j- A, r y. ) STAR OF THE NORTH THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTRY. WEDNESDAY JANUARY. 18. 1865. WASTED. A fcmarf, active and latel- ligent boy to leara the printing business. The Communication of "Vox Popuu" is crowded out til I r.ext week. "The frie'rid of the Rev. J. W. Lescher, desire to give him a donation on the 26th inst., al his residence, in Bloorasburg. See card iu another column. Hon. Wm. H. Jacobt oar senior has been appointed to the following commit- lees, in the House of Representative of Pennsylvania : Accounts P i inting Mines finid mineral. We have been informed that Cmmis eionner Grier, will, aft ft having finished i he -work of the draft under tne former call, foils to this place to revise the enrollmeut before making the next draft. S. H. Miller is an enterprising merchant and accommodates the wants of the people . Call and see his large and excellent stock of Dry Goods. Queeu.ware &c, just receiv ed and now being iffered for bale al the lowest prices. Jcst So ! An old lady in this town says, she don't tee a bit of sense in pu'ding thej price of goods so high on account of the war. li don't teem to stop the war a mjte ! She is almost as much of a statesman as Lincoln. A Donatio Partv will te given by life citizens of Huntington and adji iniujj town ships in Luzerne and Columbia counties, at New Columbus, Luzerne co., on Saturday 2lsi inst., for the beneti: of the family of Rev A R Rutan, who is confined in Fort Mifflin. Job PmNTiNU. Every variety of Job Printing can now fce executed at The Star office with dispatch. Having an abundant supply of new and modern rru'erial in this department iof the establishment, we feel conhJent of rendering entire satisfaction both as tQwork and priced. The papers announce that "Mr. Chase is appointed to (ill the place of Chief Jusiice Taney. ' Mr. Chase may sit in the saie official chair, but he can never fi I Judge Taney's place. A coon rn.iy sit in a lion den, and "el up to be a lion, and attempt to ruarfbut it will be or.ly a cjoa slid. . Rev. A. R Jura, of Luzerne count) has passed an examiria'ion before. the Military Inqiii-ii.-m at H.irrisburg; and we suppose lias been declared guilty of some c ff-nce He has teen sentenced to tjndergo a six fuoaihs impri-'orlmd i t in Fort Mdlli'i and pay two hundred dollars fi ie. Tnt Maryland Constitution " is a Big but the freedom it guarantee- to citizens of Maryland is not near so benefi cial, as theLiberty . granted to the people of Columbia county, to purchase new goods of Pktkh Emt, at Li;ht Street, who has a large stock and offers to oblige his custon crs on literal terms. See advertisement in to day's Slur. The contest for the appointment of Post Master in Bloomsbortf, seems to have (al ien between Ilev. D. A.Beckley and Mr. Jjhn B Fur-el. We do not pretend to have a pnt," or even think of saving a wont to bear upon trie matter, it mibt be disloyal to present so much presumption bnt from present signs we are induced to believe tknl the man receiving Jthe appointment will be Post Matter. Oar Devil says : "Tuat bo.:' Examinb the Es ROLtMtNTS. Every dis trict should promptly attend to having those who are enrolled, and who are not liable to tnili'aTy duty, stricken from the enrollment. Tn larger the enrollment ihe larger will be the qoota, consequently where exempts are allowed to remain on the list toe dis trict will have to furnish that proportion ot .increase in the drait The reader will see that it is important to bate the enrollment correct. Tax on Distillid Spihits. The Presi dent having signed the new revenue bill, recently passed, the Commissioner of In ternal Revnue is taking the necessary steps for collecting the tax of 82 per gallon "ou all spirits that may be distilled and eold, or distilled and removed ior consumption or eata on and after 'January 1st, 1865." The a'ddi tonal tax will therefore date from that time, and it behooves whiskey drinkers to reflect seriously before determining to pur sue their vocation any longer at'the en hanced price per drink which the retailer .will be compelled to pot on. - There was a piper had a cow, And he bad no hay to give ber ; ' He look his pipe and played a tuae . . Consider, co w-J? consider. Skatisg. We have bad lor the past hree or four days some excellent opportu nities for skating. The weather has been somewhat mild, bat Dot sufficiently so to to render the ice in tbjs least nnfirm, and jast eold enough to make the exercise pleas ant and Agreeable. Skating is all Lhe rage just now among our young folks, and those ' who lack the art are very anxious to learn, and skates, .which . but a few years ago, were used oniy by boys and men, are now d be found in every household, and for al most every -member thereof. Tis decid edly a pleasant exercise, and one which is fast becoming a universal favorite in every community where there is the least oppor tunity for ladulging in-it. We have several tnaSl pcfr.d in ihe vich.iiy of our town, which are literally ih'onyed- every after? riooti and eveni.o, nd ma ly of our young REEVES' OBIGINAL, GENUINE & RLLIACLE, AMBROSIA, ' FOR THE GROWTH.-KEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. Established 18GO. Price f 75 cts.pcr bottle. This preparation can show living evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read certifi cate of Mrs. Wm. Sutton hair five leet and one inch in length used Reeves' Ambro sia about tweniv months. ALSO, ' Photograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 months Thousands are u-ing this preparation and offering wil ling testimonials. These potographs, taken from life, have reen awarded to extend the knowledge of the-merits of this wonderful discovery . Hundreds have seen these ladies and- heard the facts from their own lip. Mrs. JLfaxweiTs Testimonial. Ae'J? York, Dec 23, 1862. Knowing positively tuat Reeves' Am brosia piod.ueed a beautiful head of hair for Airs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, I was induced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed someihiug for my hair, it being short and thin hail used one half dozen bottles when I could plainly notice an increase in its length, strength, and beauty. An experience of abont iwy years has proved a complete success. Mo haii is now by measurement, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the fjoor. I have allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits of Reev Ambroia io the world. - . MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. CCT" 1U entenprUing Druggists have these Photographs ami keep for sale, RE EVE Si d MB ROM. I at lb Cents per Bottle. DrU2gitts who may not have our prepa ration, will sond for it it applied to Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fulton Street, New York. Nov. 30. I864. 6 mos. SHERIFFS' SALE. OY virtue of a writ of venditioni rxponas, -to me directed, i-sed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia ennntv Pa., will be exposed to public hale at the ILuise ol J. din L. Hirs-, in Slahtown, Locum iwp , on TUESDAY, 17TH OF JANUARY. 165 at 2 o'clock P M., of said day, the follow ing described properij . to wit : A certain Iot oi Eiccc of Laud situate in Locust to vuship, Cdarnbia 4 county, containing about 14 ACRES, mire or s, bounded as follows, to wit ; kt ih e Wext hy Utids of D vi. I tf iwer, o'i the North by lands of Benjimin Fulk, on ttie East by lauds of Israel Riri, on the Son th by lanil of William Wilson, whereon art erer-ted a Story and a halt FR.U1E DWELLING I1CISE and a three story Curding Machine House, with ur-iod VAT R POWER, and a Log S able with ths appurtenatices. Seized, taken in execu ion and to be sdd as the piopertv of John Fegfly. SAMUEL SNYDER, S ieriiL Sheriff's Olfi.re, B!rnmhnri D-'f2l. 1 S 4 . J PUBLIC SAL OF Valuable Heal Estate. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF the Orphans Couri of Colombia County, on JANUARY, SATURDAY 28177. t63. al 2 o'clock in t tie forenoon, Henry C. Hds, Administrator of Pe er Hs-t. Ute of Sugarloaf township, in said county dee'd.. will exposH to sale by Public Vendue, on the premises, a cert?ui T.KACT OF LAXD, Situate in said township of Suarloaf. ad joining laid of Joshua and 'Alexander Hess. Henry GolJet and John Sickle, con taming 115 ACRES and THIRTY SIX PERCHES : on which are erected a two-story Frame DWELLING 110 USL, LARGE Fit a ME BARN, and outbuildings. A Fine mm 3 J Young ORCHARD, and lhe undivided half of one SAW MILL; and a firfcl-ra'.e Sugar Cm p. ALSO, an other Siioate in ihe same township; adjoining lands above mentioned, and lands of Alex ander a nd Joshua Hess ; containing and one hundred and thirty-eight perches. All timber land, of good quality. Late the e-ta e of vaid deceased, situate in the twp., of Sugarloaf and county aforesaid. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Jan. 4, 1865. Conditions of Sale Ten per cent . of the purshase money to be paid down on the day of sale : one-fourth of the balance of the purchase money, on the co i finnwtion of the sale; and the balance i;i ore yea from confirmation, with interest from said confirmation. A Deed will be delivered to th purcha ser upon payment of the consideration money, or securing the same to be paid as required by the administrator. HENRY C HESS. Adm'r. A elm in is Ira tor's Notice Estate of John Graham, late of Orange townshipt deceased. LETTER8 of administration on the Es tate of John Graham, late of Orange iwp , Colombia county, dee'd, have been grant ed by the Register of said county, to Peter Ent, ot Light Street ; and all persons hav iug claims against the estate of the dece dent are requested to present ihem for settlement to the undersigned without de lay, and those Owing tbe estate to make payment forthwith. PETER ENT, AdmY. Dec. 21, 1864 6w. $3. "charXesgT"barkle y7 Attorney at Law, BL0Q3ISBUEG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. pfILL practice in the several Courts of Colombia county. All legal business intrusted to his care shall receive prompt attention , OFFIC E, Oii Main Siree', Exchange Buildings', over Miller's Sic .e. - L. LYONS PFRE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, AND $1arklin? Catnvba Wines, 3qmu in Quality and Cheaper in Price than the Brandien and Wines of lh& Old World. For Summer Complain:, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Cholic and Dirrboea. JI sure Cure is guaranteed, or the money will be refunded. In support of the above statements, ars pret-ented the Certificates of Dr. James R Chilton, chemist New York, Dr. .Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Oho, Dr. Jas. R. NichoU, chemi-t, Boston. Dr N. E Jot.es Chemical Inspector, Circlevtlle Uhio, Prof C. T Jackson, chem st, Boston, Dr. Chas Upham Shepard, Ckiarleston, S. C, and J. V. Z. Blancy, and G. A. Mariner, consult ing chemists, Chicaso, all of whom have analyzed the Catawba Brandy, and com mend it in the highest leim,for medical use. analysis if the' Alussachusstlis titute Jlsayirt Jan. 25, 1858. When evaporated through clean linen it left no oil , or offensive matter. In erery respect it is a Pure spiri'ous liquor. The Oil which gives to this Brandy lis flavor and aroma, is wholly unlike fusil, or grain oil. Ls odor partakes rd both the fruit ami oil o grapes. With acid, it produces others of a hiah fragrance. The substitution of this Brandy lor Cognac Brandy wid do away with the manufacture of firiitiou spirits, sold under this name both al home and abroad. Kjppectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., Assayer to Statt. Mass., 16 Bo le-ton St liy the same, in 1861. I have analyzed "L. Lyons' Pure Cata wta Brandy," with reference 10 its com position ami character, being the same as iti.-it produced in last years. A sari' pie ik-n from ten caks afforded the same re'ilis w'nh regard to purity ; a slig-hlly incre ased arriount of ihe principle ou whir h its fl vor depends was determined by com-pari-on wuli former samples. The indicators of analvtis thow lht this Brandy is pro licedby if e bnie pre cess as most of the imported Brandy. , Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M. D. Sl;te Asser, 16 Bovles'.uti St. Boston, july 20. 1864. Mai.ulaciur-d o ,ly by II H JACOB & CO , (To whom all Orders hhouid be ad dressed ) . Depot 9 I Liberty St., New I'.'rk. Nov 16. 1S64 3m " K. H II. T. ANTHONY & t.O , .llaiiuticHiier of I'hoK graphic .11 tt tell a Is, WHOLKSALK ASD h KTA I k- 50 1 liROA I)V A Y, N. Y. In addition to f nr min business ot POrOtiRAPHIC MATKBIALS, we are Hea 'quarters tor D e loilow i"g viz tslere- copes and Sleroscopic Vieivs, Of these we have an immen-e a?s rtment. including War Scenes, American ami For- eign Citie and Lnndsoapes, lrotips. Mat uary, &c , &. Also, Revolving Sier-o- scopes tor puMic or private ethibniou. Our Catalogue will be sent lo any uiidreoi on receipt ol Stamp. riiotu'rnpiaic Album. Vt were the firl to introduce these I he Untied ;Mt!,acvl we manufacture i to im rrien-e quni.tities in orat variety, ra ping in pfic trim 50 cent to SoO euctt tHSIJ.lS have the repntation of b superior in beauty and dui ihi'ity le ottif-rs. They will be tent by. mail, on receipt ol pvice. Fine Albums Made to order. Our eoig any CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Cauli' -ce now embraces over Fiv r Thousand sntj-ds (to which adiliiioos are fontuinall v t'cing mare) of Portraits id ! EiTiiie'it A neru; ins &c. viz abo-it I0 Maj GVner.ils, SOD Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 O her OiFice'S. 75 Na vy Orficer, 55)0 S a'eineii-, 130 Div nes, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Siaces.- 50 Prom'nt. Women. 150 I'roml went lfreiffii Prlrm. S.OOO topirs ol lYorksf ol Art, including refirodu'vions of 'he most cele brated Engravings Paintings, S atntes, &c. Cataltigues s-iu on rei-eipt of Stamp. An Ord-r for one dozen Picture' from our Cat alogue will be fided on the receipt ol 51.80 and sent by mail, Free. PiiO on raphers and others ordering good CO D w ill please rea? it twenty live per cent of the amount with their ordr. E & H. T. ANTHONY at CO., Manufacturers of Pnotogupiic Ma'eria'i, 5rtl BROADWAY, NEW YOI.K. ri5" The prices und quality cf our goods can not fail to xatify. Dec 7, 1S64. 6mo. Public Sale OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia countyj on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 1865, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Augustus Everhart, Executor of the la-t wi l and testament of Jacob Everhart late ol Orange Iwp , in saii County, dee'd, will expose to ale. by public vendue ou the premises, a certain Mi.82b and TIIACT OF LAND, adjoining lands cf I -a aft. Hageubuch and Wm Hidly on the East, Daniel, G.' Enl on ihe Sfnih, George Oman on the west, and John Keirn on the North, containing 117 ACRES. more or les, aboat Eighty Are of wnich are cleared laudvin a good state of culti vation, win a good Aopl ORCHARD, mh j s auuui vl. i c w i " in' ii quality Boilom LanJ, mv a new and IIOUt" on lhe the premies, with a neoei fuLing SPRING OF WATER, late lheE-tate ofaid tleceased, situate in the township ot Orange and county afore- ",d" JESSE COLEMAN, "Cerlc MOSES COFFMAN, Auctioneer. January 4, i365. Mi ATRIM0NIAL. LADIES AND GEN- emen. it you wtsn o mrry attitress the undersigned, who will send you wi h out money and without price, valuable in formation that wilt enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age. wealth or beauty. Thi. information will cost yoc nothing;, and if you wish lo marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confiaential. lhe dpsired informa tion sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address Sarah 13 Lambertj Green- ''JYational Foundry. BIoo m liurr, Columbia Co., vT"ne subsribjr, proprietor of the above - named extensive establishmen!, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERI ES, BLAST FI R NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make Smves, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, nod every thing usually made in rirst-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, watrant him in receiving the largest contracts on tbe most reasonable terms. tktT Grain of al! kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This e.-tablishmeni i located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD HE extei'ive and comprehensive facil- liies in ts possession enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald to guarantee lhe la'esl and most reliable information possible to be obtained, noi only from all parts of the United States, but from all parts of the world. Ts home correspondents engaged at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naval ani military expedition ol the gov ernment, prove ttiat it is determined lo leave ( no spot uncovered by Us operations arul no event cm occur that shall not find imme diate, report In Us columns. Ii costs the proprietor over one hundred thousand d 1 lrs per year to maintain its' corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will endeavor in the future 'o main tain the stand it ha assumed. It has spe cial corre-pondents fiationed ir. all of the priw-in! cities of the world. Its telegraphic arrangements extend to wherever the electric wires are stretched. When'lhe Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will, soon be accomplished, telegrams will tie received from Europe and Asm, as weljas from the United States Then our readers will have the events of the w eek in ail pans of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before thetn. - The proprietor devotes a portion of the piper to literature. Fashion, Agriculture, ihe Mechanic Art, Sporing MaiW-rs. Bu-i-nei-s, Theatrical and Financial Reports, Cattle Markets, General News, and jepors ol all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper a weekly photo, "raphie view of th evemsof the world and all at a ry in-.v price. The Weekly Herald is i-sned every Sat urday morning, and furnished at the fol lowing rales : Oi.ecopy $2 00 Five copies 00 I tiree copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number addressed t names of su' scribers SI 50 each. An extra coy will he sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies to one adJre-s one year, $25, and any larger nnmher at miii" price. An extra copy sent ti clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a lirni'ed number will be in-eried in the .Weekly Herald The Daily Herald, Four cents per copy. Fourteen D.dlars per year for three hundred Seven 'ollars for rix rnon hs.- Tiuee dollars and fifty cet.ls j for three months. J A M ES GO R DON B K N N ET T, ! Edi-or anc Propriewor, j Norihwesl cor Fuliou ami Nassau -sis. N. . i Tnere are uo travelling age.its !or the Herald. TlIC 31AGAZ1XE roil THE T1MLS! 1 vs'a: RSO'S ITI .A A Z I S3 The Rest and Cheapest in the W orld for La lie i! The popular monthU m g .ine wUt be greatly improved tor ISfio. It will conlani One Thou-aril pages ! Fourteen ;lendid S'eel Plaies ' Tweive Coloictl Fashion Plsdes . Twelve Ci lored Berlin Work Patterns ! Niue Hundred Wood Cuts! . Twenty four P-mee of Mu-io ! All this will be given lor only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollr lss thj'i Maa z ties ut 'he class ol 'Peiej-on " I s Thrilliug Tales acd X velctles Are the beM published anywhere. All the most popular wiiiersare empMed to 'rde orLinaly for "Peterson" In ISfiS, "n addition to its u--mI Atnivi'V of short stor ies. Four original Copwuht Novelettes will tie tiven, by Ann S Sihpheri, Louise C. Monlioii, Fra-k Lee Benedict, and the Author of the "Second Life." It also puo Iihs Fashions .lhtad cf all Others. F.ch number, sn ad duion to the colored plate, gives Honnet, Cloaks and Dresses, ang'aved on wood. Also, a pat'ern, fro.n which a Dress, Mantilla, nr Clul tT D.ess can be cm, without Ihe aid of a man'ti-ma ker. Also, several pages of Household a id other Receipits. II is the cent Lady's Magazine in the world TRY IT FOU ONE YE Alt. TERMS Alwajs in Advance. f)n i-nov. one vear. S 2 00 Eight copies, for one year. Fourteen copies for one year 12 00 20 0 ) Premiums for Getting vp Clubs: To every persons getting up a club, at the above la'es, a copy of :he Magazine for lf5 will given grati- : or, if preler red, Ihe superb engravmg (siz 27 inches bv 20 inches.) liatkingtoti Parting From His GrreruU." . ' Advlress, post paid. CHARLES J PETERSON. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. CSSpHcimens sent graii, whe l sent for. Nov. 23, 1864. THE NEW GI10CERY STOilE FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STANDJ ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. ITIorc I' resist GooI. Just received al Henry Gigers few Store. MOLASSES, bUGAKS, . 'TEAS, COFFEE, lilCE, SIMCES, FISH, SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND ' rROVlSlOXS. . Together jwith a great variety of notions &c-. ton numerous io mention. s"Butler, Eggs. Mal and produce gen erally taken iu exchange torood. i j 2 ' ! : "V- 1 r-i. by- '-'' T-i 'I - Mm - G FC VESTEN 8c CO. " i'iaao i outi: .AMirAtrn THE atiention of the public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which lor volun e and purity of tone are unrivalled bv any hi lierto offered in this market. They coniuin nil Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Stri.n Ba &c.. i d eacli u.sin ir et.t being n.ade under the personal supervision ot Mr J. H GROVFSTEEN, who has l ad a practical ex- t erienceof over 30 years in iheir n anulacture, is fully warrenied ir ei-ery pnr'icnlar. The Grovetteen Viano-F rie Recfitetl ihp Highest auurd cf Mtril ftir all others at the Celebrated World' Fair. Where were exhil tied iri.-trnmenss ftom the best makerf of London, Pari v Germany , Pl.ilapelphia, Bdltirnore, Boston and New York; and also at the American InMitnie lor live successive years, the-gold and silver medals from both ol w Inch can be seen at our ware-roon. i ire introduction oi improvement e mnn'- - - " l . ... r:.. Forte, and by manufacturing large!), wph a HncMy cdsh sxstem, areenaoieo io tuicr the-e ins'rumeiits al prices which will preclude all competition. PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round comers, Roew -or-'. plain i ae 275. Nn. 2 Seven Octave, round corner", I'nifwooil heavy moulding S3h0. No. 3, Seven Ocave, round corner. Rosewooif. Louis XI V sh le $325 a simile of t' a!'"" cut teims .-u'l' i?i ciFut:r:A'T rrans. rDEaCRlPl 1VK CIRCULARb 6E.n 1 FREE.j July 13, 1864 ly. ittnaji (i.oTnr imN';r --. IT IS IlrE ONLY RELIABLE S : L F-Jl VJ UST1SG It'll L G Ell. iYo Wo d Work to swtll or spiit-r-No Thumb set exes to gel out of order -Warranted with or without cng-ichteh XT took tin first prerninm at fitty-seven Slate and C-ointy Fairs in 186 3. and i without any exception, ihe bet Wringer ever made. Pteiit-d in the Un Ued State, England Canadi, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town, ami in al parts of the world. Energetic Agents chii make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price. v. " fi .,(1 o 1. S7 50. No. F. SS 50. I No. A, 50. Manufactured am' sold, wholesale and reUii bv .THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No. 13 Piatt St'eet, N. Y. & C.WeUnd, O. A H FUANCISCUS. Agei.t, Philadelphia. Pa. fj hat Everybody Knows, viz: m Thni iron well iialvnnized will not rust. That a simple machine i- he'ter tfian a compltcaicd otte. That a Wringer rliMild t e self, adjusting, durable, nod eiTicient. Th;.i Thumb -crews and Fastenings cause d-lay and trouble to regulate and kee;i in i order. That wood soaked in hot' water will swell, r-hrink and split. 1 hat wood ; be'aricgs 'or the si. alt to run in will wear lout. Tirat ihe Putnaui W r i n - r, w i h or 1 u ithout cog w l-.e-ls.w il! not tear the. clotl es That cog wheel regulator uti no! essen til That ih" Putnam Wrin-ger has llthe advan laaes, and not one of the disadvan tages above named. That all who tiave tested i, pronounce ! the b st W'iugcr ever rra:1e. Thai i will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We nnaht till It' paper with testimoni als, but iit'e't only a lew to'convii.ce the keptical. if sio-h tt re be; and we .ty to all, test Pii'nani's Wiit:ger IV-i it thor onghly wiih any amt all others, and ifnoi pntuelv sati-ffctory return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Geii'lemen I know from practical experiei ce tin", iron well gal vaniyed with zinc will rot oxidize or rust oi e particle. The Pulnain Wringer is a near perfect a-pcs-itle, aid 1 can cheerlully ie cam inei.d il lo- be ll e he-i in n-e. Re-pecttully vonrs, JOHN W. WHEELER. CI" velaiid. O i io Many j enrs experience iu the galvai iz ing busir-rgs, enr.tle me to endorse the above statement in all parti""Urs JNO C. LEFFERTS. No. I0i BeeKtiiiiu St. New York, January. 1864. We have te-ted Pn'nam Cl'hes Wring er by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap, it is simple, it requires no room whether at work o at re-i; a child can operate it Ii does itximy thoroughly. It save tin e and it save wear and tear We earnes ly atlvi-e all who hove much wa-hing to do, wish all intelligent persons who may have ar.v, m tny m.s Wringer. Il will pi.y lor it-e f in a year a m " HORAC. E GREELEY. July 6, 164. ly. Hating and Drinking THE stbscr.ler re-pect'nlly givps tice to ihe put lie that he has at h's Sa no oou, on Main Street, constantly on hand Fresh Oj'sters, either in the shell rrbythe CAN, to snii hi customers. Families cmii tie supplied by the ca-i or by the quart upon hort no tice. He aUo keep on hjtid XX Ale, Si der and mi'ierals. Give htm a call. R. STCIINER. rloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1864. Atlininistraloi'N IVotice. Estate of James Mcllride, late cf Hem- 'lork township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on lh es taie ol James Mi-Bride late ol Hemlock iwp., Columbia county P.i , have been granted hy tne Register of isai 1 county to Hugh D Mcllride, residing in the tw p.. and county aforesaid. AH persons having cliims agiinst ihe esla'e of the decedent are requested lo preent them for seitle-me-it to the administrator withoift delay, and all perrons indebted to the decedent shall make payment immediaieley io lhe undersigned HUGH D. McBRIDE, Adm'r. Hemlock, Jan. 4, 1865 6. v S2. .EUXKS! DLAMvS! BLANKS 15 DEEDS, SUMMONS, .EXECUTIONS, SUBrCENAb, ; fjie:ij jivJ. " lr'-'-'- r.ot 1 lfi modem inpro ments, French, Grand .... ... r . norlui'1 1'iatiOj jYcw Clothing Store, LATEST S1VLES-CHEAP (iOODS. rf'HE nniler'igne"l rcs.'Pi-lfnlly in'orms his friends Ktid the public generally, ihat he has just received Irom lhe Eastern Cit e-, a large asort met) I of csrpV!7,t'''"r CLOTHING, Freh Irom the spat ol 1-a-hion, ot all , ii;id quantities, which will Le sold cheap lorcas'i or country pro luce. A L S O, II A T.N A: CAPS BOOTS AM) SHOES.0S, j'?r;r logeuier wun a variety oi no lions and things too 4 roohlesome to numer ate, to w hicfi he invites the attention ol purchaser-. XT He is also prepared tn make us cfnthinz to order, on reasonable termp, and vp to the Idlest fashions. ftT (Jail aud examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloom t.b u rgA pnl 27. 1864. Jtlillcr's Store. 'T- rrA ro -- r r T'r f'V 3. H tiF FALL AM) VI. I' Eli GOODS. ''HE subscriber has just returned from ihe cities wiih another large and eiect asOit;i:ei,t d" Fall and Winter Goods. pnrch;i-p l at Philadelphia and N-w York, at the iowe-t figure, and which he is deter rnii cd ;o st ii on as moderate terms a- can be nriicnre.l ei-ewhere in. K.oomsbur. Hi -Ii ci coin 4-es L.1 DIES' DllESS GOODS. (f the t in te'est styles and latest la-hions, U-Bit er with h ffji as-or irien' of DliY-tiOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND VESTING-. . I.SO, Ci 1 1 0 C K Ii 1 K s , HARD W A R FJ . q i : i : i : n s w a w i : . : l; d a k w a nr., HOLLOW WAUr.. N.MLS. IRON. liOO ls tllOMS, HATS - OAl'S.-c. In l.ort, eiervthuig usually ke,.t in conn ir) !!lre.. io which he inv es he attention oi lhe j nt lic genrrally. I he t:it.e-t rice will b pa'd for coun try produce. Ih cxchfjje for good-. STEPHEN H. MILLER i;!oo.,4sburg. Oct U ls;6 1. CON FI-.C'I If) l MY STOII E . II. ('. (HklsTUlAN, 'ESPECTFULLY announces to the cili -zeti? ol Bioom-borg and vicinity that he ha- just opened a new RetreshiriPi.l Sa Icon and Coriieciirmeri S ore, on Mai'tt-st , econd doer below the -'American House, " w here he intends supplying all w ho may j imv tiriM iiii-ir cu-toni wun f !f.n u IN TERS. Clam Soup, Sardines, Boded Eggs, Ha n Tripe Pi:s' Feet, Dried Hetrii.g, c. He wdl l-o kee i on tiao i a superior ar ticle rd DRAUGHT ALE Porter Lagerbeer, ai it S.ir-aparilla : ti)geiher with a good as--rrMnenl of Can lie. Sweetmeats, Ciikes, f'lgar- ai'd Ct-ewing Ti'bacco In connec li ri with this saloon he has fined up a La dies." Department where nil who may de sire can rail lor Oysters and Refreshment-' and wiil be free Irom all annoyances and indecencies iliji ladies are ton often ex po-ed 10 in sortie o our best re-taurauts. Don't fail to givp him a call. H. C CHRISTM AN. Proprietor, hloomsburg. Oct. 12, 1S64. A(Jmi;u(r;itor s rVoticcr Estate of Jacob Kindi glaie of Fishing cretk twp-, die raxed. I EE iTERS ol administration on ihe p. -taie of Jco? Kindig late ol Fifhingceek twp, Cidumbia county, deceased, oave been granted by the Regj-ter ol Colurribii county, lo John Went.er, re-i !mg in town sdip an t coun'y aforesaid. All persons having claims ag.iiu-t fie e-tat of the de cedent are . requeued to present them to the ti'ider-igned without delay, and allp r siiii iudebied 10 mak pavmr-t fortfiwih JOHN WENNER, d,uV. Ei-hgcreek, Nov. l, UtJ-tw i2 Nation;) I la i iu Agency, COMJCCTFO BY HARVY &c COLLINS, WASHIXGTOS. D C. JN order to faciliiate the prompt adj.iM--- mem of Bontpy, arrears ot pay. Pension and other claims due soldiers and ;her persons trom the fioverntneni of the U. S , the under-igi eJ has made arrangement with the aoove firm whot experience aa l dose proximity, to, and 'daily intercourse wtth, the Department, as well a- the early knowledge acquired by thera of thia dectf ions frequently bein made, enable them to prosecute ciaitr.s more etfectually thai Attorneys at a di-tanoe can possibly i!o Ail persons entitled 10 claims of tha aboe description can have them properly attend ed to by oailing'ou me and entrusting them to my tare. W. WIRT mi 1 1 ! GROVER Co BAKER'S rvi. bhatfd ki.atic stitc ii s i:r 1 1 zi m nt a i: Were awarded the hiuhei. Pie n. if ms ovtj ail Corr :pet ifors al the following Stale and County F'T- of 1863. NEW YORK SIA'IE FAIR. First PretrniiCM tor family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Kir-t Premium lor Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. Firt Premium lor Macrtpie for all purpose i First Premium for Machine Wi.rk I VERMONT STATE FAIR. j j.',r ( premium lor Family Machine. j p, r( Premium lor Manufacturing Machlti J pjrfc( prpminm for Machine Work' ' j OHIO M'ATE FAIR. - : plrfc, Prerninm for Machine Wo k j. OWA STATE FAIR, t Premium for Familv Machine First I ' remiuiTi for Manufacturing MachTna First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE E A I R. F.rsi Premium for Machine for il pcrpc First Premium for Machine Work KKNTUCKY-STATK FAIR Frt Premium fur Machine f'r all purpos Frist Prerninm fr Mai hiue Work, MICAKjAN STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing M aohlne F:rt Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work PF.XN'A - STATE FAIR I ir-t Premium for ManuhiCinririg Machine hrist Premium for Machine Worn I OREGON STA f E FAIR, j First Premium for Family Machine i Fir-t Prernmnfc ior Machine' Work ! "-nil i r.i ur,. iu. v i auk I, MJU. j rii-i I icniiiiiii mi ram 1 1) &i iciline Firi Premium f r Maiiufcrbring Mad ioe Pirl Pre in 1 1) 111 it r M. rhina VV'nrlr FRANKLIN CO N V. FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine. Kir-' Premicrn for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vi. AG'L SOC. Fir-i Premium for Famfly Machinp Fir-i Premium or Manulacturiii;! Machine Fir-l Premium lor Macnine Work j HAMPDEN CO Ma-s AG'L. SOC. j Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine VVoik. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium tor Family Machine First Prernium lor Mail ufaciiiring Machine F'r-t Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N , FAIR. First Premium lor Fsrmly Mrhioe MECHANICS INS'Pt f'UTE Pa. FAIR. P i r i-; PrpmiiHii for Machine for all purno j First Premium lor Machine Wor GER ENFIELD O. UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Mat hme Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. FirM Premiim. for Family Machine Fir-l Prpminrn for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi st Premium tor Machine for ail purpoM Fir-l Premium lor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cl FAIR. Ftrsi Premium for Family Machine Fir-l Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DlSIRICr Cal FAIR. F'rst Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work C"Tiie above com prise a the Fair at which the Grpver it Raker Machines were exhibited this vear. Sale r.io'ii-, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Cl.et-MiU St., Philadelphia. March 23, ISG4 ly. TI1E Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worth seeing. Please "-end for circular with sample i sewn g. The-e Improved Machines save one hundred ppr cent of ttiread and silk, ami make the lock-eti ch' alike on both side. They require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the ''printed directions " No change in s-ewing from ot:e kind of goods to another. And no taking apart to clean o oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its ra u hinery and tools entirely I new, and i already- rapidly turning ,,r,t j Machine, which for I eaut and perfection t o finish are not surpassed by am inanufae . tl" T" in the w r.rld. N. B. Should any M u-hir e ptove unai if ctor, it can be returned and n.oney rcfuiide.l Agents wanted i coonlies no! ca'ivassed) by our own Ag"nt FINKLE k LYON S. M. CO. No. S3S Broadway, New York. April 2D. ISftl. lv - rVoticc Io Trcsxas-crf. THE following famters and land owner, of Orange and Ceu re townships Columbia j count , do nereoy cannon ail fersons aioinsi t in tit'g rr i i anvise trespasmir on iheir lands, tl.us making ihemselvr subject to tt-e pei'-nlties if the law whiert wili te most Mri'igenth enlorcef Ddvid E Maymer, Stephen Hill, Sarnuel Heidle; , Frany Hayman, Simon L i wry. Reuben Sider, " - All of Otange township. Benj. S: mer, Wm Beck, .Frederick Beck, Adam Hill." -Wm Wi'miie, Geo Witmrs, Joseph Ruckle, all of Centra two. Orange, Nov 16, 1S64.J 'IHE undersigned having r"nnrted bims sell witli es abiisheil Agem jeH in Wa-h -inston and Philadelphia p-repdred to altei d io ih- coliei-tion of Bck pJ, Rotuitic, lnsioii!. ' arid all other equiiab'e claims against the G arnmeni. His ex oenence and busings connections enable ft i rn lo attend to tt err ith the least possible delay. No charge made unless the i Linis are secured. Office wiih K. H. Litile, Esq., Courl; House Alley, Bloomborg P. r v. i;i-AriMv Avfcirw- .a t'Wii iiiicMt4. . ni v. 1 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers