12 # '' # " Final Reductions on Men s Overcoats Thursday only «9c76c. Thursday only M *: ,™z Demonstration Sale | 4 yards crepe. Value $3.00.; 1%. yards pebble ratine. Value Thursday only $1.95 SI.BB. Thursday only »4o CC \A7" A 1 C jjiifi on -4 /"\ I S2O oo ft* "4 I &l S2B 4 f 0 5 yards serge Vaiue * 2 50 2 yards grey broadcloth, value ooc w earever Alurninuni OdUCO JIB.UU U. 1 I I ! VL 1 J?C x % 1 K Thursday only $1.95 $4.00. Thursday only $1.09 Uvercoats J\ 111! Overcoats fl I X. I Uvercoats fl I J 4 yards serge. Value $2.00. 1% yards diagonal. Value >3.50. Pane OQn Reduced to A Reduced to A j Reduced to A Thursday omy si.4» I Thursday omy si.« rans, Remnants of Black Dress Goods You'll thoroughly enjoy the many lessons on household The final price cuts ot the season have been made on Men S and 4 yards granite cloth. Value $2.00. Thursday only $1.49 economies presented ill this demonstration of Wearever Alumi- Youngr Men's Overcoats The variety of styles is large including 4 yards black fan °y poplin. Value $3.00. Thursday only $1.95 num ware. The superiority of aluminum ware, over other Chinchillas. Meltons, 'Storm Cheviots and other popular fabrics. Addi- 11 25 SS'AS. metals i,, th. preparation of foodstuffs has long b«„ es„b --..11.11 , 1 1 • Li I. 4 yards checked serge. Value $3.00. Thursday only si.9r, hshed fact, so if you don t use aluminum ware in your home, tional reductions nave been made and these \alues are incomparable. It 3 yards black serge, value $1.50. Thursday only SI.OO you owe it to yourself to attend this demonstration. is time tor us to reduce our stock of these Winter garments and we have S . Durin R thc demonstration a 55c aluminum saucepan is made prices that should prove irresistible, especially to men who like to 4 yards black sllk p° plln Value * 5 00 Thursday only $3.98 bein £ offered for 39^ r . , 4 yards bordered voile. Value $12.00. Thursday only $5.95 T"A 1 • \A7" D A J economize by anticipating future needs. 2H yards black worsted. Value J3.13. Thursday only $1.95 I L/6COrflloQ W 3f6 IvGCItIOCCI ]| Dives, Poineroy & StewaVt, Street Floor c _ , . , \ SIB.OO Chinchilla Overcoats, SIO.OO $25.00 and $28.00 Chinchilla . . ~ Z~ p°;: " A \ [OKr> Navy blue chinchilla °verc°ats full lined, Overcoats, $15.00 ANotlOll Fllirry That Tells Of 49c decorated platters. °Lduced patch pockets, single and double breasted, , , , . • .... . v v *7 , i, i. ... j u i »iom a (jrey and blue chinchilla overcoats, 43 and -tn c HernrateH ™trher« "I iz, . .SIO.OO "^iaM 1 Sound Economies for %^::: :r.:::::::::::::::::::119 C $15.00 Overcoats, SIO.OO breasted, shawl and notch collars, <fc 1C QA * —, . —' c crac * er J ars J Dark grey camel's hair cloth and heavy $25 and S2B values, reduced thebeWlllg KOOITI $1.50 fancy china "berry sets, in pleasing decorations. Are storm cheviot overcoats quarter Venetian $25.00 and $28.00 Overcoats, ' , . . °" M ° " S * stewa;;, BasVment.' lined, patch pockets, shawl collar, belted back, t a, - 1 he Mill and ractory sale s chief attractions in no single and double breasted, <fclo 00 r. f . • . tions for to-morrow cover a fund of rich savings in : $20.00 Chinchilla Overcoats,sl 2.00 doow/bfeTsS home" 6 m everyday use m the sew,ng room ot 150 Styles Blouses at SI.OO Navy blue chinchilla overcoats full and belted and plain back, plain and cuffed sleeves, J he ltems enumerated here serve to show the The newest effects in crepe and vo jl c blouses—all quarter Venetian lined, fancy plaid back lining, shawl and notch collars, full and quarter fancy benefits to be derived from a sale of tills kind, but there . . 43 to 45 inches long, single and double breast- plaid back linings, $25.00 and <CIC AA are many items not listed which deserve your attention advance spring styles and the worthiest SI.OO waist ed Shawl collar, plain and patch $1 000 s2Bo ° values ' reduced to to-morrow: values we have ever had pockets, $20.00 value, reduced to • W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. , 10c collar supporter. Mill and Be rustproof dress fasteners. Mill Crepe blouses, drop shoulders, yokes front and back, corded Factory Sale price, 4 cards for 10c and Factory Sale price, 2 cards for ■ , ' .. a 25c egg stocking darner. Mill B c, dozen cards 25c seams, crochet buttons, flat collar, turn back cutts jpl .m» 1 7 1 7" 911 T~\ i~\ f and Factory Sale price, 2 for .. .5c White spool cotton; linen finish; Voile blouses, all-over embroidery front and shoulders, J\l£ld.£HXl6. JL OU ll Oladlv l ci^ r 7^7Q -for tor l y < Baic e prlce 00 ! t ?'.. price, spool —nn Factory i- necks trimmed with net ruffle and velvet tie, sleeves trimmed J J sr 4 , 1 ,.??. »«n® ; ; ; «•«» /"TAI T T -fl ~\ \ T 1 /I* < f" s~\ 5c Im P ertal black tapes. Mill 50 and so - Mill and Factory Sale Voile lingerie blouses, embroidery panels trim front, em -1 hese nana Worth to SI 50 broidery collar, bunch tnek. trim back »».(*> "Villi IV VI.UU Voile lingerie blouses, front trimmed with embroidered And besides, you'll agree with us that .tliev represent altogether the choicest i.iack, y "hit' pO .M iii'i-i T»m P anels and shadow .lace insertion, shadow lace insertion also handbag values of the year They are all lined with leather and include an extra F 'S «iii & " imS co,hr ' "'1 „V'' '„T „V 91 m purse. The shapes are in the new small sizes and in regular sizes. Actual ton " M,n and Factory Sale p l- ' O6 - 2 ® Floor. Dives, pomeroj, & stewart, second fiooi values. SI.OO, 51.25 and $1.50. On sale to-morrow, choice / Handbags in a variety of sizes, styles and 25c peroxide face powder. Mill and Factory r-ry< r . tti pricc V'k' m I,''' h v w m TheFraiitz • 50c and 75c leather card cases ; slightly b ' ,aV " ,g "**• M,U and Sale P"«. _ . shopworn. Special 1 rGmiGl* 11 /ia A 25c to 75c silk girdles and belts. Extra spe- White Pine and Tar cough syrup. Mill and J\ jA «■ cia i_ •• • 10© Factory Sale price J c IA \ARtA: 2oc knit rope shopping bags. Special, 17£ 50c Bromo Seltzer. Mill and Factory Sale l-'Coigiicu iv-'i 50c knit rope shopping bags. Special, 3i)<? price T T • f i 1 \ SI.OO Bulgarian silk bags. Special 39? 10c Bromo Seltzer. Mill and Factory Sale HI III" I lUIIlt? /J 25c silk garters in boxes price W HHV / 50c silk garters in boxes Purity cold cream. Mill and Factory Sale Q I Quart bottle ammonia. Mill and Factorv price Q a n&T cT/NOO • jy * / Sale price ... Witch hazel cold cream. Mill and Factory +JA.PI. 7.->c can Pur's Liquid soap. Mill and Factory Sale price A "Day's * \ Sale price ,"50<? Cucumber cold cream. Mill and Factory Clcantatf A / l\ 50c beef, iron and wine. Mil! and Factorv Sale price > J\ T ( Sale price, bottle. 35C-; or 3 for 91.00 25c can Odor-Shun toilet powder, for pers- & f \™SA • /- # __ Furniture for Dining Room The One "Best" Wash Fabric of the Season and Library Is Cotton Poplin: 25c Quality at R . e !"" J an^ ,e " Rt l lS : you would be glad to own several dresses irom them. The quantity is probably not lartre * il enough to last through the day, so come early if you please. 'j i =^ ! Q * 1| T™\ * 1 ' 1 T" 1 1 1 - —*•<& A„d from ,he standpoint o ( opecially Priced in the reDruary oal© -5c crepe ill solid shade* of pink, light blue, cadet, 15 ° Wonderland cloth In strlnes and s«iitl Vh n ,i»J a. a- ■ , ,• ... W mih" I '' I' JJ'' ant ' ' v W l «K r » , iinl» with <«lored stripes. an( ' factory Sale price, yard, j«c ue efficiency we believe it IS Furniture ofFpntlffS 111 thp Ffhniflrv calp arp TTlflflf' 11H of tllP Mill and Factory Sale price, yard tub allk; SO Inches wide; "round and the most oracticallv construct- lUC rUI lIUUIC UIICI to^^ric^rt 30 MUI Bnd PH^ e U t d rtl>eß '. one : ha,f . MIU an " Factor > s «|« ed eifectric sweeper in exist- same srade pieces that can be found in 6ur furniture stock the year Miirjd and fihatl, ' s toiXl^^ n y^": S2 . ,nc, !® sWli,i,: ence. Our large output natur- round, but prices now are shaded materially as an incentive to active ' ya 12Hc Dtv «. pomeroy & steVartiistre'et fjoot.' ° ally gives us an opportunity to Winter buying. There isn't a piece in the entire showing, no matter —- look into the merits of every how low the price, that you will not be glad to take into your home. T a OI \ M p* /» • ———article that is marked to be February Furniture February Furniture February Furniture JUST Ol Men Cat! ts6nPllt in sold Inthefield Of electric Sale lMce. Sale Price. Sale Price. if... c . ... UCIICIII 111 D , p. vacuum cleaners we have not °" k "Sc. M SSL ""T... "'T' .M, 5 . 1 his bale of Macktnaw Coats found one ™ ch "v hat . ra "".r d> : .. »s,. ~ k . , V n«i I measures up to the Frantz Pre- : $14.95 $1 8 . 50 mahogany library $8.95 fumed oak library The values are $7.50 and $8.50, and at ihe orices we have KIDDOnS mier. Wi-aorrtdwi oak extension • sia.»o table $7,95 marked them we believe we could sell several hundred. For One of the most salient sell- s2S.7s e g oiden oak extension tibles " brary $19.50 ,2 So2et .. , cWn V».SO civil engineers and all other men whose work lies outdoors this broken pieces 39c, 49c, ing points in favor of the tab,e s»B.#s s?®® mahogany parlor table, $2.50 sios.2« golden oak dining IS a splendid opportunity. J , Frantz is the fart that it U $20.00 golden oak extension i; J„ P" 101, ro ? m "S 1 * of • plw*; buf- Kaw Kl„. - 1 i- 39c and 75c Ribbons, satin • f . lact tnat It is de- table $25 00 J»SO mahogany pvlor table, SS.»S fet. china clo»et, extension JSavy blue solid color mackinaw coats. Mill and Factory „ signed especially for use in the M R no ««ir'j „ *i ma h°K a,, y partor table, $4.50 table, live side and one Sale price taffeta, taffeta and 1 C home ,S r.rfv and nlaiH mn.Uin,. . M : ti"'j'r i.e. •, . 15c . . $15.00 mahogany parlor table, $9.75 leather slip seats. Special. $79.95 u y a plaid mackinaws. Mill and Factory Sale price, velvet. Special, yd., Wed be pleased to demon- tut *4. \r 1 85 98 strate the Frantr Premier • Matchless.Mattress Values Mackinaws of better quality. Mill and Factory Sale price, D " P- * S- ' Becon<l Floor> Front your home. $9,5 ° ro ! 1 edge felt mattress es. Special $6.90 Kn * r, _ ' „ $14.50 silk floss mattresses. Special 4tl 1 *>< l ll * 7,50 P.. P. A S., Basement. . L 91 I.M WEDNESDAY EVENING HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ' FEBRUARY 18, 1914.
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