HOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. £3eveland, Ohio—"My left aid* pained me BO for several years that I expected to have to undergo an opera tion, bat the first ••*■» bottle I took of |9| ♦ SKg Lydia E. Pink ham's P® Cyj Vegetable Com- NK ** P° un d relieved me of Nfc|PyY i-lfN™ the pains in my side and I continued its use until I became ' » a regular and free Of from pains. I had ' asked several doc tors if there was anything I could take to help me and they said there was nothing that they knew of. lam thankful for such a good medicine and will always give it the highest praise." Mrs. C. H. GRIFFITH, 7305 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover. Pa.-"I suffered from fe nale trouble and the pains were so bad it times that I could not sit down. The loctor advised a severe operation but ny husband got me Lydia E. Pinkham's v'egetable Compound and I experienced ireat relief in a short time. Now I feel ike a new person and can do a hard Jay's work and not mind it What joy ind happiness it is to be well once more. am always ready and willing to speak 1 good word for the Compound. "—Mrs. WILT, 196 Stock St, Hanover, Pa. If there are any complications you lo not understand write to Lrdla E. 'inkhnm Medicine Co. (confidential) .jnn.Mass. Your letter trill be opened, •ead and answered by a woman and teld in strict confidence. Thin Folks Who Would Be Fat Increase in Weight Ten PouDila or More \ rh.rslHan'i) Advice "I'd certainly Rive most anything to oe able to (at up a few pounds and stay that way," declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such a result is not impossible, despite past failures. Thin people are victims of mal-nutrl tion, a condition which prevents the fatty elements of food from being 'aken up by the blood as they are when the powers of nutrition are normal. In stead of getting into the blood, all the fat and flesh producing elements stay in the intestines until they pass from the body as waste. To correct this condition and to pro duce a healthy normal, amount of fat the nutritive processes must be artifi cially supplied with the power which nature has denied them. This can best he accomplished by eating a Sargol tablet with every meal. Sargol is a scientific combination of six of the best strength-giving fat-producing elements known to the medical profession. Taken with meals. It mixes with the food and turns the sugars and starches into rich, ripe nourishment for the tissues and blood and its rapid effect is re markable. Reported gains of from ten to twenty-five pounds in a single month are by no means infrequent. Yet its action is perfectly natural and ab solutely harmless. Sargol is sold by G. A. Gorgas and other good drug gists everywhere and every package •ontains a guarantee of weight increase or money ba> k. Caution:—While Sargol has produced remarkable results In the treatment of nervous indigestion and general stom ach disorders, it should not, owing to its remarkable flesh producing effect, be used by those who are not willing to increase their weight ten pounds or more.—Advertisement. tEVEN IF YOU HAD A NECK • LONG AS THIB ELLOW AND HAD SORE IROAT ISILINE ULD QUICKLY ELIEVE IT. A Quick, safe, toothing, healing, antiseptic relief for Sort "niroat- brtoflj describes TOKBIIiMt. A Ismail bottle of TonsiHne lasts longer than moat any lease of So rm Throat. TOMSILIMK relteras Sore (Mouth and Hoarseness and prerenta Quinsy* ' 25c. sajJ 50c. HospHal Slie sl.Ol. All Drnfftsti. THgTOWSILIfIgCOIiPAIINr^*^^Ca»it#«^OhIeJ ~ i STKA M SHI PS I'JI'JNrML/m pCBaZSBPJ LARGEST STEAMERS To the Mediterranean ADRIATIC CELTIC Jaaaary M Fekrnary XI March 1 CANOPIC tARCH* Y 14 I WHITE STAR LINE • Broadway, If, Y., or I.ocal Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November so, 1913. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Marttnabur* at I »:08, «- m.. *3:40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chamberaburr, Car lisle. Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at S:OJ, •7.61, 'HcSS a. m_ •3:40. t:l2, *7:40. »n:l6 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburft at a. m., 2:ia IJ7 1:10. #:80 am. For Dlllsburr at 6:03. *7:H and • U:63 a. m.. 2:18. >3:40. 6:82 and <:3O P. ID. •Dally. All other trains dally except Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE. J. BL TONQK. O.PTA UNDERTAKERS RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer 313 Walnut St. Bell Phone i Try Telegraph Want Ads.l THURSDAY EVENING. Kirk to Present High Class Plays at the Majestic Next Week The repertoire of first-class at tractions announced for the Majestic Theater next week by the Kirk Brown Stock Contparfy includes a number of pieces that have called for high prices, and with no better productions than will be given by Mr. Brown. The Kirk Brown Company is carrying several carloads of scenery that will give each play its proper setting, and the com pany that surrounds the star has been highly complimented in other cities. During this engagement there will be a matinee every day and the man agement calls attention to the fact that at all the matinees the same high standard of excellence is main tained as at the evening performances. Few theatergoers stop to consider the immense cost of an undertaking such as Mr. Brown witl present here for a limited engagement, and the question is often asked, how it is possible for Mr. Brown to present such an elabo rate and expensive repertoire at these low prices. The answer lies in a great number of people who flock to see Mr. Brown, assure him crowded houses at all performances. The week's program, as laid out. RAILWAY MAIL HEAD GUEST AT BANQUET Alexander Stephens Shows Pres ent Day Efficiency Over That of 10 Years Ago Alexander A. Stephens, superinten dent of the federal railway mail service, came here from Washington yesterday and was entertained as the guest of honor at a banquet given by Harrisburg branch. Railway Mail Clerks' Association, in the Masonic Temple. Among the 150 guests at the ban quet were city. State and Post Office officials. J. H. Rhlnehart, president of the Harrisburg branch, was toast master. Mayor Royal made the ad dress of welcome. Seated at the speaker's table were Mayor Royal, Postmaster Frank C. Sites, AJexander A. .Stephens. J. L. Stice, Henry Houck, State Secretary of Internal Affairs; John Price Jackson, Commissioner of bahor and Industry, and Congress man Aaron Kreider. Mr. Stephens spoke on the "Ef ficiency of Railroad Mail Service." HP told of the service of ten years Hooray! Baby To Rule the House No Longer Do Women Fear The Great* est of All Human B'essingi. It is a joy and comfort to know that those muchtalked-of pains and other dis tresses that are said to preceds child-bear ing may easily bt avoided. No woman need fear the slightest discomfort If she will fortify herself with the well-known and time-honored remedy. "Mother's Friend." This la a moat grateful, penetrating, ex ternal application that at once softens and makes pliant the abdominal muscles and ligaments. They naturally expand without the slightsat strain, and thus not only banish all tendency to nervous, twitching •pells, but there Is an entire freedom from nausea, discomfort, sleeplessness ard dread that ao often leave their Impress upon the babe. The oceasion Is therefore one of un bounded. Joyful anticipation, and too much Strew can not be laid upon the remarkable Influence which a mother's happy, pre-natal disposition has upon the health and for tunes of the generation to come. Mother's Friend is recommended only fo» the relief and comfort »t expectant mothers, thousands of whom have used and recom mend It. Von will And It oa sale at all drug ■ tores at SI.OO a bottle. Write to-day to th 4 Bradfleid Regulator Co.. 130 T/amar Iddß., Atlanta. for a most Instructive bo'ifc <>• this urea test ul all subjects. luothurUuixt will be as follows: Monday matinee—"Thais." Monday evening—"The Woman in the Case.'' Tuesday matinee "The .Match maker." Tuesday evening—"Thais." Wednesday matinee—"The Woman in the Case." Wednesday evening—"The Match maker." Thursday matinee—comedy day— "Brown's in Town." Thursday evening "Brown's in Town." Friday matinee— "The Middle man." Friday evening—"The Merchant of v enlce." Saturday matinee "The Two Or phans. in which Mr. Brown will wear two costumes costing $2,000. Saturday evening—"The Wall Street Detective." Every play that will be presented affords Mr. Brown an opportunitv to appear in a role peculiarly adapted to his ability, and the productions are guaranteed to outclass in every re spect any ever seen in Harrisburg at popular prices. ( ago and then showed how present I day methods are more efficient He ; complimented the Harrisburg men on j their work. I The committee which arranged the | banquet consisted of J. H. Rhinehart. |C. S. Goodman, E. U Saul. W W Xey h. F. Mogel, C. L. Bull, W. j] Barley. liGHT CHILDREN 111 WOK I Continued from First Page.] fell to swearing at the school and all those in charge. "Oh, don't do that," said the bov remembering past experiences "for if you do the principal will wash your mouth with bad soap and you wlil be lined five dollars, too!" The father asked no questions but the absent fluid has been a recrular attendant since that day. Ix>pping Off Pan 0 f \ a , nc As a rule the first Americanizing of the Russian Jews Is the lopping off of | part of the family name as thev pass t trough Ellis Tsiand. For instance, the changing of Fosterniski to Foster But the Inborn love of their favorite garlic is a far more difficult matter to change as some of the Harrisburg school teachers have found out to their sorrow. There is more moral cleanliness and rectitude found among these children of the poor from the Old World than among our own of the same class. This is largely due to the plain com mon sense which lias made the peas ant mother teach her child to avoid mock modesty. Life is very, very real to them and facts are facts to be faced openly and honestlv and not glossed over by smirks and innuen does. Generations of outdoor living have bred strong constitutions with ruddv cheeks and firm flesh. Yet the cramp ed and crowded conditions of living here, in direct contrast to their old life, find ready victims of tuberculosis among them. It is from this disease that they suffer most. Almost with out exception these foreign children possess the soft, lustrous Celtic eyes hea\ 11> fringed and fu . of expression < "Little Mother" to Thirteen 'I One "little mother' of thirteen from Germany, a pupil of the Penn bulld ing school, is the sole housekeeper for her father and brother, cooks sweeps and cleans, sees that the lit tle sister is sent to the fresh air school every morning, does all the family washing and ironing and yet finds time for her studies. How manv of our American children could equal that record ? In another grade there is Draga Funtonari, a young Roumanian girl of fifteen, so anxious for an education that without self-consciousness she willingly lets a little fellow-country man of six interpret for her. These foreign children are natural mimics and employ this art constantly in learning our customs. They are observant and keen and instinctively fond of music. How could America be the worse lor the mingling of the blood of her future men and women with that of these others? U is all a matter of a'ljgorption of ilie ability of the "incKlng- pot of America to turn this HARRISBURG ft TELEGRAPH ' T T T T T T T T T TTTTTTT'f * ¥ f y ► Women'* 50c f ' • Silk Boot, BBlillk_ * 3 9 * a To-morrow « ; ► Black silk boots double soles. jM || ll] | !?ifSßf HI HI 11 Ilk Norfolk and double breasted I J} C f flClty 4 ► wide garter tops. Seconds of 60c J JmnWN . n| fil|||u9ffl|(l I IMII SimllS IN llNlltk 8 tyl* 8 « Materials are fancy cas- D • O 1 t j quality, per OQ. A wW nl |i |Hi [j[[ j| ljjjjjHlfl| PP n lIOT IB H | IM[nJk ,t, «® r ®«- Ages 12 to 17 'years. DarfltfUn Odle Ol ► pair A»fC A n I |ffl II HTm• . |J 111 ' ■l«B V Frl<J ®y Bargain 11 on ©»**" '^ B,v . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. At 1 lIIMill II ill II ac ill! lIP Hi IHI Ik BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.' OUI DUSinCSS yCAT. 4 : IT^he IC jgujoq |^L : : the ioS the: f Suf I** 1 ** \ 1 IH W Covered week, each item ► ™f*e a" CT ,Lk |jjf|]lM SIS HM H ComfottS offered IS ifcaSOna- 4 y lisle hosiery with double soles >Mji iH» JMM! Ufl HuMMR MM HP W AU reduced In the Friday Bar- II I'll t and toes, with wide JMulUHlMlUtt[M iV I 111 flffljkMr Rain sale. A good assortment to nip nP^imhU anrl ► Seconals of ( the J6o qual- J ||Pl ■I |SS ilil I INtt li select from. Prices will be ONE- UIC ' UCSIIdUIC QllU ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Mi il ill BIE" BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. useful. In some 4 v Boys'soc SOc Mouse 25c Embroidery cases quantities are ► Knee Pants Traps Galloons small and likely to < ► Materials are fancy mixed cas- . . . ... . Also insertions in this lot. | i i i t si meres and Wue serges. Ages b the work KltminatV the mice bv These embroidery insertions and hf» Sf)ln r»llf i ► to IT years, Friday 33 c having good Traps e mice b> galloons are good pat- 1 ftr UC SOIU OUI DClOie Bargain price ... Frldav's nrlee 29c terns, yard *WC .11 f 1 1 ► BOWMAN Second Floor. S-Basement. BOWMAN'S Main Floor. the doSeof the day, < 9C $19.00 100-piece 10c Daisy therefore we urge ' White and natural color, vests Dinner Sets Flannel you to shop as early 1 ► and pants. Friday Bar- 9£ r Beautiful decorated patterns. „ £°'o™ are red. pink, brown r J gain price .. . . A *» c English porcelain To close out Sn Ji h°i' TiV ont j in til#* rla \r ac /<An < ► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. before Inventory. CIQCrk knuws this fl 'ality, yd ..« /4 C ill lllc QaV aS COn- Friday's price ' BOWMAN S—Main Floor. , J i i >Women's2sc BOWMANS-Bascment. 19 10 777 V Cn 1 C nt. Visit J ► K nee Pants 25c China Cretonne* C every department, i In medium weight, peeler color. »» .. \,T€tOnfl€S ' tr 4 I k. ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Consisting of jugs, salt jars and fi".® 1 S?^j9. r .'-£ n i-L? at ."j SVoC _ tile i j r ————— cereal jars, cone decorations. Ex- !inw„K,? o p ft y ™' r* C . ► Men's 50c choice 60 ' 81 tor . Frld .?; 10c bowman i-inor. Lireen oigns. l. ... , . BOWMAN'S—Basement. twr > <r> T m f ? Night Shirts Women s $1.50 ; — J \ Made of good quality muslin. 10c (Hid 25c and $2 00 ShftP* Women S $1.50 and 'i y with or without collar. -1Q lvl u,lu '" , l u,lu V" ,vv tJIIUeS «, __ T . ' Friday Bargain price l/-,.. Seventy-flve pairs. Gun metal Al./i) LIKMIOIS (llni)Pt 4 y BOWM.VN'S—Main Floor. VaSCS and patent colt, blucher style. UIUUeS 4 A lot that we want to close out i-V Z isi S anfl 4 ' SOr lot °, f Women's Chamois 4 ► D„ ve ' Cfl. before inventory glass flower price . ..... .. ( L„i?'i ve , ! In natural color and DOyS OlfC vases. Your choice of r„ BOWMAN S—Third Moor. 8-button length chamois gloves 4 W\ PL* m Hn >" at "~™|^» per pair, . Dress bhirts BOWMAN'S-Basement. ... , . -.«/»/» ROIVM ' '»V V' " K Coat style with attached cuff,. Women S $1.50, $2.00 BOW MAN S Main Floor. y Good quality of percale, in ueat J ft FA OL patterns. Seconds of the OQ. ' uPIe dflfl tbZ.DU otIOCS 7£*. ..J v 4 ► 50C BOW JEAN'S—Main' Floor TumklpYX These are vicl kid shoes, high 'J>C and / maw o Main floor. UmUttTS and i ow heela pat ent tips. 200 CI Ml !/„•!_ [n assorted patterns. Only a pairs in the lot. Sizes 3, 3Vi yH.UV V €lls y J7_ few of each kind will be offered an /l 4. Friday's QC„ . . .. , ' ' Men S lie In the Friday Bargain 1 _ price OJJC These are :In pood patterns in kv>tt WW sale, at. each *C BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. m,i and ar ® extra a P e - i ' Half Hose BOWMAN'S_Ba«ement al . . for .. Frlday ; 59 c , Silk Lisle Hose, double soles. i— C 9 Ml BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. high spliced heels. black, tan Of, If' „ J lrilSS€S npL.UU !iV "' V 12i/ 2 c f' m,xea and $2.50 Shoes ~r 7 < ► BOWMAN'S Mam Floor. Suitings „„ lIM , c „, ITomen s 25c , ► ———. These are blue mixed suitings shoes, button style, all C/l. /?. . Jo f o • and gray mixed suitings. Half sizes. 100 pairs, at OUL 11 tCRWSQr < «,»L Price for Friday. 12 '^ C BOWMAN'S-Third Floor. An assortment of latest con-, ► Wall Papers BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Chill***'. «f C/J Suitable for kitchens, halls and ■—Cnilurcfl 5 tpI.QU BOWMAN'S—-Main Floor. bedrooms. 15 patterns, all the KH > J I tf>l /)A PL 4 ► standard goods to select from. Men S and flllfl $d£.UU JllO€S y per 'rofl '° matotl ' 3c CI Cttttm ° nfl hun<3red Pairs black and $27.00 Reed < ' BOWBtAN'S—Fourth Floor! tan high cut and button shoes. L ' ► — —- Large shapes. With or with- pair SI.OO Oa6y CamaSe ► -Wr in Mr fmpoTed 1 materials. 6 To'closest BOWMAX S—Third Floor. wm be c|o9Bd ou( to , hft < .„ . , '" vent( ; r y- , fiq n ————_ customer at the exceptional Fri- < Knitted Skirts BOwK'S-TWrd' 'fionr. Friday's Sale of price ß ?, ff! $19.98 ] Well made. An exceptional T *1 ±r* J Other baby carriages and go- . value in natural color and gray. MM y <*o rn * Oli€t VIOOQS ° a! SrT<£ c A e^ ,« pr 9lß°, r 11 011 a te Iy . < PSJ.VCSI.r 29c to 50c Men, $8.50 A1 „ 0 „ a Cr ..» "°" F '°"- , BOWMAN'S Second Floor. Mackinaw Coats A'.k.V of i»c Toliit Soii for !S „ ... . . ► ~ These ale Kenulne Mackinaw Mennen's Talcum Powder jIU.UU WOOI . ► Women s SI.OO 3?, ln ,i!r» K ar S ha N J r Si k bowman's—Main Fioor. ltc Blankets " 4 *■ Flannelette Gowns the lot lasts, Barp;nln I9 /9- If) wnjte all-wool blankets with 4 ► In regular and extra sizes. each . . ipO.IJO 1-cC flllfl lUC blue border. Weights 6 pounds. Dainty light blue and pink and BOWMAN S—Third Floor. r,, . JT^ lday «7 Crt 4 ► white stripes. Several models to ————— t lanneletteS V ' select from. Friday qq £•/» n II . „ . „ , BOWMAN S—Main Floor. w ► Bargain price °"C stfC ROUS B0 ~ d P att " n " in H*ht and BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. . __ . a ■« i 36 * 4 ► Japanese Matting . Triday . B . prlrr : 5c 25c White Goods •* < 2 t ic ln ,he P°P ular carpet patterns. BOWMAN S—Main Hoor. _ . . In colors of green, tan, blue and —— HemnantS < White SkirtS Wili be, yard . prlce 17c 7c Simpson Consisting of madias, lawn J ► Long and short models with BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor. n Yutt h», l "nl. B Z Ut ' fUl 1 U I l . U /- . waists. To fit children from in- 11 iTtfltS Friday, yard 12Kc . . ambrlc 0 with a hems a fnd k 1 P^ e ° e8 ir°» CUt from^/ A " BOWMAN'S-—-Main Floor. 4 >■ tucks. Friday's price 15C v ,lark patterns Extra 07/ L BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Linoleum special for rldayyd. ... . J /8 C i f MitWtCilffl BOWMAN S—Main Floor. -A J r L. , . ~T hls ls extra heavy quality in O»fC LYOChet 5 I 4 m at that* Win 25c and 30c Qailts ' y Skirts 39c Sheeting Remnants sizes. A very extraordhi- CQ!! j| . waists. Sizes range from 2 years D nv -> flfl day Bargain pricel __J 01 —.— ■___ i to 6 years. I< riday It l*uys <p6.W will be. yard .. IOC and ZiC BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. and $2.50 Shoes bowman s-msio Floor. Doilies, Were r j ► .. These are high cut scout c > UD to 25c ( iiilz/ron b shoes. 2n pairs in the lot. Sizes 65c Seflffllett 4 L L hilar en S COC and 5. Fri- *1 weninCHJ Consisting of small drawn 11/ L LI r» day's price Is CL..I, work pieces and embroidered 4 ► Washable Dresses BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. oneeis doilies. Will be marked in the . In nink and white and blue These are made with 3-inch «l r i!? ay Ba, 'K ain 5 ftnH 10r 4 and white checks also'some nllin M * <"> Cil hems, are seamless. Blx-9fl KQ/. nniniiwa'' j « y t a fff* t , V • • 59C BOW MAN S Second Floor. < 1 years. Friday Bargain ie. I dt<i /*/» m Bt)W ALAN S Main Hoor. * ► price 10c and $3.00 Shoes ' «/- . i-« r * D , and ————— black work shoes, double soles. ~ r> L' T < y $2.98 and $3.50 p »< !°. palrs . $1.95 Pillow Cases Cushion Tops L 4 1 « fi mm , BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. These will match the Oreain- bample lot of cushion tops and I Aluminum Tea Kettles ' an < J . Made with 3-lnch ' t t n 2!i( ind B Bor 8 regularly 4 y rn , . A _ A or D Vl hems. Size 45x36 Inches. ?« i i «. 10r r These are genuine imported ASr Kail Fridav Bargain price !• riday at IvC y kettles that we want to close out . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. ' before takine stock. While the — _ 4 L lot lasts, your <»1 cq 1 "''s*-® —.««««««_ Y c ' lo ' C poWMAN'S—Basement. " o,U. and'oo'for..' 0 L9 C Embroidery 500 Yards ] ►9C J9fl. " rr BOWMAN'S—Main Floor, ° FIoSS 12 1-2 c SilkolineS < ► c 'iVJ. 25c sni i •• f' r^« broid 3c , ► COfll noas L,UK Fridays price, dozen „ r(> flg , ured and plain patterns 36 Made of heavy Japanned tin FriMfeS BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. inches wide Fine for bed com- •< ► with hood. One of the lowest .... —'?rta and small quilts. « Q . prices we have sold them IC_ These are colored silk fringes r» • j > CI d?vU?*» p !"v5.?S y £ rd : r for. Friday's price *«> C and are marked for Fri- in- r YldOV S bale BOWMAN S—Fourth Floor. ' BOWMAN'S—Basement. rta.v Bargain sale, at, yd.... *UC , . ———— 4 ► BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Q f NotIOUS f . . < C _ __ J 5c Hooks and Eyes, per card, ie £OC CQrtfllll # **t kjluvz and HOc plain and fancy shell and /Tf «I_ D nl> ,J. f A f amber Barrettes Be irlfllerlfllS . ► Boaras iuc Laces ~" rn and rubber »ressin B ThPSO ari . ln , 011Kt , lg of xto 6 ► J-'rW., 8 """ "" 39c .fffiffWSC&n""* £ '*ltp,vrh. ri„,;'.„,bir' o„, ' m fc " Dnwu.v'.c ' d he. yard OC 2 for .V BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. . y Basement. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ___________ i ► 15c Crinkled Yard-wide Women's 50c 25c Stenciled ] ' Crepes Percales Chamois Gloves Scrinu < »nd ffiL aa '& l k r nt ° f do^ d cSeMn 3 i-i?M ,MUM J n "Tav and tan and white. fltfTlS'nte? will < ► pretty Spring dresses. yd. ? rldav Barealn trf!o 5 C Kxtra special for Fri- OC. borders. Friday's P Vl * BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S P M»iV, y i}-V„' " ,la >'- at price is 14C 4 ► BOWMAN S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor raw material into citizenship without damaging the material. Dr. Widder Again at Head of Health Board Dr. George H. Widder was last night re-elected president, and Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, secretary, of the Board of Health. City Clerk Miller met with the hoard and read the Councllmanlc resolution by which It was decided to retain the body. Charles Eby, of 2024 Wood Htreet, who Is charged with breaking a quar antine Willie his wife was ill with diph theria. was given a bearing. The case was held under advisement. HUNTING FOR WILDCAT 1-ewlstown, Pa., Jail. 29. Ever since the wildcat was chased from the | chicken coop of Kdward Sigler. a ! short distance east of about a week ago, people In that sec tion have been sleeping with one eye open. The animal has been seen since at several points. Its shrill cries can be heard at night, and many people ' are not venturing out after dark in that section of the country unless they i are armed. Two young men residing in Derry township are on the trail of • | his catship. A number of these anl i male have been killed in this coun try in a few years past, some weigh ling as high as thirty-eight pounds. JANUARY 29, 1914. BIG IX)A1) OF CASKS Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Jan. 29. —Lewis W. Wiley, who haß contracted to haul the raw material from the Dillsburg de pot to Wellsville for the Wellsville I DVfc Prescription^ ■ ■ ■ H ttandard ikin remedy ■ liquid mid B B B B externally— butant relief h£ I I If SoapaJttLVaK m m ■ ■ A. (MR6AI ■ 41 H. IkM li Whip Company, and the ilnished gooda back, making a trip each day, yes terday hauled an entire carload ot empty wooden packing boxes on on® wagon load. The load was drawn by i /six mules. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers