THE STAR OFITHE NORTH. tt. 11. JtCOBT, Proprltlor.] VOLUME 11, THE StAR of the north PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY Wl. 11. JACOBY, Office on Main St., 3rd Sqnnre below Market, TERMS:—Two Dollars per annum if paid Within six months from the lime of subscrib ing: two dollars and filty cts. if not paid with in the year. No subscription taken lor a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, un less at the option of the editor. The terns of advertising will he as follows : One square, twelve lines, three times, s>l 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three mouths, 3 00 One year, 8 00 <2ll)oue poetrn. ALTU.iI N LEAVES. The Autumn leaf is tailing— Falling from the stately tree, From the sturdy oak and walnut, From the elm thai shades the lea; They are falling, all are falling— Sport of every wind that blows, O'er the forest and the meadow To their last and long repose. They are falling—they are falling— In their 6ere and sober brown, In their russet, and their yellow, 'Neath the frost of Autumn frown ; Forest vine and lady's bower. Each and all their tribute yield, When October, yellow, bloweth With his white breath o'er the field. They are falling—all are falling, E.en the slighte-t of their kind ; Maple leaf, with sheen so golden, Still the earth's decay must find ; And gorgeous crimson ozior, Apparaled like a king. Away to earth must hasten, Stiil to earth its beauty fling. And they're falling—ali are falling, Save the willow's verdant leaf— Lance like leaf, persistent clinging, Tito' its lease of life is brief; It must fall, as ad are falling, Change its green for sadder hue, At the bidding of the Frost King, For its. Lite is Autumn's due. Tho' they're falling—thus are falling— Is it fit that we should sorrow ? Their last of life the brightest, Tho' of Death their hues they borrow : They must tall and still must fall, E'en the brightest, gayest, best, To all the Autumn cometh And the frost of Death is rest. A Thrilling Incident. One beautiful summer afternoon, f, in company with my wife and child— a little pratling fellow of six summers—startod out for a walk. A little dog that was much at- j inched to the child persisted iu following us. j Twice had I driven him back, the last time 1 thought effectually. The afternoon was fine, and as we followed the serpent-like j windings of the railroad, our conversation , very naturally turned to the scenes and little : incidents of our walk ; the gay plumed songsters, the chattering squirrel, and the j humming bee, all conspired to take our at tention. Becoming wearied, at length, we sat our selves on a grassy knoll by the side of the railroad, about two hundred yards below where a sharp angle occurs; hiding it lrom view. Our little boy was higher up a bank, busily plucking tha blue bells and dande lions that grew in perfusion around, and we' soon lost sight of him altogether. My wife was engaged in perusing a copy ol'"Baxter's Saints' Best," while I had cast myself on the grass beside her, euwrapl in the beauty ot the landscape spread to view. There a field of lasseltng corn gently wav ing to and fro, while here a field of sweet scented clover shed its grateful fragrance on (he air. 'Twas like some enchanted bower —the silence broke only by the tinkling eheep bells, or the lowing of kiun as they peacefully grazed ou the distant pasture.— t was thinking of the infinite wisdom of the Creator, in thus making earth so beautiful for poor sinful man, and how thousands are swept away from its charms aud forever forgotten, when I was aroused from my rev ■•lie by the shrill wishtleofthe approaching train. Instinctively I turned to look for little Harry, when a quick exclamation from my wife caused rr.e to turn. She was as pale as death. ''William, look .t our child," she family whispered. I did , eo; and, my God 1 who can tell the agony that wrnng my heart at that instant I The little recreant had wandered up the track unheeded, and sat himself down on one of i the oaken sleepers to cull his flowers, just | below the curve, unconscious of the death that hovered near him. I started up the track towards him, beckoning him to come ! to tue as 1 advanced, instead of doing so, I he, apprehending some playful sport, com-! tnenced running directly up the track, and laughing as he went. The smoke from the advancing engine was at this instant dis tinctly visible; it was not possible that I could overtake him in time to save him from that cruel death. As it was, 1 was but hur rying him on to his doom. No, it was evi dent my efforts could be of no avail, I breathed a prayer to Him on high, and stag gered back. At this moment the sharp bark "of a dog broke upon my ear. With one gleeful bound our boy cleared the track, and grasped the woolly intruder in his arms. The train rushed around the curve with a whizzing sound. The iron monster was cheated out of his prey. lam an old man, but I must confess that as I once more held our little truant in my arms, safe, the tear of gratitude started in my'eye. The little dog had perseveringly followed the child unseen, to be the means of saving his life. Blind, blind indeed, is he who could hot see the, finger of God in this.— American Presbyterian. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1859. , DICKINSON'S GREAT SPEECH. I We copy below an extract from the great i speech of Hon. D. S. Dickinson, at Tarn muny Hall last week. We hope our friends will not stop till they read it through: The old whig party, combatting the dem ocratic party upon financial issues, proved, i with all its errors, a foeman worthy of the democratic steel. It brought into the field I a great and powerful array—its Webs'.ers, Clays, Claytons, Mavises and Choats—a grand galaxy of talent, and although in the | opinion of the democracy and of the whole | people, as the event showed, it maintained I unsound notions in regard to internal im | provements, a protective tariff, a national party rallying around the constitution. It was too national a party to serve the pur poses ol the managing leaders who had taken possession of it, and hence the old whig ship was scuttled, her crew dismissed, dfld the republican party inaugurated, sail ing under its black and bloody colors, and t based upon a single idea, no higher or j worthier in State or national legislation than ' the single idea of slavery. The party took to itself all the bad elements of the whig ; parly, dismissing the good, gathering the debris, the desertion, the treacherous ma terial of the democratic party; gathering all the "isms" and "ites" of any name, to march in a crusade, like the army of Peter the Hermit, to expel the infidel slaveholder from this holy land of the republic. (Ap plause.) To Kansas, which was in no more danger of becoming slaveholding than of' becoming one vast rice field, it sent ils sanctified rifles for the purpose of shooting the gospel into every creature (laughter); and it chartered the Browns, the blues, the reds and the blacks to go there and enter into this "irrepressible conflict." The whole legislation of the country was brought to a stand, public attention was arrested, and whenever Kansas shrieked republicanism lifted tip its responsive voice. Kansas was the stock in trade, the floating capital for republicanism to trade upon ; and by means of that it took possession of the State of Now York and other democratic States, taking advantage of temporary divisions of the democratic party, arraying together a motley crowd, including those who knew it was a cheat, and down to honest error and blind fanaticism. 11l process of time Kansas was played ' out. (Laughter.) Like an insect that flits its brief hour in the sunshine, deposits its eggs and dies. Kansas was permitted to go quietly out, but it left a successor. Some of those chartered to enter into the conflict, together with a portion of the sanctified rifles, were taken to do duty in another direction, f have hear this opposition party styled black re publican. I have never called them so and if I am (ogive them any designation, it I were to place any adjective before the sub stantive, I would call them Drown republi cans. (Applause and laughter.) 1 have very little to say concerning the miserable men who have entered into this "irrepress ible conflict," in earnest, upon whom the law has laid its hand. I will leave ihern there. But 1 have much to say concerning those who set their ball in motion. This Brown whom they now turn their backs upon, was recently a hero. His name was borne upon every breeze, and mingled with the loudest shrieks that came from Kansas. He was not only John Brown, but Ossawat omie Brown, Captain Brown, Major Brown and General Brown. (Applause and laugh ter.) But now that he is in the hands of the law, he is called "crazy old Brown," ar.d left to his fate. What we assert is that the conduct of Brown and his associates is the natural and legitimate, if not necessary harvest, from such sowing as year after year the republican party has made. This slavery question has been agitated wilnout any cause under heaven. So far from slavery advancing upon the free States, the free States have been advancing upon the slave States, and not a single inch of the Territo ries of the United States, either of the old or that recently acquired from Mexico, was ever adapted to slavery ; for there is not a rod of it upon which hemp enough could be raised tohan&the blacks. It is so ill adapted to slavery that if the slaves did not run away from the masters, the masters would have to run away from their slaves. (Laughter ) Nevertheless, the public mind was excited, and republican pulpi'.s, presses ar.d firesides were redolent of Kansas and slave territory. Every reasoning man knows that in the be ginning we were all slave States; that we were much when we entered into this fed eral compact to perpetuate the blessings of liberty. They know that one by one we became free States, until we had at the time this "irrepressible conflict" was inau gurated by a majority of sixty votes in the House of Representatives and six in the Senate of the United States, and every day the free States were growing stronger and the slave States, too, stand ready, whenever this republican pressure shall be removed, to abolish slavery in tbeir own way and in their own time, as we in New York have done, and as has been done in New Eng land, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The democratic party is a party of "let alone" in everything except sustaining the consti tution. It believes our sister States are our equals in right, not only upon paper, but in spirit—(cheers)—not only equal in thoory, but in practice; that possess all the rights that we possess and enjoy. The highest duty of both slave and free States we hold to be to have a kind regard tor each other, in all their varied relations under the federal compact, which that compact suggested in I its original adoption. But the republican I party proposes to wage, and does wage, an J "irrepressible conflict," against the slave States. Look at the republican press during ! tho past ten or flftceu years—see its pages ! reeking with exciting language and hostile I denunciations of slavery. Hear their in ! cendtary orators during that time. And : even this very day the tamo tone of denun j ciation is going on. Is it to be wondered at that when so many are preaching some should be found to practice?—that Brown and his associates, with the aid and encour ' agement they had received, should attempt j this insurrection in one of the Stales of this . confederacy ? They are not to get off by ' saying it is ' old Brown," "mad Brown" or | "crazy Brown." Who, I ask, in the name I of truth and justice, furnishes the materia!, 1 the sinews for this terrible war? Old Brown, ' crazy Brown," and his associates did nor. I No crazy man ever laid that infernal plot. It was done with murderous deliberation.— Every step, through all its devious, dark, winding way, it was done with murderous deliberation. Who furnished the pikes to : be placed in the hands of infurated blacks at midnight, to murder their masters and mistresses ? Who furnished the arms and munitions and sped them on Iheir way to inaugurate this irrepressible conflict ? These questions will have to be answered to the satisfaction of the American people. Attilla the Hnn, who was denominated the scourge of God, by reason of his black and brutal ferocity, declared that no green grass should ever grow where his horse's feet had trod | den. Hyder Ali upon the Carnatic left nothing behind hib trail but ashes and blood. But Attilla the Hun and Hyder Ali upon the Carnatic will be regarded in the great day honester men in the sight of God and man than those that inaugurated that irrepressi ble conflict in Virginia. It is no light thing, no matter tor a mere nine day's wonder, that the people of Harper's Ferry, in one of the States of this confederacy of peaceful Slates, find themselves suddenly assailed by desperadoes, and that State slumbering upon a volcano. The State that furnished a Commander-in-Chief for the Revolution, the mother of Presidents, one of the oldest and most faithful, one that has discharged all her obligations, one that had fought side by side with the F.mpire State, has been in- I vaded. Stealthily, murderously has the irrepressible conflict been preparing. Arms and munitions of war taken there to be placed in the hands of the slaves, that ar son, murder and rape may be committed This matter has been going on for years, ' and eminent men were connected with it. It was no sudden act of a frenzied brain, but was known to men throughout the free Slates. If Brown was a madman why was he not denounced ? The secret was well kept till the storm burst, blood was shed and women and children ran shrieking for protection. Then the bloody pike was brandished, fatal aim was taken upon the rifle and the irrepressible conflict was ush ered in, not in theory only, but in terrible practice. I think that the Stale of Virginia has acted with sufficient deliberation. There seems to have been a fair and deliberate trial. I have great sympathy for the indi vidual sufferers, but tho majesty of the law must be vindicated. How should we have acted if a band of Virginians, dissatisfied with ourbanking,or some other institutions, I { had made a similar descent upon us ? It is | about time to pause and reflect. The Amer- I ican people are now called upon to decide j who they will serve—whether they will support the constitution in its letter or spirit, j or permit this demon of destruction to stalk up and down the land. To what end and for what good purpose has this controversy ' been raised. If slavery was an evil to be ! warred against, why did these States ever i enter into a compact ? And if New York or | her citizens were going to be imbued with such a wonderful spirit of liberty, why was it not manifested long ago ? No! all at once the necessities of a political party have demanded that the slavery question should be pressed into their service, simply be cause everything else has been worn out and run into the ground. (Applause.) Look at this opposition party. They have called themselves all manner of names, taking a name and wearing it out like an old worn ■ out garment. The old whig name, full of honored memories, lasted longer than any j Now republican has been brought into ser vice, newly whitewashed, and if it lasts them through the next election they will never try it on again. (Applause.) Oppo sition is a suitable name—opposition to the Constitution, opposition to the best interests of the country, opposition to the sound financial system, opposition to good faith and good feeling between the several States. They have opposed every democratic meas ure, the purchase of Louisiana, the war of 1812, the repeal of a high tariff. Had their counsels prevailed, the Union would now have comprised only the old thirteen States and their Territories ; and yet cramped as it would have been, it would be 100 large for this party, for it would have included Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware, in which there is no republican party. (Ap plause.) The republican jacket would have been too small for that cramped nation. (Cheors and laughter.) How, I would like to know, do the republican party propose to exercise the government when they have no local habitation nor a name, and when this great irrepressible army of freedom can never march. WHEN a man lias no design but to speak plain truth, ho is'nt apt to be talkative. Truth and Right Godjj^^^Koßutry. riant Frnit Trees. Plant them now, as soon as the frost has t nearly stripped litem of their summer fob- I age, and in three or four years golden re wards may be reaped in yellow, juicy np ! pies, and luscious, mellow poars, to say ; nothing of the stone fruits. The latter are more safety planted in spring but do not 1 wait until spring to set out applo and pear ' trees. Ilia present is a more leisure sea ! son, a better selection can usually be l made, and the tree is in ils place and ready to start into gtowlh at the ordinary leafing time in spring. It can also better with stand the drought of midsummer than when planted in spring. Perhaps the only ex ception to successful fall planting are, first, where the soil is wet and the contractions and expansions of superabundant moisture destroys the root fibres; and second, in the case of tender varieties which are liable to winter-kill. A tender tree moved in late fall cannot withstand the extrtmo cold and sudden changes of winter like one which has been unmolested. On this account it is usually advised to plant peach, nectarine, apricot, and sometimes tender plum and cherry trees, in spring. A letv of the late growing and tender sorts or apple trees may also be lett until spring in the north ern states; but with the majority of trees,and especially iu this latitude aid southward, fall planting may well be commenced with the fall of the leaf. f No universal "directiorV for setting out trees can be safely givetv As a general thing, it is better to give a| trees and plants abundant depth; to prepare the soil under them so that they can <end down roots where mosturo will alwaysabound, no mat ter how parched and dry H surface soil.— To secure this it is adviseMto dig a largo deep hole and fill with riJ surlace soil.— With a single, but very effmon exception, this rule is a good one. me refer to those localities where the subsoPls clay or hard pan ol so compact a texture as to retain water. Even on these the largo deep-holo method is best, if proper drainage be pro vided ; but ill most cases treu planters will not take this trouble or expense. If on such retentive soils the tree be planted in a deep mass of rich earth, its roots will be invited downwards, and they will literally stand in a basin of water. We advise, therefore, that in planting trees, the soil in which they stand be loosened and prepared only the depth to which it may be kept free from standing water. It a thin surface soil rests upon a retentive subsoil, break up the latter as deeply as possible, by subsoiling and loosen it where the tree is to stand, but little deeper than elsewhere. A deep, por ous soil is always best for frnit trees, but such a soil cannot bo fouud in every locali ty, and where not found let it be imitated by preparing the soil at hand as deeply as may be. If ploughed nine or ten inches deep, and subsoiled six or seven, it will then be loosened fifteen or sixteen inches deep, and the hole for theAe may bemado to that depth, filling it altHs with surface soil uuturally rich, or madHp by tho addi tion of rotten manure decayed leaves, &c. We have examined apple and pear tree 3 years and more old, which a clay sub soil, but the roots wcro out iu tho surface soil thirty to in every di rection. Usually these qjffees are found on limestone soils, loose and porous deep ly down, and they are most frequent upon knolls, hillocks or slopes having a dry deep loatny or stony subsoil. On wet soils good success has been at tained by preparing the ground, selling the tree directly upon the surface—no hole be ing dug—and then placing soil around and upon the roots, up to the collar or point where the soil reached in the original lotali ty. The tree then stands upon or in artifi cial hillock, and sends its roots out into the dry surface soil thus prepared. A general rule may be stated thus : Plant the tree on as deep a soil as possible, but avoid putting it where ils roots will be far down in a bar ren Bubsoil beyond the reach of air and warmth, surrounded with stagnant cold water. In transplanting all trees, they should usually be planted only M deep as they grew in their original positions. Heaping the earth around the trunk higher than this often proves fatal, in planting in holes, let there be ample room for the roots to be spread out naluially, and drop in the loose soil around them, packing it down carefully. DOUBLE HEADED GlRL. —There is a doub le-headed girl iu Kentucky who is thus de scribed : Mad'lle Christina Milly is now in her ninth year, and possesses.the oxtraordinary appendages of two fine heads, four arms, and four legs, all concentrated in one per fect body. She has two pretty and intelli gent faces, denoting vivacity of lifo and genuine mirthfulness. She sings sweetly many of the most popular songs and ballads of the day, and can converse with two per sons at the same time on one or different subjects. The her body are easy and quick, to dance, walk or run with as and rapidi ty as any child of her the least deformity will be found boby, or features. Upon looking one would suppose there were two fastened to gether, after the the Siamese Twins, but such is not There is but one body. A MAN in this boy spelling in short syllabels; but he will combine i thorn in tho next. Coal and Health. During the season of summer, when the atmosphere is warm and balmy, the cltoer ful breezes have free scope to dance through all our apartments, and ventilation is effected upou natural and convulsive principles. The time, however, is at hand, with the approach of cold weather, when doors and windows must bo closed to shut out the piercing wind, and when fires must be maintained in jdl dwellings to heat our sensative frames. This is the season when means should bo adopted for securing the requisite amount of the pure airol Heaven, under all the circums'.auces of artificial healing, in every dwelling—public and pri vate. Tlje importance of ventilation is general ly recognized, as the evils that have been caused by dwelling in ill ventilated apart ments have been set forth in various publi cations. There are some facts conuected with this question, which are not so well understood. Thus, many persons mistake warm, for impure air; hence they do not make a distinction between the two, and do not seem satisfied that a room is habita ble until they have expelled all the warm air from it. There can be no question, we believe, about the salubrity of warm dwel lings in cold weather, if the air in them is only maintained in a pure condition. The circulation of air in a room is dependent upon the heat which is generated in fires, grates, stoves, or heaters. The hot air ex pands, rises and seeks vent, and the cold air rushes in to supply its place. The grand secret of good ventilation therefore, is a plentiful supply of fuel—an important fact too generally overlooked. The houses of the poor are kept close and ill condition ed cold weather, because the inmates can not provide sufficient fuel for their wants Coal is as much an article of life and health, in the winter season, as food, and yet how few think of this ! In those churches, schools, and other public buildings, where fuel is saved at an expense of an inefficient supply of fresh air, a cent wise and a dol lar-foolish economy prevails ; and this is the principle idea wo wish to impress on the public mind at this time. Arrangements for ventilation may bo raado in endless va riety; but without an abundant supply of fuel, neither comfort nor proper ventiation, will bo secured. Fuel is to ventilation, in cold weather, what steam is to an engine its governing power. CHESTER COUNTY.—A young irnan, eigh teen years of age, was brought to the pris on of Chester county, on Thursday last, charged with the murder of a young girl aged nine years. The child was found in Octoraro creek, in West Nottingham i.vp., Chester county, with her head mashed in the most horrible manner. Tho young man arrested is a resident of West Notting ham, and was engaged in ploughing in an adjacent field. Some blood was found on his clothes which he accounted for by sta ting that the plough handle had struck him in the face, causing his nose to bleed, lfis name is Keyburn. The girl was dragged one hundred yards to the creek, near the field in which Ileyburn was working, lley burn alleges that he saw two black men, on the 25th, near the place where tha murder was committed. Tho supposition is that an attempt had been made to perpetrate a rape upon the body of the child. The name of the young girl was Susan Emma Kimble, daughter of Larew Kimble, of Lower Ox ford, Chester county. This murder is justly regarded as one of the most atrocious ever perpetrated in a civilized community, and calls for condign punishment. The trial of Patrick Lafferty, at West Chester, for the murder of John Reed, which has occupied the Court for the entire past week, was concluded at seven o'clock on Monday evening, the jury finding n ver dict of murder in the second degree against the prisoner. The homicide occurred on the 19th of July last, near Catham, a small village lying in the western part of Chester county. The victim was att estimable citi zen of some sixty years of age, who was attacked by Lafferty in consequence of a polite refusal to get into a wagon and ride. Lafferty is an Irishman by birth, about twenty-four years of age, had been drink ing, and perpetrated the murder by stab bing the victim with a knife whilo attempt ing to escape. One of the slabs entered the heart, while six others were found upon tho body of the deceased. The entire cir cumstances connected with the murder were detailed by witnesses who were on or near the highway at the lime of the terrible oc currence. AN Irishman, who had lain sick a long time, was one day met by the parish priest, when the following conversation took place, "Well, Patrick, I am glad you have recov ered—but were you not afraid to meet your God ?" "Och, no, your reverence, it was the other chap I was afraid uv," replied Pat. ty A New Yorker from the country whose wife had eloped and carried ofl a feather bed, was recently in St. Louis in search of them—not that he cared anything for his wife but thefeathsrs—"them's \vo;.b 68 cent a pound." HAPPINESS. —There are two things which will make us happy in this life, if we at tend to them. The first is never to vex ourselves about what we cant help; and the second is never to vex ourselvos about what we can help. SUNG OP THE NEWSPAPER. I am a Newspaper; 1 carry the news To all of your dwellings— Wherever you choose; A more faithful servant Can hardly be found— Almost omnipresent, x I'm scattered around. Like stars in tho heavens, And sands on the shore ; Like leaves that have fallen When Summer is o'er, I fly o'er the land, 1 pass o'er the sea, 1 brave every tlanger— It's pleasure for me. I gather the news from The sieamers.'nnd cats, And telegraphs, sparkling With trade, peace and wars; I fill up my mission, Defending the Truth, And teach useful lessons, For old men and youth. Personal Allusions. We commend the following observations to those who are addicted to the habit to which they allude. Politeness is nothing more than gentleness and kindnes*, and to inflict unnecessary pain or mortification upon any person is a broach of courtesy, and marks the person guilty of it as unwor thy of being called a gentleman. Nothing is so common, and yet nothing is so vulgar and in such thorough bad taste, as to make allusions to a person's appearance, cloth ing, habits, &c., to his or her face. There are hundreds who make it a practice, not, we hope, for the purpose of insult,.but be cause they don't know any belter. "Why do you wear your hair in that horrid stylo?" "What a miserable taste you bave in dress!" "Your shirt is not stylish enough." "What curious eyes you have." "Well, of all the bad teeth, yours do beat all 1" Such re mirks are very popular ones, we should think, and invariably make to whom they are addressed passably happy. To have an individual who imagines he is good look ing, come along and roughly state. "How liko the devil you do look ! —getting old, worn out. oh?" is not, however, of a nature that increases ones respect for himself, and in nine cases ont of ten is apt to make one feci moderately unhappy. These very per sons who are so profoundly ignorant of eti quette, good taste, and decency, are not very insensible to tho point of the joke, when such remarks are applied to them, and grow lurious at the impudence that suggests it. You can always sot down a rnau, therefore, who speaks of anything in regard to your dress or person except in the way of compliment, as a profound ass, whose usefulness to society er.ded when he quit making dirt pies, and he became a disgrace to his parents. A I'kison eu's Etiquette.—A curious case of prison etiquette occurred in Delaware.— A number of prisoners broke jail, and among litem was one named Turner, under sentence ot death for rape. He called upon the Attorney General, cooly seated himself in his office, and informed the gentleman that a number of prisoners had escaped, among litem himself; that he was prepared to go back again whenever he could be as sured that he would bo safe in so doing Several of his social companions had been discharged, and in their stead a woman had been placed in jail who was afflicted with scarlet fever; he had forraerlly notified the deputy sheriff that if such conduct was pre siaied in he would obliged to change his quartere, and that receiving no satisfactory evidence on the part of the officers of the jail that his grievances would receive atten tion, he had thus availed himself of the first favorable opportunity of giving a practical turn to his indignation by leaving the prem ises. He did not care a straw about the sentence of death hanging over him, but he did not want to catch the scarlet fever. The escaped prisoner was escorted back to his old quarters. A witness in London had a testament presented to him, but he declined to be sworn. Being asked his reason for refus ing he replied "1 can tell a lie wiih any man in England but I'll not swear to it." "I would do anything, go to the end of the world, to please you," said a fervent lover to the object of his affections. "Go there," said she, "and stay, and I shall be pleased." WOMAN has many advantages over man ; one of them is that his will has no opera tion till he is dead, whereas .hers generally takes effect in her lifetime. "JOHN, did Mrs. Green get the medicine I oidered V "1 guess so," replied John, "for I saw crape on the door the next morn ing." IF TOO never quarrel, you cannot have tiie luxury of a rocoucilliation ; a hill can not be had, you know, without going to the expense of a valley. Tire attention ot resiles and fickle men turns to no account ; poverty overtakes them whilst they are flying so many differ ent ways to escape it. HE THAT knows himself knows others; he that is ignorant of himself could give but a shallow lecture on other people's heads. THE doctor is not unfrequemly Death's pilot-fish. [Two Dollars Mr Aunnti NUMBEII 46. "Is He Bicli I" llow ofien is this question asked ? Has an abquaiutance married a husband, — "is he rich I" is the first inquiry propounded by her friends ? Not "is he honest, inJustri ous, sober and honorable," but "is he rich'!" Not lias he a mind that distinguishes him among his fellow men and call' forth their homage and adoration, but, "is he rich V ''has he the dollars and cents V He may have everything else—a manly heart, a master intellect, he may be upright, steady and industrious, but if he lacks the dimes and dollars, he is but "as sounding brass and a tinkling symbal." The great sin of our country is idolatatry— an idolatry as de grading, yet as complete aa that of the Hindoo, or the Pharisee; yea, more degra ding, for there is something awfully grand and impressive in the majestic river, ever moving onward, yet, silently, to the ses, and in a gorgeous luminary of day, as he comes forth from the chambers of night heralded by streaming fire ; but Wb bow down to the Dollar—the dull, senseless Dol lar, and make it a God I VVe work for it by day, we lay in our beds and dream of it by night, we go to the Sanctuary of Christ, and instead of meditating ou His amazing love, we sutfer the Dollar to come in and take possession of our thoughts! Out lives are spent in the service of our real god Dollars ; we bring op our children in the nature of our dollar, we teach them that the Dollar is the main thing to be gain ed, we teach it by precept and example, We proless to be charitable, we profess to leel for ihe poor, we profess respect for hon esty poverty; we speak of silver and gold, and this world's goods, as "trash'' and all the while wo are hipocriles, and liars, for we think more of our God Dollar than of our Saviour Jesus Christ! VVe have missiona ry enterprises on foot, and we talk patheti cally of the poor heathen bowiiig down to "stocks and stone," and yet how much bet ter are we, bowing down to silver and gold! With as much propriety may they send preachers to lis, as we to them. The prac tices of all men around us belie their professions—they proless to be the follow ers of Christ, and they ure followers of the Dollar. If the realization ol the Dollar in volves the selling of the widow's only bed, or the orphan's last dress, there are people, professed Christians too, who would not hesitate au instant. "Is he rich ?" Yes, he is rich, put "riches shall take to them selves wings and fly away," and when ha shall strive to enter Heaven, and shall not be able, then will understand how hard it is for a camel to go through the eye of s> needle. Doctor's Degrees, Some years ago, the University of St. Ari drews one of the most famous in Scotland, having rather a lean treasury, resolve to re plenish it by a new branch of commerce, and announced that it would sell its Doctor's Degrees at .£2O apiece Many look advan tage of this liberal offer; and among the rest a certain minister, who thought his services would be more acceptable to his flock, were he possesed of a handle to his name, put the required sum in his purse, and went up to St. Andrews to purchase the coveted honor. A man servant accom panied him, and was present when his mas ter, having previously footed the bill, was formerly presented with the oflicial parch ment. On his return home the new doc tor sent for his servant and addressed him as follows : "Noo, Sandy; ye'll ay be sure to ca' mo doctor; and gin anybody spiers at ye about me, ye'll aye be sure to say the doctor's in his study,or the doctor's engaged, or the Dr. will see ye in a crack, as the case may be." " That, a' depends," replied Sandy, "whether ye ca' me doctor too." The reverend doctor stared. "Aye, it's just so," continued the other; "for when 1 found it cost so little, 1 e'en got a diploma myself. Sae ye'll just be good enough to say, doctor, pnt on soma coals ; on doctor, bring me the whiskey.— And gin anybody spiers at ye about me, ye'll be sure to say the doctor's in the pan try, or, the doctor's in the stable, or, the doctor's digging potatoes, as the case may be." NEATNESS IN DHESS. —The neglect of the outward appearance indicates either a little mind or a disregard to the opinion of our neighbors. One should always be neat and clean in person and dress, because this is an evidence of respectability. No lady who has any regard for herself, or any re' spect for the society in which she moves, will be slovenly in her appearance or care less in her attire. It is true, there is no danger in being too particular, but every lady is entitled to follow her own taste as to dress, provided she dresses suitably—that is, according to her age and circumstances. The young of either sex, but particularly tho female, ought to regard their external deportment and appearance as, to a certain extent, essential to character. To <lrean simply and without ostentation is a mark of modesty ; but, in endeavoring to avoid everything like display, young la dies, especially, should be careful not to fall into the opposite extreme—that of pru dery. There is more sincerity, if there be less nicety, in the conduct of a really virtu ous than there is in that of a prune; and some degree of freedom, so far from being incompatible with the strictest virtue, is one of its principal privileges. If a lady ia obliged to recieve company en dishabilla it is a sign of good breeding if sho appears perfectly at case, and makes litUe or u-j apology for her appearance.—
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers