STAR OF THE NORTH Wednesday Sicrnin?, April 15lh, iSGJ. Th next terta of school ia the Oranjr Tille Academy will commence on the 24th LfcTI taviii, who was tried at our last court and couvicted for bigamy, has received a pardon Irora Gov. Curtin. He will te home la a few days. Wi received a communication a few days ince, from 'S. K,' for publication, which U rther lengthy, tut we will endeavor to gjve it a place in our next paper. Oh the first page of this week's Star will bu found several excellent political articles, taken from ctir exchanges, the theme of which is Republicanism ia all it naked de formities. Mr. Ccmmisgj, jeweler and watchmaker, at this place, had a robbery committed in his shop on Sunday evening last. The win dow was broken open, and several sets of jewely were taken, but no watches. Loss some fifteen or twenty cio'Iara. Advance paying subscribers will take no tice that they roust be more prompt in pay ing. We do Eot consider it advance pay ment when it runs one, two and ititee months, or even weeks, after the time of fedbscribing. We ebatt have to take more than ocr usual advance mo:xey from some cf our patrons. In Jail. On Friday last two persons, (one colored) named Laac Must and Charles An dt'VMS, from Scott township, were lodged in J iii at this place, for theft. On the follow ing Monday they had a further hearing before the Justice who committed them, 4 which resulted in the reluming of the pris oners to Jail. We have often been puzzled to make up oar mind as to which is the highest com pliment to a true man: the praises of the respectable or the denunciations of a black guard. We are rather land of both, and this fact we command to the editor of the Columbia County Pepublictn. One thin" is are, as long as our fidelity to the country is ncj quettioned by any but those who took j art fig'iinsi the country ia the Mexican war , and have advocated uboU'vm ever since, our sleep will not be seriously disturbed. A small Jail tielnerj look place on Mon day night of last week. Ynt,ng Mr Trow bridge, in on sentence for asauit and bat tary, concluded-to jjo and visit his mother, and ha vin succeeded in making a key he inlockedthe door and walked ont. Upon starling be asked R. chard Tot by if he woi Id (;o along Toby aid "No. he wor.U yet est in a Iawtul way directly he hope.);" and when the family came to examine ('he Sheriff being hstnt) i! every ib'mg was lifiht, they found the door open and Dick Tery composedly smoking his Pi;-e On Tuesday morning Mr. Jose: h Lilly ret'irn rd Trowbridge to ihe cut-tody of Sheriff Furman. Local. Col. Dim. - Hog Epidemic 1 he mysterious disease, vhich we spoke cl some time since as fi ict ina the hogs so fatally in this vicinity till continue i;.s ravage. iJr Hiram An trim, of the Mahoning S'eam Mill, has lost no less than eleven fine hogs this reason, two of them died this week weighing over 200 lbs. each, and he ha several mor sick. It would be well for those interested in raising swine to cntunlt together and endeavor to apply a remedy for t he disease. The bog appear to be afiected alike when taken sick a disinclination to eat, drowsy lock, excessive weakne-s in ti e hind legs, Until it . finally keels over and dies. Dan ville Intelligencer. Dandelion Ccjjie It will be seen, in our paper, that we advertise this coffee for sale, (both wholesale and retail) by Mr. M. H Koilock, Chemist, cor. Broad and Chestnut ;ti, Philadelphia. This article of coffee lurpases all other preparations. We have used it in our family about one month, and must say that we prefer it to that of the reg ular Java Coffee. We believe it to be per fectly healthy, and can be used without pro ducing any injurious effect. It is sold low, within the reach of every ono, and we would recommend its general nse. One can, sold for 25 els., will last or go as far as two pounds of other coffee. Try it, can be had of most of our dealers. We think the laboring classes of the conn try can tell with more truthfulness what has been accomplished by the Republican par ty, than djj the Rtpdhcin of this place, in 2 i f u wr 1 u .Its imuc ut vicci utriuie iui wut-u it gravely told its readers that the Republican party had so tar fulfilled all its pledges and 'accomplished all its undertakings. We I deem it onnecessaty to show how vell their -', pledges have been kept, as the people pret ' XJ generally understand what was set forth - in the Chicago Platform. To stop the spread of Slavery in the territories, economize In i . . r . i rr r . i . iue administration oi me iiuii oi me uot ernment, and to punish all who were guilty of praciicica fraod and corruption upon the Government, were some of the chief objects set forth ia their Platform, to be carried out by this Republican party. How well they have performed these pledges, the people will answer at the ballot box when an op portunity is offered. Mark the prediction ! - It i said 'hat he (meaning Capt "Frick) bas tendered bis resignation Stur 2th inat. '' The statement in the Slur that he (Frick) bas tendered his resignation Is joist Jlepub lican 10'A jnt. . . We founded our "statement"' open the following, which appeared in a communi cation received by us from one of the mem bers of tbe Company ol which Mr. Frick is Captain. It is this !'lt is rumored in camp tbat our beloved Captain has tendered his resignation," The vain, bigoted editor of the Republican should explain who has falsi fied, whether there tea such a rumor or whether or not tr have falsified in seating juel what we have inserted above. We have been informed, through several sources, since our last issue, that oar correspondent was correct as to the rumor. These remarks are made with no ill spirit towards Captain Frick whatever, but merely to remind oiir tip town notcaal editor of the old maxim of 'thinking twica before speaking once." The person who wished some one togo 'down to the army and shoot ' Toodles" for writing "sich nasty'-" letters to the Str bad better take the job upon himself. Palemon John has discovered a mare's nest" in finding out and telling his readers, (not ours) who Toodles" is, something that the people'knew long ago. We pre sume the Republican editor feels considera bly easier on his ilomach since "ventilating" our correspondent. The truthful, wise and sapient journalist said be "felt it incumbent on himself to inform the public" of the lact, that the person who wrote those army cor respondences for the Star, signed 'Toodles,' was known in this community' as "Jim Price." He also stated, in his most excel lently penned notice of our correspondent, that Mr. Price had been tried, in the Court Hocse at this place, a few years ago, for murder; but failed, no doubt unintentionally, to do Mr. Price the simple justice in saying that he was honorably acquitted by the tri bunal before which he manfully stood a fair and impartial trial, and that other men's hands reek with the blood of the unfortunate man This partizan editor also speaks of Toodles'' as being an ''out law," which, if we understand the meaning of the com pound word, would be difficult for Palemon to make appear. So Ions as 'Toodles' would write respecting the "incidents occurring during the progress of the Regiment to which he belongs," that would be ''legiti mate and interesting." in Palemon' a opin ion, but whenever he mentions the fact that fraud and corruption have been pracriced apon the Government by this Republican pirty in power, then he is an "irresponsible out-law,'' preaching "worse than treaon." Not one word on this subject should our correspondent write, he has been "tried for mnrder," hence the public should not place "confidence" in what he writes. But Pale mon, if we are not very much mistaken will have to "ventilate" still more, and quote " Devil'1 poetry stronger, before he can persuade th6 toy-d people of Columbia to place no "confidence" in what 'Toodles' writes. The Republican party, as well as its blind partizan editor, know that Toodles' tells litem some stubborn facts. The' will J have to "jrin and bear them," although it ma be hard. IS I f POSSIBLE that any soldier can be so foolish as to leave the City without a supply of Holloway's On tmeut ami I'iils? Wp.o ever dos t-o will deeply rearet it. Tdf se medicines Bre the only ceriatn cure for Bowel Complaints, Fevers, Sores and Scor vey. 25 cents pr Box or Pot. 223. KEGISTKlt'S NOTICKS. VOT1CE is-hereby jiving to all late, creditors and othr persons i'iiHrs'ed in the estates of the respective decedents and minor?, thai ihe following adiriinitra lion and guardian accoimis have been fi!.d in ?f e offire of the Register of Colombia county, an will be nreenied fot ronfirnia- lion an I allowance to ihe Orptiars Court, to be hett at Kioomsbur, in trie county aloretai ljOn Wedne-d-iy the 7ih da of May next, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon ot said day. 1. Account of Samuel Creav, Gnard'an of Hannah Boone dniid'er of Aaron Fry. 2. ArronrH ol Aaron 4.amberson. fitiar dian oi AViiliam Jones, n of Je;e J-ies 3. Fui nd final account of H mi. War ren J. Woodward, Executor, of Alis Ellen Scott, deceased. 4. Final account of Daniel Garharl, ad ministrator ol J-'lin Gearhart, of Franklin township, deceaj-eJ. 5. Final account of Martin V. B. Kline, admi'ii-lraior of Hon. Peter. Kline, late of Locust lown-hip, deceased. 6. Tbe account of .Inn a than C. Penning ton, atlmit ii-tra'.or of Samuel Rozelt, lata of Betron twp , deceased. 7. First account of Samuel Creasy, exec nmr of ih last Will of John Brown, late ol Mifflin township, !ec'J. H. Accou:.t ol William Bnckalew, one of the executors of John M. Bnckalew, late of Fishincreek twp., deceased. 9. Account of Frankiiti Rarig and J hn Witner. admr's of Elizabeth Helwig, late of Lo-ust township, ddceaed. - 10 Accoont ol Jesse Menseh, cnardan of Clarissa Sidler, minor child of John Suller, Inte of F'ranklin township, iecea-ed. 11. Account of El wood Hulies. executor ot Stejten Adams, laie of Briarcreek twp, ileceased. 12 Account of Thoma Rce, dtn'r of Ptiilip Ueece, late of Greenwood townh p, deceaed. J3. Final account of Lewis Yeitr, mlm'i fie huh non ol Err Harder, late of Caltawis sa township, deceased. 14. Account of Lew i Yetter and Samuel Drum, executors of John Gearhart, late ot JldBin township, dereaed 15. Account of Wesley Perry and Mark Williams, almr ol Mordecai Perry, late of Locust town-hip, deceased. 16. Account of Julia Rupert, Executrix of Caiharine Rupert, late of Kloom iwp. decM 17. Final account of Philip Freiis, Jahu Freas and Andrew Fieas, execu'ors of Jno. Freas, late ol Cemre township, dee'd. 18 Account of C. H. D.elier'ick & Phebe Johnson, executors of the last Will of Geo. W. Parks, IaienfSco-t iwp. dec.V. 19. First and final account of Levi Creasy and Samuel Creasy, executors ol the Ids; Will of Adam Creaj, late of Mifflin twp , deceased. 20. Account of Sasnu.el Creasy, guardian of Abratiam Anir'e, minor child of Jacob Aiiyle, late of M'lllin tovnhip, dee'd. 21. Accou'tofJ R. Pe.iiiinu'on, executor of ihe last Will of Eli as Lutz, late of Beaton township, deceased. 22 Account ol Ua.ic. K. Krickbaum, ex editor of the l.o-t Wf.l ol John Kline, black-j-miih la e of Benton township, deceased. 23 Account "I Daniel M-eller, executor of Jonathan Ma-teller, late of Maihton iwp. tlet eased- 24 Account of Benjamin M. V'ilon, adm'r of William L Fause, laie of Hemlock twp teceaed. 25 Account of George W. Dreisbach, ad mtnieiraior of the eiate of EiiZbeih D.eis ticli, Inle ot Bloom township, deceased. 28 Account ot Cathdnne A. Weliiyer, ad ministratrix of William Welliver, late of Alatlij-on (ownphip. deceased 27 Account ol Franklin Vocnm, adm'r of Jacob Yocum, late of Xloariugcreek town bhip, deceased. DANIEL LEE. Register's Office, I Register. B'oornSburg, April 9, 1862 J 2. EMPL0I31LT ! AGENTS WANTED! $75 We will pay Irom S25 to S75 per month, and all expenses, to active Agents, or tfive a commission. Particular sent free. Ad dress Ekik Skwikg Machine Company, R JAMES, Gereral Agent, Milan, Ohio. BlooiiisLnri?. Aug. 21, 1861. U1K.IM t. liOU'EK, SUJiGEON D&NTIST, Office near WiUon Carriage Shop.Matn Si FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Brarc Soldiers and Sailorsi or THE IIOLLOWAY'M AND OINTMENT. A'l who have Friends and Relatives ir the Army or Navy, should lake especia cre,ihat they be amply 6upp'ied with thus Pills and Ointment ; arid where ihe brave Soldiers an-1 S tilors have ne?lec.!e , to provide themselves with them, no beite present can be sent them by their friends They have been proved to be the Soldier'o n 'ver-lailms-lpend in the hour of ned. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOl'S. Will be relieved aid eflectually cored bv nsin thei e admirable medicines, and by. pa ing prnper atiention io the Direction! which are attached to eacli Pol or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT (V AT PETIT E, IN CI DEN TALTO SOLDIERS Those f-elinis which so sadden us usual ly aii-e I rom trout. le or annoyance, ot t!ruced uerspira ion, or ea'ing and drink ing whatever is unwholesome, thus dn. turbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach These organs m nsi b relievet , if jou desire, to be well. The Pill, taking according to ihe punted instructions, will quickly produce a healthy aciiou i.i boib liver and sioinach, avid as a na'ura! const -quence a clear head and good appetite WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCE ) BV OVER FATIGUK. Will soon tlixappear by the ue of theie invalnatde pills, and the soldier will qtnel -ly at-quire aihlitioiial sirenm. Never lit the bowels be e'ther confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem -trane' ihat Hol loway's PUN should be recoiiimendd fr Pyseniary ami Flux, many person supp -sing tha 'hey would increase ibe relax i iion. 'I'his is a "teat mislnke, for these Pills will correct the livei and slninach and thus remote all Ihe acrid humors fro n Itiesjsein. Tliis medicine will give to ie and vi.r o 'he whole organic ss em hor ever tleransjed, wfiile hwalia and sirens h htlloA' as a mailer ol course. Nothing Will stop the relaxation of il:e bowels so sure i thi famou meiticine. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! IND1S , CRKTION OF YOU I H. Sores and Ulcer, Blotches and Swelling can with certainty be radically cured if t ie pills are iken niht and morning anl tie Ointment be Ireely u'd as saied in tie printed in-tructions. If treated in any o ti er manner they dry np in one part to break out in another. Wtiereas this Ointment will remove ihe humors from the syttn and leave the Patient a vigorous and h-ei I thy man. It will require a little per-eie-ranee in bad rases to in-nre a la-ting cure. FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BV THE BAYONET. SABRE OR THE BULLET, ORES Oil BKUIbKS. To which every Soldier and Sailor are li able, there arrf no medicines to safe, sore and convenient as Holloway's Pills nd Ointinei t. The poor wounded and a!rcot dvi'iz sufferer might have hi wounds dres-ed immediately, j he would oniy pro vide him-eit with this ma'ch'.es O.nlmtnl. which should be thrust into the woinl and smeared all round it, then covered null apiece of linen from his knapsack compressed wi h a handkercheit. Taking night and mornina 6 or 8 pilU, to cool Ihe js enri and prevent iiiflamaiio'i.. Everv Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Che-i stuuM be provided with these val ta ble Rente lies. CAUTION ! None are genuine unless Ihe word 'H dJoway, New York and Li don are discernable as a W'aier-maik in ev?r leaf of the book of direction around eacii pot or box : the same may be pin nly seen by holding ihn leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be give t io any one rendering " iuforma'ioii ai may lea I to ihe detection ol any party or parties coun terfeiting the medicines oi vending the same, kniwing them to be spurious. Sold ai Ihe Manufactory of Profeisor Holiowav, K0 Mdden Lane, New York,ind by all rapec able Druggits and D"aleM i-i iVlt-ilicme, thrtujghoul Hie civilized wsrht in b xes at tweipy five cents, sixty lvo cents at.d one if of I r each. Tliere i considerable saving by ta kitm t'e larger sizes N B Directions for the guidance of pa tients i t every disorder are atfixed to ach box. A p it 9ti. IH62. ly- Grand Juror?, for May rem, IUi2. BliiOm Joh-i Por-el, sr., Montgomery X liue . Ai.drew Crevt-li.ig. Beaver C'iri-tiaii Shuman. Beiuon Eltj.ih Klite. Bri.rcrek John yV. Bovman. Bor. Berwick - Towusand B .one. Caitaw issa, - John Sharpless, Daniel C Geariari. Hemlock John Brugter. Jackson Frederick Wile.'Ro'jeri Edgir. Locusi Win. Le, David L. Helwig. Ueu- Leo Fahrii ger, jr., Benjioiin Wagner. Mount Pleas int TnouM- J. Welliver Madi-on Jacob Swisuer, Henry C. Mills. Orange Jonn Herring. Pme John Lore. Albert Hunter. Si-oti Pe er E t, Knock Howell. Ma'ch 26. Ixfi2. Traverse Jurors, for May, 1SG2. Bor. Berwick Henry C. Frea. Bloom Peter I'.ill tneyer, George UVsver. Briwicreek John Fester, jr., Jidi'i Bia-tk, jr., E'ios L. Adams, Jo-eph S:;ckh-e. Rnaver J .cob Hrriger, Peter E.-ro; th. Benton- J -cob Knoole, A'exaoder Co1 ley. Caoawisa John, George Snicker, Willi i m ! arr Cemre John Hill, Paul Ziner. Franklin Washington Prr, Aaron Lam- beriion. Fir-hingcreek Elias Pealer, Henry B tten bender. Greenwood Jesse Heacock, Nicholai Cole John M. Parker. Hem Irck Reuben Bomboy, Samuel Ohl. Benjamin Wilson, Jacob Harris. Lo.,,MlH.nry Fahringer, Jacob Miller, David Hauck, Michael Hower. M fflin S-.ephen Auchenbach, John R. Yohe, Her.ry Angle. Madron Chri.-tian, Thon as A. Funsion, John Fruit, jr. Montour Lewi Roat, Grier Quick. Orange Jee Coleman. Peter P. Kline, H.rani R. Kline. i Roaringcreek Benjamin Hauck. Sugar oaWi.liatn Masteller, Elias Cole, George Hess. Scott Chester C. Marr, Samuel Kreisler. March v6. 1862 COAL Oil.. -Ardesco Coal Oil fo-sale, 12 cts. per quart, by - JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburff, Feb. 26. 1882 1 ) Ayer's SarsapariUiL SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue ot several writs ol venditioni ex vonas and Levari Facias, to me directed, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia conn'y, win oe expose.! to pnt lic sale on SATURDAY, THE 3d DAY OF MAY NEXT, at 1 o'clock p.m. of said day at the Court House, in Bloomt-borg, the fol lowing real estate, to wit : A tract or piece of laud siiua'e in ihe township of Greenwood, county ol Colum bia, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by land of James Patter sou, on the South by land of John Mason and others, containing t wenty six acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. Sei?ed taken in execution and io be sold as the property of John Covanhovan, dee'd. ALSO, All that certain tract of land eiluate in Benten township. Columbia county, bcun-' deil and described as follows to wit: on the noriti by land of Philip Krickbaom's heir-, on the eat-t by lands of David Doiy,on the south bv lands of Andrew Ranyan & Peter Case, and on ihe we-t by land of Josep'.i Hei.s, containing eighty three acres more or less, about one half ol which is improv ed land, whereon are erected a two siory frame dwelling hons,a wheelrighl shop, a log Barn, and oilier outbuildings, with the appurtenance. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of N. P Moore. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Mountpleasant iwp., Columbia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows to wi:: . on the north by land of John Autin, on the east by land of Jihn Cro-ise, on the south by lands of Caiharine Zigler, and on the west by lands of Jacob Johnson, con taining fifty acres more or le, ahom 35 acres of which is improved land, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, a frame siab'e, ami other outbuilding, with the ap pursenance. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold as Ihe propeay of John Johnson. ALSO, All that-cerhiin lot ol ground s'pna'e in Bloom township, Columbia c oiiiwy, Peuna bounded and described u- follows to wit: On tlte South by the North Branch Canal, on the West by land ol the Iron Dale Co on trie Nor li ty a bire-t, anil on the k u.-t by lot oi George Weaver, containing 0,,e ncre ol land be the same more or less, whereon are erected a two sirry frame dwelling houstf, a Irame stable,, and oi!icr outbuildings, with the appurtenances. Seized liiken in execution ami io be sold as the property of Jacob Rsiawik. ALSO, AH those cprtain lots and tract of lane" as follow to wit: All ihose three lot lying contiguous to each other, situm in Kerr. lown, Locust town-hip, Columbia county, Peun'a, boutnted and described a follows, to wn: on the nonhwest by an Alley thirty three feet wide, on the nor:hea-i bv h Main sireet of ai l . town, on the southeast by land oi Francis Kern, and on the sotrhwest by an alley, containing one third of acre each, morn or les( whereon is erected a new two story frame 6tore house, with the appurtenances. ALSO -Six other lots situate in the iown and couuiy alore-aid, ly ing con.i j-u ons to each oilier, bounded on Itie nortfiwe-t by t lands ol Peter Rhoads, on the norilnet by a Main street lea. ling through the town to Slab ovMi, on ihe ronheist by an alley 33 tert wide, and on the souihweM by an al ley, containing one third of an acre each, niore or less, whereon are erecred a new two story liatr-e dwelling- house, tt -mall frame store hou-e, a wt II ol water, a id other outbuildings, with the appurtenance-. ALJ'O One other lot situate in the twp. ami ccuuty uloresaid, bounded on ihe south wee! by a public road lea.ti.g (rom Kern town to S! ibtown, and on the r.ortwe.-i by latids d Peier Rhoads, o.i the noritieasl by lauds of Nicholas Englehart, and o-i ihe Sonih and E-si by laud of Franci H. Keen, containing eleven acres more or le-s, all ol which i cleared land, whereon is erece.l a lo bam ad other outbuilding, with me appuriensuces. ALSO One other lot situate in th twp aud county aloresaid, bounded on the north ea-i by a public road leading irom Kenis tovvn to Siab:ovvn, on the nonhwe-t by a publtc road leading to Neumcfia, on the souinwesl by laud of I-aiah Shaffer and on the soutn by lauds of Peter Rhoads, contain ing five htid one lourth aT'-s more or less, all ot which is improved land, wi.h the appurtenances. Al0 One other lot of land situate in the town' of Neumedia twp. and county alotesaid, bounded on the west by Main Siie-i ot said town, on the north by a lot ot John Hcimbaucfi, on the ea.-l by an aiiey, and on the south by an alley, containing j title third ol an acre more or le-, whereon i ate erected a two story frama store Ii0ue, a to siory lrame Warehouse, a frame rt a tie, wagon house, a well ol water, with the appn Menace-. A IO One and a half Lot situate in the town of Neumedia, twp. ar.d couuiy afore said, bounded on the wei by Main S reet, ol tuid town, on the north by a sirce', on the ea-t by an alley, and on Ihe soon by a lot of John Heimbauch, containing one hah of an acre more or les. whereon is erected an old frame dwelling honst-, a well ol wat er, wiih me appurtenance.. ALSO One other lot ot timber land sim ale in Locust twp , Columbia co , bounded on the north by a public road, on the ea-t bv land of Bentariiin B.'aver. on Ihe south by laud of , and on the we.: by laud J of John Billion, conta-.niog nine acres, (all j unirn proved) wiih the appurieaances. j ALSO O ne other lot ami parrel of Ian 1 i situate in the f.vp and county afore-aiii, hounded on the wp! bv an alley, on the j North by land of Lair I, and rut the S uiih t-j lot of Reuben Fahringer, contain- trig two nn I one i e acre- more or le-s all f tetice, ntiich iuijroved land and in good with itie appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as ihe properly cf John P. Leau. ALSO, Al! that certain itaci or piece of land sit uate in Jjckson town-hip, Columbia emmy, eontannrg fifty acres and allowance, boun ded ami da-cribed as IoIioas, to wit: on the North by land of Wil-on Robert and Sda Mcll-nry. on the Sou.h by lands of laac Lew is and Geo Hurley man, on the eai by I lands of Samuel Roterts and h. M Henry, and on tne west by lands ot Satn'l Robert-, whereon are en'cted a one ant a hull st yy frame dwelling hou.e, a log stable, with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Roberts. ALSO, All that certain lot and piece of ground situate in Roaringcreek township,' Colum bia county, Pa., bounded and described as follows to wit : Beginning at a sione, a cor ner ot'iand ol Mr. D-ivies, thence by ihe same South eighty five and a half degrees west, filly one perches lo a white oak tree, thence by land of an unknown person soutn seventeen and me half degree eal, 29 perches to a post; thence by other lands of Solomon L Snyder north 85i degrees e,al, 51 perches lo a stone, to lai d ot Solomon L. Snjder; thence by laud of same, no-tli seventeen and one half degree we-l, 79 porches to Ihe place of beginning, contain ing twenty five acres and twenty nine per. of land be the same more or less, with the appurtenances. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Litwiler. ALSO, A certain two story frame dwelling house situate in Briarcreek township, about 18 feel by 30 feel in size upon a loi ol ground or tract of land now occupied by the Jacob ( Sitler, containing sixty acre or thereabouts. the said tract bounced ewslward bj laii'l or John Riimrd, north by public road and land of Sanni(-1 Snler, west by laud of Jacob Bovver jr , and the lot of ground and curttl edge appurtenant lo said building. Seized taken in execution and to be solJ as ihe properly of Jacob Sitler. ALSO, AH that certsin moiety cr half part of a lot of ground i-iltiate in K-pto n, in Ute county oi Columbia, marked m the general plan ol faid town No 19. number nine teen J bounded a follow to it: beginning at a post, corner o! lot No. 20, owned b Alexander MrKamey, on ihe south side ol he Mairi StreM and ronniug thence aif-ng -aid lot southwardly one hundred and v emy thr-e feet Uiree inches to an Alley; thence along sh'k) allev westwardly tony oi;e leet lurre incites IO a post thencfr aio ig the other moiety oi lot .No, nineteen owowd bv Henry Trump northwardly wo homtred and evenly three feet three inches to Main S reet aforesaid, and thence along said St. eastwatdly loity one feet three inches to the place of beginning togetner wiih the appiirieuances. Seized laken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry B. W. Vanor.cher. ALSO, By virtue of a writ ol Fieri F'iciiis a cer tain iot or piecu of ground situate in Cat-lawf-sa. Cojntobia couuiy, bounded and described a IoI oas. io wi:: on the Ei-t by second ireel, on the North by lot ol George Hughes, on Ihe WeM h) lot ot laf Joseph Paxion, and on the North w.j-t by U.itlroad S're-M, containing 35 leet front and 2 IV leei deep, whereon are erected h two s'ory l.-ame house and a tlable, with ihe appur tenance. Seized taken in expevion and to be sold a the properly of Jo:m Dyer. ALSO, All that piece or parcel of land situated in Benton town-hip, Colombia co., bound ed and described a follows to wii: begin ning at a post corner of George Dodson'. land, thence by the sa me, riortti itrfgrees aM 30-8 perches to a pot, inence by litid ot Benj. Roell, sou'h f9j iiegree east, 12H-9 perches t a po-t, nence by land ot June Wilson $ degree ea-t,31 perohes io sione., ihence t lanos ot liiit- lp Shiii z north t'egrees we.t 131 per. lo ihe place of beginning, containing twenty five acres and two perches of land, find rrea-ure, with the. app urtenatu-e. Seized laken in execution and to b9 sold as the property of Svnuel V R -eIl. JO SI AH H. FUR MAN, Sheriff's Otii.-e, J Sheriff. Eioonipburg, Apr.! 2, 186; holier, xWi To ttie heirs and lgal rpre ,V. " 'A, st l ttives of G org Meats hue Z.y. r.,t ij5 of ibe c o. c f Columt ia, dee'd. ""J'--yS You and parh of you will take '''"r,''N notice ltiai at a Court of Com mon PIpis, held ai Blootn-buig for t'ie co ot Colombia, on the bih dav ol February, A D 1fi2 li e petition ol Wm. Cool was nre-etr.eil to the said courl, repre-Hi.tiug t!;at the shi. I Wm. Cool had ex-ru etl to the hai l George M-ars a certain indenture of mortgage m due fo'm of law, and winch wa recorded in ll' ofhee for the recording of dwis Sti--. ir. Bloom-burg in and l r Hie said co. td Columbia in Mortgage Book No 2, pagtf 613 am' 6H; that p--yn:fit'l has teen made rd all the money due iherrot., or to become due, more than two tear prior ") the pr'-s"i.t.i'ion of said pe iiion. and that satUhn-lion of ihe said moilga-je ha tioi t ecu entered upon the recor I of the same, at.d ptnyins the said court io grant a ruU upon yon to rhew can- by tNe 1 r I ray f the May Term oi itie said ciii't. A. D. Ifi2, wh s.tlsiac:ion ol the aid mort gage should not be entered by the Recorder ol Deads &e. for th said couuiy, l y the t'iret iii u of t'te sai'l couit Wberenp n '.tie said court did appoint Pe'er S. Ri-hel E-q , t-oiitfi.iioiier t lake depn-is to i ni ihe preini-e. who will s'p for il;at puri o-e a: the otii -e ot R. F C'ark. ill Bloom-burg, on S tl utd ly, 26. h ol April t62,al 10 o'clock a in , when and where, a weil a belore I lie said court uT ihe lime rd ihe bearing of the said rule, you Hie hereby requited to appear and an-wer said petition. Win-e- toy hand a B.oom-tnitg. in the Conniy "I Columbia, liita first da ot April A. D. 162. JOSIAII H. FUR MAN, Sheriff. Bionmsbnrg, Apni 2. 1S2 Afptsls from Hie Ascsci nls. N .tree is hert.y i;iven lit it ihe Com- nn-ii.tii'i- of Columbia couti v wdl hold ' their Appeal en the following days aid place, to w 't : On M, April and Briir-reei( , al ihe 21-1 1?02, Cerwick i.ig ?Utl, Le. k i - Et ke. iii B-r w 'ck. On Tue-dav, 22d, Sent! and Cen'r at the H u-e. of LUniel L. Evernari, m L gt t Sireet. On Wednesday, 23.1 Orange and Mount Piea-ant, at ihe Hjustf of fcamuel Everett, in O a;,gevi!le. On Ttmr-day, 24th. Fi-hingc-rcek, at tbe hou-e. formerly o.-i upied by Geo. W. Ilo;T man, in Fishtiig-reek. On Fnt1a, 25-ti, Benton ami u, at William Cole, Benton. O.i Saturday 20 !i. Greenwood, at the house ol Jn-oph R. Pation, m Greenvvoo'.. Monday 2S Ii. J ackson and Pine, at Irani Derr's, in Jack.r?u. On Tuesday 29 h. Madison, at Samuel Riitibv", tu J-rseymwn. Qn'W e.!. esdax 30-h. Hemlock and M.-ni-lOur, ai li e Buckojn Tavern in H -nil ick On Tht:r-dav. May 1-t lf62, Ca'tawis-a and Fian klm, at ti e Putdie lloue oi Dan iel R-i'ihol.l. in Catuwi.- t. Friday 2d. Maine and Beaver,a! the Pub lic I o'i-e o! foli't Ni-. m Mi nvtle.. On Saturday 3d. M tilii, t the Hou-e of JoVu Ki!er, in f.I lHu'Vilie. On Mo:n1ay 12 h.Lx u-t and Roaringcrepk al itie llon-e t I" John L. Ilirsi, in Slabiown On Ti.e-tay 13th, Cony rgharn, at tr,e Hou-e ot Reuben Wa er 0i Thursday loth, B oom at the Cour: Hou&e, in Bloom-bur . Bv order of the; Commi-ioners U C. FRUIT, 'Terk. Bloomsburg March 26, 1S2, i i: w ii a u i: k roi: Opposite the Court Iinue cud uext duor to ' Democrat OJi:e. THE nndrrs'gt.ed,repecituUy infunn lii friend and cii-mmer thai h- has opened A Aew Darbcr Shop. In Court Houe Alley, next tloor below the OtTtce ol the Columbia Democrat, where he will be hvppy lo wait upon all customers and from lon experience arid sirct a'ten tion to bniiies, he hopes to merit and re ceive a liberal share ot public patronag. C?AII things here done in dei-erc; and in order." THOMAS BROWN. Bloom.-biirg, Mtirch 5, l6Z. IORS.-vLE Two Patent Lever (Thirieen JeweM Watches, will be sold cheap for ca?h. 1 hey ate in good con hti-tu. further particulars, inquire at the Star FICR. li'oorniburg, Jan. 29. 1862. j-or Of- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ORANGEV1LLE ACADEMY, NORMAL SCHOOL AND COJIMERCIAL IXSTITUTC Oiang'.vi ie. Columbia County, PenHsylomJa vpHE Third Term id ihe present Acailfin- ii-jearof the Orangeville Male an-t Female Academy, will commence on Tues lay. Frii-ruaiy 4ih. 1662; 1'rot. II. 1. W LKl it, A. ill., Princip il. NORMAL DEPATMEXT. In the arrangement of Clt-se the courep of study ttnd instruciinn. arid ihe examina tion and gra 'oHtion ol pupil-, in ih's tl. partrneM will conform to the S;ate Normal chool- of l)enns Ivania and lo the vikwh ol the Smle Depji'm-nt ol Pubiic School. 1 tie In-ti:iiiion wiilbe under the charge of Pro!. H. D. Walker, A. M., as Prmci; 'al. who a-a ct:olar,a Teat tier and a Lecturer, i ton wid-l known to need any recoin -mendat ion . Thfl Trut-ei havi t.,ar-d neither pains tior expense io eMire the service ol a man in v hose integrity ar:d ability ihey liave enure cmfi fence ; and tl.ey ari determined that Uie cuhnol in the ad vantagCM which it proffeis to the public i-till noi be surpa-sed by kny similar in stitution in the State. Airangeinent- have also been rMide to conned with the In-ti-lu-ion a COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE In which the course of Iu-lrueiion wid Im as complete ami thorough a- in the be.-i Com mercial Colleges, S u.leut-, aUo who are desirou ot pursuing Classical or select studies wiil have, as in the S ale Normal f-hoo!s, the needed facilities and in.-truc-1 ion. The preparatory and mode! schools, nn der t!n; tlirei-t charge of Ihe Principal, will comprise tnip'ls '.vhasfs ae or atiaiiio.enii. do net quality itieni to pursue ihe htndi of ihe regular cla-sen In this tie uar? riienl ihere will be luruished to ttse tcu'-lter m tlents who are tjt;alifi?l for it, an oji ponuuitv lor pructiee i-i the Art ol Tench ing, arid lor learning ho.v to organize, arrange, ami in-iruct a rchool, in uch a manner thai under ihe.r threciiou bur p':b lie shall become truly model S.ttiools Lec tures on the Tneorv and Practictif Teach itig will be. given lo the Teai-ner students weekly P..t tc Lecture will also be given S-'uii-Mniifily 33 2 m 23 CS 23 q. Tuilion, per 6" ion, ofeleveni WCti ks : For me tir.-t graile S4 O'l; Seennd ora !e -55 00 ; Third grnoV t6 ()!) ; Co'iimerctai Ih'pa rt rrtei'l SJ5. full course. O'.e hall ili- Tuition is required to b" paid at ihe-op.ning of each Ses-ion and the o'her half al 1 1; e clti-e ; nulea by ag leciTieni ; no dedu;:iori mat!i) lor ab hence except in ra-n il i-nntinued iilne. B.-uir ling nnd funii-hed room will be giv-ti Siuifent- ai two dollar per wrk I T t:ee are a!-o room to let lor who vvi-ii to t'osrd trieiofelve. All t'e texi book u.-e I in ihe In-tn tition can be ha 1 in the place .it the usual idling price. tl'For further particulars address the Principal or E. Lazarus, Jarre Patterson, C. Bu'enbender, Weslev Bowman, J. S. V.'oo'l, Sa'ouel Act'enblicf' , William Fri'z, fin-J of liu.-tce?. Oraugevi'le. Jan. 15 186'. the ;i;eat cause of 12 v .tj a ."V .T3 I s n Y . Just J'uLli i'it in a S uhd EnvdnjM l. Prirr 0 ,t,.t : A LKCI UU'- BY DR. r I f.VEn wi r i . on THE CAU-E AND ( IT.!'. l -"ji'i'i' t' rt'-tp . C n .Al-. !al arid P;i-m-.,I D h iirv. Ei't'e)'- lotcareil it.:r't - i- n 'ii , i lo-i . Nervrun d Po1 I. .i'n lp; Weak nes o: and Limb- aiul t! e l ack; Intti-j-o-nion caj-aci y for study and L-it'or Dullness oj A pi rel ension; Ls ol Memory; Averi i i to Society; Love of S d'tud-: Timidity, Sell Di-Hii-t; D'.zines-j Heii.lache; A lUr lions r-f tf F.)f.-: Pitrii.le- on IMe Fairs, Iiivobmiarv P''i i;tfii.s, and sexual Lii-ai.n-cit; Ih.e ccn-equeuces ol Youditul Ii.d;-i-reiiot . fcf. FT?" I in drr.iraMe Lectnreciearly prove that .he above enumera ed, tifien sr al Jin-led, evils may be removed wiin h:s medictneanl wit'ifioi dangerut) surgical opera 'on-, an.: snoul l be read by eert yot.tti ar:d every man to the laud. em under -eal, IO any oitdre.., in a plain led env elope, on the revet pi ot -ix cenu or l o pi)-l.i"e stamp, bv ml tre-ing " DR CHAS J C KLINE, 127 !iwcry, N. Y Po-t 0;lice box 453G. Janurv 2 y iko-'-Iv. 3MIJIS0N IICUSE, (OF JEREYiO N, PA ) rjTlUV. M.t-i-iit er would respecliully ap- - pn-e his ti ali), liai to ha- et.os n.i ute juu:ic ener-e-'abli-he. d i ti e ... i . MADISON AT HOUSE, S i.i Jerse tnw n, Coin rr toa county. Th above bouse ha- I a -1 y peen Keinted and uinlergoiie a thorough repairing by. ihe p-n-pr'eior He i Ii TU prepared lo er.tcnai" itie iraveiiiug cu'oin as we'! a t'f local with genetal -ati-tai-tion. Hi TABLK and BAR, are well soppi-ed an wi'l t-e c:renl ly su t finfft'iV.I. And his S T'A BLE is am ok and well slot ke.l. in cliarge o! careful room, will ala be properly va te properly a"'en 'en IV He inv nes a share of Ihe pnb 'c cu totc.,at'd incites h.s besi rrfort. to h-s'p his guests leel al hcrn. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jersey town. Jan S, 11)2. LOVE tiales. sorrows ami ;ii:ger-, t npe- and ; MANHOOD, Low tear, retel un.i io lost, bow re-tmed ; the nature, treatment ai .1 ra.' cur- 1 1 speni:at:rri a-a cr m trial weakne- ; invr Im.tary emissions, e Hal dettiSi'v and im jietiin.ei.'s lo generally; i-crvori-ne-s o'i-nm iiioi-. fii-. menial :uiil (ih-i( irom SKl.F A BUS I mcHpiict y, re-o'iinj - are lolly expla'm-d in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM YOUNG, M. D. Tni mt ctraord'n.arv tiook -hoi; Id be iii the hand of every yom.g j ier-oti come m plating n.arii ige. and ever) J man or woman who de-ire to limit the number ol Ihr ir ofi-pring lo thir circum statices. I'veiy pain, disease an ' ache j,( cidenia! to youth, maturity and old age, i fully explained ; every particle of knowl e tge ttiat should be kuowsi is here, given. It i fnil of et, t i vings. In laci, II tli-clo -Hs set-rets that every one should know j still il i a book thai mc.i be fork ':i up ai d l:ot lie aboul the hont. It Will be -ent to any one on receipt rd twenty five eetp iii specie or no age Stamp. Ad ire Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPuUCE Sire?l, aboke Fourth, Piiila-ielnhia. r"A FFL1CTED & UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your dt-ea, be fore you plat e yourself i.rnlei the care of any ol the no'onou Q'i'icks native or t.r pi.ii w ho ad veitie in 'tur. or any orhc paper, g-t a tory of Dr. Yi ui y'a book, and iiui it caiefuiiy. It w-ili be ihe tn- i ol saving on many a dollar, yojt heatih, ami ios-iblv your tile. DR YOUNG can be consulted on any of ihe d'Srtase- describe it. his publication at hisofhe- No. 416 SPRUCE Street, aboe Fourth, Philadelphia. Office hours Irom 9 to 3, daily. Eebruary 26, 1862 y, - orient to Hone Owur. . Im portant to Buildtrs. . lir. Rati Road Companies. I w port an I to Farmer. . To all whom thit may crncen. and it concern ere v b uly JOHNS "CKOSLEY'S IMl IiOVED GUI I A PkRt'HA. Tne Cheapel and mo-i ti.fci in o-e IT IS F'liE AND WA IEH f I' Xf. It can be appl.ed to New an.l t R tot of A '! kind-, s eep or fla sin ' in IS ii.j.1b Rocfs irhoii rprnovii.j. the J-h i jtr-. THE COST ISONLN A" OUT ONK-THIRO TH V T OF T IN A N D IT IS TIV iL E AS DURABLE. Thi ar'ic'e has t een ihorouoly tctcd in New York City ami all part of Ihe Uniled Siitte, Canada, West 1 .die and Ceturul and South America, rn Boilding ot all kind-, si. h a Far one Foundries Chnrch e. Rail Road Depot. ( an(t on Public Building-generally, G'-vernrnent Bntl'tntg!, &c., by ihe principal BmMera, An hi tert and other, during ihe pa-i fnor ye-r, and has t roie.t to be iif C H EAFKST and MOST DURABLE HOOFING in use ; it i in every re-peel a hire, w aier, weadier rul TIME PROOF roveiii.g for ROOFS OF ALL KIN DS. lint it t e OSLY mnlerml vtinvfictured in the United Slates which crnbine! ihe very tlewira! Ie pin, eit e- of Fttsticity vnd Iura lihv, winch are nfii er-ai!y atl iiow'ed.iprl to re po-s. se. by GUITA PERCH A in J INDIA KUBKEK ) iNo licet is rtqnirf d in making bppli' canon. The expense, of appln g it is triflning with ordinary Roof can be covered and flu. isheil the s'lrnt day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY AN V ONE, fco.l when fitiiid.rd loitn a pafectty Fi'9 Proof suffice with an elastic body which cannot t e n jnred tv Ileal. Cold or Storms, St rtn ku g of Roof Boards, nor any extetnal a ,ii or ha et.r. LIQUID CL1TA PERCH A CEMENT. For Coa'iug Meifiis ol ad Kinds when ex- po-eij to -he action of the Weainer and lor f'rcaerrhKjr and frpairing- Metal Ronfi if all Kinds. Thi ' is ihe only Composition Kiowri which .will succe-chidy rei-t extreme cf.anye- of climate-, tor any length of lime, wh-n uppl e l io mends, lo which it adhere firmly, lorming a bo ! eqcs! in three coats r f rd? pain!, co-vs rr u h le-s snd will LAST lllilEi: TIMES AS LON(J ; and Irons iis ela-ti- uy i- u it.jnred r-v Itie cou irac ion ot TIN and other METAL ROOFS, cc-n-equeiil upon sudden changes cf liie -e.nher. li will r.nt CRACK IX COLD OR RUN IN WARM-WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. L"ak Tin and other Mca1 Roofs can te readdv repaired i,h GUITA PEIICHA (EM F.N I", aril prci!!ieit f.-ooi fut.rier cor rn-icii anr, leaking, t'terehy e-'-Linn a per lecily uatir tight R 10: for year. Thi- Cement is peculiarly a lapted f t .the pre -rva i'tij ol Iff n Railing-, S oes, Ran- g e -. r i Agri-n!tiir-il ! iptetLertS, aio :r icerai fe ii u'-ii-turer. n-e GUTT.i PJJiCIU C II ME XT Fur pr-'-ervittg aini repairing Tin and odier M-'ta! R .! or ever) description, horn i 4 gf-at ela-nciiv, is not mjurtl by the C"u tract on and ekpaiiMOn ol Metals, anr will noi ctack in caid or r;.n in - arm weaihfr. Trte.-e -iia'eiiat re n.tapt-d io all cli ir.a'e.s, aini e re irpared lo supply or-iter- tiom anv o' i e i-ntiniic. n short t.o- ce. tr.rGUTI'A PEUCHA ROOFING m r -ll, rea-K pie;)it.'d lor Ii-', a .d PE!ti:ilA CE:EN 1 in la-fS, tJUITA vv;.!i Ull ittli;ei1 i! ir ' t !'- lor anjiiic o. .i a i: .v ts i v t .v rt: D. ' It'e rr ;( t!,e-id mil fitrfii n-., y ,7ir.r, tnn is v j'ii iv-p-i(-t' p i; tie- xen-t w'dii oke to ttuf!i.h thim-di.ei in i Lucrative att J Prma iicnt biisi"'. OL'U TERMS ARE CASH. 'e can iive nt.iih.Ur.t of all we i-laim in lav or oi our improved Roofing Materials, have Stp,.iid tt-eni IO several ttiou-aiid Rjuf in Ne- Ymk C.'tv nnd vi cinity. J0H" k CLOSLEY, . S.i'e ' J;.n n'.iet ;;ref. Whohnal- V art house 7S U'il iam St., Couier at L beit) ;r.-ei. N'E'.V VOP.K. Fi.l! tVs ript'ne Circulars a;:d Prices wiil be t-irni-hed On ppi'ejttJO'l. Oc liter 18 lvfi V iii;u iii l io:ii'u:xio:v. JOCTOK THOMAS F. CHAPMAN will send lo.ill w h A r-h il (tree of i-h irLit) the Rs.-ipe ;md bid directions (or making and u -it g h lean iful vegetable BJtn. that will eirecinally remove Punple, Bin:ches4 Tan Fre. kie, L, leaving Ihe skil -i.O 't'l, elean, and beauliiul ; gl.o full ni rectioii lor r.5i;ig Pe;Htreau's rclebratei Stimulant, wiir-amed to s art a foil growth oi Whiskers, i r a Mus'ache, in !es than hirtv day-. Fiiher of inn above can be i.bttiued by reiurn rr.ail, by addressing 'with simp for renirn po-tage) DR. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Practical Chera ist. 831 Bioadwav Naw YorK. January 15. 162 2o. r 1 1 H E CON FEIONS at d EXPERIENCE i tda M FFERKR, P.ib:ihe.t a a warn t"g. a id lor the c-jef ial be.-icfit of Young Men and thr.-- w I n stifTer with Nervous Dbiii:y, L-s of Memory, premt'.ure De y. &:c , &c. 5cc. by one who ha cured liituselfc-y simple means, afer tieing pat iri great expec.s.i -4tnl i nee n vp n lence, liirmii.ri the i'-e rd wor hles medicine pte-i Tibcd l y Inline I Docor. Suie covof- may be had of thff author, C. A LAMBERT, E-q, Greenpomt, Long l-larl. by em-lnsiijj a pos'-paid a-ddressed envelop- AJdre-s CHARLES A. LAM BERT E-q , Greenpomt, Lon Island, New Yoik Jtnuary 13, lf?62 2m. KollyfL'S Dandelica Ccffce. Tlll . reparation, made Irom the best Java Codt-e i I'ltint! mended by iih -iciana a a superior NU1R1I10US BEVERAGE for General Dcbii.iy. Dy-ppp-i, aud all bilious disorder. Ttiousands who have I eeri compelled io abandon the use of cof lee will u-e ;his without ii'jurin effect. 0 'e can contain shu sireni-ifi p two pounds til o' din 4iv r-oiTet Pn.v 25 cea's. KULLCCK'S Li:VAI., The purest and best B.KIN(J POWDER known, ior making ItIt', sweet ami nutri lion B.eail and evfce.. Price 13 cent. AV i H",r,icturt'i ry M" H. K0LI.OCK Chemist. Corner ot B'oad n i Cn-tnui Streets. P'-.iladelpi ia. in ) told oil Dr'tgai-ts und Gcer$.jr3 ib, lsfi2 ly. Ada i'disiralor's Xoticet V01 It E i lereti) iveti that leiter of - - lullii iilulrillilii rti ll.o a.ljU nf Xt.i.Kat .. u ....... mm . .... ..ii . mm . ' Heller, la e ot M fll n invMistiip, i!urnhia enutl'y, deip4-eil. nave been (4iiieii ty th Register ot -aid cou'i'v lo Mu-haftl B. Hol ler, who res(.fe- i i .M tP.ui lown-hip. All )er.-:iii having cl-iim. iJ il uianii gin-t he e-iare-of lite tleccrdei.t k'f req.nie! to ; re-ens i iem to il e u m'ers ig ned and ihoss mdeb'ed ni tti ft.i;d tu nuke pavmeQl forthwith to MICHAEL B HCTLER JJmr. W ill t i'.. M .c.-'. VH e 2 0 v Ayer's Cathartic Pills
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers