Harrisburg Pa Funeral Senator Bacon, of Georgia, Held in Senate Chamber HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 41 Forrer Let Go and 14 Police Changes Made; Col. Hutchison Retained Sergeants ODonnell and Rodgers Succeeded by Frank Page and Grant Eisenberger Under List of Appoint ments Submitted This Afternoon; 12 Patrolmen Dis missed; Halbert Takes Spicer's Place; All Other Employes Still on Payroll; Taylor Makes Statement as to Forrer; City Planning Measure In — V EMPLOYES DISMISSED BY LYNCH RESOLUTION AND SUCCESSORS V. Grant Forrer. park superintendent, office abolished. Police Sergeant*. Charles J. O'Donnell, succeeded by Frank S. Page. Thomas P. Rodgers, succeeded by Grant Eisenberger. Charles F. Sploer, assistant fire chief, succeeded by Edward Halbert. / Patrolmen: • Dismissed. Appointed. Frank H. Lescure Emmanuel B. Shaffner George L Marshall C. S. 'Wilson Robert Washington George \V. Grear Amos Good James Wilson J. F. Hicks Harry J. Halsey Victor J. Larcen John S. Gibbons Harry McClure Charles G. McFarland E. H. Painter George C. S. Phillips Tlmman S. Stanley Daniel H. Graham Jacob Kinley Kobert Scott George Shoemaker Clifford A. Palmer Chauffeur. llirani A. Wagner. W. H. Shuman. All other emploj s. including Chief of Police Hutchison, are re tained under the list of appointments that went in to-day. v- The Lynch so-called "ripper" reso-, lution was passed by Council tills j afternoon. The dismissals included that of V. Grant Forrer, as park su-! perlntendent. to become effective onl March 1, along with the others | dropped. Commissioner Taylor heretofore has , intimated that if he took any action j st all. the dismissal of Forrer would not become effective until April 1. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison was retained under the list of appoint ments submitted to-day. because it FUNERAL SERVICES FOR SENATOR BACON IN SENATE CHAMBER Ceremonies Which Were Held To day Were Inspiring in Then- Very Simplicity By Associated Press Washington, Feb. 17. —Funeral: services for Senator Bacon, of Georgia, were held to-day in the Senate Cham-1 her. There were no speeches of! eulogy, no music and no flowers ex-1 cept one design—the tribute of the, Senate itself—which rested on the cof- j fin. The ceremonies were inspiring in their very simplicity and the place .in which they were held, with the! dignity of those assembled to do, honor to the dead, lent added im- 1 pressiveneas. Two hours before the body was, laken with tender reverence into the! Senate chamber, it lay in the adjoin- j ing marble room. Later the body was j taken into the Senate chamber and I [Oontlnned on Page 7] f ===^. Late News Bulletins SI,OOO EAR OF CORN STOLEN Dallas, Texas, Feb. 17.—An car of corn from Minnesota, known at exhibitions m Ihe "SI,OOO ear.'* one of the attractions at the National Corn Exposition hero, was stolen last night. J. J. Furlong, president tif the Minnesota State Fair, in charge of the ear. informed tlie police it was taken from a desk in the lobby of a hotel here. DRAWS REVOLVER WHEN REFUSED MONEY Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 17.—Robert W. Ilaines, -5 years old, tendered m check for sl6 to a paying teller of the Fidelity Trust Company to-day trheu payment was refused, drew a revolver. He fired one shot before he wae seized by bystanders. The cheek was a forger- COXEY'S ARMY TO MARCH AGAIN MaasUlon. Ohio, Feb. 17.—April 16 lias been selected as the date upon which General Jacob S. Coxey proposes to lead Ids second "army of the unemployed" out of Massillon for Washington. General Coxey announced tliat demands will be made upon Congress that work be furnished for those In idleness. WADDELL'S CONDITION SERIOUS San Antonio, Texts, Feb. 17. —Rube Wad del I, the famous baseball pitcher formerly In the major leagues, who is in a hospital here suffer- • lng from*a bronchial affection, was reported to-day to be In a serious condition. Waddell was brought here recently from ..ocrne, Texas. APPROPRIATION MADE FOR GAMES Berlin, Feb. 17.—8y a considerable majority the (German Impe rial Parliament to-day adopted an appropriation of 950.000 for the Olympic games to be held here In 1016. ANOTHER TREATY SIGNED Washington, Feb. 17.—The tliirteenth of Secretary Bryan's peace treaties, that with the Dominion Republic, was signed to-day. The two nations agreed to submit for investigation for at least one year all questions which cannot be settled by diplomacy. New York, Feb. 17.—The market closed heavy. Announcement of a $19,000,(100 (.ri al Northern stock Increase caused a decline In the shares of over two points. The rest of the Ust also became slightlv re actionary. T Wall Street Closing.—A nut I. Copper. 75'/2 : Atchison. 97M; Balti more and Ohio, 91; Brooklyn liapid Trnnsit, »:!; Canadian Pacific 213Js; Chesapeake and Ohio. «;t v,: Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul 95 s i ; liPhlgli _Vall«s. 150: New York Central. Si»'<i: Northern Pacific. 115; Kciiding. 166" 5 : IV R. R., Ilo'..: Southern Pacific. : I'nion I 'ail flc' 161 I. S. Steel, 05*),. ' - n Is said. Commissioner Bowman ob jected to Hutchison's dismissal. In addition to the dismissal of V. Grant Forrer, the list of appointments as submitted by Commissioner Lynch, provides for the dismissal of Charles F. Spicer, assistant lire chief, and the appointment of Edward Halbert In his place. Two police sergeants, Charles J. O'Donnell and Thomas P. Rodgers, will go and they will be replaced by [Continued oil Page 8] KUIEL IS UPHELD AGAIN IN NOTABLE | TAXATION ISSUE The Supreme Court Affirms Deci sion in Big Lehigh Valley Bond Tax Suit The State Supreme Court has up held the decision of President Judge j George Kunkel, of the Dauphin County I Courts, in one of the most important | State taxation cases passed upon in j many months. It involves the taxa tion of bonds held by the big savings ■ institutions and will result in many | thousands of dollars being collected j by the State which, owing to the ques tion about the right of the State, have | not been paid. The news of the up | holding of Judge Kunkel was received ' with considerable gratification at the ( Attorney General's Department, which , had fought the case through the | courts, and the Auditor General's De | partment, which had stood for the collection of the tax. • The decision, which was given with [Continued on Page 7] HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 1914. FOUR MEN ON BOARD ! ITALIAN BARK PERISH! DURING GREATSTORM Seven Seamen, Nearly Unconsci ous, Brought Ashore by Life Savers FOUR MEN LASHED TO RIGGING Beach Patrol Sighted Stricken Ves-j sel 300 Yards From Shore at Dawn By Associated Press Wellfleet. Mass., Feb. 17. —Four men perished when the Italian bark Castagna strtfek on the outer bar of Cape Cod, a mile ar\d a half south of the Cahoons hollow life saying sta tion to-day. Seven seamen, ail nearly uncon scious from exposure, were brought ashore by the life savers. The froeen corpses of Captain Garva and three sailors were left in the rigging, where the men had lashed themselves dur ing the hours of darkness to avoid being carried overboard by the seas that swept the decks. The Castagna, from Montevideo for Boston, with phosphate rock, struck the bar early to-day, during a blinding snowstorm and sixty miles northwest gale. The beach patrol sighted her at dawn, SOO yards off shore, with the surf breaking over her and threaten ing to pound her to pieces. (inle Had Moderate The combined life saving crews i from the Nauset and Cahoons Hollow | stations set up their beach gun and ! shot three lines across the Castagna's J deck but the sailors were so be numbed by the cold that they were | unable to handle the breeches buoy tack I*. The gale had moderated to 30 miles an hour but the surf was so hiKlt that the life savers had to i wait for some time before they could launch their lifeboat and pull out to the wreck against wind, sea and biting cold. The survivors wore carried to the Marconi wireless station, where med ical attention was given them. All were so greatly overcome by expos [ Court une<l on Jfßgr 7] COUNTY INSANE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO STATE HOSPITAL State Authorities Have Conference With Dauphin Authorities About It I As a result of a conference of State and county authorities to-day it Is i probable that sixteen or more insane persons now in the county almshouse will be transferred to the Pennsylvania State Hospital in this city within a I short time. The county has no ln i sane hospital and It is the State pol- I icy to so concentrate them that they I will receive the care and treatment ! of the big Institutions. ■ Bromley Wharton, secretary of the I State Board of Public Charities, and | Dr. J. H. Woodbury, the insanity ex ipert, who is connected with the com , mittee on lunacy of the board, eon i ferred with President Judge Kunkel jand the Poor Board authorities pre liminary to the transfer Iste this after i noon. ! Petition for the transfer of sixteen j patients will he made shortly. ; "While here Secretary Wharton vis ; itcd the county prison on an inspec | tion visit and went through it, stating 'afterwards that he had found no cause | for complaint. He spent some time talking over details of prison manage ment with Warden Caldwell and asked many questions about the routine, the ! food and the medical attention. | The plans for the improvements to the prison were Submitted to Mr. Wharton and given preliminary ap proval. Give Long Distance Treatment When Baby Swallows Kidney Pills Long distance treatment was given by physicians at the Harrisburg hos pital this morning to Mildred Holler, a little 3-year-old girl in Penbrook, who had swallowed a handful of kid hney pills, thinking they were candy, j | A tearful voice over the telephone told the story. It was the mother, .Mrs. Herman Holler, asking if they i could tell her what she could do for ! her baby. The physician reassured I her when he heard what it was the I baby had eaten, but advised the use | of emetics to place the child out of , danger. SKATING AT WILDWOOD j Skating at Wildwood was made, pos sible to-day by a corps of sweepers and ia snow plow which under the direction |of Assistrnt Superintendent of Parks Hoffert cleared the snow from the llake this morning. The lake at the 'Twelfth street playground is being put Into shape, also. SNOWSTORM COMING Another snowstorm is due here to night, making the third storm within jfour days. The snowfall to-night will not be as great as cither of the < ther It wo, only an inch falling. Weather (Forecaster Demain thinks. At the same time the temperature will rise a ) little. YOUNGSTERS IN HILARIOUS MOOD FIGHT FIRST SNOW BATTLES OF YEAR ' IN FOOT OF SNOW COVERING THE HILLSIDES OF RESERVOIR PARK / - I , r The little sons and daughter* of the folk on Allison Hill are laughing to scorn attempts to establish world peac« and daily after the grind of school is over they fight terrific "snow fights" on the lawns of Reservoir Park. Yesterday .am L.to-day groups of little fellows from the Hill grammar -schools swarmed yver the puxk and by to night raWySwrn* fbW wTIT stand oat in defiance against "the enemy." Went to Feed His Chickens; He Found Nothing but Their Heads Valuable Watch Dog Unfortunately Fell Asleep at the Post When Robbery and Murder Took Place Bright and early Sunday morning William Shaffer, 19S1 Derry street, went as usual to his chicken coop to feed his flock of twenty-one prize hens which, aided and abetted by spe cial feed, special housing conditions, and so on, have been turning out eggs at a fine rate these days of 40 cents a dozen and beyond. "Cluck! cluck!" he coyly coaxed throwing liberal handfuls of the spe cial feed at the door. But no hens. "Cluck, clucket.v. cluck!" again pleaded William. Still no hens. Not Decree in Divorce For Mrs. Barrington; an Auto Elopement In a decree handed down yesterday afternoon, Additional Law Judge Mc- Carrell granted a divorce to Mrs. ,Dorothy Haynes Barrington, the girl wife of Samuel Huntingdon Barring ton, who more than two years ago eloped in an automobile to Oakland, N. J. They were married by a Jus tice of the peace. The decree becomes J absolute upon payment of the costs. Desertion wa« the charge upon which Mrs. Barrington asked for the legal untying of the matrimonial knot; her youthful husband left her, she said, immediately after the wedding, (and they never lived together as man |and wife. He was 21 und she 19 at the time of the elopement. Repeatedly, Mrs. Harrington said on the witness stand, she had coaxed jlier husband to return to lier, but he answered but one of her pleading let ters. This was produced in divorce court by J. Clarence Funk, her coun sel. It was typewritten and wasn't very lengthy. Here it Is: Dear Dot: Head your letter and In reply would say, NOTH ING DOING. Fifty-eight Persons Injured When Trains on Western Road Collide By Associated Press \ Springfield, Mo.. Feb. 17.—Eight persons were seriously injured and nearly fifty slightly hurt In the colli sion which occurred at midnight last night at Nichols Junction, four miles west of her between two passenger trains on the St. Louis and San Fran cisco Railroad ('Frisco). Both trains, one bound from Joplin and the west to Springfield and the other bound from Springfield to Kan sas City were proceeding slowly when the accident occurred and the brew of each train disclaims blame for the wreck. The only person whoso recovery was held doubtful to-day, was Joseph Keet, of Springfield, Mu. He suffered ja fractured shoulder, internal injuries I and a wound. even the two big roosters who added to the value of the flock, came a-tangolng to devour all the feed be fore the hens could get to It. So then Mr. Shaffer looked within. There he saw the heads of his entire flock closely huddled together in the darkest corner, but— No flock! Mr. Shaffer sadly stated yesterday that a very valuable watch dog which he has in the yard to guard the hen house fell asleep a few yards away from where the robbery, murder and neck-wringing occurred. His loss is about SIOO. Father Loses Race With Death to Bedside of His Daughter in Hospital By Associated Frets Chicago, Feb. 17.—Miss Margaret Quayle, daughter of Bishop William A. Quayle. of St. Paul, died at a hos pital here early to-day while her father was rushing to her bedside on a fast train. She underwent the ra ! dinni treatment for a growth on her j left leg at a Baltimore hospital and was being returned to her home when she became critically ill and physi cians decided to give her a complete ' rest in this city before continuing the journey. Mrs. Quayle was at her ! daughter's bedside when death came. Four Sons Are Carriers at Mother's Funeral Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Wallfck McCulloch were held this af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her home, 1202 North Second street, with the Rev. Curtis O. Bosserinan, of the Shippensburg Presbyterian church, of ficiating. The pallbearers were her four sons, Thomas, Joseph, Samuel and John N. McCulloch. Burial was made in the Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs. McCulloch, who died Sunday after a brief illness, was 35 years old and had lived In thiß city over twenty yeas 3. She was the widow of Stewart T. McCulloch, of MeCulloch's Mills, Juniata county, and had a wide ac quaintance throughout this part of the State. She was a member of the Pine Street Presbyterian church and always to be found at the morning service, when her health permitted. Mrs. McCulloch is survived by one brother, John F. Wallick. of Indian apolis, and two sisters. Miss Amanda Wallick, and Mrs. Mary Stokes, of Se ville, 0., all over eighty years of age. Her children are Thomas McCul loch. of Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. C. W. Marshall, trf Philadelphia; Samuel W. McCulloch, of this city, Deputy In surance Commissioner of Pennsyl vania, Joseph S. McCulloch. of Phila delphia; Miss Ellen K. McCulloch, of this city; Mrs. Enlleld IS. Walker, of Gap, and Mrs. Howard H. McCllntlc, of Pittsburgh, and John N. McCul loch, of this city. BAR BANQUET PLANS ABOUT COMPLETED; KUNKEL HONOR GUEST Judges McCarrell and Gillan Can Not Be Present; Both 111 Hp JH I I■'*1 ■'* • I ,v4 :r <|k PRESIDENT JUDGE KUNKEL Who Will Be a Guest of Honor at Annual Bnr Banquet l'laus for the annual banquet of the Dauphin County Bar thin even ing in the Board of Trade are practi cally completed and the committee of arrangements, consisting of Charles C. Stroh, John T. Brady and Charles H. Berner, say indications are that it will be the biggest affair of the kind in the association's history. John C. Bell, attorney general of Pennsylvania. President Judge George Kunkel, Dauphin county court, and [Continued on Page 5] National Clearing House For Labor Is Proposed By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 17.—Co operation of the large Industrial con cerns of the country so as to eliminate slack and rush seasons is the object sought by the Federal Industrial Re lations Commission in its efforts to relieve the unemployed. This is the latest phase of the investigations of the commission into the labor situa tion and is to be undertaken at once, according to Mrs. J. Borden Harri man, a member of the committee. Co-operation anions State and private employment agencies through a na tional clearing house is another phase of the problem of distribution to which Ihe commission win direct its atten tion. Mrs. Ilarriman announced that officials of tho principal cities through out the country had been asked to Hssist the commission in gathering I data ou unemployment. 12 PAGES * POSTSCRIPT. TWO MINERS KILLED IN GAS EXPLOSION AT WILLIAMSTOII Charles Raudenbush and John Crozier, Sr., Blown to Death While at Work TWO ARE SLIGHTLY INJURED George Seaster and John Fagan Escape Death by Narrow , Margin » Special to The Telegraph Wllliamstown, l'a., Feb. 17.—A lei rifle explosion of ga» occurred this morning: between 9 and 10 o'clock In No. 1 shaft of the Wllliamstown col liery and two miners were instantly killed and two others injured. Charles Haudenbush and John Cro- Bier, Sr., were tlie two men killed anil George Seaster and John Fagan were slightly injured. They were at work at the bottom of the shaft, which in between 800 nnd 000 feet deep. T/he shalt where the explosion took placo is located at the Bear Valley end oC the tunnel, where a miner was killed several weeks ago, in the No. 2 shaft in a. similar accident. Haudenbush was a young man and Crozier had a wife and several chil dren, a daughter, Mrs. Frank Shoop. living in Harrisburg. The bodies of j the dead miners were brought out of the mine and taken to their homes here. The injured men also lived hero and went to their homes. CORONER WIMi INVESTIGATE Coroner Jacob Kokinger went to Wllliamstown this afternoon to make an investigation Into the gas explosion in Xo. 1 shaft of the Willlamstowu colliery which resulted in the death of two miners and- the injury of two others this morning. TRAIN CARRIES HUMAN REMAINS Reports that train No. 60, due in this city from the. north at 6.50 a. m., had killed a man, could not be cor roborated at local offices to-day. News was sent here that the engine and trucks of the cars carried the entrails of a human being and part of a skull, but no report of this was made by the crew at Union Station, and where the killing occurred could not be learned, although railroad officials tried all morning. For Harrlsburg and vicinity! Snow to-night! Wrdnnday fair;c warmer to-night and \Vedne*d«ys lowest temperature to-nlghl about 20 decreet. For Eastern Pennsylvania! .Snow to-nighti Wednesday fair, prob ably preceded by snow In the early mornlnm warmer! moder ate and variable winds becoming southeast. Klver 9io material chauges will occur la river conditions. General Conditions The storm that was central over the Misiiuehauna Valley Monday morning has passed off to the northeastward with greatly In creased energy. It eansed snow in the Atlantic States from New Jersey northwaril In the last twenty-four hours. The disturb ance from Northwestern Canada has moved southeastward with slightly Increased energy and Is now central over lowa. Temperature! H a. m., 11l 2 p. m„ 23. Nam Hlses, tiis2 a, m.| sets, 5i87 p. m. Moon: I.art quarter, to-day, 4i2:i a. M.i new moou, February 24, Tiltt p. m. River Stage! 2.8 feet above low water mark. Yesterday's Weather Highest temperature, 24. lioweit temperature. 10. Mean temperature, 17. Normal temperature, 20. MAHKIA.UK MCKN.SKS Ijouis Htich, Mechanicsburg, anil Celia Freedman. city. Harry Arthur Ivlpple and Ray Wil son, city. Daniel 11. Barr and Alma M. Ritter, city. Buying With a Double Guarantee When you buy a standard' na tionally advertised article from ono of your local merchants you are protected with a double guarantee. Added to the warrant of the manufacturer you have the pro tection of your own merchant. In a sense your storekeeper is your attorney In the transaction. I lie will make good to you and in turn look to the manufacturer to protect him. It is always best to do business with the merchants of your own town when they have the goods i you want. They are in duty bound to se« that you are satisfied. In choos ing your home merchant it is the part of wisdom to patronize j those who advertise. I They are 'daylight men' who have put themselves on record in print. They know they can make their advertising pay them only by making it pay you. As a rule their prices are low -1 er than the others because the advertising brings them a much greater volume of business en | abling them to buy in lgrg* I quantities and thus at lower ■ prices. There is no better guide for th« I thrifty pocketbook than the ad- I vertising columns ot this n»w«- i paper.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers