8 f- One of the Fourth Street Window Specials "pZ * (\~Q An Actual 50c Cotton Pongee ar 19c Several extraordinary ribbon values for to-morrow, including an all-silk taffeta, j"? lts more tlian a cotton P ori g ec - really because it is half silk, and has sold hereto . satin taffeta and moire, 4'/ 2 to 6 inches wide; a full range of colors, worth to 25c a \ f ore for as much as 50c a yard. Another special is a cotton voile in solid shades, yard. On Sale Saturday, yard Choice, to-morrow, yard 190 Sea "display in one of the Fourth Street Window*. _________________ See display in one of the Fourth Street Windows. I 7 WOMEN I Plaited Bosom Shirts of Unusual Blouse Specials r Qufllitv for Saturday 1 who look to us for Millinery of Pre- . 3 „ ;; , $1.95 to ,f3.50 \ Eminent Style, and Who may care . Sho»n a gr« K r vancly of patterns Aan you w,H find | v 1 Blouses A 0 ' 4 - 1✓» flw , , i , in any other furnisher s shop in town. Altogether the best i V OllL iJIOUSes, ! ; <r\ rnake early selections, will find looking business shirt we have seen in many a day. The if TT_ **.; r tucks on the bosom are sewn close together, with hair line vl 7j |l j; H» J |i i\ •> Our bxpositlc nof stripes set 011 top of the tucks. The textile design 011 the I * I Ljj- ' j'\ \#r p ' • *jr• <1 • cuffs shows a fine pin stripe pattern. In all sizes and in vari- These blouses u ij || V OOrinCf Milliner 011s colors $1.50 j have trimmings of I|| jX } All silk shirts $2.98 and $3.98 hand embroidery, ) 1 I . j Silk and cotton shirts $1.50 to $2.50 embroidery medal- wiflM V B equal to any demand for any occa- ■ Eagle shirts in scores of new and exclusive designs, in- lions, tucks, cluny uKHB ■ § i illltl'i m?- sion. " eluding the five-button coat style. Each 95 <t and filet lace inser- V' I la&Jm Many boxes will reveal their P»H» w & gitwan. u*n- a ston tion, pearl and cro- I |T »/ M J |Ur treasures of incomparable chic and —— : ; rn ~ ; chet buttons, limited • I iff *%jr beauty for the first time to-morrow-- j The March sale ot Toilet Goods and quantity. \kl creations that are shown in the Drug Sundries offers the best grades at the $4 50 to $6.95 y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Millinery lowest prices in the city. Every article is Lingerie Blou es <3O Co lon PYPIII«SIVPIV 1 , J I J „ * Voile and crepe blouses, trihimings of tucks, hand em * • standard and eve y price a money-savei. i broiderv, Irish crochet insertion, Irish crochet and shadow - romer<>y & St6Wart - S6Cond Floor - l,ive„ Vomcroy ft Stewart, fourth s tr „g ,y,sU. | crodK>t glass ,j mited quantity . The Fashionable Silks of Spring—TheV ogue of Taffeta All the leading French dressmakers used taffeta in many of their Spring models with the result that the vogue w as quickh established and the demand for the new fine chiffon weaves so different from the old style taffetas is the greatest ever known. We have secured a fine line of chiffon taffeta in pure dye black and colors. Black chiffon taffeta; 40 inches wide, yard «.!!!! Black chiffon taffeta; 25 inches wide, yard Black chiffon taffeta: 30 incites wide, yard Colored chiffon taffeta, plain and changeable, yard $1.70 Changeable taffetas in several good combinations of colors: 27 inches wide, yard ®j* 3fi inches wide, yard Si " 30 inches wide, yard Crepe de chine in street and evening shades, yard, 81.00, 81.75 aiul 52.00 Crepe meteors it. all the fashionable colors; 40 inches wide, lard, $1.75 and $2.00 Floral crepe meteor and crepe de chines, including all the new shades; 40 inches wide, yard 82.25, $2.00 and 83.00 Floral silk poplins, another stylish floral novelty; 36 inches wide; 10 different street colors, yard Crepe cascadeuse, the heaviest silk crepe, woven suitable for the little coat to match the various colored dresses; 40 inches wlfte: a good range of colors, yard Satin Krinkle, heavy silk crepe, another suitable silk for the three piece dress; 40 inches wide, yard $3.00 Quaker satin, the new plain silk; 36 inches wide; pure dye and guaranteed quality; all street shades, yard $1.50 Moire for combination coats; 40 inches wide; in plum, rose, navy and black, yard $3.00 Black Moire, special quality for coats and costumes, yard, $3.00, $3.50 and 84.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. Our New Enlarged Grocery DepartmentOffersAttractive Specials for To-morrow In every section of our new Grocery Department you'll breathe an air that invites a good appetite, i 'hoice articles for ihc table which tell their own story of su. quality are arranged in a satisfying, tasty fashion. And for to-morrow we've planned a list of specials that you will nut care to miss. For instance — Fancy Alaska salmon, in tall! Fancy cream cheese. Special, tins. Special to-morrow, 3 for lb. 330 25£| Soup beans. Special, 5 lbs., Green string beans. Special. l 340 3 tins 25C1 California prunes. Special, 12c Pcnn Mar Syrup, an ab-' solutely pure syrup for table Hand-packed tomatoes. Spe use. Special, decanter .. 100 3 cans 250 30c Welch pure Vermont Florida oranges. Special, maple syrup. Special, bottle, dozen 19^ Best creamery butter. Spe -25c Queen olives, in tall jars. c ' a: ' 340 special 190, Specials in Soaps Choice 40c mixed tea, repre-; i 0 bars Ivory soap .... 390 senting a selection of fine: 10 bars P. &G. soap ... 390 chops. Special, 3 lbs., $1.00: io bars Babbitt's soap, 390 or one pound 350 10 bars Cygnet toilet soap, 45c Pompeian pure olive oil. g S P ecial ' ,in ««; Swift's Prid, Cleanser, 6 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Butrntntj cans Rengo Belt Corset Demon stration Ends To-morrow Just one more day remains in which you may enjoy the advantages that always go with a Rengo Belt Corset demon stration, An experienced corsetiere is in attendance and she will be very pleased to give you whatever corset information you may want A special value to-morrow on the street floor—s2.oo American Lady and D., P. & S. corsets. Reduced to #1.25 - : * FRIDAY EVENING, , &ARRISBURG t£g£o£ TELEGRAPH ' MARCH 13, 1914. Our Way of Selling The Annual Sale of Drug Sundries Guaranteed Hosiery Continues To-morrow No Quantities to Buy or With as Interesting a List of Savings Checks to Sign and Return As Marked the Opening Day of the Sale Tf . To the best of our knowledge prices quoted in this Dives, a new jS. Pomeroy & Stewart event are not equaled for attractiveness by any or to buy a certain quantity in order to enjoy this privilege. Other store in Harrisburg'. VVe 11 be p eased to Supply your toilet We know the hosiery to be the best made for the money, and goods needs by telephone if you find it inconvenient to come to the we will abide by your sense of fairness as to whether your pur- store , chase has given satisfactory wear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Women's fast black lisle seamless hose, guaranteed to wear we11,25c ' M Men's "True Shape" lisle hose In light and medium weights, spliced ~™" —— lieels and toes, double soles, guaranteed to wear well 25c a .. /" TT * 1 ✓ —A\ \T' -f WOMEN'S HOSE WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR j\ OL I IlCf M- C P)QQ W ULTPF SHOPQ Women's fast black silk plated Women's white cotton ribbed i wCllv-' W1 1 hose; seamless; spliced heels and nion suits, fleeced, long- sleeves; I toes 25c 'I.OO value 69c *■ ■* *• /"TA'I * T *1 * Women's fast black silk hose; j Women's white cotton ribbed 1\ /a • I I—/-\n I n lisle garter tops; spliced heels and ; ests; long sleeves, fleeced 25c If J | I\ I f-~T I 111 C~T I TIC ,nS I Tll 111 I toes 50c Women's white cotton ribbed ' # lv/\yO • Women's imported last black 1 ts; innir and elbow sleeves; me cotton hose; fashioned feet; Herms- um weight 39c . dorf dye ...., 25c Women's white cotton ribbed -i I xT< /~Cr> MEN'S HOSE >sts, low neck, sleeveless .. .12 «/4c UUt/Lldl wd.VlllvS Men's fast black cotton hose;, MEN'S UNDERWEAR white feet; seamless 12V£e! Men's 50c Egyptian cotton rib- . . ~ . Men's fast black silk plated hose, bed shirts, fleeced, drawers to . Every pair of shoes in this March Clearance comes from our regular winter stock, and the spliced heels and toes .25c;match, each 39c , . r •t • . . . , . , • CHILDREN'S HOSE ' Men's heavy cotton ribbed union values are consequently ot special interest to men A\IIO know genuine quality. cotton llr "biMk" > tan Men's medium weight natural Men's $4.00 winter and medium weight shoes Men's $3.00 black and tan storm calf shues, •jnii vvhltp <()•■_ wool union suits • $2.2<) *lll 1 •.• < .. Children's fast' black' silk lisle Men '« medium weight Egyptian in patent coltskin, tan Russia calf, gun metal m bluclier style, with bellows tongues; two SS n Se ( r.nK hii? iS& \ calf,„d buck kidskin; »»«« on this W.', Goodyear welted soles and broad heels; seamless; black, tan and white f Pomeroy & Btewart-Street j paUerns> j„ button and b l uche r all Sizes. Reduced tu $3.45 \ | styles, with hand welted oak leather soles; [ en s gun metal calf and black kid ; Cuban and regular heels; all sizes in the lot i h^'n s^oes I blucher lace styie; on high toe NpAU FJininrf Rnntn OnmPQ but not °* every kind. Reduced to .. $2.90 j lasts; heavy stitched soles. Reduced to $1.65 nOW l_yilllllg IYUUIII LyOllieb , 3 icm en i fi ! Boys' $2.50 tan Russia calf button shoes ; _ ° Men's $3.00 and $3.50 -shoes in gun metal - / , , , , Twenty-four-mch domes with metal trimming and import- calf box calf tan Russia calf pat ent colt skin ! heav >" st,tched soles and broad hcels - Re ed lrmge, fancy art glass panels $15.00 i .... ii i i *.i 1 duced to $!.?)(> 1 wenty-two-inch domes, cerise cathedral glass border, 311 blacv l sun, ju on an juc ler s\ cs, Boys' $2.00 box calf shoes, blucher stvle, metal trimmings. all have Goodyear welted soles, with regular 1 -with heavy stitched soles. Not all sizes. Re- Many other domes in scenic, Mosaic and floral decorations, of military heels. Reduced to $3.45 j duced to $1 $5.98 to $25.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Saturday Offerings in the Basement ~ . I>,NN,i " SMT Revs'"Blue Bell" Th<= Wacti JI.OO gem safetv razors with 7 *16.00 dinner sets, maroon bor- I ' I lJ" INV7\V 00X1112 VV HSll Wades 75c der, overlaid with gold lace decor- ! Q 1 Adjustable Ironingboard with ations $11.98 DIOUS© VV (llSi S OOt _ ?3.00 guaranteed clothes wringer, 19.98 dinner sets, rose decoration, Patent invisible draw string. ... ... l v 52.39 ?very piece traced with gold, $7.69 KowSnrinff StvleS in tight X CUIV/OI Juc reversible wash boards..2sc tn . Tr ~ ISew Spring silica ■ s 4-PIECE ALUMINUM SET. 50. ; ;: B ', v " ttnd chlna (llnnep satin stripe and dark and * r . r-i . One 15c cake turner, one ' r& ' ecor ations, handles medium colored woven Stripe VV F* \7~ i 2* I -1 "\/~ V fl HWT ladle ,one tsc skimmer and 25c trlmme d w 'ith coin gold ....$19.50 I , . . A tr> 16 TV C Vt/ I_/ V"I OHO WII pierced ladle, total 80c value. Spe- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Base- I madras cloth. MztS O clal, set 50c nient D -' P ' & S- ' Men store ' ' y * ' le colorings are exquisitely harmonized and the texture , , of many of the fabrics is rich and elegant. Among the most Continuation Until Store Closes charming weaves are Imperial Crepe, Silk Ratine, Silk Poplins and Scotch Ginghams. ft 1 TYI V iNTlrfhf- r\f £* P-l-ncil Imperial crepe; 36 inches Dress linens in Ramie finish; 1 ui lllt> 1 lllcll wide; in white grounds with a 45 inches wide. Yard ... 690 . , T¥7-* self colored raised ratine woven Plaid ratine; 42 and 44 in ance ot Mens Winter buits at e#ig "'- abo^ chcs ' vi,,c - Y,r<l * l » w * Brocaded silk and cotton T T A X "I —1 I Silk ratine, 36 inches wide;i ina telasse. Yard $1.35 I 1/\ I |H yJ LX If |H one-half silk. Yard Brocaded silk and cotton A 1 I /JL X D. & J. Anderson Scotch | poplin, 36 inches wide. Yard, ———————— ginghams in fancy plaids and $1.39 We must quickly wind up the remainder of » )lain s^ ad f s; colors absolutely Silk poplin; 36 inches wide; our stock of Winter Suits, and accordingly are a!st ' 400 |one-half silk. \ard 790 ' disposing of them at exactly half their original Dress linens; 36 inches wide; | Silk and cotton poplin, neat prices. n i neteen different shades.ifloral designs. Yard 590 f/ j\. S3O 00 Suits Reduced to $15.00 » Yard Suits. Reduced to sl2 50 till $20.00 Suits Reduced to SIO.OO n . in- ei* WJiTJ SIB.OO Suits Reduced to $9.00 Petticoats and Princess blips ( Jr Here are the weaves, the colors, the styles. Messallne petticoats, pleated flounce; emerald, navy, king's blue, rtflr Fancy grey cassimeres. Checked brown wor- mahogany wistaria; American beauty and taupe .. $2.95 I T3. Jersey petticoats, pleated flounce; American beauty; brown,emerald, I f ® row " stri P e d worsteds, steds. p)um> laupC( Perßlan and wlßtarla <5 00 I^^ Scotch mixtures. Shadow Striped l'rlncess slips, embroidery edge trims neck and armholes! embroid- IB\ v4l Grey striped cassimeres. worsteds. ; ery edge trims skirt 91.00 1 Tan Scotch mixtures. Dark grey homespuns Nainsook princess slips, yoke trimmed with blind embroidery, lace I Km Chalk Striped worsteds. Blue and grey basket Insertion and lace edge; lace insertion and lace edge trims flounce, *1.50 II |i\v T)l 0 :„ nnmimjL.iAn nnml.nxrxx, Nainsook princess slips; batiste embroidery yoke; neck and arm- I MUI brown cassimeres. weave cassimeres. holes trimmed with lace edgo, straight skirt trimmed with lace edge, 1 Hill I Two and three-button sacks, English conserv- $lO5 I 111 I atiVC CUtS and sh ° ulderS ' Passed or Soft roll DlVe8 ' Pomeroy & 8lW "ond Floor. H 1 lviri ' a P e l s ) some suits have patch pockets, high cut 1 m vests, coats lined with mohair or serge, cuffed or Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Hear. Oy l/vifiri ■ V llVvi V}\\ \ (3\ft]\Bil]|l ______________________ )i
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