SL\RIIFTIini)RTII. _ [VM ' H J ACQ BY, EDITOR. BLOOMSBPBC, WEJMSDAY, MIV. 16, 1869. HARPER'S FERRY INSURRECTIONISTS. —Capt. Brown's band of rioters at Harper's Ferry, Cook, Green, Coppie and Copeland, have nil been tried and found guilty, and received their sentences on the 10th inst., to be ex ecuted on Friday, the 16th of December next. It is rumored that Gov. Wise will respite Brown, whose sentence has been fixed for the 2d of December, until the 16th, that the whole of the condemned prisoners may be executed on the same day. Another prisoner by the name of Stephens has been handed over to the United Slates authorities for trial. A Virginia jury is the right kind o! one to try such persons. They will give the rascals the full benefit of the law, and liothiog shorter. FOREIGN NEWS —The laiest news we have is received from the arrival of the Steamship Asia. The ship came into New York on the 13th inst, bringing an account of the steam ship Royal Charter, and also com mercial advices, which, however, are of not much importance to our readers. The loss of life,occasioned by the wreck of the vessel, is reported to have been four hundred and fifty-five. Ships have experienced lately great damage by the 6tortn all around the English and Irish coasts, and many coasting vessels and lives have been lost. The French Government has ordered one hundred gunboats, mounted with twenty five guns each, to be completed with the utmost despatch. The arrangements for the combined French and English expedition against China have been completed, and its depar ture is fixed for the first tort-night of Feb ruary. Garibaldi in his speech at Turin said : With a King like Victor Emanuel, an army like ours, and with a people like you, Italy should not stop until she had freed the last inch of her soil from the heel of the for eigner. THE elections in the State of New York have again gone Republican, though with greatly decreased majorities. We are una ble to give the names of the successful can didates, as we have no New York paper by us, neither do we consider it ol much im portance to our readers. We almost forgot to inform you that if the decrease in the Republican vote next fall is as great as it is this, New York will surely go Democratic, and that will certainly be right. SPAIN has declared war against Morocco, in which France is believed to be at the bottom. There are also indications of a rupture between England and France. The Pope has returned to Rome—the Papal States were still iri rebellion, which was kept down by foreign bayonets, hi bread, stuffs, wheat exhibits an advancing lenden cy, having an advance of one dollar. THE Opposition in Louisiana have elected nineteen of the twenty-three Representa tives. and all of the three Senators. Miles Taylor, Democrat, and Edward Rottligny, American, are elected to Congress by large majorities. The American majority in the city of New Orleans is about 2500. It is reported that the Democratic State ticket is elected. Gov. MEOARV has proclaimed the official vote of Kansas on the Wyandotte Constilu. tion. The vote was as follows : For 10,421; against, 5 530. Majority in favor of the Constitution, 4,891. For the Homestead clause, there were cast 8,783 votes, and against it 4,772; showing a majority of 4,016 in favor of the Homestead. CONGRESS will assemble two weeks from Monday next. This will be the Thirty Sixth Congress; and it will no doubt be a "long Session," as it is termed, and lively times are anticipated at Washington, socially as well as politically. Important business will be transacted this winter; and among the most important will he the making of a President. MR. DEMSON, the Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio, received 184,502 votes; and Mr. RANNEV, the Democratic candidate, had 171,266. The Republican's majority is 13,236. Small vote this. The State will be all right for a Democratic President in 1860. FRED Douglass has cleared off from Can ada lo Europe. He writes a long letter de nying that he is guilty of treason, but thinks that if he was ever caught in Virginia, he would be hung anyhow. He closes by promising to correspond with his paper from England. TIIE Southern Opposition members of Congress are urging Mr. Underwood, ot Kentucky, a member of the last House, as a candidate for Clerk, in opposition to Col. Forney, whom they declare they cannot support, in view of his undisguised Repub lican proclivities and associations. A COSTI-T AFFAIR.— HeIore the close of the present year, the Grand Trunk Railway will be complete to Detroit, Mich , a distance of 862 miles in a direct line, with brandies in addition, making 1,099 miles of complete railway, including the Victoria|Bridge, cost ing upwards of S6O 000,000 ! THE New Orleans papers estimate the losses in that city for this year to have been one million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. GERRITT SMITH, of New York, is an in mate of the Lunatic Asylum at Utica, New York. Political Faction and Tccanon. Party, bared upon comprehensive prin-1 ciples of National moment is, says the Petin tylvaninn, no doubt, a necessity of a Repub lican Government. Like everything else, in this world of imperfections, It may have its shadowy side But it is essential lor the' preservation of Republican institutions that opposite parlies should exist. So long as parties are nearly balanced, there is no dan ger of the preponderance of any one of them degenerating into tyranny. But we speak of parly based upon honest convic tions of National scope, with National aims, in contradistinction of faction, which al ways originates in narrow interestedness. and narrow circumscribed views, and which is always extreme and fanatical in propor tion as it feels its own weakness From faction to conspiracy is but one remove, in deed they are identical. Impotent as the violence of faction is when it stands insula ted, it becomes dangerous in the highest degree when it combines for any special object with others. The growth and multi plication of taction, history teaches us. has ever proved the death of Republics. I hero is nothing so demoralizing as the influence of political faction. It is public treason, in the black shadow ot which luxuriates a wide spreading undergrowth of private trea son, betrayal of confidence, dishonesty in business, lltoft, swindle, cntumny, slander and per°ecution. Here is the greatest dan ger which threatens the stability of the in stitutions of this country. A mighty com bination of factions ot the most heterogen eous elements, with opposite aims and ten dencies, is undemining in a thousand direc tions the foundation of onr government There never was a time more earnestly ap pealing to the patriotism of all conservative citizens to rally around the party that bears aloft over the prevailing confusion the stand ard of national union, than the present.— The Harper's Ferry tragedy, the bloody despotism of faction in Baltimore, the le-s audacious and bloody but not less treason able manifestations in almost every com munity, recall to memory most powerfully the prophetic warnings of the Father of his Country in his farewell address : ' The al ternate domination of one faction over an other, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in differ ent ages and countries, is itself a frightful despoliem. But this leads at leng h to a more formal and permanent despotism The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief ol some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this despotism to the purpose of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Lib erty." SINCE Gerritt Smith has been detected in the "Kansas work" o,f old John Brown, tne Black Republican papers say he is a Dem ocrat. That's unkind to Smith. He voted for Fremont in 1856, was a Republican member of Congress from New York, and used to contribute bis money by the thou sand, when he and Reeder and other (ana tics met up in Buffalo, to purchase rifles to send to Kansas. But now that he is con victed ol sending rifles lo Virginia—a pro ceeding that may place him in Uncle Sam's iron clutches—they want to disown him.— Smith never voted a Democratic ticket in his whole life. He is an out-and-out Abolitionist and Republican ; and between the two there is no difference. "Shinny on your own side," gentlemen.— Easton Argus. EXCURSION TO SEE OLD BROWN HUNG The greed ol money-getting is not very particular in the way of accomplishing its purpose ; but the most singular instance we have lately heard ot is an effort to turn the execution of Ossawaiomie Brown and his fellow-conspirators to account by getting up a monsler excursion from all parts of the 1 country of those who have a sufficiently I morbid appetite for the horrible to induce J them to desire to be present. A Western man, who is somewhat notorious for getting up enterprises and money-making excur sions, recently addressed the President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, inquiring as to the amount of reduction upon the regular rate of fare which would be conce ded to his excurtionistß. Mr. Garrett, not thinking the occasion a proper one, or the people who would travel hundreds of miles to see five or six criminals executed exact ly the class of visitors who would be agree able to the Virginia authorities, has caused that opinion to be made known to the ap plicant.—Baltimore American. WE regret to learn that our townsman J. W. Miles, Fsq, while on his return to Washington City, after a short visit to his family at this place, was robbed of about sl-10 in money, and a number of valuable papers. Several other gentlemen had their pockets relieved of their purses at the same time. He supposes that it happened while getting on the cars at the Baltimore depot. —Danville Intelligencer. NEW CLOTHES —Some rascal or rascals not having the fear of the law before their eyes, broke into J. R. Ration's Merchant 1 ailor establishment, on Friday night last, and stole over a hundred dollars worth of clothing. There is a strong suspicion, but as yet it has not come to a head. We hope the perpetrators will be brought to justice.— Danville American. Mr. CULLEN, the acting lhesident of the Reading Railroad Company, and who rep resents the English bondholocrs, intends leaving for Europe as soon as his successor is appointed. William L. Hirst, Esq., a well known lawyer and prominent demo crat, it is reported in monetary circles, will succeed Mr. Cullen HEAVY SENTENCE—A few days since, Mary E Jones, of Lawrence. Mass., who pleaded guilty lo a charge of manslaughter, in deserting her infant in the woods of Haverhill, was sentenced to twenty years' hard labor in the House of Correction. She was only 18 years of age, and had been driven almost crazy by her husband desert ing her. EDITOR'S BOOK TABLE. I PARISIAN PICKINGS ; or, Paris in all States and Stations: written by JULIE DE MAROUERIT TES, the well known Author of "ltley anil the War of 1859," "Ins and outs of Paris," "The Match Girl," "Life of Gavazzi," etc. etc ; published by JOHN S. COTTON & Co., 409 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Price, 81 00; cloth binding. The "Parisian Pickings" is a book of in terest—one that will be extensively circula ted and read. We have perused some of its pages and fnunJ it rather entertaining This work has several'ohjects in view, and one of the most interesting is, to describe the position woman holds in French Society. The stories of the "Parisian Pickings" are many of them founded on facts ; many are inventions illustrating a peculiar phase of social life; whilst in others, the leading idea, like a spark igniting fuel, has been suggest ed by colemporary French authors, but in vested with fresh details and new nise en scenes, that should concentrate into a few pages the elaborations of several columns PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. —We are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine for Decem ber It is a splendid number "Peterson" has a circulation already of nearly 100,000, but will be greatly improved in 1860 It will contain about 1000 pages of double column reading matter; 14 steel plates; 12 colored steel fashion plates; 12 colored pat terns in Berlin work, embroidery orcroche!; and 800 wood engravings—proportionately more than any other periodical gives. Its stories and novelets are by the best writers. Its fashions are always the latest and pret tiest. Its price is but Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of its class. Subscribe for it and save a dollar. To every person getting up a club, the Publisher will send two splendid engravings of Niagara of a size for framing. Address, Charles J. Pe terson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.— See prospectus in another column. ' REMARKABLE DEEDS ANOGUEAT EVENTS," and "PENCIL SKETCHES," are the titles of two books just received by us from the extensive publishing House of John S. Cotton If Co., 409 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. These books are well written; the former by the pen of G. COLLINS, an able author, who has designed the book for all classes of society, but more especially for the young, and those who have not time to read large vol umes. No person can read this book with out being both amused and instructed. The publisher's price, Si 00 "Pencil Sketches" is written by Miss Les lie, who tias "done a good work." It evin ces considerable talent and ability in its writings Upon the whole both books mer it an extensive sale, which no doubt they will receive. Price, $125; cloth binding, and well executed. GODEY'S LADV'S BOOK, for December, is among our most interesting periodicals. It is decidedly the most interesting and in structive number we have received for a long time. The only matter about it, of surprise to us, is how the Proprietor can afford to give so much for so little money. The price is exceedingly low, only three dollars a year, and by clubbing together, it comes still cheaper. We have made ar rangements to send the STAR OF THE NORTH and the Lady's Book for 53.50 per annum in advance. This is, unmistakably, a liberal offer; and we hope to receive a pretty fair list of names before the first of January.—, Any person wishing to see a specimen No. can do so by calling at our office. Louis A. Godey, publisher. Philadelphia. GREAT RurußLie MONTHLY.—The Novem ber number of this sterling periodical has readied our bonk table in rather good sea son. It is next to the closing number ol the present volume—an excellent time to subscribe—and evinces an unusual amount of talent in each department. The Republic commands an array of talent second to no other in this country, and a careful perusal of its pages will prove this assertion. Its contents are prose, poetry, music, and illus trations; everything, as we haxe intimated before, of the very best kind. Each num ber contains an original piece of excellent music, which, alone, is worth the price of the publication. Address, Oaksmith &Co , publishers, 112 and 114 William St., N. Y. Price, single subscription, S3 00; per num ber, twenty-five cents. WASHINGTON AND EVERETT.— We have just received from the publishers, Messrs. U H. Baily & Co., of 543 Broadway, New York, a pair of very large, lull length steel engravings of Washington and Everett. So many course, miserable pictures have been palmed upon the public as works of art, and especially in cheap, black, and muddy en gravings, that it is difficult lo convinco per sons ol taste that they are sale in ordering what they have not first seen. We are hap py to be able lo say, that in this case, the engravings are ail the publishers claim for them, really beautiful works of art, that will adorn any parlor. No American home should be without a good portrait of Wasli nigton, and now, as Mount Vernon is about to he rescued by the ladies, it is especially appropriate that the hero and his home should bo placed prominently before the public. Mr. Everett, from his position, fame, and worth, as well as from his efforts in behalf of Mount Vernon, which have already con- Iributed over $70,000 to the fund, is well worthy of being associated with the mem ory ot Washington. The likenesses are excellent and spirited, and both engravings are offered to be sent to subscribers post paid, and any three dollar magazine a year tor $4 00. Or one engraving and a maga zine for $3.00. We have never before seen anything so good at anything like the price. We notice that leading New York papers endorse the publishers as "fully responsible for all they promise." We should be happy to show the engravings to our friends. See advertisement. Important Racing Decision —The Norfolk Conuty Court (England) has recently deci ded that a race against timn was a legal game, and not horse-racing within the mean ing of the statue. Bets in a race against time are consequently recoverable by law. •'lt is better to Save than to Destroy." History tells us of a conqueror who died from a pestilence caused by the dead bodies of the vanquished. As a set-off against such a libel on humanity, we will point to a phil anthropist whose sole aim it is to overcome disease, and rob the grave of victims. The man to whom we refer is a foreigner, an Englishman, but can nowhere bo looked upon as an albJpJTor he knows no distinc tion of race or creed in his efforts to rescue his fellow-creatures from the grasp of death. Our readers will readily surmise that we refer to THOMAS HOLI.OWAY, a name well known in this country and wherever the English language is spoken. The popular ity which his marvelous remedies have attained in all par's of Europe and America is without a parallel in the annals of medi cine. Here, in the United States, they are recognized as indispensable household cur atives. All classes resort to Holloway's Pills in those diseases of the stomach, liv er, and ejeretive organs, so prevalent in this climate, and no preparation is so ex tensively used as a dressing for wounds, bruises, ulcers, leprosy, cancers, tumors, and other external injuries and diseases, as Holloway's Ointment. If a world wide reputation, founded on the successful issues of twenty years' war fare witlrdisease. in any compensation for the labors ol the physician, Holloway has unquestionably achieved it. The patronage of monarche, .he gratitude of the million, the honors of science, the eulogies of the press—all arettis. If he posssesses the pow er of the prince in the fairy tale, of traver sing the earth invisible, there are few por tions of it where he would find himself a stranger. He would meet with his remedies among the aborigines of America, the lux urious Aces of Asia, the blacks of Africa. Not only are they standard medicaments of civilization in its old domains, but they seem to be the companions of its march toward every point of the compass. It is no easy matter for any product of Europe to penetrate into the interior of China: yet, Holloway's Pills and Ointment are there Nay, more, they are actually advertised in the heart of that exclusive empire. To de ny the intrinsic value of articles that have been recognized as specifics lor innumera ble disorders in all parts of the globe, would be ridiculous. A community may be delu ded, but the whole world cannot be deceiv ed for twenty years in a matter of such vast moment to every human being, as the pres ervation of health and life.— Chicago Jour nal. JAIL DELIVERY IN MONROE COUNTY —The Rochester Democrat, Nov. 7th, reports the escape of thirteen prisoners from Monroe county jail. The prisoners seized the jailor, Mr. Bascom, by the throat, wrenched his keys from him, and flung him violently in to a closet, when the door was closed upon him and fastened outside by means of a clasp and staple attached to it. All this was done in much less time than it has taken us to relate it, and Mr. Bascom had no opportunity to raise an alarm After he was shut tip his utmost efforts were unavail ing to make himself heard, as the door is a very heavy one, made ot two thicknesses of plank. Mrs. Bascom, therefore, sat in the office while the struggle went on, per fectly unconscious of anything wrong. The ringleader's (Smith) next step was to ascer tain whether the office was clear, and find ing that it contained nobody but the lady, he immediately liberated from their cells those of the prisoners who proposed to joir. in the flight, and Mrs. Bascom was presently astonished by the appearance of the whole gang at the iron door, demanding to be let out. THE Harrisburg Telegraph of Friday last, has the following: •'Exchange, or go to Hell I'' was written up on the margin ef the Jnuiatta Register re ceived by us yesterday. Having no desire to cultivate the acquaintance of a Locofoco blackguard, we decline exchanging. Nei ther shall we comply with the latter pari of the fellow's request; for the warm place he desires us to go lo will he full of such filthy and profane sinners as he shows him self to be, and we wish to avoid their com panionship not only in this world but in that which is to come. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS, are a certain cure forScurvey—Edward Hope, ot Charleston, Soulit Carolina, suffered more than most people from the scurvy, and the whole of his body was covered with this unsightly eruption, he tried a great number of reputed remedies, but he was not bene fited by the same, indeed, it become doubt ful to his friends, whether he would ever overcome this disfigurement. At length he tried Holloway's Ointment and Pills, and these medicines quickly produced a bene ficial change, by continuing with these ex cellent medicines lor eight weeks, he was radically cured. REVIEW OF TIIE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 20 RYE, 75 CORN,r.ew 50 old 80 OA IS 35 BUCKWHEAT, 50 FI.OUR pr. bbl. 6 50 CLOVERSEEDS 00 BUTTER, 20 EGGS, 16 TALLOW, 12 LARD, 12 POTATOES, 37 DR'D APPLES,2 00 HAMS, 12 DIED. In Centre township, Columbia county, on Wednesday morning, November 9th, 1859, Mr. JACOB HILL, aged 45 years, 8 months and 10 days. The deceased was a very useful man lo the community in which he lived, and was honored and respected by all who possessed his acquaintance. He was a working and faithlul member of the Methodist Episcopal Church tor quite a number of years, up to his death. His disease wa3 "Typhoid Fe ver," At Freeport city, Illinois, on the 10th of October, MARV, wife of Stephen D. Hock, formely ot Montour county, Pa., aged 26 years. 10 months and 28 days. In Danville, on Sunday, the 6th inst., Mrs. MART PHILIPS, wife of Capt. William Philips, in (he 73d year of her age. MARRIED. | In Bloomsbttrg, Sept. 22d, I 8&9, by Rev. Thomas Sherlock, Mr. JOHN L HESS to Miss Luctt.T.A YOUNG, both of Columbia county. 1 On the 15th lilt, in Dloomsbnrq, by the same, Mr HENKY IRVING to Miss ELIZABETH Ness, both of Columbia county. In Hollenback township. Luzerne county, on the 10th inst., by Rev. H. Hoffman, Mr JAMB- MOORK, of Wilkcsbarre, to Miss MARY ANN SHORTZ, of the above place. At Summit, N J., on the 3d inst, by Rev. R. Nelson, Rev. Y. C. SMITH, Professor in Wyoming Seminary, to Miss MARYE WOOU, daughter of David Wood, Esq. SAVE A DOLLARI PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. Subscribe for I860! THIS popular Monthly Magazine has al ready a circulation of 100.000; bat it is to be greaily improved for 1860. It will con tain one thousand paces ol reading ! Four teen splendid sleel plates ! Twelve colored fashions ! Twelve colored Berlin tvnrk pat terns ! Eight hundred wood cuts ! Twenty four pages ol music? All this will be given lor only J wo Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of the class of 'Peterson's.' Us Thrilling Tales and Novelets are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write Originally for "Peterson." It also publishes Fashions Ahead of all Ulhers. Each numbor, in addition to the Colored plate, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, eiigYaved on wood. A!*o, a Pailern, from which a Dress, Mantilla or Child's Dress can be cut out, without the aid of a man luamaker. It is the best Lady's Magazine in the world.—TßY IT FOR ONE YEAR. TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE: One copy, one year, $2 (,0 Three copies for one year, 5 00 Five copies for one year, 7 50 Eight copies for one year, 10.00 Sixteen copips for one year, 20 00 PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS. Three, five, eight or sixteen copies make a elub. To every pprson getling tip a club the Pioprietor will send two magnificent mezzotints of Niagara Falls, each 12 inches by 25, and ol a size, therefore, for framing —one representing tlie American side, and the other, the Canada, or Horse-Shoe side. No such splendid offers were ever belore made. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnitt St, Philadelphia. Tv Specimens sent gratis. [Nov. 16,'59. Foil of Washington and Everett, INCLUDING A VtEW OK MOUNT VEBNON, In the engraving of Washington. These ' splendid engravings are Irom original paint tings by Hicks, and are engraved oil sleel jin I lie higest style of Art. They are each j 25x35 inches, each containing six square | feet. Sn many course, miserable pictures j have been palmed upon the public us works of art—and especially In cheap, black ! and muddy engraving—that it is difficult to | convince persons of taste that they are safe ■ in ordering what they have not firslseen. We fiave paid the first artists their owi. prices, amounting to many thousand dollars to produce engravings really beauiiful as well as the bes: portraits, ami that shall ba splendid ornaments to any parlor. Opinions that can be relied on: The Editor of the New York Observer says: '•These engravings are genuine works of art—the likenesses are admirable. The portrait of Mr. Flvereit will take prece dence of all others." The New York Christian Advocate says: "They me among the finest engravings wo have ever seen, and ihe Publishers are fully responsible for all ihoy promise." TERMS, ALMOST GRATIS,—We will send, post paid, securely packed in rollers, either Engraving and a'#3 Magazine, one year, for $3. Both Engravings and a S3 Magazine, one year, lor $4. Agents who remit $39 at one time, will have an extra copy of each engraving. The Magazines are Harper's, The Knickerbocker, Godey's Lady's Book, The Atlantic, Blackwood. By special arrangement, the entire year's subscriptions to the Magazines is paid over by ns to iheir publishers, and subscribers rereive their supply for the year direct from their respective publication offices. The cost of ihe engravings is paid only by the difference between the lowest wholesale and the regular price of the Magazines, Engravings sent at once, and subscrip tions to periodicals commence with current issue, unless otherwise ordered. Money at our risk if proof is retained of having been mailed. First impressions are best, therefore send early. Address, O. H. BAILEY & CO., fAt IVir. Hall & Son's Music Store,) 543 Broadway, Nov. 16, 1859-lOw. New Yock. TO EONSIJMPTIVES. The adveriiser having been restored to heahh in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with u severe LUNG AFFECTION,, and that dread disease, Consumption,—is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used [free ol charge), with directions lor prepar ing and using Hie same, which thev will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of the ad , vertiser in sending the prescription is to beirjfil the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, a? it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing.— Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings co., N. Y. October 26, 1859-Bw. WANTED, AT THE Caitawissa Paper Mills, twelve to fifteen Good nclive Girls to whom constant employment will be given, at re munerating wages. A good boarding house, for girls especially, is kept at this place.— From two lo three dollars per week can be earned clear ot expanses by active girls. Apply to Messrs. McKelvy, pj B al & Co. Bloomsburg, or the undersigned proprietors C. W. McKELVY, & Co. Caitawissa, Oel. 19, 1859. Wheatley & Clarke's Theatre. Arch Street, above Sixth, Philad'a. SPHE Star Company, composed of the first A- artist in the world, and exceeding in strength and talent any Dramatic combina lion heretofore offered to the Thealricul public, will appear every evening in Come dy, Tragedy, serio-comic Drama, Vaude villes, &c. When yon visiting the city, go there. June 29, 1859—tf. HIRAM C. HOWER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilsoa's Carriage shop, Main St. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE THE TRIBUNE— now more than eighteen yearn old, anil having over To Hnintreil Thonsaud subscribers, or constant purchas ers, diffused through every Stale and Terri tory of our Union—will continue in essence what it has been—lite earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, and whatever will con duce to our national growth in vir'ue, In dustry, Knowledge, and Pro.-perity. It will continue to urge the emancipation not only of the Black laborer from chaltelism, but of the White likewise Irorn Land Monopoly, Intemperance, Ignorance, ami that depen dence on remote Markets which paralyzes exertions by denying to Toil any adequate and morally certain reward. Believing that the chief evil ol our time is the inordi nate mutiplicatinn and disproportion ofNon Producers, it will continue to war against whatever tends 'o degrade Manual Labor or deprive it ot its just and full recompense. It will inflexibly commend the policy of winning hither from Europe the Useful Arts, and, wherever they may be needed, the Artisans as well, lor whose products our country is now running recklessly into debt, while onr laborers roam io fruitless quest of employment, leaving their children in want nf bread, though the (atmer is too of ten compelled to sell his crops at most in adequate prices. In short, while battling again-t Filltbusterism and every nther man ifestation of that evil spirit which seeks through the spoliation of other countries that agrandizement which is to be truly at tained only through the due developernent and cultivation of our internal resources, it will urgently advocate a mure effectively discriminating Tariff, the Fteedom of the Public Lauds, the construction of a Kail, road Irotr. the navigable waters ol the Mis stssippi to those ol the I'acitic, and every other measure which seems to its calcula ted lo enhance the dignity orthe recompense ol Labor and promote the well-being of Mankind. The " irrepressible conflict" between Darkness and Light, Inertia and Progress. Slavery and Freedom, moves steadily on ward. Insulated acts of (oily and madness may for the moment give n seeming advan tage to wrong ; bin Gotl still reigns, and the Ages are true to Humanity and Right. The year 1860 must witness a memorable con flict between these irreconcilable antago nists. The question—"Shall Humanity Sla very be further strengthened and diffused by the power and under the flag ol the Federal Union ?' is now to receive a mo mentous if not conclusive answer. "Land for the landless, versus Negroes for the Ne groless" is the battle cry of the embodied Millions who, having just swept Pennsyl vania, Ohio and the North West, appear in the new Congress, backed by nearly every Free State, to demand a recognition of ev ery man's right to cultivate and improve a modicum of the earth's surface wherever he lias not been anticipated by the state's cession to another. Free Homes, and the cor.secratioit of the virgin soil of Territories to Free Labor—two requirements, but one policy—must largely absorb the attention of Congress through the ensuing session, usol the People in ike succeeding Presidential canvass ; and. whatever the immediate is sue, we cannot doubt trial the ultimate ver dict will be in accord at once wiih the die tales of impartial Philanthropy and the in alienable Rights ot Man. Having made arrangements for fulfer and more graphic reports ol the doings of Con gresp, and of whatever else transpiring a' the Federal Metropolis shall seem worthy of public regard, and having extended both our Foreign and Domestic Correspondence and strengthened our Editorial stalf, we be lieve THE TRIBUNE may salely chal lenge a comparison wch any rival, whether as an exponent of principles or as a reliable mirror ol the passing worl l. We purpose not to be surpassed nor anticipated in the collection or presentation of intelligence, though we eschew that reputation lor enter prise which is acquired by bribing messen gers and clerks in publiu office* lo connive at the premature publication ol treaties or oilier official documents. We prize accu racy ol statement quite as highly as prompt itude, but endeavor tint to sacrifice the lat ter while securing the former. Essentially, The Triaune will be what it has been, while we shall constantly study to improve its every feature, and "make each day a critic on the last." The general verdict ol the Press and the Public has affirmed the success of our past labors, and those of the future shall be characterized by equal earn estness and assiduity. We ask those who believe the general influence ol our journal to be salutary lo aid us in extending that in fluence through an increase of our subscrip tions. THE NEU'-TORK MILT TRIBI XE is primed on a large impetial sheet, and published every morning and evening (Sun days exceptedV It contains Editorials 011 the topics of tlie times, employing a large corps of the best newspaper writers of the day ; Domestic and Foreign Correspond ence; Proceedings of Congress; Reports ot Declines; City News; Cattle, Horse, and Produce Markets : Review of Books; Lit erary Intelligence ; Papers 00 Mechanics and the Aris, &c., &c. We strive to make THE TRIBUNE a newspaper 10 meet the wants ot the publics—its Telegraphic news alone costing over #l* 000 per annum. TERMS: THE DAILY TRIBUNE is mailed to subscribers at 86 per annum, in advance : #3 lor six months. THE NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRI BUNE is published every Tuesday and Eridav, and contains all the editorials of the Daily, with the Cattle, Horse, and General Mar kets, reliably reported expressly for THE TRIBUNE; Foreign and Domestic Corre spondence , and during the sessions ol con gress it contains a summary of Congression al doings, with the mote important speech es. We shall, as heretofore make THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE a Literary, and political newspaper, and we are determin ed that it shall remain in the front rank of family papers. One Copy, one year #3 Two Copies, one year, .... 5 Five Copies, one year. . . . 11 25 Ten "to one address, . . , . 20 00 Ten Copies, or over, to address of each subscriber, 82.20 each. Any person sending us a club ol twenty, or over, will be entitled to an extra Copy.— For a Club of fifty, we will send the Daily Tribune one vear. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is sent to Clergymen at 82 per annum. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large oiglit-page paper lor the country, is published every Saturday, and contians Ed itorials on the important topios of the times, the news ofthe week, interesting corre spondence from all parts of the wotld, the New York Cattle, Horse, and Produce Mar kets interesting and reliable Political, Me chanical and Agricultural articles, &c. We shall, during this year, as hitherto, constantly labor 10 improve the quality ol the instructive entertainment atlorJed by The Weekly Tribune, which, we intend, shall continue to be the beet Family week ly Newspaper published in the World. We consider the Cattle Market Reports alone richly worth to cattle raisers a year's sub scription price. TERMS: One copy, one year, ..... $3 ! Three Copi-*s, one year. . . . . 5 Five CopieJ, one yetif, ; ... . 8 Ten Copies one year, .... 12 j Twenty Cfipies. to one address,. . 20 j and any larger number, St eaeti. ! Twenty copies, to address of each | subscriber, . 21 ' arid any larger number at SI 20 each. | Any purs at sending us a club ot Twenty, lor more, will he entitled 'nan ex'rs Copy. | For a club of fifty, we will send the Semi j Weekly Tribune : ami for a club one hun dred the Diily Tribune will be sent grip's, i We continue to send The Weekly Tubulin I to Clergymen fot SI. Subscriptions may commence at any I time. Terms always cash in advance. All j leilets to tie addressed to 1 HORACE GREELEY & Co', Tribune I Buildings. Nassau—t , New York. | November, Itith 1859. itEGISTER'B NOTICE^ jVOTICE is hereby giving to all legatees creditors and other person interested |in the estates of the respective decedents I and minors, that the following administra tion and guardian accounts have been filer/ in the office of the Register of Columbia I county, and will be preieiped for ennflrma- I tint) arid allowance to the Orphan's Conr', | to be held at Rlnontsburg, in the roomy aforesaid, on Wednesday the Tilt da) of December rext, at 2 o'clock, p. in 1. The account of Daniel Reinbnld, nn'il , Jeremiah F Price, administrators of tim es i tale of Elijah Price late ol Locust Township dee'd. 2. The first snd final account of John Doak, Adm'r of the e-lute nf I eottard Spoil | ettberg late of Briarcreek Twp. dee'd 3 The first and final account of John Hughes, Executor of Abraham M irtz late of / Koaringcreek (now Locust) Twp. deo'd. 1 4. The final account of David Buyer [ Admr. of Catltarir.e Boj er, Lie of LOCIM j Twp. dee'd. I 5. The account of John CVner jr., now I dee'd, who was the Guardian nf the person I and estat- of John C. Kuoir, a minor child j of J icob Kttorr late of Briariteek twp. fi,,| !by Sarah Conner, Executor of John Con i tier jr., dee'd 6. The account nf E!iha Haymnn and i Edith Fairman, AJmr'sol the estate of Rob ert Fairinan late of Greenwood twp. dee'd. 7. The account of Mary A. Nichols ad ministratrix of the estate of Isaac N. NTH pls, late of the borough ol Berwick dee'd. 8. 'The account ol Charles B. Bowman. I Guardian ol Rachael Tr.ntgh, Wtillard j Trtingh and Frances Trough, minor children 1 nf Lewis Trauglt, late of the borough of Ber wick dee'd. 9 The account of Samuel Achenbach j Adni'r ol the estate of Andrew J. Kern, i late of Oarattge twp., dee'd. It). The first account ol Lewis Yelter Admr. of the estate ol John Price, late of Ca'tawie j sa twp. dee'd 11. The account of Abraham Arwiue Guardian of Emanuel Smith, Mary Aon Smith, an I Sarah Smith, minor children of Lewis Smith late ol Briarcraek twp. dee'd. 12. The account oi Philip Riesn. Event or or the last will and tesumem of M ■ry Sltrve ly late of Madison township, d-e'd. 13. The account of Daniel Bieber,'r ol the estate ol' Abraham Marz late of Boaringcreek township dee'd. 14. The account of Silas E Fowler, guar dian of 'Tillman Fox, a mini r child ot Till man Fox. late of Sen t township, demaed. 15. The account ol Silas E. Fowler, gxar dian ol Wilson Fox. a minor child ol Till' man Fox, late ol Scott township, dee'd. )6 The account el Reuben Fahringer, Admr. of the estate ol Diniel H mek, late of Koaringcreek township, dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Register. Register's office, ) Bloomsburg, Nov. 9 |B'9. j 111:ALTII Oli SICKNESST CIIOOMC Itctuceii Tlicm. | HOEiTiOUT AY'S PI LLS The blood furnishes the material nf every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human (tame. When pure, it secures health In every organ, when corrupt,it necessarily pro duces disease. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS ope rate directly upnn the elements ol the stream ot life, neutralizing the principle nf disease, and thus radically curing the malady, wheth er located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! Holloway's Pills are equally effieaciotis in complaints common to the xvhole human race, and in disorders peculiar lo certain climates and localities. ALLARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, suit derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumerable deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases however aggra vated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowels purify the fluids, and invigorate the system Hint : the constitution at the same time. I GENERAL WEAKNESS—NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. When all stimulants (ail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfee bled muscles of the victim of general debility SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The Loudon "Lancet," the London "Med ical Review," and the must eminent ot the faculty in Greti Britain, France and Germa ny, nave eulogized the Pills and their in ventor. Holloway's Pills are llie best remedy known in the world for the following dususet :■ Asthma Diarrbrear Bowel Complaints Dropsy Coughs Debiliy Colds Fever and Ague Chest Tiseases Fema'e Complaints Costiveness Headaches Dyspepsia Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward Weakness Worms of all kinds Liver Complaints, Lowness of Spirits, Piles. vr CAUTION ! —.None are genimie un less the wo.ds "Hollowny, New York and London," are discernible as a Water-Mark in every leaf ol the book ol directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leal to the light. A handsome reward wrll be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any parly or parlies counter feiting the niedtcines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious, * # * Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lar.e, New York, and bv all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62* rents and SI each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.— Directions for the guidance ol pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each bo*" August 10, 1P59.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers