss Frances Marquet, Miss Mary Bright, Miss Mary Hollinger, Miss Daisy Fulmer, Miss Esther Long, Miss Matilda Eckels, Mrs. Carrie Eckels and B. G. Bear. ROTARY CLUB AND LADIES* GUESTS OF JOHN G. YOUNG Members of the Harrisburg Rotary club and their ladies will be the guests of John G. Voung, general agent of the International Harvester Company of America at the com pany's offices, 813-815 Market street. Tuesday evening, Murch 24. An illustrated moving picture lec ture, entitled "The Dawn of Plenty," and a buffet luncheon will be features of the evening's entertainment. MEETING OF THE J. B. CLUB The J. B. Club was delightfully en tertained last evening at 4 he home of Mrs. Frank Emery, 150G H North Fourth street. B'he evening was spent In music and dancing. The decorations of the table w«e In keeping with St. Patrick's Day.- I GUNNINp IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrj. Harry W. Meetch, | who spent tw<| or three months in Florida, have Aturned to their home in this city. jJr. Meetoh had great success in gunning during the winter season. AT DRESS" TAKERS' SHOW Miss Marie jßreunan, of the Ger rteld apartmentp, is registered for ten days at the Imperial Hotel In New York where sha is attending- the dress-1 makers' show. j FLAT CHESTED FOR 15 YEARS j SHE DEVELOPED HER BUST 6 INCHES IN THIRTY DAYS AST LADY CAS SOW DO THE SAME BY FOLLOWING THE SIMPLE DIREC TIONS GIVEN BELOW Why Exercise, Massage, Creams, Prescription!), Apparatus, Appliances fltid Similar Methods Cau Never Develop the Must No longer need any woman suffer the is thus fully explained. Tho first mo humiliation of a flat, scraggy chest, j^a&lSn'"my ''JreaKt^extrtL^he nor endure the thoughtless shafts of forerunner of the splendid development ridicule or pity which pierce the hearts soon to follow, you will then be able to tlinsf. iinfnrtiinito mnmhnrq «f her roalize wl >Y It cannot fail to cause of those unlortunate members or hci dormant tissues to rapidly develop as sex who lack that distinguishing and they awaken to new life, essential attribute of perfect feminine Without knowing it, you already beauty—a Perfect Bust. For fifteen have the facilities for using the treat years I vainly longed for thin alluring ment in tho strict privacy of your own attraction that Nature had denied me, home unknown to your most intimate and the lack of which overshadowed friends. My only caution to you. do every other attraction I possessed, I not use the treatment unless you real foolishly and vainly tried worthless and ly require at least three to four Inches harmful pills arid medicines, also mas- or more bust development. Do not use sage, creams, exercises, vacuum appli- it to develop other parts of your bodv arices, apparatus, electricity, prescrip- without developing the bust, for while tions and everything else I had ever it greatly improves the general health beard of, but only harm resulted, so I and fills out neck, shoulders and chest, was finally obliged to give up in de- it is certain to act primarily upon the Bpalr and conclude that my condition mammary glands of the bust. As the was hopeless and must be due to development Is permanent and cannot hereditary causes, like being too tall be reduced afterward, be sure to dls or too short. continue the treatment as soon as your The miracle working discovery which bust becomes exactly the size and firm finally released me from this condition ness desired. Growth cannot continue was purely accidental, and one which I after treatment is stopped, but on ac ishall never count of the cease to re- P— ——"V. strong jard as «t imulating pro vlden- action ex d r fa r v iv.asSS ! may begin world be- to gradual came ypj>Y ly lessen a k a ]( , k n - l as >nent b a " newly burst reach the from Its '• e q u I red coon. In a size and ■ Ingle lirnwets. month my I ffir Enquiries (1 .. v eloped |CRaF method t,lx Inches «ay have been J i Wm> fl|V j|| ly numer- Eli many *re ers wore . vi f letters from quickly Personal ac fllled out quaintances, and made T have rnarvelously These pictures show the wonderful bust development tound it im smooth, referred to in this artlfcle. possible to g r a c eful, write a per and fascinating in contour. From a flat- sonal letter in reply to each, chested, imperfect, angular and mascu- j have, therefore, decided to have line-appearing member of my sex, I was ' ' transformed fnto the full-bosomed and a ' ull description of my method sublime perfection of ideal woman- printed in the form of a small book hood. I neither need nor desire the j f or f ree distribution to any thf h mVthod O tLt Or did XP so I mSch for m™ ladißS sufficiently Interested to send and I have nothing whatever to sell, me two two-cent stamps for re this offer being prompted by gratitude turn postage. I have nearly a thousand alone. of these booklets left and this offer is I found that the breasts being the made in the belief that they may prove only organs in the human body which of Interest to the general public, as tie idle and out of use the greater part well as to my personal acquaintances. lof one's lifetime, they positively can Simply send your name and address to never be developed by treating them as Margarette Merlain Suite, 1176—C Pem- I though they were simple muscles or or- broke House, Oxford street, London, W. gans in use daily with regular and England, and while they last, a regular constant functions to perform. I firmly copy of my booklet will be sent you believe that the new and radically dlf- by return post, sealed and In plain ferent method of development which I wrapping. Postage on a letter to Eng discovered is the only one In existence land is only two cents and no money 18 which takes this fact into consider- to be sent me for I have nothing to atlon, and the utter failure of all the sell and that is not my object in other methods, treatments, medicines consenting to have this article pub and appliances which I formerly used llshed. NOTEI—On referring this uew method of bust development to Dr. Cplonnay. of the Faculty of Medicine. Paris, for a disinterested opinion of Its efficacy, his ! report Is as follows! "No matter whether • woman be young or old, nor what her condition of health may be, I firmly believe that In this treatment she has an Infallible method for developing and beautifying her bast." In view of this praise from the highest medical authority, rendered after careful examination of the treatment, there can be no cause for hesitation la recommending It to every reader who requires anything of the kind. ' .——, »^ggaßMß \ <32? c Vafiincfcy -cp S\J Chocolate Opera Drops I _ [ cm Saturday Special 29c Regularly 50c j To( \\ w Wainuf St. /) 7
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